December, 12-15 2014
Enka Youth Forum 2014 Resolution Booklet
EYF`14 Academic Team
MOTION FOR A RESOLUTION BY THE COMMITTEE ON ENVIRONMENT, PUBLIC HEALTH AND FOOD SAFETY 6 out of 7 premature deaths in Europe are caused by the lifestyle of the patient, be it lung cancer caused by cigarette smoking or heart diseases caused by excessive weight. What measures can the EU take to protect its citizens from these health risks? Submitted by :
Emre AKYOL (Üsküdar American Academy), Sirem ARTUÇ (Getronagan High School), Arda BARAN (Marmara College), Ali BÜYÜKGÖZE (Robert College), Doğa Nida ÇOLAK (Kadıköy Anadolu High School), Hande DOĞAN (Izmir Turk College), Deniz ERNİ (Notre Dame de Sion High School), Berk FİDAN (Mustafa Saffet Anadolu High School), Almina GÜR (Private Eyüboğlu High School), Burçe KAYA (Anabilim College), Deniz Devrim KAYA (Kültür Science High School), Defne LÜLECİ (TED Istanbul High School), Mert ÖZÇELİK (TED Bursa College), Metehan ÖZEN (Istek Atanur Oğuz Schools), Duygu ÖZKAN (Adapazarı Enka Schools), Emilia POWELS (MEF International Schools), Selin SARP (FMV Ayazağa Işık Schools), Elkin Gizem SEVİNÇ (Izmir Turk College BÇK), Alara TURGUT (Bilfen Schools), Deniz YILMAZ (Private Anakent Schools), Özkan GÖK (Chairperson), Metehan GÜNDOĞDU (Chairperson)
The Enka Youth Forum 2014, A. Observing that a majority of citizens use athletic facilities such as fitness centers just to improve their physical appearance rather than health related concerns, B. Deeply disturbed of the increasing number of illegally produced and homebrewed alcohol and smuggled cigarettes and tobacco products,
C. Having examined that the society is not aware of the affects of unhealthy substances and habits that cause long and short term negative effects such as:
Heart diseases,
Specific cancer types,
D. Bearing in mind that the prices of the fast food cheapen so it becomes more affordable, especially making fast food more available compared to healthier alternatives,
E. Realizing that requirement for the smoke-free areas are not fulfilled enough, putting second-hand smokers under danger, F. Observing the fact that content of the products are not scrutinized, monitored and regulated carefully enough, affecting human health detrimentally, G. Deeply regretting there is a high rate of alcohol, drug and tobacco consumption in society due to stressful lifestyles such as: i.
Working in harsh conditions for many hours,
Feeling under pressure because of societal reasons,
H. Bearing in mind that healthcare treatments are overpriced, middle and low class citizens who do not have the necessary insurance, are not able to accumulate enough money to make use of specialized, private healthcare and they have to cut back on their medical treatments budget thus they are not able to afford: i.
Healthcare by; a. Medicine, b. Hospital services,
Nutritional, health;
I. Deeply concerned by the fact that certain drugs for some illnesses cannot be provided right on demand, 1. Calls upon more insurance companies to provide personal health insurances and encourage the private insurance companies to take a part in this action; 2. Strongly condemns the prices of medicaments to decrease and enhance the import and export of the medicaments that do not exist in EU countries; 3. Strongly recommends to raise the public awareness about health issues by: a. Including these topics in school curriculums, b. Organizing seminars with the help of NGO's, c. Encouraging the government to decrease taxes on the sport facilities,
d. Encouraging people to do sports via: i. Social media, ii. Television commercials, iii. Billboards; 4. Decrease the consumption of fake alcohol and smuggled drugs by: a. Increasing supervision of these illegal products by: i. Law enforcement, ii. Commission, iii. Security at the borders, b. Regulating strict laws concerning the distributors of these products by adjusting: i. Jail time, ii. Fines; 5. Avowedly expresses its appreciation, the qualities of government hospitals need to be enhanced concerning the followings: a. Reserving a budget for the ministry of health, b. Enriching a step system in order to direct patients basing on the urgency levels of their health problems; 6. Further requests companies to decrease the harm of the tobacco products, alcohol and packed food by: a. Regulating the toxic and unhealthy additives inside the products that are on the market, b. Creating agricultural zones in LEDC's to provide organic products for MEDC's that do not have enough agricultural areas in order to make profit from these organic instead of harmful additives; 7. Further recommends to increase the number of fitness centers and exercise facilities in companies and make special discounts for employees by granting loans that have less interest rates for the companies by the government banks;
8. Considering the society is not paying enough attention to diseases caused by alcohol and tobacco: a. The society should be informed by campaigns that are formed by WHO and NGO's, b. Medical students that are chosen by the college professors to give public seminars for extra credit; 9. Urges the governments to increase taxes on tobacco and alcohol and use that income to create a budget for rehabilitations against alcohol and smoking; 10. Solemnly affirms increasing the number of smoking rooms both indoor and outdoor places, so smoke-free areas could be established and a separation between smokers and non-smokers from each other can be provided.
MOTION FOR A RESOLUTION BY COMMITTEE ON EMPLOYMENT AND SOCIAL AFFAIRS Committee on Employment and Social Affairs (EMPL): Unemployment among the youth reached 24% according to the data of January 2014. How can the EU save this "lost generation" and include them in the workforce more efficiently? Submitted by:
Erol ABRAVANEL (Anakent), Mert ALTUNALAN (EYÜBOĞLU), Melissa CANDAN (Marmara College), Deniz GENÇER(Üsküdar American Academy), Aylin GÖKMEN (ITK Fen), Ali Sencer GÜRLER (Anabilim), Alp Bartu HİZAL(TED İstanbul), Mert KAPLAN (İstek Atanur Oğuz), Ege KARADİBAK (ITK Fen), Ahmet Can KOCA (Korkmaz Yiğit), Alara MUTLU (Eyüboğlu), Tarık OKATAN (Mustafa Saffet Anadolu), Gözde ÖZTÜRK(Bahçeşehir Bilfen), Uğur SAĞLAM(TED Bursa), Ezgi SARAL (Kültür Koleji), Ariana SİVASLIOĞLU (Getronagan), Aleyna Yağmur ŞİMŞEK (İzmir Türk College BÇK), Gizem ŞİMŞEK (Kadıköy Anadolu), Öykü YEŞİLALİOĞLU (Kabataş Erkek), Burak KORKMAZ (Chairperson)
The Enka Youth Forum 2014, A. Noting that there is a drastic gap between the school taught theoretical knowledge and company required practical knowledge, B. Being aware of the fact that most of the youth are not given well enough information regarding their future professions through their high school education, C. Noting with deep concern that substance addiction and recreational drug use cause psychological, financial and medical problems for the “lost generation”, isolating them from society and decreasing their chances of finding jobs, D. Observing that the majority of schools are not taking skills and aptitudes of the youth as a main criterion, instead steering them according to their academic level, leading youth to educate themselves in the wrong fields, which also causes them to be unsatisfied and to quit their job, E. Disturbed by the fact that the lack of workplaces for unqualified workforce is one of the reasons of unemployment, F. Alarmed by the fact that youth do not have enough confidence and experience to decide on their areas of work and to be entrepreneurs of their fields, G. Believing that young people in possession of criminal records have a harder time finding jobs, H. Approving that employers’ reluctance to hire less experienced workers causes; i. The rate of unemployment among the less experienced youth and new graduates to remain at concerning levels,
A vicious cycle; preventing them from entering the job market and gaining experience that would lead them to the future steps of their careers,
I. Concerned about lack of advertisements and available information on newer, less preferred, and underdeveloped job sectors connected to both governments and private sector, 1. Seeking the European Commission and the EU member states to create programs that allow high school students to observe various jobs and professions on field during every year of high school; 2. Approves the creation village institutions among all member states in order to: a. Educate youth in rural areas and equip them with practical skills, b. Provide them with jobs in their local communities, decreasing: i. Unemployment, ii. Immigration to cities of high social standards; 3.
Invites all high schools to inform their students about jobs and professions by: a. Creating workshops, b. Professionally conducted surveys to test their interests and abilities, c. Organizing seminars by professionals;
4. Strongly encourages that NRAs (National Regulatory Authorities) cooperate with the European institutions and high school counseling departments to provide: a. Student care on job opportunities, b. Psychological support, c. Weekly follow-ups; 5. Encourages to introduce and enforce the procedures of: a. Bringing together university academicians and students at various events, b. Publishing and distributing an instructions booklet to provide all youth with guidance regarding their options when moving on to higher education; 6. Calling member states to set minimum quotas for companies to hire newly graduated youth (5 years or earlier) according to their demographics and unemployment rates; 7. Encourages governments to develop discounted taxation policies for youth-initiated businesses according to their demographic structures and unemployment rates; 8. Approves the establishment of an international intern-grading scale by the ILO (International Labor Organization) to make the hiring process easier for both parties;
9. Further requests the youth with criminal records to be integrated into the workforce by placing them into training/community service jobs after the psychologist approval; 10. Urges governments to advertize work fields, professions that: a. Consist a high future growth potential, b. Will potentially revert from passive jobs to active by the use of: i. Public service announcements, ii. Advertisements, iii. Informative handouts and pamphlets.
MOTION FOR A RESOLUTION BY THE COMMITTEE ON ECONOMIC AND MONETARY AFFAIRS European economy grew 0.1% in 2013, still much lower than the pre-crisis values of 34%. Eurozone in general even shrunk by 0.4%. Other than slow or no economic growth, Europe also faces the threat of deflation with an inflation rate of only 0.4% in 2013. What measures should the EU take to fix the economic situation in hand and ensure that a similar crisis do not occur again? Submitted by:
Aylin ÇAKAR(Enka Schools), Barış Yiğit DAĞLIOĞLU (TED Bursa High School), Selay DOLMA (Bahçeşehir Bilfen High School), Barış GİRİŞMEN (Ayazağa Işık High School), Selen GÜLTEKİN (Kabataş Erkek High School), Cansu İPEK (Marmara College), Utkan KARAHAN (Notre Dame De Sion), Lara McCORMİK (MEF International), Ezgi MENZİ (Robert College), Oğuz ÖĞRENCİ (Ayazağa Işık High School), Meriç ÖZTAŞ (Mustafa Saffet High School), Serdarhan PEKER (Üsküdar American Academy), Egemen PERDAHÇI (Eyüboğlu High School), Selenay POLAT (ITK High School), Zeynep UÇAR (İzmir Türk College BÇK), Selen UYGUN (Kadıköy High School), Beste YILDIRAN (Kültür College), Elif İnci ZORBOZAN (Uğur High School), Enes SUBAŞI (Chairperson), Alihan YÖRÜK(Chairperson)
The Enka Youth Forum 2014, A. Bearing in mind that employers reduce their employees’ salary and fire some so as not to lose money and stabilize their financial status, B. Aware that the cause of the previous crisis is countries who have: i. Had a shaking economy, ii. Used all the EU financial and diplomatic help and recommendation, iii. Caused the inflation rates of all the EU increase, iv. Demanded financial assistance from the union, v. Had banks failed to pay their debts, C. Alarmed by the fact that during 2013 and 2014 Greece and Spain have had uprisings and crowded demonstrations because of economic insufficiency of the Greek government which almost failed to pay wages, D. Expressing its dissatisfaction with the official unemployment rate for the Eurozone of 11.5% that is caused by the lack of jobs further causing the middle class to shrink all over Europe and have people becoming dependent on government assistance, E. Further expressing its dissatisfaction with the estimated unemployment rate for Greece and Spain of more than 20% of the adult population, F. Realizing that unemployment rates increase meanwhile production and GDP decrease, G. Observing that immigrants utilize the civilization but do not contribute to the production at the expected levels,
H. Deeply concerned by the fact that the gap between the wealthiest and the lower classes is unlikely to improve time soon and has been caused by free trade deals, I. Taking into account that European nations are well known for their welfare programs, but all of this spending is causing debt to GDP ratios to explode, J. Deploring the merchants who lose money and the government that gain less and less from taxes that's caused by merchants try to discard all their products so the price of the merchandise decreases, K. Keeping in mind that labor mobility in European Union is limited, L. Deeply concerned by the latest news that European Central Bank is lowering their interest rates to -0.2% which causes a huge gap in economic balance of the bank even though they adopted measures to boost economic growth by lowering interest rates to 0.05% and buying covered bonds from investors, M. Further concerned by the risk of a triple-dip recession has increased, and the European Central Bank has one last arrow that is quantitative easing of €1 trillion, N. Taking into account that smuggling is directly linked to other types of crime, such as tax and import fraud, evasion bribery, corruption of public officials and money laundry, O. Noting with regret that the 6-pack economic governance program was inconclusive, 1. Declares that under the roof of the European Union the “Sub-commission on the Economic Cooperation, Reconstruction and Recovery after the 2009 Crisis” will be established and its validly will expire on 27 March 2023 Monday under these circumstances and functions such as but not limited to: a. Putting higher taxes on luxury items and stopping the usage of “Tax-Free”, b. Formation of organizations that accept donated money and help lower and middle class, c. Adopting a common purchaser-producer relation system in which: i. Before producing products, the producer will be obliged to decide and report the purchaser and the price so as not to waste any product, ii. Companies are going to be limited not to produce 10% more than what they reported before production, d. Stopping bailing out the financial institutions that failed in market competition, e. Encouraging the European countries to export more than import so as to prevent the budget deficit, f. Advising developing countries of the union to control and adopt fiscal policies so as to reach estimated inflation rates, GDP, GPP levels and economic growth, g. Implementing import quotas with a high level of production so as to support little companies so that they can grow faster in a decent economy, h. With the high level of production and import quotas we can support little companies so that they can grow faster, and that will effect economy well, i. Giving privileges to the corporations producing in our borders, j. Recommending banks to lower interest rates on the loans,
k. Member States to create job opportunities for citizens in order to incentive new businesses, l. Check the budgets to solve European Bank Recovery, m. Detecting further struggles the Union would be affected during the crisis; 2. Calls upon EU to organize a summit of committees from Eurozone states for recovering a new economic governance plan to replace the insufficient “Sixpack ” with another program that will be functional; 3. Endorses forming a Banks Union in order to increase and improve the communication and collaboration between European Banks that will ultimately catalyze finding solutions for negative economic situations; 4. Suggests governments create public awareness through: a. Sage of media, organizations and some campaigns concerning economic crisis and how they affect civilians, b. Organizing seminars for university and high school students to give basic knowledge about economy, c. Introducing home economy lessons to elementary students for one lesson per week, d. Formation of business workshops for students so that they can learn how to manage their future business and money; 5. Accepts of the “European Fiscal Union “ which consists of: a. European’s integration giving a central body increased control over the budgets of member states, b. Control, including requirements that taxes be raised or budgets cut, would be exercised only when fiscal imbalances developed, c. The taxes collected by that central body is to be distributed equally to all member states; 6. Impels only beneficial individuals who want to immigrate the states of European Union.
MOTION FOR A RESOLUTION BY THE COMMITTEE ON DEVELOPMENT EU plans to use €51 billion of its budget on foreign aid on the following 4 years. However, there are rising economic concerns all over the union. How can the EU continue funding development in LEDCs without jeopardizing the economy of Europe? Submitted by:
Deniz ALİYEVA(MEF International), Aslı ASLAN(Izmir Turk College Science High School), Burak BAYKAL(Bahçeşehir Bilfen High School), Buse Gönül BOSTANCI(Izmir Turk College Science High School), Sıla BÜYÜKER(Kadıköy Anadolu High School), Kamer DEĞİRMENCİ(Getronagan High School), Canberk EYÜBOĞLU(TED İstanbul High School), Bora Berkay GENÇ(Bahçeşehir Anadolu High School), Yağmur GÜLER(Kabataş Erkek High School), Altay KAÇAN(TED Bursa College), Emrecem KAYA(Notre Dame de Sion), Duygu MANİOĞLU(Eyuboglu), Arhan SİLAV(Izmir Turk College BCK), İpek TALU(Uskudar American College) İlayda TAŞTAN(Bilfen College), Emirhan UÇAR(Mustafa Saffet Anadolu Lisesi), Yiğit YABANERİ(Izmir Turk College Science High School), Ercehan YAKAR (FMV Ayazaga Isik College), Oğuzhan YILMAZ(Robert College), Burcu ZENGİN(Eyuboglu), Alparslan UFUKOGLU (Chairperson), Arda ACAR (Vice President)
The Enka Youth Forum 2014, A. Keeping in mind that not all EU Member States are economically equal, B. Acknowledging the current state of the LEDC's and the EU policies towards human right and equality which aim to establish and promote solidarity, democracy, prosperity, rule of law & peace by foreign aids, C. Observing that there are rising economic concerns all over the union due to Eurozone crisis, D. Knowing that EU agreed to limit the funding of foreign aid for the first time in 56 years of EU history, E. Realizing that the domestic issues in each Member State make the foreign aids controversial for both citizens & governments who would prefer solving domestic issues firstly, F. Emphasizing that the difference the foreign aid from EU can create in LEDCs is much greater than the difference it can create in EU Member States, G. Reminding that 23 of the Member States did not reach their estimated target of 0.7% of GNI for each Member State, H. Fully alarmed that the standards of living are getting harsher for the citizens of LEDCs,
Aware of the fact that foreign aid would be a long-term investment in LEDCs that would be beneficial for both parties in the long-run;
1. Urges Member States & NGOs to raise public awareness about foreign aid with the use of mass media; 2. Encourages the EU Member States to lower the taxes of the companies that utilizes promotions to help fund foreign aid; 3. Invites all EU Member States to discuss EU's foreign aid policies & current situation of LEDC's regarding MDGs in a summit that will be held annually in Switzerland which will be: a. Moderated by an unbiased board which will be elected by EC, b. Attended by a delegation from each Member State chosen by their governments; 4. Calls for all EU Member States to make a long term economic plan which is transparent to the public and includes the issues of: a. Debts, b. Foreign aid, c. Incomes, d. Domestic budget: i. Health care expenses, ii. Education expenses, iii. Public transportation expenses, iv. Military expenses, in order to make the public less concerned about the countries' economic situation;
5. Declares accordingly the transparency mentioned in the previous clause will be supervised and protected by an inspection committee whose members elected by EC and members to change annually; 6. Further recommends a charity, which is linked to the EU, will be founded in order to fund scientific developments and new innovations on account of lowering the expenses such as: a) Nutrition problems, b) Transportation problems, c) Health care, d) Agricultural problems, e) Security; 6. Encourages businesses to make investments in LEDCs by lowering the revenue tax rates for these activities however limiting it above the rate for charity activities;
7. Urges the EC to convince the governments of LEDCs to make their local investors and their local businessmen to invest in their own countries partnering with EU companies. Governments of LDCs will lower taxes from investors, who invest locally; 9. Encourages all Member States to reach the goal of 0.7% of GNI for aid, which was decided by the EU in the treaty of Lisbon, which indicates that EU should act like a union in common foreign policies and development policies.
MOTION FOR A RESOLUTION BY COMMITTEE OF CONSTITUTIONAL AFFAIRS With the age of voting decreased to 16, young gained opportunity to be represented in the European Parliament. However, there are raising concerns on how informed the voters are, be it young or old. How can the EU ensure that its citizens make informed decisions when electing their representatives?
Submitted by:
Beyza Nur ANDIBAY (Adapazarı Enka), Naz ARSLAN (Kültür College), Cevat Adil BEZIRGAN (Ayazağa Işık), Berfin ÇİTO (Mustafa Saffet Anatolian), Can DEMİROK (Marmara College), Yunus DERMAN (Robert College), Emir DİKMEN (ITK FEN), İrem KALE (Kabataş Erkek), Kaan KANCA ( Notre Dame De Sion), Elif KAYALI (Notre Dame De Sion), Ana KIKNADZE(MEF International), Zeynep KOÇOĞLU (Anabilim College), Burak SAVAŞ (Irmak Schools), Şafak TEZER (İzmir Türk College), Sena Gül TURHAN (Eyüboğlu), Aslı YANKAYA (Habire Yahşi Anadolu), Eda YETİŞGİN (Anakent College), Zeynep ZORBOZAN (Uğur Yazırlık Lisesi), Melis KAHYAOĞLU ( Chairperson), Ömer TUZKAPAN (Chairperson)
The Enka Youth Forum 2014, A. Deeply disturbed that at this moment the majority of people between ages 16-18 are not well enough informed and experienced to vote, B. Having examined that lack of political education causes voters to make uninformed votes, C. Emphasizing that media can cause misinformation and misconception in the general public, D. Concerned by a growing part of society choosing to express their opinion by protest voting, E. Noting with deep concern that the lack of voter's participation leads to a democratic deficit caused by: i. Recognizing the failure of EU to provide information about policies and ideologies of political parties, ii. Seeking that voters are not aware of EU's benefits, impacts and importance in daily life,
F. Notices with great joy that organizations that support taking interest in the actions taken by the EU such as EYP exist,
1. Calls upon EU Member States to add an optional class or agree to hold seminars, given by an EU official (selected by EU-wide standards) to ensure objectivity, in their schools, which will focus on important political matters such as: a. How the election process works, b. The process of voting and its importance, c. The affairs of parliament by having a mock EP with participants of the seminar; 2. Requests EU Member States to allocate more funding, in the form of resources, venues, and knowledge, towards youth based NGOs, to increase youth participation and experience in European politics and politics in general; 3. Encourages distribution of resources such as booklets or websites to educate the general public on policies of each candidate and party with an unbiased format, while providing information on general voting processes; 4. Strongly encourages the European parties to work in collaboration with EU parties to establish more open and transparent channels of communication with the citizens such as public debates and informative campaigns; 5. Promotes the foundation of new organizations and the enhancement of already existing organizations such as 'Youth Votes' that try to get people motivated about elections and provide them with valid information requiered in the voting process; 6. Encourages the establishment of PSA’s about the process and the importance of voting, which will air on TV a week before elections and shared on social media to motivate the public to participate and vote; 7. Suggest the formation of an independent organization that will evaluate the main news sources in every Member State in terms of credibility concerning European Union affairs and provide them with a stamp of approval accordingly.
MOTION FOR A RESOLUTION BY THE COMMITTEE ON INTERNAL MARKET AND CONSUMER PROTECTION According to the data of 2012, marijuana use among teenagers is 33.6% in the European Union, and researches show that marijuana can act as a “gateway” towards using harder drugs such as cocaine or amphetamine. What can the EU do to prevent its youth from using illegal drugs and substances? Submitted by:
Ecem Akçura (Bahçeşehir Bilfen), Nazlı İdil Akgül (İzmir Türk Koleji Fen Lisesi), Hikmet Arın Aydın (Anakent), Nihan Çaydamlı (MEF International School), Ali Coşar (Eyüboğlu), Nida Döndü (Mustafa Saffet Anadolu), Zeynep Ece Ergenç (FMV Ayazağa Işık), Derin Su Gökçen (TED Istanbul), Tuğçe Güvercin (İzmir Türk Koleji BÇK), Deniz Harezi (Robert College), Doruk Haşimoğlu (Üsküdar American Academy), Nadin Kürkçü (Özel Gentronagan Ermeni Lisesi), Zeynep Mercan (Notre Dame De Sion), Onur Oktar (Ted Bursa) , Rananur Pekçetin (Adapazarı Enka), Mert Uğur Taşlı (Irmak Okulları), Lal Uncu (Enka Okulları), Eylül Yasasever (FMV Ayazağa Işık), Eyşan Yazıcı (Kültür Koleji), Duhan Yendi (Notre Dame De Sion), Âli Okumuşoğlu (Chairperson), Enxhi Tralo (Chairperson)
The Enka Youth Forum 2014, A. Fully aware that marijuana is the most commonly consumed drug due to its accessibility and low price, B.
Pointing out the ambiguity of marijuana being a gateway drug, which creates uncertainties controversy between the EU countries,
C. Declaring that the marijuana trade is not tax applicable and thus cannot contribute to the economic growth of the government, D. Recognizing marijuana’s legalization in the Netherlands, neighboring EU countries could potentially be influenced to allow the harmful consumption of cannabis, E. Keeping in mind that the majority of teenagers consider drugs as a temporary solution to their personal problems, F. Regretting that media both intentionally and subconsciously advertises the consumption of drugs, G. Concerned that the trade of marijuana creates a black market which increases crime rate due to the conflicts between dealers and buyers,
H. Alarmed that drug consumption causes: i. Polarization in societies as its legalization is a controversial topic, ii. Domestic problems and social raptures, I. Convinced that drug consumption causes health risks such as: i. A 4.8 fold in the risk of having a heart attack, ii. Respiratory ailments, iii. Physical impairments caused by distortion and balance which double the risk of traffic accidents caused by the lack of concentration and hand coordination, iv. Psychiatric and psychological anomalies,
1. Encourages EU to provide subsidies for cooperation’s, which work in favor of the government’s practices concerning the prevention of drug consumption and distribution; 2. Suggests EU to foster community exercise programs by making public spaces available for neighborhood social gatherings which would bring people together in order to diminish the tension between citizens; 3. Invites EU to increase the fines and jail time for illegal dealing prescription drugs to minors; 4. Seeks mass media to be relatable to teenagers when used as a means of negative advertisement of the circulation and consumption of drugs; 5. Encourages conferences and public speeches by former addicts to be organized under the supervision of HDG1 which include all EU countries and aim to clarify or specify any uncertainties; 6. Urges EU to organize mandatory information sessions in universities, high, middle and elementary schools about the harmful health effects of drugs, in addition to enforce existing rules on drug consumption more strictly through the aid of the EMCDDA2; 7. Further encourages investments to be made in the vindication or disapproval of the research concerning cannabis as a gateway to harder drugs; 8. Instructs the number of mandatory doctors appointments funded by the governments of EU MB’s to create therapy and rehab centers to be constructed and operated as public goods;
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Horizontal Drugs Working Group European Monitoring Centre for Drugs and Drug Addiction
9. Invites volunteer psychologists to work in therapy and rehab centers by incentivizing them with lower income tax rates; 10. Welcomes an anonymous non-government emergency drug hotline to be created to take actions on reports of misuse of drugs and to give assistance on the topic of illicit drugs; 11. Considers the fact that school-based treatments are more effective than mass media, more money to be invested in interventions and youth development programs (work with groups of teenagers to promote personal development, self-esteem, self/personal interests in order to diminish the effects peer pressure has on ones decision making ability); 12. Proposes apparel promoting or employing the theme of illicit drugs to not be allowed in public schools and the promotion of drugs in media to be sanctioned; 13. Requests drug-bashing books to be put in the curriculums of both middle and high schools and to increase the number of inspections it has per year for drugs in addition; 14. Draws attention to the name of support groups for drug addicts ADA3 or DAA4 to be created and adopt mentoring “strategies and systems between its participants/numbers� ; 15. Calls for EU member states to organize mandatory counseling sessions for families with children who have drug dose history, which social security officials will control twice annually.
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Anonymous Drug Addicts Drug Addicts Anonymous
MOTION FOR A RESOLUTION BY THE COMMITTEE ON HUMAN RIGHTS Minorities of race, sex, age or any other type have been historically discriminated against. In recent decades, even though the fight against discrimination increased, people belonging to multiple minority groups still struggle with amplified discrimination. What measures can the EU take to decrease multiple discrimination incidents and provide quality of opportunity to everyone? Submitted by:
Yeraz ARSLAN (Getronagan), Yakup Attila (Korkmaz Yiğit Anadolu), Nur Su BABAN (İzmir Türk Koleji BTK Anadolu), Eren BAHAR (Ayazağa Işık), İpek BAYER (Bilfen), Aslınaz BAKAR (Notre Dame De Sion), Defne BUYURMAN (TED Istanbul), Su Zeynep DEMİRBALA (Irmak Okulları), Ronahi DÖLEK (Mustafa Saffet Anadolu), Didem ERBEN (Marmara College), Mustafa Efe ERDOĞAN (İzmir Türk Koleji Fen Lisesi BÇK), Mehrnaz JAVADIAN (MEF International), Ayşe Begüm KARAOĞLU (İzmir Türk Koleji Fen Lisesi BTK), Naz Lal MUTLU (ENKA), Müge PERİŞAN (Kültür College), Dilan ŞİMŞEK (Adapazarı ENKA), Arda SABANCI (Kabataş Erkek), Melis UYGUN (Anabilim College), Mina YILIK (Üsküdar American Academy), Polin ZÜMRÜTTAŞ (Kadıköy Anadolu), Alaz Ada YENER (Chairperson), Eda GÜLER (Vice President)
The Enka Youth Forum 2014, A. Bearing in mind that marginalized people are underrepresented, misrepresented and discriminated against in media, employment, social life, politics, education, healthcare because of the stigma, B. Noting with deep concern that the marginalized groups are being excluded from holding official ranks (e.g.,. local administration, lawmaking, etc.) resulting them not having enough representatives in media, government, education system etc., C. Concerned by the lack of aspects and comprehensive qualities of education that causes stereotyping, bullying, xenophobia, a bias perspective, D. Observing that both genders are facing discrimination and/or problems from the patriarchal societies such as unequal salaries, social pressure, harassment, unequal education, social image and stereotypical judgments, E. Keeping in mind that the immigrants are being treated unequally by the society and the government due to religion; racial, language and cultural differences; physical appearance and disabilities, F. Deeply disturbed that LGBTQ+ are being discriminated against the society as they’re not seen fit into the common norms of sexual orientation, because of lack of objective education, awareness, open-mindedness,
G. Deeply regretting that the youth who don’t have economic freedom are subjected to more discrimination due to the lack of experience and the seniors because of physical strengths and their approach to technology, H. Declaring that the minorities don’t get fair treatment as the majorities in workplace due to the instabilities in legislation which causes wage gaps, I. Fully alarmed that people belonging to multiple marginalized groups (intersectionalism) face amplified discrimination,
1. Calls for the creation of a government domain website which includes appropriate job opportunities for people with various disabilities;
2. Supports the usage of mass media in order to help marginalized groups express their perspectives, experiences, and needs;
3. Calls upon the need for regular seminars about different sexual orientations starting in
middle school and a subject in the health class curriculum during high school that will:
a. Cover the curriculum prepared by the European Health Organization (EHO), b. Be approved by the pediatricians and teachers assigned by the EHO, c. Aim to decrease the prejudice and increase awareness and acceptance; 4. Requests an establishment that will be in accordance with the Charter of Fundamental Rights (CFR) and the Social Charter (SC), which will:
a. Provide a free call center which will be dealing with the complaints of the workers that face discrimination in their work fields,
b. Provide free legal assistance to those who need, c. Have a policy to keep the clients’ information private, d. Use the collected fees for the organizations working for minority rights such, as the European Commission against Racism and Intolerance (ECRI), the European Roma Right Centre (ERRC) and the European Network against Racism (ENAR),
v. Assign experienced and approved officers who have already successfully dealt with discrimination or hate crimes to help and educate officers in training in Academies to decrease police brutality, prejudice and injustice in law enforcement;
5. Calls upon the creation of elective classes regarding various cultures, histories and languages of marginalized and minority groups where there are high populations of these groups and/or it is demanded;
6. Urges employers to have a trial period where they can observe the prospective employee while giving them a reduced salary to provide employment opportunities and economic relief for minority youth;
7. Invites local administrations to increase skill building programs for disadvantaged minorities to prepare them for the job market;
8. Encourages NGOs currently working in favor of minorities to consider multiple discrimination and intersectionalism in their research and policies.
MOTION FOR A RESOLUTION BY THE COMMITTEE ON FOREIGN AFFAIRS In the spring of 2014, the whole international community was shocked by a new terrorist organization, ISIS, aiming to create a new Islamic state in the Middle East. In the process, the group killed thousands, invaded strategically important cities and oppressed any person who had different beliefs, including Europeans living in the area. What steps should the EU take to ensure peace in the Middle East and provide safety for those in the area? Submitted by:
Atakan AL(İstek Atanur Oğuz High School), Atakan AL(İstek Atanur Oğuz High School), Buse AK (Kadıköy Anadolu High School), Tais ARSLAN (Getronagan High School), Elif Göksenin AYGEN (Kültür Fen High School), Doruk Ant BAYAR (Adapazarı Enka High School), Ceylin BORMALI(Notre Dame de Sion High School), Eylül DIRI (Kabataş Erkek High School), Melike DURMAZ (Çamlıca Bilfen High School), Mert EGE(Üsküdar American Academy), Namık Kemal ERSEN (İzmir Türk College BÇK), Sarah FARINHA (MEF International School), Özgür GENCER (American Robert College), Melisa GUNDUC (Izmir Türk College Fen), Defne KOLAY (Izmir Türk College Fen), İdil OZBEK (Irmak Schools), Kerim İsa SOYALP (TED Istanbul Schools), Melih SEN (Enka Schools), Göktürk VERCAN (TED Bursa), Furkan YILDIZ (Mustafa Saffet Anadolu High School), Gözde İrem ZOR (Anabilim High School), Ali Emre Ak (Vice President), Mert Ege Açıkgöz (Chairperson)
Enka Youth Forum 2014, A. Deeply disturbed by the fact that ISIS can easily obtain weaponry by: i. Stealing from war zones, ii. Purchasing from the black market which profits the arms dealers, B. Deeply concerned that ISIS improves its economy by: i. Smuggling resources through the black market, ii. Stealing (420 million dollars from Iraq’s Central Bank), iii. Collecting taxes from the residents of their territories, C. Fully alarmed by the fact that in order to establish a Sunni Islamic state, ISIS invaded some cities in Syria and Iraq such as Mosul, Fallujah, ar-Raqqah, thus getting closer to EU borders, D. Fully aware that ISIS is not just a threat to the countries within the same region but a threat to the world because of the devastating actions it has taken such as: i. Executing the journalists it has captured, ii. Threatening various nations of the world,
E. Noting that in order to better influence the Sunni population, ISIS’s leader announced himself as the caliphate without the consent of the whole Islamic society, F. Noting with regret that as a result of ISIS attacks and conflicts with ISIS, many people are forced to live in poor conditions (no shelter, food, healthcare, education, etc…) as refugees in neighboring countries, G. Recognizing that the financial aid from EC to countries such as Turkey regarding the refugee problem is not enough, H. Deeply conscious that ISIS trades in the black market to create allies in order to gain support, I. Concerned that the strong propaganda and videos that call people from all over the world for Jihad and promise the recruits better living standards increase the number of ISIS participants who aren’t truly informed, J. Alarmed that ISIS, with its extremist jihadist ideas, insults, and damages other beliefs by the use of brute force and killed up to 24.000 civilians, K. Recognizing that countries are having trouble deciding whether they should fight against ISIS or not, L. Bearing in mind that Turkey and Northern Iraq have important roles because the coalition only sends air strikes,
M. Noting with deep concern that ISIS does not respect the fundamental human rights, as evidenced by their actions such as: i. Preventing women from leaving their houses, ii. Forcing women to cover themselves, iii. Holding people as hostages, iv. Sexually assaulting women, v. Using women as slaves, vi. Human trafficking,
1. Affirms that people should be educated about ISIS by the use of PSA; 2. Suggests governments of EU Member States consider blocking websites promoting ISIS;
3. Strongly condemns the actions of ISIS and encourages countries to take a stance against ISIS; a. By providing humanitarian supplements, b. By using mass media;
4. Invites neighboring countries to ISIS to strengthen their border controls; 5. Emphasizes that EU will financially support the neighboring states against ISIS if the need arises;
6. Requests UN to pass a resolution about deploying peacekeeper troops to help strengthen border security in the Levant area;
7. Calls upon the coalition against ISIS to agree to defend EU borders should the need arise;
8. Further requests the arms companies to create surveillance systems for the weapons they manufacture;
9. Supports the creation of an organization by the coalition that inspects the flow of weaponry to prevent ISIS from obtaining arms;
10.Further invites EU Member States and other countries to increase the funds for the countries that accept refugees;
11. Further request mosques in EU that have influence to not recognize ISIS leaders as caliphates and to deliver speeches condemning the actions of ISIS;
12. Authorizes the development of a plan that helps Muslim countries in poor condition to ensure security for themselves in order to eliminate the terrorist sanctuaries;
13. Considers that Turkey and Northern Iraq could be compensated financially if they offer their military capabilities for help against ISIS.
MOTION FOR A RESOLUTION BY THE COMMITTEE ON INTERNATIONAL TRADE Russia supplies almost 25% of Europe's natural gas, which is used in key activities such as heating, electricity production and industrial activities. Bearing in mind the possibility of Russia cutting energy sources for political and economic causes, what steps can the EU take to reduce and abolish the energy dependence on Russia?
Submitted by:
Başak Ilgaz AÇIKYILDIZ (Kabataş Anadolu High School), Beril AKAR (Kadıköy Anadolu High School), Baran ATASOY (Anabilim College), Arda BAL (İzmir Türk College Science High School), Kemal BALKAN (İstek Atanur Oğuz College), Ata COSKUN (TED İstanbul College), Ayberk DEMİRKOL (Üsküdar American Academy), Selin ERDEM (Notr Dame de Sion Fransız High School), Defne GAZIOGLU (Eyüboğlu High School), Ekinsu KADIROGLU (İzmir Türk College BTK), Ömer KAHRAMAN (Üsküdar Americam Academy), Pınar KOCAK (Bahçeşehir Bilfen College), Burak KUCUKKOMURCU (Eyüboğlu High School), Melis TANIS (Habire Yahşi Anadolu High School), Marko TURAC (Gestronagan Armenian High School), Bora UCAR (Marmara College), Sezan VAKHPIEVA (TED Bursa College), Hüseyin Can YILDIZ (Adapazarı Enka College), Alara YUNUS (Mustafa Saffet Anadolu High School), Qi ZHENG (Özel Ayazağa Işık High School), Ilgaz Azra ATILGAN (Chairperson), Deniz YILMAZER (President of the Forum)
The Enka Youth Forum 2014, A. Noting with concern because Ukraine had not paid its debts on time resulting in Russia: a. Cutting the gas supply in 2007-2009 into Ukraine, which resulted in a major conflict, b. Recently applying high interest rates on gas for Ukraine, B. Regretting the asymmetrical interdependence of Russia and EU which states that: a. Russia can survive without EU’s gas bills for about a year, b. In the current circumstances, EU can only survive for 30 days without Russian gas, C. Observing the recent initiations of natural gas trade between Russia and various Asian countries, especially China, which caused the Russian dependence on EU markets to decrease, D. Having approved of the fact that Russia supplies 25% of EU’s natural gas demand,
E. Deeply disturbed that life, welfare, and industrial activities in EU will deteriorate if Russia cuts the natural gas supply, considering that almost all of the imported natural gas is used in above mentioned areas, F. Concerned that EU does not have a current backup plan in case of a natural gas cut by Russia, G. Alarmed by the constant threat of a possible political conflict between EU and Russia, H. Drawing attention to the fact that Russian economy has been experiencing a recession due to: a. Ruble losing 75% of its value against the American dollar, b. Oil crush caused by an oversupply of natural gas and petroleum by the US to the global markets, 1. Supports the use of alternative energy sources in EU such as: a. Solar energy, b. Geothermal energy, c. Wind energy, d. Hydroelectric energy: i. Dams, ii. Ocean currents, iii. Tidal power; 2. Instructs all European countries to decrease their dependency on Russian natural gas by: a. Increasing natural gas trade with Libya, Norway, and Algeria, b. Making natural gas trade agreements with Qatar, US, Turkmenistan, Kazakhstan, Kuwait and UAE; 3. Approves the subsidization of European technology firms that Russia is dependent on, so that they can enter the international markets with cheaper prices that result in Russia being more economically dependent on EU; 4. Considers encouraging Turkey, Azerbaijan and Turkmenistan to maintain Nabucco pipeline project by: a. Including Turkey in TAFTA (Trans Atlantic Free Trade Area), b. Providing: i. More job opportunities, ii. New market conveniences for aforementioned countries by Nabucco project; 5. Calls upon European Central Bank and IMF to give financial help to Ukraine in order to pay their debt to Russia by installments; 6. Authorizes setting up a bi-annual committee consisting of an equal number of representatives from EU, Ukraine and Russia to function in order to find suitable solutions for the natural gas issue;
7. Designates to raise the awareness of citizens to use energy sources more efficiently in order to reduce energy consumption by: a. Media advertisements, b. Billboards, c. Workshops, d. Published articles; 8. Approves forming an annual committee of EU specialists in the energy sector, which will result in the finding of new pathways of energy use in a more efficient way.
MOTION FOR A RESOLUTION BY THE COMMITTEE ON CIVIL LIBERTIES, JUSTICE AND HOME AFFAIRS With the technology developing and spreading widely, it is becoming more and more difficult to protect cyber security, as the whole international society grasped after WikiLeaks and NSA file leakages. How can the EU ensure that cyber security and personal freedoms are protected?
Submitted by:
Aksel Sabah (Notre Dame De Sion), Arda Sülecik (Üsküdar Amerikan Lisesi), Ares Çekem (Özel Getronagan Ermeni Lisesi), Ata Girit (Kültür Fen Lisesi), Ata Yenidoğan (Robert College), Birce Irmak (ITK Fen Lisesi), Deniz Atay (MEF International), Deniz Mert Yayla (FMV Ayazağa Işık Lisesi), , Deniz Ivan Angel Oruç (Marmara Koleji), Dila Balci (Eyüboğlu High School), Ege Akpinar (Notre Dame De Sion), Ege Uğur Amasya (Kabataş Erkek Lisesi), Kristaq Tralo (Aleksander Xhuvani University), Melis Koçak (TED Bursa Koleji), Mesut Çalışkan (Özel Bahçeşehir Anadolu Lisesi), Mina Karaarslan (Mustafa Saffet Anadolu Lisesi), Nesli Özüm Yücel (Izmir Türk Koleji), Necat Cansal Arnas (TED Istanbul Koleji), Sıla Yıldırım (Anabilim Koleji),Yagmur Çelebioğlu (Izmir Türk Koleji), Ege Akpinar (Notre Dame De Sion), Ege Akpinar (Notre Dame De Sion), Arda Berk Sağır (Chairperson), Zehra Yağmur Yılmaz (Chairperson)
The Enka Youth Forum 2014,
A. Alarmed by the fact that personal data of citizens stored in any electronic medium is at risk of being illegally acquired by cyber-criminals, B. Taking into account that citizens’ personal data is being traded by companies without their informed consent, C. Concerned by the fact that cyber-criminals can penetrate the security system of monetary institutions due to the deficiencies in encryption of online banking, D. Fully alarmed by the fact that political agendas and potential benefits drive countries to employ methods of cyber-crime, damaging relations and trust between countries by causing tension, E. Deeply disturbed by the reflection of cyber-bullying on the society, emerging as the unauthorized sharing of private images and videos, leakage of personal information, threatening the freedom and reputation of individuals,
F. Noting with deep concern that the security and information storage systems of many popular online platforms are insufficient in preserving private information of users, G. Taking into consideration that 62% of Internet users believe that their personal information has been leaked, H. Having examined the past crises regarding cyber-crime, such as the 2003 incident which caused the loss of 226 billion dollars, or the 2000 incident that resulted in companies such as eBay, Amazon and Yahoo being hacked,
1. Recommends that member states consider cyber-crime as a legitimate form of crime and establish a common legal framework regarding cyber-crime in cooperation with ENISA; 2. Endorses the use of virtual credit cards to prevent cyber-criminals from accessing personal and banking information of EU citizens, resulting in monetary and identity theft; 3. Encourages an increase of public awareness by: a. Including topics regarding cyber-security in the school curriculum, b. Advertisements and public service announcements, c. Seminars; 4. Calls upon an increase in the funding of research and development on cyber-security in order to avert possible cyber-attacks by: a. Education of qualified IT workers, b. Improvement of current technology regarding anti-hacking and cracking systems (e.g. firewalls); 5. Considers the establishment of an EU-based agency similar in function to the US Cyber Command in order to prevent international cyber-attacks, espionage, theft of intellectual property and breaches of national security; 6. Calls for the use of encryption standards such as the Advanced Encryption System (AES) by parties that state personal information such as websites to inhibit trade and use of personal data; 7. Expresses its hope that EU encourages large-scale database owners such as banks to store data on devices disconnected from the Internet as opposed to cloud servers, disc archives, and secure network zones which are susceptible to attacks;
8. Supports the promotion and expansion of open source software to reduce illegal content in cyber-space; 9. Requests realization of global conferences which will air worldwide channels and on Internet with great advertisements via social media by EU; 10. Reminds the necessity of reporting illegal web pages by citizens; 11. Invites concerned institutions to adopt impervious procedures to avoid possible cyberattacks by: a. Enhancing the usage of alphanumeric encryptions b. Applying 3D secure protocol.