Warwick JANUARY 23, 2019
The Lititz Public Library, 651 Kissel Hill Road, Lititz, will host its first Knitting Club meeting on Monday, Feb. 4, from 10 a.m. to noon. The club will meet on the first and third Mondays of each month. Knitters are invited to gather to work on projects. Participants must bring all their own supplies. This is not a knitting class or instruction. Preregistration is required by stopping by the library or calling the library at 717-626-2255. FOOD FUNDRAISERS
The Baron Stiegel Lions Club of Clay and Elizabeth Townships will hold a buffet breakfast and sub sale on Sunday, Feb. 3, from 7 a.m. to 1 p.m. at the Brickerville Fire Hall, located on Hopeland Road at Route 322. The all-you-can-eat meal will feature a large selection of breakfast items. There is a set fee for the breakfast, and children’s meals will be half-price. Tickets can be purchased at the door. Readers may call Stan at 717-875-7736 or Cindy at 717-940-6927 for additional information. DISCUSSION ON HEALTH
is hosted at The General Sutter Inn, 14 E. Main St., Lititz, every Monday at 7 p.m. Lifetree is a weekly program that involves friendly conversations about various topics. The Jan. 28 program, “Hard to Be Healthy: TV’s ‘Biggest Loser’ Weighs In,” will include a filmed interview with Jaron Tate, a contestant on “The Biggest Loser,” who shares his secrets for losing more than 150 pounds and keeping the weight off. All are invited to the free community event. For details, visit www.lifetree cafelancaster.us, search for “Lifetree Cafe - Lititz” on Facebook, or contact Pastor Jason at 717-333-9238 or jbperkowski@gmail.com.
Kiwanis Club Presents Donations pg 6
Applications For Bike Grants Sought By Ann Mead Ash
“We have given out $350,000,” said John Mullineaux of the Lancaster Bicycle Club (LBC). “The single biggest (amount) was for municipal and EMS (emergency medical services) bike patrols. We’ve purchased bicycles and equipment (for those organizations).” Mullineaux added that Lancaster police and police stations in a number of county boroughs have received funds from the club to purchase bikes. LBC is currently seeking applicants so that the club can give away another $25,000 in grants. Grants are available to nonprofit organizations, government agencies, and schools. The application form may be found at https://lancasterbikeclub.net/grantprogram. Completed applications are due to the club by Friday, Feb. 15.
“It is a simple application process,” said Mullineaux. “We ask for a short description of what they will do (with the funds) and how much they want.” Mullineaux said that the application form also asks what the organization will do if it does not receive the grant. “I pull all the applications together and do a presentation for the board, and they (usually) vote up or down,” said Mullineaux, who added that sometimes the amount of the grant request is modified by the group. Those receiving grants must initiate their projects during the 2019 calendar year. The grants were first given in 1990. Over the years, the types of requests that have been granted have varied. “We have spent money on bicycle advocacy,” recalled Mullineaux. “We have spent more than $30,000 on bicycle racks.” Mullineaux said many bicycle See Bike Grants pg 6
ODC Small Group Participants Go To Work In Mount Joy By Ann Mead Ash
Daryl Strine, direct support professional with Occupational Development
Bicyclists take part in the Covered Bridge Ride organized each August by the Lancaster Bicycle Club. The ride raises funds that the club uses to give out grants to area organizations for bicycles, bike racks, signage, and more. Applications for this year’s grant program are due by Feb. 15.
Show To Feature Songs Of Inspiration
Center (ODC), 640 Martha Ave., Lancaster, is very proud of the crew he takes to Kinsey’s Inc., in Mount Joy, two to three days a week as part of See ODC Small Group pg 2
Son Light Bible Church, 2503 Oregon Pike, Lancaster, hosts a Bible study every Monday from 6:30 to 8:30 p.m. The theme is “Grace.” Attendees will learn what the Bible says to help answer the following questions: Is salvation a free gift? Can people really depend on God’s promise in John 3:16? Can people lose their salvation? For more information, call 717-823-8779.
Maureen (left photo), an Occupational Development Center (ODC) small group employment participant, works at Kinsey’s Inc. in Mount Joy. Maureen and several other small group participants (right photo) are part of an ODC work program that creates boxes, packs items to be shipped, and completes other tasks for the Mount Joy outdoor gear business.
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Lifetree Cafe
School Plans Open House Events pg 6 Annual Heart Ball Scheduled pg 7
The cast of Servant Stage’s new concert, titled “A Million Dreams: Songs of Inspiration,” includes (from left) Kat Prickett, Ric Zimmerman, and Sarah Poague. The show will be presented at venues throughout Lancaster County through March. Servant Stage will kick off the new year with concert titled “A Million Dreams: Songs of Inspiration.” The original revue will showcase vocals,
Lost Over 100 Pounds!
tight harmonies, and original arrangements of a wide variety of uplifting songs, ranging from Broadway and pop tunes to sacred songs and spirituals. See Servant Stage pg 3
CALL 717-690-2797 97 FREE
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2 - MERCHANDISER - Warwick Edition - January 23, 2019
ODC Small Group from pg 1
scholarships assistance is available upon request. Rising Together, a support group for parents and caregivers of children of all ages who were sexually abused at some point in their lives, will meet begin meeting on Monday, Jan. 28. Sessions will continue on Mondays, Feb. 11 and 25, March 11 and 25, and April 8. There is a discount for couples. Full scholarships are available
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for women. The group is open to men and women. Safe Church Cluster will engage congregations of various faiths in a process over seven to nine months to bring child protection practices and policies into practice. The program will begin on Saturday, April 6, at which time future dates will be discussed. Fees will be based on the size of the congregation’s membership. For additional details or registration, readers may visit www.scclanc.org under Upcoming Events or contact ldurbin@scclanc.org or 717-560-9969, ext. 254.
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The Montessori Academy of Lancaster, 2750 Weaver Road, Lancaster, will host an open house on Thursday, Jan. 24. Interested parents, grandparents or guardians of children age 18 months through sixth grade are invited to learn more about the school. This open house will include a tour of the school and an explanation of the Montessori philosophy. The elementary presentation will begin at 5:45 p.m.; the toddler and primary presentations will begin at 6:30 p.m. Anyone interested in attending is asked to call 717-560-0815 or email Deb Ward at info@montlanc.com.
Scout To Receive Eagle Rank Eric William Moldenhauer of Lititz is slated to formally receive the rank of Eagle Scout during a ceremony on Monday, Jan. 28. For his Eagle Scout leadership project, Eric repaired, restored, and reroofed a gazebo and access ramp for the Humane League of Lancaster County. Eric is the son of Edward and Jo Ann Moldenhauer and a sophomore at Manheim Township High School. He has served as Den Chief for Pack 93 and as an assistant patrol leader for Troop 99.
Emerson, one of the small group participants, said that his favorite job is making boxes, especially the large boxes. “We try our best (to make as many boxes as we can),” said Emerson, who also folds Tshirts. Emerson appreciates the excitement of meeting new people, but he said he does get nervous sometimes when talking to people he does not know. That is where Deb Russell, who serves as a liaison between Kinsey’s and ODC comes in. “Our crews interact throughout the day and during lunch breaks,” said Russell, who first suggested ODC participants help with box production in early 2016 based on her sister’s 40 years of experience at ODC. “The crew from ODC arrives with a positive attitude that’s contagious throughout the building,” Russell continued. “The way they support one another to accomplish the goals we’ve laid out for them is inspiring. We should all learn a lesson from them.” Strine complimented Kinsey’s employees, saying,
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Samaritan Counseling Center, 1803 Oregon Pike, Lancaster, will offer three Safe Church/Safe Places programs to the community. All programs will be facilitated by trained professionals. There is a fee to participate in each program. Circle of Hope, a support group for survivors of child sexual abuse, will be held on Thursdays, Feb. 7, 21, and 28; March 21; and April 4 and 25. Some need-based
ODC’s small group employment program. He cannot say enough about the ODC participants’ skills and work ethic. At the warehouse, part of Strine’s job is to move the boxes groups of up to four participants make as one of a variety of duties they complete, from the area where they are constructed to another location in the warehouse. The more boxes the participants complete, the more trips Strine makes. “They keep me moving,” he said. “On a busy day, I do 20,000 steps in four hours.” According to ODC executive director Gregg Richards, the program is designed to give participants a chance to work in an integrated environment. “Small group employment is a crew of program participants who go to a workplace with a program supervisor and work side by side with employees of the local business, (where they) are paid at minimum wage or above,” explained Richards, who added that businesses may utilize a crew for seasonal work or on a regular basis. Strine said that ODC participants were carefully selected for the program based on skills. Over the course of a year, Strine worked to cull a list of 40 possible participants down to eight workers and four alternates. “They were competing for positions,” noted Strine, who added that the participants work four hours per day, clocking in and out and working alongside other Kinsey’s employees. Ken Mueller, public relations and development manager for ODC, said that the skill set of participants has been a good fit with Kinsey’s, which makes archery supplies and outdoor gear. Mueller added that many businesses have a variety of tasks that might also be a good fit for ODC individuals, including light assembly, collating mailings, and putting kits together. Strine noted that the ODC participants in the small group program have also folded and packed items such as T-shirts, archery equipment, traps, and gloves.
Safe Church Programs Set
“Interaction between Kinsey’s employees and participants has been excellent.” According to Mueller, integrating participants into community businesses is an ultimate goal for ODC. Strine agreed, saying, “All (participants) have designated disabilities, but I like to look at what they can do.” Russell added that ODC crew members have been willing to try new tasks, following instructions compiled in a binder. “The binder was made up so that each crew could work independently, making the final projects consistent for Kinsey’s and giving (the participants) a feeling of success and independence,” said Russell. “We’re so proud to be working with such a wonderful organization.” Emerson said he likes the work, but he also enjoys receiving a paycheck. His favorite thing to spend his money on is pizza. ODC is actively seeking more employers who could benefit from the talents and abilities offered by participants. Readers who would like to learn more may visit www.odcenter.org or call 717397-4269.
Home Improvements
MERCHANDISER - Warwick Edition -
Servant Stage from pg 1 “It’s a diverse program, but each song has an encouraging or inspirational theme,” said Servant Stage executive director Johnathan Bauer. “This is a great show to beat the winter blues. The arrangements, vocals, and harmonies are just exquisite, and the costumes are gorgeous.” The cast includes Lancaster performers Ric Zimmerman, Sarah Poague, and Kat Prickett as featured vocalists, with Kayla Klase as female vocalist - swing. Zimmerman directed the vocals, with original arrangements and musical direction from Andy Roberts. Roberts and Scott Williams take turns as accompanist for the show, which is directed by Servant Stage’s artistic director, Wally Calderon. “Audiences will love the amazing vocal blend of the trio, as well as the individuality of each singer,” said Prickett. “Finding voices that blend so tightly is not an easy task. The best part is that the three of us are actually friends; we all care very much about each other, and I think this will translate to the audience clearly and add another layer to the show.” The show will tour to venues across Lancaster County with 30 performances through March, including a performance at Rissers Mennonite Church, 8360 Elizabethtown Road, Elizabethtown, at 7 p.m.
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on Sunday, Jan. 27. A freewill offering will be received, and all are welcome. For more information on the performance at Rissers, readers may call 717-653-4549. There will also be three featured weekends of performances. The first of these weekend performances will take place at The Junction Center, 1875 Junction Road, Manheim, on Friday and Saturday, Feb. 15 and 16. The Trust Performing Arts Center, 37 N. Market St., Lancaster, will host “A Million Dreams” from Friday to Sunday, March 1 to 3, and Lancaster Alliance Church, 210 Pitney Road, Lancaster, will host the show from Friday to Sunday, March 15 to 17. To reserve tickets and view the full list of performances, readers may visit www.ServantStageCompany.com or call 717-455-0255. All performances will feature pay-what-you-will admission as part of Servant Stage’s goal to make quality performances accessible to everyone in the community. The performances at The Junction Center include dinner with the show; there is a fee for dinner tickets. Servant Stage is a nonprofit theater that has served Lancaster County since 2011 and that brings entertainment to more than 50,000 audience members each year.
B O R I N G , Mr. and Mrs. Zachariah (Erin), Elizabethtown, a daughter, The Women & Babies Hospital, Jan. 13. C R I S A M O R E , Kayla, Elizabethtown, and F R E A D Y , Sean L., Mount Joy, a daughter, The Women & Babies Hospital, Jan. 13. GOLDEN, Angel, Columbia, a son, The Women & Babies Hospital, Jan. 15. H O E S C H E L E , Mr. and Mrs. Greg A. (Brittany Hitz), Lititz, a daughter, The Women & Babies Hospital, Jan. 13. MARTIN, Mr. and Mrs. Scott D. (Erin Rohrbach), Lititz, a daughter, The Women & Babies Hospital, Jan. 14. M C K A I N , Mrs. Erin, and H U N T , Mr. Joseph C., Manheim, a daughter, The Women & Babies Hospital, Jan. 14. R U H L , Mr. and Mrs. Jared M. (Bethany Ditzler), Lititz, a son, The Women & Babies Hospital, Jan. 11. TORO, Mr. and Mrs. Kelly I. (Tawny Caldwell), Manheim, a daughter, The Women & Babies Hospital, Jan. 11. T U R E K , Kristen, Mount Joy, and M I L L E R , Darren R., Marietta, a daughter, The Women & Babies Hospital, Jan. 14.
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*Prices Good through January 28, 2019 or While Supplies Last. Payment Expected On Delivery.
Area Births
January 23, 2019 - 3
4 - MERCHANDISER - Warwick Edition - January 23, 2019
Lady Warriors Fall Short Against Lebanon, PM by Vaughn Brown
Warwick’s girls’ basketball team took a step backward last week with losses to Lebanon 53-41 and Penn Manor 42-37. Last Tuesday’s loss to the Cedars combined with Ephrata’s 37-28 victory over Conestoga Valley landed them in third place in Section Two and elevated the Mounts into second. Lebanon, working on a five-game losing streak at the time, upset the Warriors with a 16-point game from Avry Torres-Gutierrez and a 12-point effort from Destiny Infante. Meanwhile, Sydney Weismandel netted a trio of three pointers and posted 12 points and Abby Rodgers scored 10 to lead Warwick. After falling behind 19-11 in the first quarter, Warwick’s defense clamped down and held Lebanon to only seven in the second frame. The Warriors battled back to within
three points at halftime, trailing 26-23 to start the third. It was a weak fourth quarter that helped seal Warwick’s fate, however, when after matching the Cedars 16 points in the third and with the score at 42-39 they were outscored 10-6 for the loss. Warwick had eight players contribute points on the night with Lauren Pyle (7) and Jess Williamson (6) each scoring once from long range. Lailani Batty added four while Emily Williamson, Tanner Armstrong, and Abbey Finkil all scored two apiece. The ladies hosted Penn Manor on Friday in a Section One crossover game, falling behind early and rallying late. The loss once again placed them in third place after Ephrata’s Thursday loss to Elizabethtown had tied the two teams for second in the standings. Led by Pyle’s 14 points, which included two three-pointers, and a 4-5
effort from the foul line, Warwick turned in a 26-point second half in an attempt to overcome a slow start in which they only put up five points in the first quarter followed by six in the second. Despite the low score, the Warriors only trailed 18-11 at the break, but ran out of time in the fourth. Weismandel dropped six for Warwick which also received help from Batty (4), Emily Williamson, Rodgers, and Armstrong who each scored three, and two apiece from Jess Williamson and Finkill. BOYS’ BASKETBALL Maintaining their hold on first place in Section Two, the boys remained undefeated in L-L League play with a 53-41 victory over Lebanon last Tuesday and then followed up with a 41-38 cross over defeat of Penn Manor on Friday. Colby Martin nailed a trio of long-range shots and was a perfect 2-2 at the line while netting a game high 13 points
to lead the Warriors. Warwick poured it on the in the second quarter turning a slim 15-14 lead into a 12-point deficit for the Cedars to lead 31-19 at halftime. Consistent defensive play by the Warriors in the second half resulted in back-to-back 11-point quarters for Lebanon who rallied in the fourth but could not capitalize on a meager four-point fourth quarter by Warwick. Warwick had eight players contribute on the court as Joey McCracken scored nine followed by Conor Adams (8), Ryan Shirk (7), Trysten George (6), Caleb Schmitz (6), Brock Fassnacht (2), and Kai Capalla (2). Fortunately for the Warriors, another low scoring output in the fourth quarter in their game with the Comets did not harm them, however it nearly provided Penn Manor with a come from behind victory. Due in part to a strong 22-point third quarter, the Warriors were able to weather the
storm as the Comets scored 21 in the second half to no avail. Warwick led by only one at the break, 17-16, but received a double-digit effort from both Shirk (11), and McCracken (10) to help them over the top. Martin scored seven points and joined Shirk with two three pointers, while Adams put up five, Fassnacht had four and both George and Schmitz each added two.
BOWLING Continuing their run at the top of Section Two, Warwick’s bowling team notched another two key victories last week in preparation for an upcoming showdown with number two Elizabethtown. The Warriors began last week with a 7-0 sweep of Conestoga Valley and finished off Ephrata in similar fashion, 7-0, on Friday. “My team has exploded this week,
Photo by Mark Palczewski
Warwick’s Abbey Finkill gets a pass away after recovering a loose ball during the Warriors’ Section Two - Section One crossover pairing with Penn Manor last Friday in Lititz.
Photo by Mark Palczewski
Photo by Mark Palczewski
Lauren Pyle takes the ball to the basket for two of her team-high Warwick’s Emily Williamson battles Penn Manor’s Kathryn 14 points in the Warriors’ Section Two - Section One crossover Levato for a rebound during a Section Two - Section One battle with Penn Manor last Friday in Lititz. crossover contest in Lititz last Friday.
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Photo by Mark Palczewski
The Warriors’ Abby Rodgers is fouled by Penn Manor’s Kathryn Levato as she puts up a shot in last Friday’s Section Two - Section One crossover game at Warwick.
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MERCHANDISER - Warwick Edition SWIMMING led by Isaac Erickson’s perfect 300 game and 821 series,” commented an With only one win on the season excited Neal Vital, head coach for the Warwick’s boys are still trying to find Warriors. “Tyler Miller and Tony Lutz their groove and had a tall task in also contributed big scores against the front of them last Tuesday when they Buckskins.” traveled to Hempfield Rec Center to Anchored by his perfect second take on the second place Black game of the series in which he Knights. Only three swimmers claimed bowled a 253 to begin and a 268 to individual wins, and the Warriors end, Erickson’s 821 represented just went 1-3 in the relays during their the second 800 series recorded in L- 107-59 loss. James Moll turned in a best 1:05.18 L League history according to Vital. in the 100 backstroke to win the event Warwick’s total pin fall of 3269 easily eclipsed the Buckskin’s 2243 by a whisker over Aidan Turner who with CV getting out bowled by all touched in 1:05.23, while Oliver Lance won the 100 freestyle in 57.08 and but two Warriors. Theodore Lance swam a pool best Miller (184, 216, 288-688) and Lutz 2:08.66 in the 200 freestyle to lead the (277, 186, 222-685) joined Erickson in Warriors. out bowling the entire CV squad while Warwick managed to earn a victory Matthew Geib (198, 217, 192-607) and Rylan Beebe (166, 137, 1165-468) anchored the winning effort. In what Vital said was his team’s best effort of the season, Warwick easily took down Ephrata on Friday with a 3416-2728 pin fall advantage. “This was a huge team effort with everyone contributing big scores,” said Vital. “Led by sophomore Tyler Miller, we topped the 1100 mark each game.” Miller rolled a 221, 242, and 279 for a 742 series to lead all bowlers while Carter Snavely (263, 260, 176-699), Erickson (198, 267, 218-683), Ashley Sham (232, 206, 243681) and Lutz (243, 163, 205611) followed. Warwick Photo by Mark Palczewski outscored Ephrata 1157-867, Reagan Longridge leads the Warriors’ fast 1138-885, and 1121-876, break during their Section Two - Section respectively, in the One crossover battle with visiting Penn three-game match. Manor last Friday.
in one of the three relays as well, taking the 400 freestyle. Both the Lance’s and anchor Moll were joined by Ethan Hershey in the relay where the Warrior’s team finished in 3:56.47. In contrast, the Warwick girls finished out the week tied with Manheim Township for first place after taking down the winless Knights. In a meet dominated by the lady Warriors, who won 10 of 11 events while sweeping the relays, Warwick came away with a 110-57 win. Catherine Chen stood as the lone multi event winner for Warwick, taking the 200 freestyle in 2:17.32 as well as the 100 freestyle with a time of 1:01.59. She also swam the first leg of the winning 400 freestyle relay team along with Kendall Eby, Jaime Nolt, and Hannah Greenway.
Greenway, who was a part of all three winning relays, took the 50 freestyle as well. She also swam with Katie Jeanes, Morgan Stuhltrager, and Maya Hartzler in the 200-freestyle relay, which the girls won in 2:02.25, as well as the 200 medley with Isabell Miller, Stuhltrager, and Hartzler with a time of 2:08.83. Stuhltrager (1:10.05) was first in the 100 butterfly, Eby (5:01.48) won the 500 freestyle, Miller (1:10.62) was tops in the 100 backstroke, and Lydia Hocker (1:23.95) won the 100 breaststroke. WRESTLING Warwick got a much needed win last Wednesday when the Warriors traveled to Lancaster and upended the Red Tornado of McCaskey 39-30.
Trailing at one point by 12, Warwick went on a four-bout win streak in the middle weights to pull off the victory over the seventh ranked Red Tornado. McCaskey was hungry for a win, but came up just short in a match where they controlled their own destiny but could not hold on for the victory. When David Hnasko stepped onto the mat for his 170 pound bout with Pablo Beltran the Warriors were down 24-12 and in dire straits and looking for any kind of momentum they could find. Hnasko answered by collecting the fall at 1:42 in the first period to pull Warwick within six at 24-18. Charles Lumene picked up an 18-2 technical fall over Timothy
January 23, 2019 - 5
Fredrick at 182 and was followed by Roland McClune’s 11-1 major decision of Justin Pachecoll at 195. Heyden Benner then put the seal on things when he decked Kyler Rodriguez in 2:47 of their 220 pound bout making it 33-24 before both teams traded forfeits and ended the match with a no contest at 113. The first bout of the evening began at 120 where Jose Tirado put McCaskey on the board with a second round pin before the Warriors sandwiched a decision by McCaskey’ Noel Montanez between two forfeits to make the score 12-9 in favor of Warwick. Two Tornado pins and one decision between 145 pounds and 160 pounds doubled up the score, and put them in the lead 24-12.
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6 - MERCHANDISER - Warwick Edition - January 23, 2019
Community Events
Kiwanis Club from pg 1
Saturday, February 2nd 9 A.M. Until 3 P.M.
East Pete Fire Co. 6076 Pine Street Only $800 a Quart Containers Provided
Our Pot Pie is delicious because we make it from scratch! Grab a few quarts to enjoy during Sunday’s Big Game!
or Until Sold Out
The Kiwanis Club of the Lititz Area recently distributed proceeds from its 17th annual Lititz Chocolate Walk in October 2018 to organizations that serve children in the area. More than $70,000 was distributed at the Lititz Public Library on Jan. 8. The Lititz Chocolate Walk was made possible by local chefs, chocolatiers, sponsors, retailers, and volunteers. The following organizations received award checks from Kiwanis Club Alan Stoeckle (left), Kiwanis Club of the of the Lititz Area president Lititz Area president, presented a check to Alan Stoeckle: Advoz, James DeBord from Schreiber Center for CONTACT Helpline, Gau- Pediatric Development. denzia Vantage House, Lancaster Cleft Palate Clinic, Lititz Public from Manheim Township Library, Manheim Township Public High School (MTHS) MiniLibrary, Manheim Township High School THON; Emma Dieterle, Key Club and Mini-THON, Power Packs MTHS Key Club; Jennifer Project, and Schreiber Center for Pediatric Thompson, Power Packs Project; Carol Deem, Lititz Public Development. The Kiwanis Club of the Lititz Area is Library; Sue Scott, Lancaster part of Kiwanis International, a world- Cleft Palate Clinic; (back) wide service organization with the prima- Chris Sneeringer and Dan ry mission to help the children of the Aiello, MTHS Key Club advisworld, one child, one community at a ers; John Eby, Advoz; Shruti Nair, MTHS Key Club; Sara time. Pictured on front: Kiwanis
Club of the Lititz Area president Alan Stoeckle (back, right) presented checks to representatives of local organizations on Jan. 8. Present to receive the donations were (front, from left) Erica Corey
Montgomery, Gaudenzia Vantage House; Kelly Gollick, CONTACT Helpline; Mila Pilz, Advoz; Karin Rezendes, Manheim Township Public Library; Joyce Sands, Manheim Township Public Library; and Jeanne Grimsley, Lititz Public Library.
Greystone Manor Orientation Set
Greystone Manor Therapeutic Riding Center, 1063 Hartman Station Road, Lancaster, will hold a new volunteer orientation on Saturday, Jan. 26, from 10 a.m. to noon. Volunteers help participants experience the cognitive, physical, and psycho-social benefits of equineassisted activities through horse care, barn duty, grooming and tacking, lesson side-walking, horse-leading, special
events, and more. In order to attend, readers are asked to contact Myava Thibault-Cuhel at 717203-7388 or vol.coordinator. gmtrc@gmail.com. Clearances, medical insurance, registration, and liability waivers are required, and volunteers must be at least age 14. More information may be found at www.greystone manortrc.org.
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Penn State Extension Lancaster County’s annual meeting and social event will be held on Thursday, Jan. 31, at the Farm and Home Center, 1383 Arcadia Road, Lancaster. The evening will begin at 5:30 p.m. with a social hour and food in the food court. Throughout the evening, attendees will learn about the Lancaster County Extension and 4-H STEM learning opportunities. Dr. Troy Ott, associate director of the Huck Institutes of the Life Sciences at Penn State University, will present “Truth About GMOs and Your Food: Separating the Myth From Reality.” The presentation will address the following questions: Are there genetically engineered (GE) animals in agriculture? Why were they developed and are they really needed? What would be the reason a farmer would want to use a GE plant or animal? Are GE foods safe for people and the environment? Are there negative consequences of feeding GE crops to animals or humans? Can people just avoid GE? Should people really be modifying genomes? What about unintended consequences? What developments are on the horizon for genetic engineering? There will also be a question-andanswer session. Youth activity stations
Troy Ott will be provided by Lancaster County 4-H during the presentations. The evening is scheduled to conclude by 8:30 p.m. There is no cost to attend the event, but the deadline to register is Monday, Jan. 28. To register, readers may visit https://extension.psu.edu/lancastercounty-extension-annual-meeting or call 877-345-0691. Individuals who anticipate needing any type of accommodation or who have questions about the physical access provided may call the Lancaster County Extension office at 717-394-6851.
Open House from pg 1 Lititz Christian School and Early Learning Center, 501 W. Lincoln Ave., Lititz, will host its annual open house events on Friday, Feb. 8, at 9 a.m. and on Tuesday, Feb. 12, at 7 p.m. Both events will include a brief welcome session followed by a tour of the facilities. Lititz Christian Early Learning Center is a Keystone Stars 3 establishment, providing care and instruction to children ages 6 weeks through prekindergarten. Founded in 1978, Lititz Christian School, a college preparatory school, aims to partner with Christian families to provide a biblical, academic education that prepares students to honor Jesus Christ in scholarship, vocation, and lifestyle. Academics are provided for students in
kindergarten through 12th grade. Partialday and full-day kindergarten options are available. Small class sizes allow for hands-on, project-based learning and an educational approach based on science, technology, engineering, arts and math (STEAM). For more information, readers may visit www.lititzchristian.net or contact Niki Cadwalader at nicadwalader@ lititzchristian.net or 717-626-9518. Pictured on front: Lititz Christian School and Early Learning Center will host its annual open houses on Friday, Feb. 8, and Tuesday, Feb. 12.
Bike Grants from pg 1
Open House 686 Lebanon Road, Manheim, PA 17545
Extension Slates Meeting, Social Event
• Kindergarten Special Focus: 10:30 A.M. - Circle Time; Q & A; Classroom Exploration 6:30 P.M. - Q & A; Classroom Exploration SNOW DATE - February 11, 2019 R029547
racks seen in Lancaster city and around the county were provided by the club. The club has also purchased road signs and bicycles for elementary school gym classes that were used to teach bicycle safety. Mullineaux said that one of the most unusual awards was to the mural project at the Northwest Lancaster County River Trail near Columbia. A part of the 250foot-long mural will show a bicycle rider on the trail. In addition to the $25,000 grants, LBC also donates $5,000 to the county to help defray costs of maintaining covered bridges and $5,000 to HACC, Central Pennsylvania’s Community College, for student scholarships. The scholarship program grew out of the 450-member club’s annual Covered Bridge Ride. The ride, which dates back 40 years, was originally just for club members. “We expanded (the ride) to include visitors because of the great place Lancaster County is,” said
Mullineaux. Originally, the intention of the ride was to raise funds to augment the club’s budget, but in the 1990s, Bicycling magazine listed the ride as the best in Pennsylvania. “Attendance exploded,” said Mullineaux. “One year, we hit 4,000 (riders).” The ride is now restricted to 2,300 participants. It begins at the HACC Lancaster campus, 1641 Old Philadelphia Pike, Lancaster. Several routes will be offered. The 62-mile metric century route will head north to New Holland, Farmersville, Terre Hill, and Reamstown, before turning south to return to HACC. Seven covered bridges will be part of the route. Additional routes include a 31-mile course with four covered bridges and a 15-mile ride with two covered bridges. One option adds a loop at Stevens that travels 32 difficult miles for riders who wish to complete a more challenging ride.
MERCHANDISER - Warwick Edition -
Obituaries grandson. Arrangements were made by Buch Funeral Home, Mount Joy. K N I G H T , Myrtle M. “Dolly,” 90, of Columbia, died on Jan. 15 at Masonic Village, Elizabethtown. Born in Columbia, she was the daughter of the late Susan H. King and the wife of the late Clair W. Knight. Surviving are two children: Clair Knight, Columbia, and Linda Knight, Columbia; four grandchildren; numerous great-grandchildren; and one greatgreat-grandson. Arrangements were made by Workman Funeral Homes Inc., Columbia/Mountville. KUCHAR, David G., 60, died on Jan. 14 in Lancaster. He was the son of the late George P. and Nancy Z. Zerphey Kuchar. Surviving are a daughter, Emerald D., wife of Cory Noll, Middletown, and three siblings: Chuck Kuchar, Elizabethtown, Susan M. Macnamara, Carlisle; and Jane L., wife of Steve Lincoln, Middletown. Arrangements were made by Miller-Finkenbinder Funeral Home and Crematory, Elizabethtown. METZLER, Richard H., 86, of Manheim, died on Jan. 14 at UPMC Pinnacle, Lititz. Born in Warwick Township, he was the son of the late Clarence H. and Emma Heisey Metzler. Surviving are his wife, Norene E. Bugg Metzler, and a son, Ross,
husband of Sonya Metzler, Manheim. Arrangements were made by Buch Funeral Home, Manheim. RITTEL, Helen L., 96, of Lititz and formerly of Lebanon, died on Jan. 6 at Luther Acres, Lititz. Born in Bethel Township, she was the daughter of the late David and Verna Peiffer Koehler and the wife of the late Mark L. Rittel. Surviving are a son, Randall L., husband of Phyllis McMillen Rittel, Lancaster; two grandchildren; and a sister,
Heart Ball from pg 1 Anna Mae, wife of Richard Grimes, Lebanon. Arrangements were made by Buch Funeral Home, Lititz. SORIAL, Kerlous, 12, of Lancaster, died on Jan. 12. He was the son of Maher and Hanan Beshara Sorial of Lancaster. Surviving in addition to his parents are a brother, Thomas Sorial, and two sisters: Amanie Sorial and Haide Sorial. Arrangements were made by Workman Funeral Homes Inc., Mountville/Columbia.
LMLRA Posts Gun Show The Lancaster Muzzle Loading Rifle Association (LMLRA) will hold its 62nd annual gun show on Saturday and Sunday, Feb. 2 and 3, at the Lancaster Farm and Home Center, 1383 Arcadia Road, Lancaster. The show will be open to the public from 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. on Feb. 2 and from 8 a.m. to 2 p.m. on Feb. 3. A suggested donation will be collected for admission. The event will feature more than 100 tables of merchandise, including modern and antique guns, muzzle
loaders, black powder items, knives, collectibles, books, and accessories. The public will have the opportunity to buy, sell, or trade items. Refreshments will be available for purchase. The LMLRA was founded in 1956 and currently has approximately 100 members. The nonprofit club meets monthly, and its purpose is to encourage and promote interest in collecting and shooting muzzle loading firearms and related items. For more information, call 717-3684653 or email LMLRA@comcast.net.
The American Heart Association, a health organization focused on heart and brain health, invites business, health care and community leaders from across Lancaster County to the 34th annual Lancaster Heart Ball, themed “Fire and Ice,” on Saturday, Feb. 2, at 5:30 p.m. at the Lancaster Country Club, 1466 New Holland Pike, Lancaster. Lancaster Chamber president Tom Baldridge will host the evening’s festivities. The evening will include silent and live auctions, dinner, dancing, musical entertainment, and a performance by a local theater. The event is co-chaired by Dave Murray and Diane Murry. Funds raised will support the American Heart Association’s
Neighbors Group To Meet Women of all ages and preschool children are invited to attend Neighbors Sharing and Caring, a women’s ministry of the Chiques Church of the Brethren, on Tuesday, Jan. 29, from 9 to 10:45 a.m. The church is located at 4045 Sunnyside Road, Manheim. Denise Grove will share about how to be content in all circumstances in her
January 23 - 29
EAST FAIRVIEW CHURCH OF THE BRETHREN: 1187 Fairview Rd (corner of Hossler a& Fairview Rds) Manheim. Vibrant, Christcentered Worship in a family atmosphere on Sundays at 9am followed by Sunday School from 10:3011:15am(nursery available for both). Ignite on Wednesdays (Oct thru March) at 5:45pm includes dinner and activities for all ages. Come join us! Vist online at www.eastfairview.com GRACE CHURCH: 501 W. Lincoln Ave., Lititz, PA 17543. Join us for worship Sunday mornings at 9 & 10:45 a.m.! We are a contemporary church that welcomes people of all ages, races, and stages of life. Our common thread is the belief that Jesus Christ provides the answers to all of life’s perplexing questions. Great programs for children, students, young adults, men, women and those “north of 55”. Visit meetgrace.org or call (717) 626-2155 for more information. You can like us on Facebook or follow us on Twitter and Instagram. GRACE COMMUNITY FELLOWSHIP CHURCH OF MANHEIM: 1483 N. Colebrook Rd., Manheim. Come as you are. ALL are welcome! SUNDAYS: Bible Connection Classes for all ages at 9:30am & Worship Service at 10:30am. Children’s Church & Nursery Care provided. Join us on the second Sunday of each month for a Fellowship Meal following the service. For info, please visit www.gcfmanheim.org or call 717-6657222. HIGHLAND PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH: 500 East Roseville Road, off Rt. 272 and Oregon Pike. Join us this Sunday: 9 a.m. Sunday school for children and adults; 10:00 a.m. traditional Worship.; 10:15 a.m. contemporary worship.Child care available. www.HighlandPC.org or (717) 569-2651.
HOSANNA! A FELLOWSHIP OF CHRISTIANS 29 Green Acre Rd., Lititz, PA 17543. Website: www.hosannalititz.org Sunday services @ 9:00am & 11:00am (with Nursery, Children’s Church & Youth classes during both services). Youth activities are held on Wed. (Jr. High) & Sun. (Sr. High) nights. Small groups meet @ various locations @ various times. Disabled accessible. For more info. Call church office 717-626-2560 JERUSALEM CHURCH (INDEPENDENT): 1620 Newport Rd., Manheim: www.jerusalemchurch.net Pastor: Jonathan Shirk; Sunday School: 9am – 10am; Worship:10:15am. LEFC - LANCASTER EVANGELICAL FREE CHURCH: 419 Pierson Road, Lititz. Sunday Services at 9:00 and 10:50 a.m. Encounter God through contemporary worship as we explore the Bible together. All are welcome! Our children’s, youth and adult ministries are all about one thing: making disciples of Jesus Christ who impact our community and the world for God’s glory. 717-6265332. More info: www.lefc.net or visit us on Facebook MANHEIM BIC CHURCH: We invite you to join us as we seek to initiate & nurture a growing relationship with Christ. 54 N. Penryn Rd. Sunday worship: 9:00 & 10:30am. We also offer classes & gatherings for all ages throughout the wk. For full class schedules & additional info, www.manheimbic.org, Call 717665-2133. Lead Pastor Brian Thomas MANHEIM GRACE BRETHREN CHURCH: 333 E. High Street, Manheim, 717-6652334. Rev. Jeffrey L. Dunkle, Pastor. Sundays at 9:30am, Bible Fellowship classes, 10:35am Worship Service, Children’s Ministry, 6pm Youth Group . Wednesdays - Awana Children’s Club, 6:45pm. Small groups meet throughout the week. Handicap accessible. Email:office@manheimgrace.org Website: www.manheimgrace.org MOUNT JOY CHURCH OF GOD: 30 East Main Street, Mount Joy PA 17552. 717653-4695. Senior Pastor Ted Ewing, Ph.D. Join us for exciting worship and our new Spring Series on Understanding Philippians. Sunday Morning Service at 9 am, Sunday School for all ages at 10:30 am. Youth Group meets every Sunday evening from 6:30-8:30 pm in the Youth Room. All messages are available online at www.mountjoychurchofgod.org/media/sermons
NEWPORT CHURCH: 656 W. Newport Road, Elm, www.newportchurch.net We are a vibrant family- oriented contemporary church that meets for Sunday “celebration” service at 9:30 a.m. and throughout the week in home groups, including junior-high and senior-high groups. Children love our Kids Town ministry every Sunday morning! Our mission is to share God’s Love generously and lead people to new life in Jesus. For info. or directions, see our Website or call 717-664-2635. Senior pastor/elder: Allen Dise. RUHL’S UNITED METHODIST CHURCH: A growing church committed to Christ. Worship on Sunday morning at 8 am for a traditional feel. Sunday School for all ages at 9:15 am., 10:30 am. Worship led by praise band. (Nursery available. Handicap accessible.) For more information, please call 717-665-3400 or visit www.ruhlschurch.org Located at 4810 Elizabethtown Rd, Manheim. SALEM UNITED METHODIST CHURCH: 140 North Penn Street, Manheim, PA Sunday Traditional Service at 9:00am Sunday School for all ages at 10:15am Sunday Contemporary Service 11:15am www.salemumch.org — 717-665-2331
ST. PAUL’S EVANGELICAL LUTHERAN: Located at 1258 Newport Road, Penryn. Phone: (717) 665-6093. Sunday worship at 9:15 a.m. Vicar Angela Hammer. WHITE OAK CHURCH OF THE BRETHREN: 1211 N. Penryn Rd, Manheim, PA. You are invited to our Sunday services Sunday School for all ages at 8:45am; Worship at 9:45am; scheduled evening services at 7:15pm and Wednesday evening Bible Study at 7:15pm. (1st and 3rd Wednesday of the month.) ZION EVANGELICAL LUTHERAN CHURCH/ EAST PETERSBURG: 1905 Broad Street, East Petersburg. Rev. James Tanner, Interim Pastor. Sunday Worship service at 10:30 a.m. Nursery care provided during service. Sunday School for all ages at 9 a.m. Ample parking and handicapped accessible. For more information, call (717) 5691359 or email church@zionep.org Website www.zionep.org
Please Note: Updates can be made to your church’s listing for 1st issue date of each month only. (Changes must be submitted by the previous Wednesday) For More Information On Church Listings And Rates, Call Justin at 717-492-2533
Pictured on front: The Lancaster Heart Ball, which raises funds for the American Heart Association, will take place this year on Saturday, Feb. 2, at the Lancaster Country Club.
presentation, titled “Release Control Before You Lose Control.” Grove is married to Greg and has seven children and five grandchildren. She is a blogger and speaker. Classes are provided for children from infants to prekindergartners. Readers may contact Veronica at 717-626-7603 for more information, including a copy of this year’s schedule.
Come To Our House Of Worship CHIQUES UNITED METHODIST CHURCH: 1215 E. Main St., Mount Joy. Pastor Mike Byrd. Traditional Worship 9am, Coffeehouse Service 10:30am, Sunday School offered at 9am & 10:30am for all ages, Kidz Club 10:45am. Nursery provided at both services. Youth Group and Elderberries (Seniors group), handicapped accessible. Visit our website: www.chiquesumc.org or call the church office for more info, 717-653-5175.
mission of healthier lives, health care quality improvement and investment in research. Individual tickets are available for purchase. For more information, including details on sponsorship packages, readers may visit http://lancasterheart ball.heart.org or contact Bill Coder at bill.coder@heart.org or 717-730-1736.
John F. Martin
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Vine Ripened Tomatoes ................................................................................................. $1.69 Lb. Large, Sweet Lopes .......................................................................................................... $2.99 Brussels Sprouts.................................................................................................... Pints $1.79 Red & Green Leaf Lettuce ...........................................................................................$1.39 Ea. Sweet Black Plums...................................................................................................... $1.89 Lb. California, Seedless Navel Oranges ................................................................... 4 Lb. Bag $3.49 Red Peppers................................................................................................................ $2.29 Lb. Sweet, Seedless
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Rt. 72-2 Miles North Of Manheim Turn Left On Rife Run Road 2nd Farm On Right
Not responsible for typographical errors. We reserve the right to limit quantities.
2/$5 STORE HOURS: OPEN 6 DAYS A WEEK Mon.-Thurs. 8:00 A.M.-5:30 P.M. Friday 8:00 A.M.-8:00 P.M. Sat. 8:00 A.M.-4:00 P.M.
A M E N T , Elizabeth G. Frey, 94, of Landisville, died on Jan. 15 at home. Born in Manor Township, she was the daughter of the late Charles Hoover Frey and Anna Buckwalter Hess Frey and the wife of the late Carl W. Ament. Surviving are a son, Gary L. Ament, Landisville, and two sisters: Arlene Fawber and Jean Krumrine. Arrangements were made by Workman Funeral Homes Inc., Mountville/Columbia. GREENLY, Jeremy D., 31, of Manheim, died on Jan. 14. Born in York, he was the son of David F. Jr. and Catherine L. Garner Greenly of Manheim. Surviving in addition to his parents are a son, Graysen Hunter Greenly, Elizabethtown; a daughter, Merida Grace Greenly, Elizabethtown; a sister, Erin E. Greenly, Manheim; a brother, Kyle C. Greenly, Manheim, fiancé of Melissa Proctor, Lancaster; and a paternal grandfather, David F. Greenly Sr., Gettysburg. Arrangements were made by Buch Funeral Home, Manheim. GREGG, Gwendolyn F., 94, of Mount Joy, died on Jan. 9. Born in Milton, she was the daughter of the late Norman and Ada Cromley Foust and the wife of the late H. Jay Gregg. Surviving are two daughtes: Karen M. Buller, Manheim, and Jan L. Elsen, Mount Joy; two grandchildren; five great-grandchildren; and a great-great-
January 23, 2019 - 7
8 - MERCHANDISER - Warwick Edition - January 23, 2019
Released Time Program Plans Open House
Or call at 717-413-9244
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NEW SCRATCH & Dent Frigidaire Appliances. Limited Time Special on 21.1 cu. ft. side by side Refrigerator, stainless steel model FGSC2335TF, $799. Ephrata, PA 717-445-5222
Collectibles BUYING TOYS & COLLECTIBLES www.DNRCollectibles.com PA’s Largest Buyer of Toys & Collectibles 27 E Lancaster Street, Red Lion, PA Hours: 10:00am-4:00pm, Monday-Friday 717-329-8167 • rhoward1771@gmail.com Toys Vintage or Modern, New or Used, Hess Trucks, Barbies, Diecast, Hot Wheels & Matchbox, Action Figures, Models, Trains, Sports Cards/ Memorabilia, Movie/ Music Memorabilia, Video Games & much more!
COCK-A-POO PUPPIES, cream & light red, cute $600; Black male, $400. Shots & wormed. Ready 1/26/19 717-548-3214
Pets IN AN EFFORT to protect the lives of animals, and for the protection of our readers, we will no longer accept “PETS OR PUPPIES WANTED� classified ads. We will, however continue to accept household pet “For Sale� ads. When purchasing a pet, please make certain animal is healthy and has been properly cared for. When selling or giving away a pet please screen respondents carefully. Pets deserve a loving, caring home. ACA SHIBA INU Puppies, vet checked, shots, dewormed, raised on a farm, $695 If urchased before 2/14 deduct $120. Call 717-548-1368 AKC BOXER PUPPIES, beautiful markings, one fully white female, ready Jan. 30. 717-989-2756 AKC GERMAN SHEPHERD PUPPIES shots, dewormed, vet checked, raised on farm, $595. Call 717-529-5521
FRENCH BULLDOG/ SHELTIE mix puppies. Shots, wormed. Very sharp & energetic. Born 11/15/18. $695. 717-529-6067 ext. 1 GERMAN SHEPHERD PUPS, Shots, wormed, ready now. $325 Ea: Call 717-529-5655 HOME RAISED BEAUTIFUL Dark red, small mini Goldendoodle puppies, 8 wks, & paper trained. 717-653-8341 LAB PUPPIES silver and charcoal. AKC registered, all puppy shots & vet checked. Family raised & loved well, $950. 717-405-2248. LOVE ANIMALS? Turn Your Passion into Profits. Now Accepting Pet Grooming Students. 717-933-1333 MINI AUSSIE-DOODLE PUPPIES, born 11/3/18, vet checked, shots & wormed, $575. obo. 717-314-3889 MINI LABRADOODLE PUPPIES, born 11/02 vet checked, up to date on shots/ wormed, house raised with children, black/tan $650. 717-529-3826
COMPLETE COMPUTER SERVICE Virus Removal, Repairs, Networking, Tutor. 717-571-9219 FREE Online Diagnosis*
Electronics PLASMA 50� HD TV. Panasonic Viera in great condition. 720p, vibrant colors and deep blacks. Asking $200. Call 717-606-6767.
Find what you’re looking for, OR
Sell what you don’t need in the
Lawn & Garden EARTHWISE LANDSCAPE & TREE CARE Spring clean-ups. Mowing, edging, seeding, fertilization, mulching, shrub & tree pruning. 717-626-2541 (PA 088021)
Commercial, Residential. Mowing, Trimming, Mulching, Edging, Hedge/ Bush Trimming, Shrub Removal, Spring/ Fall Clean-ups. Affordable. Reliable. Fully Insured. Free Estimates. 717-293-5094 or cell 717-989-6743 feskoslawnworks5@yahoo.com www.feskoslawnworks.com PA 022060
Miller & Siegrist Auctioneers LLC 717-653-1575
Lic. #AY002150
Second Generation Family Auctioneers
H & H TREE TRIMMING. Fully insured, family owned, free estimates, tree trimming, cutting, removal. Stump grinding. Working year round. Call 717-861-4274
EXPERT, FULL MOUTH balancing & dental care for your horses. Certified Equine Dental Technician E. Kilby 717-244-1724
YOUR ATTENTION Bldg. Materials
Warwick Released Time (WRT) invites the community to attend the student program and open house at Salem Lutheran Church, 26 Owl Hill Road, Lititz, on Thursday, Jan. 31, at 7 p.m. Third- and fourth-grade students from Kissel Hill Elementary who attend weekly religious classes at Salem Church will showcase what they are learning. Secondgrade students and families are especially invited to attend the open house, since these students will be eligible for WRT classes PLACE YOUR CLASSIFIED AD ONLINE AT next school year. WWW.EPCCLASSIFIEDS.COM The theme for open house is “Faith, Fun, Friends - JOY,� SELLING AN ANTIQUE Car or Farm Equipment? Selling construction equipment? based on John 15:11-12. The Advertise with us to reach up to 3.2 milprogram will begin with a song lion homes each week in the Mid-Atby all students, “Every Move I AIRLINES ARE HIRING- Get FAA approved lantic Network. You choose the area. hands on Aviation training. Financial aid Call Engle Printing & Publishing Co. Make,� and on-site director Sue for qualified students- Career placement Inc., Classifieds, 1-800-428-4211 for Weiser will welcome attendees. assistance. Call Aviation Institute of more details. The fourth-grade class of Liz Maintenance 1-877-818-0783 Preston and Correen Russo will SUFFERING FROM AN ADDICTION to Alcohol, Opiates, Prescription Painkillers or present “Faith, Fun, Friends,� FINANCIAL ADVANCE FEE LOANS OR other DRUGS? There is hope! Call today CREDIT OFFERS. Companies that do and Betsy Wenger’s class will to speak with someone who cares. Call business by phone can’t ask you to sing “These Are the Books.� NOW 1-855-901-2049 pay for credit before you get it. For The story of Jacob and Esau more information, call toll-free 1-877-FTC-HELP. A public service will be presented by the thirdmessage from Engle Publishing Co. grade class of Carolyn North, and and the Federal Trade Commission. members of Mim Shenk’s class will share what they have been NOTICE learning about For more information and assistance Old Testament regarding the investigation of faith. Business Opportunity Advertising, Engle Publishing Company urges its An offering readers to contact: will be received THE BETTER BUSINESS BUREAU OF for the WRT proEASTERN PA 717-364-3250 gram, and Sue HAVE SOMETHING TO SELL? GET 2 FREE Rohrer, WRT diWEEKS OF ADVERTISING when you rector, will give purchase 2 weeks, in our Mid-Atlantic the prayer. The network. To learn more, call Engle Printing & Publishing Co. Inc., Classifieds, 1piano offertory, 800-428-4211. “Joy in Serving Jesus,� will be played by Faith Meier. ConcludA PLACE FOR MOM has helped over a miling the program lion families find senior living. Our trustwill be a congreed, local advisors help find solutions to your unique needs at no cost to you. 1gational song, 855-204-5180 “What a Friend We Have in JeASSISTANCE FOR ELDERLY, sus.� The benecaregivers provide hygiene assistance, diction will be meals, light housework in your home. given by Walter Insured, Bonded, RN owned & operated. Visiting Angels, 717-393-3450. Wagner, interim pastor at Salem. Kissel Hill Elementary students Falyn (left) Hank Hershey and Reece McClosky invite the community to will provide tech- the Warwick Released Time student program nical support for and open house at Salem Lutheran Church on the open house Jan. 31. The program will feature third- and fourth- grade Kissel Hill students who are part program. AFFORDABLE BOAT REPAIRS WRT has been of the Warwick Released Time program. Falyn Musser’s offers major and minor boat rein the Warwick is a third-grader in Carolyn North’s class, and pairs and good used boats for sale starting School District Reece is a fourth-grader in Betsy Wenger’s at $1500. Our website is: mussersaffordableboatrepairs. since 1965. class.
Lawn & Garden
MERCHANDISER - Warwick Edition - January 23, 2019 - 9
POMSKY PUPPIES, shots, wormed, vet checked, 1 year Health Guarantee. raised in loving home. Call or Text 484-269-9018 for pictures visit bmwfamilypets.com
AIRLINES ARE HIRING- Get FAA approved hands on Aviation training. Financial aid for qualified students- Career placement assistance. CALL Aviation Institute of Maintenance 1-888-686-1704. (NANI)
HEAR AGAIN! Try our hearing aid for just $75 down and $50 per month! Call 1-800-426-4212 and mention 88272 for a risk free trial! FREE SHIPPING!
SUFFERING FROM AN ADDICTION to Alcohol, Opiates, Prescription Painkillers or other DRUGS? There is hope! Call Today to speak with someone who cares. Call NOW 1-855-866-0913
BARN HELP NEEDED-MUST have extensive horse experience! Feeding, turning out, stall cleaning and light maintenance. Self motivated, able to lift 50#, able to walk distances. 5 days a week with some weekends & holidays. Call 717-665-7626 M-F 8-4
Produce & Edibles HERITAGE ALL NATURAL Butcher Hogs, $1.30/lb hanging weight. Custom butchering. Call or text 717-682-3790
ATTENTION OXYGEN THERAPY USERS! Inogen One G4 is capable of full 24/7 oxygen delivery. Only 2.8 pounds. FREE information kit. Call 1-877-929-9587 (NANI)
Sporting Goods
BATHROOM RENOVATIONS. EASY, ONE DAY updates! We specialize in safe bathing. Grab bars, no slip flooring & seated showers. Call for a free in-home consultation: 1-888-912-4745 (NANI)
FISHING SHOW: JAN 26 & 27, Monaghan Fire Co. 245 West Siddonsburg Rd, Dillsburg. New, used and antique fishing and related merchandise. Seminars, Trout Pond and more. 717-991-1015.
BECOME A PUBLISHED AUTHOR! We edit, print and distribute your work internationally. We do the work... You reap the Rewards! Call for a FREE Author’s Submission Kit: 1-866-951-7214 (NANI)
GUN SHOW - Feb. 2 & 3, 2019 62nd Annual Lancaster Muzzle Loading Rifle Assoc. - Lanc. Farm & Home Cntr., 1383 Arcadia Rd., Lancaster 17601, off Rt. 72, behind Jones Honda. Sat. 8-4 & Sun. 8-2 Donation $5. - 717-368-4653
BECOME A PUBLISHED Author. We want to read your book! Dorrance PublishingTrusted by authors since 1920. Book manuscript submissions currently being reviewed. Comprehensive Services: Consultation, Production, Promotion and Distribution. Call for your Free Author’s Guide 1-877-626-2213 or visit http://dorranceinfo.com/classified
GUNS WANTED INSTANT PAYMENT 1 gun or collection- Will travel Kinsey’s Outdoors, 717-653-5524
Miscellaneous ASPHALT MILLINGS & CRUSHED CONCRETE FOR SALE. For delivery or pick up. Ask about a free estimate to haul and place millings. Please call between 8AM & 4PM. 610-777-2312 DISH NETWORK- SATELLITE Television Services. Now over 190 channels for ONLY $49.99/mo! HBO- FREE for one year, FREE Installation, FREE Streaming, FREE HD. Add internet for $14.95 a month. 1-800-219-1271 USED PRONTO M41 Power Wheelchair, $800. 717-666-4487
FREE ITEMS FREE ITEM?? Place a FREE Ad! Giving away that piece of furniture, toy, sports equipment, etc???
Call 1-800-428-4211 to place your 3 line, private party ad for 1 week (some restrictions apply)
NATIONAL A PLACE FOR MOM has helped over a million families find senior living. Our trusted, local advisors help find solutions to your unique needs at no cost to you. Call 1-855-741-7459. (NANI) A PLACE FOR MOM. The nation’s largest senior living referral service. Contact our trusted local experts today! Our service is FREE/ no obligation. CALL 1-844-722-7993. ADVERTISE TO 10 Million Homes across the USA! Place your ad in over 140 community newspapers, with circulation totaling over 10 million homes. Call Engle Printing & Publishing Co., Inc, Classifieds, a member of Independent Free Papers of America- IFPA, at 1-800-428-4211 for more information. AIRLINE MECHANIC TRAINING. Get FAA Technician certification. Approved for military benefits. Financial Aid if qualified. Job placement assistance. Call Aviation Institute of Maintenance 1-866453-6204
CALL EMPIRE TODAY® to schedule a FREE in-home estimate on Carpeting & Flooring. Call Today! 1-800-508-2824 CARS/ TRUCKS WANTED!! All makes/ models 2000-2016! Any condition. Running or not. Top $$$ Paid! Free Towing! We’re nationwide! Call now: 1-888-985-1806 CARS/TRUCKS WANTED!!! 2002 and Newer! Any condition. Running or not. Competitive Offer! Free Towing! We’re Nationwide! Call Now 1-888-416-2330 (NANI)
CASH FOR CARS: We Buy Any Condition Vehicle, 2002 and Newer. Nationwide Free Pickup! Call Now: 1-800-864-5960 (NANI)
CROSS COUNTRY MOVING. Long Distance Moving Company, out of state move $799, Long Distance Movers. Get free quote on your long distance move, 1-800-511-2181 DENTAL INSURANCE. Call Physicians Mutual Insurance Company for details. NOT just a discount plan, REAL coverage for 350 procedures. 1-888-623-3036 or http://www.dental50plus.com/58 AD# 6118 (NANI) DIRECTV & AT&T. 155 Channels & 1000s of Shows/ Movies On Demand (w/ SELECT Package.) AT&T Internet 99 Percent Reliability. Unlimited Texts to 120 Countries w/AT&T Wireless. Call 4 FREE Quote 1-855-781-1565. DISH NETWORK $69.99 for 190 Channels; Add High Speed Internet for ONLY $14.95/month. Best Technology. Best Value. Smart HD DVR included. FREE Installation. Some restrictions apply. Call 1-855-837-9146. DISH TV $59.99 FOR 190 channels + $14.95 High Speed Internet. Free Installation, Smart HD DVR included, Free Voice Remote. Some restrictions apply. 1-800-718-1593 (NANI) DONATE YOUR CAR - Fast Free Towing, 24hr Response - Tax Deduction. United Breast Cancer Foundation. Your donation can help save a life! 1-877-6543662 DONATE YOUR CAR to Veterans Today! Help and Support our Veterans. FastFREE pick up. 100% tax deductible. Call 1-800-245-0398 (NANI) ENJOY 100% GUARANTEED, delivered to the door Omaha Steaks! Makes a great Holiday gift! SAVE 75% PLUS get 4 free Burgers! Order The Family Gourmet Feast- ONLY $49.99. Call 1-855-3490656 mention code 55586TJC or visit www.omahasteaks.com/love13 HEALTHCARE CAREER TRAINING ONLINE. Start a New Career in Medical Billing & Coding. Medical Administrative Assistant. To learn more, call Ultimate Medical Academy. 1-855-629-5104 (NANI)
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RECENTLY DIAGNOSED WITH LUNG CANCER and 60+ years old? Call now! You and your family may be entitled to a SIGNIFICANT CASH AWARD. Call 1-877-648-6308 today. Free consultation. No Risk. (NANI) SLEEP APNEA PATIENTS- If you have Medicare coverage, call Verus Healthcare to qualify for CPAP supplies for little or no cost in minutes. Home Delivery, Healthy Sleep Guide and moreFREE! Our customer care agents await your call. 1-844-545-9175
SUFFERING FROM AN ADDICTION to Alcohol, Opiates, Prescription Pain Killers or other DRUGS? There is hope! Call today to speak with someone who cares. Call NOW 1-855-399-8803. (NANI) TOP CASH FOR CARS. Any car/truck, running or not. Call for INSTANT offer: 1-888-417-9150 UNABLE TO WORK due to injury or illness? Call Bill Gordon & Assoc., Social Security Disability Attorneys! FREE evaluation. Local attorneys nationwide 1-855-4986323 [Mail: 2420 N St NW, Washington DC. Office: Broward Co. FL (TX/NM Bar.)]
SEASONAL COAL/ WOOD/ PELLET Stoves and Inserts, New & Refurbished. Over 300 models in stock. $100-$800 & up. Buy/ Sell/ Trade. Call 717-577-6640 SEASONED SPLIT FIREWOOD. Cherry, Locust, Walnut, etc. $180 per cord. Delivery available. 717-205-6300 or 717-392-9544
General A PT POSITION WITH FT PAY Paid training provided. Property inspection 717-314-2752 lancaster.metro@gmail.com
CAREGIVERS NEEDED: CNA's, HHA's & care assistants, make a difference in the life of a senior and put your caregiving experience to work. All shifts available. Call Visiting Angels at 717-393-3450. CLASS A CDL Driver for Lime truck and trailer. Haul & Spread crushed limestone on fields. Must have clean driving record. Farming knowledge a plus. JOANNE 610-273-3554 DIESEL MECHANIC & CDL Driver Wanted. 45-50 Hrs/Week. 1 year experience preferred. 717-367-7375 EXPERIENCED CLEANING HELP WANTED. Residential and commercial. Part-time days and/or evenings. Must have own transportation. Great wages. 717-336-4854 F/T ASSISTANT WAREHOUSE SUPERVISOR needed. Must be able to plan, oversee, and participate in warehouse operations and activities. Responsible for assigning and distributing work duties, as well as maintaining records and files. Will provide work direction and coordinate schedules and activities. Must have a high school diploma or equivalent and 2-3 years previous warehouse experience. Must have good communication and interpersonal skills. Salary negotiable depending on qualifications & experience. Contact IC&S at 717-391-6250 or send resume to: info@ics-company.com
HELP WANTED in Construction. PT or FT Drivers License Needed. 717-989-1780. Also enjoys Deer Hunting. HELP WANTED, FT/PT Caregivers for our clients in their homes. Home Helpers, 717-824-0939 IMMEDIATE NEED FOR CAREGIVERS! Caregivers America is seeking reliable caregivers in several areas in Lancaster Co. Excellent pay rates and flexible schedule. Please call 717-898-2825 for an interview or visit our website to apply on-line. www.CaregiversAmerica.com LITITZ CHRISTIAN EARLY LEARNING CENTER seeks a FT Assistant Toddler, Teacher/Floater. CDA preferred. Min 2 yrs exp. Please call Director at 717-626-5828
for a reputable residential construction company. Competitive wages, paid holidays, uniforms, retirement package and other benefits offered. Looking for employees that are self-motivated with a good attitude. Applicants may contact T&D Excavating & Paving at 717-665-6776 x104 or jeannie@tdexc.com OFFICE CLEANING, LITITZ AREA. PART TIME EVES M-F. LEAVE MESSAGE, 717-664-7159
PT EGG PACKERS NEEDED Call Dave at 717-426-2338
SPECTRUM TRIPLE PLAY! TV, Internet & Voice for $29.99 ea. 60 MB per second speed. No contract or commitment. More Channels. Faster Internet. Unlimited Voice. Call 1-855-652-9304
SPECTRUM TRIPLE PLAY! TV, Internet & Voice for $29.99 ea. 60 mb per second speed. No contract or commitment. More channels. Faster internet. Unlimited voice. Call 1-877-338-2315 (NANI) STAY IN YOUR home longer with an American Standard Walk-In Bathtub. Receive up to $1,500 off, including a free toilet, and a lifetime warranty on the tub and installation! Call us at 1-855-534-6198
FT EXPERIENCED BARTENDER with managerial skills for local establishment. Send resume to: Box 85, c/o Engle Publishing Co. PO Box 500, Mount Joy, PA 17552
STAY IN YOUR home longer with an American Standard Walk-in Bathtub. Receive up to $1,500 off, including a free toilet, and a lifetime warranty on the tub and installation! Call us at 1-844-374-0013
BENEFITS INCLUDE: • Health Insurance & voluntary benefits • Safety bonus programearn additional income • Equipment maintained on-site • Pension program • Competitive pay package • 2017 average driver pay was $71,300 • Assigned trucks • Paid weekly • Dispatcher gets all loads out and back Call us for an application packet
717-484-6001 Applications also available to download at
Elite Service, Inc. 905 Stone Hill Road, Denver
MULTIPLE LOCAL ESTATES & COLLECTIONS Mr. & Mrs. Brenner - Strasburg, Margret Smith - Fredericksburg, Coatesville Estate
(The Late Eugene Kline, Forry Estate, Mr. & Mrs. Laverty)
SAT., JAN 26, 2019 8:00 A.M. (Inspection Of Items - Auction Day Only 7:00 A.M.) LOCATION: Enck’s Banquet Center, 1461 Lancaster Road (Rt. 72), Manheim, PA 17545 • 1999 Abner Zook 3-Dimensional Six Horse Covered Wagon Scene, 1972 Hattie K. Brunner Train Snow Scene Painting, 1962 Hattie K. Brunner Winter Snow Scene Painting, (3) Three Verna Seagraves Paintings, Keeney Theorem Paintings • Contemporary Wood Carvings • Salt Glaze Figures & Pottery • Contemporary Nolde Forest, Lester Breininger, Foltz, Seagraves, Jeff White, Russell Henry & Roy Keeney Pottery • Coins & Currency • Furniture (Antique & Quality Name-Brand Furniture) • Jewelry • Sports Memorabilia • Plus Much More FOR PHOTOS, FULL LISTING & TERMS SEE WEBSITE: www.witmanauctioneers.com
SAT., FEB. 2, 2019 • 8:00 A.M. (Inspection Auction Day Only – 7:00 A.M.) LOCATION: Enck's Banquet Center - 1461 Lancaster Rd., (Rte. 72) Manheim, PA 17545
• Abner Zook 3-D Diorama Winter Scene Covered Bridge 1982 • Aaron Zook 3-D Diorama Covered Bridge Scene • Firearms/ Military/ Guns • Woodwares • License Plates • Stoneware • Redware • Cast Iron • Metalwaves Tin & Brass • Glassware • Metal Pedal Car • Folk Art • Contemporary Wood Carvings • Duck Decoys • Prints • Toys & Trains • Modern & Antique Furniture & Furnishings • Hit 'N' Miss Engine • Vintage Boat Motor For Full History, Photos, Full Listing, Terms See Website: www.witmanauctioneers.com
The Witman Auctioneers Team Is Currently Booking Auctions Now & In The Future For The 2019 Auction Season. Call Us Now For Competitive Rates.
The Witman Auctioneers Team Is Currently Booking Auctions Now & In The Future For The 2019 Auction Season. Call Us Now For Competitive Rates.
Auction by: Witman Auctioneers, Inc. Luke R. & Clarke N. Witman, & Doug L. Ebersole www.witmanauctioneers.com 717-665-5735 • 717-665-1300 • AY-000155-L
Auction by: Witman Auctioneers, Inc. Luke R. & Clarke N. Witman, Doug L. Ebersole www.witmanauctioneers.com 717-665-5735 • 717-665-1300 • AY-000155-L
ROTTWEILER PUPPIES, (4) males, (1) female, 12wks old, shots, wormed, vet checked, (1) Rottweiler Female 2yrs old. 717-529-9047 ext-1, Reuben Blank
AT&T INTERNET. Get more for your HighSpeed Internet Thing. Starting at $40/month w/12-mo agmt. Includes 1TB of data per month. Ask us how to bundle and SAVE! Geo & svc restrictions apply. Call us today 1-833-7070984.
PURE BRED GERMAN Shepherd Puppies, nice markings, intelligent, vet checked, shots & wormed, ready 2/2. $410. 717862-3178
10 - MERCHANDISER - Warwick Edition - January 23, 2019
Schaad Detective Agency
is seeking full-time and part-time Armed and Unarmed positions.
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All applicants must have a valid driver’s license and clean criminal history. R029520
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Applicants can apply online at schaad.com or fill out an application at our office 1114 Roosevelt Ave., York, PA • 1-800-632-9032
Can apply in person!
220 Eby Chiques Road, Mount Joy, PA 17552 717-653-8061
Mechanical Trades
General WOULD YOU LIKE TO HAVE YOUR CLASSIFIED AD REACH CHESTER, LANCASTER, YORK, AND DAUPHIN COUNTIES? Reaching over 407,000 households every week with your advertising message is significant. Call 1-800-428-4211 and ask for the "360 SPECIAL" to find out how.
Mechanical Trades
Apply Within EOE • 717-509-4580 709 Hartman Station Road Lancaster, PA 17601
EXPERIENCED CARPENTERS NEEDED for photography studio.Indoor, year-round work. Qualified applicants will be proficient in spackling, sanding and finishing of walls and ceilings. Excellent trim skills(casing, baseboard & crown) are essential. Cabinetry, flooring and fixture installation experience is also necessary.
Must have own hand tools and reliable transportation. Up to $20/hour. Benefit package includes health insurance, vacation, holidays, and 401K.
Beco Equipment
Manheim Rita’s
Please respond to officeadmin@shadowlightgroup.com with resume, work history, contact information.
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Hiring Full-Time Experienced Service Technician
We are looking for people who are • Outgoing and friendly • Available after school, evenings and weekends OR Daytimes • Dependable and responsible
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The candidate for this opportunity will: 3 Have availability to work overtime if needed 3 Be self-motivated 3 Have a high attention to detail
Apply online at ritasfranchises.com/manheim Use the “Join the Team” link at the top of the home page. To submit your application by email please follow the instructions on our website carefully. Failure to do so will result in a blank application being emailed. th
Please submit application by Jan. 30 .
• Competitive Pay • Paid Vacation • Paid Holidays
MURRY COMMUNITIES IS seeking a fulltime accountant for our property management division. The ideal candidate will possess a thorough knowledge of accounting processes and procedures in accordance with generally accepted accounting principles (GAAP), is organized, accurate, responsible, honest, and dependable. Ability to work independently or as a member of a team. Murry Communities offer a competitive salary, company paid benefits, paid time off, and 401K with employer match. A bachelor’s degree with a concentration in accounting or finance preferred, or 5 years of related experience. Please submit resume to: ytoro@murrycos.com for consideration.
LOST & FOUND Place a FREE 15-20 word ad in the next available issue to locate the owner of your found item. Call our Classified Dept. 1-800-428-4211
Call or Stop by 258 W. Main St., Leola, PA 17557
TWIN PINE FORD is looking for self motivated, experienced automotive mechanics. Must have a great attitude, PA State Inspection & Emission license, essential tools, and good trouble shooting skills. For job application or submit resume to eugeneb@twinpineford.com
Responsibilities Include: • Service and Repair Hot & Cold Pressure Washers • Small Engine Repair Etc.
Now Hiring: •Concrete Finishers •Laborers •Equipment Operators •Concrete Laborers •Pipe Layers •Truck Drivers
Now Hiring
This publication will not be responsible for more than one incorrect insertion of any advertisement.
Trailer Service • Mechanical Experience • Knowledge of 12-volt wiring • Welding experience preferred
Ads submitted to us that begin with A-1, 1-A, AAA, etc for position purposes, will No Longer Be Accepted This Way, unless proven that it is part of your Registered Business Name.
Trailer Preparation • Washing & detailing trailers prior to customer pick-up. • Keeping trailers displayed and organized on sales lot. • Assist Service Department as needed.
A&L TRIMMING, Interior Triming, Cabinet Installations, Install New Flooring 717-529-9017 Leave Message
Service Scheduler • Coordinate and Schedule trailer service jobs from inbound calls and walk-in customers. • Excellent communica on skills required. • Trailer service experience a plus. • Finalize billing and customer pick-up.
Need Some Work Done Around the House? Look in the Classified Section for Help!
All posi ons above are full- me and generally require between 45-50 hours per week. Benefits include very compe ve wages, 7 paid holidays, paid vaca on me and a company match re rement plan.
AMISH MOVING COMPANY Will move households (will go out of state). Fair prices for Clean Outs of Attics, Basements. 717-442-3301 ANDY’S DRYWALL Interior Remodeling, Hanging, Finishing, Framing, Painting, Basements, Additions, Textured Ceilings & Walls. Insured. PA 022669. 717-587-4102
MERCHANDISER - Warwick Edition - January 23, 2019 - 11
Cooking Demonst ra tor
CALL EMPIRE TODAY to schedule a FREE in-home estimate on Carpeting & Flooring. Call Today! 1-866-538-7163
ssoc. PM Produce A FT/P T A M Line Cook
NEED TO SELL YOUR HOUSE FAST? No Fees. No Commissions. Put More Cash In Your Pocket. Selling Your House Can Be A Quick And Simple Process Call 717-727-1919
Applications available at our website or 2900 Oregon Pike, Lititz, PA
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CLOCK DOCTOR All Fine Clocks Cleaned, Oiled, Repaired. We Make House Calls! Free Pick-Up & Delivery! Call: 717-768-3844 CLOCK REPAIR Housecalls on Grandfather Clocks Clocks Bought & Sold Trager Clocks 717-786-7053
First time customers only: ***$65 any color service. ***Free cut with color service ***$20 cut and style
ELECTRICAL- THOMAS ELECTRIC 40 Yrs Exp. 100/200 AMP’s & Panel Upgrades, Older Homes, FANS, Elect. Heat. Insured. PA 130999. Free Estimates Call anytime, 717-569-8837
EXPERIENCED PAINTER HANDYMAN Elec- Plumb- Drywall- Floors-RenovationsCarpentry. Pics & refs avail. PA #93408 717-324-3335. mlhalte@icloud.com
610-286-9845 Ask for Julie
Int/Ext, Res/Com, 30 yrs exp. Free estimates, Fully insured Eric, 717-615-6442 PA 116089
PAINTING DONE RIGHT Interiors. Exteriors. Detailed clean custom painting services. Res/Com. Refs. PA126393 717-286-5464 Many other related services, just ask!
MOVING & JUNK REMOVAL. FREE QUOTES! Fully Insured. Call/Text 717-801-5328.
Building, Remodeling, Handyman, Painting, Maintenance, Landscaping, Storm Damage. Sr & Vet Discounts. PA#88286 Steve 717-538-7536, John 717-598-8742 R029588
***NEW HAIRSTYLIST*** New Beginnings Salon Morgantown Experienced; Color specialist; Worked at Ulta and Decola Salon
JACK’S PROFESSIONAL PAINTING. Ext/int. Powerwashing & deck treatment. No job to big or too small. 20yrs+ exp. 717-367-4231 STUMP GRINDING 717-291-6898 Lester E. Probst. Free Estimates JUST STUMPS. Quality Workmanship. TREE WISE GUYS, LLC. Qualified Arborist, Fully Insured. Offering 75’ Bucket. 717-601-1501 EARTHWISE LANDSCAPE & TREE CARE We use modern pruning techniques for the health & safety of your trees & shrubs. Certified arborist on staff. Also removals, storm damage, & yard clean-up. 717-6262541 (PA 088021)
ITEMS WANTED 10K, 14K, 18K, STERLING. Platinum, estate jewelry, diamonds & coins. (Damaged & Scrap Gold). Single pieces or entire estates R029392
Paying very competitive prices.
AM JEWELRY, INC, 50 S. Broad St., Lititz; 717-627-3197 AMERICAN & FOREIGN CARS $$ PAYING CASH $$ for Classic & Collector Cars. 717-577-8206 AT SUSQUEHANNA COIN, Willow Valley Square, our 37th year paying top pricesfor gold, silver, coins, jewelry, sterling, etc. 717-464-4016. BRITISH MOTORCYCLES WANTED Triumph, Norton, BSA, etc., running or not. I pay more. 484-252-1708, anytime.
REAL ESTATE EQUAL HOUSING OPPORTUNITY All real estate advertised in this publication is subject to the Federal Fair Housing Act and the Pennsylvania Human Relations Act which makes it illegal to advertise a preference, limitation or discrimination based on race, color, religion, ancestry, sex, national origin, handicap (physical or mental) or familial status (people with children) or an intention to make any such preference, limitation or discrimination. This publication will not knowingly accept any advertisement for real estate which is in violation of the law. Our readers are hearby informed that all dwellings advertised in this publication are required to be available on an equal opportunity basis. *NOTE TO OUR CUSTOMERS* When placing your real estate ad please describe the property only, not who you wish to occupy it.
NEED SOME EXTRA CASH? Why Not Earn Money While Making People Smile? ROYER’S FLOWERS & GIFTS is in need of floral delivery drivers for the Valentine’s Day holiday. Drive your own vehicle (van/SUV/station wagon preferred). Valid PA Driver’s License and Insurance required. Cell phone & GPS are helpful! Register in person at:
165 S. Reading Rd. Ephrata 717-733-6588 873 N. Queen St. Lancaster 717-394-6339
201 Rohrerstown Rd. Lancaster 717-397-0376 902 Lancaster Ave. Columbia 717-684-2081
For Rent R028855
2-3BR: PARADISE, ROTHSVILLE & STRASBURG Area. CLEAN HOMES, appls., no pets, keep neat. 717-768-8427
For Rent
Manufactured Housing
COLUMBIA – 1 BR Apt $700 LANCASTER – 2 BR Apt $950 LITITZ – 2 BR Townhouse $950 MANHEIM TWP – 2 BR Apt $825 MILLERSVILLE AREA 4+ BR $2,600 MOUNTVILLE - 1 BR Loft $895 MOUNT JOY - 2 BR Apt $750 View All our Listings & Apply On-Line 717-285-4555 prospectleasing.com COMMERCIAL SPACE, DOWNTOWN MANHEIM 1500 sf., 3rd flr, wood flrs, high ceilings, off-st prkng, $630/mo. 717-665-3451 or 717-575-1631 LONG-TERM MOTEL ROOMS FOR RENT. Refrigerator, Microwave & non-smoking avail. Manheim Area., Lancaster Co. FREE WIFI. 717-665-2938
HOMESITES FOR YOUR MANUFACTURED HOME FOR RENT! Looking for a nice place for your new or preowned home and family? 24 Hour on call service, professionally managed and maintained Communities that "Feel like Home". Available lots within Beautiful Communities in York, Dauphin, Cumberland, Lancaster, Luzerne and Perry Counties. Select communities are offering FREE RENT; 3 TO 12 MONTHS FREE! Call today for details! 717 730-4141
MANHEIM LARGE 2BR, 1st flr of House. LR, DR, W/D hk-up, full bsmt, yard, lrg porch, completely remodeled. No pets/ smoking. $895/mo.+ util. 717-629-8470
2003 TOYOTA AVALON XL, 1 owner, garage condition, very good working order, asking $4,000. 717-291-5600
OC, MD, 14TH ST: 1, 2 & 4BR Vacation Apts. Nightly/ Weekly. Groups Welcome 410-390-8703. portnstarboardapts.com
2007 ACURA SEDAN TSX, auto, 4 cyl, white, 112K mi, $4800.717-361-9082.
RWPM - 717-399-0100 Millersville 40 Manor Ave. 3BR semi-detached...........................$995 Lancaster Twp. 151 Riverside Ave. 4BR Semi-detached.................$1150 Millersville 104 Manor Ave. 3BR Semi-detached, garage...........$1095 Columbia 130 N 4th 1BR..........$675 Columbia 130 N 4th 2BR..........$825 Manheim Twp. 689 Royal View Dr. 3BR 2.BA, 1 car gar Twhse......$1595 East Petersburg 6040 Pine St. Semi-detached 3BR 1.5BA 1 car garage across from park..........$995 Manheim 101 S Charlotte 2BR.$725 Marietta 589 E. Market 2BR......$825 Also Great Houses & Apartments Available in Lancaster City
For Sale SEAFORD, DELAWARE NEW MOVE-IN READY HOMES! Low Taxes! Close to Beaches, Gated, Olympic pool. Model Homes from the low 100’s. Brochures. 1-866-629-0770 or www.coolbranch.com
Looking For A Home?
CAPITAL CLASSIC CARS buying All European & Classic Cars. ANY Condition. ANY Location. Porsche, Mercedes, Jaguar & More! Top Dollar PAID. CapitalClassicCars.com 1-571-2825153 steve@capitalclassiccars.com CASH FOR YOUR UNWANTED CAR & TRUCK. Any condition. PA licensed & insured dealer. 717-350-1208, anytime. (WANTED) CARS/ TRUCKS WANTED!!! All makes/ models 2002-2018! Any condition. Running or not. Competitive offer! Free Towing! We’re Nationwide! Call Now: 1-888-368-1016
AUTO PARTS & SUPPLIES $100-$5,000 PAID for unwanted or junk autos. Free same day removal. All paperwork taken care of legally. PA licensed and insured. Call anytime 717-989-6980.
$100-$800 For Your Unwanted Junk Cars-Trucks- Vans- SUVs. Prompt, Honest Service. Call KZ 717-847-6083 PA0002
Use The Classifieds
$50-$1000 CASH PAID ON ALL VEHICLES Serving York & Lancaster. 24/7 service. Call anytime 717-515-2607
Wanted WANTED 8-15 ACRES for possible mobile Home Park. Can be a 60ft right of way back to the acreage needed. $1200 to $1400 per Acre. Please call Lloyd Rutt 717-538-6444 WE BUY HOUSES & APARTMENT BUILDINGS Any Condition. Tired of being a landlord? Cash out today! No Realtor Fees. Fast Easy Cash Settlement! 717-598-2661
Manufactured Housing BUY DIRECT Unbelievable prices. Hunting Cabin & Landlord Specials, New & Used Doublewides & Singlewides $9900 717-875-1288
GOT TOYOTA? ALL TOYOTAS Parts, Repairs, Sales, Srvc. New, Oem, Used, Aftm. Weikle’S + save 717-417-2726 HARD-FRAME TRI-FOLD TONNEAU COVER, 5’, off short bed Chevy Colorado, locks, like new, $200, 717-367-1651 leave message.
CYCLES BRITISH MOTORCYCLES WANTED Triumph, Norton, BSA, etc., running or not. I pay more. 484-252-1708, anytime. CASH PAID FOR ATV’s, ATC’s, Motorcycles, 2, 3 or 4 Wheelers, Any Year, Running Or Not. Please Call 610-656-3158
THOMPSON - REALTORS Search for Homes at ThompsonRealtor.com
This is a great flat lot in an established neighborhood in the Borough of Manheim. Walking distance to parks & Schools with Public water & sewer. Penway Construction is the exclusive builder and will help you custom build your dream home. Ranch or 2 Story home .... Call US Today, 717-665-3322.
12 - MERCHANDISER - Warwick Edition - January 23, 2019