Communication is the base of Human Connection
What is Communication? Basically, c o m mu n ic a tio n is defined as transferring information to produce greater understanding and good c o mmu n ica tio n regularly tops the list o f skills required by employers.
I m p o r t a n c e o f Communication Having strong c o mmu n ica tio n skills aids in all aspects o f life – f ro m professional life to personal life and everything that falls in between. T h e ability to listen carefully, speak clearly and put others at ease is valuable in any organisation.
How To Improve y o u r Communication Just like anything else if you put in persistent efforts that too in the right way, then you can easily i mp ro ve your c o m m u n i c a t i o n skills. Here a few pointers to look out:
Active listening To b e c o m e a good c om mu n i c a to r, it is important to b e a good listener. W h e n you try to listen carefully, you can easily understand what the other person is trying to convey. Be Concise D o not try to c o m p l ex up things. B e clear o n your message. Avoid speaking excessively and do not use words that m a y confuse the audience. Remain Confident B e confident in what you say and in your c o m m u n i c a t i o n interactions with others. Th i s can b e d o n e maintaining eye contact, maintaining a relaxed body stance, and talking with concision.
O t h e r W ays t o I mprove y o u r Communication in a Fa s t e r W ay Choose the correct Medium T h e re are several different forms of communication to use – it is important to choose the right one. Every topic cannot be carried out by any single communication method, you can switch for the appropriate type of communication. Most preffered m e d i u m of communication is verbal communication.
Practice English to speak out fluently To share your insights considerably you should practice your speaking skills because verbal communication is the most frequently used m e d i u m of communication. You should try practicing English with English speakers and if you are not able to find English speakers around you then you can use the best English practice app available o n the playstore n ame d EngVarta to practice English with live experts.
Why Engvarta? EngVarta is the best way you can practice your English communication skills by talking to English experts who will leave n o leaf unturned to help you get confident in the language. Want to practice English with English experts? Get the app now. Practice English speaking app for Android: Fo r iPhone: In case of any query, contact EngVartaWebsite: Contact: 7 5 7 0 0 8 5 6 6 6