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Pequea Valley

On-the-job training

PVHS senior making her mark in construction

Katrina Kilby is an energetic soul. The daughter of Elaine Schulze and Brian Kilby of Gap and soon-to-be Pequea Valley High School (PVHS) graduate is working full-time in construction for Benchmark Construction Co. Inc. as part of the team that is remodeling the interior of the Thaddeus Stevens & Lydia Hamilton Smith Center for History and Democracy, located at 45 S. Queen St., Lancaster, for LancasterHistory. She likes the job because it keeps her active. “It’s hands-on, and I’m not sitting behind a desk,” said a smiling Kilby. “I am on my feet all day.”

Kilby’s interest in construction, and specifically carpentry, can be traced to her eighth-grade year at Pequea Valley Intermediate School, where a STEM teacher suggested she look into the C.O.R.E. - Career Occupation

Relevancy Education - Academy. C.O.R.E. teaches skill development while also offering integrated academic instruction to PVHS students. The program introduces students to trades they may not have considered.

Kilby’s ninth-grade C.O.R.E. class built a shed outside the

“Really all I want to do is get more skilled in construction and learn as much as I can.”

classroom that the academy now uses for storage. “We built the shed from the ground up,” said Kilby. “We framed it, and we finished the outside.”

In Kilby’s sophomore year, the academy learned about motors, which did not catch her interest the way carpentry had. “I decided

to go to LCCTC (Lancaster County Career & Technology Center) for construction (in my sophomore year),” explained Kilby, who noted the students built mock houses inside the shop, which they then dismantled at the end of the school year. “I liked that, so I went into the carpentry program, which I am in now,” explained Kilby.

In the spring of 2023, Bill Lastinger, chair of the ABC Keystone Apprenticeship & Craft Training Committee and general superintendent with Benchmark Construction Co. Inc., visited Kilby’s class at LCCTC. “He said he had openings for over the summer,” recalled Kilby. “So I submitted my resume, and he hired me.” During the summer following her junior year, Kilby worked for Benchmark in a number of settings, including in Philadelphia and in Millersville and Washington Boro.

See Senior pg 2

Youngsters learn about equine therapy during library story time

Moores Memorial Library recently took its story time program on the road by holding the event at WaterGap Stables in Christiana.

The story time featured all the traditional elements, including a book reading by library director Trish Vandenbosch, followed by a craft. But this time, instead of sitting in the library children’s room encircled by

books, the youngsters were surrounded by open pastures with roaming horses that reside at the farm.

They also met Gambler, a miniature therapy horse that is part of WaterGap Stables’ Hooves 4 Healing program. The nonprofit organization offers animalassisted therapy to people of all ages, including veterans. For the first half-hour of story time, children were able to brush Gambler and spend time with him. See Library pg 3

Chazak Rescue provides training for international first responders

“People coming in all have a direct calling to help rescue people and help people in need,” said public relations director Troy Bouffard, when describing those who choose to be a part of Chazak Rescue, a nonprofit international rescue and relief organization. “(We get) a mix of people who are ready for action and really enjoy trying new things and being challenged in body, soul and spirit.”

Chazak, pronounced “khawzawk,” is a Hebrew word that denotes strength and courage. The goal of the Gap-based organization, which formed in 2021, is to “develop, train and mobilize specialized teams to bring leadership, humanitarian aid and hope to high-risk crisis areas.”

Since its formation, cadet teams have visited Greece, where they worked in a refugee camp, and Uganda, where they spent

See Chazak Rescue pg 4

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Katrina Kilby takes a break from working at the construction site at 45 S. Queen St., Lancaster.
Engle Printing & Publishing Co., Inc. Friday | JUNE 7 | 2024 presented by benefiting 17th Annual R106943
Christi Scott has taught Gambler how to “shake hands.”

When Kilby returned to LCCTC as a full-time student in the fall of 2023, she soon found herself working for Benchmark again. At first, she went to the job site only one day per week, but a month later, that grew to two days. Kilby said much of her time was spent working on a WellSpan building located on Oregon Pike, but beginning April 29, she was assigned five days a week to the Queen Street building, and she will return there following graduation on Wednesday, May 29.

As a laborer, Kilby said she does whatever is needed, including moving materials, installing paper towel dispensers, and cleaning. At the Queen Street location, she has been busy helping to construct walls. “Right now, we are building forms

so we can pour concrete into them and make walls,” said Kilby. Looking ahead, Kilby hopes to continue building on what she has learned since her freshman year. “Really all I want to do is get more skilled in construction and learn as much as I can,” she said, adding that she has no preference for one type of building over another. “I like it all,” said Kilby. “As long as I am not standing around doing nothing.”

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2 - Pennysaver - Pequea Valley Edition - May 15, 2024
Millwood GREENHOUSE 313 Millwood Rd. Gap, PA 17527 717-442-1952 10% Off all Greenhouse & Nursery Items! Fruit Trees, Shade Trees, Shrubs, Mulch, Fertilizer, Perennials, Seeds, Houseplants, Succulents R106309 Saturday, May 18th Yard Sales, Baked Goods, Breakfast Sandwiches Soft Ice Cream, Chicken BBQ Free Coffee & Donuts All Day Yard Sale Vendors Welcome! Closed Sundays ONE DAY ONLY! May 18 R106886 CENTERVILLE BULK FOODS 291 Centerville Rd., Gordonville, PA 17529 • 717-768-3684 (Fax 717-768-3685) Monday, May 13 thru Saturday, May 25 While Supplies Last WE HAVE FRESH SUBS TO GO! We will also put together subs for your next benefit auction. Walnut Creek Whipped Topping 16 Oz $2.39 Colossal Fries 5 Lb Bag $8.99 Scott Toilet Tissue 12 Pk $10.99 Kingsford Charcoal 16 Lb $11.99 Emergen-c Assorted Flavors $12.29 French’s Yellow Mustard 20 Oz $1.99 Hershey’s Milk Choc. Candy Bars 6 Pk $2.49 Peanut Butter 64 Oz $5.29 Reese’s PB Eggs Bulk Bags $2.31 Lb Reese’s Take 5 Bulk Bags $3.30 Lb Honey Ham Whole Piece $2.79 Chipped or Sliced $2.89 Customer Appreciation Sale May 15 10% Off Store Wide Chicken BBQ & Ribs Every Saturday 717-687-6901 310 Historic Drive, Strasburg R106832 Customize Your Coverage for personalized protection Your local Strasburg agency R105759 COUNTRY HOUSEWARES STORE 717-556-0985 589 Musser School Rd., Leola, PA South of Rt. 23 Off South Groffdale Rd., 1st Road Left Past Hayloft Ice Cream & Soft Pretzels Reg. Hours: Mon.-Thurs. 7-5; Fri. 7-8; Sat. 7-4 Not responsible for typographical errors. Store will have 10% off in stock items COFFEE & DONUTS Saturday Only! 7AM-11AM Tupperware 31 Bags Flurish Fabric Pampered Chef Norwex Baby Swaddle Ideal Engraving Usborne Books Monat Shampoo Leggings Inspirational Mugs And much more! VENDORS: Parking Lot & Multi-Family Yard Sale at COUNTRY HOUSEWARES CHICKEN BBQ Friday & Saturday Friday, May 17th & Saturday, May 18th Yard Sale Spaces Available Candy Drop Saturday 9am! (Weather Permitting) Farmhouse Sticky’s Friday Only! SPRING-SUMMER 2024 Sharing StoriesSTARTING A FAMILY BOOK CLUB MAKING MEMORIES in the OutdoorsGreat EVERYONE’S A WINNER AT GAME NIGHT Local Summer Camps Lancaster Family is here! Shop Local • Live Local • Explore Local Find the perfect activity for everyone in your family! Read Now Pick up your copy here R106664 R106717 717-656-6826 A Division of Sunny Slope Tree Service SPRING HOURS (APR/MAY/JUNE): M-F 6-6, Sat. 7-2 Under New Ownership! New Location! Call for delivery options PICK-UP AT: 157 North Westview Drive Gordonville, PA 17529 Mulch • Topsoil Woodchips All Products Available by the Bag!

Vandenbosch then read two children’s books, “Robert the Rose Horse” and “What Does a Police Horse Do?” The latter is based on the former mounted patrol unit in Lancaster. To conclude the program, children made a horseshoe windchime.

The special story time was organized by Bobbi Petherick, who

volunteers both at the library and with Hooves 4 Healing.

Hooves 4 Healing was founded in 2017 by Christi Scott, who explained that therapy programs are individually designed to benefit people with a wide variety of challenges and abilities.

“We have 15 horses in the program, and it ranges from Gambler, our smallest, (to larger) riding horses,” said Scott. “Classes are all

individualized. Sometimes I have had a few people who don’t touch the horses for a couple of years, and they are nervous. It takes them a while.”

Participants can also join in other classes. “We also run a lesson program so when they come, they are not singled out as someone (who is in need of a therapy),” said Scott. “We are one big, Pennysaver - Pequea Valley Edition - May 15, 2024 - 3
Library from pg 1
Not Responsible For Typographical Errors Family Owned & Operated in Lancaster County Since 1959 1011 Dry Tavern Rd., Denver, PA 17517 (Fivepointville) • 717-445-6791 • 1-800-856-4031 • Hours: Mon., Tues., Thurs., Fri. 8am-8pm; Wed. & Sat. 8am-5pm; Closed Sunday 65th YEAR! 1959-2024 Follow us on Twitter Sale Dates: May 13-18, 2024 In Stock Only! Café Phone # (717) 471-7131 LIMITED TIME ONLY! Farmhouse Fries Café Hours: Mon., Tues., Thurs., Fri. 8am-8pm; Wed. & Sat. 8am-5pm $799 +tax 5200 Blazer Pistol 9MM 115GRHNRYS15080271 $1249 Sale WM5199 Pistol Ammo 9MM Luger 115GR $1479 Sale 5201 Pistol Ammo 9MM FMJ-RNHNRYS06582605 $1249 Sale 20% Off All WYLD GEAR Listed Ammo - Up to 25% Off Detroit Shoes 20% Off Reg. Price 20% Off Reg. Price #40750 #40750 #39563 #40747 #39563 #39563 #FC21620W PUR Men’s #FC2134-M BRN Saturday, May 18 • 6:30am-? #FC2123-M GRY Men’s #FC2115-W GRY Assorted Colors Café Spring Sales EMPLOYEE YARD SALE R106904 Meet our Good's MULCH Family Bagged • Bulk Pick Up • Delivery Reasonable Delivery Rates 1415 Lime Valley Rd., Lancaster, PA 17602 1 coupon per customer. Expires 6/29/24 Your Purchase of 5 Scoops or More $5OFF Also Available: Fill Dirt, Leaf Compost, Wood Chips R105118 OUR23RDYEAR! We will load your truck or trailer. Premium Bark Mulch $30.50 /scoop Dyed Mulch (Black or Brown) $30.50 /scoop Bark Blend Mulch $27.25 /scoop Mixed - Bark & Mushroom $23.50 /scoop Shredded Mushroom Mulch $17.50 /scoop Certified Playground Mulch $26.00 /scoop Screened Topsoil $25.50 /scoop Optional MULCH GUARD $3.75 /scoop R105055 THE BEST TILLER ON EARTH No Belts • No Chains • No Equal WES STAUFFER EQUIPMENT LLC 23 Pleasant Valley Rd. East of Ephrata 717-738-4215 • 7 To 13 H.P. • Lifetime Trans Warranty • Optional Attachments: Furrower, Rotary Plow, Mowers, Broom, Shredder, Snow Thrower and More. BCS Dealer for 38 Years SPRING SALE! Save $400-$500 OFF Select Models (Offer Ends 5/31/24) See Library pg 5
Christi Scott (left) introduced Abby (right) to Gambler the miniature horse.


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Chazak Rescue

time interacting with children from a mission home, playing soccer with them and taking part in a birthday celebration.

“The trip to Africa was to establish an operating base,” Bouffard explained. “We were not rescuing people there; we were there to establish connections with locals so that we would be well-received in the future.”

The first operational deployment by Chazak Rescue guardians, which is what cadets are called when they have graduated from the program, was to Ukraine in December of 2023. While there, the team helped distribute aid, including food, water and firewood, to villagers near the front lines and helped a local church restore its partially destroyed building.

Bouffard noted that cadets go through a rigorous training process, which includes in-classroom training and scenario training in outdoor locations. Team members earn a variety of certifications,

including Swiftwater and Flood Rescue Technician, Prehospital Trauma Life Support for First Responders, Confined Space Rescue Operator and Advanced Search and Rescue (SAR) with SARTECH certification.

The first year of basic training includes seven weeks in a wilderness location with limited interaction with friends and family. “We train in-classroom and do scenario training at Camp Andrews, south of Lancaster city,” Bouffard pointed out. “There are 100 total people

involved in Chazak, and they are scattered across the United Sates helping us out - third-party instructors and trainers - the best of the best in search and rescue.”

Part of the training takes place in the Sawtooth Mountain Range in Idaho. “We send (cadets) there in the middle of summer in their second year of training and they do high-altitude scenarios like rock climbing and cliff rescue, and they learn to live out of their backpacks in survival mode,” said Bouffard, noting that these types of experi-

ences prepare cadets for missions in hard-to-reach places that can only be accessed by hiking through rugged terrain or via helicopter.

Bouffard noted that some people compare Chazak Rescue to joining the military, since some of the physical training is based on the same regimen utilized by the Marine Corps. “On the whole humanitarian aid spectrum, we are close (to the military), but we won’t resist with deadly force,” he said, noting that cadets and guardians are

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4 - Pennysaver - Pequea Valley Edition - May 15, 2024 Mulch • Soil • Stone PREMIUM BARK Double-shredded aged hardwood bark. No wood added. BEAUTY BARK Black or Brown color enhancement of Premium Bark. Keeps its color very well! 3186 Strasburg Rd., Coatesville, PA 19320 (610) 383-6818 We deliver any quantity between 2-60 cubic yards DYED MULCH Red, Black, or Brown. Double-shredded bark & wood blend. SAFE COVER Certified by IPEMA™ as a playground mulch. To view product specification & certification requirements, please visit BARK BLEND Double-shredded aged blend of bark and wood. Dark brown color. NATURES BLEND Double-shredded, aged blend of hardwoods. Dark brown color. Delivering Quality Mulch Products Since 1987! (717) 517-4473 In Business Since 1995 R106118 LIFETIME WARRANTY ON ALL VINYL WINDOWS AND DOORS! #PA 032769 $479 INSTALLED! $2,495 INSTALLED! New white vinyl Energy Efficient Double Hung Windows (3 window min) optional ext. capping - addl. charge New white vinyl Energy Efficient Sliding Glass Doors Financing Available BUY 5, GET 1 FREE!
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Engle Printing & Publishing Co., Inc. | PO Box 500, Mount Joy, PA 17552 TOWNLIVELY.COM MAIL NEWS TO: Pennysaver Editor PO Box 500, Mount Joy, PA 17552 EMAIL: PHONE: 1-800-800-1833 ext. 6018 R087429 NEWS DEADLINE: 10 A.M. Wednesday Pequea Valley PUBLISHED WEDNESDAYS PUBLISHED BY: DISPLAY ADVERTISING DEADLINE Thursday at 11 A.M. Affordable Insurance • Auto • Home • Business • Farm • Life • Group Health Local Service That Makes a Difference 5406 Lincoln Hwy., P.O. Box 189, Gap, PA 17527 717.442.9234 R105636 Call Now to ADVERTISE IN Deadline: JULY 1 Published: AUGUST 21 Call 717-892-6818 or email to reserve your ad space New Holland Farmers Day Association 88th Annual Farmers October 2-5, New Holland Farmers Day Association Inc. 88th Annual Farmers Fair New Holland Farmers Day Association 88th Annual Farmers New Holland Farmers Day Association Inc. 88th Annual Farmers Fair Farmers Fair R106882 Mon.-Thurs. 7-5, Fri. 7-7, Sat. 7-4, Closed Sun. College Inn Chicken Broth 48 Oz. 99¢ Deer Park Bottled Spring Water 24 Pk. $539 Turkey Hill Ice Cream 48 Oz. $299 Snyders Mini Pretzels 40 Oz. Barrel $339 Heinz Organic Ketchup 44 Oz. $369 R106899 Special Prices Good Thursday, May 16th thru Wednesday, May 29th or while supplies last 1403 W. Kings Hwy., Gap, PA 17527 (Blinking light at Rt. 10 & 340) 717-442-5768 Hand-Dipped Ice Cream Special for every Tuesday in May Bring a friend and get Buy 1, Get 1 FREE Ice Cream *Does not include Milkshakes. New For 2024 Milkshakes!
from pg
Chazak Rescue cadets take part in a simulated rescue in the Sawtooth Mountain Range in Idaho. A Chazak Rescue guardian provides food to a resident of Ukraine. See Chazak Rescue pg 5

Chazak Rescue

from pg 4

not armed. “Our goal is to rescue and give people medical aid.”

He added that because the Chazak teams are highly specialized, they can provide assistance immediately upon arrival to natural disasters or other emergencies without a need for training or extensive orientation. “When we do show up, we have a really good set of tools in our toolbox,” said Bouffard. “It allows us to know exactly what we need to do. It brings leaders to a humanitarian crisis rather than volunteers.”

For more information about Chazak or to apply for the program, visit Those with questions may email info@


from pg 3

happy family.”

She noted that Gambler enjoys interacting with people and playing with a giant ball, which delights the youngsters. “They get used to him and they can brush him,” noted Scott.

She added that Gambler has also been taught to “shake hands,” a trick that is usually reserved for canines.

Scott emphasized that although animal therapy is designed for people with autism or other special needs, it is also available for people who have cognitive, physical, emotional and social challenges. “Everyone needs a little mental help sometimes,”

See Library pg 6 Pennysaver - Pequea Valley Edition - May 15, 2024 - 5 R106793 Items May Be Past “Best Buy” Date. 322 GENERAL STORE CALL TO ORDER 717-449-4802 *Prices & Availability Subject to Change One Week from Publication or While Supplies Last. Payment Expected On Delivery. (CASE LOT SALES ONLY) DELIVERY ONLY! R106852 FREE DELIVERY $75 OR MORE $200 Order Receive FREE Snacks $300 Receives 2 FREE Snacks Chicken Nuggets 6/16 oz $1.49 lb Whole Turkeys 7 lb avg 99¢ lb Smoked Sliced Pork Roll (fully cooked) 4/3 lb 99¢ lb Sliced Smoked Ham 4 5 lb $1.49 lb Smoked Cooked Hot Ham 20 lb 18¢ lb Peppered Cooked Ham 30 lb 29¢ lb Sliced Bacon 15 lb $2.49 lb Bacon Ends & Pieces 4/5 lb 99¢ lb Fresh Boned Hog Sausage Tube 2/5 lb 99¢ lb Hot Dogs 2/5 lb $1.49 lb Pork Sausage Patties (fully cooked) 12 lb $1.49 lb Italian Sausage Crumbles 3/4 lb $1.49 lb Pepperoni Ends & Pieces 20 lb $1.49 lb White Castle Cheeseburger Sliders 96/1 83 oz 25¢ ea Ground Beef 2/10 lb $2.99 lb Pepperoni Pizza Hot Pockets 48/4 5 oz 75¢ ea Battered Shrimp 10 lb $2.49 lb Salmon Chunks 10 lb 99¢ lb Fish Sticks 20 lb $2.49 lb Nice Fish Filets 12/12 oz $1.49 lb Land O Lakes Salted Butter 6 lb $3.49 lb Land O Lakes Clarified Butter Blend 2/8 lb $1.69 lb Longhorn Cheese 13 lb $2.99 lb Shredded Cheddar Cheese 4/5 lb $2.49 lb Mozzarella String Cheese 9/36 oz $1.79 lb Shredded Mozzarella Cheese 6/5 lb $1.99 lb Sliced Mozzarella Cheese 12/6 56 oz $1.99 lb Yogurt Cups $3.99 cs Yogurt Quarts 6/32 oz $5.99 cs Orange Juice 12/32 oz $5.99 cs Cinnamon Squares Cereal 12/10 oz 99¢ ea Waffle Crisp Cereal 10/11 5 oz 99¢ ea Hellmann’s Real Mayo 12/15 oz $1.79 ea Ground Coffee 22 lb 75¢ lb Creamy Peanut Butter 6/4 lb $1.49 lb Golden Vanilla Sandwich Cookies 12/14 3 oz 50¢ ea Roasted Pecan Halves 3/2 lb $2.99 lb Distilled Water 6/1 gal 99¢ ea Yellow Corn Chips 24 lb 99¢ lb All Purpose Flour 8/5 lb 49¢ lb Unsweetened Applesauce Pouches 24/3 2 oz 25¢ ea Hot Dog Buns 24/2 4 oz $4.00 cs Land O Lakes Salted Butter 6 lb $3.49 lb OR $2.99 lb when you buy 36 pounds or more!! Weed Eaters, Chain Saws, Etc. Rototillers Trimmers & Mowers Zero Turn with Attitude! Residential & Commercial Mowers 2917 Old Philadelphia Pike Bird-in-Hand, PA 17505 717-768-3729 R105990 START SPRING WITH... THE RIGHT TOOLS R105903 STRASBURG MASONRY SUPPLY 118 Miller Street, Strasburg, PA 17579 (717) 687-6538 PLAN YOUR LANDSCAPING AND HOME IMPROVEMENTS FOR SPRING Pick Up or Delivery Available NEW SPRING HOURS: WEEKDAYS 7 AM-4:30 PM; SATURDAYS 7 AM-NOON Premium Bark MULCH Dyed Red, Black or Brown MULCH Mushroom MULCH Decorative Stone River Jack • River Gravel • Red Stone TOP SOIL FRESH MULCH HAS ARRIVED! Engle Printing & Publishing Co. Inc. is the publisher of the Merchandiser, Pennysaver, Advertiser, Community Courier, Lancaster County Magazine, Where & When Pennsylvania, Dining in Lancaster County, Antiques & Auction News, Lancaster Family, and Susquehanna River Towns From Seeking Shelter To Shaping Lives – read Ashley’s and other impact stories at It’s not just a golf outing – it’s a chance to help people like Ashley who are experiencing homelessness and poverty. 7:30am & 1:30pm • Crossgates Golf Club, Millersville • 4-Player Scramble Format Questions about golfing or sponsoring? Please contact: Jocelyn Engle | | 717-278-1349 Presented by Engle Printing & Publishing Co., Inc. Friday | JUNE 7 | 2024 presented by benefiting 17th Annual Sponsored by Barry and Donna Fabius R105909

she added.

In addition to providing equine therapy, Hooves 4 Healing recently began a women’s group that meets on Thursdays at 1:30 p.m. Attendees can walk around the site’s outdoor track while enjoying fresh air and also have an opportunity to meet other local women.

Shoes & Boots For The Whole Family

The program is free to join, but donations for the therapy program are welcome.

WaterGap Stables is located at 325 Noble Road, Christiana. For more information about Hooves 4 Healing, visit www.facebook .com/hooves4healing or www

Story time is held at Moores Memorial Library, 9 W. Slokom Ave., Christiana, on Wednesdays from 10:30 to 11:15 a.m. Children of all ages are welcome. To learn more about library activities, search the events calendar at www.christianalibrary .org or visit MooresMemorialLibrary.

6 - Pennysaver - Pequea Valley Edition - May 15, 2024
R106736 R070033 Siding Windows Doors Retail & Installation 610-593-0351 PA 015834 R106690 BUSINESS Directory BUSINESS Directory Monday-Thursday 8-5; Friday 8-8; Saturday 8-2; Sunday Closed 1620 Cambridge Rd., Honey Brook, PA (610) 273-2990 SHOE REPAIR ALSO AVAILABLE We’ll fix your boots & shoes, purses & leather goods with quality materials!
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Music: Phone: 610-383-7097 682 Gap Newport Pike Atglen, PA 19310 R106033 R106623
ways to schedule
appointment: •
• call
scan the QR Code Everyone will receive: • 1 Penn Cinema Movie Pass
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2 Lancaster Stormers ticket vouchers, good for any 2024 regular season home game • Papa John’s buy one Large Pizza get one FREE certificate
- 8:00pm Garden Spot Fire Rescue Community Blood Drive
East Main Street, New Holland 17557
Inside the Fire Station Library director
reads a book to children during story time at WaterGap Stables. Library from pg 5
Preaching: Pastor David Bratcher Evan. Samson Ryman Evan. Mark Thren Special
The Thren Family The Ryman Family
your donation
go to
1-800-771-0059 •
Tuesday, May 28th • 8:00am
Trish Vandenbosch (center)


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PARK CITY CENTER Community Blood Drive

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• Penn Cinema Movie Pass

3 ways to schedule your donation appointment:

• go to

• call 1-800-771-0059

• scan the QR Code

Students of the

Month recognized

Paradise Rotary Club has recognized its Students of the Month for April. All juniors, they are Jason DeChristopher from Conestoga Valley High School, Liviiah Sweeney from Lancaster Mennonite High School, and Emily Eckenrode from Pequea Valley High School.

Jason is the son of David and Diane DeChristopher of Ephrata. He has been listed on the distinguished honor roll and is a member of National Honor Society (NHS), Student Council, Science National Honor Society, and Fellowship of Christian Athletes. He is also a member of the leadership team for Fellowship of Christian Students and an officer in Technology Student Association (TSA), through which he has placed in multiple regional and state competitions. A varsity letter-earning member of the bowling team, he was a part of a team that won the Lancaster-Lebanon League and regional team championships. Outside school, Jason is a Life Scout in New Holland Boy Scout Troop 48. He has held multiple senior leadership positions, including senior patrol leader; has achieved multiple top three placements in Klondike skills

See Students pg 12 Pennysaver - Pequea Valley Edition - May 15, 2024 - 7 Armed Forces Day
Event Open to all Veterans and their Family e R106248 11 AM Until All Items Are Sold White Horse Fire Company 111 White Horse Road, Gap, PA 17527 The 14th Annual Lancaster County Community Auction Tuesday, June 4 benefiting Hershey's Ronald McDonald House Traditional Country Auction... Bring Something • Buy Something! Benefiting Antiques • Collectibles • Crafts • Indoor And Outdoor FurnitureTools • Toys • Quilts • Garden Items • And Much More! Delicious Lancaster County food will be served beginning at 11 AM and continue throughout the day. For More Information Please Contact: Amy Leonard
156 R104552 R106622
Veterans Town Hall & Resource



Fri. 5/3 at Northern Lebanon

Fri. 5/3 vs Northern Lebanon

2-1 Mon. 5/6 at Lancaster Catholic


16-1 Mon. 5/6 vs Lancaster Catholic


7-2 Wed. 5/8 vs Brandywine Heights

8 - Pennysaver - Pequea Valley Edition - May 15, 2024
Pequea Valley’s Isolde Graham takes the throw at second base and goes to tag Lancaster Catholic’s Lea Know in the Braves 7-2 home loss against the Crusaders Monday, May 6. In a 7-2 home loss against Lancaster Catholic, PV’s Sydney Roye puts down a perfect bunt on Monday, May 6. Pequea Valley catcher Audrey Beiler throws out a Lancaster Catholic runner at first base in the Braves 7-2 loss to the visiting Crusaders on Monday, May 6. Pequea Valley’s Cole Stoltzfus was the schools’ lone respresentative in the District Three 2A tennis championships at Hershey Racquet Club on Friday, May 3. Stoltzfus defeated Trinity’s Andrew Tran 6-4, 6-3 before falling in straight sets to No. 2 seed Armaan Malik. The Braves Chavelle Fisher bare-hands a slow roller in a 7-2 loss to Lancaster Catholic in Kinzers on Monday, May 6. On May 6 in Kinzers, Pequea Valley’s Kayleigh Schaefer snags a fly ball but it wasn’t enought to top the visiting Crusaders who left with a 7-2 road win.
photos by Bob Diller photo

CHRISTIAN FELLOWSHIP CHURCH: 758 Spruce Rd., New Holland 717-354-8428. “Building Community with Christ, to Impact a World without Christ” Pastor: Dr. Doug Bozung. Please go to for information concerning worship services, adult ministries, youth & children’s ministries.

LIGHTHOUSE CHURCH (AG): Located at 105 Earland Dr., New Holland, invites you to join us for a time of contemporary worship and biblical preaching at our 8:00, 9:30, 11:00 services on Sunday morning and 7:00 service on Wednesday evening. Childcare for birth through 5th grade available during 2nd and 3rd Sunday morning services and Wednesday evening service. Lead Pastor: Stephen Ritchey. For more information on our services and programs, visit

MIDDLE OCTORARA PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH: 1199 Valley Road Quarryville. Sunday Services: Sunday School 9 AM; Blended Worship 10:30 AM. 717-786-3402 Visit us online at

MT. EDEN EVANGELICAL LUTHERAN CHURCH: 1241 May Post Office Rd., Quarryville, (5 mi. South of Strasburg, 3 mi. North of 372). Rev. Margaret Rohnacher, Pastor. Sunday worship service 9:30 am. Limited handicap accessibility. 717-786-7565

OUR LADY OF LOURDES Catholic Church: 150 Water Street, New Holland, PA 17557 Father Steven Fauser, Pastor. Visit us online at Sunday

8am & 10:30am. Saturday 5pm. Weekday Mass: Mon., Tues., Thurs. & Fri. 9am.


Sunday Service 10 am & Wednesday prayer at 7:30 pm - at 501 Lenover Rd., Parkesburg, PA 19365. Call 610-593-2277

SALEM EVANGELICAL REFORMED CHURCH, HELLERS (founded 1725), 2555 Horseshoe Rd. Lancaster. 717656-9249. Sunday Worship held 9:25 am Holy Communion 1st Sun. of month. Adult Sunday School at 10:45 am. Handicap Accessible. Pastor: Bruce Tully. E-mail:; Website:


(Presbyterian Church In America): “A Beacon on the Hill.” The Word of God is central to our worship. Sunday worship at 8:15 and 10:30am with Kingdom’s kids and nursery provided for the 10:30 service. Sunday school for all ages at 9:30am. Choir sings the last Sunday of each month. Youth group on Sundays at 6:00 pm for grades 6th-12th. Lead Pastor: Rev. Dr. Andrew DiNardo. 249 East Main Street, New Holland. 717-354-7871.

Attend Church this Sunday

Please Note: Updates can be made to your church’s listing for 1st issue date of each month only. (Changes must be submitted by the previous Wednesday.)

For More Information

On Church Listings And Rates, Call Justin at 717-492-2533 Pennysaver - Pequea Valley Edition - May 15, 2024 - 9 R106123


According to organizer Harold Kilhefner, the 40th annual Antique and Classic Car Show held at Terre Hill Community Park in 2023 went well. “We had a great year last year,” said Kilhefner. “We had perfect weather and just shy of 150 cars (registered).” Kilhefner is proud of the number of cars that turn up for the event. “Years ago, when I took this over, we got 80 to 100 vehicles,” he said. “We have averaged 150 vehicles in good weather.”

The 41st annual Terre Hill Antique and Classic Car Show will be held in the park, 210 Lancaster Ave., Terre Hill, on Sunday, June 2. Car registration will begin at 8 a.m. Registration will end at 11:30 a.m., and voting will end at 2 p.m. Winners will be announced at 2:30 p.m.

On May 2, the weather was perfect for antique and classic cars to be brought

out into the sunshine to be photographed for this article. Jeff Shirk brought the Buick his father bought new in 1955 to the park. Paul Lausch brought his 1965 Studebaker Daytona, and Jon Seibel brought his 1953 Chevy. Bob Snader’s 2014 Dodge Challenger rounded out the group. Cars will be entered in one of 18 classes sponsored by local businesses. The first six classes are devoted to antique cars ranging from 1900 to 1999. Categories for street rods and street machines are included, along with classes for Camaros, Firebirds, Barracudas, Javelins/AMXs, and Mustangs. Corvettes, trucks, motorcycles, and farm tractors will each have a class, and an open class will be designated for vehicles built from 2000 to 2024. Class 17, which is for cars, trucks, and motorcycles that are not yet 25 years old, has been a popular class, according to Kilhefner.

10 - Pennysaver - Pequea Valley Edition - May 15, 2024 FOR ONE LIFE is a non profit organization that was founded to help businesses, schools, churches, youth groups, and individuals partner financially with building projects in India and around the world, with a primary focus on schools and children’s homes. Stop in and shop today! See our large selection of new or gently used building materials, tools, lighting, landscape materials, wood furniture, appliances, housewares and more. Proceeds benefit the mission of For One Life. • Help reduce waste by salvaging materials that will serve a new purpose and provide a significant savings to others. By buying used, you save both money and the environment. • Come in and browse for used appliances, tools, wood furniture, building materials and more! • Donations currently being accepted...see website for donation guidelines. • Delivery and pickup are available. Reclaim-It Home Center 18 Newport Rd, Gap, PA 17527 717 327-4111 Hours Thursday and Friday 9-4pm Saturdays 8-noon NOW OPEN! R106813 Not all luxury vinyl plank flooring is created equal. Our professional team will help you choose the right floor to meet your needs! Over 50 options in stock! Free Estimate for your project! #PA033474 (717)656-7077 40 Glenbrook Rd, (Rt 772) Leola M, T, W, F 8am – 4pm Th 8am – 7pm, Sat 8am - Noon • Pet & Kid friendly Waterproof/moisture resistant • Scratch resistant Realistic look and feel – wood/tile Affordable • Update your home Increase resale value • DIY or let our professional installers do it for you! R106220 Beautify your Surroundings with Black Mulch Salisbury Rentals 281 White Horse Rd., Gap 17527 (in the White Horse area) 717-826-8342 R106830 • Mushroom Soil • Various types of Gravel All by the scoop R106019 Jay’s Handyman Service Free Estimates Cell: 484-467-4069 or 610-563-1476 A Father-Son Operated Business No Job Too Small! Clean Up • Clean Out • Roof Seal Coating Power Washing & Soft Washing Gutter Repair • Gutter Cleaning Painting & Drywall • Screen & Door Repair • Shed Repair Light Electrical & Light Plumbing Vinyl Flooring • Work on Mobile Homes Light Hauling (2,800 lb. limit) & More! Fully Insured PA 113649 Paints & Spray Equipment - FREE Delivery Quality Products Low Prices EPHRATA 717-733-4388 KINZERS 717-768-3239 QUARRYVILLE 717-786-8781 Paints & Spray Equipment - FREE Delivery Quality Products Low Prices EPHRATA 717-733-4388 KINZERS 717-768-3239 QUARRYVILLE 717-786-8781 R106366 R106737 Latshaw’s Junk Removal Dumpster Rental Service Household & Property Clean-outs 15, 20, 30 yard dumpsters @ Affordable Prices 1293 Reservoir Road Honey Brook, PA 19344 Family Owned, Operated & Insured 610-273-7490 improvement
More than 40 years of car fun See Car show pg 11
to the
41st annual Antique and Classic Car Show held at Terre Hill Community Park are (from left) Bob Snader, Jon Seibel, Paul Lausch, and Jeff Shirk.

Car show

“(Cars in that class) can win prizes just like the other classes,” he said, pointing out that the 2014 Challenger Snader brought to the park is a “perfect example of what can go into that class.”

Class 18 is for cars that have been judged by the Antique Automobile Club of America (AACA) and have scored a First Juniors or Seniors award.

dash plaque. Winners will be announced at 2:30 p.m. Cars receiving first-, second-, and third-place recognition for each class will be paraded to the stage area to receive cash prizes.

Funds raised by the event will help support the Weaverland Valley Fire Department, which serves the towns of Terre Hill and Goodville.


First-, second-, and thirdplace awards will be given out in each class. Rather than bring in judges to examine the cars, the event will provide each registered car owner with a ballot to vote on his or her favorites. Entrants are also eligible for door prizes given away from 11:30 a.m. to about 2 p.m. In addition, a special Weaverland Valley Best of Show trophy will be awarded. The 2024 best of show car will be featured on the 2025

There is no charge for spectators to attend the show. Breakfast and lunch items will be available for purchase from 8 a.m. to 3 p.m. The show will be held rain or shine. Preregistration, which is discounted, is open until Thursday, May 30. More information may be found by searching for “Terre Hill Antique & Classic Car Show” on Facebook. Readers who have questions about the event may call 717-445-4581. Pennysaver - Pequea Valley Edition - May 15, 2024 - 11 Downsizing Can Be Difficult Hess Auction Group makes it easy. Let us ease the stress of life’s big changes. Relationships, Integrity, Trust. Excellence Public Auctions See for more details & photos of all of these great properties! Downsizing? Have Questions? 717-664-5238 877-599-8894 HESSAUCTIONGROUP.COM R106910 AY000253L ONLINE ONLY AUCTIONS 768 Graystone Rd. Manheim, PA 17545 Online Only Auctions Every Week! Furniture, Antiques & Collectibles, Specialty Auctions and More! Be Sure to Visit for more! THURS. MAY 16, 2024 – 6pm Real Estate 9 Casey Dr. Willow Street, PA 17584 3 BEDROOM WILLOW STREET RANCH HOME – 0.22 Acres – Lampeter-Strasburg SD SHOWN BY APPOINTMENT Auction For: George Aukamp Est. TUES. MAY 21, 2024 – 6pm Real Estate 1801 Larchmont Ln. Lancaster, PA 17601 CHARMING 3 BEDROOM MANHEIM TOWNSHIP HOME – 0.31 Acres – Manheim Township SD SHOWN BY APPOINTMENT Auction For: Walt Korzon THURS. MAY 23, 2024 – 6pm Real Estate 310 Fairview Dr. Lititz, PA 17543 3 BEDROOM BRICK RANCH LITITZ HOME – 0.41 Acres – Warwick SD SHOWN BY APPOINTMENT Auction For: Washchysion Sisters WEDS. MAY 29, 2024 – 6pm Real Estate 1976 Sterling Place, Lancaster, PA 17601 MANHEIM TWP. 3 BEDROOM BRICK RANCH HOME – 0.52 Acres – Manheim Township SD OPEN HOUSES: MAY 18, 10AM-12PM & MON. MAY 20, 5PM-6:30PM OR SHOWN BY APPOINTMENT Auction For: David R. Creamer Est. THURS. MAY 30, 2024 – 6pm Real Estate 2528 Willow Street Pike, Willow Street, PA 17584 CHARMING 4 BEDROOM WILLOW STREET HOME ON LARGE LOT – 0.97 Acres – Lampeter-Strasburg SD OPEN HOUSES: MAY 18, 10AM-12PM & MON. MAY 20, 5PM-6:30PM OR SHOWN BY APPOINTMENT Auction For: Mark Drukenbrod Est. TUES. JUNE 4, 2024 – 6pm Real Estate 64 N. Charlotte St. Manheim, PA 17545 AFFORDABLE 3 BEDROOM MANHEIM HOME – 0.17 Acres – Manheim Central SD OPEN HOUSES: MAY 18, 10AM-12PM & MON. MAY 20, 5PM-6:30PM OR SHOWN BY APPOINTMENT Auction For: Rubye Barto MON. JUNE 17, 2024 – 6pm Real Estate 118 Columbia Ave. Mount Joy, PA 17552 4 BEDROOM MOUNT JOY HOME – 0.17 Acres – Donegal SD OPEN HOUSES: SAT. JUNE 8, 1PM-3PM & TUES. JUNE 11, 5PM-6:30PM OR SHOWN BY APPOINTMENT Auction For: Ruth Frey Est. TUES. JUNE 18, 2024 – 6pm Real Estate 7 Meadowbrook Ln. Elizabethtown, PA 17022 CHARMING 4 BEDROOM ELIZABETHTOWN HOME – 0.75 Acres – Elizabethtown Area SD OPEN HOUSES: SAT. JUNE 8, 10AM-12PM & MON. JUNE 10, 5PM-6:30PM OR SHOWN BY APPOINTMENT Auction For: Virginia E. Hukill WEDS. JUNE 19, 2024 – 6pm Real Estate 520 Hedgerow Ln. Lancaster, PA 17601 WELL-LOCATED 3 BEDROOM MANHEIM TWP. HOME – 0.31 Acres – Manheim Township SD OPEN HOUSES: SAT. JUNE 8, 10AM-12PM & MON. JUNE 10, 5PM-6:30PM OR SHOWN BY APPOINTMENT Auction For: Charles Shultz THISWEEK! THISWEEK! THISWEEK! THISWEEK! THURS. MAY 16, 2024 – 6pm Real Estate 490 Milton Grove Rd. S. Elizabethtown, PA 17022 3 BEDROOM RANCH HOME W/ FARMLAND VIEWS – 0.58 Acres – Elizabethtown Area SD SHOWN BY APPOINTMENT Auction For: Ron & Judy Peters TUES. MAY 21, 2024 – 5pm & 6pm Online Only Auctions 750 Enterprise Way, Lancaster, PA 17601 MURRY COMMUNITIES CONSTRUCTION LUMBER & TOOLS/HARDWARE AUCTION • 1 NIGHT, 2 SEPARATE AUCTIONS • Lumber • Beams & Planks • Reclaimed Barn Flooring • Tools & Hardware • Shop Equipment • Windows & Doors • & MUCH MORE! Auction For: Murry Communities THURS. MAY 23, 2024 – 6pm Real Estate 523 Pumping Station Rd. Kirkwood, PA 17536 10.3 ACRE SOLANCO/STRASBURG AREA RESTORED FARMHOUSE – Solanco SD SHOWN BY APPOINTMENT Auction For: Kathleen & Brian Cunfer Millstone & Building Stone to Follow 10 ACRES Andrew R. Seldomridge Estate Brian: 610-547-2407 R106665 Randal V. Kline, Roy E. Good, Jr. Aaron Z. Nolt, Curvin M. Horning 717-445-4309 Lic. #499, 2116, 5064, 3956 “SHORT NOTICE” PUBLIC AUCTION COUNTRY 2½ STY. 4 BDRM. FARMHOUSE 3.6 ACRES W/STREAM NARVON – HONEY BROOK – COMPASS AREA WEDNESDAY, MAY 29 • 5 P.M. LOCATION: 656 Cambridge Rd., Gap, PA 17527 (Honey Brook Area). Rt. 322 E. of Blue Ball. Right Churchtown Rd. Straight Cambridge Rd. to property immediately on right. (Salisbury Twp., Lanc. Co.) 3.6 ACRES w/stream. 2½ sty. dwl. w/2120 SF finished area, kitchen, dining rm., living rm., 4 bdrms., 1 bath, attic, bsmt., wood/coal stove heat, covered front porch & wide windowsills. House in need of TLC w/lots of potential & misc. outbuildings in need of repair all on 3.6 ACRE country lot w/stream, mature shade. Zoned Ag. Property must be sold to settle estate! Come prepared to buy. Great location in ag area & along country road. Minutes to Honey Brook, White Horse & Compass w/easy access to Rts. 322 & 340. Personal inspection by appointment or open house May 11, 18 & 25 from 1 to 4 P.M. For brochure or land plotting visit Financing, deposit or bridge loan available to qualified buyer. Call Randal V. Kline 717-7331006. (Lender NMLS ID #834368) Auctioneers: Daniel F. Stoltzfus, 717-442-9493 John Riehl, 717-278-2510 Amos Stoltzfus Jr., 717-475-9397 JD Fisher, 484-614-8992 Auction Day: 717-606-3020 Lic. #AY002397 Announcements Day Of Sale Take Precedence Over Any Printed Material. Auction For David K. Beiler NOTE: Here is a Lifetime Collection That David Has Accumulated While He Worked At N.H. Tractor for 30 Years With Some Limited Editions for Employees Only, and David Enjoyed Collecting Toy Farmers In Addition to Many Other Brands. If You Are A NH Collector or Worked For NH, Don’t Miss Out On This Collection. N.H. MINI 27 LB. ANVIL H 2-N.H. MACHINE CO. HIT & MISS WORKING SCALE MODEL ENGINES H LARGE QUANTITY OF TOY TRACTORS IN N.H. H FORD HIH H JD H AC H FARMALL H OLIVER H MM H 4WD TRACTORS H BIG BUD H 20-YODER MODELS H FIRST GEAR H PEWTER MACHINERY H 175 WINROSS H 30-FRAMED PUZZLE PICTURES FOOD ON-SITE 100’s of Pictures & Terms on ID # 25310
LIFETIME TOY COLLECTION SELLING FOR DAVID K. BEILER SAT., MAY 25 2024 @ 8:00 AM ONLINE STARTING @ 8:30 AM R106255 LOCATION: INTERCOURSE FIRE HALL, 10 N. HOLLANDER RD., INTERCOURSE, PA 17543 600+ CATALOGED LOTS LARGE QUANTITY OF TOY FARMER TRACTORS FREE GIFT EVERY HOUR 12 & UNDER PHONE BIDDING AVAILABLE 484-796-1458/717-587-2481 DAY OF AUCTION ONLY SCAN OR CODE FOR ONLINE BIDDING Daniel King AU006299 (717) 917-5844 Joel Yoder AAO 19779 (610) 750-2427 Steve Stoltzfoos Auction Coordinator (717) 847-3537 NEW FEATURE Follow us by listening to our auctions LIVE on all our sale dates. Call 717-690-8081 View more photos at enter #53543 R106844 PUBLIC AUCTION DATE: MONDAY, JUNE 3, 6:00 P.M. SELLERS: ABNER & RUTHIE BLANK - (717) 475-9967 RESIDENCE FOR SALE IDEAL STARTER HOME OR INVESTMENT OPPORTUNITY Nestled on a sprawling 3/4 acre lot, this charming real estate gem presents an idyllic opportunity for both comfortable living and investment value. Downstairs has a bathroom, well-appointed kitchen, and dining room area that serve as the heart of the home. Relax in the comfy living room in front of the fire place, or take the open stairway upstairs to see more. Entertain guests effortlessly in the expansive family room complete with a convenient kitchenette and another fireplace, perfect for cozy gatherings. Boasting a spacious layout, the upstairs features three cozy bedrooms and a full bath, providing ample space for relaxation and rejuvenation. Enjoy the serenity of outdoor living on the second-floor 12’ x 16’ deck or gather around the campfire area in the expansive yard, offering plenty of space for outdoor activities. Store your mower in the 12’ x 14’ storage shed. With a 2-car garage and brand new paved driveway adding convenience, this property is ideal for those seeking a starter home or a lucrative investment venture. Horse lovers: seller has permit to install a 14’ x 36’ horse barn and a 12’ x 24’ garden shed. Check with township to renew. New house roof in 2018. Embrace the possibility of creating lasting memories in this inviting abode. 6224 MAIN STREET, HONEY BROOK, PA Open Houses: May 14, 5-7 P.M. and May 23, 5-7 P.M. Settlement on or before August 2, 2024. I Down payment $40,000, due evening of sale. Taxes to be pro-rated. Transfer tax to be Buyer’s Expense. I Taxes: $4,542.00 Offering 1% Broker Participation: must register by May 30. Investing in Real Estate is now easier than ever! Let us help make the process low-stress and convenient. Contact us for fast, easy financing options, including down payment and bridge loans. 3/4 ACRE EXCEEDING YOUR EXPECTATIONS R106710 Hometowne Auction, LLC Quilts & Quilt-Related Items
Aaron Z. Nolt AY002166 (717) 354-5599 Tuesday, May 21 at 9 AM Held at Garden Spot Fire Rescue 339 E. Main St., New Holland, PA Next Auction Date: TUES., JULY 16, 2024 CONSIGNMENTS ACCEPTED Quilts & Tops; Wall Hangings & Tops; Quillows, Pillows & Quilt-Related Items Preview: Mon., May 20, Noon to 4 PM
from pg 10


2½ STY. 4 BDRM. HOUSE w/APT. - 3 CAR GAR. SHOP/GAR. 76x55 - (2) 2 BDRM. APT. RENTALS GAR./SHOP 62x44 - 2 STY.

Grove Rd., New Holland. Rt. 23 E. to New Holland. Right S.

School Road. Straight Overlys Grove Road. Property on left.

671 Overlys Grove Rd.: 2½ sty. w/3662 SF plus efficiency apartment. Main unit has eat-in kitchen, family & living rms., 4 bdrms., 1½ baths, partial finish bsmt., LP gas HW BB heat, central AC, upgraded/new replacement windows, siding, roof, insulation, kitchen & bath. Attached efficiency 1st floor apt. w/ kitchen, living rm., 1 bdrm., bath, gas HW heat & wall AC unit. 673 Overlys Grove Rd.: Shop/gar. 76x55 (new 2006) w/3676 SF shop area, 18x10 office, lavatory/utility rm., (3) 12x10 doors, gas heat, water, elec., attached 2 sty. w/2 separate 2 bdrm. apt. units, each w/kitchen, living rm., bath, gas air heat & central AC. (Rent $980 each).

675 Overlys Grove Rd.: Garage/shop bldg. 62x44 (new 2010), includes: separate garage 35x24 w/(3) 10x10 doors, 3 bay divided garage 44x38 w/ (3) 11x14 doors & shop.

677 Overlys Grove Rd.: 2 sty. horse barn 40x34 w/6 stalls, full 2nd floor, water & elec.

Level 3 ACRE lot w/lawn, garden, pond, stream, pasture area, macadam drive & parking, well & public sewer w/5 EDUs. Zoned RMD.

After 20 years, owners serious to sell. Unique country property. Spacious main dwl., 3 apartments, separate large garage & shop bldgs. Ideal as residence or investment. Current gross yearly income $86,880. All bldgs. low maintenance, separate elec. & heat. Profitable set-up in desirable location. Minutes to New Holland, East Earl & White Horse. Personal inspection by appointment or Open House May 11, 18 & 25 from 1 to 4 PM. For brochure or land plotting visit Financing, deposit or bridge loan available to qualified buyer. Call Randal V. Kline 717-733-1006 (Lender NMLS ID #834368).

Randal V. Kline

Roy E. Good, Jr. Aaron Z. Nolt

Curvin M. Horning


Lic. #499, 2116, 5064, 3956 Steven R. & Lavina Stoltzfus 717-344-1956

Find Your Next Job In The Classifieds



dining rm; master BR w/ walk-in closet & enclosed porch; master bath; BR w/private deck & full bath. Upper Level: Loft; 4 BRs and 3 full baths. Lower Level: Family rm. w/stone FP flue & glass door to patio; multi-purpose room w/kitchen countertops, cabinets & pantry; laundry rm.; utility rooms; and 1 BR efficiency/in-law quarters w/kitchen, appliances, liv. rm., lg. walk-in closet & full bath. Geo-thermal system w/central air, central vacuum & sprinkler system throughout. Property contains Detached 28x36 2-sty. garage w/upper level living quarters; Stone pool house w/full bath; 27,000 gal. heated Inground pool & playset; and a 20x60 4-stall horse barn. The land is partially wooded w/approx. 10 acre tillable, 2+acres fenced pasture, paved circle driveway w/lots of parking areas, lawn & prof. landscaping, on site well and septic. Enrolled in Clean & Green. Taxes: $5,942. Zoned: Ag. Subdivision potential.

NOTE: This gorgeous property is a rare gem with its beautiful setting and many possibilities. The home has formerly been the Dragonfly Bed & Breakfast offering guests the luxury of gorgeous views, numerous decks & porches to lounge on, pool & gazebo to enjoy and almost 30 acres of countryside for horseback riding, hunting and so much more! Easy access to 625, 222 & PA Turnpike and within minutes of restaurants, grocery stores & shopping.

OPEN HOUSE: Saturday, May 4, 11 & 18 (1-3 pm) or by apt. call 610-286-5183. TERMS: 10% down day of sale; settlement within 45 days of sale. Terms by: Paul D. & Michelle Bias. Kling, Deibler & Glick Attnys.

competitions; attended National Youth Leadership Training; and became a Brotherhood member of the Order of the Arrow honor society. In youth bowling leagues, he earned two team first places and was named Most Improved. At church, he is a member of the youth group and a volunteer and leader on the tech team.

Liviiah is the daughter of Laquandra and Ishnii Sweeney of Lancaster. She is captain of the girls’ varsity basketball team and was named a Second Team All-Star. She is also a member of the varsity soccer team, a volunteer for LMVA, and a mentor for

Advantage Lancaster.

Emily is the daughter of Megan and Joshua Eckenrode of Narvon. She plays soccer and basketball



Custom 1 sty. Holland stone rancher w/2970 SF finished area w/eat-in kitchen w/ Rutt custom oak raised panel cabinets, pantry, appliances & dining area, living rm. w/bow window, family rm. w/stone fireplace & slide door to rear covered stamped concrete patio 19x11, 1st floor laundry, 3 bdrms., 1½ baths, attic w/pull down steps, bsmt. w/finished family rm. w/stone fireplace, kitchenette & outside entrance, oil hot air heat, central AC, low maintenance exterior w/insulated/tilt windows, covered front porch, attached 2 car garage, detached 1 car gar. utility bldg. 30x12 & backup generator system level .78 ACRE country lot w/macadam driveway, lawn area, professional landscaping. Zoned Ag. After 40 years, owners relocated to retirement quarters & motivated to sell! Ideally located in beautiful farm country. Extremely well-maintained property w/clean, "move in” condition dwl. Minutes to White Horse, New Holland & Bird In Hand. Easy access to Rts. 340, 772 & 30. Personal inspection by appointment or open house April 27, May 4 & 11 from 1 to 4 P.M. For brochure or land plotting visit Financing, deposit or bridge loan available to qualified buyer. Call Randal V. Kline 717733-1006 (Lender NMLS ID #834368) Truck – Mower – Tools – Gun: 2004 Chevy Colorado Ext. Cab Pickup w/3.5-Liter Eng., AT, 5000 GVW, 12/24 Inspect., 204,000 Miles, VIN 1GCCS196148194050. Toro Time Cutter SS4225 Zero-Turn Mower w/42” Deck & Kohler 22hp Eng. MTD 5-22 SP Snowblower, Toro Personal Pace SP Mower, Little Wonder Lawn Edger, Stihl FS 56 RC Weedeater, Sm. Campbell Hausfeld Air Comp., 2-Wheel Lawn Cart, QSP 16-Gal. Shop Vac, Floor Jack, Black & Decker & Homelite Hedge Trimmers, Lawn Sprayer, Toro Battery Leaf Blower, Snap-On 9-Drawer Tool Box, Car Ramps, Black & Decker 40V Vattery Weedeater, 12’ Ext. Ladder, Werner 6’ Fiberglass Step Ladder, Sump Pump, Craftsman & Other Wrenches, Misc. Sm. Hand Tools, Work Table, Bench & Grinder, Shephard’s Hooks, (2) Ladies’ Bikes, Miller Falls 320 Bone Saw, LC Smith Double Barrel 12ga. Shotgun, Fendt Pedal Tractor, Trampoline & Swing Set (sold after real estate). Furniture – Appliances: Howard Miller Oak Grandfather Clock, Amish Made Oak Dining Room Table w/2 Brds. & 4 Chairs, Horning Dropleaf Table w/11 Brds. & (4) Spindle Back Chairs, Oak 3-Door (leaded glass) Lighted Hutch w/2-Drawer & 3-Btm. Doors, Dropleaf Table w/Drawer, Amish Made 3-Pc. Queen Bdrm. Suite, Bassett 3-Pc. Double Bdrm. Suite, Glider & Platform Rockers, Double Reclining Sofa & Matching Chair, Asst. Sofas & Chairs, Porch Rockers & Bench, Office Desks & Chairs, Wall Mirrors & Cabinet, Wooden Bench & Table, Floor & Pole Lamps, Bookshelf, Empire Chest of Drawers, Settee, Patio Table w/4 Chairs & Lounger, Cedar Chest, Flat Top Trunk, Spindle Back Cane Seated Chairs, Formica Top Cabinet, Wrought Iron Table & 2 Chairs, Quilting Frame, Mag. Rack, Stepstool, Asst. Wood/Uph. Chairs & Rockers, (2) Ebersol Painted Plant Btm. Chairs, (3) 8’ Lifetime Tables, Asst. Folding Chairs, Misc. Wall Pictures & Décor, Schwinn 810P Elec. Treadmill, Bernina Activa 125 Sewing Mach. In Cab., Maytag 24 cu.ft. Side by Side Refrig. w/Ice Dispenser (sold after real estate), GE 18 cu.ft. Refrig., Frigidaire 21 cu.ft. Upright Freezer, Maytag Neptune Washer & Dryer, Sunbeam Grillmaster Grill, Approx. 16’x18’ Carpet, Oak Child Round Table w/4 Chairs, Child’s Arrow Back Rocker, Child’s wicker Rocker. Household – Quilts – Dishes – Gold Coin: Quilts & Quilt Tops Done By The Newswanger’s, 1996 1 Oz. Fine Gold $50 Coin, C.I. Cat Doorstop, Dec. Butter Churn, Liberty Blue/England Dinnerware, Noritake Dinnerware, Asst. German & Bavaria Bowls, Adams Pink Pitcher, Copper Lustre Pitcher, Fenton Bowl, Pitcher, Candy Dish, Nest of Pyrex Bowls, Water Pitcher Sets, Ruby Edged Water Pitcher, Sherbets & Plates, Japan Dinnerware Set, Glass Compodes, Carnival Bowl Cake Stand, Asst. Cut & Pressed Glassware, Stemware, Inlaid Rolling Pin, Longchamp Crystal, Corelle & Corningware, Cannister Sets, Misc. Flatware, Handled Baskets, Vinegar Cruets, Glass Bells, Pedestal Bowls, Celery Stand, Flint, Princess House & Other Cookware, Volrath Cooker, Tupperware, Misc. Sm. Kitchen Appliances, Misc. Soft Goods, Pillowcases, Bureau Scarfs, Afghan Blankets, Braided Rugs, Children’s Toys, Rocking Horse. NOTE: Very clean & well taken care of items to be sold! Auction to begin 9 A.M. w/tools followed by household & furniture. Approx. 12 Noon w/truck, zero-turn mower, $50 gold coin & gun. Real Estate 1 P.M. Possibility of everything sold by real estate. Terms cash, PA check, or major credit card w/3% service fee. Food Stand.

Randal V. Kline, Roy E. Good, Jr. Aaron Z. Nolt, Curvin M. Horning 717-445-4309 Lic. #499, 2116, 5064, 3956

Paul K. & Anna Mae Newswanger 717-572-3233 R104598

and was a basketball Section 4 Academic All-Star in the Lancaster-Lebanon League for the 2023-24 school year. She is also co-founder and editor of the school newspaper, the Valley Voice, and a member NHS,

Sociedad Honoraria Hispánica, Aevidum, and the school lunch committee. She volunteers with the Pequea Youth Soccer Association and Limeville Church, and she is a member of the Twin Valley Soccer Club.



12 - Pennysaver - Pequea Valley Edition - May 15, 2024
ACRE COUNTRY LOT TRUCK – MOWER – TOOLS – GUN – $50 GOLD COIN FURNITURE – APPLIANCES – QUILTS – HOUSEHOLD INTERCOURSE – GORDONVILLE AREA SATURDAY, MAY 18 9 A.M. – REAL ESTATE 1 P.M. 61 N. Hollander Rd., Gordonville, PA 17529. Rt. 340 E. thru Intercourse. Left N. Hollander Rd. to property on right. (Leacock Twp., Lanc. Co.) LEFEVER & HART AUCTIONS LLC PUBLIC AUCTION R106839 LEFEVER & HART AUCTIONS LLC - AY2206 717-989-5110 717-669-1483 WWW.LHAUCTIONS.COM WWW.AUCTIONZIP.COM ID#4902
MAY 18 • 9:00 A.M. REAL ESTATE OFFERED AT 12 NOON 69 Scotland Road, Quarryville, PA RANCH HOME ON .51 ACRE LOT PLUS .47 ACRE BUILDING LOT - PERSONAL PROPERTY Nice Ranch Home Offering Three Bedrooms, Kitchen, Dining Area, Living Room, Two Full & Half Bath, Laundry, Rear Sun Room, Full Unfinished Basement & Attached Two-Car Garage. Central Air/ Heat Pump. Detached 24’ x 40’ Garage. 1990 Harley Heritage Softail w/ 16,306 Miles; Restored Antique Harley Racing Bike w/ 1914 Frame & 1922 JD Engine; 2019 Ryker 900 w/ 2533 Miles; Furniture; Household; Tools; Antiques & More! SEPARATE .47 ACRE BUILDING LOT ADJOINING ON WEST SIDE TO BE OFFERED AFTER HOME SALE 1% Broker Participation Offered See Website For Real Estate Info, Listing & Pictures Sale For: Larry (Tim) Mylin Estate CALL FOR PRIVATE SHOWING
• 6:00 PM 136 Fairview Ave., Lancaster, PA INVESTOR ALERT OR OWN & RENT Located At Corner of Fairview Ave & St Joseph Streets In City SINGLE FAMILY HOME PLUS DETACHED APARTMENT/ ONE-CAR GARAGE. Two- Story Brick Home In Good Condition Offering Three Bedrooms, Full Bath, Kitchen, Dining Room, Large Living Room & Full Unfinished Basement. Large Side-Yard With This Property w/ New Building Opportunity. Additional Unit Is Detached Brick Two Floor Apartment W/ Main Floor Kitchen, Living Room, Bedroom, Bath & Laundry. Second Level Bedrooms & Large Room. One-Car Garage. Great Investment Or Home/ Investment. 1% Broker Participation Offered Sale For: Stephen M Heisey Estate CALL FOR SHOWING APPOINTMENT
• 11:00 A.M. 903 Winter Hill Rd., Strasburg, PA PRIME REAL ESTATE - 7.3 ACRE FARMETTE Very Nice Property Offering Renovated Farmhouse, Two Car Garage; 50’x58’ Barn/ Shop. Home Main Level Offers Kitchen, Dining Room, Living Room & Bonus Room. Upper Level Hosts Two Bedrooms & Full Bath. Oil Heat. Detached Two-Car Garage. Large Barn/ Shop. Acreage Includes 3+ Acres Tillable, Pasture w/ Stream. See Website For More Info & Pictures 1% Broker Participation Offered Sale For: Donald & Patricia Hess CALL FOR PRIVATE SHOWING SATURDAY,
29 • 9:00 A.M. REAL ESTATE OFFERED AT 12 NOON 110 Fernwood Rd., Cochranvillem PA REAL ESTATE – PERSONAL PROPERTY Nice Older Home On 1.4 Acre Corner Lot Renovated 1700’s Home w/ Addition Offers Main Floor Kitchen/ Dining Area, Living Room w/ Propane FP, Laundry, Den, Full Bath & Enclosed Back Porch. Upper Floor Hosts Four Bedrooms, Den & Full Bath. Unfinished Basement. Central Air/ Oil Heat. Detached Oversized Two-Car Garage w/ Above Storage. Sheds. Large Open Rear Yard. SEE WEBSITE FOR PP LISTING, PICS & MORE INFORMATION SHOWN BY APPOINTMENT Sale For: Mattie Kellett 610-286-5183 Merle Eberly • Alvin Horning C. Ivan Stoltzfus CAI Horning Farm Agency, Inc. AY002091 AUCTIONEERS • REALTORS • APPRAISERS R104982 LOCATION: 215 Boulder Hill Road, Mohnton, PA 19540. REAL ESTATE: Stone & vinyl 2 story home w/6+ BR’s & 6 full baths. One-owner country home on a beautiful setting w/scenic views; contains approx. 5,522 SF. featuring HW floors, bay windows, skylights, stained oak trim & custom quality throughout. Main Floor: 2-sty. foyer w/open staircase; sunken LR w/stone wood burning FP; deck & gazebo; eat-in kitchen w/appliances;
671 Overlys Kinzer Ave. Cross over Eastern
Students from pg 7
Jason DeChristopher Liviiah Sweeney Emily Eckenrode



5238 Old Philadelphia Pike, Kinzers. Rt. 340 E. of Intercourse toward White Horse. Property on right.

2 unit investment property (known as 5236 & 5238 Old Phila. Pk., Kinzers). Each unit has eat-in kitchen w/appliances, living rm., laundry, elec. BB heat, 2 bdrms., 1 bath, covered soffit, fascia, 18x29 barn/shed, macadam drive & parking area all on 4/10 acre lot. Separate utilities. Owners currently live in 1st floor unit. Modest rent. Potential gross income: $26,400. Zoned Ag. After 25 years, owners relocating & serious to sell. Solid 2 unit investment property w/potential. Convenient location. Easy to own, economical & low taxes. Personal inspection by appointment or Open House May 4, 11 & 18 from 1 to 4 PM For brochure or land plotting visit

Financing, deposit or bridge loan available to qualified buyer. Call Randal V. Kline 717-733-1006 (Lender NMLS ID #834368).

Randal V. Kline

Roy E. Good, Jr. Aaron Z. Nolt

Curvin M. Horning


Lic. #499, 2116, 5064, 3956


Note: Move-in ready home has numerous valuable updates and amenities throughout! Located on the south side of Himes Hill offering an amazing panoramic view of the surrounding Amish farmland! BROKER PARTICIPATION INVITED * CONTACT AUCTIONEER! For Photos & Complete Listing Visit (S. New Holland/Himes Hill Area) PUBLIC AUCTION (2) PROPERTIES TRACT #1) 4-BDRM 2.5-BATH 2,856 SQ. FT. 2-STORY COLONIAL 2-CAR GARAGE * BEAUTIFUL OAK KITCHEN * .52-AC. LOT TRACT #2) ADJOINING .59-ACRE BUILDING LOT w/VIEW! THURSDAY, MAY 30 • 6:30 P.M.


CAREGIVERS NEEDED: CNA'S, HHA's & care assistants, make a difference in the life of a senior & put your caregiving experience to work. All shifts available. Visiting Angels at 717-393-3450.

DRIVER NEEDED for Friday Market run in New Jersey. Also some local driving. 717-940-9308

Holland take Brimmer Ave. S. becomes New Holland Rd. to right on Summitville to home on left. Real Estate: Tract #1) consists of a 2,856 sq. ft. 4-bedroom (2007) 2-story vinyl sided Colonial w/ attached 2-car garage on a rural .52-acre lot. Stunning oak cabinetry kitchen w/SS appliances, breakfast nook, formal DR & LR, laundry & ½ bath; 4-bdrms & 2-baths on upper level, daylight basement. Tract #2) adjoining .59-acre building lot has 98’ road frontage by 260’ deep w/southern exposure slope offers awesome view of the valley farmland! Great custom home-site! OPEN HOUSE: SAT., MAY 18 from 1-3 PM for info call/text auctioneer @ (717) 371-3333.

DRIVER WANTED FOR our company truck. Average 5 hours a day 5 days a week. No labor required. 717-205-8137


We are in need of a permanent PT DELIVERY ROUTE VAN DRIVER w/a clean MVR. 2-3 days/wk., 7-10hrs./day. An excellent opportunity for retirees! $10.50/hr. to start. Greenfield Road, Lancaster. Call: 717-299-8888, ext. 312.


Currently seeking a self-motivated mechanically inclined individual at our Lancaster facility. Experience with welding/fabricating, electric and forklift/ heavy equipment repair is preferred. Must be dependable. This is a FULLTIME position with full benefits. Apply in Person from 7am-4pm at Kirby Agri Inc. | 717-299-2541 500 Running Pump Rd., Lancaster, PA

LOOKING FOR A dependable worker for the painting & finishing crew. Echo Valley Refinishing 717-723-5079

seeking skilled Masons and Restoration Technicians to join our team. We offer steady work, prevailing wage, travel per diem, full benefit package, and $1000 SIGN ON BONUS. Apply online at or email



BASEMENT BOOK SALE Sat., May 18, 10 to 3 Columbia Public Library, 24 So. 6th St. Info at ColumbiaPublicLibrary.Org

PEQUEA VALLEY SD FOOD SERVICE: EXP. KITCHEN MANAGER for intermediate school, 7/hr. shift. Option to collect unemployment over summer. Contact: CONNIE at STS, 717-875-5287

BECOME A PUBLISHED AUTHOR. We want to Read Your Book! Dorrance Publishing-Trusted by Authors Since 1920. Book manuscript submissions currently being reviewed. Comprehensive Services: Consultation, Production, Promotion and Distribution. Call for your Free Author’s Guide 1-866-482-1576 or visit:

May 4, 11 & 18 from 1 to 4 PM For brochure or land plotting visit Financing, deposit or bridge loan available to qualified buyer. Call Randal V. Kline 717-733-1006 (Lender NMLS ID #834368).


John E. & Emma H. Stoltzfus 717-945-3936 Pennysaver - Pequea Valley Edition - May 15, 2024 - 13 R106706 Bird-In-Hand Builders Help Wanted Full-Time Driver/Worker 717-587-4294, ask for Raymond To drive crews to job site and help work. R106720 FULL-TIME DEPENDABLE WORKER NEEDED FOR CONSTRUCTION CREW Specializing in remodeling & decks. Experience preferred, but willing to train. Vacation & benefits offered. Call for personal interview A & A Renovations • 484-645-1925 Randal V. Kline Roy E. Good, Jr. Aaron Z. Nolt Curvin M. Horning 717-733-1006 Lic. #499, 2116, 5064, 3956 R105628 860 S. Custer Ave., New Holland. From New Holland take S. Custer Ave. OR from White Horse take Rt. 897 N. Left Peters Rd. Right S. Custer Ave. Country farm house w/2832 SF, large eat-in kitchen w/upgraded cabinets & pantry, laundry, living rm., family rm., mud rm., 5 bdrms., 1st floor bdrm., master bdrm. w/nursery, 2 full baths, utility rm., canning rm. & radiant HW gas heat. Updated w/new insulated/tilt windows, insulation, drywall, paint, flooring, addition, radiant HW gas heat sys., remodeled bsmt., low maintenance exterior, 2 car gar. 30x30, horse barn 16x30 w/water & elec., level rural 6/10 acre lot w/lawn & garden. After 9 years owners relocating to farm in New York & serious to sell. Movein condition house w/numerous upgrades. Economical & low maintenance in ideal country location. Minutes to Intercourse & White Horse. Personal inspection by appointment or Open House
ACRE LOT - MACADAM PARKING INTERCOURSE/GORDONVILLE/WHITE HORSE AREA THURSDAY, MAY 23 • 5 P.M. David J. Sr. & Beth D. Maxwell 484-225-0307 Stonehedge Holdings, LLC. Jacob King: 717-405-7724 R106744 Randal V. Kline, Roy E. Good, Jr. Aaron Z. Nolt, Curvin M. Horning 717-606-2226 Lic. #499, 2116, 5064, 3956 PUBLIC AUCTION 3 UNIT INVESTMENT PROPERTY 2 STORY 3 UNIT – BARN/GARAGE – .38 ACRE 3 SEPARATE TRACTS SOLD TOGETHER AS ENTIRETY PARADISE – GORDONVILLE AREA SAT., JUNE 8 • 9 A.M. 3130, 3132 & 3134 Lincoln Hwy. E, Paradise, PA 17562. Rt. 30 W. (Lincoln Hwy. E.) of Vintage to property on left. (Paradise Twp., Lanc. Co.) 2 story 3 unit building w/approx. 5427 total SF finished area. 3130 Lincoln Hwy. E, Paradise: Approx. 1404 SF finished area w/eat-in kitchen, living room, 3 bedrooms, 1 full bath. 3132 Lincoln Hwy. E, Paradise: Approx. 1494 SF finished area w/eat-in kitchen, living room, 3 bedrooms, 1 full bath. 3134 Lincoln Hwy. E, Paradise: Approx. 2529 SF finished area w/eat-in kitchen, living room, 3 bedrooms, 1 full bath. Low maintenance exterior w/ insulated windows, covered front porch, full basement, electric baseboard heat. Tenants pay utilities. Outbuildings: Detached shop/garage w/metal lean-to building all on .38 Acres w/approx. 6 rear parking spaces for all 3 units. Potential yearly gross income $54,000. Zoned Village Mixed Use. Great opportunity to purchase apartment bldgs. w/steady income! Modest rents. Ideal investment opportunity w/lots of potential. Three separate parcels to be sold as entirety. Minutes to Gordonville, Intercourse & Gap. Personal inspection by appointment or open house May 18, 25 & June 1 from 1 P.M. to 4 P.M. For brochure or land plotting visit www.klinekreidergood. com. Financing, deposit or bridge loan available to qualified buyer. Call Randal V. Kline 717-733-1006 (Lender NMLS ID #834368)
Call: 1.800.428.4211 or 717.653.9848 Mon-Fri 8am-4:30pm Fax: 717.492.2566 Errors & Corrections: Check your ad the first time it appears to make sure that it is correct! Engle Printing & Publishing Co., Inc. will be responsible only for the first incorrect insertion and to no greater extent than the cost of the space occupied by the error. The publisher assumes no financial responsibility for errors or the omission of copy. If you find an error, please call 1-800-428-4211 immediately for a correction. All ads must be prepaid. Minimum one week charge on all ads placed.
AD Business Opp Cards of Thanks Child Care Church Listing Elder Care Free Items Garage Sales Items Wanted Legal Notices Lost & Found Seasonal Services Rendered Special Notice Your Attention FOR SALE: Antiques Appliances Bicycles Boats Building Materials Clothing Collectibles Computers Electronics Furniture Household Goods Lawn & Garden Livestock Machinery Musical Instruments Pets Photographic Produce and Edibles Sporting Goods Tools Miscellaneous HELP WANTED: Employment Agencies General Management Mechanical Trades Medical Office/Secretarial Professional Sales REAL ESTATE: For Rent For Sale Manufactured Housing Wanted AUTOMOTIVE: Auto Parts & Supplies Autos Cycles Recreational Vehicles S.U.V.s Trucks CLASSIFICATIONS DEADLINES (for the following Wednesday issue - call for holiday deadlines) Wednesday Noon: Web ads (All papers) Wednesday Noon: Chester Co. Community Courier Thursday 10:00am: Pennysaver Thursday 1:00pm: Advertiser Thursday 3:00pm: Columbia/Wrightsville Merchandiser, Hershey/Middletown
Community Courier
Thursday 4:00pm: Merchandiser
AUCTION FOR: LOUIS F. CLOSTER & ELLEN L. LAHASKI Auction By: MARTIN & RUTT AUCTIONEERS, LLC Michael J. Martin (717) 371-3333 John J. Rutt II (717) 587-8906 Cameron Rutt AY2189-L Located at 206 Summitville Rd., New Holland, PA Earl Twp. Lancaster Co. Directions: From Rt. 23 in New
General PT STAFF - National Toy Train Museum. Seasonal hrs. April thru Dec. Flexible, great work atmosphere, Call for an application, 717-687-8623 X103 Mechanical Trades FT AUTOMOTIVE TECH 2 years experience Must have PA drivers license, state and emissions license. Contact KEESEYS SERVICE CENTER 610-857-2411 THE WITMER GROUP, a nationally recognized masonry contractor, is currently seeking a FT MECHANIC. This position is responsible for performing maintenance
repairs to all company equipment. This includes various types of equipment including hydro mobile, rough terrain forklifts, gas saws and small tools. $1,000 SIGN ON BONUS with full benefit package. Apply online at or email THE WITMER GROUP, located in Mount Joy PA, is currently


DIAGNOSED WITH LUNG CANCER and 65+? You may qualify for a substantial cash award. NO obligation! We've recovered millions. Let us help!!! Call 24/7, 1-866-590-5563.

REPLACE YOUR ROOF with the best looking and longest lasting material - steel from Erie Metal Roofs! Three styles and multiple colors available. Guaranteed to last a lifetime! Limited Time Offer - up to 50% off installation + Additional 10% off install (for military, health workers & 1st responders.) Call Erie Metal Roofs: 1-855-338-4807.

REPOSSESSED VEHICLE? YOU may be entitled to substantial money and improved credit. REPO ALERT! FREE LEGAL ADVICE 1-800-601-0808


ASSISTANCE FOR ELDERLY, caregivers provide hygiene assistance, meals, light housework in your home. Insured, Bonded, RN owned & operated. Call Visiting Angels, 717-393-3450.


Bldg. Materials




PA’s Largest Buyer of Toys & Collectibles 27 E Lancaster Street, Red Lion, PA

Hours: M-W 8am-4pm, Th.-F by appt. 717-329-8167 •

Toys Vintage or Modern, New or Used, Hess Trucks, Barbies, Diecast, Hot Wheels & Matchbox, Action Figures, Models, Trains, Sports Cards/Memorabilia, Movie/Music Memorabilia, Video Games & much more!

Lawn & Garden

DELLA ROVA’S LANDSCAPING Mowing, mulching, edging. Lowest prices guaranteed. 717-875-6090, ask for John.

EARTHWISE LANDSCAPE & TREE CARE Spring clean-ups. Edging, seeding, fertilization, mulching, shrub & tree pruning. 717-626-2541 (PA 088021)

FREE REMOVAL of Riding Mowers. Call/text Jim 717-940-9029


2 ACA YORKIE male puppies, have shots, dewormed & vet checked. DOB 2/1/24. $750 each. 5 ACA WELSH CORGI puppies. Blue Merle & tricolored. DOB 3/31/24. Have shots, vet checked & dewormed. AKC Standard Poodle Stud Service. Call 717-687-8252 ext. 0

WELSH CORGI PUPPIES, ACA, tri-color & red & white, extra cute, health guarantee, 717-661-7947.

Sporting Goods

GUNS WANTED INSTANT PAYMENT 1 gun or collection - will travel Kinsey’s Outdoors, 717-653-5524



CARPORTS: 23 ft. W x21 ft. L, 12 ft. H. Perfect for parking a car or tractor. For info call 717-682-5841.

DENTAL INSURANCE from Physicians Mutual Insurance Company. Coverage for 350 plus procedures. Real dental insurance - NOT just a discount plan. Do not wait! Call now! Get your FREE Dental Information Kit with all the details! 1-877-553-1891 #6258

3 YEAR OLD Standard Goldendoodle female, $100. 4 month old goldendoodle puppies up to date on shots, $150 each. Lic#18572 717-442-9896

GERMAN SHEPHERD PUPPIES, AKC, vet checked, dewormed, shots, 1 yr. health guarantee, $695. 717-529-3762.

GOLDEN RETRIEVER MIX PUPPIES tri-color, really cute, health guarantee, $350. 717-661-7947


Raised in our home. 4 girls, 1 boy. Vet checked. Ready 5/11/24. Mon.-Sun. apt. avail. 717-601-1558

MINI BERNADOODLE PUPPIES, tricolor, family raised, b.2/26. $650. Also 5 yr. old ACA CORGI, tricolor female, $350 obo. 717-687-8252 x1.

PIT/LAB MIX PUPPIES , shots and dewormed call (717)666-9505

TWO MALE BORDER Collie Puppies for sale $300. 717-891-1639

DIRECTV OVER INTERNET - Get your favorite live TV, sports and local channels. 99% signal reliability! CHOICE Package, $84.99/mo. for 12 mos. HBO Max and Premium Channels included for 3 mos. (w/CHOICE Package or higher.) No annual contract, no hidden fees! Some restrictions apply. Call IVS 1-866629-6086.

DON’T LET THE stairs limit your mobility! Discover the ideal solution for anyone who struggles on the stairs, is concerned about a fall, or wants to regain access to their entire home. Call AmeriGlide today! 1-844-317-5246.

GET DISH SATELLITE TV + Internet! Free Install, Free HD-DVR Upgrade, 80,000 On-Demand Movies, Plus Limited Time Up to $600 in Gift Cards. Call Today! 1855-224-7694

NEED IRS RELIEF $10K-$125K + Get Fresh Start or Forgiveness. Call 1-877-7051472. Mon. through Fri. 7am-5pm PST.

NEW WINDOWS FROM Window Nation. Special money saving offer - zero down, zero payments, zero interest for TWO years AND buy 2 windows and get 2 FREE! Offer is valid on select models. Labor not included. Other restrictions apply. Call Window Nation today! 1855-826-7398

PREPARE FOR POWER outages today with a GENERAC Home Standby Generator. Act now to receive a FREE 5-year warranty with a qualifying purchase. Call 1855-465-7624 today to schedule a free quote. It’s not just a generator. It’s a power move.

RUINED CREDIT FROM car repo? REPO ALERT! You may be entitled to substantial money and improved credit. FREE LEGAL ADVICE 1-800-601-0808.

THE BATHROOM OF your dreams in as little as 1 day. Limited Time Offer - $1000 off or No Payments and No Interest for 18 months for customers who qualify. BCI Bath & Shower. Many options available. Quality materials & professional installation. Senior & Military Discounts Available. Call Today! 1-877-540-2780

shoes, coats, sweaters, dishes, HH. BAKED GOODS • FOOD. Rain or Shine.

MULTI-FAMILY-NEW HOLLAND 676 MEETINGHOUSE RD., SAT. 5/18 7am-? Books, puzzles, HH, baby

14 - Pennysaver - Pequea Valley Edition - May 15, 2024 R106826 LANCASTER POST OFFICE IS CURRENTLY HIRING ALL QUALIFIED APPLICANTS! Openings Available at LANCASTER: • Career PTF City Carrier Positions w/Benefits and starting at $22.18 per hour • Rural Carrier Assistant $20.38 per hour + (85¢ per mile reimbursement for POV) • Assistant Rural Carrier $20.38 per hour (Scheduled to work Sundays and Holidays only. May volunteer Monday through Saturday) We Offer Our Team Members a Variety of Benefits: • Competitive Pay & Reimbursement • Health, Dental, Vision & Life Insurance • Paid Sick, Vacation & Federal Holiday Leave • Opportunity for Career Development & Training • Regular Salary Increases, Overtime, Night/Sunday Premium, Cost of Living Adjustments R106911 Breakfast Cooks FT PRODUCTION MANAGER Beechdale Woodworks specializes in custom doors, windows, and cupolas • Millwork Experience Required • Understands Shop Drawings • Detail-oriented • Basic Computer Skills • Excellent Time Management • Strong Communicator • Motivated & Driven For Success We offer a competitive salary, paid time off, holiday pay, Simple IRA with company match, health insurance & quarterly bonuses. For More Details, Contact John at 717.587.2377 552A Beechdale Road • Bird In Hand, PA 17505 HELP WANTED R106449 NOWHIRING Part-Time & Full-Time Benefits - 401(k) - Flexible Hours R105123 Call 717-806-0991 or e-mail to apply CDL Driver, Diesel Mechanic & Loaders START IMMEDIATELY R106773 HELP WANTED Dienner’s Country Restaurant 2855 Lincoln Highway East Ronks, PA 17572 717-687-9571 x201 • Host/Cashier • Bussers • Dishwasher Full-Time or Part-Time Download an application online or stop in or call for an application Miscellaneous THE GENERAC PWRCELL, a solar plus battery storage system. SAVE money, reduce your reliance on the grid, prepare for power outages and power your home. Full installation services available. $0 Down Financing Option. Request a FREE, no obligation, quote today. Call 1-866-783-0292. PLACE YOUR CLASSIFIED AD ONLINE AT TOWNLIVELY.COM FREE ITEMS HAVE SOMETHING TO GIVE AWAY? Place a FREE Ad! Call 1-800-428-4211 15 word, private party ad for 1 week (some restrictions apply) SEARCH OUR CLASSIFIEDS online at GARAGE SALES NOTICE: It is recommended that you begin your garage or yard sale ad with the town, then street address, dates & times. 10+ FAMILIES! DOWNINGTOWN 5/18 8am-Noon. Christine Drive, Downingtown. DEVELOPMENT YARD SALES New Holland. MAY 18 7-2PM W Broad St, Westfield Drive & W Conestoga St 15+ homes participating! Coffee + Food also available! EAST FALLOWFIELD - Manchester Farms Dev. (Bridle Path Ln.)off West Chester Rd. SAT., 5/18, 8a-2p R/S. Furn., HH, antqs.,
5/17& 5/18. 7a-? Annual Town Sale. HH, clothes, books, plants. Rain/shine. HUGE BASEMENT & YARD SALE - WHITE HORSE, 170 Cambridge Rd., Gap. 5/16, 5/17, & 5/18. Longaberger®, P. House, HH, Misc., lots more. Rain or Shine MULTI-FAMILY
RONKS 2524
7-3. Lots of Amish clothes, all sizes Sunday suits,
kids items, etc. GARAGE/YARD SALE-EAST EARL 5187 Paes Rd New Holland Fri & Sat May 17 & 18, 7am-7pm Tools, Household Goods, Etc HONEY BROOK, (CAMBRIDGE) 6269 Main St,
2-7, 5/25
clothes, misc., furniture & more. NEW HOLLAND-189 S. SHIRK RD. Sat. 5/18, 7am-? Brass bed, dresses, dishes, clothes, lamps, tables, misc. Tel Hai Retirement Community Hertzler Bldg ~ 1200 Tel Hai Circle ~ Off Beaver Dam Road in Honey Brook Appliances, Furniture, Jewelry, Home Decor, Crystal, Housewares, China, Collectables. Proceeds benefit the Tel Hai Care Assurance Fund For directions visit RESALE SHOP (FLEA MARKET) Fri., MAY 17 • 9:00 am-1:00 pm
All ads appear online at no additional cost. Reach just your neighborhood or choose a wider geography or call 1-800-428-4211 Monday thru Friday 8:30 to 4:00 for more information. Place your ad a WEEK before your garage sale date PLANNING A GARAGE SALE?



5/17 & 5/18 8-12.

2340 Sue Ann Dr, Lanc. R/S

YARD SALE AT 5312 Countryside Dr, Kinzer on 5/18/24. Starting at 8:00 to 12:00. Plenty of goodies for everyone. Home decor, small furniture, tools etc.



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COAL/WOOD/PELLET STOVES & Inserts, New & Refurbished. Over 300 models in stock. $100-$800 & up. Buy/Sell/Trade. Call 717-577-6640


FOUND AN ITEM? Place a FREE 15 word ad in your local issue to locate the owner of your found item. 1-800-428-4211

READ YOUR AD THE FIRST WEEK IT APPEARS This publication will not be responsible for more than one incorrect insertion of any advertisement.



Hanging, Finishing & Repairs KENT SAUDER, LLC Text/Call: 717-989-2069


Plumbing • Electrical • Carpentry Licensed & Insured, 610-547-7789


Int/Ext • Drywall repairs • Custom colors Call Damien 717-940-5912 PA032157 Let us brush & roll your project away!


JACUZZI BATH REMODEL can install a new, Custom bath or shower in as little as one day. For a limited time, waiving ALL installation costs! (Additional terms apply. Subject to change and vary by dealer.) Offer ends 6/30/24. Call 1-844-826-2535


Basements, garages, attics, appliances. Five Star Property Service, 717-278-1030

PAINTING By Triple P Int/Ext, Res/Com, 30 yrs exp. FREE ESTIMATES, Fully insured Eric, 717-615-6442 PA 116089

SAFE STEP. NORTH America’s #1 Walk-In Tub. Comprehensive lifetime warranty. Top-of-the-line installation and service. Now featuring our FREE shower package and $1,600 off for a limited time! Call today! Financing available. Call Safe Step: 1-833-356-1954.


WANTED! MOTORCYCLES & MINI BIKES! ANTIQUE AND CLASSIC. Honda, Kawasaki, Suzuki, Yamaha, Triumph, BSA, and other foreign models. $$PAYING CA$H$$ 717-577-8206



All real estate advertised in this publication is subject to the Federal Fair Housing Act and the Pennsylvania Human Relations Act which makes it illegal to advertise a preference, limitation or discrimination based on race, color religion, ancestry, sex, national origin, handicap (physical or mental) or familial status (people with children) or an intention to make any such preference, limitation or discrimination. This publication will not knowingly accept any advertisement for real estate which is in violation of the law Our readers are hearby informed that all dwellings advertised in this publication are required to be available on an equal opportunity basis. *NOTE TO OUR CUSTOMERS* When placing your real estate ad please describe the property only, not who you wish to occupy it.

For Rent



Attics • Basements • Junk Removal Great prices! 717-205-6067


Will move households (will go out of state). Fair prices for Clean Outs of Attics, Basements. 717-442-3301


Interior Remodeling, Hanging, Finishing, Framing, Painting, Basements, Additions, Insured. PA 022669. 717-587-4102


Expert tree removal, stump grinding & Trimming. Fully Insured 610-656-5880

BUSHES PROFESSIONALLY TRIMMED & pruned. Hedges, shrubbery, ornamental plants aesthetically maintained. No job too small. Spring clean-up, mulching, light landscaping. 717-405- 8733

CLOCK REPAIR - TRAGER 717-786-7053

DL PROPERTY MAINTENANCE Shed repairs • Landscaping • Mowing Patios • Powerwashing. 717-715-5230

DRYWALL & PLASTER REPAIR, warr. work; Prompt, clean, neat, prof. Satisfaction guar. 717-951-5077, MasterPlaster.


STROKE AND CARDIOVASCULAR disease are leading causes of death, according to the American Heart Association. Screenings can provide peace of mind or early detection! Contact Life Line Screening to schedule your screening. Special offer - 5 screenings for just $149. Call 1-866-518-8391.


717-989-7938, leave message.

Tree Trimming & Removal Land/Brush Clearing • Stump Grinding Since 1996 • 717-768-0114 SUNNYSLOPETREESERVICE.COM



We use modern pruning techniques for the health & safety of your trees & shrubs. Certified arborist on staff. Also removals, storm damage, & yard cleanup. 717-626-2541 (PA 088021)

WE FIX AND service small engines, complete services on Lawn mowers etc. Pickup available. Call or text Dan 717-201-5741

WE TRANSFORM YOUR kitchen in less time, with less stress, at an amazing value. Since 1979, Kitchen Magic, a family-owned business offering cabinet refacing, new cabinetry, and luxury countertop throughout the Northeast. Call today for a free estimate. 1-844887-5145 (PA017137).



Clean, Repair, Gutter Guards. Property Maint. by Steve. 717-892-7411

HANDYMAN: Painting. Power Washing. Land/Hardscaping. Spring Clean Ups, Gutters/Guards, Decks, Roofing. Mailboxes. 717-419-9855. PA047811

HAULING, JUNK REMOVAL. Bsmts, sheds, garages cleaned out. Tree brush. Odd jobs. We also move people. Free est. Visa/MC/ Disc/AmEx. 717-456-6051; 410-688-7569 CRASS HAULING


Removal of black stains off roof & exterior cleaning. 717-424-8504

ALWAYS BUYING Classic, Muscle & Sports Cars Jeff Gast, 717-575-4561

BUYING CLASSIC CARS, TRUCKS, SUVs **American and Foreign** Any Condition. Buying entire car collections. $$PAYING CA$H$$ Please call 717-577-8206

BUYING SPORTS CARDS BUYING SPORTS Baseball, Football, Basketball, Hockey $$$ CASH PAID 717-889-9331 $$$

BUYING UNWANTED HEATING OIL 40¢/ga. - will pick up. 717-587-7315.

CORVETTES WANTED 1953 thru 2019 Jeff Gast, 717-575-4561

GET YOUR DEDUCTION ahead of the yearend! Donate your car, truck, or SUV to assist blind and visually impaired. Arrange a swift, no-cost vehicle pickup and secure a generous year-end tax credit. Call Heritage for the Blind Today at 1-844-3202804 today!

PINBALL MACHINES & ARCADES WANTED. Any condition, working or not. Call Matt: 717-538-9485, thanks.

VEHICLE REPOSSESSED? YOU may be entitled to substantial money and improved credit. REPO ALERT! FREE LEGAL ADVICE 1-800-601-0808 Pennysaver - Pequea Valley Edition - May 15, 2024 - 15 R089781 5004 Horseshoe Pike Honey Brook, PA 19344 610-273-3724 Mon.-Fri. 6am-6pm, Sat. 7am-3pm • Chain Saws • Trimmers • Blowers • Pressure Washers/Sprayers • Hedge Trimmers • Lawn Mowers • Snow Blowers Small Engine Service & Repair Retail Building for Rent 2050 sq. feet • Lower level storage Oil & electric heat • Air conditioning 2707 Old Philadelphia Pike (Main Street), Bird-in-Hand Call Donna at (717) 768-8272. R106920 R106064 Eastwood Village Homes LLC Open House Model Homes with Garages Available to Inspect! 453 Eastwood Lane, Lancaster, PA 17601 (717) 397-3138 DIRECTIONS: Take Route 30 East to Greenfield Road. Turn right onto Greenfield Road. Continue past the entrance of Villages at Greenfield. Turn right onto Ben Franklin Blvd. Go over bridge and follow signs to model homes. New Homes For Sale - First Floor Living Villages at Greenfield Manufactured Housing Lot Rent Community Saturday, May 18th • 11am-1pm AUTO PARTS & SUPPLIES $300-$1,000 CASH PAID ON ALL VEHICLES Serving York/Lancaster. 717-515-2607 WANTED DEAD OR ALIVE! Cash paid for unwanted cars, trucks. Any condition. Call Brian 717-542-1055 CYCLES CASH PAID: ATVs, ATCs, Golf Carts, Motorcycles, 2/3/4 Wheelers, Any Year, Running Or Not. Call/Txt 610-656-3158 AUTO PARTS & SUPPLIES $0-$1,000 Always paying cash for junk cars. Prompt, Honest Service. 717-246-2888 PA0002 $100-$5,000
FOR UNWANTED OR JUNK AUTOS Free same day removal. All paperwork taken care of legally. PA licensed & insured. Call anytime 717-989-6980
ROOMS FOR RENT.Shared kitchen and bathroom. New Holland area. Avail 2nd week in May. 717-490-4851. SECOND FLOOR APT for rent in Quarryville. 1 Bed/ 1 Bath, oil heat & trash included. Off Street parking. No Pets. $875. 717-517-0101
WANTED: CARS/TRUCKS In Excellent Condition Jeff Gast, 717-575-4561


16 - Pennysaver - Pequea Valley Edition - May 15, 2024 R106819 Specials Monday, May 13th thru Wednesday, May 22nd While Supplies Last
Cooper Sliced or Chunked White American Cheese Lb $4.99 Vernon Manor Pepperoni 2 Lb $5.99 Hormel Cooked Ham Lb $2.69 John F Martin Tavern Ham Lb $3.69 John F Martin Farmers Cheese Lb $2.49 Oven Roasted Turkey Breast Lb $3.99 80/20 Ground Beef 10 Lb Rolls $3.49 Lb Muenster Cheese Lb $2.49 Deli Department Thermflo Lb $2.49 Organic Cane Sugar 10 Lb $10.99 Strawberry Gelatin 24 Oz $4.99 Raisins Lb $2.29 Chia Seeds Lb $3.69 Graham Cracker Crumbs Lb $2.99 May Bulk Foods Land O Lakes Sliced White American Cheese 5 Lb $10.99 Land O Lakes Salted Butter Quarters Lb $3.69 Bar S Hot Dogs 16 Oz 2/$4 Sauerkraut 2 Lb 2/$4 John F Martin Bacon 4 Lb $15.99 Mozzarella String Cheese 24 Oz $2.99 WC Cream Cheese 8 Oz 3/$4 Swiss Drinks Select Varieties, Gallons 2/$5 Large Brown - Free Range - Eggs Doz $2.50 Dairy
Stock Up on Canning Supplies! Himalayan Salt 10 Lb Bags 99¢ Lb Mrs Wages Items 10% OFF Sure Jel 2/$5 **Ball Lids & Jars Stock Up Now While On Special** Ball Regular Mouth Lids 12 Ct (Reg $3 99) $2.49 Ball Wide Mouth Lids 12 Ct (Reg $5 49) $4.49 Ball Qt. Reg. Mouth Jars 12 Ct (Reg $19 49) $17.49 Ball Qt. Wide Mouth Jars 12 Ct (Reg $21 49) $19.49 **Stock Up On Baking Supplies** White Sugar 4 Lb 2/$7 Crisco Butter Flavor Shortening 48 Oz (Reg $11 99) $5.99 **Musselman Items Stock Up Now While On Special** Musselman's Applesauce #10 Can (Reg $10 49) $8.49 Musselman's Apple Butter #10 Can (Reg $13 49) $11.49 **Stock Up On Grocery Supplies** Corn Chex Cereal 12 Oz (Reg $5 49) 2/$5 Heinz Ketchup 38 Oz (Reg $3 99) 2/$5 Herr's Assorted Potato Chips 7¾-8 Oz Buy One, Get One FREE Our Family Reg. Marshmallows 16 Oz (Reg $2 50) 2/$4 Utz Sourdough Pretzel Specials 16 Oz 2/$4 Cream of Mushroom/Chicken 10 5 Oz (Reg $2 29) 4/$5 Manzanilla Olives 7 Oz (Reg $1 79) 2/$3 Lance Crackers Select Var $3.50 Grocery Aisle Grocery Aisle Zook's 8" Chicken Pies $7.99 Extra Creamy Cool Whip 16 Oz 2/$4 Original Cool Whip 8 Oz 2/$3 Kemps Vanilla Ice Cream Gal $8.99 Turkey Hill Black Raspberry Ice Cream 1 44 Qt $3.99 73/27 Ground Beef 3 Lb $7.99 OnCor Lasagna 65 Oz $5.99 Good Humor Vanilla Ice Cream Cake 21 9 Oz 2/$1 Frozen Foods 610-593-6577 1300 Georgetown Rd�, Quarryville, PA 17566 ATM NOW AVAILABLE IN OUR STORE! GIFT CARDS NOW AVAILABLE Mon -Tues -Wed 7:00am-6:00pm Thurs & Fri 7:00am-8:30pm Sat 7:00am-4:30pm, Closed Sun FREE Coffee, Drinks, Donuts Monday-Saturday May 13th-18th Drawing for GIFT BASKETS DAILY, GIFT CARDS, & a GRAND PRIZE! FREE ICE CREAM w/any Purchase till May 18th We Will Be CLOSING EARLY at 5pm Mon., May 20th Pentacostal Monday. RD 3RD 3 3 RD **Stock Up on Drink Supplies** Gatorade Assorted, 8 Ct (Reg $9 99) $6.99 Country Time Lemonade Powder 5 Lb 2 5 Oz (Reg $12 19) $7.99 Celsius Grape 4 Ct Pk (Reg $3 99) 2/$5 Celsius Vibe Variety Pack 12 Ct (Reg $11 50) $9.99 2/12 Ct (Reg $22 75) $17.50

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