1 minute read
PRESENT PERFECT (RELATES THE PAST TO THE PRESENT) So far, we have read three stories about transportation. Have you taken any trips lately? Ordinary citizens haven’t traveled into space yet. I have a driver’s license now. I have had my license for three months.
PRESENT PERFECT CONTINUOUS (RELATES PAST TO PRESENT) We have been reading about transportation for three days. Ever since we started this unit, I have been thinking about taking a trip. Is your son driving to California now? How long has he been driving? We’ve been learning a lot about travel in the past few days.
SIMPLE PAST Lewis and Clark crossed the Rocky Mountains on horseback. They returned from the West two and a half years later. They were very brave. They made their expedition over 200 years ago.
PAST CONTINUOUS While the Titanic was crossing the Atlantic, it hit an iceberg. Jack Thayer was getting ready for bed when he felt a bump. At 11:40 p.m. many passengers were sleeping.
PAST PERFECT When Millvina Dean died in 2009, all the other Titanic survivors had already died. In 1912, the Titanic was the most magnificent ship that had ever been built. To make the Titanic look more elegant, lifeboats had been removed. By the time the DC-3 airplane reached California, it had made several stops.
PAST PERFECT CONTINUOUS By the time the DC-3 airplane reached California, passengers had been traveling for more than 18 hours. The Titanic had been traveling for four days when it hit an iceberg.