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PICTURE DICTIONARY Granny Fixit and the Monkey
boom erang
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The ELI R eaders collection is a co m plete ran g e of books a n d plays fo r read ers of all ages, ranging fro m cap tiv atin g co n tem p o rary stories to tim eless classics. There are th ree series, e ach caterin g fo r a different ag e group; Young ELI R eaders, Teen ELI R eaders a n d Young A dult ELI R eaders. The books are carefully ed ited a n d beautifully illu strated to c a p tu re th e essence of th e stories a n d plots.
Granny Fixlt and the Monkey by Jane Cadwallader Illustrated by Gustavo Mazali
ELI Readers Founder and Series Editors Paola Accattoli, Grazia Ancillani, Daniele Garbuglia (Art Director)
Graphic Design Airone Comunicazione - Sergio Elisei
Design Department Airone Comunicazione - Sergio Elisei
Production Manager Francesco Capitano Typeset in 14 / 20 pt Monotype Piantin Schoolbook Š 2 0 1 4 ELI s.r.l. P.O. Box 6 - 62019 Recanati MC - Italy T +39 071750701 - F +39 071977851 info@elionline.com www.elionline.com Printed in Italy by Tecnostampa Recanati - ERY 120.01 ISBN 978-88-536-1323-3 First edition: March 2014
MIX Paper from responsible sources
FSCÂŽ C019318
The FSC certification guarantees that the paper used in these publications comes from certified forests, promoting responsible forestry management worldwide.
For this series of ELI graded readers, we have planted 5000 new trees.
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\ ucy and Bill are cousins. They are friends too! One day they go to a biopark with their grandmother, Granny Fixit.They like the biopark and they like Granny Fixit.
Granny Fixit puts her hand in her small yellow bag. W hatâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s in there?
/ Oh! Itâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s candyfloss! Granny Fixit gives Lucy and Bill the candyfloss. Yummy Yummy! Hmm ... why is the young monkey watching Granny Fixit?
The children are happy but ... oh dear! The monkey is taking Granny Fixitâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s bag! Come back! N aughty monkey!
Thank you!
Thank you! Youâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;re my favourite
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The monkey is in the tree. She puts her hand in the small yellow bag. W hatâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s in there?
Oh dear! The monkey has got some shoes and a purple dress. And some sunglasses. And a mirror!
(►) 3 T he M onkey’s P oem Look at me! I look like you! A purple dress and yellow shoes. Flowers on my hat. W hat about that? Aren’t I a beautiful monkey? !j
(►) 4 Ha! Ha! The monkey is wearing the same clothes as Granny Fixit! She looks funny!
The monkey is very happy! Oops! Oh no! Sheâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s putting her hand in the small yellow bag AGAIN.
The monkey is listening to music. She likes the music! She likes dancing. But Granny Fixit doesn’t like the music and she isn’t happy! She’s angry!
(►) 5 T h e M o n k ey ’s P o em
Look at me! I look like you! And I can dance to music too. Up and down and round and round. I’m a happy monkey.
(►) 6 Oh no! Now the monkey’s got a helicopter! And she’s flying up up up in the air! Be careful little monkey! Granny Fixit and the children are running behind the helicopter.
There are some tigers. They are looking at the monkey too.
The monkey goes to see the elephant. Oops! ‘My b an an a!’ Sorry M r Elephant!
The monkey goes to see the giraffe. BOING! Oops! Sorry M r Giraffe! The giraffe isnâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t happy!
The monkey goes to see the crocodile. The crocodile is hungry! Itâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s nearly time for lunch!
Oh dear! W hatâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s happening? The helicopter is going down, down, down!
OH NO! The crocodile wants to eat the monkey. Granny Fixit wants to help the monkey.
Granny Fixit puts her hand in her small yellow b a g . W hat’s in there? Oh, it’s a boom erang! W hat’s that for? Hurry up Granny Fixit!
Granny Fixit throws the boom erang. The crocodileâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s mouth is open.
The boomerang is in the crocodileâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s mouth. The monkey jumps into Billâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s arms.
The monkey is with her family again. Granny Fixit and the children say goodbye. The monkey and the children are happy. W hat an adventure!
Activity pages £ £ Choose letters Jrom Granny Fixit’s bag to /m is h the words. Number the pictures in the order they appear in the story.
Match the lines to make the poem. Look at me!
beautiful monkey?
A purple dress arid
I look like you!
Flowers on my hat.
yellow shoes.
Arenâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t I a
W hat about that?
Look at me!
round and round,
And I can
happy monkey,
Up and down and
dance to music too.
Iâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;m a
I look like you!
Find and write the 8 words.
8 29
Q : Flad the words. Fill the gaps la the story. You caa use the words more th aa oace.
b a
The monkey takes Granny Fixitâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s sm all yellow (a) _________ . The monkey sits in a ( b ) _______ puts on some ( c ) ______
. Then she dances to some
music. She takes a helicopter out of the sm all yellow (d) takes a (e) The (g)
and goes to see the tigers. The monkey from an (f) _________ . is angry! She goes to see the
crocodile but the helicopter goes down down down! The crocodileâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s (h )__________ is open! The monkey throws the sm all yellow ( i) __________ to Granny Fixit. Granny Fixit takes out a ( j) __________ and throws it into the (k)
of the crocodile. W hat an adventure!
Write the sentences under the correct picture. The monkey isnâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t happy.
There is a hungry crocodile.
There is an anim al with a big mouth! The monkey is under a helicopter. There is a monkey in a tree. The monkey has got a yellow bag. There is a happy monkey. The monkey is wearing yellow shoes.
Draw and label the monkey wearing different clothes.
Do you like the story? Draw your face.
SYLLAB U S Vocabulary areas anim als, fam ily , clothes
Grammar arid structures p resen t simple, p resen t con tin u o u s th ere is / are My n am e is J a n e a n d I live in a b eau tifu l
have g o t (for possession) can fo r req u ests like + ing
S p an ish city, M adrid. I’m a n English a u th o r
p ro n o u n s adjectives to show feelin g s
of children’s books. I’ve alw ays loved
expressions: N aughty monkey! W h a t now ? O h d ear Be careful! Com e here! Sorry! W h a t a n adventure!
c reating stories a n d songs fo r children. The best ideas com e to me while... I’m jogging!
Young ELI Readers Stage 1 Anonymous, Aladdin and the Magic Lamp D. Guillemant, Hoorag fo r the Holidays D. Guillemant, Sophie’s Dream J. Cadwallader, Granny Fixit and the Monkey J. Cadwallader, Granny Fixit and the Yellow String J. Cadwallader, Granny Fixit and the Pirate J. Cadwallader, Granny Fixit and the Ball
Stage 2
My nam e is G ustavo. I live in a very big city, B uenos Aires. I have been draw ing all my life, ever since I w as a child as I d id n ’t have a TV. I enjoy m ost of all d raw ing comic strips a n d picturing m yself a n d my kids in th e illustrations th a t I create.
L.F. Baum, The J. Cadwallader, J. Cadwallader, J. Cadwallader, J. Cadwallader,
Wonderful Wizard o f OZ PB3 and the Helping Hands PB3 and Coco the Clown PB3 and the Vegetables PB3 and the Jacket
Stage 3 0 . Wilde, The Canterville Ghost J. Cadwallader, Uncle Jack in the Amazon Rainforest J. Cadwallader, Uncle Jack and the Meerkats J. Cadwallader, Uncle Jack and the Emperor Penguins J. Cadwallader, Uncle Jack and the Bakonzi Tree J.M. Barrie, Peter Pan
Stage 4 J. J. J. J. J. P. L. R.
London, White Fang Cadwallader, Harry and the Egyptian Tomb Cadwallader, Harry and the Sports Competition Cadwallader, Harry and an Electrical Problem Cadwallader, Harry and the Crown Bellini, The Secret Passage Carroll, Alice in Wonderland Kipling, The Jungle Book
PICTURE DICTIONARY Granny Fixit and the Monkey
Ell Keaders is a Deautijuuy uiu stratea series oj tim eless classics and specially-written, stories /o r learners o / EnglisK. Ja n e C ad w allad er
Granny Fixit and the Monkey In this /unny adventure in a biopark a monkey takes Granny Fixitâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s small yellow bag! What does the monkey take out the bag? And what can Granny Fixit, Lucy and Bill do to get it back? - Games and language activities - An audio recording oj the story - A picture dictionary
Tag adventure
100 headwords
below A1
C^) Stage 2
2 0 0 headwords
Stage 3
3 0 0 headwords
Stage 4
4 0 0 headwords
with Audio CD