When To Use Speak And Talk | Difference Between Talking And Speaking
SPEAK and TALK being a part of the most commonly confused English words, a majority of English speakers get confused between the correct usage of the two. Although, the two verbs speak and talk both generally mean ‘say words’, yet at times these words can be used interchangeably. Basically, speak is more formal than talk. Go through a few examples below to get a good understanding. “Mrs.Riya need to speak to Mr.Ram.” In the statement above, – Riya does not know Ram very well. – Riya has to say something important. “Mrs.Riya need to talk to Mr.Ram.” In the statement above, – Both might know each other well. – It might happen that Mrs.Riya might not know Mr.Ram, however, what she has to say is certainly informal. Moreover, in the case of speak with (someone) and speak to (someone), you can also use talk to or talk with. Still, you can’t use “talk” with the languages. Eg. I talk English.(Wrong) I speak English.(Correct) You can also prefer the video to learn more about the correct usage of Speak and Talk.