Apollon Final Report view the business prospects for cooperation between themselves and partners in the energy domain. It also creates the possibility to exchange best practices between Living Labs and creates an understanding of the measurable data in the experiments. We have studied the best ways to collect data, to show the measurement data to end users and to implement a user behaviour methodology to be used in the different Living Labs.
5 eManufacturing Experiment The eManufacturing experiment focused on technical implementation of several Future Manufacturing use cases based on using a SAP Research middleware platform prototype. Due to the economic crisis onboarding of Hungarian SMEs by the local Living Lab proved not feasible; instead in a dual cross-border setting of Portugal and Germany, a very close collaboration was set up and organized. For SMEs, Living Labs as well as the Large Enterprise involved there was a clear value added of participating in the project, which was fundamental for the cross-border project collaboration. The experiments entailed the usage of a middleware platform prototype for plant energy monitoring and management (Germany), tracking and tracing of tools and material in a factory environment (Germany), energy consumption monitoring (Portugal), and asset viewing and management (Portugal).
Various means for collaboration, proper project management and technology training and transfer were applied and validated, both from the pilot team’s own selection and based on recommendations from WP1. A new means for building trust has been identified, when faceto-face meetings are not possible: the webcam tour combined with online application sharing lays a foundation for building trust in the technology capabilities of the partner, which is essential in the manufacturing environment. And the possibility to being exposed through such a means after having successfully completed a project with the Future Factory in Germany offers a valuable means of communication in addition for any SME abroad. With respect to IPR issues, especially with the supporting partners, who were not bound by the APOLLON consortium agreement, contracts like “Software Development Licensing ICT PSP Project Reporting Template
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