MANAGED OUTCOMES -‐ Final seminar MANAGED OUTCOMES (Operations management and demand-‐based approaches to healthcare outcomes and cost-‐benefits research) project would like to announce the final seminar that will take place on 5th of December 2012, in the Finland's Permanent Representation to the European Union, located in the Rue de Trèves 100 B-‐1040, Brussels. We will be bringing together leading experts from all spheres of the technological and health sectors in order to inform, discuss and debate how scientific innovation can reshape and transform the care process. We would like to take this opportunity to cordially invite you to attend at this final seminar. The venue will be available from 9:30 am for registration and welcome coffee and the final seminar will start at 10:00 am until 16:00 pm. Seminar is free of charge, but seats are limited. To reserve a place at the seminar, please confirm your attendance by 27 November via registration link at‐OUTCOMES-‐2012. For more information about MANAGED OUTCOMES project, please visit the site Timetable
9.30-‐10.00 Registration and coffee 10.00-‐10.30 Welcome, project overview and emerging findings 10.30-‐11.45 MANAGED OUTCOMES methodology illustrated with type-‐2 diabetes case 11.45-‐12.30 Discussion: Current health policy issues and potential contributions of Managed Outcomes project 12.30-‐13.30 Lunch 13.30-‐14.00 MANAGED OUTCOMES practical impacts 14.00-‐14.30 Feedback of the discussion session 14.30-‐15.15 Regional healthcare service delivery scenarios 15.15-‐15.45 Discussion 15.45-‐16.00 Future agenda
The research leading to these results has received funding from the European Union's Seventh Framework Programme (FP7/2007-‐2013) under grant agreement no FP/-‐241741