D.6.7 Report on Extra-European LL Networking
1 Introduction This report describes activities performed outside Europe and provides documentation
of outcomes for further dissemination. The activities are focussed on two specific
countries: Brazil and in South Africa, as the themes of the living labs in Brazil an South
do match very well the energy efficiency domain (Brasil, China) and healthcare domain (South Africa)
The Living Lab concept has been successfully adopted in Southern Africa as well as in
Brazil. This has been achieved, among other factors, via learning from the C@R project
(South Africa), active dissemination at various workshops and events, as well as the
exchange of staff between e.g. Meraka Institute (South Africa) and Amsterdam Living Lab (Netherlands) and via international organizations such as SAP. The foreseen
activities in this task consist of e.g. organizing joint workshops, exchange of expert staff of different Living Labs, provision of services and tools, exchange of results and insights
of the cross-border pilots and methods of APOLLON with the Living Labs in South Africa,
i.e. via the network of Living Labs in Southern Africa (LLiSA) and in Brazil where Living Labs are emerging in various places.
The goals for Apollon to engage in Extra European living lab has been: •
to create a cooperation between the established thematic network of Living Labs and international stakeholders and
a method and environment through which European SMEs easily can explore
emerging markets outside the EU (e.g. Southern Africa, South-America and
The next sections describe the Extra-European Dissemination Activities that have been undertaken in APOLLON in Brasil, China, and Southern Africa.
Final Version