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FEBRUARY 13, 2019




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The Lititz Public Library, 651 Kissel Hill Road, Lititz, will offer two Family Story Times at 9:30 a.m. on Friday, March 1, and on Saturday, March 2. Participants will celebrate Dr. Seuss’ birthday and enjoy his stories. Green eggs and ham will be served for breakfast. Children of all ages and abilities are welcome to attend with an adult. Registration will begin on Friday, Feb. 15. To preregister, call the library at 717-626-2255 no more than two weeks in advance. BUS EXCURSION

The Lancaster Christian Women’s Club will host a spring bus excursion to the Museum of the Bible in Washington, D.C., on Wednesday, May 8. The bus will leave at 8 a.m. from the parking lot at A.C. Moore, 1625 Lititz Pike, Lancaster, and is slated to return at 7:30 p.m. The deadline for reservations is Wednesday, April 10. The cost for the trip includes bus transportation, museum fees, and driver gratuity. Attendees will purchase lunch and dinner on their own at the museum’s restaurants. Call Sue Bleil at 717-989-0321.

Warrior Boys Handle Solanco, 72-40 pg 10 Library Friends Donate Time, Funds pg 2

Positive Interaction: Warwick Sees Facility Dogs In Its Future By Ann Mead Ash

Warwick School District has long considered bringing in facility dogs for each of the six district schools, and that possibility is now on its way to becoming a reality. Ryan Axe, director of secondary education for the district, recalled that approximately five years ago Warwick superintendent Dr. April Hershey had suggested having facility dogs on school campuses. “After the recent incidents on campus (in late 2018), we saw the impact dogs can have, and we decided to revisit the initiative,” said Axe. When Keystone Pet Enhanced Therapy Services (KPETS) of Lancaster brought up to a dozen dogs to the school late in the fall, administrators saw firsthand the positive results of interaction with the canines. “The biggest thing (the dogs provided) was

comfort,” Axe said. “When there is sadness or anxiety, a dog can be very comforting, and we saw that a lot. We saw dogs bring smiles to the faces of students and staff.” According to Axe, facility dogs are specially trained to work a full day in venues such as schools. “We intend to use (the dogs) throughout the day for learning support, comfort, (and) as incentives,” said Axe. “Students read to them, and (students may be) allowed to walk the dog or take him out at recess (as a reward for certain behavior).” Axe noted that facility dogs require both handlers while they are at the school and caretakers outside school. “Caretakers bring the dogs to and from campus,” explained Axe, who noted that the plan is to choose caretakers from among school staff members. “Every building will have a primary and secondary caretaker.” See Facility Dogs pg 6

Mentoring Across The Miles

Lifetree Cafe Boys ages 12 to 18 who take part in LifeCycles take rides in Lancaster County and beyond. LifeCycles is a bicycle ministry associated with Community Fellowship Church in Lancaster.

LifeCycles Helps Youths Stay On Track By Ann Mead Ash

At the end of each year, Lee Deremer, founder of LifeCycles, creates a presentation that shows each young man who

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Dogs provided by Keystone Pet Enhanced Therapy Services (KPETS) of Lancaster brought comfort to students at Warwick High School following the difficult events that occurred there in late 2018. The Warwick School District hopes to have a facility dog on each of the six district campuses beginning this fall.

TTC/Potter’s House Plans Annual Banquet By Ann Mead Ash


is hosted at The General Sutter Inn, 14 E. Main St., Lititz, every Monday at 7 p.m. Lifetree is a weekly program that involves friendly conversations about various topics. The Feb. 18 program, titled “We’re Not Alone? The Search for Intelligent Life on Other Planets,” will feature a filmed interview with Dr. Seth Shostak, senior astronomer at the SETI Institute. The discussion will focus on whether intelligent life exists in other places in the universe and what the search for that life is revealing. All are invited to the free community event. For details, visit www.lifetreecafelancaster.us, search for “Lifetree Cafe Lititz” on Facebook, or contact Pastor Jason at 717-333-9238 or jbperkowski@gmail.com.

Society To Offer Dance Classes pg 6

participates in the program how far he has ridden a bicycle by taking part in regular weekly and added challenge rides. “We hold an end-of-theyear celebration (with) an awards ceremony,” said Deremer. “I list all the boys who have participated by name on a map.” See LifeCycles pg 3

“Our premise is understanding that recovery is not the antidote to addiction,” said Lloyd Hoover, executive director of TTC/Potter’s House, a nonprofit, Christ-centered ministry that offers a holistic approach to physical, emotional, and spiritual needs of prerelease and post-release prisoners and individuals desiring to overcome addictions. “Belonging is the antidote to addiction. So recovery can’t happen in isolation,” he explained. To help raise funds to support the ministry, TTC/Potter’s House will hold its annual banquet on Friday, March 8, at Shady Maple Banquet Hall, 129 Toddy Drive, East Earl. Doors will open at 6 p.m., and dinner will be served at 6:30 p.m.

Armond “Bud” Roda This year’s keynote speaker will be Armond “Bud” Roda. Roda is the volunteer staff chaplain at the Lancaster County Prison and a liaison for referrals to the TTC/Potter’s House program. Roda has worked with both TTC/Potter’s House and the prison for more than 20 years. During that time, his influence has helped steer more See TTC/Potter’s House pg 4



2 - MERCHANDISER - Warwick Edition - February 13, 2019

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BANKRUPTCY Released Time Program Sets Open House

THOMAS W. FLECKENSTEIN Attorney At Law (717) 333-4053 470 Locust St., Columbia, PA 17512 www.FleckensteinPALaw.com

All are invited to the open house and student program featuring Warwick Released Time (WRT) John Beck Elementary students on Tuesday, Feb. 19, at 7 p.m. at Lititz United Methodist Church, 201 E. Market St. Students are to arrive at 6:45 p.m. The theme for the open house is “JOY - Faith, Fun, Friends (John 15:11-12).” WRT is an optional nondenominational Christian two-year education program open to all thirdand fourth-grade students residing in the Warwick School District, including homeschooled students. Second-grade students are especially invited to the upcoming open house to learn about WRT, as they will be eligible to attend when they enter third grade. Each second-grader in attendance will receive a small gift. The upcoming open house and student program will offer an opportunity to see what the students have been learning in their weekly classes as they study the Bible. The third-grade WRT students from John Beck School,

taught by Pamela Carr, Betsy Longenecker, and Krista Weaver, will tell what they are learning from the Old Testament by sharing songs, Scripture, and skits. The fourthgrade WRT classes, which learn from the New Testament, are taught by Breanna Bergman, Kerri Frank, Jen Heller, and Renee Reinfried and will share what they are learning about Jesus and His teachings as they apply to each student. An offering will be received to continue the work of WRT, which has been in existence for 54 years. WRT has been approved by the Warwick school board through a cooperative effort with the Warwick Released Time board. The WRT director is Sue Rohrer, and the on-site director is Kim Reese. Other WRT staff members are Cathy Eberly, Jill Moseman, Jen Gallinaugh, Beth Nolt, Lauren Schwartz, Deb Lobb, and Ruth Groff. More information can be found at www.warwickreleasedtime.org or by contacting Rohrer at 717626-4454.

Kerri Frank (left), who teaches a fourth-grade class through Warwick Released Time (WRT) for John Beck Elementary students, and her daughter, Phoebe, invite the community to learn about WRT at an open house on Feb. 19 at Lititz United Methodist Church.

Genealogy Series Slated The Manheim Township Historical Society is partnering with Manheim Township Public Library on a three-part genealogy series. The first session will take

place on Tuesday, Feb. 19, at 7 p.m. at the library, 595 Granite Run Drive, Lancaster. Refreshments and an opportunity to meet the speaker will be available

at 6:30 p.m. In this session, Darvin L. Martin will describe the variety of DNA tests available, sort out how to choose which test to take, and

discuss how to determine who in one’s family should take this test and how to interpret test results For more information, call 717-560-6441.

Library Friends

from pg 1


The Friends of the Lititz Public Library, an association of community members who share a passion for fundraising and improving library services, raised $34,197 in 2018. The organization’s biggest fundraisers are the book sales held in the spring and fall. Other projects include running spring and fall bus trips, holding a costume jewelry sale, providing volunteers for the Chocolate Walk held in October, and helping at various events and programs at the library and throughout the community. Funds raised go toward operational costs and support of the library’s many programs for both children and adults. The Friends meet at the library on the last Monday of most months. The co-chairs of the Friends of the Lititz Public Library are Donna Hammond and Maryann Richmond. New members are always welcome. F o r m o r e i n fo r m a t i o n , readers may call the library at 717-626-2255.

www.legendseniorliving.com R029181

Pictured on front: The Friends of the Lititz Public Library raised more than $34,000 in 2018.

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COBYS Sets Programs For Kinship Caregivers

LifeCycles from pg 1 vision to form a board and incorporate as a nonprofit organization. In May 2015, LifeCycles held its first ride. The organization now rides more than 50 times per year. “We have now traveled more than 77,000 miles together,” noted Deremer. “That’s three times around the planet without injury.” From the middle of April until early September, the group meets on Tuesdays and Thursdays in outdoor locations in Columbia and Lancaster for about 90 minutes. “We have a welcome and a message, and we stretch,” said Deremer. “We ride about an hour and then we sit down for a hot meal.” All meals are donated by people who support the vision of LifeCycles. A New Holland branch of LifeCycles rides from Garden Spot Village on Wednesday evenings from April through November. Since the organization is now in its fifth year, some of the participants are now looking forward to getting a driver’s license, while others are in college or working in the local area. “All boys are working on the same issues,” noted Deremer. “They are trying to figure out what it means to go from age 13 to young adulthood in a smart way. They have questions to work through, and we are thrilled to engage with them.” Deremer is especially excited about an upcoming fundraiser for LifeCycles. On Saturday and Sunday, Sept. 7 and 8, a number of experienced adult riders will take part in the Do Hard Things Challenge Ride, which will begin at the Pennsylvania and New York state line, near Elmira, N.Y. “We will ride (through the night) from there to Williamsport and then all along the Susquehanna River to Wrightsville,” said Deremer, who explained that riders will raise funds through sponsorships. To inquire about volunteering, readers may email director@life cyclesteam.org or call 717-5862511. More information about LifeCycles may be found at www.lifecyclesteam.org.


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The monthly educational discussion group with other kinship families will feature a different topic at each month’s session, as well as the sharing of practical community resources. Topics include Setting Boundaries, Healing From Anger, Emotional Wellness, and more. Child care will be available. To register, call COBYS Family Services at 717-435-8139. Additionally, kinship seminars

have been slated for upcoming Sundays, with a meal at 3:40 p.m. and the seminar from 4 to 6 p.m. Speakers will present information specific to kinship caregivers. A meal and child care activities will be provided, and a training certificate will be offered. On Feb. 24, Rosie Good will present “Children and Mental Health.” On March 17, Joel

Jakobowski will share about “Breaking the Cycle: Raising Children of Addicted Parents.” More information about the program and the seminar is available at www.cobys.org/ kinship. Additionally, a free and confidential information line is open on Tuesdays through Thursdays from 9:30 a.m. to 2:30 p.m. by calling 717-4358139, ext. 210.

Servant Stage Will Perform Servant Stage will perform “A Million Dreams: Songs of Inspiration” at Zion Lutheran Church, 1905 Broad St., East

Petersburg, on Saturday, and love. Admission is free, though a Feb. 23, at 7 p.m. “A Million Dreams: Songs of Inspiration” freewill offering will be received. features songs of faith, hope, For more information, readers

may call 717-569-1359 or 717-455-0255. A full list of performances is available at www.ServantStageCompany.com.

Luncheon To Focus On History Landis Valley Village and Farm Museum, 2451 Kissel Hill Road, Lancaster, will host Lunch With the Landis Brothers on Saturday, March

16, from 11 a.m. to 3 p.m. Attendees will dine with reenactors portraying Henry and George Landis at the hist o r i c L a n d i s Va l l e y H o u s e

Hotel. The menu will include dishes from the hotel’s heyday. The interactive event will also include a tour of the brothers’ most prized

collection pieces. For more details and registration, readers may call 717-569-0401 or visit www.landisvalley|museum.org.

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COBYS Family Services will host upcoming programs at Lancaster Brethren in Christ Church, 1865 Fruitville Pike, Lancaster. A program for kinship caregivers, who are those raising a relative’s child, such as a grandchild or a niece or nephew, will be offered from 11:30 a.m. to 1 p.m. on Wednesdays, Feb. 13 and March 13.

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Deremer uses the map to create a fictional trip for each boy. “From Lancaster to State College (equals) 160 miles of riding,” explained Deremer. “(Some boys) go as far as Fargo, North Dakota, or Miami,” Deremer is especially proud of one participant who is slated to eclipse 4,000 miles when the group starts holding regular rides again in the spring. “(That young man has) gone through Texas and Mexico to the border of Panama,” said a smiling Deremer. LifeCycles is a bicycle ministry associated with Community Fellowship Church and overseen by Deremer and his wife, Marcie. The program mentors boys from the greater Lancaster area in a bicycle touring environment. All equipment is provided to the boys free of charge. Deremer said that he began LifeCycles in 2014 when he reached a point of frustration seeing young men “derailed” by their circumstances. “I could no longer stand on the sidelines,” said Deremer. “I had to see if I could bring some resources together and do something.” Deremer was specifically concerned about boys between the ages of 12 and 18 who did not have a positive male role model in their lives. “It’s hard enough growing into an adult today,” said Deremer, adding that it is increasingly difficult without a mentor to provide guidance about how to get there. Deremer and his wife began to pray about how to proceed. “(We knew) if we did this we needed to step out in faith,” Deremer explained. “We needed to find people who shared the vision of mentoring boys in a God-honoring environment (to) give them the opportunity to grow into the young men they were created to be.” In 2014, the couple took their vision to Community Fellowship Church in Lancaster, where they met with the pastors and director of community groups. “They were supportive and asked us to bring it to the mission group,” said Deremer, who also gathered friends who shared the

February 13, 2019 - 3

4 - MERCHANDISER - Warwick Edition - February 13, 2019

Students Compete In Stock Market Game


Students from Our Mother of Perpetual Help (OMPH) School recently participated in the fall competitive session of the Stock Market Game. The contest, for students in grades six through eight, is an online simulation of the global capital markets that aims to engage students in the world of economics, investing and personal finance. Eighth-grade students Edward Dresch, Matthew Mercer and Daniel Titi earned

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first place in their region and first place in the Pennsylvania state-level competition. OMPH School welcomes children from the local Catholic churches, as well as interested members of the general community. The school is accredited through the Middle States Commissions on Elementary and Secondary Schools. For more information, readers may call 7 1 7 - 738-2414 or visit Students from Our Mother of Perpetual Help School recently www.omph.org. competed in the Stock Market Game.


B E C H T O L D , Lewis A., 87, of Columbia, died on Jan. 30 at Susquehanna Valley Nursing and Rehabilitation Center, Columbia. Born in Lancaster, he was the son of the late Jonas W. and Anna Frances Lehman Bechtold and the husband of Jean E. Greenwood Bechtold and the late Bernice Oleana Bechtold, his first wife. Surviving in addition to his wife Jean are two daughters: Pamela, wife of Boyd Karr, and Denise, wife of Richard Westlake; a son, Lewis D., husband of Brenda Bechtold; three stepdaughters: Lucinda, wife of Larry Morrison; Jody, wife of Robert Humbert; and Kim, wife of Marty Hilt; a stepson, Gregory, husband of Christine Greenwood; three grandchildren; a greatgrandson; five stepgrandchildren; and three step-great-grandchildren. Arrangements were made by Workman Funeral Homes Inc., Mountville. G A L E B A C H , Dorothy C., 92, of Penryn, died on Feb. 2 at home. Born in Spring Garden, she was the daughter of the late Chester A. and Hilda Moore Clark. Surviving are her husband, Harold K. Galebach; three daughters: Glenda J. Galebach, Oklahoma City; Chanda L. Galebach, Manheim; and Jessica G. Roney, Williamsport, Md.; a daughterin-law, Karen, wife of Mark Haldeman, Landisville; four grandsons; and a brother, Robert J. Clark, Gap. Arrangements were made by Buch Funeral Home, Manheim. HALBLEIB, Winifred A., 94, of Maytown, died on Jan. 24. She was the daughter of the late George Washington and Ruth Evetta Hoffman Detwiler and the wife of the late Frank T. Halbleib Sr. Surviving are four sons: Thomas, husband of Maxine Halbleib; John, husband

of Stacy Halbleib; Frank Halbleib Jr.; and Fred, husband of Cindy Halbleib; grandchildren; great-grandchildren; and great-great-grandchildren. Arrangements were made by Boyer Funeral Home Inc., Elizabethtown. H E R S H E Y , Arlene G., 94, formerly of Manheim, died on Jan. 31 at Brethren Village, Lititz. Born in Penn Township, she was the daughter of the late Elmer and Lottie Graybill Hess and the wife of the late Nelson H. Hershey. Surviving are three daughters: Belinda K., wife of William Hess, Lititz; Rita A., wife of Mark C. Wagner, Brogue; and Sonda L., wife of Gary L. Haldeman, Manheim; seven grandchildren; 15 great-grandchildren; and two siblings: J. Wilbur, husband of Barbara Hess, Manheim, and Bernice, wife of Paul Groff, Lititz. Arrangements were made by Buch Funeral Home, Manheim. K I P P , Pauline G. Bender, 96, of Elizabethtown, died on Feb. 1 at home. Born in Rapho Township, she was the daughter of the late B. Roy and Mary G. Greider Bender and the wife of the late Earl A. Kipp. Surviving are three daughters: Shirley, wife of Timothy Byerly, Elizabethtown; Cindy Kipp, Elizabethtown; and Terry Moyer, Elizabethtown; six grandchildren; and 11 great-grandchildren. Arrangements were made by Miller-Finkenbinder Funeral Home and Crematory, Elizabethtown. LACEK, Thomas P. Jr., 66, of Manheim, died on Feb. 1 at home. Born in White Haven, he was the son of Thomas P. Lacek Sr. of Tamaqua and the late Clara Koblish Lacek and the husband of Barbara Kester Lacek. Also surviving are three children: Tommy Lacek, Downingtown; Joe Lacek, Pittsburgh; and Rachel

Lacek, Manheim; and three siblings: Tim Lacek, New Tripoli; Mary Lou Lacek Alden, Tolland, Conn.; and Melissa Krechel, Fawn Grove. Arrangements were made by Buch Funeral Home, Manheim. M A R T I N , Claudia H., 73, of Pleasant View Retirement Community, Manheim, died on Feb. 3 at home. Born in Johnstown, she was the daughter of the late Claude D. and Margaret Frye Helsel and the wife of the late Francis G. “Bud” Martin Jr. Surviving are a son, Benjamin J. Martin; a daughter, Sara E. Martin, wife of John Shaski, Albuquerque, N.M.; four grandchildren; and two sisters: Judy, wife of Philip Hoffmann, St. Charles, Mo., and Lisa, wife of Nevin Shenck, Etters. Arrangements were made by Workman Funeral Homes Inc., Mountville/Columbia. PLOWMAN, Oscar O. “Ozzy,” 61, of Manheim, died on Jan. 30 at home. Born in Columbia, he was the son of the late Cedric E. and Daisy E. Hayes Plowman. Surviving are his wife, Laurie Fornoff Plowman; two sons: Adam Plowman, York, and Ryan, husband of Sophia Cario Plowman, Savannah, Ga.; a grandson; and a brother, David Plowman, Lancaster. Arrangements were made by Spence Funeral Services Inc., Manheim. SWARR, Jean R., 93, of Elizabeth Manor Healthcare and Rehabilitation Center, Elizabethtown, died on Feb. 2 at home. Born in Columbia, she was the daughter of the late Frederick Young and Agnes Caswell Young Myers, the stepdaughter of the late John W. Myers, and the wife of the late Carl L. “Wok” Swarr. Surviving are a daughter, Stephanie Jean, wife of Roy “Sonny” Lightcap, Mount Joy; two stepgrandchildren; and five

step-great-grandchildren. Arrangements were made by Workman Funeral Homes Inc., Columbia/Mountville. W I N T E R S , Tyler A., 23, of Manheim, died on Feb. 2. Born in Lancaster, he was the son of Allen Winters and Kara, wife of Keith Edgell of Manheim. Surviving in addition to his parents are four siblings: Austin Johnson, Manheim; Ashlyn Metzler, Manheim; Allana Winters, Lititz; and Chloe Carson, Manheim; four stepbrothers; a paternal grandmother, Kelly Bracken, Manheim; and a maternal grandmother, Debra, wife of Dervin Miller, Millersville. Arrangements were made by Buch Funeral Home, Manheim. Z E A G E R , G. Herbert, 87, of Elizabethtown, died on Feb. 3 at Bob Fryer and Family Inpatient Center of Hospice & Community Care, Mount Joy. Born in West Donegal Township, he was the son of the late Paul and Anna Landis Zeager. Surviving are his wife, Orpha I. Seiders Zeager; four children: John P., husband of Sara J. Hess Zeager, Rheems; Lois I., wife of Elvin M. Weaver, Elizabethtown; Daniel R., husband of Patricia A. Kintzer Zeager, Gardners; and J. Edward, husband of Yvonne R. Martin Zeager, Elizabethtown; 13 grandchildren; 39 greatgrandchildren; and seven siblings: J. Frank Zeager, Lititz; Ethel M. Pannell, Harrisonburg, Va.; Arlene E., wife of Christian Becker, Elizabethtown; John A., husband of Rachel Zeager, Elizabethtown; Charles B., husband of Jan Zeager, Middletown; P. Thomas, husband of Helen Zeager, Hopeland; and Harvey D. Zeager, Golden, Colo. Arrangements were made by Spence Funeral Services Inc., Manheim.

Leola Discipleship House, which offers permanent housing solutions to those who have completed phases one and two of the program. “We have been incorporating phase three in a partnership with four congregations as partners,” said Hoover. “It’s about safe, affordable housing and a commitment to drug testing. It’s about being able to live out sobriety.” Going forward, the organization is considering instituting a Christ-centered recovery track in a residential setting for women. “Working at the spiritual needs along with physical and emotional

needs of the individual (sets us apart),” said Hoover. The menu for the banquet will include appetizers, a salad and bread bar, meatballs with sauce, baked chicken, au gratin potatoes, macaroni and cheese, applesauce, cranberry salad, broccoli, cauliflower, and carrots, along with a dessert bar. Registration is necessary to attend the banquet. Readers who would like to register for the banquet must do so by Friday, Feb. 22, through the Eventbrite link on www.transitiontocommunity.com or by calling 240-274-4603 and leaving a message. A freewill offering will be received.

TTC/Potter’s House from pg 1 than 200 men to TTC/Potter’s House. Roda became a believer in Christ at the age of 18. He and his wife, Karen, have been married 21 years, and they have five children and 12 grandchildren. In addition to volunteering at the prison, Roda serves with hospice care, is an elder at his church, and sits on several ministry boards. Roda says that his ministry consists of “being a nobody (who is) trying to tell everybody about Somebody.” At the banquet, Roda will speak on the event’s theme: “Captivity to Destiny: A Broken System and Broken People Restored.”

TTC/Potter’s House offers a three-phase program with a total capacity of 21 beds. Hoover noted that one goal of the program is to help students integrate into the community and give back. “Our ‘captivity to destiny’ vision is oriented toward students having an experience in recovery,” he explained. “It’s about them living out their life purpose in recovery as productive citizens in our community and becoming part of God’s rescue plan (to help) others who are struggling.” Hoover noted that the ministry is hoping to expand the phase three facet, called the

MERCHANDISER - Warwick Edition -

February 13, 2019 - 5

Benefit Auction Aims To Aid Medical Mission In Ghana “Many people in this West African nation struggle to meet basic needs. Ghanaian President Nana AkufoEach day, many poor and needy parAddo announced last September that ents have to decide whether to prepare 2019 would be the Year of Return, the a single meal for their family or to pay start of a 15-year campaign to increase the fees necessary to send their tourism and investment in the small children to school.” West African country. Ghana was To alleviate some of the impoverpivotal in the slave trade, and Akufoished Ghanaians’ physical needs and to Addo hopes to welcome people of lighten their spiritual burdens as well, Ghana Initiative has sent medical teams throughout the country for more than five years. The teams of Ghanaians and Americans provide much-needed health care at no cost while striving to share God’s love with everyone they meet. As reported in a recent ministry newsletter, UNICEF’s statistics show that malaria, an insect-borne disease, contributes to the death of approximately 20,000 children every year. During medical clinics in 2018, Ghana Initiative volunteers distributed insecticide-treated nets purchased from UNICEF to more than 1,000 homes in During a recent clinic hosted by Ghana Initiative Mobile the eastern region of Ghana in an effort Medical Mission, biological scientist Daniel Senoo (right) to cut down on the prevalence of collected blood from a young boy to check for malaria. An auction malaria. Volunteers also gave away tooth in Denver on Feb. 23 will raise funds for the organization. By Dayna M. Reidenouer

African descent to the country that most likely played a role in their heritage. The loss of untold numbers of people to the slave trade and colonial rule has had a long-lasting impact on the people of Ghana. “Ghana is a part of the world where great need exists,” said Troy Pfoutz, administrative director of Ghana Initiative Mobile Medical Mission, which is based in Mount Joy.

care kits and toothbrushes, books, crayons and other school supplies, soccer cleats, clothing, hair supplies, and knitted dolls. Prescription eyewear and sunglasses were distributed during eye clinics. Ghana Initiative has also begun to build a missionary training center near one of the towns it regularly serves. The venue will include a warehouse for supplies, a classroom, a dormitory, and a ministry office. The facility will be used to train Ghanaians and other West Africans to enter the missionary field or become pastors. To make all of this happen, Ghana Initiative relies on the support from individuals and businesses, and it also hosts an annual banquet and benefit auction. This year’s event will be held on Saturday, Feb. 23, at Weaver’s Banquet Facility, 2610 N. Reading Road, Denver. While banquet tickets are no longer available, the public is invited to attend the auction. Preview of the auction lots will open at 6:30 p.m., and the bidding will commence at 7 p.m. More than 130 items will be up for bids. These include dinners at upscale restaurants, flying lessons in a Cessna


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plane, a quarter-sawn cherry blanket chest lined with cedar, a hand-tufted Indian rug, artwork, a wooden rocking horse, Ghanaian baskets, a designer purse, collectible coins, gift card bundles, and more. Pfoutz hopes that area residents will attend and bid liberally. “Ghana Initiative Mobile Medical Mission represents the culture of Lancaster County,” he said. “In this county, people are generally caring, interested in helping when a need exists, and generous with what God has blessed

them with. The money you might spend on an item that will bring joy into your life will make an impact in the life of a person halfway around the world in Ghana, West Africa.” The next mobile clinic in Ghana will take place from Tuesday, July 30, to Sunday, Aug. 11. Volunteers are being recruited now. For more information about Ghana Initiative Mobile Medical Mission or the auction, readers may visit www.ghanainitiative.com or call 717-615-4459.

Ghanaians and Americans worked together to provide free medical care to those in need as part of the Ghana Initiative Mobile Medical Mission team in 2018. The next coordinated effort will take place from July 30 to Aug. 11.

6 - MERCHANDISER - Warwick Edition - February 13, 2019

CHI St. Joseph Children’s Health staff members in attendance at the recent pancake CHI St. Joseph breakfast included (front, from Children’s left) Aimee Clement, director of Health staff case management; Heather Ha, members (from education coordinator; Becky left) Rosa Villa- Edwards, family wellness man, family coach; Leah Yarnell, family wellness case wellness case manager; Lizzy manager; Krajan Pardo, education coordiKathy Smyser, nator; (middle) Rosa Villaman, board member; family wellness case manager; Beth Grossmann, vice president; Lori McCracken, director of and Sharon education; Kelsey Miller, Healthy Columbia program manager; Matt Martsolf, education coorGarrett, finance manager, displayed some of the gifts available to dinator; Kim Nettleton, Behavioral Health Program manager; Kathleen Bierbower, family children in attendance at the organization’s recent celebratory wellness case manager; Kerri Schaaf, family wellness case manager; (back) Phil Goropoulos, breakfast. In addition to choosing an item from the gift table, all president; Angelique Gebhard, family wellness case manager; Gerardo Diaz, facilities manager; children present received a goodie bag including toothpaste, a Lindsey Baker, behavioral health therapist; Sharon Garrett, finance manager; Kim Myer, toothbrush, and more. behavioral health therapist; and Tom Foley, psychiatrist.

Organization Holds Celebratory Event CHI St. Joseph Children’s Health recently held a celebratory pancake breakfast to show appreciation of its patients and their families, volunteers, and staff members. The holiday breakfast featured Santa and children’s activities. CHI St. Joseph Children’s Health is a communitybased organization dedicated to the health and wellbeing of children throughout Lancaster County.

Dance Classes from pg 1 The Red Rose Scottish Country Dance Society will offer a series of Scottish country dancing beginner classes. The classes will take place from 7 to 8 p.m. on Tuesdays, Feb. 19 through March 12. All classes will be held at the Manheim Train Station, 210 S. Charlotte St., Manheim. Lessons will introduce students to the basics of Scottish dance: footwork, patterns, music, and customs. Beginners will be able to stay after class to observe the more experienced dancers enjoy the form of social dancing from Scotland. There is a cost for the four

lessons. To register, readers may call Sandy Leyh at 717 -653-1397. The group meets on Tuesdays from 7 to 9 p.m. at the train station. The Red Rose Scottish County Dancers will perform a demonstration in full Scottish regalia at the Rose and Shamrock Festival in Lancaster on Saturday, Feb. 16, from 4:30 to 5:15 p.m. Pictured on front: The Red Rose Scottish Country Dance Society will offer a series of beginner classes on Tuesdays, Feb. 19 through March 12, at the Manheim Train Station.

Facility Dogs from pg 1 Because dogs will be working throughout the day and at evening events, multiple handlers will be needed. “(Handlers) will be volunteer (staff members) who have room in their schedule and have been trained to help care for the dog,” said Axe, who noted that counselors, administrators, school psychologists, or office staff may be good fits as handlers. “We have a lot of energy and enthusiasm among staff about the facility dogs,” said Axe. “ We have had a lot of interest and expect to get good caretakers and handlers in each building.” Funding for the dogs will be provided by grants and a fundraising campaign that has been organized by Warwick Education Foundation (WEF). The district has received grants that will cover to help cover equipment, supplies, and vet bills. The goal of the fundraiser is $30,000. The fundraising campaign, called Paws for a Great Cause, was begun by WEF in late 2018. Funds donated by area residents will help make it possible to put a

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dog in each Warwick facility. “The district is appreciative of the support of WEF and the community,” said Axe, who added that the fundraiser had brought in about two-thirds of the goal amount within a short time period. Axe said that district representatives are currently working with several organizations that provide facility dogs and are considering the different sizes and breeds that are available. “We have visits to schools planned to see how the (other districts) manage the dogs (with consideration to) allergies (and other concerns),” Axe noted. Axe said that the district hopes to begin putting dogs in each of the six schools, which are Warwick High School, Warwick Middle School, Lititz Elementary School, John Bonfield Elementary School, Kissel Hill Elementary School, and John Beck Elementary School, this fall. Readers who wish to learn more about the facility dogs or to donate to the fundraising campaign may visit www.pawsfor warwick.com.

M A N M I L L E R , Mr. and Mrs. Joshua L. SMITH, Crystal, Lititz, and HUTCHINSON, (Christina Enders), Columbia, a son, The Scott A., Lititz, a daughter, The Women & Babies Hospital, Jan. 28. Women & Babies Hospital, Feb. 2.

MERCHANDISER - Warwick Edition -

Dancers To Compete In Ireland The dancers from the Hooley School are Mia Kelly, 10, and Abigail Kelly, 12, from Lititz; Natalie Raff, 10, and Olivia Raff, 13, Conestoga Valley students from Leola; Maya Murphy, 12, and McKenna Murphy, 17, Warwick students from Lititz; Isabella Carper, 15, from Ephrata; Savana Martin, 18, a homeschooled senior from Lititz; and Faith Ishler, 21, a Lebanon Valley College student from Lititz. For several of these dancers, it will be the first time they compete in Ireland. The dancers will be accompanied by certified teacher Sara Locke, TCRG.

Museum Plans Charter Day Landis Valley Village and Farm Museum, 2451 Kissel Hill Road, Lancaster, will hold a Charter Day event on Sunday, March 10. The museum will celebrate Pennsylvania’s birthday by offering free admission to all visitors. The day will feature ongoing crafts and trades

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Local dancers (from left) McKenna Murphy, Faith Ishler, Olivia Raff, Mia Kelly, Abigail Kelly, Natalie Raff, Maya Murphy, Isabella Carper and Savana Martin have qualified to compete in the All Ireland Irish Dance Championships in Ireland from Feb. 17 to 23.

Complete Tax Services for Individual & Business Taxes Also Payroll & Accounting Services Located in Ephrata

COBALT Will Present Original Ballet Contemporary Ballet of PA (COBALT) will perform an original ballet based on the fairy tale “The Twelve Dancing Princesses” at Ephrata Performing Arts Center (EPAC), 320 Cocalico St., Ephrata. Shows will take place on Saturday, Feb. 23, at 2 and 7 p.m. and on Sunday, Feb. 24, at 2 p.m. The choreography features accomplished dancers from the region, including Isabella

Williams, who plays the eldest Princess, and her husband, Emmanuel Williams of Lancaster, who plays the Prince of the Enchanted Kingdom. Rachel Male, Meghan Kosmela and Ilisa Chasser, seniors at Hempfield High School, are also featured prominently, as are homeschoolers Declan Casey of York, who plays the Shepherd, and Magnolia Williams of Mountville, who performs as the Seventh

Princess. Travis Love, classical ballet teacher and veteran performer, plays the King. The choreography, by COBALT artistic director Shari Vegso, is set to music by Britten, Gluck and Mozart. Performances are appropriate for people of all ages. To purchase tickets, readers may visit www.EphrataPerforming ArtsCenter.com or www.Susque dance.com or call the EPAC box

demonstrations, wagon rides, and the grand opening of Landis Valley’s newest exhibit, “Thrown, Fired, and Glazed: The Redware Traditions From Pennsylvania and Beyond.” For more details, readers may call 717-569-0401 or visit www.landisvalleymuseum.org.

Call Russ: 717-336-6052 or 717-733-6960 email: rellcacountant@gmail.com

office at 717-733-7966. COBALT is a nonprofit dance company based in Lancaster County and dedicated to creating extraordinary dance homegrown in Lancaster County. COBALT rehearses in Mountville.

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Nine dancers from the Hooley School of Irish Dance will travel to Killarney, Ireland, to compete in the All Ireland Irish Dance Championships, a program of the Coimisiún le Rincí Gaelacha (CLRG). Competition will take place from Sunday to Saturday, Feb. 17 to 23. Competitors will come from Canada, Mexico, Ireland, Great Britain, mainland Europe, Australia, New Zealand, South Africa, and the United States. The championship is open dancers at the preliminary or open championship level who are members of a CLRG-certified dance school.

February 13, 2019 - 7

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$ Grace Richey (left), Riely Huaman (center) and Ilisa Chasser rehearse for COBALT’s original ballet, “The Twelve Dancing Princesses.” Three performances have been slated for Saturday and Sunday, Feb. 23 and 24.

Area ABC Chapter Posts Board News The Keystone Chapter of Associated Builders and Contractors (ABC) recently announced that Douglas M. Dvorchak, A.R.M., assistant vice president at Murray Securus, Lancaster, has been named 2019 chair of the board. Dvorchak has been with Murray Securus for 24 years, serving in his current position for the last 15 years. He earned a bachelor’s degree in public relations from Penn State University. Dvorchak has served on the ABC National Safety Committee (2002 to 2003), the ABC Keystone Safety Committee, and the ABC Keystone Construction Rodeo Committee. Elsewhere, Dvorchak has

served on the St. Leo School board (2010 to 2014) and the North Museum board of directors (2008 to 2018). Currently, he resides in Lancaster with his family. A new addition to the 2019 executive committee, Steve Conway, Benchmark Construction Company Inc., Brownstown, will serve as secretary to the board. He has been with Benchmark Construction for 17 years and has served as vice president of senior living for the past three years. Conway earned a bachelor’s degree in construction engineering technology from Montana State University. He currently lives in Elizabethtown with his family.

ABC Keystone also welcomed several new additions to its leadership for 2019. They include Steven Kearns, vice president, James Craft and Son Inc., York Haven, and Michael Monaco, director of safety, Mowery, Mechanicsburg. In addition, John H. Hykes II, B & B Integrations, Lancaster, will return for a three-year term. The Keystone Chapter of Associated Builders and Contractors is a construction trade association based in Manheim, representing nearly 600 construction-related firms. For more information, including a complete list of board members, readers may visit www.abckeystone.org.

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Isabella Williams is a featured dancer in COBALT’s new ballet, “The Twelve Dancing Princesses.”

1.59 Lb.

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8 - MERCHANDISER - Warwick Edition - February 13, 2019

Community Events

Local Students Earn Recognition Departments Celebrate Goshen College in Goshen, Ind., recently released its fall 2018 dean’s list recognizing undergraduate students for excellence in academics. Several Lancaster County residents were among the students earning this recognition. Local students named to the dean’s list include Nathan Pauls of Kinzers; Greta Neufeld and Janell Preheim, both of Lancaster; Lucas Sauder of Lititz;

and Bryce Yoder of Mountville. Pauls is a junior communication major and a graduate of Lancaster Mennonite School. Neufeld is a senior film production major and a gradute of Manheim Township High School. Preheim is a junior music and secondary education major and a graduate of Lancaster Mennonite School. Sauder is a freshman majoring in

engineering physics. Yoder is a senior computer science major and a Lancaster Mennonite School graduate. The dean’s list includes students earning at least a 3.75 grade point average, while completing at least 12 hours of coursework for a letter grade. Only grades from the designated semester are included in the dean’s list selection process.

FFA At Farm Show At the recent 103rd Pennsylvania Farm Show, held from Jan. 5 to 12, Agriculture Secretary Russell Redding and Education Secretary Pedro Rivera celebrated agricultural education during the state FFA’s Mid-Winter Convention with more than 5,000 FFA members and guests. Pennsylvania’s more than 150 high school agriculture education programs aim to prepare students for science, technology, engineering and math (STEM) careers and beyond. The Mid-Winter Convention recognized the academic, leadership and field-based experiences of 409 recipients of the Keystone Degree, the highest honor earned at the state level. In addition, the Pennsylvania FFA Alumni Association awarded more than 364 first-year members their own official FFA jacket after they completed a competitive application process. Last year marked the creation of the Commission on Agriculture Education Excellence. The 15-member commission complements Gov. Tom Wolf’s PAsmart initiative, an investment in STEM and computer science

More than 5,000 FFA members and guests attended the state FFA’s Mid-Winter Convention during the recent Pennsylvania Farm Show. education and hands-on technical education programs. PAsmart will invest $20 million in new funding for computer science and STEM education, as well as an additional $10 million investment in apprenticeships and job training programs for in-demand careers. As part of a workforce development plan outlined in a report issued in 2018, the departments are working to identify gaps in education and

training for those in-demand career paths; focus on workbased learning, including microcredentials and apprenticeships; and help Pennsylvanians obtain meaningful careers. The Pennsylvania FFA Association aims to help students develop their potential for leadership, personal growth and career success through agricultural education. For more information, readers may visit www.paffa.org.

LCCS Hosts Society Meeting The Lancaster Center for Classical Studies (LCCS) hosted the ninth annual meeting of the Vergil Society of Lancaster on Dec. 21, 2018. A group of alumni, together with current upper-level students who are reading Vergil or Horace, gathered to celebrate the contributions of the Roman poet Vergil to educational and cultural heritage. The meeting began with a reading of excerpts from T.S. Eliot’s 1944 address to the Virgil Society of London, “What is a Classic?” and proceeded with a reading and discussion of two of Eliot’s poems, “Introspection” and “Circe’s Palace.” The group also examined Latin passages exhibiting a parallel between the actions of Circe and those of Dido. Next on the agenda was a reading of Nathaniel Hawthorne’s short story “Circe’s Palace,” along with a discussion. Among the alumni in attendance were students or recent graduates of various colleges and universities. Their major fields of study include biology, business, computer science, history, Latin and Greek, music, philosophy, physics, psychology, and theater. For more information, readers may contact the school at 717-397-3223 or visit The Lancaster Center for Classical Studies recently hosted the annual meeting of the Vergil Society of Lancaster. www.latinandgreek.org.

Woodcarving Festival Set


Lancaster County Woodcarvers will host its 46th annual Woodcarving and Wildlife Art Festival in Millersville University’s Student Memorial Center, Shenks Lane, Millersville. The event will take place on Saturday,

March 16, from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. and on Sunday, March 17, from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. The theme is “Carnival.” Fred Henderson, a carousel horse carver and realistic carver from York, will be the featured guest carver.

There is an admission fee. Admission is free for those with a military ID and for students in high school or college with identification. Parking is free. For more details, readers may visit www.lancarvers.com.

MERCHANDISER - Warwick Edition -

GOTR Awarded $30,000 Grant Girls on the Run (GOTR) of Lancaster and Lebanon has been awarded a grant from the Rite Aid Foundation for $30,000. Girls on the Run is a physical activity-based positive youth development program that is designed to enhance girls’ social, emotional, and physical skills and behaviors to successfully navigate life experiences. The program’s intentional curriculum places an emphasis on developing competence, confidence, connection, character, caring, and contribution in young girls through lessons that

incorporate running and other physical activities. The life skills curriculum is delivered by trained and caring coaches in a safe and inclusive environment. The after-school program combines a research-based curriculum, trained coaches, and a commitment to serve all girls. The grant will provide more girls with the opportunity to participate in Girls on the Run. To learn more, readers may visit www.gotrlancaster.org.

February 13, 2019 - 9

Group Announces Board Leadership The Central Penn Business Group on Health has announced its board leadership. Joan Enoch has been elected as board chairperson. Enoch is the director of human resources for Lift-All Company Inc. in Landisville. Enoch is joined by vice chairman Regina Deel, benefits manager, Conestoga Wood Specialties Corporation; secretary Jason Dennis, regional vice president of sales, CoreSource Inc.; treasurer

Maureen Putnam, director of human resources, OSS Health; and immediate past chair James Maurer, vice president of finance, Sauder’s Eggs. New board members for 2019 include Eric Athey, co-chair, labor and employment, McNees Wallace & Nurick; Robert Glus, partner and consulting actuary, Conrad Siegel; and Jenna Roenne, human resources operations supervisor, Herr Foods Inc. The Central Penn Business

Group on Health is a nonprofit employer coalition that provides a forum and a voice for the business community on health care through collaboration among stakeholders. For more information, readers may contact Diane Hess, executive director, at 717-2396954 or dhess@cpbgh.org. The full CPBGH board roster is available by visiting www.cpbgh.org and clicking on About and Board of Directors.

Joan Enoch

Group Names Award Winners The Building Industry Association (BIA) of Lancaster County announced several award winners at its annual installation banquet on Jan. 10. The Building - Industry - Association Awards, the Young Professional Award, and the President’s Award were chosen by association peers and staff. The Building Award, recognizing a member who contributes to the creation of quality homes, thus strengthening relationships in the local community and providing business opportunities for those that support the industry, was presented to Shawn Garman, Garman Builders Inc. The Industry Award, recognizing a member who has strongly advocated for the industry position on issues that influence members’ ability to do business, was presented to John Bear, Stevens and Lee/Griffin. The Association Award, recognizing a member who has represented the association as an ambassador, volunteer, and leader, promoting the association and its member companies, was presented to Barb Schopf, Integrity Pools and Spas Inc. The Young Professional Award, recognizing a young professional who has represented the association as an ambassador, volunteer, and leader, promoting the association and its member companies, was presented to Jordan Metzler, Metzler Home Builders Inc. The President’s Award, recognizing a member who stood out during Shawn Garman’s term as the 2018 BIA president, was presented to Bruce Gingrich, Glenn H. Gingrich Inc.

Mackenzie Hope Chakara, Lititz, has graduated from Baylor University in Waco, Texas. She earned a Bachelor of Arts cum laude in political science.


Chakara Earns Bachelor’s Degree

10 - MERCHANDISER - Warwick Edition - February 13, 2019

Warriors Gear Up For L-L League Tourney by Vaughn Brown

With a newly minted Section Two title resting in Lititz, the Warwick boys’ now have their sights set on bigger and better things. The second stop on the championship line is a League title and with their final game of the season complete, a 72-40 defeat of Solanco at home last Tuesday, the Warriors began gearing up for the L-L League tournament “We are excited to have a home game for the first round of the L-L League Playoffs,” noted head coach

Chris Christensen. “It should be a great atmosphere with a lot of energy in the gym.” The game of which Christensen spoke was played after press time and featured the number one seeded Warriors from Section Two versus Section Five’s number one seed, Lancaster Mennonite with the winner playing in the semifinals. Backtracking to last Tuesday’s game in which Warwick hosted the Golden Mules, Ryan Shirk led all scorers with 19 points while Corbin Horst followed with 12, all from beyond the arc as the Warriors took control early and never looked back. In the second half alone, Warwick outscored Solanco 40-23

including a 24-point third quarter. The Mules’ Dawson Kreider netted 14 points to pace the visitors who never recovered from a dismal five point start to the game thanks in part to tough defensive play by the Warriors. Solanco was held to only 19 points in the first half, a total that the Mules could only better by four in the second half. Colby Martin (11) put in a doubledigit performance with Joey McCracken and Caleb Schmitz both adding eight, while Brock Fassnacht scored six, and a quartet of players consisting of Trysten George, Conor Adams, Broden Price, and Nolan Rucci added two apiece. “We had a lot of contributions from

Photo by Bob Diller

a bunch of different players in the Solanco game,” stated Christensen. “It is always nice to have a team win where everyone has the opportunity to contribute.” Regardless of what the team does in the League Championships in its first appearance in 12 years, the Warriors have already secured a spot in the upcoming District Three tournament as the No. 10 seed. “We are excited about the opportunity to compete in the post-season,” commented Christenson. “Our team is confident and excited to make a run.” GIRLS’ BASKETBALL Warwick’s girls’ basketball team wrapped up its season last week with

a split between Solanco and Wyomissing. The lady Warriors (5-8, 8-13) played out the schedule on the road with a 59-31 loss to the Mares on Tuesday and followed up with a 50-40 victory over the Spartans the following night. Solanco’s offense proved too much for the visitors, while its defense stifled the Warriors, holding leading scorers Abby Rodgers and Sydney Weismandel to only nine points each and the team to only 12 in the first half. Solanco outpaced Warwick by nine in the first half, and headed into the break leading 21-12. It was more of the same in the third and fourth quarters with Solanco outscoring the Warriors 38-19 during that span. Lauren Pyle added six, Emily Williamson had four and Reagan Longridge put up

three for Warwick. Leading by four points over Wyomissing last Wednesday heading into the fourth quarter, Warwick distanced itself with a 20-point effort in the final frame to pull out the 10-point victory. Pyle piled on 23 for the ladies, including a 5-for-6 effort at the foul line which helped Warwick withstand a 14-7 scoring advantage for the Spartans to start the second half. Warwick’s bench teamed with the starters for a total of eight contributing players in the outcome. They included Longridge (7), Rodgers (6), Jess Williamson (4), Emily Williamson (3), Tanner Armstrong, (3), Weismandel (2), and Abby Finkill (2). WRESTLING In its final match of the season, the Warwick wrestling team

Photo by Bob Diller

Warwick’s Joey McCracken zeroes in one of his two three-point- Warwick’s Ryan Shirk takes the ball to the basket for two of his ers during the Warriors’ 72-40 nonleague win over Solanco last game-high 19 points in the Warriors’ 72-40 nonleague victory over visiting Solanco last Tuesday. Tuesday in Lititz.

Looking for sports coverage for another school? Photo by Bob Diller

The Warriors’ Brock Fassnacht drives past Solanco’s Dawson Kreider during Warwick’s 72-40 nonleague win at home last Tuesday.

townlively.comb communityb local sports coverageb high school sportsb choose the school Columbia • Conestoga Valley • Donegal • Elizabethtown • Garden Spot • Hempfield • Lampeter-Strasburg Manheim Central • Manheim Township • Penn Manor • Pequea Valley • Solanco • Warwick

Try Hockey for Free Day Coming to Lancaster Ice Rink February 23rd

Starting from 10:30am to 11:30am local youth, ages 4 to 9, are encouraged to experience ice hockey for the first time and learn the basic skills in a fun, safe environment. No experience is necessary. Equipment will be provided if needed

Please register at www.tryhockeyforfree.com/9467 Contact Larry Courville at lcourville22@comcast.net or 717-490-2378 with any questions S998260 R018083


The Lancaster Firebirds Youth Hockey Association invites boys and girls to Lancaster Ice Rink on Saturday, February 23rd for a Try Hockey for Free clinic as part of Come Play Hockey Month.

MERCHANDISER - Warwick Edition McClune decisioned Johnny Franklin at 195 by a score of 6-4 and Mateo Chacon earned his own major by scoring an 18-5 win over Riley Eckman at 132 to round out the match for Warwick. BOWLING Despite splitting its final two matches last week, a 5-2 loss to Cedar Crest and a 7-0 win over Lebanon, Warwick won the Section Two crown in the third game of the matchup with the Falcons who also clinched a Section One title with the overall victory. “Needing to win one game to assure winning the section one title, Cedar Crest came out strong and went on to hand us just our second loss of the season,” noted head coach Neal Vital. “They outlasted us in game two, before we finally put up a big third game.” In that third and final game, Tyler Miller capped a huge 709 series by rolling a 290 to go with his 205 in the first game and the 214 he rolled in the second. Cedar Crest’s Kolby Bennett (790) and Darren Zombro (739) led all bowlers but along with Ashley Sham (639), Isaac Erickson (634), Carter Snavely (628) and Tony Lutz (571) the Warriors pulled out the 1168-1098 pinfall advantage to clinch their own title. In the second match of the week Photo by Bob Diller Warwick’s Nolan Rucci scores over Solanco’s Jordan Rush during versus the Cedars, which also happened the Warriors’ 72-40 nonleague win last Tuesday in Lititz. to be senior night for Warwick, dropped to 3-4 when it suffered a 51-17 loss to Lampeter-Strasburg at home last Monday. Beginning at 152 pounds, the Warriors jumped out to a 10-0 lead when Preston Johnson’s 8-4 decision over Nick Salgado was followed by another decision win, this time a 6-4 victory

by DeVonte Hess over Hector Colon at 160 pounds for the 6-0 score. David Hnasko then earned a 12-0 major decision at 170 over Parker Owen to open up the 10-point lead. L-S responded by winning nine of the remaining bouts, four of which were forfeited by Warwick. Roland

Nick Raubenstine and Kyle Morris were promoted from the junior varsity roster to finish out their high school careers. With scores of 130, 182, and 134 for a 446 series for Raubenstine and 181, 159, and 161 for a 501 for Morris, the Warriors were able to gain a 2858-2613 pinfall advantage to complete the clean sweep. Ready to begin the post-season run, Warwick will meet Garden Spot in the first round of the L-L League team tournament this week. The boy’s and girl’s individual tournaments also take place this week. “We’ve practiced well the past couple weeks, and we’ll be ready to go at the L-L team championships,” said Vital when asked about his team’s outlook on the upcoming playoffs. “Individually, I have three hungry seniors, Ashley Sham, Isaac Erickson and Tony Lutz who want to finish their high school careers on a positive note, so I know they are determined to do well. Junior Carter Snavely and sophomore Tyler Miller are also ready to make their mark in the post season.” SWIMMING This past weekend the L-L League championships for swimming and diving were held at Wilson High School where Warwick’s girls completed a second successful defense of their title and avenged a Section One title loss to Manheim Township by edging the Streaks 85.5-80.5. The boys finished out the weekend with a fifth place finish, scoring 48 points with Manheim Township winning it all at 150 points. Through two days of competition, Warwick’s championship hopes rested on the final event of the meet as it came down to the 400 freestyle relay to determine

who would leave as top dog. With the Streaks leading by one point and Warwick needing the win, Maya Hartzler, Catherine Chen, Izzy Miller, and Kendall Eby not only stepped up to the challenge, they buried it with a time of 3:39.71, eight seconds better than Manheim Township which finished third and six seconds ahead of second place Conestoga Valley. It was in the relays where the ladies outshone the opposition as Chen, Hannah Greenway, Morgan Stuhltrager, and Hartzler teamed to win the 200 freestyle with a time of 1:39.71, and Lydia Hocker, Stuhltrager, Miller, and Greenway finished the 200 medley in 1:53.76 to place third, less than a second behind Cedar Crest which placed second at 1:53.17. No individual swimmers claimed gold for Warwick, however there were nine medal winners. Hartzler finished second in the 200 freestyle with a time of 1:58.77 and also placed seventh in the 100 butterfly (1:00.73) behind Stuhltrager (59.87) in fourth and Miller (1:00.2) who earned a sixth place finish to go with her fourth place time of 1:01.28 in the 100 backstroke. Chen also picked up a silver medal in the 100 freestyle, finishing with a 53.35 ahead of eighth place Greenway (56.41) who also took fourth in the 50 freestyle in 25.08. Stuhltrager (2:16) also finished the 200 IM in sixth place. Although the boys ended up in the middle of the pack in the team standings, they did have a dual champ in Olly Lance who won both the 200 IM and 100 backstroke. Lance (1:58.25) had some stiff competition in Hempfield’s Andre

February 13, 2019 - 11

Fissella (1:58.53) who pushed him to the limit in the IM, but it was the Warrior that was able to find that little bit extra at the end to claim gold. Things went a bit smoother in the backstroke for the senior as Lance (53.50) was able to gain a bit of breathing room ahead of Cedar Crest’s Cameron Hain (55.52), finishing two seconds ahead, while teammate James Moll (56.14) touched seventh. While not a dual champ, brother Theo Lance claimed two fifth place finishes touching in 1:49.37 in the 200 freestyle and clocking a 4:56.12 in the 500 freestyle. Warwick also medaled in two relays as Theo, Olly, Moll, and Ethan Hershey finished sixth in the 200 freestyle with a time of 1:33.46, and also placed fifth in the 400 freestyle in 3:26.85.

Merrill Named To Dean’s List Nathaniel Merrill of Lititz was included on the fall 2018 dean’s list at Bradley Universit in Peoria, Ill. Merrill is studying construction. Full-time students who earn a semester grade point average of 3.5 or higher on a 4.0 grading scale are placed on the dean’s list.

Did You Know? The Photo by Bob Diller

prints Wedding and Engagement Announcements for


Forms can be filled out online at: Photo by Bob Diller

Warwick’s Trysten George puts defensive pressure on Solanco’s Zedekiah Baker during the Warriors’ 72-40, nonleague rout of the visiting Mules last Tuesday.


12 - MERCHANDISER - Warwick Edition - February 13, 2019

Taylor Named Heart Walk Chair


The American Heart Association, an organization focused on heart and brain health, has named Bernadette Taylor as the chair of the 2019 Lancaster Heart Walk. Taylor is senior executive vice president and chief human resources officer for Fulton Financial Corporation, a role has she held since May 2015. She began her career at Fulton Financial Corporation as corporate training director. Prior to working for Fulton Financial Corporation, Bernadette worked for MetLife

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as a senior consultant in its training and development and personal research areas. She holds a master’s degree and doctorate in industrial/organizational psychology from Stevens Institute of Technology in New Jersey and a bachelor’s degree in psychology from Fordham University in New York. She currently resides in Lancaster with her husband, Matt, and two children. The Lancaster Heart Walk is set for Saturday, Sept. 21, at the Lancaster Barnstormers’ stadium, 650 N. Prince St.,

Lancaster. The Heart Walk is part of the American Heart Association’s Healthy for Good movement to encourage sustainable healthy lifestyle changes. Dollars raised will support the American Heart Association’s mission for healthier lives through investments in heart disease and stroke research, health care quality improvement, advocacy, prevention and education. For more information or to register, readers may visit www.heart.org/lancasterwalk or call 717-730-1714.

Bernadette Taylor

Discussion To Focus On Human-Made Space The Lancaster Mennonite Historical Society will host a roundtable discussion, “Why We Build,” at 7 p.m. on Tuesday, Feb. 19, at East Chestnut Street Mennonite Church, 32 E. Chestnut St., Lancaster. Participating will be Jesse Pellman, Longview Structures; Mary Haverstick, filmmaker; Randy Harris, historian; Dale Yoder, architect; and Shawn Buckwalter, EG Stoltzfus. Chad Martin, director at Partners for Sacred Spaces, will moderate the discussion. The discussion will focus on human-made space, or “built environment,” which includes urban, suburban, and rural areas, in contrast to the natural environment. Attendees will learn how the structures around people can influence what they do, how they think, and what they Human-made space, or “built environment,” will be the focus of a roundtable discussion, “Why We Build,” on Thursday, Feb. 19, at East Chestnut Street Mennonite Church in Lancaster. The find important. program will be hosted by the Lancaster Mennonite Historical Society. Attendance is by donation.


Presidents Day Event Planned On Monday, Feb. 18, LancasterHistory will hold a Presidents Day History Happy Hour Event at Wacker Brewing Company, 417 W. Grant St., Lancaster. The event will focus on the 15th president, James Buchanan, and his 1856 presidential campaign.

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The Backyard Fruit Growers will present Fruit Lover Winter Workshops on Saturday, Feb. 16, at the Lancaster Farm and Home Center, 1383 Arcadia Road, Lancaster. Sign-in will begin at 9:30 a.m. Workshops from 10 a.m. to

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noon will be “Planning an Apple Orchard,” “Pawpaws: America’s Forgotten Fruit,” “John Hershey’s Fruit Legacy” and “The Rest of the Story: Soil, Carbon, Water Climate and Agriculture.” There will be a lunch break from noon to 1 p.m. Empty bee tubes

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The event will begin at 5:30 p.m. Musicians will perform from 5:30 to 7:30 p.m., and Townrow’s talk will begin at about 6 p.m. Attendees can purchase tickets for a set price in advance or for a higher price at the door, sub ject to availability and space constraints. Parking is

available in Wacker’s lot, and overflow parking will be available in the Groff Funeral Home lot, 528 W. Orange St., subject to availability. For more information and to purchase advance tickets, readers may visit www.lancasterhistory.org /history-happy-hour.

Fruit Growers Plan Workshops

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LancasterHistory’s resident Buchanan enthusiast, Stephanie Townrow, will share historical tidbits and lead an exploration of Buchanan’s campaign music. Local musicians will perform music from his campaign, including several folksy Buchanan campaign songs.

The Republican Committee of Lancaster County will conduct its 2019 Endorsement Convention on Tuesday, Feb. 19, at 7 p.m. at the Farm and Home Center, 1383 Arcadia Road, Lancaster. The purpose of the meeting is to discuss and consider the endorsement of candidates for the Lancaster County Court of Common Pleas, Lancaster County Commissioner, Lancaster County Clerk of Courts, Lancaster County

Coroner, Lancaster County District Attorney, Lancaster County Prothonotary, Lancaster County Register of Wills, Lancaster County Sheriff, and Lancaster County Treasurer, which will be appearing on the 2019 primary election ballot. For more details, readers may contact the Republican Committee of Lancaster County at 717-392-4165 or contact@goplancaster.com.

will be available during lunch. Afternoon workshops will include “Solitary Bees for the Garden” and “Apple Tree Pruning Basics.” A cost per workshop in advance has been set, with a higher cost at the door, space

permitting. Registration is available at www.brownpapertickets .com/event/4039341 or by emailing byfg.events@gmail.com or calling Dano at 724-503-2954. For more information, readers may call Andrew Weidman at 717813-1874 or visit www.byfg.org.

Applications Sought From Nonprofits Applications are currently being accepted from local charitable organizations to be the recipient of the proceeds from Hartz Physical Therapy’s 16th annual Fall Blast 5K run/walk. The event will be held on Saturday, Oct. 5.

Interested nonprofits must be headquartered in Lancaster County or specifically earmark the funds to benefit Lancaster County initiatives. Applications must be received by Thursday, Feb. 28. More information may be found at www.hartzpt.com.

MERCHANDISER - Warwick Edition -

Partnership Has Global Impact Deep in the interior jungle regions of the tiny South Pacific island of Vanuatu, NiVan villagers gather their jugs to begin the more-than-one-hour hike each way to collect water. In Pennsylvania, Douglas Flemmens, Messiah College’s director of The Collaboratory, wraps up preparations for The Collaboratory’s Monday night discipleship meeting with students. Two very different worlds collide when The Collaboratory teams up with Friends In Action Intl. (FIA) to complete lifechanging community transformation projects in various regions around the globe. “Our Collaboratory mission statement boils down to two things: changing the world and changing us,” shared Flemmens. “(Working with FIA), we have the opportunity to do good projects in various places around the globe. This changes our interface with our learning and the application of what we are learning. At the same time, it changes our hearts. We see in bigger ways what God is doing in various places around the world.” As part of this focus, Messiah’s engineering students have teamed up with FIA, which has a headquarters located between Elizabethtown and Middletown, to provide more than 1,400 Rama Cay people with a block press to produce structural building blocks for residential housing off the east coast of Nicaragua, as storms and the elements rot wooden huts. The initial efforts on this project are slated to eventually relieve the overcrowding and unsanitary conditions of more than 200 families on the tiny island. In June 2018, Dr. Brian Swartz’s engineering students worked with FIA to construct a pedestrian bridge above a 20foot ravine in Rama Cay that prevented access to a proposed medical center and baseball field from the villagers’ new hurricane-resistant homes.

Messiah College engineering students worked with Friends in Action Intl. to build a pedestrian bridge above a 20-foot ravine in Rama Cay, Nicaragua. The project was part of a partnership between FIA and The Collaboratory at Messiah College, which seeks to complete community transformation projects around the globe. Messiah’s Dr. Phillip Tan also visited the Rama in December 2018 to conduct microbiological and chemical analyses of water sources. “We are pleased to host Messiah’s students with engineering projects that apply their learning to solving real-world problems and meeting tangible needs that demonstrate God’s love,” noted Tim Johnston, FIA’s executive director. The latest partnership of FIA and Messiah’s Collaboratory will provide clean water through 16 miles of gravity-fed piping to more than 3,500 NiVan people in Vanuatu - covering 30 villages, two clinics, and three schools. Messiah’s Dr. Thomas Soerens visited the region with FIA after learning about the need of the villagers. “I hear your organization is a friend to the people of my village,” wrote Alani, a NiVan villager. “I write to you in need. The dry season is come, and I cannot catch enough rain water to care for my family. I ask you for water. Please come soon to help my family and my people. We will not make it through the dry season without help.”

The NiVan tribal leaders are already familiar with and grateful for FIA’s efforts to combine construction projects with the spread of the Gospel. The completion of a 6-kilometer road connecting 19 NiVan villages with schools and a medical clinic in 2011 resulted in faster medical transport and supply delivery, as well as more than 240 villagers coming to know Christ. Since 2017, The Collaboratory at Messiah College has partnered with FIA to secure a source of water in a high mountain spring that produces 48 gallons per minute, enough to meet the needs of thousands of villagers nearby. The scope of the project will require approximately $435,000 and five phases to complete. Teams of shortterm volunteers are already slated for 2019 and beyond. The community is invited to join the efforts of FIA and Messiah College by providing financial support, donating construction materials, or taking part in a short-term work trip. For more information, readers may contact FIA at 717-5460208 or fia-usa@fiaintl.org or visit www.fiaintl.org.

February 13, 2019 - 13

Organization Elects New Officers The officers of the Lancaster County Junior Holstein Association ended their terms on Dec. 19, 2018, and new officers were elected. The new officers include Madison Weaver, daughter of Tammy and Fred Weaver of Ephrata, president; Caroline Arrowsmith, daughter of Tom and Mandy Arrowsmith of Peach Bottom, vice president; Amber Pownall, daughter of Betsy Pownall of Quarryville, secretary; Katelyn Teaman, daughter of Trevor and Sheri Teaman of Quarryville, treasurer; Hannah Welk, daughter of Arien and Jeremy Welk of Quarryville, state executive committee representative; Andrew Wanner, son of Andrew and Suzanne Wanner of Honey Brook, news reporter; and Madelynn Hoffman, daughter of Curt and Psuche Hoffman of Manheim, news reporter.

New officers of the Lancaster County Junior Holstein Association include (front, from left) Madison Weaver, Madelynn Hoffman, Hannah Welk, (back) Amber Pownall, Caroline Arrowsmith, Katelyn Teaman, and Andrew Wanner.

Art Exhibit Makes Debut Lancaster Public Art has debuted a new exhibit at the Lancaster Amtrak Station, 53 McGovern Ave. Two station cases now house work by artist Paolo Del Toro and will be exhibiting in the station until June. Del Toro is a British-born artist who now resides in Lancaster. His work centers on sculpture and the use of foam and needle-felted wool. To learn more about Del Toro and his work, readers may visit www.Lancaster

PublicArt.com. The exhibit is sponsored by the Pennsylvania College of Art and Design and the Mayor Richard J. and Gail Gray Fund. The majority of their support goes directly to the artist, and the remainder helps fund Lancaster’s public art program. If a business or organization is interested in sponsoring a station case, a representative may email Joanna Davis at JDavis@city oflancasterpa.com. Sponsorships are now being accepted for the next

exhibit, which will span from July through December. The station case displays rotate every six months, and Lancaster Public Art puts out a call for artists in the summer. Those interested in displaying their work in the future may follow Lancaster Public Art on Twitter at @LancasterPublicArt. For more information on the station cases, readers may visit www.lancasterpublicart.com/ station-cases-working.

Center Schedules ASL Classes The Lancaster Center of the Deaf and Hard of Hearing, 2270 Old Philadelphia Pike, Lancaster, will offer beginner American Sign Language (ASL) classes from Tuesday, Feb. 19, through Thursday, April 11. All classes will run from 6 to 8 p.m. The venue features a free lighted parking lot and is handicapped-accessible. Attendees should enter at the rear of the building. Classes for beginners will

include ASL I on Tuesdays and ASL II on Thursdays. These classes will use the book “Signing, How to Speak With Your Hands” by Elaine Costello. ASL at WORKS Level - I will be held on Tuesdays and will use the book “ASL at Work.” The class is geared toward students who have minimal or no knowledge of ASL and who want to communicate with deaf co-workers, neighbors, and friends.

The snow make-up date for Tuesday classes will be Tuesday, April 16, with the snow make-up date for Thursday classes being Thursday, April 18. Registration is required by Friday, Feb. 15. There is a cost for each class, which is nonrefundable after the first class. Classes will use required texts. For more information, readers may contact 717-207-9822 or lcdhh@bdhhs.org.

BIA Of Lancaster Installs Board The Building Industry Association (BIA) of Lancaster County officially installed its 2019 board of directors on Jan. 10. The newly installed officers are Keith Petrisek, president; Matt Grosh, vice

president; Steve Cook, secretary; Jason Herr, treasurer; Lori Bentley, associate vice president; and Shawn Garman, immediate past president. The presidential advisers include Bruce Gingrich, Mark

Stanley, and Jeff Stauffer. Builder directors are Randy Blank, Jared Erb, Louie Hurst, Jordan Metzler, and Andy Toms. Associate directors include John Bear, Shannon Smith, Tom Keller, and Frank Vargish.


14 - MERCHANDISER - Warwick Edition - February 13, 2019


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shared they were surprised at how openly the presenters could discuss theological differences in a respectful manner. EMM’s Christian-Muslim Relations Team, of which Bornman is a member, seeks to encourage church leaders to interact with Muslim clerical leaders. In addition to his work with EMM, Bornman is a Ph.D. candidate at Middlesex University London. His dissertation is focused on the nonviolent practices of a Senegalese Sufi order called the Muridiyya. He served as a Bible teacher in Senegal from 1999 to 2009 but is currently doing research in the Murid community in Harlem, New York City. Tyndale is an international, English-language seminary. The school has had students from more than 80 countries.

Vocal Group Will Perform The Trust Performing Arts Center, 37 N. Market St., Lancaster, will host concerts by Grammy-nominated a cappella group New York Polyphony on Sunday, Feb. 17, and Monday, Feb. 18, at 7:30 p.m. The group will premiere a Lancaster County-inspired piece, “The Bitter Good,� based on early hymn tunes of the German community from the Ephrata Cloister. A pre-concert lecture will take place on Feb. 18 at 6:15 p.m. More information is available at www.Lancaster Trust.com or by calling 717560-8241.




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During an event at Tyndale Theological Seminary in the Netherlands, Jonathan Bornman shared the story of M.J. Sharp and his work in the Democratic Republic of Congo as a model for creative reconciliation.


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Eastern Mennonite Missions (EMM) worker Jonathan Bornman presented at an event on Nov. 30, 2018, at Tyndale Theological Seminary in Badhoevedorp, Netherlands. The event’s theme was “A Dialogue Comparing the Divine and the Human in Islam and Christianity.� Along with Bornman, the presenters included Dr. Yaser Ellethy, Dr. Khalid Hajji, and Dr. Bert de Ruiter. The Muslim and Christian scholars had been invited to participate by Tyndale professor and EMM worker Dr. Philip A. Gottschalk. Attendees were predominately seminary students and faculty, but community members were also present. Gottschalk hosted the event as part of a course he teaches titled “Ethics of War, Peace, and Peacemaking.� Bornman, a Christian-Muslim relations consultant, highlighted the belief that humanity is created in the image of God. He said that humans’ ability to creatively solve problems is an example of humans reflecting God. Illustrating this creative problem-solving, Bornman shared the story of M.J. Sharp and his work in the Democratic Republic of the Congo. Sharp, who was murdered in 2017, creatively sought to promote peace in a challenging setting. Bornman’s main purpose in sharing this story was to emphasize how the creativity of God within humanity can be used to do good in the world. Several students who were in attendance had been raised as Muslims but had later converted to Christianity. One student


MERCHANDISER - Warwick Edition - February 13, 2019 - 15

Local Teenager Participates In LLS Fundraising Effort Even though he is only 14 years old, Logan Conrad, a freshman at Elizabethtown Area High School, has already learned important leadership skills such as event planning, public speaking and multitasking as a candidate for the Leukemia & Lymphoma Society (LLS) 2019 Students of the Year program. As part of the seven-week initiative, which began on Jan. 13, select high school students from around the country participate in a fundraising competition to benefit LLS. So far, Logan has planned and held a cornhole tournament in which 20 teams took part. Proceeds from select food and beverages sales during the event were also donated to LLS. He also held three additional fundraisers at local restaurants during which a portion of the proceeds from food and beverage sales was donated to LLS and credited to Logan’s campaign. Logan was nominated to be part of the Students of the Year program by his neighbor Shaun McCoach, who was a candidate in LLS’ Man of the Year Campaign last year. Similar to Students of the Year, Man or Woman of the Year

recognition is given to the person who raises the most money for LLS in a 10-week period. Although he was nominated, Logan said he was not sure that he would participate. However, he quickly became committed after hearing more about the program. “We were invited to an LLS workshop in Harrisburg in November 2018 for candidates from central Pennsylvania to learn about the campaign and some skills we might use,” he explained. “I used that as a deciding factor, and I decided that I wanted to run.” Logan said he was moved by the speakers at the workshop. “While we were there, (we heard from) a few speakers who had cancer,” Logan stated. “While they were talking, I realized how lucky I was because no one close to me had cancer or blood cancer specifically. A lot of people are not as lucky as me, and I wanted to give back.” Proceeds from the cornhole tournament and the restaurant fundraisers were tallied by the LLS

Prior to the start of the cornhole tournament he sponsored, Logan Conrad, a freshman at Elizabethtown Area High School, spoke about the Leukemia & Lymphoma Society (LLS) and his role as a candidate in the LLS 2019 Students of the Year program.

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of Central Pennsylvania in Camp Hill. Candidates are not allowed to reveal how much they raised at various events until the end of the program on Saturday, March 2. “All candidates and their teams are invited to a gala on March 2 at Historic Acres of Hershey,” Logan said, noting that he will be in attendance at the event. “They will announce that night who wins the title.” According to Elizabethtown Area High School student Lowww.studentsof gan Conrad is a candidate for the LLS Stutheyear.org, the dents of the Year program. Student(s) of the Year will receive a $5,000 scholar- experience. “I’ve done a lot of ship toward the college or universi- speaking - both one-on-one and in ty of their choice. Participants also large groups,” he said. “I feel as have an opportunity to win a Citi- though the communication aspects zenship Award. That winner will re- - learning how to talk to people and ceive a $2,500 scholarship toward how to relate to different kinds of the college or university of his or people - have served me well.” To donate, readers may visit her choice. Logan, who is planning to pursue http://tinyurl.com/llsconrad. More a career as an anesthesiologist, said information about Logan’s efforts that his involvement in the LLS is available at www.facebook.com campaign has been a great learning /cpakillscancer.


Directions: From 322 take North Clay Rd. to rt. on Hopeland Rd. Turn left onto Sun Valley Rd. Turn Left on Linda Ln. to rt. on Daniel Dr. to left on Matthew Dr. Property Description: Beautiful, well kept, 2 story, 1640 sq. ft. 3 bedroom 2½ bathroom home built in 1988. Borders farmland along quiet, rural cul-desac, on 1.33 acres. New roof/ gutters, 610 sq. ft. attached 2-car garage w/ working area & pull-down ladder to attic for additional storage. 200 Amp electric service, public sewer, macadam driveway & on-site well. Lge. back yd., 10’X16’ newly stained wood deck, 12’X15’ garden shed (lawn tractor included.) Mature bushes/lawn bordering farmland & distant woodland w/ daily whitetail deer sightings & up to 31 different bird sightings. 1st Floor: 800 sq. ft. including foyer w/ hardwood floor, Ige. kitchen w/ walnut cabinets including dishwasher, electric stove, fridge. Dining room w/ laminate flooring, lge. living room w/ new paint & new carpet, laundry room, ½ bathroom. 2nd Floor: 840 sq. ft. including master bedroom w/ new paint & new carpet, closet & full bathroom. Includes 2 additional bedrooms w/ new paint & new carpet, closets & full bathroom. Basement: 720 sq. ft. includes a finished room including newly repainted & polished Harman Coal Stove w/ vents upstairs, utility room w/ heat pump/ cooling HVAC system (new ub 2017), water UV system, electric water heater, sump pump & exit/entrance bilco doors. Taxes: Approx. $4000.00 Open Houses: Sat. Feb. 23, 1-3 P.M. & March 2, 1-3 P.M. & Thurs. March 7, 6-8 P.M. Call Wilmer at 717-333-4881 for more information or to schedule a private showing. Terms: $25,000 deposit down the day of auction. Buyer to Pay 2% transfer taxes. Settlement on or before May 1 2019. Attention Realtors: 1% Brokers Participation offered to realtors who preregister w/ their buyers & who become the successful bidder the day of auction. Auctioneer Note: Owner is downsizing & motivated to sell this country home. Ephrata District, ClayTwp. For forms and additional pictures go to: www.beiler-campbellauctions.com or www.auctionzip.com or www.GoToAuction.com

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Brumbach, Carlson, Dixon, Brunner, Hensel, Kermes, Workman, Zook 3D, Rist, Schlemm, Shuglie & others

Block #1 @ 12:00 noon Un-cataloged items to include antiques and collectibles. Block #2 @ 1:30 pm Box lots & household items. Block #1 @ 3:00 pm Cataloged items to include a 3D Art by Abner Zook a 28” x 49” Blacksmith scene -- 3D Art by Aaron Zook a 36” x 60” covered bridge scene -- 3D Art by Aaron Zook a 22” x 36” The Village Blacksmith scene -- 3D Art by Aaron Zook 13” octagon village scene -- 3D Art by Aaron Zook a 10 1/2” wooden bowl -- Carousel horse mounted on Oak rocker runners and other cataloged antique and collectible items. Block #1 @ 5:00 pm Un-cataloged Furniture and furniture type items. Block #3 @ 5:00 pm Cataloged Jewelry, Coins & Currency. Highlights to include 1822cc morgan dollar, 1928-S peace dollar, 1907 U.S. $5.00 note, 1914 Federal Reserve 10.00 note, 1895 2 1/2 dollar quarter eagle and much more. Auctioneer note: This auction includes multiple consignors and estates and includes a great variety of items. This will be the biggest antique sale we’ve had for awhile. Online bidding is available on all the cataloged items.


Online bidding, lots of photos & information can be found on our website www.paauctioncenter.com or call 717-687-7018 for more details.



St., York. Social time will begin at 11:30 a.m., and lunch will be at noon. Participants may order from the menu. For reservations, readers may call Kitty Smith at 717-569-9353.

865 Matthew Dr., Stevens, PA 17578 - Lancaster County


Now Accepting Consignments!

The Blue Mountain Military Women invite all past and present military women and guests to attend the group’s bimonthly luncheon, which will be held on Saturday, Feb. 16, at Hoss’s Steak & Sea House, 2175 White

SAT., MARCH 23, 2019 AT 11:00 A.M.

THURS., FEB. 21, 2019 AT 12 NOON

5:30 P.M.

Military Women Plan Luncheon




or Perhaps Before?” The program will take place from 6 to 7 p.m. “Causes of and Solutions for Chronic Pelvic Pain” will be presented on Tuesday, March 26, by Dr. Thomas Fromuth from 6 to 7 p.m. Light refreshments will be available at the seminars. Space is limited, and advance registration is required by visiting www.upmcpinnacle.com/events or calling 717-231-8900. Additionally, a free Silver Circle health seminar, “Am I Forgetting Something? Dementia vs. Normal Aging,” will be presented by Dr. James Pacelli on Thursday, March 7, from 11:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. in the multipurpose room at UPMC Pinnacle Lititz. Free blood pressure screenings will be offered. Silver Circle is a free program promoting senior health, wellness and fellowship. For more information, visit www.upmcpinnacle. com/silvercircle.




UPMC Pinnacle has scheduled several free health seminars. Unless otherwise noted, the seminars will take place at UPMC Pinnacle Lititz, 1500 Highlands Drive, Lititz, in the multipurpose room. “Celebrate Heart Health Month! Strategies to Prevent and Reverse Heart Disease” will take place on Tuesday, Feb. 19, from 6:30 to 7:30 p.m. Dr. Matthew Evans and Susan Hite will provide health information, and free blood pressure screenings will be offered. “Celebrate Heart Health Month! The Heart-Healthy, Mediterranean-Type Diet” will be presented by Dr. Nehal Patel on Thursday, Feb. 28, from 6 to 7 p.m. Samples of Mediterraneantype food will be available, and free blood pressure screenings will be offered. On Wednesday, March 20, Dr. Hiep Phan will present “Why Do I Need a Colonoscopy After Age 50 …

www.beiler-campbellauctions.com • 888-209-6160

Auctioneers: J. Meryl Stoltzfus (717) -629-6036 AA#005403 Wilmer Martin (717) 333-4881 AA#019644 Seller: Linley Nagy Attorney: Kling & Deibler


By Francine Fulton

16 - MERCHANDISER - Warwick Edition - February 13, 2019

WellSpan To Offer Wellness Classes WellSpan will offer a variety of wellness classes in February. Classes will be held at WellSpan Cocalico Health Center, 63 W. Church St., Stevens, unless otherwise noted. For more information and to register, readers may call the Wellness Center at 717-721-8790. There is a fee to participate in each program. Basic Life Support - CPR will be held from 5 to 9 p.m. on Tuesday,

Feb. 19. The course covers adult and pediatric CPR, two-rescuer scenarios, and use of a bag mask. Foreign body airway obstruction and use of an automated external defibrillation (AED) are alsoincluded. A grocery store tour will be held from 6:30 to 8:30 p.m. on Wednesday, Feb. 20, at the Weaver Markets, 2610 N. Reading Road, Adamstown. Participants


Diabetes Review Class Scheduled

John and Nancy Yurchak of Leola have announced the engagement of their daughter, Rachel Yurchak of Leola, to Ryan Heffner of Sinking Spring. The bride-elect graduated from Conestoga Valley High School in 2011 and is employed by Costco Wholesale in Lancaster. Mr. Heffner is the son of Ronald and Susan Heffner of Fleetwood. He graduated from Brandywine Heights High School in 2009 and Penn State University in 2013. He is employed New Holland. A May wedding is planned. by Case New Holland in

NRA Fundraising Banquet Slated The 26th annual Lancaster County Friends of the NRA fundraising banquet will take place on Saturday, Feb. 23, at Spooky Nook Sports, 2913 Spooky Nook Road, Manheim. Doors will open at 4 p.m., and an unlimited buffet will be served from 4:30 to 6:30 p.m. Proceeds from the event will go to the promotion of sporting and firearm education, hunter safety, range development and improvement, women’s firearm safety, and educational courses, as well as

wildlife conservation efforts. Funds raised by this Friends of the NRA event are distributed by the NRA Foundation to fund local, state, and national grant programs. There is a fee for the dinner. Checks should be made payable to The NRA Foundation. For more information, including how to purchase tickets, readers may call Donna Gerz at 717203-2592 or Paul Means Jr. at 717-354-7789.

Get Into Your Community

will join a registered dietitian in the aisles of the local supermarket and learn about reading food labels and comparison shopping. Heartsaver Adult, Child, and Infant CPR With AED Training will be held from 5 to 9 p.m. on Wednesday, Feb. 27. The course teaches CPR; relief of choking for adults, children, and infants; and instruction on the AED.

find out how on

h t t p : / / w w w. f a c e b o o k . c o m / m e r c h a n d i s e r. l a n c a s t e r


WellSpan Ephrata Community Hospital will offer Taking Charge of Your Diabetes Review class from 6:30 to 7:30 p.m. on Tuesdays, Feb. 19 and 26, at the WellSpan Cocalico Health Center, 63 W. Church St., Stevens. This review is for individuals who have already completed the 10-hour diabetes class. The program will review meal planning, carb counting, recipe modification, treatment options, dealing with unexpected situations, and goal setting. The fee varies, as the program is covered in part by Medicare and various health insurance plans. For more information or to register for a class, readers may call the Wellness Center at 717-721-8790.





AIRLINES ARE HIRING- Get FAA approved hands on Aviation training. Financial aid for qualified students- Career placement assistance. Call Aviation Institute of Maintenance 1-877-818-0783

BUYING TOYS & COLLECTIBLES www.DNRCollectibles.com PA’s Largest Buyer of Toys & Collectibles 27 E Lancaster Street, Red Lion, PA Hours: 10:00am-4:00pm, Monday-Friday 717-329-8167 • rhoward1771@gmail.com Toys Vintage or Modern, New or Used, Hess Trucks, Barbies, Diecast, Hot Wheels & Matchbox, Action Figures, Models, Trains, Sports Cards/ Memorabilia, Movie/ Music Memorabilia, Video Games & much more!

President’s Day

EARLY DEADLINES For Week of Feb. 11:

Classified Deadlines for the Feb. 20th issue will be 24 hours earlier





Wed. Feb. 13, NOON

Call 1-800-428-4211 or 717-653-9848

Museum Slates Fundraiser Event


ticket options are available by visiting www.railsandales.org. Proceeds from the event will A PLACE FOR MOM has helped over a million families find senior living. Our trustbenefit Friends of the Railroad ed, local advisors help find solutions to Museum of Pennsylvania. For your unique needs at no cost to you. 1more information on the Railroad 855-204-5180 Museum of Pennsylvania, readers ASSISTANCE FOR ELDERLY, may visit www.rrmuseumpa.org caregivers provide hygiene assistance, or call 717-687-8628. meals, light housework in your home. Insured, Bonded, RN owned & operated. Visiting Angels, 717-393-3450.


LOCATION: Enck's Banquet Center 1461 Lancaster Rd., (Rte. 72) Manheim, PA 17545 • Abner Zook 1993 3-Diarama Haying Painting • Aaron Zook 3-Diarama Circular Bird Painting • Hattie K. Brunner Winter Snow Scene Paintings • 20th Century Redware Pottery • Stoneware • Toys • Cast Iron • Brass & Copper Metalwares • China • Primitives • Pewter & Tinware • Contemporary Wood Carvings • Fox Hunt & Other Prints • Artwork • Country • Primitive • Mid-Century • Furniture

THURS., MARCH 21, 2019 • 6:00 P.M. LOCATION: 954 North Colebrook Road, Manheim, PA 17545 Rapho Township, Lancaster County GREAT 1.5 ACRE M/L RURAL COUNTRY PROPERTY WITH A PANORAMIC VIEW, EXCELLENT LOCATION, MINUTES TO ROUTE 283, ROUTE 72, & PA TURNPIKE, OUTSTANDING 2.5 STORY BRICK FOUR (4) BEDROOMS, 1.5 BATHS, WITH DETACHED 1.5 STORY THREE (3) BAY BLOCK AND FRAME GARAGE/SHOP/BARN. Exceptionally Clean & Maintained Property! Move-In Ready Condition! Manheim Central School District, Modern Oak Thirty (30) Handle Built-In Kitchen Cabinets, Built-In Corner Cabinet, Plus Many Other Amenities, "Highly Motivated Seller - Seller Is Relocating" Open House Dates: Sats., March 2 & 9, 12:00 Noon-2:00 P.M. Realtor/Broker Participation Offered. For Photos, Full Listing, Terms, Details, See Website: www.witmanauctioneers.com Auction For: Rhoda D. & Willard L. Eberly

The Witman Auctioneers Team Is Currently Booking Auctions Now & In The Future For The 2019 Auction Season. Call Us Now For Competitive Rates.


FOR SALE Bldg. Materials R029759

Auction by: Witman Auctioneers, Inc. Luke R. & Clarke N. Witman, Doug L. Ebersole www.witmanauctioneers.com 717-665-5735 • 717-665-1300 • AY-000155-L

Sell what you don’t need in the


The Witman Auctioneers Team Is Currently Booking Auctions Now & In The Future For The 2019 Auction Season. Call Us Now For Competitive Rates. R031316

Auction by: Witman Auctioneers, Inc. Luke R. & Clarke N. Witman, Doug L. Ebersole www.witmanauctioneers.com 717-665-5735 • 717-665-1300 • AY-000155-L

Find what you’re looking for,


For Photos, Full Listing, Terms See Website: www.witmanauctioneers.com

For more information and assistance regarding the investigation of Business Opportunity Advertising, Engle Publishing Company urges its readers to contact: THE BETTER BUSINESS BUREAU OF EASTERN PA 717-364-3250 HAVE SOMETHING TO SELL? GET 2 FREE WEEKS OF ADVERTISING when you purchase 2 weeks, in our Mid-Atlantic network. To learn more, call Engle Printing & Publishing Co. Inc., Classifieds, 1800-428-4211.


SAT., FEB. 23, 2019 • 8:00 A.M.

SUFFERING FROM AN ADDICTION to Alcohol, Opiates, Prescription Painkillers or other DRUGS? There is hope! Call today to speak with someone who cares. Call NOW 1-855-901-2049

Thursday, Feb. 14 4:00pm


The Railroad Museum of Pennsylvania, 300 Gap Road, Strasburg, will host its fourth annual Rails and Ales event on Saturday, April 6, among the historic trains in the museum’s Rolling Stock Hall. The event is open to adults only. Tickets are limited. Several

SELLING AN ANTIQUE Car or Farm Equipment? Selling construction equipment? Advertise with us to reach up to 3.2 million homes each week in the Mid-Atlantic Network. You choose the area. Call Engle Printing & Publishing Co. Inc., Classifieds, 1-800-428-4211 for more details.

METAL ROOFING & Siding for Houses, Barns, Sheds. Close outs, ALSO; Ag-Tuf PVC Liner Panel 12’ 2” with 3’ coverage $13.50 each 50 or more. Ephrata, PA 717-445-5222

Computers COMPLETE COMPUTER SERVICE Virus Removal, Repairs, Networking, Tutor. 717-571-9219 FREE Online Diagnosis*

Lawn & Garden EARTHWISE LANDSCAPE & TREE CARE Spring clean-ups. Mowing, edging, seeding, fertilization, mulching, shrub & tree pruning. 717-626-2541 (PA 088021)


Commercial, Residential. Mowing, Trimming, Mulching, Edging, Hedge/ Bush Trimming, Shrub Removal, Spring/ Fall Clean-ups. Affordable. Reliable. Fully Insured. Free Estimates. 717-293-5094 or cell 717-989-6743 feskoslawnworks5@yahoo.com www.feskoslawnworks.com PA 022060 H & H TREE TRIMMING. Fully insured, family owned, free estimates, tree trimming, cutting, removal. Stump grinding. Working year round. Call 717-861-4274

Livestock EXPERT, FULL MOUTH balancing & dental care for your horses. Certified Equine Dental Technician E. Kilby 717-244-1724 GRASS HAY, No Rain, 1st cutting large bale, $50 each; 2nd, $70; 3rd, $90; Also MINIATURE DONKEYS.Lebanon, 717-926-4893, 717-865-4473


www.stevespianos.com More info: 717-575-0206, Paul

Pets IN AN EFFORT to protect the lives of animals, and for the protection of our readers, we will no longer accept “PETS OR PUPPIES WANTED” classified ads. We will, however continue to accept household pet “For Sale” ads. When purchasing a pet, please make certain animal is healthy and has been properly cared for. When selling or giving away a pet please screen respondents carefully. Pets deserve a loving, caring home. 1YR OLD POMSKY Male For Sale , Black & White. Very Nice Markings. Needs good home. $500 obo. Call 717-945-3297

MERCHANDISER - Warwick Edition - February 13, 2019 - 17







(5) RED MINI Poodle Puppies, cute, smart! $850; Also black & brown Poodle cross female, very cute, $350; All of them ready Feb. 21. 87 Martic Heights, Holtwood, PA 17532. 717-205-5229

PURE BRED GERMAN Shepherd Puppies, family raised, shots, wormed, vet checked, ready to go. $300. 717-862-3178

DISH NETWORK- SATELLITE Television Services. Now over 190 channels for ONLY $49.99/mo! HBO- FREE for one year, FREE Installation, FREE Streaming, FREE HD. Add internet for $14.95 a month. 1-800-219-1271

ATTENTION OXYGEN THERAPY USERS! Inogen One G4 is capable of full 24/7 oxygen delivery. Only 2.8 pounds. FREE information kit. Call 1-877-929-9587

CARS/ TRUCKS WANTED!! All makes/ models 2000-2016! Any condition. Running or not. Top $$$ Paid! Free Towing! We’re nationwide! Call now: 1-888-985-1806

CASH FOR CARS: We Buy Any Condition Vehicle, 2002 and Newer. Nationwide Free Pickup! Call Now: 1-800-864-5960

ACA MINI POODLE PUPS, 1 red male, 1 cream female, 2 black females, dad 12lbs, mom 10lbs, $950. 717-799-3120

WHOODLE PUPPIES, Ready Feb. 13th, hypoallergenic, non shedding, health checked, shots, $1000. 717-475-0381, Terre Hill Area

AKC AKITA Puppies, vet checked, dewormed, family raised, 5 Females & 5 Males. $775. Call 717-548-1368

Sporting Goods

AKC GERMAN SHEPHERD PUPS, vet ckd, shots, wormed, nice healthy pups, raised on farm. $300-$350. 717-656-4786 Ext. 1

GUNS WANTED INSTANT PAYMENT 1 gun or collection- Will travel Kinsey’s Outdoors, 717-653-5524

AKC LAB PUPPIES, charcoal, silver, fox red. From our only family dog, $800. Ready 2/16. 717-305-0183 AKC MINIATURE SCHNAUZER Puppies, Salt & Pepper, Males & Females, $1200. Call 717-397-5005 BLACK GERMAN SHEPHERD puppies, 1 male $550. 3 females, $450 each. Very nice, playful, family raised, shots & wormed, ready 2/15. 717-529-1044 CHOCOLATE LAB PUPS, healthy, cute, playful, vet checked, shots, wormed, family raised, $550, 717-344-6757 FREE VET EXAM for your new Puppy/Kitten. 50yrs professional exp. Ad must be mentioned at time of call. Manheim Pike Vet Hospital, 717-569-6424 Leola Veterinary Hospital, 717-656-9754 GERMAN SHEPHERD PUPPIES LONG HAIRED, SHOTS AND WORMED, RAISED IN HOME, ACA REGISTERED, $1000. 610-932-0993 GOLDEN DOODLE PUPPIES. 8wks old, family raised, very friendly, $925. Call 610-286-3655

GOLDEN RETRIEVER PUPS, AKC, health guaranteed, shots & wormed, 717-661-7947

MINI LOP BUNNIES. Parents are pedigreed, selling these as pets. Call or Text for pics, $35. 717-575-5910 PET DAY SURGERY Affordable spay, neuter, dental, declaw. www.petdaysurgery.com717-675-2080 Compassion, caring, and experience.


Miscellaneous ASPHALT MILLINGS & CRUSHED CONCRETE FOR SALE. For delivery or pick up. Ask about a free estimate to haul and place millings. Please call between 8AM & 4PM. 610-777-2312

IT’S EASY TO PLACE A CLASSIFIED AD CALL 717-653-9848 or 1-800-428-4211

FREE ITEM?? Place a FREE Ad! Giving away that piece of furniture, toy, sports equipment, etc???

Call 1-800-428-4211 to place your 3 line, private party ad for 1 week (some restrictions apply)



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CROSS COUNTRY MOVING. Long Distance Moving Company, out of state move $799, Long Distance Movers. Get free quote on your long distance move, 1-800-511-2181 DENTAL INSURANCE. Call Physicians Mutual Insurance Company for details. NOT just a discount plan, REAL coverage for 350 procedures. 1-888-623-3036 or http://www.dental50plus.com/58 AD# 6118 (NANI)

DIRECTV & AT&T. 155 Channels & 1000s of Shows/ Movies On Demand (w/ SELECT Package.) AT&T Internet 99 Percent Reliability. Unlimited Texts to 120 Countries w/AT&T Wireless. Call 4 FREE Quote 1-855-781-1565. DISH NETWORK $69.99 for 190 Channels; Add High Speed Internet for ONLY $14.95/month. Best Technology. Best Value. Smart HD DVR included. FREE Installation. Some restrictions apply. Call 1-855-837-9146.

DONATE YOUR CAR to Veterans Today! Help and Support our Veterans. FastFREE pick up. 100% tax deductible. Call 1-800-245-0398 (NANI) ENJOY 100% GUARANTEED, delivered to the door Omaha Steaks! Makes a great Holiday gift! SAVE 75% PLUS get 4 free Burgers! Order The Family Gourmet Feast- ONLY $49.99. Call 1-855-3490656 mention code 55586TJC or visit www.omahasteaks.com/love13 HEALTHCARE CAREER TRAINING ONLINE. Start a New Career in Medical Billing & Coding. Medical Administrative Assistant. To learn more, call Ultimate Medical Academy. 1-855-629-5104 (NANI) HEAR AGAIN! Try our hearing aid for just $75 down and $50 per month! Call 1-800-426-4212 and mention 88272 for a risk free trial! FREE SHIPPING! INVENTORS- FREE INFORMATION PACKAGE. Have your product idea developed affordably by the Research & Development pros and presented to manufacturers. Call 1-888-501-0236 for a Free Idea Starter Guide. Submit your idea for a free consultation. (NANI)

AIRLINE MECHANIC TRAINING. Get FAA Technician certification. Approved for military benefits. Financial Aid if qualified. Job placement assistance. Call Aviation Institute of Maintenance 1-866453-6204 AIRLINES ARE HIRING- Get FAA approved hands on Aviation training. Financial aid for qualified students- Career placement assistance. CALL Aviation Institute of Maintenance 1-888-686-1704. (NANI) AT&T INTERNET. Get more for your HighSpeed Internet Thing. Starting at $40/month w/12-mo agmt. Includes 1TB of data per month. Ask us how to bundle and SAVE! Geo & svc restrictions apply. Call us today 1-833-7070984.


Attn.: Human Resources

BECOME A PUBLISHED Author. We want to read your book! Dorrance PublishingTrusted by authors since 1920. Book manuscript submissions currently being reviewed. Comprehensive Services: Consultation, Production, Promotion and Distribution. Call for your Free Author’s Guide 1-877-626-2213 or visit http://dorranceinfo.com/classified


DISH TV $59.99 FOR 190 channels + $14.95 High Speed Internet. Free Installation, Smart HD DVR included, Free Voice Remote. Some restrictions apply. 1-800-718-1593 (NANI)

A PLACE FOR MOM. The nation’s largest senior living referral service. Contact our trusted local experts today! Our service is FREE/ no obligation. CALL 1-844-722-7993.

Rohrer’s has an opportunity for a Parts Runner in our Service Center. You’ll use a company vehicle to pick-up and deliver truck, auto, heavy equipment, and machinery parts and other equipment. Additional duties include inspecting and storing parts, basic maintenance and clean-up duties. Candidates must possess a valid PA driver’s license, a good driving record, be able to lift and push/pull up to 75 lbs. Previous experience or knowledge of auto, truck, and/or heavy equipment parts is a plus, but not required. We offer great benefits including health, dental, vision, disability, life, and long-term care insurance, Paid Time Off (PTO), and 401(k) w/match. Company sponsored continuing education & training as well as tuition reimbursement is available. Interested candidates can complete an application online or in person or submit a resume by email, fax, or mail. Please include your salary requirements and/or history. Visit our website at www.rohrers.com

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BECOME A PUBLISHED AUTHOR! We edit, print and distribute your work internationally. We do the work... You reap the Rewards! Call for a FREE Author’s Submission Kit: 1-866-951-7214 (NANI)

CARS/TRUCKS WANTED!!! 2002 and Newer! Any condition. Running or not. Competitive Offer! Free Towing! We’re Nationwide! Call Now 1-888-416-2330

A PLACE FOR MOM has helped over a million families find senior living. Our trusted, local advisors help find solutions to your unique needs at no cost to you. Call 1-855-741-7459. (NANI)



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ADVERTISE TO 10 Million Homes across the USA! Place your ad in over 140 community newspapers, with circulation totaling over 10 million homes. Call Engle Printing & Publishing Co., Inc, Classifieds, a member of Independent Free Papers of America- IFPA, at 1-800-428-4211 for more information.

Monday-Friday 8:00am-4:30pm

LOVE ANIMALS? Turn Your Passion into Profits. Now Accepting Pet Grooming Students. 717-933-1333 MINI AUSSIE-DOODLE PUPPIES very cute, vet checked, shots & wormed, priced reduced $475. 717-314-3889


SPORTING RIFLE FNH. .308 cal. Extras available, $1,500. 814-860-6856, Call John

HAVANESE PUPS, ACA, black & white, Health Guaranteed, vet checked, extra cute. 717-661-7947 ICA SHELTY PUPS, will be vet checked, shots & wormed, cute & friendly, $400 ea. Ready 2/8/19. Call 717-442-5083

HEARTHSTONE WOOD BURNING stove Castleton model, 45,000 BTUs. Size 27 ?”H x 25 ?”W x 21 7/8” D Stove is 2 yrs old, in excellent condition. Price is $1,700. Call or text at 717-615-8864


Fax #717-626-9425 E-mail: kelli.ohara@rohrers.com R031349

We are looking for an experienced, highly motivated and goal-oriented


for our weekly newspaper publication group, serving Lancaster and Dauphin counties. This position is responsible for leading and implementing advertising initiatives to increase sales revenue both in print and online. About Us: The EPC Community Newspaper group reaches more than 400,000 homes in central Pennsylvania each week. Editorial coverage is focused on nonprofit news, community groups and organizations, local achievements and upcoming events specific to each paper’s geographical area. Advertising by local businesses makes it possible for residents to receive our papers free of charge. EPC believes in providing a venue for local dollars spent to be reinvested into the communities in which we live, work and thrive. Degree QUALIFICATIONS Bachelor’s Minimum 5 years of outside advertising sales experience is preferred 3+ years of sales management experience Proven track record of reaching and exceeding sales revenue goals Demonstrated ability to perform well in a rapidly changing environment Ability to interact with a broad set of businesses Excellent communication and presentation skills


Health plan (including vision and dental) Profit sharing/401(k) plan Paid vacation and more

Apply online at engleonline.com/jobs Engle Printing & Publishing Co., Inc.

EOE R030488

18 - MERCHANDISER - Warwick Edition - February 13, 2019

INSTALLING FENCE Good Work Ethic and Valid Driver’s License are required.


John Beiler








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STAY IN YOUR home longer with an American Standard Walk-in Bathtub. Receive up to $1,500 off, including a free toilet, and a lifetime warranty on the tub and installation! Call us at 1-844-374-0013

DRIVER/WORKER NEEDED for vinyl siding crew, immediate opening, valid drivers license required, TRUMARK BUILDERS. CALL 717-419-0610

FT Cake Decorator past experience preferred. Apply within: Achenbach’s Pastry, Inc. 375 E. Main St, Leola. EOE

KILL BED BUGS! Buy Harris Sprays, Kits, Mattress Covers. hardware Stores, The Home Spepot, homedepot.com

SUFFERING FROM AN ADDICTION to Alcohol, Opiates, Prescription Pain Killers or other DRUGS? There is hope! Call today to speak with someone who cares. Call NOW 1-855-399-8803. (NANI)

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Now Hiring Trailer Service • Mechanical Experience • Knowledge of 12-volt wiring • Welding experience preferred


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PHARMACY TECHNICIAN- ONLINE TRAINING AVAILABLE! Take the first step into a new career! Call now: 1-833-221-0660 (NANI)

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All positions above are full-time and generally require between 45-50 hours per week. Benefits include very competitive wages, 7 paid holidays, paid vacation time and a company match retirement plan.

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SPECTRUM TRIPLE PLAY! TV, Internet & Voice for $29.99 ea. 60 mb per second speed. No contract or commitment. More channels. Faster internet. Unlimited voice. Call 1-877-338-2315 (NANI) STAY IN YOUR home longer with an American Standard Walk-In Bathtub. Receive up to $1,500 off, including a free toilet, and a lifetime warranty on the tub and installation! Call us at 1-855-534-6198 (NANI)

SUFFERING FROM AN ADDICTION to Alcohol, Opiates, Prescription Painkillers or other DRUGS? There is hope! Call Today to speak with someone who cares. Call NOW 1-855-866-0913 TOP CASH FOR CARS. Any car/truck, running or not. Call for INSTANT offer: 1-888-417-9150

Are you looking for a job that gives the skills, opportunities & mentorship you deserve, all while making a difference every day? If you are, please consider joining Community Services Group’s Lancaster County Team! Help us grow & enhance the lives of adults w/ Intellectual Disabilities (ID/ASD) while building relationships, assisting with activities of daily life & encouraging community inclusion.


Direct Support Professionals (FT, PT, PRN) Program Specialist (FT) Licensed Practical Nurse (FT)


Medical Insurance & Benefits are available for those who qualify! Apply at csgonline.org EOE

COAL/ WOOD/ PELLET Stoves and Inserts, New & Refurbished. Over 300 models in stock. $100-$800 & up. Buy/ Sell/ Trade. Call 717-577-6640 GREINER FARM: FIREWOOD Dry, seasoned. Delivered. 717-629-9069


General CAREGIVERS NEEDED: CNA's, HHA's & care assistants, make a difference in the life of a senior and put your caregiving experience to work. All shifts available. Call Visiting Angels at 717-393-3450. CONSTRUCTION EQUIP. OPERATORS, DUMP TRUCK DRIVERS W/ CDL, DIRT PIPE & ASPHALT LABORERS. All positions require experience. FT with benefits. Must have drivers license and pass drug screening. Apply M-F, 9-3 W. Craig Adams, Inc., 107 Campbell Rd, York, PA 717-751-0231 or email resume to kim1@wcraigadamsinc.com DO YOU WANT to make a difference in someone’s life? Firstlight Home Care is growing and looking for qualified Caregivers or CNA’s to join the team. Call 717-755-7400 for details!!


Drivers needed to escort over sized loads, local or long distance, must be 21+ & supply own vehicle. Seniors welcome to apply. Call Sunshine Flag Car Service, 717-534-1213, 8am-5pm, M-F

FULL TIME POSITIONS Looking for highly motivated candidates to grow with us. If you are reliable, work hard and enjoy being outdoors, we would like to have you join our team. All Positions- All Levels including: • MAINTENANCE, HARDSCAPE & PLANTING CREW LEADERS • LAWN CARE TECHNICIANS • LANDSCAPE MAINTENANCE LABORERS • LANDSCAPE PLANTING LABORERS • CLIMBERS Competitive benefits pkg: Medical, Vacation and PTO, Holidays, Profit Sharing, 401(K), Life Ins.

ON-THE-SPOT INTERVIEWS WEDNESDAYS, 1PM-4PM 3055 Yellow Goose Road Lancaster, PA 17601 or apply online at www.MyTomBom.com

www.kirbyagri.com is currently seeking individuals for CDL Class A Truck Driving Positions. Job includes deliveries and pick-ups in PA, MD, DEL, VA and NJ. Home every night. Job offers 40+ hrs/wk. Must be dependable. This is a full-time position with full benefits. Apply in person: Kirby Agri 500 Running Pump Rd., Lancaster PA LANCASTER COUNTRY CLUB, Lancaster, PA. Work is performed onsite in the following county: Lancaster. 10 TEMP, FT Landscape Laborer positions. 4/1/19 through 11/30/19, 5:30-2:00, 40 hrs/week, OT varies, Mon-Sun, Schedule Varies; 7 Days a week. $14.67-$14.87/hr, $22.01-$22.31/hr OT, Raises at employer’s discretion. Mow, trim, rake bunkers, leaves, & debris; aerate greens & tees, lay sod, shovel, and hand water greens, tees, & approaches. Pre-employment drug testing req’d; Random drug testing during employment, Able to lift 50lbs repetitively. Perform daily physical activities, No exp required, will train. Employer may make payroll deductions at employee’s request. The employer will provide workers at no charge all tools, supplies and equipment req’d to perform the job. Initial transportation (including meals &, to the extent necessary, lodging) to the place of employment will be provided, or its cost to workers reimbursed, if the worker completes half the employment period. Return transportation will be provided if the worker completes the employment period or is dismissed early by the employer. Inquire about the job opportunity or send applications, indications of availability, and/or resumes directly to 717-392-8638, rgranruth@lancastercc.com or the nearest PA SWA, PA Careerlink Lancaster County, 1016 N. Charlotte St., Lancaster, PA 17603, 717-509-5613. Refer to JO#12697946


nt Mgr. Assist. Restaura (focus BOH)

ok FT/P T AM Line Co r Exp. Housekeepe ier/ PM/Wknd. Cash Parcel Pick Up EOE

Applications available at our website or 2900 Oregon Pike, Lititz, PA

w w w. O r e g o n D a i r y. c o m

Manheim Area Water & Sewer Authority



is a Water and Wastewater Authority that offers stable leadership and growth, views employees as valuable resources, and rewards success with competitive pay and benefits.


Water/Wastewater Laborer

Ideal candidates will have a strong background in precast concrete production, general construction, carpentry, and / or heavy manufacturing environments, etc. Must be willing to work overtime hours and have reliable transportation.

We are seeking a self-motivated full-time Water and Wastewater Laborer to join our team in Manheim, PA and become an integral part of our team. The successful candidate will provide support activities for the operations and maintenance of water and wastewater treatment and distribution/collection facilities.

These full-time, hourly positions offer competitive wages, full health & dental benefits, paid vacation & holidays and more! Qualified applicants are encouraged to APPLY IN-PERSON 42 South Butler Road | Lebanon, PA 17046 Monday – Friday, 8:00am – 3:00pm Or download our application at https://www.terrehill.com/employment (email completed application to mcuster@terrehill.com)

Responsibilities: The position includes activities supporting the daily operation and maintenance of a wastewater plant operation, drinking water plant operation, system maintenance and repairs.

Qualifications: This position requires basic mechanical knowledge with an emphasis in plumbing. The ability to lift and carry 60 pounds and work under inclement weather conditions are necessary. Candidates must possess reliable transportation and live within 30 minutes of our facilities. Strong safety awareness and a good record and understanding of safe work practices are essential.


An equal-opportunity employer | Committed to a drug-free work environment | www.terrehill.com





This position comes with a full benefits package: health, Rx, eye, dental, life insurance, disability insurance, pension, vacation time, paid holidays, etc.

Please e-mail resume and letter of interest to info@mawsa.org

R030971 R030 0030 30971


MERCHANDISER - Warwick Edition - February 13, 2019 - 19



WOULD YOU LIKE TO HAVE YOUR CLASSIFIED AD REACH CHESTER, LANCASTER, YORK, AND DAUPHIN COUNTIES? Reaching over 407,000 households every week with your advertising message is significant. Call 1-800-428-4211 and ask for the "360 SPECIAL" to find out how.

A&L TRIMMING, Interior Triming, Cabinet Installations, Install New Flooring 717-529-9017 Leave Message

JACK’S PROFESSIONAL PAINTING. Ext/int. Powerwashing & deck treatment. No job to big or too small. 20yrs+ exp. 717-367-4231

Full Service Plumbing. WHY PAY MORE! All Your Plumbing Needs. PA 023647 Dan, 717-381-7118


READ YOUR AD THE FIRST WEEK IT APPEARS. This publication will not be responsible for more than one incorrect insertion of any advertisement.

Mechanical Trades

AMISH MOVING COMPANY Will move households (will go out of state). Fair prices for Clean Outs of Attics, Basements. 717-442-3301

STUMP GRINDING 717-291-6898 Lester E. Probst. Free Estimates JUST STUMPS. Quality Workmanship.

HIRING: PRESSURE WASHING TECHS Full Time • Valid License • CLEAN Driving Record • TEACHABLE • HONEST • NOT intimidated by HARD WORK! Training: 13/Hr - Lead:18/Hr PAID HOLIDAYS CALL:717-809-4141 LOOKING FOR PART-TIME WORK? We are in need of a Shuttle Driver to join our team at Jones Dealerships. If you enjoy driving & meeting people, this is the job for you! Our shuttle drivers drop off/pick up customers who may not want to wait at the dealership while their vehicles are being serviced. The position would be during the week from MondayFriday and usually covering a combination of four shifts per week of either 7:30 AM-12:00 PM or 12:00 PM-5:00 PM. An excellent driving record is required. Contact Deb at dandrews@gojones.com if interested.

MASONS & TENDERS Prevailing wages. Benefits. Start immediately. B & D Masonry, Inc Est. 35+ years 717-397-1689

ANDY’S DRYWALL Interior Remodeling, Hanging, Finishing, Framing, Painting, Basements, Additions, Textured Ceilings & Walls. Insured. PA 022669. 717-587-4102


for a reputable residential construction company. Competitive wages, paid holidays, uniforms, retirement package and other benefits offered. Looking for employees that are self-motivated with a good attitude. Applicants may contact T&D Excavating & Paving at 717-665-6776 x104 or tiffani@tdexc.com

Apply Within EOE • 717-509-4580 709 Hartman Station Road Lancaster, PA 17601


PAVING WORKERS NEEDED -CDL Class A Dump Truck Driver -Equipment Operator -Skilled Laborer Paid Vacation & Holidays, Benefits, Great Pay! Apply in person at Leacock Paving 251 Old Leacock Rd, Gordonville, PA 17529 or call 717-768-7281


TEEN CENTRAL MANHEIM, a Christian organization, seeks an Executive Director. For complete job posting see our website: Teencentralmanheim.org. Apply by February 25. Start in March, 2019.

Place a FREE 15-20 word ad in the next available issue to locate the owner of your found item. Call our Classified Dept. 1-800-428-4211


THE AMISH EXPERIENCE at Plain & Fancy Farm seeks fun-loving individuals to join our part-time guide and box office staff. Perfect for retirees, but all peopleoriented, friendly, outgoing candidates welcome. $10 per hour to start. Immediate raise after training. Read more about us at AmishExperience.com To apply, send resume to Clinton@AmishExperience.com THE SCOTTS CO, Oxford PA has fulltime CDL Truck Driver Positions with Benefits, Health, Dental, Vision, 401K, Vacation plus more. Class A CDL, req’d 21 years of age, at least 3 years of verifiable driving experience. To apply go to https://careers.scotts.com click on search job, type in CDL for keyword search, Location Oxford, PA. Complete your application and upload resume.






Ads submitted to us that begin with A-1, 1-A, AAA, etc for position purposes, will No Longer Be Accepted This Way, unless proven that it is part of your Registered Business Name.

TREE REMOVAL & TRIMMING 717-538-8762 (PA096932) Douglas Tree & Property Service

MANHEIM 1BR APT, 2nd flr. Remodled, new appliances, off street parking, no pets/ smoking. $685 + util. 717-629-8470



CLOCK DOCTOR All Fine Clocks Cleaned, Oiled, Repaired. We Make House Calls! Free Pick-Up & Delivery! Call: 717-768-3844

DRYWALL & PLASTER Repair, warr. work; Prompt, clean, neat, prof. Satisfaction guar. 717-951-5077, MasterPlaster. •HEATING •COOLING •PLUMBING Repairs & Installation of gas & oil heating systems. A/C, water heaters, & more! Honest w/ reasonable rates. Lic. & Insured Dan 717-419-8628 or 610-513-4054 Building, Remodeling, Handyman, Painting, Maintenance, Landscaping, Storm Damage. Sr & Vet Discounts. PA#88286 Steve 717-538-7536, John 717-598-8742 Int/Ext, Res/Com, 30 yrs exp. Free estimates, Fully insured Eric, 717-615-6442 PA 116089


ELIZABETHTOWN 2BR APT- Heat, W/S/T, Stove & Refrigerator Included. $650/mo + Sec. Dep., No Pets. Call 717-572-2298

MORGANTOWN FOR RENT Salon/Office/Shop/Retail space. Currently set up as a Salon 750 sqft. Rt 23. $800 610-286-6222


PA law requires Home Improvement contractors with annual billing of over $5,000 to be registered with the Attorney General’s office. This registration enables consumers to trace contractors should issues arise between you and a contractor. We encourage readers to acquire references for any contractor you consider hiring.

717-285-4555 prospectleasing.com



This publication will not be responsible for more than one incorrect insertion of any advertisement.

PAINTING DONE RIGHT Interiors. Exteriors. Detailed clean custom painting services. Res/Com. Refs. PA126393 717-286-5464 Many other related services, just ask!

SICK AND TIRED OF BEING SICK AND TIRED OF MONEY WORRIES? Tired of living paycheck to paycheck? Tired of collectors calling? Expecting a tax return? Financial coaching can make the most overwhelming, YOUR situation bearable. Contact NOW! 717-353-6655 soulwithoutfearllc@gmail.com facebook.com/soulwithoutfear


RWPM - 717-399-0100

10K, 14K, 18K, STERLING. Platinum, estate jewelry, diamonds & coins. (Damaged & Scrap Gold). Single pieces or entire estates Paying very competitive prices.

AM JEWELRY, INC, 50 S. Broad St., Lititz; 717-627-3197 AMERICAN & FOREIGN CARS $$ PAYING CASH $$ for Classic & Collector Cars. 717-577-8206 AT SUSQUEHANNA COIN, Willow Valley Square, our 37th year paying top pricesfor gold, silver, coins, jewelry, sterling, etc. 717-464-4016. BRITISH MOTORCYCLES WANTED Triumph, Norton, BSA, etc., running or not. I pay more. 484-252-1708, anytime.

REAL ESTATE EQUAL HOUSING OPPORTUNITY All real estate advertised in this publication is subject to the Federal Fair Housing Act and the Pennsylvania Human Relations Act which makes it illegal to advertise a preference, limitation or discrimination based on race, color, religion, ancestry, sex, national origin, handicap (physical or mental) or familial status (people with children) or an intention to make any such preference, limitation or discrimination. This publication will not knowingly accept any advertisement for real estate which is in violation of the law. Our readers are hearby informed that all dwellings advertised in this publication are required to be available on an equal opportunity basis. *NOTE TO OUR CUSTOMERS* When placing your real estate ad please describe the property only, not who you wish to occupy it.

For Rent 1500SF. RETAIL SPACE, includes W/S/T/Elec. 250 W. Main St. (rear) Mount Joy. Avail 3/1/19. 717-517-1410

Millersville 40 Manor Ave. 3BR semi-detached...........................$995 Lancaster Twp. 151 Riverside Ave. 4BR Semi-detached.................$1150 Millersville 104 Manor Ave. 3BR Semi-detached, garage...........$1095 Columbia 130 N 4th 1BR..........$675 Columbia 130 N 4th 2BR..........$825 Manheim Twp. 689 Royal View Dr. 3BR 2.BA, 1 car gar Twhse......$1595 East Petersburg 6040 Pine St. Semi-detached 3BR 1.5BA 1 car garage across from park..........$995 Manheim 101 S Charlotte 2BR.$725 Marietta 589 E. Market 2BR......$825 Also Great Houses & Apartments Available in Lancaster City

For Sale SEAFORD, DELAWARE NEW MOVE-IN READY HOMES! Low Taxes! Close to Beaches, Gated, Olympic pool. Model Homes from the low 100’s. Brochures. 1-866-629-0770 or www.coolbranch.com

Wanted WANTED 8-12 ACRES at $1200 an Acre if sewer available. $1500 an Acre for possible park for veterans or families. Please call Lloyd Rutt 717-538-6444 or 717-625-2062 WE BUY HOUSES & APARTMENT BUILDINGS Any Condition. Tired of being a landlord? Cash out today! No Realtor Fees. Fast Easy Cash Settlement! 717-598-2661

Manufactured Housing BUY DIRECT Unbelievable prices. Hunting Cabin & Landlord Specials, New & Used Doublewides & Singlewides $9900 717-875-1288

Searching for a New Home?




Find it in the


REALTORS Search For Your Next Home At ThompsonRealtor.com


TEEN CENTRAL MANHEIM, a Christian organization, seeks a Kitchen Coordinator. For complete job posting see our website: Teencentralmanheim.org. Apply by February 25. Start in April, 2019.



CALL EMPIRE TODAY® to schedule a FREE in-home estimate on Carpeting & Flooring. Call Today! 1-866-538-7163

CLOCK REPAIR Housecalls on Grandfather Clocks Clocks Bought & Sold Trager Clocks 717-786-7053


COLUMBIA – 2BR Apt $850 ELIZABETHTOWN – 2 BR Apt $825 LITITZ – 2 BR Townhouse $950 MILLERSVILLE AREA 4+ BR $2,600 MOUNTVILLE - 1 BR Loft $895 MOUNT JOY – 2 BR Semi $750 WEST HEMPFIELD – 1 BR Apt $815 View All our Listings & Apply On-Line

MANHEIM LARGE 2BR, 1st flr of House. LR, DR, W/D hk-up, full bsmt, yard, lrg porch, completely remodeled. No pets/ smoking. $895/mo.+ util. 717-629-8470

CALL EMPIRE TODAY to schedule a FREE in-home estimate on Carpeting & Flooring. Call Today! 1-866-538-7163

Now Hiring:

Manufactured Housing

EARTHWISE LANDSCAPE & TREE CARE We use modern pruning techniques for the health & safety of your trees & shrubs. Certified arborist on staff. Also removals, storm damage, & yard clean-up. 717-6262541 (PA 088021)


•Concrete Finishers •Laborers •Equipment Operators •Concrete Laborers •Pipe Layers •Truck Drivers

For Rent



ONE-STORY LIVING in the Borough of Manheim, walking distance to everything in town. This 3 bedroom home needs some TLC to make it your own home. Call us today to take a look. $189,900

THIS HOME OR A CUSTOM can be built on this great flat lot in an established neighborhood in the Borough of Manheim. The 1st flr. features a LR, dining area open to the kitchen w/Granite counters. 1st flr. laundry & mudroom. Nice patio. 3 BRs, 2.5 baths. Penway Construction.

Looking for a nice place for your new or preowned home and family? 24 Hour on call service, professionally managed and maintained Communities that "Feel like Home". Available lots within Beautiful Communities in York, Dauphin, Cumberland, Lancaster, Luzerne and Perry Counties. Select communities are offering FREE RENT; 3 TO 12 MONTHS FREE! Call today for details! 717 730-4141


AUTOS FOR SALE 2006 DODGE GRAND CARAVAN, 7 pass, dk. blue, V-6, AT, PS, PW, cruise, AC not working, CD/DVD player. 176,700 mi. Under floor storage, fold down rear seat, newer rear tires. $2900. 717-568-2601 CASH FOR YOUR UNWANTED CAR & TRUCK. Any condition. PA licensed & insured dealer. 717-350-1208, anytime. (WANTED) CARS/ TRUCKS WANTED!!! All makes/ models 2002-2018! Any condition. Running or not. Competitive offer! Free Towing! We’re Nationwide! Call Now: 1-888-368-1016

AUTO PARTS & SUPPLIES $100-$5,000 PAID for unwanted or junk autos. Free same day removal. All paperwork taken care of legally. PA licensed and insured. Call anytime 717-989-6980.

$100-$800 For Your Unwanted Junk Cars-Trucks- Vans- SUVs. Prompt, Honest Service. Call KZ 717-847-6083 PA0002 $50-$1000 CASH PAID ON ALL VEHICLES Serving York & Lancaster. 24/7 service. Call anytime 717-515-2607 GOT TOYOTA? ALL TOYOTAS Parts, Repairs, Sales, Srvc. New, Oem, Used, Aftm. Weikle’S + save 717-417-2726 HARD-FRAME TRI-FOLD TONNEAU COVER, 5’, off short bed Chevy Colorado, locks, like new, $200, 717-367-1651 leave message. YAKIMA BASELINE ROOF rack system, $275. Fits Honda Civics and Fits, older Accords and Mazdas. New condition, never used, 717-824-6144

CYCLES BRITISH MOTORCYCLES WANTED Triumph, Norton, BSA, etc., running or not. I pay more. 484-252-1708, anytime.

CASH PAID FOR ATV’s, ATC’s, Motorcycles, 2, 3 or 4 Wheelers, Any Year, Running Or Not. Please Call 610-656-3158

The Auto Hut

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30 Years Exp.

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Check out our Updated Website!

33 S. White Oak St. (rear), Annville

Phone: 1-800-586-7006






20 - MERCHANDISER - Warwick Edition - February 13, 2019

1040 Accounting Service, Inc. 22nd Year!

18A South Seventh St. (Rt. 272) • Akron, PA 17501

717-390-1040 or 717-859-1040


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w/Tax Preparation

717-390-1040 or 717-859-1040



Knights Of Columbus Plan Breakfast



Knights of Columbus St. John Neumann Council will host a pancake breakfast on Sunday, Feb. 17, at St. John Neumann Church, 601 E. Delp Road, Lancaster. Breakfast will be served from 7 a.m. to 1 p.m. Breakfast will be by donation. Proceeds will benefit the St. John Neumann Capital Campaign and John and Nancy Yurchak of the Knights of Columbus St. John Lancaster have announced the Neumann Council. For details, engagement of their daughter, call 717-560-0798. Jocelyn Yurchak of Lancaster, to Adam Lenhard of Lancaster. The bride-elect graduated from Conestoga Valley High School in 2014 and the University of Mount Olive in 2018. The groom-to-be is the son of David Lenhard and Jill Kennett of Lancaster. He graduated from Conestoga Valley High School in 2012 and the University of Mount Olive in 2017. A November wedding is planned.


1.99 lb.

5 lb. case


1.99 lb.

Lancaster Church of the Brethren, 1601 Sunset Ave., Lancaster, will host its yearly Friendship Dinner on Saturday, Feb. 16, from 5 to 7 p.m. in the Family Life Center. The menu will include stuffed chicken breast, scalloped potatoes, broccoli, salad, rolls, dessert and beverages. Entertainment will be provided by Albie von Schaaf, the church’s contemporary music director. A cost has been set for the meal. Readers may call George Harmes at 717-569-5277 to sign up.

FREE DELIVERY - $100 OR MORE Case of Yogurt w/$200 Order FREE 7½ lb. Natural Pepperoni Sticks w/$300 Order!

Reg. Velveeta Cheese ..............case $2.09 lb. or 2 lb. bar $2.29 lb. Whole Chicken Legs ....................(In Tray Pks.) 30 lb. case 69¢ lb. Shredded Mozzarella Cheese ....................... 30 lb. case $1.69 lb. Nice Sliced Honey Smoked Ham ..................... 18 lb. case 99¢ lb. Nice All Beef Salami or Beef Bologna .............. 10 lb. case 99¢ lb. Oscar Mayer All Meat Hot Dogs ....12 lb. case 99¢ lb.; with Cheese $1.29 lb. Smokie Sausages ............................................... 10.5 lb. $1.29 lb. Breaded Chicken Nuggets ............................. 20 lb. case $1.39 lb. Cinnamon Crispy Rice Cereal ............................12/15 oz. 99¢ ea. Breaded Chicken Tenders.................................20 lb. case $1.19 lb. Scrapple 20 lb. Pork or 12 lb. Turkey .................................89¢ lb. Boneless, Skinless Bulk Chicken Breast....... 40 lb. case $1.09 lb. Shredded Cheddar Cheese ..........................4/5 lb. bags $1.49 lb. Boneless, Skinless Chipped Chicken ............... 10 lb. case 79¢ lb. Creamy Peanut Butter .............................................5 lb. jar $7.99 Large, Wrapped Roasting Chickens ..................40 lb. case 69¢ lb. Beef Burger ............................................. 7 oz. 14 lb. cs. $1.89 lb. Pure Canola Oil .....................................................5 gallon $32.99 Honey Comb Cereal ........................................ 12/14 oz. $1.39 ea. Nice Breaded Fish Sticks .............................. 10 lb. case $1.89 lb. Large 16" Cheese Pizzas ............................... 8 count case $14.99 Nice, Boneless Pork Loins ............................. 45 lb. case $1.09 lb. Lots of Nice Yogurt ............................ 3 cases or more $2.99 case Martin’s Chips ........................................... 9 count case $2.49 ea. Turkey Hams ...................................................14 lb. avg. $1.79 lb. Thin Sliced Turkey Breast ............................. 12 lb. case $1.89 lb. Large Eggs ...........................................30 dozen case $1.19 dozen

Sliced Sweet Bologna ..................................... 12 lb. case $2.99 lb. Very Nice Spareribs ........................................30 lb. avg. $1.29 lb. Boneless, Skinless Chicken Tenders .............40 lb. case $1.29 lb. Reg. Salted Butter Qtrs. ............................... 18 lb. case $2.79 lb. Hatfield Pure Lard ....................................... 5 gallon pail $1.69 lb. Nice Quality Paper Towels ............................ 24 in a case 99¢ ea. Sliced American Cheese .............................. 20 lb. case $2.19 lb. Very Good Pork BBQ ............................................ 4-5 lb. $1.99 lb. Boneless Smoked Hatfield 3 Lb. Hams ......... 15 lb. case $1.39 lb. Regular Chicken Thighs ................................... 40 lb. case 69¢ lb. Chicken Drumsticks In Tray Pks. ..................... 30 lb. case 49¢ lb. Cream Cheese ..18 lb. case $1.99 lb., 6 lb. case-8 oz. bars $2.09 lb. Sliced Bacon .....................................................15 lb. bulk 99¢ lb. Boneless, Skinless Chicken Breast Portions ... 40 lb. case 99¢ lb. Pure Orange Juice .......................................... 8/59 oz. $7.99 case Jumbo Chicken Wings ...................30 lb. case $1.49 lb. tray pk. Very Nice Pepperoni Snack Sticks .................. 7 lb. case $1.99 lb. Very Nice Smoked Ham Steaks Indv. Wrapped .... 21 lb. avg. $1.19 lb. Ground Beef .................................................. 30 lb. case $1.99 lb. Good Quality Mayonnaise .............................................. gal. $9.99 Very Nice Breaded Chicken Breast Fillets .... 10 lb. case $1.39 lb. Toilet Tissue ................................................... 48 count $34.99 lb. Ham & Cheese Sandwiches.................................24 count 25¢ ea. Sliced Apple or Molasses Bacon ................ 13.5 lb. case $1.99 lb. Farmers, Longhorn, Muenster or Swiss Cheese ............$2.89 lb. Lean Ground Turkey ...................................... 10.5 lb. case 99¢ lb. Boneless Skinless Tray Pk. Chicken Breast........ 20 lb. avg. $1.39 lb. Corn Flakes Cereal........................................ 12 ct. case $1.59 ea.

We Stock Bulk Flour, Sugar, Oatmeal, Oreos, Ritz & Premium Saltines

EPHRATA 322 GENERAL STORE WAREHOUSE CALL TO ORDER 717-368-5964 • Hours 7 a.m. - 6 p.m.


HOSANNA! A FELLOWSHIP OF CHRISTIANS 29 Green Acre Rd., Lititz, PA 17543. Website: www.hosannalititz.org Sunday services @ 9:00am & 11:00am (with Nursery, Children’s Church & Youth classes during both services). Youth activities are held on Wed. (Jr. High) & Sun. (Sr. High) nights. Small groups meet @ various locations @ various times. Disabled accessible. For more info. Call church office 717-626-2560

EAST FAIRVIEW CHURCH OF THE BRETHREN: 1187 Fairview Rd (corner of Hossler a& Fairview Rds) Manheim. Vibrant, Christcentered Worship in a family atmosphere on Sundays at 9am followed by Sunday School from 10:30-11:15am(nursery available for both). Ignite on Wednesdays (Oct thru March) at 5:45pm includes dinner and activities for all ages. Come join us! Vist online at www.eastfairview.com

LEFC - LANCASTER EVANGELICAL FREE CHURCH: 419 Pierson Road, Lititz. Sunday Services at 9:00 and 10:50 a.m. Encounter God through contemporary worship as we explore the Bible together. All are welcome! Our children’s, youth and adult ministries are all about one thing: making disciples of Jesus Christ who impact our community and the world for God’s glory. 717-626-5332. More info: www.lefc.net or visit us on Facebook

GRACE CHURCH: 501 W. Lincoln Ave., Lititz, PA 17543. Join us for worship Sunday mornings at 9 & 10:30 a.m.! We are a contemporary church that welcomes people of all ages, races, and stages of life. Our common thread is the belief that Jesus Christ provides the answers to all of life’s perplexing questions. Great programs for children, students, young adults, men, women and those “north of 55”. Visit meetgrace.org or call (717) 626-2155 for more information. You can like us on Facebook or follow us on Twitter and Instagram.

HIGHLAND PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH: 500 East Roseville Rd., Lancaster; off Rt. 272 & Oregon Pike. Join us this Sunday for worship & education: 9:30am traditional worship.; 10:30am Sunday school; 11am contemporary worship. Child care available. (717) 569-2651 www.HighlandPC.org

*Prices Good through February 18, 2019 or While Supplies Last. Payment Expected On Delivery.


CHIQUES UNITED METHODIST CHURCH: 1215 E. Main St., Mount Joy. Pastor Mike Byrd. Traditional Worship 9am, Coffeehouse Service 10:30am, Sunday School offered at 9am & 10:30am for all ages, Kidz Club 10:45am. Nursery provided at both services. Youth Group and Elderberries (Seniors group), handicapped accessible. Visit our website: www.chiquesumc.org or call the church office for more info, 717-653-5175.

GRACE COMMUNITY FELLOWSHIP CHURCH OF MANHEIM: 1483 N. Colebrook Rd., Manheim. Come as you are. ALL are welcome! SUNDAYS: Bible Connection Classes for all ages at 9:30am & Worship Service at 10:30am. Children’s Church & Nursery Care provided. Join us on the second Sunday of each month for a Fellowship Meal following the service. For info, please visit www.gcfmanheim.org or call 717-665-7222.


25 lb. case


Cheddar Cheese Snack Sticks

Women of all ages and preschool children are invited to attend Neighbors Sharing and Caring, a women’s ministry of Chiques Church of the Brethren, 4045 Sunnyside Road, Manheim, on Tuesday, Feb. 19, from 9 to 10:45 a.m. Bev Landis will present “Created in God’s Image.” She will reflect on how women can apply their knowledge of God’s character and attributes to their lives. Landis attends Calvary Church and has two married children. Classes will be provided for infants to prekindergartners. Readers may contact Veronica at 717626-7603 for more information, including a copy of this year’s schedule.

Bev Landis

Come To Our House Of Worship

Annual Dinner Will Take Place

Provolone Cheese

Neighbors Group To Meet

MANHEIM BIC CHURCH: We invite you to join us as we seek to initiate & nurture a growing relationship with Christ. 54 N. Penryn Rd. Sunday worship: 9:00 & 10:30am. We also offer classes & gatherings for all ages throughout the wk. For full class schedules & additional info, www.manheimbic.org, Call 717665-2133. Lead Pastor Brian Thomas

MANHEIM GRACE BRETHREN CHURCH: 333 E. High Street, Manheim, 717665-2334. Rev. Jeffrey L. Dunkle, Pastor. Sundays at 9:30am, Bible Fellowship classes, 10:35am Worship Service, Children’s Ministry, 6pm Youth Group . Wednesdays - Awana Children’s Club, 6:45pm. Small groups meet throughout the week. Handicap accessible. E-mail:office@manheimgrace.org Website: www.manheimgrace.org MOUNT JOY CHURCH OF GOD: 30 East Main Street, Mount Joy PA 17552. 717-653-4695. Senior Pastor Ted Ewing, Ph.D. Join us for exciting worship and our new Spring Series on Understanding Philippians. Sunday Morning Service at 9 am, Sunday School for all ages at 10:30 am. Youth Group meets every Sunday evening from 6:30-8:30 pm in the Youth Room. All messages are available online at www.mountjoychurchofgod.org/media/sermons

JERUSALEM CHURCH (INDEPENDENT): 1620 Newport Rd., Manheim: www.jerusalemchurch.net Pastor: Jonathan Shirk; Sunday School: 9am – 10am; Worship:10:15am. NEWPORT CHURCH: 656 W. Newport Road, Elm, www.newportchurch.net We are a vibrant family- oriented contemporary church that meets for Sunday “celebration” service at 9:30 a.m. and throughout the week in home groups, including junior-high and senior-high groups. Children love our Kids Town ministry every Sunday morning! Our mission is to share God’s Love generously and lead people to new life in Jesus. For info. or directions, see our Website or call 717664-2635. Senior pastor/elder: Allen Dise. RUHL’S UNITED METHODIST CHURCH: A growing church committed to Christ. Worship on Sunday morning at 8 am for a traditional feel. Sunday School for all ages at 9:15 am., 10:30 am. Worship led by praise band. (Nursery available. Handicap accessible.) For more information, please call 717-665-3400 or visit www.ruhlschurch.org Located at 4810 Elizabethtown Rd, Manheim. SALEM UNITED METHODIST CHURCH: 140 North Penn Street, Manheim, PA Sunday Traditional Service at 9:00am Sunday School for all ages at 10:00am Sunday Contemporary Service 10:45am www.salemumch.org — 717-665-2331 ST. PAUL’S EVANGELICAL LUTHERAN: Located at 1258 Newport Road, Penryn. Phone: (717) 665-6093. Sunday worship at 9:15 a.m. Vicar Angela Hammer. WHITE OAK CHURCH OF THE BRETHREN: 1211 N. Penryn Rd, Manheim, PA. You are invited to our Sunday services Sunday School for all ages at 8:45am; Worship at 9:45am; scheduled evening services at 7:15pm and Wednesday evening Bible Study at 7:15pm. (1st and 3rd Wednesday of the month.) ZION EVANGELICAL LUTHERAN CHURCH/ EAST PETERSBURG: 1905 Broad Street, East Petersburg. Rev. James Tanner, Interim Pastor. Sunday Worship service at 10:30 a.m. Nursery care provided during service. Sunday School for all ages at 9 a.m. Ample parking and handicapped accessible. For more information, call (717) 569-1359 or email church@zionep.org Website www.zionep.org

Please Note: Updates can be made to your church’s listing for 1st issue date of each month only. (Changes must be submitted by the previous Wednesday) For More Information On Church Listings And Rates, Call Justin at 717-492-2533

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