Apollon – Deliverable 3.3
Cross border Activities: Business partnerships
In this section we list the cross border activities that have the aim to establish direct business partnerships and clustering of SMEs. Although the other cross border activities involve engagement of businesses, they will be driven by technology testing (see section 5) and knowledge transfer (see section 6). For Apollon it is important that the expectations of the Living Lab pilots also have sufficient attention on the business aspect, in terms of creating business i.e. realizing the SME’s and companies motivations, as well as benchmarking and business Intelligence.
Discussions already took place between different SMEs aiming for cooperation strategies, i.e. between ISA and Plugwise.
4.1 Business partnership ISA – Plugwise Apollon Key account: Maria Benquerença Apollon Partners involved: ISA Associated partners involved: Plugwise Time frame: ended, failed due to technological problems and difficulties in the integration process. The activity in short: the partnership had its main focus on the integration of both solutions in order to have a closed product for the market. User involvement: Users were to test the integrated solution in terms of usability and propose new features and improvements. Expectations for success: closed and complete solution to achieve new and different markets.
Apollon ICT PSP Deliverable
Final Version, 01/02/2011