Hand in Hand 6 Student Book

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6 6
Weekend Life 6 Going on Vacation 12 Unit 1 Unit 2 School Link 1 18 Getting Around 20 School Clubs 26 Unit 3 Unit 4 School Link 2 32 Around Town 34 At the Fair 40 Unit 5 Unit 6 School Link 3 46
Writing Style 90 Scope and Sequence 94 Key Words 96 At the Market 48 At the Library 54 Unit 7 Unit 8 School Link 4 60 Fun Experiences 62 Growing Up 68 Unit 9 Unit 10 School Link 5 74 Up Until Now 76 Dreams and Wishes 82 Unit 11 Unit 12 School Link 6 88 6 6
Matt Lewis Jade Chen Mila Lopez Joey Jones Jumbo Fluffy

What’s up?

Let’s get together.


Are you ready to have fun?

Come along and join with us.

We’ll have so much fun!

Come along! Hand in Hand!

Hello. How are you?

I’m great. How are you?

I’m ready to learn with you.

I’m ready! Let’s get started!

We’ll go Hand in Hand

To our own wonderland.

You and me.

We’ll go together Hand in Hand.

It’s English for yourself. English for the world.

You can do it with Hand in Hand.

Come along! It’s lots of fun. You can with Hand in Hand.

2 x Repeat . A
A 6 6

A Listen and repeat. Then act out with friends. 2

How was your weekend? It was great. We went to the amusement park on Saturday.

How did you like the new roller coaster?

I was a little scared at first, but it was really exciting.

That’s good.

Did you have a good weekend?

B Look at A . Practice the dialog with the new words. water ride / awesome 1 drop tower / thrilling 2 swing ride / amazing 3
Weekend Life Conversation Unit
Not really. I had a boring weekend. I didn’t do anything interesting. 6

The Amusement Park

Hello, Jade. How was your weekend?

It was great. I went to the amusement park. How did you like the swing ride?

It was fun! I loved all of the rides.

The roller coaster was really exciting! The drop tower was amazing. The water ride was oh so thrilling!

I can’t wait to go again.

D Listen and write the number. Then act out. 4

1 How did you like the new haunted house?

3 I am. I had a busy weekend.

Hi, Sunny. You look tired.

What did you do?

I went to the amusement park on Saturday and Sunday.

2 I just sat and watched.

4 I’m scared of ghosts.

I don’t know. I didn’t go in.

Why not?

Then, what did you do?

C Listen and sing.

Words and Grammar

A Listen and repeat. Then point and say. 5

go to a water park have a sleepover

B Look at A . Listen and repeat. Then ask and answer. 6

she What did they do on the weekend?

She They ate out at a restaurant.

What did she do on the weekend?

She wrote emails to her friends.

build built eat ate go went have had sail sailed see saw visit visited write wrote

eat out at a restaurant build a model plane see a musical sail on a boat visit grandparents write emails to friends
1 4 7 8 2 5 3 6 8

C Listen and repeat. Then ask and answer. 7

he Did they see a musical on the weekend?

Did they see a musical on the weekend?

Yes, he did. No, he didn’t.

Yes, they did. No, they didn’t. didn’t = did not

Did he build a model plane on the weekend?

No, they didn’t. They went to a water park. You

Yes, he did.

E Look at D . Ask and answer.

Did they sail on a boat on the weekend?

No, they didn’t. They had a sleepover.

1 2 3 4 5 6 2 1 Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No
D Listen and circle Yes or No. What did they do on the weekend? 8

The World around Us

and listen. Then choose and write.

activities fall off pedaling ride weekend

When did you learn how to ____________ a bike? Who taught you? I was seven years old when I got my first bike. It was my dad who taught me how to ride it.

At first, learning to ride a bike wasn't easy. It was more difficult than I thought. I was scared because I didn't want to ____________ the bike. But, my dad said, "Don't stop ____________. Keep going!"

Now, my dad and I go bike riding together on the ____________. It’s one of our favorite ____________. This is Tony, reporting from the Netherlands.

B Think and answer about yourself.

1. When did you learn how to ride a bike? Was it easy or difficult?

2. Who taught you how to ride a bike?

3. How often do you ride your bike? Who do you ride it with?


A Listen and answer. 10

B Write Yes or No about yourself. Then ask your friend.

I My Friend

1 Did you eat out at a restaurant on the weekend?

2 Did you see a musical on the weekend?

3 Did you sail on a boat on the weekend?

4 Did you visit your grandparents on the weekend?

C Point and say. What did they do on the weekend?

She wrote emails to her friends on the weekend.

1 2 3 4
Unit Link U1
1 4 2 5 3 6 11

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