Enjoy Timor Leste Magazine

Page 1

Special One Int er view : Inter erview





OCTOBER 2010 Tourism & Business

Welcome! Contribution to National Development - free copy

...on vacation or on business.

Timor-Leste is a new country ... with a new magazine! In this first edition a new approach and a new look. Together we'll make the best magazine ever!

Minis tr griculture and Fisheries Ministr tryy of AAgriculture

Mariano ASS AN AMI Sabino ASSAN ANAMI Minis Ministter

In 2011 we will plant one million trees


This Edition

Grupo Sagres Publications Adminis tr ation Administr tration

Magazine Enjo Enjoyy

Eduardo Morais dos Santos

Ex ecutive Direct or Executive Director Jordão Henrique

Int ernational Advisor International


João Eduardo Severino

Special Ar ticles Articles Ann Turner Joaquim Brito

Financial Luís Cameirão Almeida Pedro Miguens

Assis or Assisttant Edit Editor IWB - Consultants

Enjo Enjoyy Magazine, whose tr ademar alized trademar ademarkk is capit capitalized Enjo imor -Les Enjoyy TTimor imor-Les -Lestte, is a new monthly TTimorese imorese new smagazine. newsmagazine. Now read the best magazine in Timor-Leste and benefit from national and world wide news, features, and opinion. It is with pleasure we bring to you Enjoy Timor-Tourism & Business & Economy Timorese fastest growing Business Magazine, published by Grupo Sagres Media.

Bali Delegation Dyah Sari

Mar Markketing Grupo Sagres Maria Elizabeth

Cir culation SSttaf Circulation afff Brigida Ribeiro Francisco Espanhol

Ar or & W eb De veloper Artt Direct Director Web Developer Sabino Pereira

Print er Printer Gráfica Pátria Av. Presidente Nicolau Lobato Dili - Timor-Leste

Copies: 2500

Enjo imor - Les Enjoyy TTimor Lestte Magazine Of el KKatuas atuas Offfice at Hot Hotel Av. President Nicolau Lobat Lobatoo Dili - TTimor imor -Les imor-Les -Lestte Cont acts: 00670 - 7746 46 1717 Contacts: 461

enjo ahoo.com enjoyy.timor@y .timor@yahoo.com


Enjoy - Tourism & Business & Economy, is Timorese pioneering business, economy and tourism magazine and has been acting as a strategic business tool with its readers and decision makers at various functional levels. It has an exemplary print run of 2500 copies currently. It is a with a production quality that exacts world-class standards, resulting in an exquisite and an elegant end product. International layouts, unparalleled & well differentiated editorial contents have propelled a phenomenal growth in circulation and readership figures.

Special One Int er view Inter erview H.E. President of Republic of Democratic of TimorLeste and Nobel peace Laureate, Dr. José Ramos-Horta

337 7

ConocoPhillips Announces Quar Quartterly Dividend 15

Showing "One da dayy in Timor -Les imor-Les -Lestte" at Expo 2010 Shanghai, China

43 By Chef Cesar Costa

Grilled King Pr awns with Prawns Ainar vocado Salsa Ainaroo AAvocado and w at er cress wat ater vinagre tt e. vinagrett tte. October 2010

Enjo imor -Les Enjoyy TTimor imor-Les -Lestte



Welcome le tt er fr om the CEO lett tter from

A new smagazine ffor or TTimor imor -Les newsmagazine imor-Les -Lestte To contribute to the development of tourism end economy in Timor-Leste will be our goal, through the spreading of knowledge of the enormous potentialities of this young nation. Monthly publishing since January 2011, with free distribution at the airport, hotels, international fairs where Timor-Leste is represented and Timor-Leste embassies, through-out the world, we will try to reach potential tourists and investors. Locally, we will carry to the entrepreneurs the official data and countries growth indicators, as well as priority areas for investment.


Enjo imor -Les Enjoyy TTimor imor-Les -Lestte

October 2010

With the widespread of a high number of the country's natural beauties we will try to influence the thousands of ex-patriots who are in Dili, to get out of town and get to know the "real" Timor-Leste. Last but not least, our thanks goes to all the private and institutions that from time one have embraced with us this project and who have made it also possible! Toge ther ther! ogether ther,, le lett us fur further!


fresh & delicious... business


Office at Hotel Katuas Av. President Nicolau Lobato Dili - Timor-Leste Contacts: 00670 - 7461717 enjoy.timor@yahoo.com

EDIT ORIAL not EDITORIAL notee fr om the Ex ecutive Direct or from Executive Director This is a monthly magazine on Tourism and Economics covers the economic and tourism business aspects the wider context. It looks at the development Timor-Leste's economic and tourism including the constraints Timor-Leste faces when developing these two sectors, such as; the issue of Timor-Leste Human Capital Development in developing economics and tourisms sectors, The strategies pursued by the current Government of Timor-Leste in addressing the hindrances in both sectors, social and community interests in a sustainable development of tourism and economic sectors, and how Timor-Leste Government wants to develop tourism sector in supporting a sound and viable economic of Timor-Leste. The definition of tourism used includes tourist trips taken for all purposes, embracing both stay and day visitors. Articles to be published in this monthly magazine will look into analyzing and putting forward ways of addressing the components economic development as well as the development of tourism aspects of Timor-Leste like accommodation; restaurants; merchandizing; attractions; transport; entertainment; tourist activities); and the economic organization of tourism at micro and macro levels (market structure; role of public/private sectors; community interests; strategic planning; marketing; finance; economic development). Therefore, the core coverage areas are: Forecast of tourism and economic development ;Public policy (strategies, fiscal and other intervention policies); Market structures and competition; Sources of capital provision; Labor economics (quality and productivity issues in both economic and tourism development); Marketing aspect s of economic and tourism sectors; Private and public sector interaction in both economics and tourism sectors; Economic appraisal at sector and project level developments in the components of the product How can Timor-Leste improve its' economics and tourism development regionally without underestimating the issue of ownership and respect of local culture,etc) Regional economic ef ourism efffects of ttourism de velopments developments Analysis of national data of economic and tourism development, such as, Min of Eco, Financial and Tourism statistics. Appeal for assistance to T-L Government and donor agencies, foreign embassies, Since this is first English monthly publication on economic and tourism I want to affirm that any technical and financial assistance from Timor-

Leste Goverment and donor agencies including foreign embassies as monthly welcome to further develop as and/or improve this monthly English publication on the referred issue. Submissions & Sugges tion ffor or author authorss Suggestion For writers, readers and observers, I would like to welcome your articles which you would like to contribute for this magazine as well as your suggestion on how we can improve our publication. Length and presentation of contributions Papers will normally be about 2500 words long. However, this is by no means inflexible and substantially shorter or longer papers will be considered where appropriate. Research notes and shorter report-style pieces will also be considered (1,500-2,000 words). Submissions should be double spaced, printed on one side of the paper, and two copies should be sent. An electronic version is not required for the initial submission, but authors of accepted papers will need to supply a disk with their final draft. Electronic versions should be in Word. The title page should contain full names and addresses of the authors, their professional status or affiliation and the address to which correspondence should be sent. As this page will not be forwarded to referees, the title of the article (without authors) should be repeated on the first page of the text. Notes should be numbered consecutively in the text and typed in plain text at the end of the paper (not as footnotes on text pages). Tables and illustrations should be presented separately at the end of the text. Prior Publication Articles are received on the understanding that they are original contributions, and have not been published officially, either in print or electronic form, or submitted for publication elsewhere. In this respect, 'discussion' or 'working' papers, conference presentations and proceedings are not considered to be official publications, unless they have been formally deemed so by conference organizers, or presented as edited works through recognized publishing channels. If in doubt, authors are asked to draw the attention of the Editor to any prior dissemination of the paper in their letter of submission. Please note that articles should not be posted on personal Websites or social networking sites before or after submission.

October 2010

Enjo imor -Les Enjoyy TTimor imor-Les -Lestte



Ref ereeing efereeing All papers, other than research notes and reports, will be subject to a 'double blind' review - i.e. the anonymity of both authors and referees will be maintained throughout the refereeing process. There will be a minimum of two referees for each paper. Papers by authors who are not academics (such as submissions from industry) will also be subject to review before acceptance, but their distinct nature and aims will be fully taken into account. Cop yright Copyright Unless otherwise indicated, submissions are received on the understanding that they are original contributions,, and have not been published or submitted for publication elsewhere. The editor reserves the right to edit or otherwise alter contributions, but authors will see proofs before publication. Authors will be asked to assign copyright, where possible, to this magazine. Relevant authors' rights are protected. Looking forward to receive your sincere contribution and assistance. JH


Special One Int er view Inter erview view,, by the Director JordĂŁo Henrique

October 2010

Enjo imor -Les Enjoyy TTimor imor-Les -Lestte

His Excellency Dr. JosĂŠ Ramos-Horta

President of R epublic and Laureat obel PPeace eace Republic Laureatee N Nobel

Timor has huge challenges ahead...

It is possible to win?

What's yyour our point of view on TTourism ourism and Local economic de velopment development in Eas imor? Eastt TTimor? Jose Ramos Horta (JRH): Our economy has improved significantly in the last two, three years with impressive double digit growth which create thousands of new jobs. We can see it in the street of Dili, less in the rural areas, but it is difficult to sustain double-digit growth over many years. Minimum, Timor Leste has to do is to have a 7 to 8 percents growth for at least ten years, then yes we eliminate unemployment and the poverty.


“I am the president I cannot speak on behalf of the government.” says the President of the Republic

What have been the cchallenges hallenges ffor or ttourism ourism sector in Eas imor and how can they inf luence the Eastt TTimor influence sect or in the long tterm? erm? sector Before we can seriously promote tourism or promote TL as a tourist destination, the government has to resolve the problems of power supply, electricity, telecommunications, public health, renew or improve a new airport plus modern first class roads. Without this forget about make TL a tourist destination.

What are the initiatives fr om the go vernment in from government its national sstr tr at egic plan ffor or ttourism ourism sect or sector trat ategic par ticularly in the relief of po ver ty? particularly pover verty? Well, I am not the government; I am the president I cannot speak on behalf of the government. But it is common knowledge that the government is going to embark on a major strategic development road map to lift TL from under development into a develop country within 20 years starting with improving the power (electricity) sector, telecommunications, port, airport, roads and continuing major investment in education and Health. These are conditions that are necessary for tourism. Without that there will be no development of tourism.

“(...) the government has to resolve the problems of power supply, electricity, telecommunications, public health, renew or improve a new airport plus modern first class roads.” 10

Enjo imor -Les Enjoyy TTimor imor-Les -Lestte

October 2010

October 2010

Enjo imor -Les Enjoyy TTimor imor-Les -Lestte


Ramos-Hor ight Ramos-Hortta lead the ffight agains ver ty againstt po pover verty Photo from PR Media Caetano

To R emember Remember emember::

Democracy in Timor-Leste: Challenges and Prospects The 2010 CDI Annual Address by Dr JosĂŠ Ramos-Horta, President of the Democratic Republic of Timor-Leste

Confidence in East Timor's state institutions has increased markedly since the low point of the 2006 crisis, the nation's President JosĂŠ Ramos-Horta said in a wide-ranging speech at ANU on Tuesday 22 June 2010. The East Timorese head of state delivered the Centre for Democratic Institutions 2010 Annual Address in Llewellyn Hall to an audience of 1100 people. President Ramos-Horta said that the relative youth of his nation meant that there was still a sense of fragility about the current state of peace. In 2006, conflict between sections of the East Timorese military sparked wider social disquiet and led to the resignation of then Prime Minister Mari Alkatiri. The President said this crisis might have been avoided if the original UN peacekeeping mission overseeing the nation's transition to independence had lasted for five years instead of two. But Ramos-Horta said that his nation had regained stability thanks in part to bilateral support from countries like Australia and Portugal, leading to a "tremendous recovery in trust in the institutions by the people we are supposed to serve." "The country today is at [its] most peaceful than ever before" President Ramos-Horta said, referring to UN statistics showing that per capita rates of homicide and assault in East Timor were considerably lower than in many advanced nations. The Nobel Peace Prize winner thanked Australia for its ongoing friendship and support of East Timor, but said we should "never forget democracy is a living thing".

in http://www.cdi.anu.edu.au

“ Tourism does have a major impact on local econom y� economy�

Tourism is of tr oftten seen as an indus industr tryy whic whichh benef its elit es. When people look at the indus tr efits elites. industr tryy they see hot elier s and t our oper at or s, they see hotelier eliers tour operat ator ors, wealth. How do yyou ou rraise aise aw areness in go vernawareness government, and amongs t national decision mak er amongst maker erss in our other sect or s, about the contribution whic h ors, which ttour our-sector ism mak es t o local livelihoods and engage them makes to in joint initiatives ttoo increase the local economic de velopment and po ver ty reduction impacts? development pover verty Well, Tourism does have a major impact on local economy. Look at Bali . Bali would not be prosperous today if it were not for tourism. But for Bali to benefit from tourism, it has to have a very developed local economy. Agriculture, very develop from production of rice and other edible items to vegetable, to fruit and so on. Handicraft, and handicraft is not only a small scale, Bali has reached international standard of design and quality. Everybody wants to buy Bali product. And many of the hotels in Bali are owned by Indonesians, by Balinese not only the big hotels but because they have a very strong hospitality industry that train Balinese. You see thousands of Balinese working in the hotels including in management level. You go to some big hotels in Bali you don't see a single foreigner working there like PATRA near the airport. Not a single foreigner and that is five stars hotel. So, they benefit. But those countries that don't have a developed agriculture, a developed handicraft souvenirs industry, they don't have a strong human resources in the tourism industry like management and service and they don't have capital, all the big chance are foreigners, they bring a lot of foreigners to work and the local people only able to sell a few souvenirs here and there. They cannot even sell food, vegetables, rice to hotels. 12

Enjo imor -Les Enjoyy TTimor imor-Les -Lestte

October 2010

October 2010

Enjo imor -Les Enjoyy TTimor imor-Les -Lestte



“We can not count on Tourism to help us meeting the Millennium Development Goals because the millennium development goals the target year is 2015� The license ttoo oper at e, risk management and operat ate, commer cial adv ant age are kkey ey consider ations antage considerations commercial advant for de veloper s. So, how can the developer veloperss and inves investtor ors. go vernment allow those components ttoo be in government or der ttoo secure the int eres interes erestt of the inves investtor orss and order de veloper s? developer velopers? Well, TL has one of the most liberal tax regimes in this region providing impressive incentive to investors. Investors pay much less tax here than they pay in Indonesia or in Australia. The only country where they have even more generous tax regime is Hong Kong, Timor is the second. So, for investors, Timor is a very good place to invest because of the tax incentive. Of course, there are still too much bureaucracy, "incompetent bureaucracy", corruption in some of the agencies that make live difficult for investors that investors are upset with, but our government policies are the correct one.

Do yyou ou belie ve that TTourism ourism is one of the secbelieve imor ttoo ac hie ve the UN orss that can help Eas Eastt TTimor achie hieve tor Millennium De velopment Goals, whic Development whichh include ic commitments ttoo reduce bbyy one-half the specif specific pr opor tion of people living in extreme po ver ty propor oportion pover verty by 20 15? 201 I do not believe that tourism, in the case of TL, is the means to meet the Millennium Development Goals because we cannot say that we have any tourism industry yet. Five more years, ten more years we can talk seriously about tourism. So, we can not count on Tourism to help us meeting the Millennium Development Goals because the millennium development goals the target year is 2015, it only four years to go, and I am saying minimum five years to ten before TL can talk about having a tourism industry.


Ten years with... Timor-Leste!

...the first national business group.

Expo 2010 Shanghai, China

Showing "One day in Timor-Leste"

Scuba Dive advertising "Be with Us, Be with Nature�

Showing "One da dayy in Timor -Les imor-Les -Lestte" at Expo 2010 Shanghai, China

Timorese and the Visitors generating amazing Human Interactivity

by Joaquim Brito*, article & photos

Expo 20 10 Shanghai, China, 201 motto is "Better City, Better Life," (Melhor Cidade, Melhor Qualidade de Vida), representing "all humanity's general wish of a better life in future urban areas, interacting with rural and industrial areas". Its focus is on Innovation and Interactivity with a Great opportunity for dialogues among Cultures. Due to the specific characteristics of Timor-Leste and the great concern on preserving the country's natural resources, including its Natural Landscape Beauty, it was conceived and decided that our motto would be "Be with Us, Be with Nature" (Esteja Connosco, Esteja com a Natureza). According to the Commission's Strategy, the front wall of the 16

Enjo imor -Les Enjoyy TTimor imor-Les -Lestte

October 2010

Pavilion is illustrated with the "dialogue" between an "old" couple and 17 smiling Timorese children. They face the Visitors and invite them to "be with us, be with nature". In the Pavilion's Interior the focus was also on the Present, the Future and the Country's Great Potential. The message to be transmitted is that Timor-Leste (East Timor) is

Beautiful, Stable and in a Stage of Rapid Development, full of opportunities for a Good Life, for Business and for Tourism. At the same time to transmit its extremely rich Cultural Heritage with its Great variety of Forms and Styles of Expression, separate and distinct in many ways from the majority of its neighbouring countries. It's intended to show the World

Visitors leave the pavilion "Happy and Relaxed" and above all, "wanting to know more"

that in Timor-Leste one lives a normal, happy life, it being a safe and welcoming Country for Visitors and for its future inhabitants. The Timor-Leste Pavilion must be looked at as an "Experience" and not as a Space to exhibit much detailed Information. It's intended that Visitors leave the pavilion "Happy and Relaxed" and above all, "wanting to know more".

The Publications distributed (leaflets, books, etc.) will provide more detailed information. It was intended and opted for to offer a permanent "Show" and not an "Exhibition. The Concept is simple: through the "Show" is illustrated ONE DAY IN TIMOR-LESTE, an audiovisual Tour of one day in the territory. The Natural Cycle of one day provides the "show" with its rhythm. The Visitors arrive in the Morning before Sunrise, will experience a "full" day and, after Sunset and entering the nighttime, they leave giving the opportunity for another group to come in. This Audiovisual element is composed of 3 synchronised films projected onto 3 screens. For the Set Design and Supporting this audiovisual, there is a Scenery with various Giant Models of Art and Handicraft Pieces, still "alive" today: Replicas of Sculptures and Wood Carving work, of Traditional Architecture Elements, Tais (Woven Cloth), a Beiro (traditional fishing boat) and Rock and Stone samples which illustrate the Geological transformation that occurred during the initial formation of the Island. The Atmosphere within the Hall changes according to the specific hour of the day in perfect synchronicity and harmony with the films. This is achieved through the use of a pre-programmed lighting system. It has been noted that our visitors are delighted when they realise that they are looking at, and touching, "real" objects -real wood, real rock and cloth ! Also of note has been the kindness and hospitality the public receive when received at the Pavilion by our Assistants (that also includes the help of some Timorese Students in China). The Live Performances of Traditional Music and Dances have also had a very positive reception, and have been highly appreciated by the Public. These are performed by a National Group formed from Elements of diverse Timorese Groups that worked together on a unique Choreography, creating an exciting fusion of traditional and contemporary Timorese expression. They demonstrated a High Level of Audience Interaction, as seen in the various illustrations - so much so, that at the end of the Performances, public, (mostly children), try to jump onto the Stage and join the Group for dancing and laughter. In the images shown here one can feel the special attention that children were offered. Interacting with children was one of TimorLeste's Great Concerns, this being the reason for other events involving them. For example, on National Day, 13th July, there was a Group of "Special Guests" : a Group of 60 Shanghai 18

Enjo imor -Les Enjoyy TTimor imor-Les -Lestte

October 2010

School Children were invited to the Pavilion, to experience the "show" and the atmosphere, and got to personally know the President of the Republic and Nobel Laureate Dr. JosĂŠ Ramos-Horta, each receiving from His hands a copy of His book for children "O Mundo Perdido de Timor-Leste" (The Lost World of Timor-Leste"). These activities were highly appreciated by the General Public, (majority Chinese), the Groups of Parents that accompanied the children and by the Chinese Officials and Bureau. Timor-Leste's presence, being a Nation and Country unknown to most Visitors, has been surprising in a very positive way these Millions of Visitors. This fact is also very well illustrated by the amount of long and "careful" Television Reports on the Timor-Leste Pavilion made by the various Channels of China National Television CCTV (including their 8 Channels on various languages and broadcasted via Satellite) as well as for Shanghai Television Regional Channels. It is interesting to realize that it has been also highly shown on the Art Channels on both National and Regional Television Channels. We are all very proud to participate on this Project that made Timor-Leste known to so many Millions of people. Joaquim de Brit o* Brito* * Head Coordinator Timor-Leste Commission for "Shanghai 2010 World EXPO, China" Senior Adviser on Exhibition Strategies, Design and Conceptual Architecture was officially appointed on the 28th October 2009 by Timor-Leste. Government as Head Coordinator, Strategist and Designer for the Representation of Timor-Leste at the "Shanghai 2010 World EXPO, China"


SUNSET FFAIR AIR BRINGS FOOD, CRAFT S AND MUSIC CRAFTS TO KRIS TU REI BEA CH KRISTU BEACH By Ann TTurner urner urner,, ant ttoo the National Direct or at ourism orat atee of TTourism Consultant Director Consult

Photo: By Lírio Fonseca to Montana Diak Lda.

Timor -Les al Dili has a great deal ttoo of or imor-Les -Lestte's capit capital offfer ttoo visit visitor orss and there's no be tt er w ange of cuisine, ent er bett tter waay ttoo sample the rrange enter erttainment and handicr af ts than bbyy visiting the Sunse air handicraf afts Sunsett FFair air,, where the bes ver ything is concentr at ed in one scenic location. bestt of eever verything concentrat ated

Based on the world-famous Mindil Beach Sunset Markets in Darwin, Australia, the Sunset Fair has more than 40 stalls offering food and handmade products with a weekly programme of entertainment featuring local musicians and traditional Timorese dancing groups. The setting is Kristu Rei Beach, at the foot of the statue of Jesus Christ that dominates the spectacular headland overlooking Dili. Already a favourite spot for religious pilgrims who climb the many steps to pay their respects at shrines marking the stations of the cross, it is also a mustvisit location for those seeking a spectacular panoramic view of the surrounding coastline. Kristu Rei beach has soft, white sand, a beautiful coral reef just offshore and is the best vantage point for viewing the sunset. The Sunset Fair location has recently been renovated to become a purpose-built facility for tourism activities, although the event is not only popular with overseas visitors but also with Timorese families and resident expatriates. The inspiration for the Dili Sunset Fair was drawn from a visit to the Mindil Beach Sunset Markets by the Minister of Tourism, Commerce and Industry, Mr Gil Alves. "I thought to myself, 'we could do something like this in Dili'. We have the products, we have the location, we have the talent and we are keen to expand the range of experiences that TimorLeste can offer to tourists, as well as the market for our local handicrafts", Alves said. 22

Enjo imor -Les Enjoyy TTimor imor-Les -Lestte

October 2010

Now, the Mindil Beach Sunset Markets Association has signed an agreement with the Directorate of Tourism to support the development of the Sunset Fair by helping Timorese entrepreneurs develop the range of local products on offer and by advising their Dili counterparts on setting up an association to run the event. Mindil General Manager Kylie McCourt said: "I believe that Mindil Markets' relationship with the Sunset Fair will be a two-way street. One of our aims is to promote the sharing of cultural community and we are looking forward to developing long-term ties with our friends in Dili, so that we can learn more about what Timor-Leste has to offer". Minister Alves said that Mindil's support for the Sunset Fair would help Timorese entrepreneurs enhance the creativity, diversity and quality of the products and experiences available at the event through regular return visits between the two organizations to share expertise, supported in part by the Darwin-based airline, Airnorth. Some of the entertainers from the Mindil Markets will also be flying over to Dili to perform as guest artistes. "Airnorth is a steady supporter of tourism development in Timor-Leste, acting as a bridge between Dili and Darwin and as a ready partner in the increasing number of special events that are being staged to attract visitors to Timor-Leste," Alves explained, "Airnorth's slogan, "Together We Fly" symbolizes the growing relationship that Timor-Leste shares with the Northern Territory, as

we work towards our common goals of prosperity and friendship". More support for the project comes from Kirsty Sword Gusmao, the wife of the Prime Minister of Timor-Leste, who has agreed to become the Patron of the Sunset Fair. "I am happy and proud to be associated with the Sunset Fair", she commented, "It is a significant initiative on the Timor-Leste tourism calendar and a unique forum for the promotion and show-casing of our nation's natural beauty and man-made riches. The Sunset Fair offers an exciting glimpse of the diversity of sights, sounds, tastes, cultures and influences that make up our small but beautiful young nation". The Sunset Fair runs every Wednesday evening from 5pm to 10pm for the duration of the dry season. There may be some cancellations due to rain, so check the local media or the Sunset Fair Blog at: http://dilisunse tf air association.blogspot.com ffor or http://dilisunsetf tfair airassociation.blogspot.com ormation. The closing night ffor or the eevent vent is sc hedinformation. schedinf uled ffor or December 115th, 5th, 20 10 and the Sunse air 201 Sunsett FFair will resume in mid-20 11. mid-201

Mount of Ramelau Tatamailau (Tetum: Foho Tatamailau), sometimes referred as Mount Ramelau, is the highest mountain in East Timor and also of Timor island at 2,963 m (9,721 ft). The mountain is located approximately 70 km (43 mi) of the capital Dili in the district of Ainaro. The name “Tatamailau” is Mambai-origin, the local language and means “Grandfather of all”. “Ramelau” is the name of the massif of the mountain. The Tatamailau is dedicated to the Virgin Mary and the subject of an annual pilgrimage commemorating the Annunciation of the Blessed Virgin Mary, on or around March 25. There is a three meter high statue of the Virgin Mary on the peak, which came from Italy and was erected during the Indonesian rule in 1997. Tatamailau can be climbed from the town of Hato Bulico 3 km (1.9 mi) to the northeast or from the village of Aimeta 6 km (3.7 mi) to the north; there is about 910 m (2,990 ft) of climbing from either. The track from Hato Bulico to the summit is very well formed having originally been cut to create a pilgrimage trail to the Virgin Mary figure on the summit and was once negotiable by four wheel drive vehicle.

You Know? The cr ocodile is a his action crocodile histtorical attr attraction in Eas imor epresents the ancesEastt TTimor imor.. R Represents tor ounding of the island. orss and the ffounding Are present in small number s. numbers. Cr ocodile Behavior Crocodile Crocodiles are carnivorous and mostly active at night. Freshwater crocodiles eat fish, frogs and crustaceans. Saltwater crocodiles eat fish, birds, mammals and even other crocodiles. Crocodiles are ambush hunters. They wait for the animal to come close and then rush to attack. As coldblooded predators, crocodiles can survive long periods without food. Saltw at er cr ocodiles are highly tterrit errit orial and Saltwat ater crocodiles erritorial adult males will of oftten kill juveniles.


Saltwater Crocodile



Experience TTimor imor -Les imor-Les -Lestte and disco ver its secre ts! discover secrets!

Timor-Leste T imor-Leste is a relatively New small island nation yet full of surprises."A great deal in a small package" 8 degrees south of the Equator. The terrain changes from majestic mountain ranges, the highest being Mt Ramelau peaking at 2963 meters above sea level to tropical rainforests, grassy plains, swamps, white and black sand beaches, a coast filled with spectacular coral reefs, in pristine conditions, all within a few hour's drives.

Fat aluk ataluk alukoo House

October 2010

Enjo imor -Les Enjoyy TTimor imor-Les -Lestte



Timor is mainly a catholic country with small pockets of other religions, where religion coexists with animism, modern with the ancient and where many ethnicities & cultures intermingle.

The beach on Jaco... is superb!

Animis Animistt beliefs and practices provide the background for the creation of legends and myths passed on from generation to generation.

Traditional rituals, stories, places, people's interpretation of life itself and of nature's part in our daily lives is simple yet intriguing.

Visit our Countr Countryy; Mee eople; Meett our PPeople; Experience... our culture! Timorese people are proud, shy yet friendly. When engaged, will reward you with a prompt smile opening the door for a journey of adventure and discovery of places they would love to share with You! Be one of the first travelers to venture into the "Heart of the Sleeping Crocodile". With an adventurous spirit, cease the opportunity to absorb the experiences this country has to offer.

Experience TTimor imor -Les ver its imor-Les -Lestte and disco discover ts! secrets! secre Eco Discovery® Timor Sparrow Tours range from guided tours around the capital Dili, to scenic drives, bird watching, safari & trekking expeditions into the most remote locations, and our latest Timor "Sparrow Force" Tours, all designed to give you a full insight into the history and culture of this beautiful place under the sun and the lives of its people.


Enjo imor -Les Enjoyy TTimor imor-Les -Lestte

October 2010

Timorese rice wor workker

Landmar Landmarkk Plaza 2/20 - 1s 1stt Floor Floor,, Rua dos Már tires da Pátria, FFatuhada atuhada - Dili TTimor imor -Les Mártires imor-Les -Lestte Telephone Landline: +670 332 2245 45 4 (9-5 Local business hour s) 454 hours) Cell Phones: +670 726 9829 or +670 728 55783 783 Email Gener al inquiries: inquiries@ecodisco ver ttimor .com General inquiries@ecodiscover veryy-eas -easttimor ttimor.com

Rice Field

The Landscape, ethnic and cultural diversity encountering ethnic groups such as the Bunak and Kemak (West), Galole (Central) or Fataluko (East) among over 40 other dialects and sub-dialects speaking groups including the enclave of Oe-Cusse and the island of Atauro, the drives, trekking, diving, etc... will, as you cross country, keep you absorbed.

OeCussi House & TTot ot em otem

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Diving Timor-Leste ...with FreeFlow Diving


Enjo imor -Les Enjoyy TTimor imor-Les -Lestte

October 2010

Spect acular under wat er Spectacular underw ater landscapes, outs outsttanding marine diver sity diversity

By Ann Turner

Ar deadoris egre tt Ardeadoris egrett ttaa

Timor -Les imor-Les -Lestte sits at the heart of the Indo-Pacific coral triangle, home to more species of marine life than anywhere else on earth. The clean warm waters that surround the Asia's newest country provide ideal conditions for a delicate coral reef ecosystem supporting a vast diversity of creatures from the smallest shrimp to the massive whale shark. Timor-Leste s north coast sits on the edge tr ait - a of an underwater precipice - the W Weetar SStr trait marine trench almost three kilometers deep which provides a corridor for pelagic and migrating animals: whales, dolphin, tuna and sailfish patrol offshore. The coastal coral reef is constantly refreshed by the deep water which brings both predators and prey to within reach of its inhabitants. This is the recipe for some of the world s best diving. To dive in Timor-Leste can be as simple as a stroll into the sea from the roadside. It can be as exhilarating as a flying drift dive, shoulder to shoulder with a school of barracuda. The country s dramatic mountain scenery is often repeated underwater: a vertiginous cliff crashes down to a sweeping beach which plunges within meters to a spectacular coral wall that slopes off into a marine prairie of sponges and fans grazed by flashing shoals of brilliantly colored fish. The variety of habitat makes for a wide diversity of dive sites for marine biology enthusiasts and photographers in search of nature s stranger, smaller critters as well as divers who love to look at the big picture of life on one of the healthiest coral reef systems in the world.


Enjo imor -Les Enjoyy TTimor imor-Les -Lestte

October 2010

The shore diving is easy; on the north coast there are dive sites wherever the reef reaches the road. Some of the best diving in the country is to be found within an hour's drive from Dili around the town of Metinaro. FreeFlow Diving usually runs 2-dive day trips to these sites. Secre den is just 40 minute's scenic drive Secrett Gar Garden from Dili on a winding road that hugs the coast. As divers assemble their equipment in the shade of the palm trees that fringe the sandy beach they are watched by bemused goats and cattle grazing nearby. After a short surface swim you are plunged into a coral garden that gleams in the filtered rays of sunlight. There are reef fish of every color, soft and hard corals jostling with sponges and several species of


Nudis anemones each with its own colony of clownfish. Endless streams of glittering fusiliers flash by as resident napoleon wrasse and sweetlips fin gently on the lip of the reef. This is a typical Timorese coral dive; remarkable for the sheer diversity of animals, each in its niche, thriving in the clear warm water. Five minutes drive from Secret Garden, one of the country's finest white-sand beaches is Dollar Beac Beach, which is also the gateway to a vast sloping reef as stunningly beautiful at 5 meters as it is at 30. Magnificent acropora table corals are arranged in tiers with brilliantly colored anthias dancing on top and angel fish lurking beneath. Bump head parrot fish lumber by snapping off chunks of coral with their beaks grinding it up manufacturing a steady stream of new white sand for the beach above. Mantas and eagle rays fly overhead as reef sharks doze on sandy patches below 20 meters. Dollar Beach is animated as creatures weave their way through the bommies providing chance encounters with turtles cuttle-

fish and trevally. The safety stop can be the highlight of the dive for the rare opportunity to encounter dugongs who graze the adjacent beds of sea grass. Timor-Leste is fortunate to have a resident population of these charming marine mammals - often called sea cows - which are a species at risk of extinction on a worldwide scale. K4 1 as its name suggests is a dive site 41 kiloK41 meters east of Dili in the village of Behau. Entering from a pebbly shore shaded by a stand of gum trees divers find themselves on a coral wall within steps from the beach. A few kilometers further oc east, Bob's R Roc ockk is another easy-entry site. Both of these sites can be dived at high and low tide and appeal to divers of every kind with an astounding variety of creatures and habitats ranging from coral gardens to steep walls. Marine biologists and photographers in search of rare creatures find plenty to keep them occupied as they discover pygmy seahorse, abundant nudibranchs, mantis shrimp and garden eels. Still further east experienced divers have the chance of adrenalin-pumping close encounters oint with very large animals at Whale Shar Sharkk PPoint (also known as Lone Tree). This roadside site is a good place to spot migrating whales during the October-November period: http://www.nt.gov.au/nreta/publications/media/ p d f / 2 0 0 8 / 1 2

20081219_timor_whales_dolphins.pdf. Spectacular diving is also to be had from Kom (Com) to the island that marks Timor-Leste s easternmost extremity Jaku (Jaco). The drive to Kom (Com) is about 4 hours so divers usually stay overnight or longer exploring the outstanding beaches abundant reef s and spotting sharks and


Enjo imor -Les Enjoyy TTimor imor-Les -Lestte

October 2010

mantas in a seascape of stunning hard and soft corals. Ataur auroo Island Island, about an hour's speedboat ride from Dili, is also on the pelagic highway with thrills on the surface as well as hools of dolbelow. Whales and huge sc schools phins often escort dive boats during the crossing to the island. Atauro's waters can offer visibility of up to 40 meters with plenty of large pelagic action happening in the blue. Atauro is most suited to boat diving which opens up the opportunity for exciting drift dives. Many divers spend a few days at Atauro's eco-tourism lodge but a 2-dive day trip is also easily arranged. Even visitors on a tight schedule can sample what Timor-Leste has to offer divers oc at Dili R Roc ockk, a 15-minute drive west from downtown Dili. A stony mound that juts into the sea close to the roadside its slopes are home to groupers, sweetlips and bommies bristling with lionfish. An occasional shark ray or turtle passes through. Suitable for beginners and experts alike, Dili Rock is a quick and convenient favourite with excellent coral at 8 meters on the west side. Dili Rock is often the venue of the first ocean experience for new divers taking internationally-recognised PADI courses which are available from FreeFlow Diving.

FreeFlow Diving Pant ai KKelapa, elapa, Dili antai Timor -Les imor-Les -Lestte Cont act vell Contact act:: W Waayne Lo Lovell Tel: +670-72346 14 +670-723461 Email: freef lowdiving@gmail.com freeflowdiving@gmail.com Blog: http:// freef lowdiving.blogspot.com freeflowdiving.blogspot.com

October 2010

Enjo imor -Les Enjoyy TTimor imor-Les -Lestte

Welcome to students from Alaska, winners of the Eni Schoolnet international initiative Students fr om Barrow, Alaska, winners of the Schoolnet international from award, Eni's initiative aimed at secondary schools in Basilicata (Val d'Agri, Val Camastra and Val Basento) and a number of regions in Angola, -Les Alaska, Australia, Indonesia, Norway, Pakistan and Timor imor-Les -Lestte, will be in Italy from 2nd - 10th October 2010. Aged between 12 and 14, the young girls and boys will be visiting Rome, Pompei and Basilicata, where they'll have the opportunity to meet students from the schools in Abriola, San Martino d'Agri and Sant'Arcangelo who won the national awards. All the Italian schools involved in the project, Eni representatives and local institutions will be invited to attend this event. The aim of the project is to promote knowledge of different cultures and encourage dialogue between students from these distant places.

Eni in the world Eni is an integrated energy company. Active in 77 countries, with a staff of 78,400 employees, it operates in oil and gas exploration, production, transportation, transformation and marketing, in petrochemicals, oilfield services construction and engineering.

ConocoPhillips Announces Quar Quartterly Dividend ConocoPhillips [NYSE:COP] announced this month a quarterly dividend of 55 cents per share, payable December 1, 2010, to stockholders of record at the close of business on October 29, 2010. ConocoPhillips is an integrated energy company with interests around the world. Headquartered in Houston, the company had approximately 29,900 employees, $151 billion of assets, and $181 billion of annualized revenues as of June 30, 2010. ads

About ConocoPhillips ConocoPhillips is an integrated energy company with interests around the world. Headquartered in Houston, the company had approximately 29,900 employees, $151 billion of assets, and $181 billion of annualized revenues as of June 30, 2010.


Tec hnip has been aw ar ded a contr act bbyy Eni echnip awar arded contract Tec hnip has been awarded a conechnip tract by Eni for the Kitan field development project. This field is located in approximately 350 meters of water, in an area of the Timor Sea jointly administered by Timor-Leste and Australia, 500 kilometers off the Australian coast and about 250 kilometers south of the Timor-Leste capital of Dili. The contract covers: * project management and engineering, * supply and installation of 23 kilometers of flowlines(1) and risers(2), * installation of the umbilical(3) system. Technip's operating center in Perth, Australia will execute the contract. The pipelines will be manufactured at the Group's plant in Le Trait, France. Offshore installation is scheduled to start in the first half of 2011 usads


Enjo imor -Les Enjoyy TTimor imor-Les -Lestte

October 2010

ing the Venturer, a construction vessel from Technip's fleet. This award reinforces Technip's position in the expanding Subsea market in Asia Pacific. (1) Flowline: flexible or rigid pipe laid on the seabed for the transport of production or injection fluids. (2) Riser: a pipe or assembly of pipes used to transfer produced fluids from the seabed to surface facilities, and transfer injection or control fluids from the surface facilities to the seabed. (3) Umbilical: an assembly of steel tubes and/or thermoplastic hoses. Umbilicals can include electrical cables or optic fibers to support communications, power supply and telemetry functions. Technip is a world leader in the fields of project management, engineering and construction for the oil & gas industry, offering a comprehensive portfolio of innovative solutions and

technologies. With 23,000 employees around the world, integrated capabilities and proven expertise in underwater infrastructures (Subsea), offshore facilities (Offshore) and large processing units and plants on land (Onshore), Technip is a key contributor to the development of sustainable solutions for the energy challenges of the 21st century. Present in 48 countries, Technip has operating centers and industrial assets (manufacturing plants, spoolbases, construction yard) on five continents, and operates its own fleet of specialized vessels for pipeline installation and subsea construction. The Technip share is listed on Euronext Paris exchange and over the counter (OTC) in the USA.

October 2010

Eni w as named bes or was bestt per perfformer in the oil & gas sect sector Sus es Susttainability Index Indexes The Eni share price has once again been included in the Dow Jones Sus orld index for 2010. Susttainability W World It was first included in 2007 and, in 2008, Eni was named best performer in the oil & gas sector. The DJSI World 2010 includes 318 companies – selected on the basis of economic, social and environmental criteria – from among the top 2,500 companies by market capitalisation in the Dow Jones Global Large-Cap Total index. The companies in the oil & gas sector in the DJSI World 2010 number 12 out of an eligible 112. Eni has also been confirmed on the Dow Jones Sus Susttainability Eur ope 2010 for the third consecutive year. The DJSI Europe Europe number 5 company in the oil & gas sector out of an eligible 17. The selection is of the best-in-class type: only 10% of the best evaluated companies are admitted to the DJSI World index (20% for DJSI Europe). The evaluation is made by Sam, a specialised investment house focused exclusively in socially responsible investments, and subject to external verification. Total assets under management in DJSI-based ads

investment vehicles now stand at close to $14 billion. Eni has been confirmed in the FTSE4Good sustainability index in the half-yearly review in September 2010. Evaluation for inclusion of the FTSE4Good index is not made on the basis of best in class. In fact the specialised index includes only companies from the FTSE Global index that comply with pre-determined economic, environmental and social requisites. Special significance is given to criteria concerning climate change, the protection of human rights and transparency in the procurement chain.

Enjo imor -Les Enjoyy TTimor imor-Les -Lestte



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Julia Gillar d, Gillard, Prime Minis tr alia Ministter of Aus Austr tralia

Top 110 0W omen Women

Bob Strong


After Iceland's economy collapsed in October 2008, Sigurdardottir rode a wave of discontent all the way to the premiership. It wasn't exactly surprising: the former flight attendant turned politician had won eight consecutive elections since entering Parliament in 1978, making her the country's longest-serving parliamentarian and one of its most popular. In addition to being Iceland's first female Prime Minister, Sigurdardottir, 67, is also the world's first openly gay head of state. In June 2010, when Iceland legalized gay marriage, Sigurdardottir tied the knot with her long-term partner, with whom she had entered a civil union seven years earlier.


Julia Gillard, Prime Minister of Australia Johanna Sigurdardottir, Prime Minister of Iceland Cristina Fernández de Kirchner, President of Argentina Dalia Grybauskaite, President of Lithuania Angela Merkel, Chancellor of Germany Sheik Hasina Wajed, Prime Minister of Bangladesh Ellen Johnson Sirleaf, President of Liberia Tarja Halonen, President of Finland Kamla Persad-Bissessar, Prime Minister of Trinidad and Tobago Laura Chinchilla, President of Costa Rica


Johanna Sigur dar dottir Sigurdar dardottir dottir,, Prime Minis Ministter of Iceland

Enjo imor -Les Enjoyy TTimor imor-Les -Lestte


Prime Minister Julia Gillard, at a press conference in Canberra on June 24, 2010 -MICK TSIKAS / REUTERS

After she helped orchestrate a Labor Party coup that ousted Prime Minister Kevin Rudd on June 24, 2010, Gillard, 48, became Australia's first female PM. Tasked with rebuilding dwindling support for her party, she called snap elections just three weeks into office, hoping to benefit from her bounce in public opinion. But the Aug. 21 election proved inconclusive: neither Gillard's center-left government nor the Liberal-National coalition led by Tony Abbott were able to secure an outright majority. The stalemate finally broke on Sep. 7. After more than two weeks of protracted negotiation with a handful of independent candidates, Gillard secured a 76-74 majority in parliament to form a minority government.

October 2010

Cristina Fernández de Kirchner, President of Argentina By WILLIAM LEE ADAMS

Angela Mer kel, Chancellor of Merk German Germanyy By WILLIAM LEE ADAMS NATACHA PISARENKO / AP

Elected President in November 2007 (thereby succeeding her husband Néstor), Fernández has proven she is her own woman. Dismissively referred to as "Cristina" by some members of Argentina's macho political elite, Fernández has survived a standoff with the country's powerful farming lobby, a fallout with the U.S. over a suitcase allegedly containing illegal campaign contributions and a series of high-profile economic-policy spats that culminated in the ousting of the governor of Argentina's Central Bank earlier this year. With her striking appearance and polarizing rhetoric, she inevitably draws comparisons with former First Lady Eva Perón.


The most influential female politician in the world, Merkel earned a doctorate in physics in East Germany before turning her eye to politics. She won a seat in the Bundestag during the first post-reunification general election, in December 1990, and Chancellor Helmut Kohl appointed her as a Cabinet minister just one year later. Childless and twice married, the chairwoman of the Christian Democratic Union often comes off as reserved and self-effacing. But as she told TIME in a 2010 interview, she has plenty of confidence: "You could certainly say that I've never underestimated myself. There's nothing wrong with being ambitious."

Dalia Gr ybausk ait e, Grybausk ybauskait aite, President of Lithuania INTS KALNINS / REUTERS


After Grybauskaite came to power in 2009, European journalists quickly dubbed her Lithuania's Iron Lady, owing to her steely way with words and her black belt in karate. The daughter of a saleswoman and an electrician, she worked part time in a factory while earning a Ph.D. in economics. She went on to become Deputy Minister of Finance in 1999, before holding a series of positions within the European Commission. In 2009, with Lithuania mired deep in recession, Grybauskaite focused her presidential campaign on protecting those with the lowest incomes and tackling unemployment, which had climbed to nearly 16%. Running as an independent, she won with a 68% majority - the largest margin of victory ever recorded in Lithuania's presidential election history.

Sheik Hasina W ajed, Wajed, Prime Minis Ministter of Bangladesh By WILLIAM LEE AD AMS ADAMS

Tarja Halonen, President of Finland By WILLIAM LEE AD AMS ADAMS MAX ROSSI / REUTERS

Hasina, the 62-year-old leader of the left-of-center Awami League, has a history of surviving. During a 1975 coup d'ĂŠtat, assassins killed 17 members of her family - including her son, three brothers, mother and father, former Prime Minister Sheik Mujibur Rahman. Hasina, then 28, happened to be abroad at the time. She later survived a grenade attack that killed more than 20 people, dodging the bullets that sprayed her car as she fled. Hasina was first elected Prime Minister in 1996. But in 2001, Transparency International named Bangladesh as the most corrupt country in the world, and Hasina was ousted in a landslide. That wasn't the end of her, though. In January 2009, the Awami League won 230 of 299 parliamentary seats, and the consummate survivor found herself Prime Minister - again.

Ellen Johnson Sirleaf, President of Liberia By WILLIAM LEE AD AMS ADAMS


Brought up in a working-class family in downtown Helsinki, Halonen has built a highly successful political career by building ties with trade unions and nongovernmental organizations. Serving as President since 2000, she has vehemently defended the President's role as commander in chief of the military, and campaigned against Finnish membership in NATO. Her hobbies belie her powerful position: she is said to enjoy swimming and taking care of her two cats. In 2006, TV host and comedian Conan O'Brien endorsed Halonen's reelection because of her strong resemblance to him.

Kamla PPer er sad-Bissessar ersad-Bissessar sad-Bissessar,, Prime Minis rinidad and TTobago obago Ministter of TTrinidad

Laur hilla, Lauraa Chinc Chinchilla, President of Cos Costta Rica By WILLIAM LEE ADAMS



Educated at the University of Wisconsin and at Harvard, Africa's first female President served as Liberia's Minister of Finance in the late 1970s. But when Samuel Doe seized power in a military coup in 1980 and executed the President and several Cabinet members, Johnson Sirleaf fled to Kenya, where she became a director at Citibank. She returned to contest the 1996 presidential election and lost to Charles Taylor. In 2005, she ran again and won, promising to bring motherly sensitivity and emotion to the presidency - a tall order in a country still reeling from years of civil war.


Enjo imor -Les Enjoyy TTimor imor-Les -Lestte

October 2010

Persad-Bissessar, leader of the United National Congress, oversees a coalition of five political parties. Since being sworn in, on May 26, 2010, the onetime Attorney General has laid out ambitious plans to tackle the country's growing murder rate, boost pensions and slash the number of Trinidadians living in poverty (now one-fifth of the population). A former social worker, she's known for compassion: she has looked after her brother's two children since he died in a car crash 20 years ago.

A former Vice President under Nobel laureate Oscar Arias SĂĄnchez, Chinchilla won a 47% majority in the February 2010 election. In a country increasingly concerned about crime, the centerleftist played up her security experience: she previously served as both Public Security Minister and Justice Minister in the National Liberation Party. A social conservative, she opposes gay marriage, abortion and the legalization of the morning-after pill. She has pledged to continue the pro-business policies of her predecessor by courting international investment and expanding free trade.

October 2010

Enjo imor -Les Enjoyy TTimor imor-Les -Lestte


By Chef Cesar Costa

Grilled King Pr awns with Ainar vocado Salsa Prawns Ainaroo AAvocado and w at er cress vinagre tt wat ater vinagrett ttee I fflew lew the countr 995 after my high school countryy in 11995 with a plan to going formation in Indonesia, the city I went was Yogyakarta (Indonesian student city). Grown up in a political prisoner family which recognized as liberation fighter, there was no chance to survive your own country. After my father was released, my family moved to Portugal in 1998 search for a tranquil life. From Portugal I decided moved to England in year 2000 to realize my dream which was,( I must do something to my country). To achieve my goals, I started working as a chef in a pizza restaurant and meanwhile attend English course. Then I moved to Bristol, in year 2004 I enroll into Brunnel College of Catering. Live as a self support I must work and study at the same time you could not imagine how hard it was. After my qualification in 2006 I was working in hotels and restaurants around England and become head Chef in few Restaurant, the taste of my dishes was admired by those people that taste my food. I have achieved my goal by making myself as a Timorese born Chef with European standard qualification, learn and trained in the UK, capable of create local dishes with international influences, able to produced classical dishes from countries around the world French, Italian, Indian, Mexican, North Africans etc... From skills that he gain in Europe, he left the western life style, back to his native country with the idea of develop Timorese classical dishes to achieve international standard and get the recognition. His ambitions are to share his knowledge with other Timorese specially man, to make the change to the tradition of mum and sister has to cook. And to implement the basic methods of cookery, to improve the culinary skills in Timor Leste so more Chefs can be born ‌.his is now the Head Chef at Venture Hotel in Dili Timor Leste and also as a Food production tutor at the Dili institute of Technology. . Bellow is one of his signature dish‌

Creat ed bbyy Cesar Cos Created Costta Grilled King Pr awns with Ainar vocado Salsa and w at er cress vinaigre tt Prawns Ainaroo AAvocado wat ater vinaigrett ttee Ingredients: 3 large king prawns 2 tomatoes skinned and seeded 1large ripe avocado diced 2shallots diced ½ red and green pimento diced 1fresh red chili finely diced Juice of a lemon 1tbl spoon of fresh coriander 2garlic cloves crushed 2tblspoon of extra virgin olive oil Pinch of sugar, salt and peppers

Me thod; Method; Peel the prawns and marinade in lemon juice, olive oil, garlic, salt and pepper, keep it in the fridge for at least 30minutes For the salsa; mix all the ingredients together season to taste and also keep in the fridge to cool. For the water cress vinaigrette; 1 hand full of water cress, pinch of salt and pepper dash of sugar few drop of honey, and juice of a lemon, blend all together and taste as you like.To serve, grilled the marinated prawns and served with the salsa and a piece of bread if u like.


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