Furnishing lives
About a year ago, Amanda Reilly-Sokoli and her husband, Pashk Sokoli, first attended a Together Initiative Network (TIN) meeting at The Factory Ministries as representatives of Pennsylvania Furniture Mission, a nonprofit entity they founded in Columbia with the goal of helping families and individuals experiencing economic hardship or exiting homelessness to furnish a home.
The couple was interested in attending the TIN meeting after getting acquainted with representatives of The Factory Ministries when both organizations received a Level Up and Launch Grant from the United Way at the same time. “We got to know The Factory Ministries and build a relationship with them,” said Amanda. “It’s all about relationship.”
Developing relationships with faith-based organizations and other nonprofits in the Pequea Valley area has become one of the goals of the mission. “We would love to build relationships with churches who could send families to benefit from the program,” said Amanda, who added that church members will also have opportunities to donate furniture or money, or to volunteer. “We have lots of things to do here and lots of ways people can give back,” she added. “We would love to have a volunteer in our office answering phones and sharing with donors

about the items we can receive and the protocol for donations when they call or answering questions from churches and nonprofits that call.”
Another need is for a second truck so that more pickups and deliveries can be accomplished.”
There’s so much need and so much furniture,” said Amanda. “If there’s anybody downsizing their business with a truck to donate, we would love to dialogue about how
to receive that truck.” The mission serves five counties in addition to Lancaster, meaning that pickups of donations and deliveries to clients can take personnel about an hour away in each direction from the organization’s 341 Chestnut St., Columbia, headquarters. “We set up a route based on that county for that day, and we try to do all pickups and deliveries in that area,” Amanda said.
According to Amanda, gently
used mattresses without stains or tears are highly prized by the mission. “We use a medical-grade sanitizer on upholstered furniture and mattresses,” she said, noting that people should not assume mattresses and box springs are trash. She pointed out that guest bed mattresses and those left when a child goes to college or when a family downsizes may have a place in the mission warehouse.
See Furniture pg 6

Classic cartooning
When 2D animator Ed Klein visits a library to teach a group of children and adults a few cartooning basics, he likes to set the mood with a little background music, so the sounds of an orchestra playing tunes associated with Saturday morning favorites and animated movies accompanies Klein’s instructions.
Klein also likes to wear a baseball cap during his programs and to keep the presentation interactive, which he did when he worked with a crowd of more than 30 in the Perella Schoolhouse at the Intercourse Library on June 11.
Klein welcomed the group to what he called “cartooning made easy,” breaking the ice by asking how many members of the class practice drawing up to six days a week. “I promise that if you put to use what I am going to show you, you’ll get better and better,” stated Klein, who also promised that each child present would leave with a drawing Klein had completed. Children could receive a drawing by guessing the name of the character Klein was creating on the page. Klein’s first giveaway was a drawing of a dog associated with a group of four teenagers that has a knack for solving mysteries. He followed that up with an animal that hails from
See Intercourse Library pg 7

Submitted by Leona Baker, Historical Society of Salisbury Township
Some information for this article came from https://about.lafayette .edu/mission-and-history/ the-marquis-de-lafayette and www.battlefields
.org/learn/biographies/ marquis-de-lafayette.
On Thursday, July 4, we will celebrate the signing of the Declaration of Independence of the United States of America. But we must not forget those long years of war that followed. Considerable
Shoes & Boots For The Whole Family
diplomatic effort by Benjamin Franklin and his cortege persuaded many in France to help the cause of freedom. The Marquis de Lafayette, a wealthy aristocrat, was one of those who came to the aid of the struggling army led by Gen. George Washington. Gilbert du Motier, Marquis de Lafayette, was born in France in 1757. Though of an old aristocratic family, he developed a fascination with the Colonial conflict brewing in America. He explained in a letter to his wife, “The welfare of America is intimately connected with the happiness of all mankind; she will become


the respectable and safe asylum of virtue, integrity, tolerance, equality, and a peaceful liberty.”

In 1777, he sailed across the Atlantic to aid that cause for freedom. Shortly after arriving, he became a member of Washington’s staff. Because of his “bravery and military ardor” at the Battle of Brandywine in Chester County, Congress soon gave the Frenchman command of his own division. Washington and Lafayette were close companions throughout the war.
After the American Revolution, Lafayette returned to France to fight for liberty and equality “for all mankind.” As a statesman, he befriended Native Americans, defended the rights of French Protestants and Jews, backed national revolutions in Europe and South America, spoke out against capital punishment and became an international advocate of the antislavery

CHRISTIAN FELLOWSHIP CHURCH: 758 Spruce Rd., New Holland 717-354-8428. “Building Community with Christ, to Impact a World without Christ” Pastor: Dr. Doug Bozung. Please go to cfcnewholland.org/visit for information concerning worship services, adult ministries, youth & children’s ministries.
LIGHTHOUSE CHURCH (AG): Located at 105 Earland Dr., New Holland, invites you to join us for a time of contemporary worship and biblical preaching at our 8:00, 9:30, 11:00 services on Sunday morning and 7:00 service on Wednesday evening. Childcare for birth through 5th grade available during 2nd and 3rd Sunday morning services and Wednesday evening service. Lead Pastor: Stephen Ritchey. For more information on our services and programs, visit Lighthouseag.com
CHURCH: 1199 Valley Road Quarryville. Sunday Services: Sunday School 9 AM; Blended Worship 10:30 AM. 717-786-3402 Visit us online at www.middleoctorara.org
CHURCH: 1241 May Post Office Rd., Quarryville, (5 mi. South of Strasburg, 3 mi. North of 372). Rev. Margaret Rohnacher, Pastor. Sunday worship service 9:30 am. Limited handicap accessibility. 717-786-7565 mtedenlutheranchurch@gmail.com
OUR LADY OF LOURDES Catholic Church: 150 Water Street, New Holland, PA 17557 Father Steven Fauser, Pastor. Visit us online at www.ourladyoflourdesnh.com Sunday 8am & 10:30am. Saturday 5pm. Weekday Mass: Mon., Tues., Thurs. & Fri. 9am.
PARKESBURG WORD OF FAITH CHURCH Sunday Service 10 am & Wednesday prayer at 7:30 pm - at 501 Lenover Rd., Parkesburg, PA 19365. Call 610-593-2277 www.parkesburgwordoffaith.org
SALEM EVANGELICAL REFORMED CHURCH, HELLERS (founded 1725), 2555 Horseshoe Rd. Lancaster. 717656-9249. Sunday Worship held 9:25 am Holy Communion 1st Sun. of month. Adult Sunday School at 10:45 am. Handicap Accessible. Pastor: Bruce Tully. E-mail: info@salemhellers.com; Website: www.salemhellers.com
ST. STEPHEN REFORMED CHURCH (Presbyterian Church In America): “A Beacon on the Hill.” The Word of God is central to our worship. Sunday worship at 8:15 and 10:30am with Kingdom’s kids and nursery provided for the 10:30 service. Sunday school for all ages at 9:30am. Choir sings the last Sunday of each month. Youth group on Sundays at 6:00 pm for grades 6th-12th. Lead Pastor: Rev. Dr. Andrew DiNardo. 249 East Main Street, New Holland. 717-354-7871. http://ststephenpca.org
Please Note: Updates can be made to your church’s listing for 1st issue date of each month only. (Changes must be submitted by the previous Wednesday.)
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On Church Listings And Rates, Call Justin at 717-492-2533

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or email advertising@engleonline.com for more information or to reserve your ad space. Deadline: Monday, July 29
pg 1
Amanda and Pashk were working for separate nonprofits in Chicago when they decided to combine their skills and passions and return to Amanda’s home state to open the furniture bank. “There’s a huge need in Lancaster County and surrounding areas, and there are also folks who can donate,” said Amanda. “To have a successful furniture bank, you need to have the ability to source the furniture and have the monetary resources,” she continued, adding that part of the Pennsylvania Furniture Mission model is to hire from referral partners to try to provide job opportunities. Book Freeman, who works in the mission warehouse, said that he prefers the job over any other he has had. “It doesn’t feel like work,” said Freeman. “Seeing people’s reactions (when they receive furniture) is so rewarding.”

Because of their past experiences - Pashk was homeless in Albania and Amanda moved to Chicago with a car full of belongings, but no furniture when starting out - the pair wants to help clients whatever their circumstances. “People come from different places and experiences,” explained Amanda. “We are here to support people and meet them wherever they are.”
In the Pequea Valley area, the mission works closely with Bethany Miller and Mike Lewis at The Factory. Amanda recalled when a Factory client needed to get back on his feet, he was amazed by the choice model the furniture bank offers. “Being able to choose the furniture was huge,” she said, adding that the client made a connection with Pashk over shared experiences.
The mission is also in need of space. From the organization’s 2,000-squarefoot showroom, clients may receive only enough to fill a bedroom or enough furniture for an entire home, plus a box of kitchenware. The additional 5,000 square feet of warehouse space in their current warehouse is not enough. “We will soon need additional warehouse space, so if someone has some space, and they would like a tax write-off for supporting a nonprofit that’s doing a lot of good, (they can contact us),” Amanda said.
Readers who would like more information about the mission may visit www.penn sylvaniafurnituremission .org or call 717-813-2452.


Intercourse Library
from pg 1

Tasmania and is known for zipping into scenes with the speed of a buzz saw. Klein took time to answer questions from attendees, such as “What is one of your favorite things you’ve drawn as a cartoonist?” Klein replied that he has a lot of favorites, and he named a number of well-known characters, such as a very famous mouse, a cricket known for giving sage advice, and a bee used to advertise a honey-flavored cereal. Klein said that his favorite emotion to
draw is happiness, and he spent some time explaining that each second of cartoon animation requires 24 drawings, which means a full minute of animation is the result of more than 1,400 drawings.
Klein then began instructing the class in a warm-up exercise that encouraged those in attendance to fill a page of paper with shapes in a variety of sizes. He stressed accuracy and practice, noting all the characters he would show them how
See Intercourse Library pg 8

5330 Strasburg Rd., Kinzers. Rt. 30 E. of Vintage to Kinzers. Right
Rd. Left Strasburg Rd. Property on right.

Country 2 sty. w/1550 SF, eat-in kitchen w/upgraded cabinets, dining rm., living rm., 1st floor laundry, 3 bdrms., 1½ baths, bsmt., oil HW heat, mini split AC unit, large patio, 19x19 garage/ shop w/elec., ½ ACRE m/l lot w/public sewer & well. After 27 years, owners serious to sell. Ideal as residence or investment. Low maintenance & economical. Minutes to Gap, Kinzers, Vintage & Christiana. Personal inspection by appointment or Open House Sat., July 13, 20 & 27 from 1
Randal V. Kline
Roy E. Good, Jr.
Aaron Z. Nolt
Curvin M. Horning

Joseph L. & Gail J. Thomas 484-614-3116 or 484-319-3179
Lic. #499, 2116, 5064, 3956 R108519 www.klinekreidergood.com
9 A.M. w/REAL ESTATE @ 11 A.M. LOCATION: 543 Twin County Road, Honey Brook, PA 19344

REAL ESTATE: 33’x45’ SHOP: Steel sided, concrete floor, insulated, 2 mini splits w/ heat and air, half bath, 2nd floor storage and 3 overhead doors. (8’x8’, 10’x10’, and 12’x14’); 22’x44’ CABIN: LR w/gas stove, kitchen, bath/laundry & BR. Cabin needs renovation; and an 8x10 STORAGE SHED.
LAND: Mostly wooded w/ approx. 450’ of road frontage on Rt. 10. Public water & on-site septic. Zoned Conservation District. Taxes: $2,629. OPEN HOUSE: Saturday, July 6 & 13 (1-3 pm) or by apt. call 610-286-5183. TERMS: 10% down day of sale; settlement within 45 days of sale. Terms by: Russell E. Samuels. Glick, Goodley, Deibler & Fanning, LLP. Cash, Checks and Credit Cards accepted on personal property items.
TOOLS & SHOP EQUIPMENT: Snap-On 12 drawer 73” x 29” x 46” tool box, 1000 lb Pittsburgh motorcycle lift, Big Red air compressor 7 ½ HP, Mac Tools A/C machine, Thermal Dynamics Cutmaster 81 plasma cutter, Millermatic 252 mig welder, Allen AGR arc welder, Craftsman 17” drill press, Eastwood buffer, Simpson 3200 PSI pressure washer, Bench vice on stand, Acetylene tank w/ regulator & hoses, Galanz mini fridge, Carolina 60,000lb press, numerous bolt bins, Bridgeport drill press, Huvema Draaibank HU 700 Vario metal lathe, Oxi-Acetylene torch, Di-Acro hand press brake, Master 140,000 BTU heater, Chicago rivet machine, Troy-Bilt rototiller, Duraheat 210,000 BTU kerosene heater, Walker floor jack, Emqlo air compressor, Huffy gas-powered bike, TrakFast drywall fastener, Matco Tools puller set, OEM AC clutch hub puller and installer, Bosch oscillating tool, Milwaukee band saw, Radio Flyer scooter, SnapOn BK 6500 camera, Stanley ¾” air ratchet, Milwaukee cordless tools. Many more tools including but not limited to: sockets, impact sockets, extensions, ratchets from ¼”- ¾” in multiple brands including Snap-On, wrenches: open end; combination; ratcheting; specialty- in multiple brands including Snap On, torque wrenches, air tools, chisel sets, plyers sets, screw drivers, misc. hand tools, and welding helmets.
VEHICLES: 1995 Harley-Davidson Ultra Classic w/ title, 42,958 miles. L783 New Holland Skid Loader w/ snow bucket, dirt bucket & forks. Stow cement mixer. 1976 SP Constr Trailer w/ title. Wellcraft boat & trailer. Center console boat approx. 18’ w/ V6 200HP outboard motor & trailer. Bandit jet ski trailer. Terry by Fleetwood 28’ camper. (2) Mini pop-up campers. Black utility trailer. (2) 275-gallon oil tanks. Acetylene tanks. Dodge truck motor 84,000 miles. For Parts: 2016 White1600 Victory V-Twin motorcycle; (2) Honda Goldwings; minibike; 10HP Snapper riding mower; John Deere R92 riding mower; eXmark riding mower; S-14 Ariens riding mower; Toro Z master riding mower; 30” Craftsman riding mower; go-cart. There are many more items too numerous to mention.
SALE ORDER: 9 AM starting with tools, vehicles sold at 12 noon. Possibly two auctioneers selling simultaneously. Don’t miss this auction!

Intercourse Library from
to draw would utilize those shapes. Working step-bystep, Klein instructed the class members in creating on the paper before them the face and bow-tie of a world-famous mouse with a squeaky voice. Another character came from a cartoon set in the Stone Age, and the character - the owner of a
pet dinosaur - was drawn in a three-quarter view, with the face turned to the side. Klein shared that the character’s animated stories, set in a prehistoric town, run on television stations around the world 24 hours a day.
Klein, who has drawn for a number of famous
animation studios, is currently working on a film about the North Star. He has illustrated jewelry, figurines, and toys, among other products, as well as working on more than 300 commercials and five fulllength feature films.
Klein’s visit to the library was part of the organization’s Summer Reading Program activities. More information about the Intercourse Library and a schedule of upcoming events may be found at https://intercourselib.org.
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1305 Village Rd., Strasburg. From Lampeter, east on Rt. 741 (Village Rd.) toward Strasburg. Property on left.

oil HW heat, central AC, low maintenance exterior, oak hardwood flooring thru out, 12x26 utility bldg., level 1 ACRE lot w/lawn & garden area. Zoned Rural Residential. After 14 years, Strasburg Boro Authority serious to sell. Plenty of room to expand. Great location. Minutes to Lampeter, Strasburg & Willow Street. Easy access to Rt. 222, Rt. 272 & Rt. 896. Lampeter/Strasburg schs. Personal inspection by appointment or Open House Sat., June 22, 29 & July 6 from 1 to 4 P.M. For brochure or land plotting visit www.klinekreidergood.com Financing, deposit or bridge loan available to qualified buyer. Call Randal V. Kline 717-733-1006 (Lender NMLS ID #834368)

Antiques & Auction News
Antique Shops! Pick it up at your favorite antique shop or read it online at antiquesandauctionnews.net

Lafayette from pg 4
movement. In 1789, with some input from Thomas Jefferson, Lafayette co-authored the Declaration of the Rights of Man, a preliminary step to a constitution for the Republic of France. As the United States prepared to celebrate its 50th anniversary, President James Monroe invited Lafayette to return to the United States for a grand tour of America from 1824 to 1825. At every stop on the tour, people greeted the last significant surviving general of the American Revolution with cheers and celebrations. When touring through Lancaster County, the marquis stayed at Amos Slaymaker’s White Chimneys in Salisbury Township. He later presented Amos with a carved goldheaded cane.
Lafayette died in Paris on May 20, 1834, and was buried in Picpus Cemetery with soil from Bunker Hill, the Boston site of the first shot fired in the American Revolution.

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miss it! Custom Quaker Maid Kitchen with Pantry Storage, Large Living Room, Dining Room w/ Built-in Corner Cupboard, Ceiling Fan/Lights in Dining Room & 2 Bedrooms, Finished Lower Level w/Kitchenette, 1- or 2-Bedroom Living Area & Full Bath. Ideal for in-law Quarters, Lighted Closets on 1st Floor, Unfinished Attic Area w/Stair Access, 8’x14’ Covered Side Porch, 15’x24’ Detached 1 Car Garage with Electric Door Opener. Oil hot water baseboard. Ducts installed and ready for A/C Unit. Well water, public sewer. Total Taxes $3,469. Open for Inspection: Thur., July 18, 2024 - 4-6pm & Sunday, July 21, 2024 1-3pm.
TERMS: Real Estate - 10% Down at auction. Bal. by 9/13/24. Buyer pays all realty transfer tax. FOR: V. Edward & Pearl Canale

Lafayette College in Easton is the only college in America to bear his name. Lafayette’s sword, taken from him when he was captured in Austria in 1792, is one of the most precious artifacts in the Marquis de Lafayette collections at Lafayette College. It is brought out during commencement and other special ceremonies at the college.
On Aug. 7, 2002, an Act of Congress made Lafayette an honorary citizen of the United States, an honor that has only been afforded to eight individuals.
Extraordinarily, Lafayette will return to these shores in 2024 to 2025 and Salisbury Township will be part of the Lafayette 200 celebration. The Lafayette re-enactor and his entourage will stop at that same White Chimneys for a high tea and further celebration in July 2025.
Lafayette 200, which will begin on Friday, Aug. 16, in New York City, will follow Lafayette’s exact route through the 24 states he visited. The celebration is being organized by the official American Friends of Lafayette’s Bicentennial Project. Salisbury Township Historical Society is already preparing for its part in this event, looking for the loan of artifacts of the 1760 to 1850 era to exhibit in July 2025.
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717-989-7938, leave message.

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To us, the best means producing a truly authentic, premium product. We start with happy, healthy cows who live at our American Humane Certified™ dairy and focus on top-quality ingredients that result in superior taste you can savor. While you may be seeing more and more “frozen dairy desserts” on the shelf, we still offer REAL ice cream made with less air & higher milkfat for a creamy bite every time.
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