Apollon - Report on Networking Activities

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DELIVERABLE Project Acronym:


Grant Agreement number:


Project Title:

Advanced Pilots of Living Labs Operating in Networks

D6.3 Report on Networking Activities & Workshops (M1 – M30) Version: Final


Chiara Santoro (ESoCE-Net) Roberto Santoro (ESoCE-Net) Alessandro Braccini (ESoCE-Net)

Project co-funded by the European Commission within the ICT Policy Support Programme Dissemination Level P



Confidential, only for members of the consortium and the Commission Services


D6.3 Report on Networking Activities & Workshops

Revision History Revision







C. Santoro


Preliminary version



A. Braccini


1.1 3.0

Rev 4 Rev 4


A. Braccini


A. Braccini

08.02.2011 21.02.2011

A. Braccini


Update version for M11


Revision RM


A. Braccini


Revision M12

M12-M18 update

Overall project extent compliant report

Rev 5

June 2011

A. Braccini


Rev 6

Jan 2012

A. Braccini


January 2012 update



Rev 6

Dec. 2011

Rev 6

Apr 2012

Rev 7

May 2012

Rev 6

Apr 2012

A. Braccini


A. Braccini


A. Braccini


K. De Vos & P. Ballon

June update

December update

April 2012 update Edits

The information in this document is provided as is and no guarantee or warranty is given that the information is fit for any particular purpose. The user thereof uses the information at its sole risk and liability.

Statement of originality: This deliverable contains original unpublished work except where clearly indicated otherwise. Acknowledgement of previously published material and of the work of others has been made through appropriate citation, quotation or both. APOLLON ICT PSP Project


Final Version

D6.3 Report on Networking Activities & Workshops

Executive Summary The APOLLON project (Advanced Pilots of Living Labs Operating in Networks) started on 1st November 2009 with the duration of 30 months. The present deliverable, “Report on networking activities and workshops”, addresses all the activities done in the overall project extent (from November 1st 2009 through April 2012) to disseminate APOLLON results, involve partners and building consensus. Thus, after showing an overview of the dissemination & sustainability activities and the related deadlines along the entire project, the following activities are described: 1. Events & Workshops 2. Information Material and Journal Publication 3. Web Platform 4. Partners Involvement As for Events & Workshops, APOLLON included in its plan the organization of 5 Generic Events and several domain specific and additional events (hereafter defined “other events”). For what concern the generic event APOLLON coordinated its activities with: -

The Living Lab, User Driven Open Innovation and Future Internet networking (with EnoLL 4th wave launch - April, Valencia 2010);


ICT 2010 (September 2010);


The Future Internet Conference (December 2010);


The International Conference for Concurrent Enterprising (Aachen, June 2011);


The EsoCE-Net Industry Forum 2011;


The APOLLON Final Conference – User-Driven Open Innovation Ecosystems go really Local … Across Borders (May 2012).

Referring to the Information Material and Journal publication activities, many outcomes were scheduled and carried during the project extent: -

Dissemination Material from the generic events


Development and distribution of “Guidelines and editing details for the 4 Thematic Brochures”


General Brochure (version 1 and 2) editing


eNewsletters, one issue for each six month project period


APOLLON standard presentation



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D6.3 Report on Networking Activities & Workshops -

Journal publications Thematic domain network brochure

Moreover, most of this material has been made available on the APOLLON portal. In fact, after the initial version of the website that was finalised by 6th April 2010 by WP 7/IBBT; ESoCE-net, in collaboration with WP7, has acted as the main editor and content inspiration for the whole portal web refining the structure, the logic of the proposed documents and the articles published. This activity has included the validation of inputs and contribution from all APOLLON partners, in particular the WP Leaders, and the redefinition of the core SMEs section. Furthermore other updates have been done on the website, distinguishing between the global and the two dedicated sections for SMEs and Partners (Overview section). Finally specific activities, mainly including the described events, have been carried out achieving a good level result of partner’s involvement, with good results.



Final Version

D6.3 Report on Networking Activities & Workshops

Table of Contents 1 Introduction ...................................................................................................................................................... 9 2 WP6 Dissemination & Sustainability Activities.................................................................................. 10 3 APOLLON Dissemination Activities ........................................................................................................ 13 3.1 Workshops and Events – M1 - M12...................................................................................................... 13 3.1.1 GENERIC EVENTS: Living Lab, User Driven Open Innovation and Future Internet networking and ENoLL 4yh wave launch, 14th April 2010 .............................................................................. 13 Meeting objectives, organisation and execution ................................................................................ 13 Programme ..................................................................................................................................................... 14 Attendance ...................................................................................................................................................... 16 Outcomes ......................................................................................................................................................... 17 3.1.2 GENERIC EVENTS: ICT 2010 - Europe's most visible forum for ICT research and innovation 18 Meeting objectives, organisation and execution ................................................................................ 18 Programme ..................................................................................................................................................... 18 The event presented the demos of the two APOLLON sectors and the concrete and most advanced results from pilot project experiences. ......................................................................................................................... 18 Attendance ...................................................................................................................................................... 19 Outcomes ......................................................................................................................................................... 19 3.1.3 SPECIFIC EVENTS: ICT 2010 – Networking Session on “Living labs can help establish crossborder co-operation for new, innovative and smart ICT solutions and future internet services to enhance citizens’ well-being” ........................................................................................................................................ 20 3.1.4 Workshop Objectives ......................................................................................................................................... 20 Programme ..................................................................................................................................................... 20 Attendance ...................................................................................................................................................... 21 Outcomes ......................................................................................................................................................... 21 3.1.5 OTHER EVENTS: CIP ICT PSP Smart Cities meeting, 26th January 2010 ..................................... 21 Meeting objectives, organisation and execution ................................................................................ 21 Programme ..................................................................................................................................................... 22 Attendance ...................................................................................................................................................... 23 Outcomes ......................................................................................................................................................... 23 3.1.6 OTHER EVENTS: The Internation Conference on Concurrent Engineering – 21 – 23 June 2010 – Lugano ..................................................................................................................................................................... 24 Meeting objectives, organisation and execution ................................................................................ 24 Attendance ...................................................................................................................................................... 25 Outcomes ......................................................................................................................................................... 25 3.1.7 OTHER EVENTS: Bled Conference – 20-23 June 2010 ......................................................................... 25 Meeting objectives, organisation and execution ................................................................................ 25 Programme ..................................................................................................................................................... 26 Outcomes ......................................................................................................................................................... 27 3.2 Workshops and Events – M13 - M18 ................................................................................................... 27 3.2.1 GENERIC EVENT: Future Internet Conference Week – 13 - 17 December 2010, Ghent ....... 28 Meeting objectives, organisation and execution ................................................................................ 28



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D6.3 Report on Networking Activities & Workshops Programme ..................................................................................................................................................... 28 Attendance ...................................................................................................................................................... 29 Outcomes ......................................................................................................................................................... 29 3.2.2 SPECIFIC EVENTS: Future Factory Visitors Day 2011 - January 28, 2011 .................................. 30 Workshop Objectives ..................................................................................................................................... 30 Attendance ...................................................................................................................................................... 31 Outcomes ......................................................................................................................................................... 31 3.2.3 SPECIFIC EVENTS: Imagina 2011 - February 1-2-3, 2011 ................................................................. 31 Workshop Objectives ..................................................................................................................................... 31 Programme ..................................................................................................................................................... 32 Attendance ...................................................................................................................................................... 33 Outcomes ......................................................................................................................................................... 34 3.2.4 SPECIFIC EVENTS: Smart people and Energy Efficiency - March 16, 2011 ................................ 34 Workshop Objectives ..................................................................................................................................... 35 Attendance ...................................................................................................................................................... 35 Outcomes ......................................................................................................................................................... 35 3.2.5 OTHER EVENTS: ESoCE Industry Forum 2010 – Workshop on Living Labs and reality checks: new opportunities for SMEs .......................................................................................................................... 35 Meeting objectives, organisation and execution ................................................................................ 35 Programme ..................................................................................................................................................... 36 Attendance ...................................................................................................................................................... 37 Outcomes ......................................................................................................................................................... 37 3.3 Workshops and Events – M19 – M24 .................................................................................................. 39 3.3.1 GENERIC EVENT: ICE Conference 21-23 June 2011 ............................................................................. 39 Meeting objectives, organisation and execution ................................................................................ 39 Programme ..................................................................................................................................................... 39 Attendance ...................................................................................................................................................... 42 Outcomes ......................................................................................................................................................... 42 3.3.2 SPECIFIC EVENTS: Energy Thematic Domain Network Launch, Lisbon - ENERGY: 4 May 2011 – 43 Meeting objectives, organisation and execution ................................................................................ 43 Programme ..................................................................................................................................................... 43 Attendance ...................................................................................................................................................... 44 Outcomes ......................................................................................................................................................... 44 3.3.3 SPECIFIC EVENTS: Second Future Factory Webcam Tour 2011 – 15 June 2011 ..................... 45 Meeting objectives, organisation and execution ................................................................................ 45 Programme ..................................................................................................................................................... 45 Attendance ...................................................................................................................................................... 45 Outcomes ......................................................................................................................................................... 45 3.3.4 SPECIFIC EVENTS: European workshop - "e-culture 2.0" - Issy-les-Moulineaux – June 24 45 Meeting objectives, organisation and execution ................................................................................ 45 Programme ..................................................................................................................................................... 46 Attendance ...................................................................................................................................................... 46 Outcomes ......................................................................................................................................................... 47 APOLLON ICT PSP Project


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D6.3 Report on Networking Activities & Workshops 3.3.5 OTHER EVENTS: Future Internet Assembly – Budapest - Smart Cities and FIRE: Experimentation and Living Labs for the Future Internet – Session – May 2011 ................................... 48 Meeting objectives, organisation and execution ................................................................................ 48 Programme ..................................................................................................................................................... 49 Attendance ...................................................................................................................................................... 49 Outcomes ......................................................................................................................................................... 49 3.3.6 OTHER EVENTS: 24th Bled Conference 12-15 June 2011 ................................................................. 50 Meeting objectives, organisation and execution ................................................................................ 50 Programme ..................................................................................................................................................... 51 Attendance ...................................................................................................................................................... 51 Outcomes ......................................................................................................................................................... 51 3.3.7 OTHER EVENTS: Living Lab Summer School 2011: You Can Learn to Innovate through Living Labs – 29 August – 2 September .................................................................................................................... 51 Meeting objectives, organisation and execution ................................................................................ 52 Programme ..................................................................................................................................................... 52 Attendance ...................................................................................................................................................... 52 Outcomes ......................................................................................................................................................... 52 3.3.8 OTHER EVENTS: The PICNIC festival – Amsterdam – Septermber 2011 .................................... 53 Meeting objectives, organisation and execution ................................................................................ 53 Programme and Outcomes ...................................................................................................................... 53 3.3.9 OTHER EVENTS: Making Progress and Economic Enhancement a Reality for SMEs: New Approaches Towards RTDI Programmes – Brussels – Committee of Regions ......................................... 53 Meeting objectives, organisation and execution ................................................................................ 53 Programme ..................................................................................................................................................... 54 Attendance and Outcomes ....................................................................................................................... 54 3.3.10 OTHER EVENTS: Innovation Forum of Bouygues Immobilier (FIBI) – 5-6 October 2011 55 Meeting objectives, organization and execution .............................................................................. 55 Programme .................................................................................................................................................. 55 Attendance ................................................................................................................................................... 55 Outcomes ...................................................................................................................................................... 55 3.3.11 OTHER EVENTS: Festival FIMBACTE – 10-17 October 2011 ......................................................... 56 Meeting objectives, organization and execution .............................................................................. 56 Programme .................................................................................................................................................. 56 Attendance ................................................................................................................................................... 56 Outcomes ...................................................................................................................................................... 56 3.4 Workshops and Events – M25 – M30 .................................................................................................. 57 3.4.1 GENERIC EVENT: ESoCE Industry Forum 2011 ..................................................................................... 57 Meeting objectives, organisation and execution ................................................................................ 57 Programme ..................................................................................................................................................... 58 Attendance ...................................................................................................................................................... 59 Outcomes ......................................................................................................................................................... 59 3.4.2 OTHER EVENTS: Helsinki EBFR 2011 – 14-15 December – Co-creation of enterprise for problems worth solving ................................................................................................................................................... 60 Meeting objectives, organisation and execution ................................................................................ 60 Programme ..................................................................................................................................................... 60



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D6.3 Report on Networking Activities & Workshops Attendance ...................................................................................................................................................... 61 Outcomes ......................................................................................................................................................... 61 3.4.3 OTHER EVENTS: IPR and Living Labs - Contradiction in terminis or a way for new opportunities - Brussels .................................................................................................................................................. 62 Meeting objectives, organisation and execution ................................................................................ 62 Programme ..................................................................................................................................................... 62 Attendance ...................................................................................................................................................... 62 Outcomes ......................................................................................................................................................... 63 3.4.4 OTHER EVENTS: Imagina – The European 3D Simulation and Virtual Technology Event Monaco 7-9 February........................................................................................................................................................ 63 Meeting objectives, organisation and execution ................................................................................ 63 Programme ..................................................................................................................................................... 64 Attendance ...................................................................................................................................................... 65 Outcomes ......................................................................................................................................................... 66 3.4.5 OTHER EVENTS: Living Lab Business Model Coaching and Best-practice Sharing Workshop - Turin 2-3 April .................................................................................................................................................................. 66 Meeting objectives, organisation and execution ................................................................................ 66 Programme ..................................................................................................................................................... 66 Attendance ...................................................................................................................................................... 67 Outcomes ......................................................................................................................................................... 67 3.4.6 FINAL EVENTS: APOLLON ENoLL Living Lab Conference – 22-23 May 2012 - User-Driven Open Innovation Ecosystems go really Local … Across Borders .................................................................... 67 Meeting objectives, organisation and execution ................................................................................ 68 Programme ..................................................................................................................................................... 68 Attendance ...................................................................................................................................................... 69 Outcomes ......................................................................................................................................................... 70 4 Information Material & Journal Publications ..................................................................................... 71 4.1.1 Dissemination Material from events and workshops .......................................................................... 71 4.1.2 Information Material ......................................................................................................................................... 72 4.1.3 Journal Publications WPs leader................................................................................................................... 73 Relevant Papers published .......................................................................................................................... 73 5 Web Platform .................................................................................................................................................. 75 5.1.1 Web Platform revised workflow ................................................................................................................... 77 6 Partners involvement .................................................................................................................................. 78 6.1.1 Supporting Partners ........................................................................................................................................... 79 6.1.2 Associate Partners .............................................................................................................................................. 81 6.1.3 Supporting Partners and associate partners Strategy ......................................................................... 81 7 Conclusion........................................................................................................................................................ 83 Annex 1: Newsletter 1st issue (M6) ............................................................................................................... 87 Annex 2: Newsletter 2nd issue (M12) ........................................................................................................... 89 Annex 3: Newsletter 3rd issue (M18) ............................................................................................................ 92 Annex 4: Newsletter 4th issue (M24) ............................................................................................................ 98 Annex 5: Newsletter 5th issue (M30) ......................................................................................................... 101



Final Version

D6.3 Report on Networking Activities & Workshops

1 Introduction As described in the Description of Work (DoW), on M29 WP6 Dissemination & Sustainability workpackage has to present the Deliverable 6.3, “APOLLON Report on Networking Activities & Workshops�, in which activities performed during the whole project are described and documentation of outcomes for further dissemination is provided. To better monitor and assess the progress towards the achievement of the dissemination and sustainability objectives, WP6 Team has decided to prepare a report on networking activities and workshops every six months. This approach has a double aim to act as internal use tool for all project partners and for the European Commission review. This report, as available up to M30 (end of the project) and in its interim issue for M18 project review, brings together results from overall project extent. Thus, the present deliverable refers either to every six-month period of the project, from M1 to M30 describing all the activities done up to April 2012 to disseminate APOLLON results, involve partners and building consensus and provides documentation of outcomes for further dissemination.



Final Version

D6.3 Report on Networking Activities & Workshops

2 WP6 Dissemination & Sustainability Activities According to the target objectives of the project and in line with the activities described in the dissemination plan (deliverable 6.1 of the APOLLON project), WP6 has outlined the following table reporting deadlines grouped for a six-month period in order to monitor and assess the progress towards the achievement of the objectives. APOLLON Activities Workshops & Events Generic Events

M1-M6 (Nov 09-Apr 10) April 14th, 2010 - Living Lab, User Driven Open Innovation and Future Internet, Valencia

Domain Specific workshops

M7-M12 (May 10-Oct 10) September 27-29, 2010 – ICT 2010, Brussels

HEALTH: September 27-29, 2010 – ICT 2010, Brussels

M13-M18 (Nov 10-Apr 11) December 13-17, 2010 – Future Internet conference week, Ghent

ICE Conference 21-23 June 2011

MANUFACTURING: January 2011 – Future Factory open days, Dresden

ENERGY: 4 May 2011 – Energy Thematic Domain Network, Lisbon

MEDIA: February 2011 – Imagina 2011

Second Future Factory Webcam Tour 2011 – Dresden – June 15 2011

ENERGY: Smart People and Energy Efficiency – March 2011

Other Events

January 26th, 2010 – Smart Cities, Brussels

June 21-23, 2010 – ICE 2010, Lugano June 20-23, 2010 – Bled Conference, Bled

M19-M24 (May 11-Oct 11)

December 6-7, ESoCE Industry Forum 2010 User Driven Open Innovation For SMEs

European workshop "e-culture 2.0" - Issyles-Moulineaux - June 24, 2011 24th Bled Conference 12-15 June 2011 Budapest, may 2011 Future Internet conference week August/September 2011 – EnoLL Living Lab Summer School 2011: You Can Learn to Innovate through Living Labs 14th - 16th September 2011 - The PICNIC festival – Amsterdam 6th October 2011 Making Progress and Economic Enhancement a Reality for SMEs: New Approaches Towards



Final Version

M25-M30 (Nov 11-Apr 12) December 2011 – EsoCE-Net Industrial Forum, Rome 22 May 2012 - UserDriven Open Innovation Ecosystems go really Local … Across Borders – APOLLON Final Event Manufacturing: Future Factory Visitors Day, Dresden 4 Nov 2011 22 May 2012 – Parallel sessions at Smart citizens in smart cities and communities cocreating future Internet-enabled services (eHealth, Energy, Manufacturin, Media) Helsinki EBFR 2011 – 14-15 December – Cocreation of enterprise for problems worth solving Monaco 7-9 February Imagina – The European 3D Simulation and Virtual Technology Event Turin 2-3 April – Living Lab Business Model Coaching and Bestpractice Sharing Workshop

D6.3 Report on Networking Activities & Workshops RTDI Programmes, Brussels Committee of the Regions 5-6 October 2011 Innovation Forum of Bouygues Immobilier (FIBI) 10-17 October 2011 Festival FIMBACTE International Events or Workshops

May 25-27, 2010 WCIT 2010 (Word Summit on ICT), Amsterdam Summer 2010 – Energy Efficiency, Brazil Autumn 2010 - Fablab International Conference 6 edition, Amsterdam

Information Material & Journal Publications Dissemination material • Presentations from Events and • Material for Workshops (to be general purposes made available after for Living Labs; each event and • Material for workshop) specific domains; • Material for SMEs • Videos and Pictures

• Information Material

• •

Journal Publications (see PLAN OF PUBLICATIONS, released on M6 and M15) Web Platform APOLLON portal (continuous updating throughout the whole project duration)

4 page “General Brochure”, vers1, M3 Guidelines and editing details for the 4 “Thematic Brochure” M6 eNewsletter, 1st issue on M6 APOLLON Standard Presentation M4

Set-up M6

• •

• • •

Presentations Material for general purposes for Living Labs; Material for specific domains; Material for SMEs Videos and Pictures

• •

1 thematic network brochure; 1 page recto/verso eNewsletter, 3rd issue on M18

Scientific Publication set up and remind

Papers from the ICE Conference and other events

Downloadable Letter of Support and Declaration of Accession Events and

Portal updates: • ENoLL Knowledge centre portal link • Thematic domain network


• • •

Presentations Material for general purposes for Living Labs; Material for specific domains; Material for SMEs Videos and Pictures

• •

Updated information material M24 eNewsletter, 4th issue on M24

• • •


Publications and Materials on events (general and specific) APOLLON site four pilots update status presentations APOLLON Strategy, Methodoly and Exploitation publication Videos and Pictures “General Brochure”, vers2 1 page retro/verso “Thematic Brochure” per each thematic domain (4 in total) eNewsletter, 2nd issue on M12

November 2010 - LLiSA 2n international Living Lab conference, South Africa Pretoria

Portal updates: • Events and workshops • Papers for general purposes for

Final Version

Presentations Material for general purposes for Living Labs; Material for specific domains; Material for SMEs Videos and Pictures

Updated information material M30 (General Presentation, flyers) eNewsletter, 5th issue on M30

Portal updates: • Events and workshops • Papers for general purposes for

D6.3 Report on Networking Activities & Workshops workshops Information Material • Dissemination Material • APOLLON Strategy, Methodoly and Exploitation • APOLLON site update. What APOLLON offers to SMEs and supporting partners) Update the SME section portal: • Dedicated Events and Workshops • Papers for SME • Information Material • Dissemination Material • Business Opportunity Corner • Methodology and Exploitation •

SME section (continuous updating throughout the whole project duration)

Set-up M6

Supporting and Associate Partners section (continuous updating throughout the whole project duration)

Set-up M6

Partners Involvement Supporting Partners

Associate Partners

measurements to assess the progress toward the achievement of the objectives (M6) measurements to assess the progress toward the achievement of the objectives (M6)


Updated list of “Current Supporting Partners” Updated list of “Current Associate Partners”

measurements to assess the progress toward the achievement of the objectives (M12) measurements to assess the progress toward the achievement of the objectives (M12)


• • •

community pages Events and workshops Information Material Dissemination Material

Update the SME section portal: • SMEs Service window • APOLLON synergies with other projects • Open calls for SMEs • Information Material • Dissemination Material • Business Opportunity Corner • Updated list of “Current Supporting Partners” • Updated list of “Current Associate Partners” measurements to assess the progress toward the achievement of the objectives (M18) measurements to assess the progress toward the achievement of the objectives (M18)

• •

Living Labs and for specific domains Information Material Dissemination Material

Update the SME section portal: • Papers for SME • Information Material • Dissemination Material • Business Opportunity Corner

Updated list of “Current Supporting Partners” Updated list of “Current Associate Partners”

measurements to assess the progress toward the achievement of the objectives (M24) measurements to assess the progress toward the achievement of the objectives (M24)

Final Version

• •

Living Labs and for specific domains Information Material Dissemination Material

Update the SME section portal: • Papers for SME • Information Material • Dissemination Material • Business Opportunity Corner

Updated list of “Current Supporting Partners” Updated list of “Current Associate Partners”

measurements to assess the progress toward the achievement of the objectives (M30) measurements to assess the progress toward the achievement of the objectives (M30)

D6.3 Report on Networking Activities & Workshops

3 APOLLON Dissemination Activities According to the Description of Work (DoW), on M29 WP6 Dissemination & Sustainability workpackage has to present the Deliverable 6.3. This Deliverable describes the activities performed during the whole project and illustrates and provides documentation of outcomes for further dissemination. To better monitor and assess the progress towards the achievement of the dissemination and sustainability objectives, WP6 Team decided to update the report on networking activities and workshops every six months. Thus, the present deliverable refers to the entire duration of the project with update every six months. For the entire 31 months project duration, APOLLON has planned to conduct 2 generic events and 3 “specific workshops” per year, which means a total of 5 generic events and 8 domain specific workshops along the whole project duration (see Deliverable 6.1 of the APOLLON project). The following paragraphs reports the activities for semesters with dissemination APOLLON results, involve partners and building consensus.

3.1 Workshops and Events – M1 - M12 As for the first twelve-month period, two generic events have been attended: -

“Living Lab, User Driven Open Innovation and Future Internet networking and ENoLL 4th wave launch”, took place in Valencia, Spain, on 13-14 April 2010.


ICT 2010 Europe's, the most visible forum for ICT research and innovation that took place in Brussels, Belgium on 27-29th September 2010.

Moreover, APOLLON members took part also in four additional events, the “CIP ICT-PSP Smart Cities Proposal development meeting”, organized on 26th January 2010, in Belgium, in the domain specific event organized within the ICT 2010 (Networking Session on “Living labs can help establish cross-border cooperation for new, innovative and smart ICT solutions and future internet services to enhance citizens’ well-being”), in the 2010 edition of the ICE 2010 (held in Lugano 21-23 June 2010) and the Bled Conference 2010. The next paragraphs summarise the organization, development and outcomes of these events. Considering the first six months project beginning phase this section reports the M1-M6 and M7-M12 project periods together. The following paragraphs include project reporting in a six months basis.


INTERNET NETWORKING AND ENOLL 4YH WAVE LAUNCH, 14TH APRIL 2010 MEETING OBJECTIVES, ORGANISATION AND EXECUTION The aim of the event was to discuss the role of European Network of Living Labs and User Driven Open Innovation in the Future Internet initiative. In particular, ENoLL put together its members and the Living Lab APOLLON ICT PSP Project


Final Version

D6.3 Report on Networking Activities & Workshops community at large in relation to the CIP ICT PSP call on Open innovation for Future Internet-enabled services in Smart Cities and for the Future Internet Public-Private-Partnership (FI PPP). The European Network of Living Labs (ENoLL) welcomes the Commission’s initiatives for the concrete implementation of Future Internet technologies in cities, regions and countries. ENoLL stresses that the Commission’s objective of “smart infrastructures” that bring economic and social benefits to all citizens is not likely to be reached through an exclusively technology-driven process. This is why living labs, that enable open and user-driven experiments and tests and Social Innovation, are the necessary complement to technical test-beds for Future Internet technologies. Living labs are open platforms to engage user communities as contributors to innovations. They provide real-life user needs definition testing facilities offered by local Public-Private-Partnerships with People. Together, the ENoLL members support the "Innovation Lifecycle" for all actors in the system: end-users, SMEs, corporations, public sector and academia (http://www.openlivinglabs.eu). During the event ENoLL, the European Commission and the Spanish Presidency had publicly announced the 4th wave of new Living Lab members. Thus, ENoLL currently coordinates 212 benchmarked European living labs.


This the agenda of the Living Lab, User Driven Open Innovation and Future Internet event that took place on 14th April 2010 at the Valencia Polytechnic University, Campus Vera (Camino de Vera, s/n 46022 Valencia, Spain):

Tuesday 13 April, afternoon: BARCAMP AND LIVING LAB VISITS 13:30–14:00

Registration Location: Building 8G access A. Room on 4th floor


BarCamp Location: Building 8G access A. Room on 4th floor Chair: Jessy Marsh



Welcome and Introduction Location: Building 8G access A. Room on 4th floor Chair: Mikael Borjeson • Welcome by the Host Organization – Juan-Pablo Lázaro-Ramos, CIAMI Living Lab • ENoLL Welcome – Alvaro de Oliveira, Chair, ENoLL Council • Event objectives and practical details – Mikael Börjeson, 4th Wave coordinator

This open Future Internet and Living Lab BarCamp session aims to allow ENoLL Living Labs, especially new 4th wave members, and the Future Internet community to interact, share and exchange knowledge and experiences with brief 5-10 minute presentations of on-going work. For further information and to register to attend or speak visit http://www.barcamp.org/LivingLabCampValencia Visiting tour(s) to CIAMI Living Lab Location: Bus departure from flags area at Ingeniero Fausto Elio street



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D6.3 Report on Networking Activities & Workshops *** Note! Please bring all personal belongings! After CIAMI visit, bus will go back from CIAMI to Valencia Centre (It will not return to Campus) The number of seats is limited (55). Seats will primarily be offered to persons having registered for the tour.

Wednesday 14 April, morning: ENoLL TODAY AND 4th WAVE LAUNCH 09.00–09.30

Registration and coffee Location: Building 8B access M or N. Room: Hall of assembly room (3rd floor)


Living Lab Knowledge and Community Building Location: Building 8B access M or N. Room: Assembly room (3rd floor) Chair: Jarmo Eskelinen • Future Internet Technology and Services Community • European City Community – David Carter, EuroCities • SMEs and Living Labs - Roberto Santoro, project coord. COLLABS • Advanced Cross-Border Living Labs Pilots - Pieter Ballon, project coord. APOLLON



11.30–12.00 11.30–12.15



Introduction Location: Building 8B access M or N. Room: Assembly room (3rd floor) Chair: Mikael Borjeson • Welcome by the Host Organization – Sergio Guillen, ITACA • ENoLL, Introduction – Alvaro de Oliveira, Chair, ENoLL Council • Event 4th Wave background and process – Mikael Börjeson, 4th Wave coordinator.

ENoLL 4th Wave Launch – New Member Welcoming Ceremony Location: Building 8B access M or N. Room: Assembly room (3rd floor) Ceremony jointly conducted by: • Mr Juan Tomas Hernani, General secretary of Innovation • Mr. Zoran Stančič, Deputy Director-General, European Commission, DG INFSO COFFEE BREAK Location: Building 8B access M or N. Room: Hall of Assembly room (3rd floor) Living Labs in Action - Living Labs practices and cases from ENoLL Location: Building 8B access M or N. Room: Assembly room (3rd floor) Chair: Roberto Santoro • Energy (Helsinki) – Mr Veli-Pekka Niitamo • Healthcare (LLAB Salud Andalusia) – Mr Bidatzi Marin • Manufacturing (Fiapal), Fiapal – Ms Ana Sarmento • Media (Issy-Les Moulineaux) – Mr Sebastien Levy

ENoll Organization and Services and Future • ENoLL Association and organization - Mr Alvaro de Oliveira, President, ENoLL Association • Conclusions and perspectives for the Future - Mr Zoran Stančič, Deputy Director-General, European Commission, DG INFSO LUNCH BREAK Location: Different campus canteens



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D6.3 Report on Networking Activities & Workshops

Wednesday 14 April, afternoon: FUTURE INTERNET & LIVING LABS 14.30–16:00

16:00–16:30 16:30–18:30

Living Labs and Future Internet Communities networking for ICT PSP Theme 4: Open Innovation for Future Internet-enabled services in 'smart' cities Location: Building 8B access M or N. Room: Assembly room (3rd floor) Chair: European Commission representative • ICT Policy Support Program Theme 4 (deadline: 1/6) - Introduction - Chair • ICT PSP Pilot B project example APOLLON - Pieter Ballon, coordinator • Max. 5-minute presentations by ICT PSP Theme 4 [Smart Cities related] proposal coordinators looking for specific added Future Internet related competences • Max. 5-minute presentations by potential partners representing Future Internet related competences mature for Smart Cities related pilots for ICT PSP Theme 4 related information, see: http://ec.europa.eu/livinglabs, 'Highlights' for Ideal-ist partner search service, see: http://www.ideal-ist.net/news/ideal-ist-is-openfor-4th-call-for-proposals-under-the-ict-policy-support-programme COFFEE BREAK Location: Building 8B access M or N. Room: Hall of Assembly room (3rd floor)

Networking Parallel Sessions Location: Building 8B access M or N. Room: Assembly room (3rd floor) • Future Internet PPP – European Commission • Joint opening: Community collaboration examples - FIREBALL and Smart Santander projects

Parallel sessions: (final content of parallel session also influenced by BarCamp)


Location: Building 8B (3rd floor) and Building 8E (4th floor) • Current proposals interest/opportunities: CIP ICT PSP Theme 4 – Future Internet / Smart Cities • Future calls interest/opportunities: Future Internet PPP • Specific Topics: Living Labs, Open Innovation • Thematic areas: Energy, Healthcare, Mobility 18:00 - Joint closing and conclusions Reports from parallel sessions – by session leaders Closing of official Program – Alvaro Oliveira, Chair, ENoLL Council

Reception and networking cocktail Location: Building 8B access M or N. Room: Hall of Assembly room (3rd floor)


The meeting was attended by 115 participants from 25 different European and non-European countries (data taken from the AMI@Work online registration procedure). Specially, participants have attended the following event sessions: -

Visit at CIAMI Living Lab location, 74 participants;



Final Version

D6.3 Report on Networking Activities & Workshops -

LivingLabCamp: a Future Internet and Living Lab BarCamp, 67 participants;


ENoLL Today and 4th Wave Launch, 115 participants;


Future Internet and Living Labs, 114 participants;


Reception and networking cocktail, 105 participants.

Moreover some participants have illustrated specific presentations concerning the Future Internet Related Competences (27 participants) and Smart Cities Related Pilots (30 participants).


This section outlines the content being presented and discussed during the event. This should be organised in three sub-sections: -


General apollon aspects and methodology SME relevant content


Content relating to the 4 specific domains


Leverages local implantation overcome local limitations;


Offers opportunities for innovators (i.e. SME’s) to innovate and scale up internationally much faster.

With regard to the general Apollon Overview, during his presentation Mr. Pieter Ballon has pointed out how the Apollon Project addresses the next frontier in Living Lab research and in particular:


Does joint testing in cross border Living Lab project;

The key for achieving this result is to follow a cross border methodology based on connect - set boundaries - support and govern - engage and manage. In his second presentation Mr. Ballon, after having described the four Pilots and how them are increasingly working during the start up and planning phases, has invited all the attendees to participate to APOLLON activities becoming Supporting or Associate Partners. Mr. Roberto Santoro, then, showed the centric role of SME’s in APOLLON and highlighted an opportunity for SMEs to take part to the GNSS living lab prize. In particular he described the strategy of transforming the methodology of engaging SMEs in APOLLON pilots into a permanent service to be provided by ENoLL to all SMEs willing to take part in cross boarder pilot activities after APOLLON project completion. He then invited SMEs and Living Labs to submit their ideas to the GNSS Living Lab prize contest: the GNSS Living Lab Prize will award three winners, who will get the opportunity to conduct a “reality check trial” in a suitable Living Lab with the involvement of relevant user communities and potential future customers. In addition the winners will receive a money prize of EUR 10.000 each: APOLLON ICT PSP Project


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Theme 1: GNSS for health, ageing and inclusion


Theme 3: Media and Participation.


Theme 2: GNSS for energy efficiency and environment

3.1.2 GENERIC EVENTS: ICT 2010 - EUROPE'S MOST VISIBLE FORUM FOR ICT RESEARCH AND INNOVATION MEETING OBJECTIVES, ORGANISATION AND EXECUTION The ICT2010 is the the Europe’s most visible forum for ICT research and innovation. This biennial event has become a unique gathering point for researchers, business people, investors, and high level policy makers in the field of digital innovation. ICT 2010 focused on policy priorities such as Europe’s Digital Agenda and the next financial programme of the European Union for funding research and innovation in ICT. The Objective of the APOLLON event participation was to permanently show with a stand to the exhibition: -

The APOLLON project and ENoLL Network (European Network of Living Labs), as unique European organizations representing the Living Lab activities.


A selection of Living Lab Pilots in 4 different specific Domains: eHealth, eEnergy, eManufacturing and eParticipation & Media, by providing live-demos with interaction of the visitors acting as users. All the demos have been selected as the best interactive, attractive, and most of them are mobile technology related applications.


Synergies with the APOLLON dedicated session (eHealt workshop) and connection with the others Living Lab stands in order to create the best efficient Living Lab dissemination along ICT2010.


The event presented the demos of the two APOLLON sectors and the concrete and most advanced results from pilot project experiences. The demos presented: -

A fully operational multi-platform system for homecare services, where people can interact with both professional caretakers and family friends via television, computer or videophony. The example has been a good success case of living lab approach facilitating human life with technological approach, SMEs involvement and large future applications in cross-border Living Lab network environment and smart cities (eHealth).


A remote access to Power Grid consumption in Portugal, in real time showing different sources of energy being consumed with Web Service technology approach (eEnergy).



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A virtual tour of the Future Factory Living Lab of the SAP Research Center Dresden, showing prototypes and a scenario turned into eManufacturing experiment incorporating other Living Labs coming from Hungary and Portugal (eManufacturing).


A cross-media scenario based on Issy’s Digital Fortress with the aggregation of Media Technologies using 3D, cross-media, community reporting and context aware mobile applications (eParticipation & Media).


The APOLLON stand has registered many visits and important feedbacks from the participant to the ICT biennial event. Among the visits Antti Peltomäki, Deputy Director-General of the Directorate-General for the Information Society and Media (DG INFSO), visited personally the APOLLON providing positive feedbacks to the project results and interest in the future potentiality of the Methodology and the approach used.


The APOLLON Stand at ICT 2010 biennial event has registered a great success in term of feedback and visits. The visits and the participants have raised interests and questions as well as positive comments for the APOLLON project and pilot experiences. Furthermore the exhibition not only presented the APOLLON project but also more generally symbolized the European Network of Living Labs (of 129 members as per mid-March 2010) and corresponding community of more than 1100 registered members. Also the demos, the technical adopted solutions and the multimedia strategy to illustrate the project outcomes have been impressing in term of attraction to participation and dissemination potentiality. The exhibition was finally an occasion to show the most innovative and unique feature of the activity in Living Lab environments is the direct involvement of the Users experience in the process of new product/service/application developments, in particular based on different and emerging types of mobile and wireless applications, as well as its direct and permanent interaction in real life setting.



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3.1.4 WORKSHOP OBJECTIVES The Session objective was to explore the Value of Living Lab by an international Panel of SMEs and public organizations, discussing on including public-private partnership with citizen involvement in order to develop future internet services. The Workshop objective was also to discuss the processes and the methodologies to be used for the above described scope.


The Workshop was divided into a presentation session and an interactive session with open discussion with the audience. The presentations were: -

Apollon: Bram Lievens (IBBT) - presenting on how Living Labs can / need to operate in a crossborder networked environment (with some outcomes from the project illustrated).


Fireball: Alvaro Oliveira (Alfamicro) - discussing on how testbeds and Living labs can collaborate with and how to benefit from each other.


ENoLL: Tuija Hirvikoski (Laurea University) - Tuija as thematic coordinator within ENOLL presented the European Network of Living Labs, what it does and how it supports open innovation.



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SME: Piet Verhoeven (Televic). Piet gave a testimony on how SME has and is experience working within a living lab, open innovation environment (bottlenecks, the main advantages etc).


The event has registered a strong participation of SMEs and organizations dealing with future internet and smart cities, and leader of approaching these technologies to improve people well-being.


This session has explored the value of (networked) Living labs in setting-up cross-border cooperation for the development of new, innovative and smart ICT solutions and future internet services that enhance the well-being of people and that fits with their real needs. There have been presented concrete examples and experiences of such cooperation and development models between different stakeholders from the both the Apollon and Fireball project as well as from the European Network of Living Labs. During the session have been explore how a user driven, public, private partnership with citizen involvement can be established for developing future internet services investigating on: -

Methods and processes to be used for that purpose


Any required Action Plans or Recommendations for future policies and strategies.


Any possible bottlenecks, limitations or added services for industry, governments and citizens

The session has registered the participation of many SMEs, large enterprises as well as governmental organizations dealing with the development of future internet services and smart-cities. A special focus has been dedicated on the use of these services for the the well-being of people, ranging from health, over safety and security to citizen participation. An open discussion between the panel and the public has finally investigated the expectations, requirements as well as the way forward.

3.1.5 OTHER EVENTS: CIP ICT PSP SMART CITIES MEETING, 26TH JANUARY 2010 MEETING OBJECTIVES, ORGANISATION AND EXECUTION The CIP ICT PSP Smart Cities meeting has been organised by EnoLL with CO-LLABS and supported by APOLLON and Eurocities. The objective of this meeting was to facilitate EUROCITIES, Living Labs and other communities networking to discuss upcoming project opportunities related to the Smart Cities call of CIP (ICT-PSP). The workshop was divided in 2 main sections: Networking starting in the morning and Cocreating in the afternoon. The Networking session was aimed at offering an overview of the Smart Cities call (ICT PSP Work Programme Theme 4 - Open Innovation for Future Internet-enabled services in "smart" cities), highlighting APOLLON ICT PSP Project


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D6.3 Report on Networking Activities & Workshops the networking opportunities for the communities involved and explaining the relevant role of both Ling Lab and Smart Cities. A call for expression of interest has been launched by ENoLL and EUROCITIES in order to facilitate the consortium formation for the upcoming CIP-ICT-PSP call for pilot B proposals in 2010 and in order to facilitate Living Labs community networking. Thus, to those who have expressed their interest was given the opportunity to present their experiences. Based on that session, thematic domains for CIP proposals were identified and elaborated in parallel group discussions during the Co-creating session.


This is the agenda of the CIP ICT-PSP Smart Cities Meeting that took place on 26th January 2010 at the IBBT iLab.o (Pleinlaan 9, 1050 Brussels, Belgium): 09.00 – 09.30 09.30 – 10.00

REGISTRATION Overview of the Smart Cities call and Networking Opportunities for the Communities. The Living Lab role.

10.00 – 10.30

The EUROCITIES Community. Smart Cities and their role.

10.30 – 11.00 11.00 – 11.30 11.30 – 13.00

Roberto Santoro, ENoLL Acting Council Chair, ESoCE Net President Dave Carter – Manchester City

Networked Cross-Border LLAB Pilots

Pieter Ballon – IBBT, APOLLON Project Coordinator

BREAK Networking of ENoLL, EUROCITIES and Future Internet Communities Moderator: Hans Schaffers, CO-LLABS Project Scientific Coordinator

Candidate partners 3 slides presentations to introduce thematic domains and start networking opportunities: Media and Participation – – – – – –

Manchester Digital Development Agency (MDDA), UK, Dave Carter

City of Barcelona, Spain, Joan Batlle Sampas, Turkey, Sedar Yumlu

Helsinki LL, Finland, Jarmo Eskelinen

Digital Space LL, Bulgaria, Martin Linkov Salford LL, UK, Terrence Fernando

Culture and Tourism – – – – – 13.00 – 14.00 14.00 – 15.30

LL Vorarlberg, Austria, Jens Schumacher

Issy-Media LL (ISSY), France, Sebastien Levy

Integrative Usage Lab – LUTIN (IUL), France, Claudio Vandi Wireless Trondheim LL, Norway, John Krogstie

TOUCH Smart Town, Taiwan, Chien-Hsu Chen


Lighting LL, Portugal, Alvaro Oliveira



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City of Ghent, Belgium, Martine Delannoy

Thessaloniki LL, Greece, Panos Georgopoulos Living Piemonte, Italy, Mark Vanderbeeken

City of Sunderland, UK, Diane Downey

Virtual Services and Open Innovation (VirtSOI) LL, Bulgaria, Roumen Nikolov ARCHES LL, Romania, Aurelian Stanescu

Next Generation Lab, The Netherlands, Hans Schaffeers

Manufacturing and Transportation – – – – 15.30 – 16.00 16.00 – 17.30

17.30 – 18.30

Workability Innovation LL (WiLL), Germany, David Wewetzer Log Dynamics Lab, Jens Eschenbaecher FIAPAL, Portugal, Joao Lopes

Quartier Numerique LL, France, Julien Valero

BREAK Group discussion on thematic domains (i.e. Media and Participation, Culture and Tourism, Energy, Health, Manufacturing, Transportation, etc): proposal’s concept co-creation Moderators: self organized leadership

Plenary discussion reporting group finding and planning next steps Moderator: Roberto Santoro


The attendance of the CIP ICT-PSP Smart Cities meeting was high, bringing together members belonging to different communities: ENoLL, EUROCITIES and Future Internet. The meeting was attended by 150 participants from 35 different European and non-European countries (data taken from the AMI@Work online registration procedure and from EUROCITIES).


The workshop has been prepared and executed with a high degree of interactivity. It was divided in 2 main sections: Networking starting in the morning and Co-creating in the afternoon. The networking sessions started with 3 presentations. The first one, presented by Mr. Roberto Santoro (ESoCE Net), focused on the opportunity of co-creating "smart" commons through the Open System of Living Labs Community. Mr. Dave Carter (Manchester) then showed the role of Smart Cities as Creative Cities emphasizing challenges and opportunities and the need of a real citizen engagement. In the last presentation Mr. Pieter Ballon (IBBT-SMIT) offered an overview of the just started APOLLON project (Advanced Pilots of Living Labs Operating in Networks) aimed at demonstrating the positive impacts of cross-border domain-specific Living Lab networks. This first APOLLON dissemination had an initial positive impact in terms of building consensus: most participants enjoyed the idea of using APOLLON Methodology APOLLON ICT PSP Project


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D6.3 Report on Networking Activities & Workshops in the Smart Cities pilot development and many of them are willing to take part to the 4 cross-border LL Domain networks. After the introduction, the networking session was led by Mr. Hans Schaffers (ESoCE Net) where many participants were given the opportunity to present and discuss their experience, with a view towards pilot B proposals in the CIP call. Based on that session, thematic domains for CIP proposals were identified and elaborated in parallel group discussions. These groups were intended to respond to the question: “How to make a Smart City … 1. Wealthy (improve the collaboration with SMEs) 2. Wise (Culture/Knowledge) 3. Sustainable 4. Healthy (eHealth) Participants worked jointly on proposals based on ideas to make cities "smart", innovative services to be delivered by Smart Cities based on future internet technologies and existing platforms made available by involved Cities and Living Labs. The discussion resulted into an initial definition of potential CIP Call 4 proposals.

3.1.6 OTHER




The ICE conference (http://www.ice-conference.org/) is a premier forum to enable practitioners, researchers as well as tool vendors to present, demonstrate and share the results and achievements of their work in the broad domain of Concurrent Enterprising. The Concurren Enterprising theme combines the paradigms of Concurrent Enterprising and Extended/Virtual Enterprising within the Collaborative Environment for Sustainable Innovation theme (intended in the broad sense of new green technologies but also new organizational and collaborative methods and new ways to sell in the market). MEETING OBJECTIVES, ORGANISATION AND EXECUTION The conference was targeted to a new wave of innovation, grand challenges highlight new user collaborations, new organisational forms, cross-domain dimensions of interoperability, interoperability technologies being accessible to all organizations and users and the need to take into account the concerns of many small developers and users scattered across Europe and the world. It was organized within its three main streams of presentation and posters from the open call for papers, sessions with scientific papers, workshops, demonstrations and training sessions. ICE 2011 was focused on the specific on: -

Industrialists developing Innovative Business fields



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Corporate Technology and Corporate Innovation responsible


New product design and development professionals and managers


Design, engineering and technical professionals and managers


Academics and researchers working in the domains of the Conference Topics


Business executives, key decision makers and new business developers


IT executives and knowledge officers


National, Regional economic development and innovation agencies


Around 150/160 participants attended the 2010 edition of the ICE Conference, coming from Industry, IT Industry, Living Lab and scientific and academia domains at both EC and National level.


By presenting its lesson learnt the APOLLON Project played the role of best example for Living Lab methodology adoption among the ”Living Lab and Enhance SME’s innovation in Europe” and ”Fostering SME Innovation and Entrepreneurship in Cities, Rural Areas and Regions” themes. APOLLON was introduced then as one of the key projects to support entrepreneurship and business innovation and its cross-border living lab approach was discussed and deployed with the help of a SWOT analysis within European Living Lab. Conclusions from this study were that networks mostly have been established in bottom-up processes from individual initiatives. There is a lack of clear defined rules and procedures within the living labs network that determine how partners should collaborate with each other. Also, better defined services, business models and re-usability of processes and procedures needed for improved impact for various stakeholders. Additionally the role of Living Lab in Smart Cities was presented: the APOLLON project contribution was again central with the experiences reported by varous pilots conducted in several cities within the Energy Efficiency domain theme.

3.1.7 OTHER EVENTS: BLED CONFERENCE – 20-23 JUNE 2010 The Conference attracts speakers and delegates from business, government, information technology providers and universities and is the major venue for researchers working in all aspects of ”e”. MEETING OBJECTIVES, ORGANISATION AND EXECUTION Two APOLLON and Living Lab related sessions were held at the 2010 edition of the Bled Conference: -

Living Labs and Regional Challenges: The Living Lab response to Regional Challenges (Alvaro Oliveira, Jesse Marsh);



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Living Labs and Regional Challenges: Regional Policies for the Future Internet (Francisco Perez Trejo, Pieter Ballon).

The sessions aimed at presenting the state of the art in applying the Living Lab approach to priority areas for regional development and regional initiatives to coordinate Living Lab initiatives to meet broader sustainability objectives and deal with net technologies (and Future Internet) and sustainable development of communities.


Monday 21 June 2010 9.00 – 10.30

11.00 – 12.30

14.00 – 15.30 Workshop Living Labs and Regional Challenges – Session1 The Living Lab response to Regional Challenges

Plenary Session II (Cloud Computing: Implications on the Enterprise and Society)

Open Plenary Session

Tuesday 22 June 2010 9.00 – 10.30 11.00 – 12.30 Meeting of ALADIN Alpe Adria Danube Universities Initiative Regional Perspective

Workshop How to tech eBusiness

Panel Why are we still using Postcards for our

Panel Civil Registry Cross-border Data Exchange in


Panel Living Labs and Regional Challenges – Session 2 - Regional Policies for the Future Internet

Research Track Social Media

Research Track eTrust

Panel Smart Business Networking and Trust in Health Care

Research Track eHealth I

14.00 – 15.30 6th International Academic Electronic Marketplace (ACEM) Workshop Integration of Research and Practice of eBusiness and eMarketplaces Panel Creating Crossborder eRegion 26

16.00 – 17.30

16.00 – 17.30

17.30 – 18.00

ePrototype Bazaar

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Europe Panel Innovation in Healthcare: A Global Perspective Research Track The User’s Perspective

Research Track eHealth & Self Care

Panel A Mindful Approach for Health IT Innovation

Research Track eKnowledge

Research Track Innovative ICT

Wednesday 23 June 2010 9.00 – 10.30 11.00 – 12.30 Research Track Research Track eGovernment Inter-organisational Systems Panel Research Track Organisational and eHealth II legal challenges of personal eHealth Research Track Research Track eMarketing eBusiness

14.00 – 15.30 Research Track SME

16.00 – 17.30

Research Track eHealt & Regions Closing Plenary


The APOLLON Project was perfectly framed within the eTrust event theme (”Implication for the Individual, Enterprise and Society”). The Living Lab approach were presented as user-driven approach to the development of new ICT products and services and on the trend towards a new view of innovation. The event was also framed within the very first APOLLON project development phases of Living Lab methodology and its cross-border approach to the innovation.

3.2 Workshops and Events – M13 - M18 As for the period M13 – M18, one generic event was attended: -

Future Internet Conference, 13-17 December 2010 - Ghent.

Moreover APOLLON members took part also in other additional events: -

Future Factory Visitors Day – January 2011 – Manufacturing domain specific event;


Imagina 2011 – Media domain specific event;


Smart People and Energy Efficiency – Energy Efficiency domain specific event;


ESoCE Industry Forum 2010 – Workshop on Living Labs and reality checks: new opportunities for SMEs – other event



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D6.3 Report on Networking Activities & Workshops The next paragraphs summarise the organization, development and outcomes of these events.


2010, GHENT MEETING OBJECTIVES, ORGANISATION AND EXECUTION One of the main objectives of the conference and around which the APOLLON project was promoted was “Smart Cities”, as centres for user driven open innovation, using Future Internet technology in a userfriendly way to enable a truly knowledge-based society. The use of Living Lab Methodology acted as a suitable tool to identify successful concepts and enhance the innovation process and the creation of new public services in domains as health, mobility, environmental monitoring or energy management. The workshop underlined also the centrality of Smart Cities, able to provide that critical mass of experimental businesses, local governments and citizens as end-users of advanced applications that is required for testing of Future Internet technologies. The Workshop was organized within the European Network of Living Lab coordination. A specific stand was reserved to the APOLLON project in the exhibition area during the entire week. The stand showed the APOLLON presentation, acted as APOLLON dissemination material point and, served as info point area for all the participants interested in having more information about the cross border pilot activities.

A specific ENoLL Workshop was held on the 13rd and was dedicated to domain network building topic. The session discussed also the status of the APOLLON Methodology, the benchmarking of the Living Lab performances and involvement and the cross border activities (and challenges) for the pilot running step.


14 December 2010



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Opening of the Conference

10:50 – 11:10

Coffee break

10:15 – 10:50 11:10 – 13:00

13:00 – 14:00 14:00 – 15:45 15:45 – 16:00 16:00 – 17:20 17:20 – 17:45 17:45 – 18:00

Living Lab, Smart Cities and Future Internet Living Lab and Smart Cities: European project Portfolio

Pieter Ballon, “Open Innovation by Living Lab Across Borders: Apollon project status and results” Panel with European Living Labs and Smart Cities CIP project portfolio Lunch

Towards Future Internet: what can it mean for Living Labs and Smart Cities Coffee break – exhibition area

Towards Innovation Ecosystems: from Smart Cities to Smart Regions Launch of the ENoLL 5th Wave Call for Membership Applications Closing of the Day


About 400 people registered for the entire Living Lab Day Programme, of which about 300 showed up on the Free Event. 20 / 25 persons participated in the preceding ENoLL workshop on the 13rd of December. This number resulted in a perfect balance for the interactive needs for the domain network building activity and work out. The entire Future Internet Week (at which Apollon was presented through the Project Booth), has received about 2.500 participants from the FIA, FIRE, ENoLL and Local community.


The FI Ghent week resulted in a good stage for the APOLLON Project within the Future Internet community and the ENoLL 5th wave call launch. The dissemination opportunity was reinforced by the stand set up in the exhibition area during the whole week.



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Furthermore, the 13rn December session was a good occasion to discuss about the APOLLON Methodology, the cross border pilot activation and run and especially the domain networks development. The session gained particularly from an interactive session where the participants were requested to provide ideas and brainstorm around the thematic network theme. Needs and expectations on the thematic network building underlined, at the end, the importance and the centrality of the APOLLON pilots. These pilots were recognized in fact in having also the important role of future domain network kernels. This approach can be considered an important achievement and a good concept in common understanding of this future expected project result, useful for the involved project partners, the community and any interested stakeholder. It has emerged also that the domain networks will act in the specific four domains and will require e specific methodology to be refined from the global (under developing) APOLLON Methodology. Finally these domain networks will act as a specific community able to drive the right “wave” for involved Living Labs and SMEs. The “surfer community” metaphor was perfect in line to explain how the domain networks will help the interested organizations to spot the correct “wave” gathering together the excellence of that domain in the exact moment a specific occasion arises. Typical and successful example of this approach can be considered the GAINS initiative, and how it helps SMEs to leverage Living Lab to direct accede to the market (“catching the big wave”).


2011 WORKSHOP OBJECTIVES The workshop was organized by SAP Research Dresden and its partners in Future Factory Initiatives and has beed ideated to show innovative scenarios and tangible demonstrators and how a broad variety of partner products, SAP Research prototypes and SAP solutions are working together. The visit is organized also to APOLLON ICT PSP Project


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Around 40 people visited the SAP Dresden Research centre involving 20+ partners working around the Future Factory Initiative.


SAP Research Future Factory and its engagement within the EU funded project Apollon was introduced and explained during the tour, positioning the added value that a network of Living Labs can bring to SMEs that are looking for business partners across Europe. From this perspective a good impact was guaranteed to the APOLLON project considering also the frequency on which such kind of initiatives are organized and the extended possibility, in the coming editions, offered by webcam tours. Two other planned similar events are already scheduled for 2011: one virtual tour on 18.3.2011 and one physic tour on06.05.2011.

3.2.3 SPECIFIC EVENTS: IMAGINA 2011 - FEBRUARY 1-2-3, 2011 WORKSHOP OBJECTIVES The workshop discussed the key role of 3D technologies and design solutions currently representing a rapidly developing market, with applications across industry sectors and a double-digit growth rate; an exceptional achievement given the current economic climate. These tools have achieved also the role of supporting instruments indispensable in creating and accelerating the optimum decision-making process from initial ideas to maintainability programmes via marketing, research, development and different phases of simulation and visualisation. Over a period of three days, imagina’s conference cycle brought all the relevant information regarding the current state of the 3D market, exploring the key issues involved and providing feedback from different economic sectors including Industry, Architecture and Territory Planning and Media and Entertainment. Imagina’s conference involved also current actors involved in 3d with round discussion tables. Main topics of the conference were: -

Urbanism and Landscape



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CG Prospective






3D, augmented reality, Virtual Worlds


Tuesday 1 February



10:15 - 12:30 Architecture Keynotes

10:00 - 12:30 3D for healthcare

Digital modeling – in all its forms

3D for healthcare

14:00 - 15:30 Digital modeling – in all its forms 16:00 - 18:00

10:00 - 12:30 "DMUS" Digital Mock-up

14:00 - 16:00

Risk Management

3D for healthcare

14:00 - 17:30

OpenDrive meeting 16:30 - 19:30

16:00 - 17:30

Wednesday 2 February


09:30 - 10:30

10:30 - 12:30

How is georeferenced 3D adopted by engineering firms?

3D, augmented reality, virtual worlds 'Living Labs and Fab Labs' Workshop Catalina Vasilescu, Issy MediaPresentation of the Apollon project Greg Rivera, Innovalab – Bilbao Simon Richir, Levier Alain Dinis, Virtual Dive

11:30 - 12:30 How is georeferenced 3D adopted by engineering firms?


How can 3D improve the prospects of an urban area, town or city?

3D, augmented reality, virtual worlds

13:30 - 15:30

13:30 - 16:00



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3D Optical 16:15 - 18:30

16:00 - 18:00

Thursday 3 February

10:00 - 11:00


Natural environments – can 3D help us to 10:30 - 12:30 preserve them 10:00 - 12:00 more effectively? Real Time, interactivity 11:30 - 12:30 3D Human Body and virtual/real world interaction Natural environments – can 3D help us to preserve them more effectively?


How 3D can serve the Landscape as a whole and contribute to preserving the natural environment

Real Time, interactivity EcoDesign and virtual/real world interaction 13:30 - 16:00 13:30 - 15:00

14:00 - 15:30

International IntraVerse Awards 2011 edition on the "Smartsystem / Fabrique du Futur" stand 13:30 - 15:40


Mostly professionnal people interested in the 3d and Media domains and in sharing their experiences of using and developing 3D technologies (i.e. Architects, CAD software programmers, Communication managers, Computer-aided technology developers, Designers, Industrial clients, IT consultants, Managing Directors, Manufacturers, Special effects creators etc) attended the conference. In the specific the Living Lab sesssion was followed by 78 persons. The audience was mainly composed by professionals from following sectors: architecture, cross-market, health, industry, media & entertainment, city planning and landscape etc. This figure was really consistent and important compared to the other sessions. APOLLON ICT PSP Project


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The 'Living Labs and Fab Labs' Workshop session was a good occasion to bring the APOLLON project and the Living Lab methodology and approach to this specific media and 3d domain stage. The interest rose from Living Lab concept and the activity performed in the domain network within APOLLON was consistent and interesting.

This statement of fact was proved also both by the high interaction level reached in the round table among the presenting Living Labs and from the expression of interest demonstrated by some of the participants in the specific in mutual visits of Living Lab structures and exchanging practices. Session presented Living Labs: Issy Media, Innovalab – Bilbao, Levier, Virtual Dive and ThinkLab.


2011 ”Low carbon, resource-efficient and competitive economy through Sustainable growth: Citizens, Living Lab methodologies and Cross-border pilots for single problems and long-term change!” This conference is organized as a joint initiative between the projects Apollon, Save Energy and Smarties to share and explore experiences, results as well as discuss future work together in the areas of: -

End-users and their key role for change;


Living Lab methodology for measuring and changing energy consumption behavior;


Cross-border pilots for long-term change - challenges and opportunities.



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D6.3 Report on Networking Activities & Workshops WORKSHOP OBJECTIVES The Europe 2020 Strategy rests on three interlocking and mutually reinforcing priority areas: Smart growth, developing an economy based on knowledge and innovation; Sustainable growth, promoting a low-carbon, resource-efficient and competitive economy; and Inclusive growth, fostering a high-employment economy delivering social and territorial cohesion. In Europe different ongoing local, national and international initiatives are supporting and experimenting on specifically energy efficiency improvements in collaborative actions between research, industry, public authorities and end-users to solve single problems and boost actions for systemic change. In this conference participants were called to share and explore experiences, results as well as discuss future work together.


Target audience of the conference were partners of the organizing projects, Living Labs and researchers in methodology for user involvement and behavioral transformation, Future Internet and Companies and Public authorities interested in the area of fore-front technologies and innovative models for long-term change in the area of Energy efficiency.


The audience shared new insights among other players from ongoing initiatives and elaborated on future needs and opportunities for joint efforts for sustainable change. The conference was organized as a joint initiative between different European and national projects in the area of Energy saving, Smart Cities and Living Labs to share and explore results and future work together. The balance in the conference organization between seminars, workshops and discussions was in line with the reachment of the initial objective.


LABS AND REALITY CHECKS: NEW OPPORTUNITIES FOR SMES MEETING OBJECTIVES, ORGANISATION AND EXECUTION The ESoCE-Net Industrial Forum 2010 was launched this year to give in-sight to examples of innovation platforms for SMEs and how they can be used to enhance the overall competitiveness of European SMEs. The Industrial Forum event aimed at offering an opportunity to Industrial Players (SMEs especially) and stakeholders, from different market sectors and from different European Regions, and to Regional Development Agencies and local Government Bodies to discuss and learn how to participate, leverage and facilitate the creation of open platforms, learning from existing, successful cases. The objective of the “Living Lab and reality checks, new opportunities for SMEs” was to illustrate how User Driven Open Innovation Communities are helping the European Industry in scouting new and high potential ideas and how they can provide support through the conduction of reality checks, in which user communities test and validate the proposed product and service from the use point of view. This APOLLON ICT PSP Project


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D6.3 Report on Networking Activities & Workshops opportunity was given by the successful experience of the GNSS Living Lab Prize, which was organized as a special price under the European Satellite Navigation Competition 2010. The APOLLON Project was represented by its coordinator Pieter Balloon.


6 December 2010 14:30 14.45

Workshop introduction and Call for Reality Checks in Living Labs GNSS Llab Prize (chaired by Marco Conte, ESoCE-Net, Italy) Panel with Idea’s holders, finalists in GNSS Living Lab Prize

MONITORS: MONItoring and Traceability ORiented System Remo Moro - SESA SpA

New Tactile Interactions for an Augmented World, Nicolas Esposito - University of Technology of Compiègne Mr.Green - Recycling Hero of Zurich, Valentin Fisler - Mr.Green Recycling-Service GmbH Marine Telepass: Helping protecting Marine Reserves, Alessandro Cantore - Blue Thread

15:30 16:00 16:30

GPS for Mobile Learning for African communities in urban and remote areas mLearning4Africa. Mamadou Diop - Dakar University

Opportunities from cross-borders Living Lab collaboration in the APOLLON Project for Homecare, Energy, Manufacturing and Media (Pieter Ballon, IBBT, Bg) Benefits for SMEs in Energy Pilots (Alvaro Oliveira, ALFAMICRO, Portugal) Coffee Break

Available servicing to Industry from Living Labs.

Panel with Living Labs proposing to support Idea’s holders to conduct “reality checks” pilots Laurea Living Labs network, Tuija Hirvikoski New Tools for Health, Anders Carlsson

Parque Tecnológico Bizkaia. JokinGaratea

Living Lab Taiwan, Belinda Chen Botnia LL, Annika Sallstrom

SmartSystem/La Fabrique du Futur, Eric Seulliet

Birminghambition-MIBON LL, Sylvia Broadley

3.2.6 Roma Ricerche LL, Andrea Rausa


3.2.7 Digital Spaces LL, Konstantin Hristov Closure



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More than 80 participants attended this year the ESoCE Industry Forum 2010. Around 55/60 participants attended instead the “Living Labs and Reality Checks: New Opportunities For SMEs” workshop.


The topic of the conference on “User Driven Open Innovation for SMEs in Advanced Service-product development” went much beyond every expected result and was pushed to its most refined synthesis: “a new Policy for Innovation”.

A new wave was launched then with the proclamation of the “You can learn to Innovate” Manifesto: foundation as collaborative strategy for a new Innovative Europe based on Living Labs. Living Labs, as pilots for the European future development, are recognized as one of the strongest emerging opportunities for SMEs in the European panorama. A new flourish era will emerge from this groundwork, able to drive Europe much beyond the exit of the crisis: an era where -


Everyone (not only engineering) can contribute to the Innovation cycle; Delivery innovation is as important as the creation of innovation


The us of it infrastructure is important in order to make actors not only “user of technology” but “innovator with the new technology”


Innovation is a culture allowing education and innovative systems to finally complete talk each other.

This launch was rebated and reinforced during the Workshop session. APOLLON was one of the main actors within the Open Innovation Platform framework and the event resulted in an important stage for the cross border pilot experiments in Leveraging Living Lab approach and Methodology and a strong dissemination opportunity. APOLLON ICT PSP Project


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3.3 Workshops and Events – M19 – M24 As for the period M19 – M24, one generic event was attended: -

ESoCE Industry Forum 2011.

Moreover APOLLON members took part also in other additional events: -

The ICE Conference 2011 – other event


Living Lab Summer School 2011: You Can Learn to Innovate through Living Labs – other event

The next paragraphs summarise the organization, development and outcomes of these events.

3.3.1 GENERIC EVENT: ICE CONFERENCE 21-23 JUNE 2011 The ICE conference (http://www.ice-conference.org/) is a premier forum to enable practitioners, researchers as well as tool vendors to present, demonstrate and share the results and achievements of their work in the broad domain of Concurrent Enterprising and can be considered both a scientific forum and an Industry event. MEETING OBJECTIVES, ORGANISATION AND EXECUTION The Living Lab Track at the International Conference on Concurrent Enterprising 2011 focused on Domain Networks establishment. The foundation and the establishment of such Workgroups originates from the identification of resources and assets the Living Lab network can make available and is combined with the experiences and lesson learnt that pilots and testbed experimentations are able to concretely provide. In order to support the establishment of such Domain Networks three distinct workshops will be organized during the Conference: the objective is then to identify resources available at Living Lab level and the methods and the operational activities to combine them with concrete pilot experiences.


Tuesday 21 June Morning: Living Lab Track Introduction to the Living Lab Track – ESoCE Net (Roberto Santoro) Keynote presentation: Jean-Pierre Euzen (European Commission) Tuesday 21 June Morning: Living Labs for experimenting the Future Internet in Smart Cities 09.00 –09.30

09.30 – 10.30

Common Assets for Smart Cities Living Labs Innovation: IT Infrastructures, methods and user communities (Chair: Hans Schaffers, ESoCE Net). FIREBALL project (FP7-ICT) explores models of collaborative innovation including three communities: Smart Cities, Future Internet and Living Labs. Such models are based on what is called “common assets”: the resources owned by different parties that can be shared to build the infrastructure of smart cities ecosystems: testbeds, living lab facilities, end-user communities, technologies, methodologies, IPR, open data. The session discusses the identification of such common assets as



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11.00 – 12.30

well as the role they play in the collaborative innovation ecosystem of smart cities. - Hans Schaffers (ESoCE Net): Framework of common assets management for smart cities collaborative innovation, developed in FIREBALL. - Annika Sällström (CDT): Example from TEFIS (Testbed for Future Internet Services) - Brigitte Trousse (INRIA), Marc Pallot: Example from ELLIOT project (Experiential Living Lab for Internet of Things). Coffee Break Collaboration Frameworks for Access to Commons, including IPR, valorisation and access mechanisms (Chair: Roberto Santoro, ESoCE Net) This session focuses on defining and elaborating access and governance mechanisms for common assets to support living labs innovation for smart cities. - Roberto Santoro (ESoCE Net): Framework for common assets access and governance mechanisms. - Cases of common assets mechanisms from FIREBALL, Michel Corriou Images et Réseaux - Cases of common assets mechanisms from FIREBALL, Esa Posio University of Oulu - Cardiac Power Monitoring: a Galileo Advanced Innovation Services experimentation in Living Lab – Anders Carlsson (New Homes for Health) Interactive session: “Towards collaboration models for living labs innovation in smart cities”.

Tuesday 21 June Afternoon: Living Lab Domain Networks Session Cross-border Living Lab Collaboration and Networking (Chairs: 13.30 – 15.00 Annika Sällström, CDT, and Hans Schaffers, Aalto University School of Economics) The APOLLON project (CIP ICT-PSP) explores cross-border collaboration of living labs to support SME innovation. This session discusses the framework of methodologies to support cross-border living labs networking and collaboration, the evaluation of cross-border collaboration, and the sustainability of such collaborative networks. - Hans Schaffers (Aalto University): Cross-border networks of living labs and methods & tools support as developed in Apollon. - Annika Sällström (CDT): Arranging sustainable cross-border living labs operations. - Hermann Löh (VEA/CETIM): Methodologies for living labs management addressing product and service Innovation: application in cross-border contexts. - Bram Lievens (IBBT), Pentti Launonen (Aalto University): Examples of methodologies for setting up and operating CrossBorder Living Labs networks in Homecare, Energy Efficiency and e-Participation domains. - Discussion: Methodologies and toolsets to support cross border networks of living labs. Coffee Break



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Towards Living Labs Thematic Domain Networks: Rational, Expectations and Benefits, organisational settings and activities (Chairs: Roberto Santoro and Marc Pallot, ESoCE Net); A panel of Living Labs’ representatives (Tujia Hirvikoski, Laurea LLAB, Angelos Ktenas – AGROCERT – Hellenic Ministry of Rural Development and food, Martina Ziefle, Future Care Lab, Sabine Legrand, Autnom’Lab, Annika Sällström (Living Lab Lulea), Jordi Colobrans (Citylab), Brigitte Trousse (ICT Usage Lab) This session is intended to support the discussion towards the settingup of Living Labs Thematic Domain Networks and discusses their role in the European Network of Living Labs (ENoLL) and AMI Communities.

Wednesday 22 June Full Day: Sharing experiences and Joint initiatives (Pilots experience and lesson learnt) All the interested Living Labs having infrastructures and practices in their respective thematic domain to share with other Living Labs have the opportunity to ask for a presentation slot Chairs: Roberto Santoro and Marc Pallot, ESoCE Net 09.00 – 09.30

09:30 – 10:30

11.00 – 12.30

13.30 – 15.00

15.30 – 16.30

Open Data, Communities of Users as a Common Crowdsourcing approach for different thematic domains, Roberto Santoro and Marc Pallot, ESoCE Net. Health, Autonomy and Wellbeing - Facilitating homecare and independent Living through ICT – a pilot case in the APOLLON Project - Bram Lievens (IBBT) - Internet of Things well-being services experimentations – Alberto Sanna and Sauro Vicini (San Raffaele Hospital – ELLIOT project) Coffee Break Health, Autonomy and Wellbeing - Citilab’s Seniorlab project digital platform within a Living Lab Methodology to help Alzheimer patient and relatives case Carlos Bezos Daleske (Value Creation) - Sabine Legrand Autonom’Lab - Martina Ziefle Future Care Lab Lunch Energy Efficiency and Environment Monitoring - Smart Individual Energy Savers - experiences from the first phase; Annika Sällström (SmartIES) - ECOFFICES Project on energy efficiency in offices and Green Services for air quality monitoring - Brigitte Trousse (INRIA) - Addressing the challenges of Energy Efficiency through ICT – a pilot case in the APOLLON Project - Pentti Launonen (Aalto University) - Real-World Vehicle Emission Profiles: a Galileo Advanced Innovation Services experimentation in Living Lab - Jokin Garatea (Mobility Lab) - smart grid technologies demonstrators linked to electromobility in support of cities sustainable development - Marie Françoise Guyonnaud (Fondaterra) Coffee Break Media and Manufacturing domain pilots. Chairs Eric LEGALE, Issy Media



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16:30 – 17:00

Digital Smart Cities: e-participation and e-democracy - Eric LEGALE (Issy Media); Philippe Perennez (Navidis) - Design and Use of Intelligent Product Applications in an IoT environment Logistic case in the ELLIOT project - Stefan Wellsandt (BIBA) - Future Factory and Living Lab case in the APOLLON project Carsten Puschke (SAP) Enterprise Integration Center, Volker Stich (FIR) Various Platforms supporting Living Lab Collaboration and Information sharing: - User experience measurement and benefits with IOT – Michele Sesana (Polymedia) impact of C3 (CAPPER-Collaboration-Cloud) architecture to future internet applications - Peter Hofbauer (SIMEAC)


University, Research centres and Living Labs. Representatives from SMEs, Industries and Companies related to pilot experimentations were the target categories for the ICE Conference Living Lab Track. Around 60 participants average attented the Living Lab Track. From this number around 40% were originating from the University followed by 36.67% from Living Lab. 16.67% were originating from Industry and IT Industry and finally 6.67% were SMEs.


The Living Lab Track at the 2011 edition of the ICE Conference analyzed two important aspect of within the APOLLON project: -

The Thematic Domain Network (and the rationale for the establishment of such Networks together with the coming step for their official launch)


The concept of ”Common Asset” key element element for the Thematic Domain Network (as resources owned by different parties that can be shared as a foundation to the infrastructure of smart cities ecosystems)

Panelist and participants were involved in this interactive session to analyse how the establishment of these Domain Network could be achieved and what contribution could be envisaged from and to their members. They analised the aspect both for vertical domains and for horizontal domains. An important result has been the identification of specific themes that are useful for all the vertical domains, for which participants have expressed an interest in establishing transversal working groups: -

Including design discipline in system development


Assessing and influencing Users’ behaviors


Designing and measuring Users’ Experiences


Including Service Science discpline in Service Innovation



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Additional pictures can be found on flickr at: http://www.flickr.com/photos/esoce/sets/72157627170480776/


ENERGY: 4 MAY 2011 – MEETING OBJECTIVES, ORGANISATION AND EXECUTION The event for APOLLON Thematic Domain Network Launch was held in Lisbon on the 4th of May 2011 at Instituto Superior Técnico, Lisbon, Portugal, and was organized by Alfamicro and MIT-Portugal. 9:00 – 9:30 9:30 – 9:45 9:45 – 10:15 10:15 – 10:30 10:30 – 11:15 11:15 – 11:45 11:45 – 12:10 12:10 – 12:35

PROGRAMME Registration Welcome “Smart Cities and Living Labs – Addressing the challenges of our times” FIREBALL Smart Cities: Policy, Opportunities APOLLON Living Labs. Smart cities and energy efficiency driven by users. Role of SMEs in the living labs. Coffee Break SAVE ENERGY User involvement in the definition of new ICT based services for energy efficiency. The role of Energy Management in smart cities. Municipality perspective. User behaviour Transformation PERIPHÈRIA



IST / Alfamicro Álvaro de Oliveira Álvaro de Oliveira Anna Stahlbrost Penti Launonen Miguel Águas Arne Gylling Jesse Marsh

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16:00 – 16:30 16:30 – 18:15

18:15 – 18:30

New perspectives in smart cities MIT - Portugal “Urban energy management” Lunch LL and SME vision and experience I • Amsterdam Innovation Motor – Daan Velthausz • Arquiled – Carlos Samora • FIAPAL – João Robalo Lopes • Process Vision – Veli-Pekka Niitamo • Logica – Gohar Sargsyan Moderated debate Coffee Break and Networking LL and SME vision and experience II • EDP Inovação – Évora Case Study – Pedro Tavares Ferreira • ISA – Nuno Martins • isGreen – Jaime Sotto-Mayor Moderated debate Closing

Carlos Silva

IST / Alfamicro


Here reported some pictures of the attendance for the Conference and networking lunch. The audience of the conference was composed of partners of the organizing projects, Living Labs, Future Internet Companies, Public authorities and SMEs interested in the area of fore-front technologies and innovative models and energy efficiency and had over 40 registered participants from several SMEs, 7 Living Labs, public authorities and universities.


The workshop was dedicated to the official launch of APOLLON Thematic Domain Network in the field of Energy and Efficiency, with particular focus on Smart Cities and the role of Energy Efficiency. Other European project where presented besides APOLLON, such as SAVE ENERGY, FIREBALL and PERIPHÈRIA. The coffee breaks and lunch were dedicated to networking and exchange of information between participants, namely between Living Labs and SMEs in the area of Energy Efficiency.



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JUNE 2011 MEETING OBJECTIVES, ORGANISATION AND EXECUTION Future Factory Webcam Tour offered webcam tours via internet including in the regular Future Factory Visitors Days. The Future Factory Initiative was an example of showcase of the collaborating within the Apollon project (in a strong network of Living Labs) and large as well as small and midsize companies and academic partners. With Future Factory Initiative innovative scenarios built by SAP were demonstrated to participants together with partner collaboration results and tangible demonstrators for the manufacturing industries domain (with a broad variety of partner products, SAP Research prototypes and SAP solutions working together).


Wednesday, June 15th - 17:00 - 18:30 (CET) Real World Setup Demonstration


More than 60 registered participants attended the Virtual Tour. Half of the participants were small and medium sized businesses.


The Future Factory Initiative explored innovative user interfaces and the usability of process execution in typical discrete manufacturing environment including showcases in manufacturing domain within APOLLON cross domain experimentation. This demonstration was a succesful result in a innovative interactive way of manufacture scenario real environment; in addition the initiative brought APOLLON insight SAP Research Fields such as the" Internet of Things" addressing machine and device integration into SAP Systems and many more. Among the results the great interest for the tour that was in the further activities of the Future Factory, as well as the wish to have a documentation of the use cases shown during the webcam tour. Also the release of the new Virtual Future Factory, which is linked on www.sap.com/futureactory, was disclosed to the participants.


MOULINEAUX – JUNE 24 MEETING OBJECTIVES, ORGANISATION AND EXECUTION The workshop was organized by Issy Media in the framework of Futur en Seine, a French festival for digital life and creativity that took place in Paris, Issy-les-Moulineaux and other suburbs between 17-26 June.



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D6.3 Report on Networking Activities & Workshops The purpose was to bring together ICT specialists to debate on the impact and role of digital technologies on Culture, in a web 2.0 era. Through live demonstrations, presentations and debates, the workshop tried to answer the following questions: Can digital technologies bring a new image to Culture? Can they help us have a different look on the historical patrimony of our cities and villages? Can they actually help to better spread knowledge? The workshop was a perfect opportunity to present the APOLLON project, namely the three e-Participation pilots from Antwerp, Manchester and Issy-les-Moulineaux, all the more that all of them are involved in the cultural domain.



‘Meet and greet’ coffee


Presentation of the Apollon project - Koen de Vos, iLab.o Operations Manager, Interdisciplinary Institute for Broadband Technology – IBBT


EU objectives through the Apollon project - Jean-Pierre Euzen, Project Officer Head of Sector Living Labs, European Commission


The Castle of the Dukes of Brittany: interactive historical map of the city of Nantes - Philippe PERENNEZ, General Director of Navidis


The Château de Versailles and the new media - Laurent GAVEAU, Deputy Communication Manager, Marketing and New Media Department, Manager Public Establishment of the Museum and National Estate of Versailles


CultureClic mobile experience - Natacha Quester-Séméon, General Director of I-Marginal


My Museum - Marie-Laure FAUSSIER, l’OEil Pop


Living Labs Lessons - Manchester e-Participation pilot - Alan Holding, Principal Digital Development Officer, Manchester Digital Development Agency (MDDA)


The History of the Fort of Issy: a cross media approach - Stéphane GAULTIER, President of Virdual


Lessons from the Muhkapp museum game pilot - Tanguy Coenen, Senior Researcher, Interdisciplinary Institute for Broadband Technology – IBBT


Lessons from Issy-les-Moulineaux e-Participation pilot - Eric Legale, Managing Director of Issy Média


The Future of the City - Stéphane DISTINGUIN, President of Futur en Seine Festival


Closing speech - André SANTINI, Former Minister, Deputy and Mayor of Issy-les-Moulineaux


Closing cocktail


The workshop brought together more than 70 participants from France, Belgium and UK, among which APOLLON project's e-Participation pilot cities representatives, European Commission representatives, cultural organizations as well as local government and innovative companies representatives. Participants: Elected officials from Issy-les-Moulineaux, Deputy mayors from the Urban Community of Grand Paris Seine West (an association of seven cities whom Issy-les-Moulineaux is part of), APOLLON ICT PSP Project


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D6.3 Report on Networking Activities & Workshops Cap Digital (the French business cluster for Digital Content and Services), Le Cube (the first centre in France entirely dedicated to digital art and culture), Representatives of the French Ministry of Culture and Communication, Museum representatives from Paris and Issy-les-Moulineaux, Journalists from the local and national press, Researchers, Webmasters, People’s Voice Media (community development organization from Manchester), Innovative SME representatives from Paris and the Urban Community of Grand Paris Seine West. Speakers: Apollon eParticipation pilot representatives (Manchester, Brussels, Issy-les-Moulineaux), Jean-Pierre Euzen (Head of Sector, Living Labs, Information Society and Media Directorate-General, EC), Koen de Vos (Operations Manager, IBBT, Apollon project coordinator), Innovative SMEs specialized in ICT (Navidis, Virdual, i-Marginal, l’Oeil Pop), Stéphane Distinguin (President of the Festival Futur en Seine) André Santini, Former Minister, Deputy and Mayor of Issy-les-Moulineaux.


The workshop was a good opportunity to disseminate the Apollon project at a regional/local level and raise awareness of the importance and benefits of European projects for the population. This was a great achievement, because there is a lack of communication and information towards the local/regional/national audience concerning EC-funded programs, which makes it difficult for such projects to be understood and appreciated at their true value. The workshop revealed that the development of new technologies allows us to take a fresh look at the historical heritage of our towns, and not only to that of our major cities. All communities have a story to tell, some landmark places to protect and the desire to share the collective knowledge of the community in a best possible way. However not all these communities have the financial means to invest in expensive programs of Research & Development. The relevance of the workshop was proved by the high interaction level between the speakers and the audience and the large number of questions arising after each presentation. According to a satisfaction survey among 60 participants, 75 percent of them considered the workshop satisfactory, while 25 percent thought it was excellent. Mayor André Santini closed the workshop, hailing the European Commission’s initiative with regard to the calls for proposals, which offer new perspectives and opportunities for small cities to put in practice their ideas, with a strong involvement of big IT players and the SME sector. The photos of the workshop are available at: https://picasaweb.google.com/PhotosIssy/20110624Culture20?authkey=Gv1sRgCOnZ_tjphqT43QE# The video recording of the workshop is available on Dailymotion at: APOLLON ICT PSP Project


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LIVING LABS FOR THE FUTURE INTERNET – MEETING OBJECTIVES, ORGANISATION AND EXECUTION The overall objective of this session was to discuss practical experiences of user involvement and ‘Living Labs’ in Future Internet experimentation projects. The focus was on how testbeds and infrastructure for experimental research could also be used by users in cities and in regions (keyword: User-Driven Innovation, UDI); and how common resources and services provided by different facilities e.g. Living Labs and experimental facilities can be made accessible and shared. The session brought together members from different Future Internet, Living Labs and Smart Cities communities in order to share initial concrete examples of Future Internet technologies in a city and urban environment, and discuss the sharing of capabilities and resources offered by existing Smart City platforms and Living Labs facilities.



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The session was structured in: -

Two parts of 45 minutes each


Followed by an open discussion of 30 minutes with the audience

Each part starts with two presentations of 10 minutes each, followed by a 25 minutes moderated panel discussion with the session participants. Each panellist will have the opportunity to provide his experience from additional project cases and his suggestions. Part 1: Learning from current projects in real-life experimentation and user Involvement for the Future Internet 1. Real-life experimentation experiences from the TEFIS project, by Itziar Ormaetxea (Software Quality Systems, S.A) 2. Experimenting the Internet of Things in the SmartSantander project, by José M. Hernández-Muñoz (Telefónica) 3. Panellists session: Martin Dobler (FH Voralberg), Dimitri Papadimitriou (Alcatel-Lucent Bell), Roberto Santoro (EsoCE Net) and Anastasius Gavras (Eurescom). Part2: Bridging the existing gaps in experimentation and user involvement methodologies and practices 1. Living Labs Methodology for user involvement, by Anna Ståhlbröst (Luleå University of Technology and Botnia Living Lab) 2. Experimentation and User Involvement - future needs based on past experiences, by Marija Zlata Boznar (MEIS Slovenia) 3. Panellists session: Pieter Ballon (IBBT), Dave Carter (MDDA) and Hans Schaffers (ESoCE Net). Part3: Panel discussion on closing the gap


The session brought together members from different Future Internet, Living Labs and Smart Cities communities in order to share initial concrete examples of Future Internet technologies in a city and urban environment, and discuss the sharing of capabilities and resources offered by existing Smart City platforms and Living Labs facilities.


Pieter Ballon as representative of the APOLLON Project brought the APOLLON experience and results to the Living Lab in Future Internet experimentation project discussion. In such context it was underlined how APOLLON ICT PSP Project


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D6.3 Report on Networking Activities & Workshops SMEs are an essential actor for developing future internet technologies and that the APOLLON project provides for them a dedicated platform for testing and accessing new market in cross border living lab pilots (whose network achieves now up to 274 Members after the 5th wave). This concept (and consequently the APOLLON position) was reinforced by one of the conclusion raised during the interactive session stating that testbeds and Living Labs in their role of matching partners for projects or proposals are as essential as the technical ideas behind such proposals; these technical ideas should originates from SMEs where the APOLLON play an important role in providing them innovative services and methodology for testing / accessing new markets.

Among the themes discussed the workshop addressed the following key aspects related to APOLLON and cross-border methodology in Living Lab: -

How can we methodologically and practically integrate the Living Lab concepts into the Future Internet experimental process?


What are the priorities for future work on integrating Future Internet testbeds and Living Labs methodologies?

Methodology focused on the need to studying the whole system, not just the components. From a practical point of view the importance of engaging the city officials (i.e. in the IT and tourism departments) was essential for the sustainability of the project after the co-financing stops. In such context it was envisaged how essential was to designate specific representative for each city but, at the same time, that it is not an easy job to liaise with them. The discussion about priorities was related to the problem of having to identify all the partners at the proposal phase, whereas more suitable ones may be discovered after the project has started. A better strategy could be to divide the project into phases and re-assess the partners for each phase as the project develops. This more flexible approach would allow testbeds and Living Labs to match partners to the stakeholder priorities at the right time. It was also mentioned that the technical ideas behind the proposals should originate from SMEs and that the need of focusing on what new city services can bring to the citizen to ensure that end users become involved make it easier to achieve the subsequent sustainability.

3.3.6 OTHER EVENTS: 24TH BLED CONFERENCE 12-15 JUNE 2011 MEETING OBJECTIVES, ORGANISATION AND EXECUTION The Bled eConference usually attracts speakers and delegates from business, government, information technology providers and universities and is the major venue for researchers working in all aspects of “e�. The 2011 theme edition eFuture: Creating Solutions for the Individual, Organisations and Society focuses to analyze the impacts of e-initiatives and how they serve to shape the New eWorld in a challenging future making e-initiatives and e-solutions for individuals, organizations and societies an imperative. APOLLON ICT PSP Project


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D6.3 Report on Networking Activities & Workshops Furthermore as emerging digital environments generate new ways of communication and interaction between individuals, organizations and societies there is the need to examine structures, processes and operations to ensure we are migrating to a more reliable eWorld. It is essential then that managers, politicians, employees, and citizens take actions at both the macro and the micro level so that discourse and discussion focuses on designing suitable organizational configurations, effective and efficient processes, new kinds of products and services, and necessary infrastructures and technologies in short we need the correct eSolutions so that the eFuture is indeed bright.


The workshop is organized in 2 sessions of 90` each. The first session dedicated to SMEs experience in actual APOLLON pilots and the second dedicated to concrete guidelines for enabling SMEs participation. Session 1: (90 min) SMEs using Living Labs to enter markets across borders: Success stories, opportunities and challenges. Real-life experiences from APOLLON SMEs. (Session chair: Pieter Ballon) -

Pieter Ballon (IBBT) The APOLLON approach to SME and Living Lab collaboration


4 concrete cases presented by APOLLON SMEs in the domains of (1) eHealth and Wellbeing (2) Energy Efficiency (3) eManufacturing and (4) Media and eParticipation


Session 2: (90 Min) Interactive session and tutorial on SME cross-border innovation. (Session chair: Hans Schaffers)


Hans Schaffers (Aalto university), Methods and tools support for cross border Living Lab experiments and innovation by SMEs


Open floor where APOLLON supporting SMEs can present and get feedback on their own case, needs, wishes and requirements related to cross-border innovation.


The APOLLON Representatives were joined by numerous conference attendees. APOLLON supporting SMEs were able to participate for free thanks to a specific agreement with the Conference organisers.


The SMEs barriers were identified and opportunities offered by APOLLON discussed.


INNOVATE THROUGH LIVING LABS – 29 AUGUST – 2 SEPTEMBER The Living Labs Summer School seeks to create a whitepaper, to act as a source of reference for living labs researchers and practitioners. Aims are the following: -

Discussion on the update of the 2010 living labs domain landscape that could be used for self assessment;



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Experience Innovation in real settings (outdoor activities);


Collaboration Infrastructures for Research & Innovation;


Cross-border Living Labs;


Sustainability and Business Models for Living Labs


Collect, disseminate and exchange original experiences, practices, challenges and issues from developing and operationalising LL and bringing innovation about


Build and strengthen international networks


Identify emergent Living Lab themes, common future activities and future roadmapping MEETING OBJECTIVES, ORGANISATION AND EXECUTION



Day 1: You Can Learn to Innovate (getting to know each other, our expectations, exchanging experiences)Team: Kulwant, Tujia, Patricia


Day 2: You Can Experience Innovation (Playing in cultural city of Barcelona, an outdoor experience!) Team: Artur, Marc


Day 3: Living Labs Landscape (exploring what we know and what we do not know) Team: Mikael, Brigitte, Bernhard


Day 4: Cross Border Living Lab Networks (methods and opportunities for collaboration) Team: Pieter, Petra, Marc


Day 5: Road mapping (addressing the challenges, prioritizing the initiatives) Team: Roberto and responsibles of the 5 topics of the white paper


The Summer School is aimed at researchers at Masters and Ph.D. level and at practitioners with an interest in research. Contributions from academics and practitioners are invited in the form of. The number of participants and presentations was limited to create a stimulating environment and encourage interactive sessions.


The event went insight into Living Labs models, theories, technologies, learning models, and emerging and existing themes in the Living Labs community of thinking and practice. Research students that participated had the opportunity to discuss their work with other researchers, academics and practitioners in Living Labs positioning and validating their work in the context of European Living Labs research and ensure the practical and theoretical usefulness of their results. As per past experience again Summer School events created an intellectually and socially stimulating environment, and result in active networking long after the summer is over. APOLLON ICT PSP Project


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3.3.8 OTHER EVENTS: THE PICNIC FESTIVAL – AMSTERDAM – SEPTERMBER 2011 MEETING OBJECTIVES, ORGANISATION AND EXECUTION PICNIC is one of the most inspirational festivals in Europe, a high-level meeting of bright and creative minds that bring together media entrepreneurs, thinkers, and creators together to share their stories with more than 1,000 delegates from all over the world, and this year PICNIC theme is ‘Urban Future’. The Amsterdam Living Lab, together with Fireball, Open Cities and ENoLL, hosted a special day at the PICNIC2011 festival focused on the contribution that living labs make. http://www.picnicnetwork.org/picnic11-section


During this day program around the next themes that PICNIC has adopted in 2011 edition was organized: -



Durability & Energy,





Each theme was opened by a keynote speaker for 20 minutes after whom 10 short 5 minute presentations was given by living labs on their projects. At the end of the day a session was hosted by ENoLL on the future of Living Labs. PicNic Festival highlight video: http://www.picnicnetwork.org/picnic-festival-highlight-videos


REALITY FOR SMES: NEW APPROACHES TOWARDS RTDI PROGRAMMES – BRUSSELS – COMMITTEE OF REGIONS MEETING OBJECTIVES, ORGANISATION AND EXECUTION Apollon contributed to the session OPEN LIVING LAB EXPERIENCE FOR SMEs with the presentation: EU Living Labs: mechanisms for enabling SMEs to test and enter new markets with their innovations. The MaPEeR SME final event was held in Brussels on the 5th and 6th October at the Committee of the Regions. It is in the framework of a two days event focused on the European Experts Panel on SMEs (EEP) and on the conference Making Progress and Economic Enhancement a Reality for SMEs: New Approaches Towards RTDI Programmes. The Workshop was part of the EuropeanSME week 2011, a series of events to promote enterprise across Europe that took place from October 3rd - 9th in several different countries.



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DAY 1: 5TH October, 2011 – MAPEER SME EXPERT PANEL MEETING The European Experts Panel was held on the 5th October, in the framework of the event Making Progress and Economic Enhancement a Reality for SMEs: New Approaches Towards RTDI Programme. DAY 2: 6TH OCTOBER, 2011 – MAKING PROGRESS AND ECONOMIC ENHANCEMENT A REALITY FOR SMES: NEW APPROACHES TOWARDS RTDI PROGRAMMES Making Progress and Economic Enhancement a Reality for SMEs: New Approaches Towards RTDI Programmes was a session to present the results of the MaPEeR SME project and to provide an opportunity for SME stakeholders, SME program managers, policy-makers and European SME representatives to discuss how to improve the participation of SMEs in the research, technological development and innovation (RTDI) arena and how to enhance the regional, national and European RTDI programmes addressed specifically to SMEs in order to make them more attractive to potential participants. Session I:

lessons learned as a result of the MaPEeR SME studies as well as the challenges for the future participation of SMEs in RTDI programmes and projects

Session II

Innovation and research experience for SMEs in the Open Living Labs initiative

Session III

How to improve the participation of SMEs in RTDI programmes


The European Experts Panel on SMEs (EEP) was launched by the MaPEeR SME project in order to produce recommendations to enhance the participation of SMEs in European, national and regional RTDI programmes and thereby increase the level of research activities carried out by the SMEs. EEP participants encompass about 100 people and include relevant experts, and representatives of stakeholders, managers from RTDI programmes and research centres, SMEs and small business associations. The conference presented also the results of in-depth studies, carried out during the two-years of the MaPEeR SME project, on the strengths and weaknesses of the national and regional RTDI programmes in the 27 EU Member States plus Bosnia and Herzegovina. The studies focused, in particular, on the suitability of RTDI programmes to meet SMEs’ needs with a view to identifying best practices and these were highlighted during the conference It presented also: good practice programmes enabling the participants to understand the value of the Europe-wide research and analysis carried out on the RTDI programmes; the latest measures to assist SMEs, contained in the new Common Strategic Framework Programme and innovation and research experience for SMEs in the Open Living Labs initiative. The APOLLON Project established a synergy with MAPEER SME project in early 2011; this synergy was reinforced with this event. APOLLON ICT PSP Project


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The Innovation Forum of Bouygues Immobilier (FIBI) took place in the Fort of Issy-les-Moulineaux, an ancient military fort situated in the heights of Issy, which is currently object to an urban renewal and one of the landmark projects of Issy-les-Moulineaux. This 12 ha site is intended to be transformed into a lively and modern district including businesses and public facilities necessary to fulfill the needs of the future inhabitants, emphasizing the sustainable development and the use of digital technologies. The event was an excellent opportunity to present the digital strategy of the Issy and its landmark projects in one of the exhibition stands set up for the occasion. Issy disseminated the Apollon project, namely via the interactive cross-media device, the 3D model of the city and by “reconstructing” some parts of the interactive trail, developed in the framework of Apollon.


Inside the military fortress, structured in 6 thematic areas, (The Fort of Issy, The associates, Customer relationship, New generation housing, New concepts in the service sector, The city of tomorrow), the visitors were able to exchange mostly via short conferences of about ten minutes and a round table, in the presence of André Santini, Mayor of Issy-les-Moulineaux. A guided visit of the Fort was also part of the agenda.


More than 50 exhibitors presented their most innovative projects and the event attracted more than 1,000 participants, among which elected officials, journalists and CEOs. The event was broadcast on the Internet on FIBI Live and was followed by more than 400 persons.


The Innovation Forum of Bouygues Immobilier was a great opportunity to disseminate the Apollon project, all the more that the services developed within the project and already deployed in the city are strongly connected with the Fort of Issy. The event enabled the project partners to make known the work carried out under Apollon and the importance of the cross-border collaboration in achieving the project’s objectives.



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The festival Fimbacte is a unique event showcasing exemplary initiatives that improve the living environment and also a platform of exchange of best practices. It is an annual event that brings together actors of the living environment, with the objective of promoting their projects and their know-how. By promoting partnerships and the exchange of information, this professional platform enables the participants to enrich their experience from the experience of others and for everybody to get acquainted with the innovative projects underway.


Monday 10 & Tuesday 11 October - presentation of the projects before the jury Monday 17 October – award ceremony


More than 70 participants from various fields attended the event: cities and urban communities, SMEs, urban planners, architects, economists, entrepreneurs, large industry players, professional organizations, communication agencies…


The highlight of this event is the Award Ceremony which rewards the best projects submitted by companies, cities or organizations with the Trophy « Cadre de Vie » (Living Environment). On this occasion, APOLLON ICT PSP Project


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3.4 Workshops and Events – M25 – M30 3.4.1 GENERIC EVENT: ESOCE INDUSTRY FORUM 2011 ESoCE Net Industrial Forum 2011 edition aimed at providing some contributions to address the issues and challenges highlighted by the Innovation Union Initiative, and, in particular, to provide SMEs with suitable innovation environments and ecosystems. SMEs can take significant advantage from joining such innovation platforms for acquiring critical mass and access to global opportunities. According to ESoCE Net vision, by 2020 most services and products will be developed with User Driven Open Innovation Approaches and most virtual-real Products/Services will be co-created with the contribution of users and professional communities. MEETING OBJECTIVES, ORGANISATION AND EXECUTION The Industrial Forum 2011 is a two day event, whose objectives are to present Best Practices of Open Innovation for SMEs, to support the development of selected business ideas through reality checks performed within Living Labs environments and to launch new projects to support innovative entrepreneurships for European SMEs. The 5th December program was organized into two sessions: -

a morning session, built around two main panels of representatives from major international enterprises, SME’s Clusters, Professional Associations and Policy makers, providing their own view on the emerging Open Innovation Ecosystems.


an afternoon session, organised in 2 parallel workshops, introducing Innovation Platform typologies, one on “Domain Living Lab Networks - Instruments and Service in support to SMEs” and the second focusing on “Additional Critical Themes for Living Labs”.



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D6.3 Report on Networking Activities & Workshops The objective of the APOLLON afternoon workshop was to give examples and experiences Domain Living Lab Network that can be concretized in specific services dedicated to SMEs originated from cross border collaboration in Living Lab. In such context the APOLLON Project together with the European Network of Living Lab (ENoLL) set up and launched Domain Networks to demonstrate the positive impact of cross border Living Lab networks and fertile ground to start new initiatives (experimentation pilots) in four major ICT related domains: “Health, Autonomy and Wellbeing, Energy Efficiency, eManufacturing and Logistics and eParticipation & Media”.


Domain Living Lab Network – Instruments and Services in Support to SMEs (supported by the APOLLON Project) 14:30 – 15:00

Workshop introduction:


Domain Networks Charters and APOLLON Survey Results, Alessandro Braccini, ESoCE Net


ELLIOT Experiential Living Labs for the Internet of Things, Michele Sesana, TXT

15:00- 16:00

Living Labs active in the domain showing cases and best practices in support to SMEs

eParticipation & Media -

Digital Smart Cities: e-participation and e-democracy in the APOLLON project , Charles Tijus, Lutin LLAB

Health, Autonomy and Wellbeing -

San Raffaele Hospital – Health case


Smart sensors for IoT Health case in Sofia Living Lab, Nicholov Roumen, Virtech


Smart House Living Lab: open innovation in health and AAL services, Cecilia Vera, LST

Energy Efficiency and Environment -

ECOFFICES : Ambient Intelligence in energy saving in ELLIOT project, Karol Furdik, Intersoft


Green Services for air quality monitoring (INRIA) - ICT Usage Lab- ELLIOT

16:00 Coffee Break 16.30 Living Labs active in the domain showing cases and best practices in support to SMEs eManufacturing and Logistics -

Design and Use of Intelligent Product Applications in an IoT environment Logistic case – Matthias Kalverkamp, BIBA



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Smart Retail: Exchange of knowledge between humans and things enabled by NFC technology, Vilmos Andras, SafePay


Automotive Global Supply Chain Services and LLABs, Darius Zand, ITA


Help Center: concurrent engineering applied to implement Risk & Hazard Control, Gelu Florea, (SIS) Rural, Agro-Food


Supporting infrastructure and for precision farming agriculture in Living Lab , Luigi Fusco, Frascati Living Lab

17:30 Closure


About 60/70 organizations joined the event coming from Living Lab, Industry and the Academia for the two days event.


The Workshops presented the process and the results from the APOLLON Living Lab Domain Network establishment and, starting from the description of the charters of these Domain Networks, provided examples of potential experimentation and pilots (as per the case presented in the second session) to be run in these domains. The workshop addressed the establishment of Domain Living Lab Networks based on the experience of cross border collaboration pilots and presented best cases of Living Lab active in the domain giving example of services and support available to SMEs. The workshop contributed also in illustrating how the Domain Living Lab Networks mission consists in generating value through members’ interaction, sharing and co-creation and how these Domain Networks allow all players to launch “new initiatives and transform social capital into business and make available all the resources and assets”. In such context individuals and SMEs took its part up in the innovation process and achieved the above vision by sharing: Innovation Opportunities, Research Challenges and Resources (both technology infrastructures and Human Resources). During the ESoCE Industry Forum 2011 the APOLLON methodology for cross border Living Lab collaboration was also presented within the ”discipline in service for innovation” and ”Policy for business and job creation” themes.



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3.4.2 OTHER EVENTS: HELSINKI EBFR 2011 – 14-15 DECEMBER – CO-CREATION OF ENTERPRISE FOR PROBLEMS WORTH SOLVING MEETING OBJECTIVES, ORGANISATION AND EXECUTION EBRF 2011 presented the following keywords as pieces of puzzle and inspiration towards maximally insightful and unique ecosystem level Live Case exercises: Born Globals, Bottom of the Pyramid, Brand, Business Model, Co-Creativity, Courage, Commercialization, Customer, Energy, Enterprise Education, Growth, Intelligence, Knowledge Capital, Open Data, Ownership, Relationships, Sales, Scaling, Slack Resources, Social Entrepreneurship, Service, Social Media, Strategy, Sustainable, User Driven, Value Creation, Venture Capital. By definition, the list is incomplete and all the keywords are present in each of the six ecosystem level exercises, even if with somewhat varying relative weights. From 54 submitted research abstracts, 36 survived the EBRF double blind peer review process. Based on the competed research proposals and interests expressed in the conference approach, during autumn 2011, carefully composed “scholar teams” and “ecosystem teams” matched, during the event, to achieve maximally forward-looking and synergistic results!


WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 14, 2011 09.00 – 09.20

Opening words by Marko SEPPÄ, Chairman of the EBRF Board Marko TURPEINEN, Head of the EIT unit at Aalto University

09.20 – 09.40

Keynote: Born Globals as the Way Forward

09.40 – 10.00

Keynote: Player’s Notes on the Global Business Creation Game

10.00 – 10.20

Keynote: Business Administration vs. Business Creation

10:20 - 10:30


10:30 – 11:00

Networking Break

11:00 – 12:30

Six Parallel Sessions featuring 36 Competed Presentations

12:30 – 14.00

LUNCH BREAK: Divided into Thematic “Ecosystem Tables”

14.00 – 15.30

Six Parallel Ecosystem Level Live Case Exercises begin

15.30 – 16.00

Networking Break

16.00 – 17.00

The Six Parallel Ecosystem Level Live Case Exercises continue



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NETWORKING RECEPTION & “FAMILY PICTURE” HOSTED BY Global Faculty Partners for Problems Worth Solving LP Ky

19.30 – 22.00

Conference Dinner

THURSDAY, DECEMBER 15, 2011 08.30 – 10.00

DOING GOOD BY DOING BUSINESS: A plenary workshop going across all the six thematic Live Case ecosystem exercises

10.00 – 10.30

Networking Break

10.30 – 12.00

The six Parallel Ecosystem Level Live Case Exercises continue

12.00 – 13.00

WORKING LUNCH: Divided into Thematic Tables

13.00 – 14.30

The Six Parallel Ecosystem Level Live Case Exercises continue

14.30 – 15.00

Networking Break

15.00 – 17.00

Closing Plenary Session 15.00 – 15.30 - Keynote: Challenges of University based Business Creation – Paul Dine 15.30 – 16.00 - Keynote: Dangerous Ideas: The best ones have highest resistance – Alf Rehn 16.00 – 16.30 - Closing keynote: The Greatest Enabler? It is all about U - Christian ASPEGREN


Around 50 participants attended the event from from Academia and the Industry and representing Capital, Education, Energy, Health, ICT and Wellbeing domains. Among the participants also the Director of the ” European Institute of Innovation and Technology (EIT)” - Jose Manuel LECETA.


The Workshop took the opportunity of the different domains represented to bring the experience of the APOLLON Project in health and wellbeing experimentation. In addition to this the case of the establishment, set-up and run of Apollon Domain Living Lab Network was presented as success story to build ecosystems in which running new pilots.



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3.4.3 OTHER EVENTS: IPR AND LIVING LABS - CONTRADICTION IN TERMINIS OR A WAY FOR NEW OPPORTUNITIES - BRUSSELS MEETING OBJECTIVES, ORGANISATION AND EXECUTION The event was organized by the European Network of Living Labs, together with the APOLLON Project, on 27th January 2012. The workshop was aimed at addressing the following main points: -

How do you deal with user generated applications based on open data for smart cities?


How can you guarantee the sustainably?


How to facilitate idea ownership in a bottom up approach


How to deal with IPR in a cloud-service based environment?


How to protect SMEs and large industries sufficiently to collaborate together? How to deal with the results?


14:00 - 14h10 Welcome Welcoming Words from ENoLL/Apollon 14h10 - 14h40 IPR and EU-funded projects IPR Helpdesk 14h40 - 15h10 IPR and Cross-Border Collaboration IBBT IPR specialist 15h10 - 15h40 IPR and Open Innovation: Challenges for the LL projects 16h - 16h20

IPR in a Smart City context Smart City-project representative

16h20 - 16h40 IPR and Open Data Open Data Smart City-project


Around 15/20 participants attended the Workshop, a value in line with the expectation and the target of the workshop format.



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During this workshop, not only experiences of different projects confronted with various IPR-issues were presented but also, two IPR experts to start of the day interveened: -

Ms. Catarina D'Araujo, who has extensive experience in IP in the framework of EU funded projects (e.g. FP7 and CIP) from the IPR Helpdesk


Mr. Hans Bracquené, with extensive knowledge on the negotiation and drafting of R&D agreements, license agreements, creation of spin-offs, with a special emphasis on the rules applicable to international and national government funding of innovation (EU Framework Program, ESA, Eureka).

Presentations of the workshop are available at: http://www.openlivinglabs.eu/news/ipr-workshop-livinglabs


TECHNOLOGY EVENT - MONACO 7-9 FEBRUARY MEETING OBJECTIVES, ORGANISATION AND EXECUTION Imagina is the European 3D Simulation and Visualization Event" centered on solutions which assist in designing and reaching decisions through visualization and simulation. Over a period of three days, Imagina’s conference cycle brings all the relevant information regarding the current state of the 3D market, exploring the key issues involved and providing feedback from different economic sectors including Industry, Architecture and Territory Planning and Media & Entertainment. Imagina is an annual international event whose objective is to showcase the many fields across which 3D visualisation and simulation technologies are applied, promoting them to decision makers and technical experts, presenting pioneering initiatives, encouraging participants to share their experiences and helping experienced users to transfer their skills to those who want to develop them.



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Imagina brought together professionals from all around the world seeking solutions in analysing, diagnostics, decision making, consultation, presentation and communications in the key areas of development, processing, construction, manufacturing and design. More specifically, the event focused on the transport, design and manufacturing, architecture, urbanism, landscaping and dentistry sectors.



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The event was an occasion to present the APOLLON Project and the establishment of the Domain Network in their processes, objectives, rationale and in the specific the business and sustainability models. An overview was also given on the Domain Network role within the APOLLON Project for the cross border experimentation and their prosecution after the project. The event was also attended by WP5 presenting the eParticipation pilot & the technologies associated with it and bringing forward the SMEs working within WP5 of Apollon, Navidis and Virdual, as well as a new SME supporting partner called MobExplore, who played an active role in the implementation of the pilot in Issy. Presentations are available at: www.imagina.mc/2012/content/Speakers-presentations/speakers_presentationsUK.php


Since 2010 IET ICT Labs’ Experience and Living Lab catalyst is committed to build strong guidelines for the application of business model to Living Labs. The workshop was organized to help participants gaining more insight into business models: what services should the lab offer? How to organize access the lab? Who pays for the services? What about sustainability? MEETING OBJECTIVES, ORGANISATION AND EXECUTION The workshop organized under EnoLL brand expected the participant to go through initial ideas about first steps for service-based business model for Living Labs, learn about other Living Labs (how are they organized and exploited) and get support after workshop to refine business model over the course of 2012.


Day 1 13.00 – 13.30: Buffet Lunch 14.00 – 15.00: Introduction by participants 15.00 – 17.00: Living Lab Business Model Clinique step 1 17.00 – 19.00: How to succeed! Sharing our and your best practices! 20.00: Social Dinner Day 2 9.00 – 10.30: Living Lab Business model Clinique step 2 10.30 – 12.00: Lab-tailored operations models for sustainability APOLLON ICT PSP Project


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Participants were Lab reprsentatives within EIT as well as members of the European Netwokrf Liivng Labs. In this workshop where around 20 participants worked togetheron Living Lab best practices.


Roberto Santoro, representing APOLLON Project, directly participated in this project bringing its personal and project experience on how to achieve a sustainable business model for Living Labs and how to suggest best ways of Living Lab Service offering. The first day was mainly dedicated on how to facilitate the sustainability of individual Living Lab: in this context the networking element was considered crucial for Living Lab sustainability and the APOLLON Domain Living Lab netwoks were presented as success cases. In addition the focus on Services to SMEs was again the opportinity to bring into the table what was produced with the APOLLON Project and the SMEs window and portal. In the second day the identification of a Business Model for Living Lab was the driven factor of the workshop discussion. The objective of delivering Living Lab Services (and Services to SMEs) through a dedicated exploitation scheme was the change to present the APOLLON solution and the APOLLON Market place for Domain Network core Living Lab services.


2012 - USER-DRIVEN OPEN INNOVATION ECOSYSTEMS GO REALLY LOCAL … ACROSS BORDERS This interactive conference is the premier European event of this Spring on Open Innovation for Future Internet in Smart Cities and Communities. It offers you as public organisation, SME, corporation, academic, and creative citizen a unique chance to get involved in shaping Europe's user-driven open innovation ecosystems. 5 European projects and organisations bring you an exciting range of world-class keynotes, concrete results and demos, and many interactive sessions: -

Launch of smart care, energy, manufacturing and media networks that support cross-border Living Lab testing by innovative SMEs;


Results of user-driven open innovation in the Public Sector, creating Future Internet Services for Smart Cities;


Launch of the European Smart City and Future Internet roadmap;


Results of the 6th Wave of new members of the Network, and facilitate a range of new proposal development opportunities;



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Launch of the European Cities Community Research and Innovation Initiative;


Facilitation of a range of new proposal development opportunities

The event is organised in collaboration with the European Commission, DG Information Society and Media. Organising projects and networks: APOLLON, OPEN CITIES, FIREBALL, ENoLL and EUROCITIES. MEETING OBJECTIVES, ORGANISATION AND EXECUTION As the 2 year Apollon is coming to its end, the project is ready to share its experiences on cross-border pilots with best-of-class methods for setting up, developing and operating sustainable networks of Living Labs in different thematic domains (homecare, energy efficiency, manufacturing, eParticipation), including the smart cities domain.



Opening of the Conference


1st Keynote by Mario Campolargo, Director “Emerging Technologies and Infrastructures”, DG INFSO, European Commission


2nd Keynote on Open Innovation




Keynote by Frank Bekkers, CEO Mobile Vikings: “From local Living Lab to a 10 Million € Business in 4 years”


How to innovate across borders - for SMEs and Living Labs


Business impact for SMEs of cross-border open innovation


Launch of the Living Lab Knowledge Centre


Launch of the Cross-Border Living Lab Marketplace


Stakeholder Round Table


APOLLON legacy: Cross-Border Innovation towards the Future Internet (Smart City Portfolio)


Handover of APOLLON results to European Network of Living Labs



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Homecare and Independent Living


Energy Efficiency




eParticipation and Social Media


Public Sector Policy Insights, pan-European Challenges and Pilot Implementations


Smart City Landscape, Cases, Policies


Smart City Roadmap


Smart Cities and Living Lab Opportunities in the Future Internet PPP


Living Labs Best Practice Cases and Impact Assessment


Connected Smart Cities Network


Role of Living Labs in Regional Strategies

11:00 - LIVING LABS, HORIZON 2020 AND GLOBAL DEVELOPMENTS Stakeholders round table 12:05 - ENoLL 6th WAVE RESULTS CEREMONY ENoLL 6thWave Results Ceremony, jointly with the Danish EU Presidency and the Directorate General of Information Society and Media Throughout the conference, a demo and exhibition run of User-driven Open Innovation Ecosystem projects and results


The event is open to the Living Lab Community, the participant at any level to the four APOLLON Domain (including the Domain Networks) and the Communities of the other correspondece projects (Open Cities, Fireball, Eurocities). APOLLON ICT PSP Project


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The APOLLON presents its results (at pilot, Domain Network, methodology and Community level) to a wide audience of different Communities and projects including Eurocities. In the 1 day and half event APOLLON is in fact playing the key role of driver for the whole programme and is representing the concrete experience of Living Lab approach applied to cross border experience in the real Domains of eHelath, Energy-Efficiency, Manufacturing and eParticipation and Media (characterized by high level of ICT adoption). To reinforce APOLLON preminence in the audience four parallel sessions are organized during the whole event with specific project result presentations per domain plus permanent stands running demo, video and presentations for the complete duration of the sessions. These parallel sessions divided per domain illustrates also the Domain Networks transferred to EnoLL and the way the heritance of the APOLLON Project is transferred for continuity (in the current pilot and future experimentations). These parallel sessions acted also as Domain specific events for final APOLLON Period. The organization result in a high impact for the project demo of cross-border collaboration results in Living Lab as well as the perfect stage (with ENoLL interaction) for the launch of its main final results (APOLLON Domain Networks, APOLLON Market Place, Methodology, platform for SMEs involvement).



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4 Information Material & Journal Publications 4.1.1 DISSEMINATION MATERIAL FROM EVENTS AND WORKSHOPS Dissemination Material for the M1 – M12 period of the APOLLON projects included the outcomes from the two general events from 14th April and 27-29th September 2010: -

Power Point presentation (general APOLLON presentation with update pilot status)


Pilots presentation (also as proxy to what APOLLON offers to SMEs)


Four specific Flyers per pilot with general, partners and project description.


Power Point overview on WP6 activities up to M12


General four pages flyers – with APOLLON overall project, partners and pilots description


Videos and Photos

The Material was published also on the APOLLON Website, and, in same cases, in the mybbt.be platform for internal team information only. For what concern the period M13 – M24 an update on the Dissemination material, based on the latest results from pilots and outcomes from the APOLLON Project was carried out. This aspect included also outcomes from general events Future Internet Conference Week (December 2010) and ICE Conference 2011 (June). -

New Issue of 4 Flyers with updated pilot activity and latest results


Dissemination material targeted to different stakeholders (Living Labs, SMEs)


New issue of 4 Flyers with final results from the pilots


Dissemination materials for final event


New APOLLON Generic Presentation

The full set of APOLLON Dissemination Material was updated then considering end of the Project (M30) mainly with the launch of APOLLON Domain Networks, the results of the cross border pilots and the launch of Methodology platform and Services in the Market Place.


APOLLON Presentation(s) for final event


APOLLON Posters for final event with vertical results (including methodology)


Brochure from Domain Network establishment



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4.1.2 INFORMATION MATERIAL Referring to the table of Dissemination activities presented in chapter 2 of the present deliverable, four outputs were foreseen and achieved in Project overall period: 1. General Brochure (version 2) editing 2. Guidelines and editing details for the 4 Thematic Brochures 3. eNewsletter (five issues) 4. APOLLON standard presentation As for the General Brochure, the first version has been released on M3 and already provided to European Commission. It has been made available on the APOLLON website. Concerning the realisation of the 4 Thematic Brochures, as described in Deliverable 6.1, a 1-page recto/verso “Thematic Brochure” a version with specific pilot’s status and partner description as well as general WP overview and challenge has been released by M11 in occasion of ICT 2010 APOLLON event. In parallel, the first eNewsletter was produced by WP6 and distributed on M6 to all APOLLON Supporting Partners, as indicated in the Guidelines for internal and external communication (deliverable D 7.3). It reports all main contents of the just new APOLLON website, an advice of the upcoming events and informs about the availability on the web of the 14th April event outcomes. The eNewsletter 1st issue is available in Annex 1 of the present deliverable. The 2nd Newsletter was released by M12 and reports information on the status of the pilots, the ICT 2010 event and the website updates and improvements. The APOLLON standard presentation has been prepared by the APOLLON coordinator on M3 and has been published on the APOLLON portal. An update on the General Presentation and Pilot presentation is included in period M13 – M24 and is updated on the APOLLON Portal. The 3rd Newsletter was released on May 2011 (3rd Issue) with latest results on the APOLLON pilots, update and reporting on the various numerous thematic and generic events and the phase for the launch of Thematic Domain Networks. The 4th Newsletter was released on October 2011 with update results on the APOLLON pilots and achievement from the project. The 4th edition of the APOLLON newsletter registered also the adoption of the new tool allowing email restyled template, customization and personalization for delivers. The 5th and final edition of APOLLON Newsletter was launched in April 2012 in correspondence with the end of the project including final APOLLON results, what the Project is bringing to ENoLL after its completion, the advertising of the Market place launch and the description of the final event as occasion to touch with hand all these outcomes.



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4.1.3 JOURNAL PUBLICATIONS WPS LEADER Paper contribution material was requested to be collected from WP leaders starting from period M12. A plan for publication and a summary of the papers collected (as well as the abstract) was advertised on the the APOLLON website and internally to the consortium published on myBBT portal. RELEVANT PAPERS PUBLISHED Cross Border Living Labs Networks to Support SMEs Accessing New Markets - eChallenges 2011 conference Bram LIEVENS1, Hans SCHAFFERS2, Petra TURKAMA2, Anna STÅHLBRÖST3, Pieter BALLON1 1

IBBT, Pleinlaan 9, 1050 Brussels, Belgium

Tel: +32 26291626, Fax: + 32 26292861, Email: bram.lievens@ibbt.be 2

Aalto University School of Economics (CKIR), P.O. Box 21255, 000766 Aalto, Finland

Tel: +358 505631249, Fax: +358 943138391, Email: hans.schaffers@aalto.fi 3

Luleå University of Technology, Luleå, SE-97187, Sweden

Tel: +46 920492091, Fax: +46 920492849, Email: anna.stahlbrost@ltu.se Abstract: In the last years there has been an increasing number of Living Labs throughout Europe, which are gradually forming a vibrant and still growing community. Several Living Lab networks have been set up on the European, the regional, and the national levels which mainly exchange high-level principles and best practices for individual Living Lab set-up and implementation. This paper focuses on the next steps that these networks must take in order to support SMEs for innovation and gaining access to new markets. The paper presents a methodology framework for cross-border living labs networks supporting SMEs based on network management, which uses results from four cross-border living labs networking experiments in four different settings. The methodology identifies and addresses key challenges for cross-border living labs networking in each setting. The paper presents initial results of methodology development and discusses various challenges in applying the methodology framework to the specific context of homecare and independent living solutions.

Collaboration Support for Cross-Border Networks of Living Labs - ICE 2012 conference. Munich, June 2012 Hans Schaffers1, Mari Runardotter2, Bram Lievens3, Claudio Vandi4


Aalto University School of Economics (CKIR), Aalto, Finland, hans.schaffers@aalto.fi


CDT, Luleå University of Technology, Luleå, Sweden, mari.runardotter@ltu.se


IBBT-SMIT-VUB, Brussel, Belgium {bram.lievens@vub.ac.be}



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D6.3 Report on Networking Activities & Workshops 4

Lutin CHArt Laboratory, Université de Paris 8 {vandi@lutin-userlab.fr}

Abstract: During the last years, the concept of Living Labs as environments of user driven and collaborative innovation has received much attention. Until recently, collaboration and networking between single living labs has not been much of an issue. The APOLLON project has now extended the concept of single living labs to cross-border networks of living labs aiming to support SMEs innovation and access to international markets. APOLLON demonstrates the opportunities of cross border living labs to support SMEs in four pilots in four different domains. This paper focuses in particular on methods, tools and guidelines to support cross-border collaboration between living labs and with SMEs. We explain the methodology that has been developed to support collaboration in initiating, planning and establishing cross border networks of living labs within APOLLON, and provide some initial results on how the methodology has supported the collaboration process. The paper analyses the collaboration processes and collaboration needs and bottlenecks, and the methods that have been applied to overcome collaboration bottlenecks.

Living Labs – Real-World Experiments to Support Open Service Innovation. eChallenge2011. Fireze, Italy Ståhlbröst, A., and Bergvall-Kåreborn, B. 2011 Abstract: In today’s competitive and dynamic market it is of vital importance for organizations to innovate their processes, products and services to survive. One emerging concept that assists these demands is theopen service innovation approach that strives to open up organisational borders to support a continuous outflow and inflow of innovations. In this paper the aim is two-folded, firstly we aim to explore how a Living Lab approach withreal-world tests can contribute in open innovation processes and secondly we aim to identify important aspects an organisation aiming to implement the concept needs to grapple with. In our study users tested and experimented with energy meters and energy visualisation tools in their home for 6 months with the aim to further develop the innovation. We have found that by applying realworld experimentation users contributed to the innovation in four different dimensions. We also found that an open innovation approach requires an organisation that is communicative which entails strategies and structures to support that role.

Ethical issues raised by the new orientations in ergonomics and living labs. Work, 41, 5259-5265 Barcenilla, J. & Tijus, C. (2012) Abstract: User Experience Theory (UXT) provides us with criteria for designing products and technical systems for everyday activities (playing, learning, working...) so as to satisfy users. Living Labs (LL), are plateforms used for the design and evaluation of technical systems. As such, they constitute tools that bring to this process some constraints. However these constraints have to be articulated to the UXT. In other words, UXT should specify the place, the role and function LL should play in the design of new products, how it should contribute to satisfying UX, and how the methods and techniques should be conceived or borrowed from other disciplines. UXT also raises ethical issues: impartiality (independent, public, replicable) of research models in the context of economical constraints (dependant, private, secret APOLLON ICT PSP Project


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D6.3 Report on Networking Activities & Workshops prototypes) and of industrial pressure, the use of intrusive and persuasive techniques, even with the prior informed consent of participants, ergo-marketing, deontology codes, the use of specific participants, belonging of an UX innovative solution, confidentiality with ICT, and so on. Because the UX, as well as LL literature, have shown little concerns for ethical considerations, till now, we define LL-UX ethical issues as a new research topic, and we list a number of problems to be solved in order to have an ethical LL-UX methodology for open innovation.

Les living labs : théorie, méthodes, pratiques et technologies cognitives 52ème Congrès de la Société Française de Psychologie, 7-9 september 2010, Lille Barcenilla, Javier (2lp/etic, Université de metz), Tijus, Charles (Lutin) Abstract: Living Lab methodology, which involves a network of real people with rich experiences, is a new way of dealing with community-driven innovation for sensing, prototyping, validating and refining complex solutions in multiple and evolving real-life contexts [1]. However, the development on living labs must take into account some factors that may lead to success or failure of their objectives while interacting with partners or conducting experiments. On the other hand, Living Lab methodologies must also consider new ethical issues raised by the tripartite interaction between citizens (users), scientists (researchers) and industrials (PMEs). This paper is about these Living Labs challenges and ethical issues in the context of Open Innovation.

Matrices de confusion pour l’évaluation de la conception en Living Lab, Epique 2011, Metz, 5-7 september 2011 Charles Tijus, Claudio Vandi, Antoine Visonneau, Laure Léger, Alexandre Lacaste, Ivan Bigorgne

Digital Smart Cities: e-participation and e-democracy in the APOLLON project. ESoCE Net Industrial Forum 2011 "Open innovation and service product development for SMEs", Rome, 5-6 December 2011 Tijus, C., & Vandi, C. (2011)

5 Web Platform For communication with the broad public and the Living Lab and SME community, APOLLON selected the apollon-pilot.eu Interned domain and the relative Web Site as the central collaboration and dissemination tool of the project. An initial version of the website was finalised on 6th April 2010 by WP 7/IBBT. ESoCE-Net as WP6 Leader, in charge of the whole dissemination content co-acted with WP7 as the main editor for the whole web publication, including the validation of inputs and contribution from all APOLLON partners, in particular the WP Leaders and core SMEs. APOLLON ICT PSP Project


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D6.3 Report on Networking Activities & Workshops The internet web site strategy and information workflow was revised during period M12, considering the mature stage of the web platform and the status of the pilot projects entered in the live step, and in order to fully enter the active step for coming year. The responsible for all the WP have then been involved in the content process and the WP6 Leader has taken the role of main coordinator and content approval and reviewer. With the new workflow the contribution and documents flows from the different WP directly to the platform: WP6, responsible for the dissemination activity, check the conformity and the quality of the contributions approving and publishing to the website front-end. WP6 Leader keeps anyway the role of publishing important or general material in the web platform as well as to decide on the general layout and the logic of the different sections and material presented. The Material included in the web portal and related to the WP contribution and activity can be divided into: -

Document and Pages


Downloadable documents


Images and Video (loaded directly to the portal or embedded and mesh up from other platform such as slideshares, flickr, youtube)




News and forum topics

WP6 Leader kept responsibility and task for the overall structure of the site and the layout of the pages, reflecting the rationale by which the information from the APOLLON project are provided and disseminated outside. Web portal section APOLLON Portal

Action Website set up and final version Information • material

Upload of Events Workshop Agenda SME Section

Update Content APOLLON standards presentation upload

General Brochure

APOLLON general project description

Upcoming Events

and •

Material (for general purposes for LL and for specific domains) Current Results available for SMEs Description

SME Material • (opportunity for SMEs – what



Date Editor End of WP7 M6 End of WP7 M6

M1 – WP7 - WP6 M30 M12 M11 – WP6 M30 Final Version

D6.3 Report on Networking Activities & Workshops APOLLON offer to • SMEs) •

Methodology and Apollon Impact Pilot project description Pilot project flyers Opportunities for SMEs Description Material (for general purposes for LL and for specific domains) Description Material uploaded Description and Objectives Content Added (partners and consortium) Domain Network description Content and update list of news

• Business Corner • Opportunities Upload of Events & • Workshops agenda • Supporting Partners and Associate Partners Section – OVERVIEW Community Section

Upload of Events Workshops agenda Four domain General overview Community description

• • • •

• News Section

News description • and update








WP7 + WP6



M24 M1 – WP7 + WP6 M30

An update on the following portal section was carried out for period M13 – M24: -


News Section with updates SMEs Section


Opportunity for SMEs


Current updated on events and documents


Community with Thematic Domain Network

The APOLLON Portal communication tool was reinforced by a dedicated page on the Ami@Work Community Portal at: http://www.ami-communities.eu/wiki/APOLLON This section included also the pages concerning the descriptions and the charters for the Domain Network whose production required a collaboration effort from the Living Lab Community and whose process was then supported by a wiki-tool like tool.

5.1.1 WEB PLATFORM REVISED WORKFLOW With the Apollon-pilot.eu set up and site finalization by M6, this site has entered the active and lively stage informing the partners and everyone outside interested in the project with the outcomes, the status of pilots and the opportunities for SMEs and possible new partners. APOLLON ICT PSP Project


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D6.3 Report on Networking Activities & Workshops Whit this aim the workflow was revised in order to optimize the flow of information and reinforce the activity of returning feedbacks from the partner and giving information outside. The new workflow was then based on the following structure: -

Every WP leader was provided with a login access to the site with the authorization to insert and modify contents.


The WP6 Leader got the role of controlling the information provided (in term of content, graphic layout and coherency with the site structure) and accepting or refusing the new publishing documents, pages, elements etc.


The WP6 however maintained the role to provide general contents and revise and modify the structure according to the project needs.


WP7 took the role of general web master and responsible for server maintainer (as well as having the same control as the WP6 leader in order to improve the information flow quickness and efficiency).

After any document or page submission by WP leaders the contribution remains unpublished in the Internet Site. WP6 or WP7 (server administrator) receives an email informing about the new submission and perform the action linked to material submitted check by: -



Publishing it (if in compliance with the Web Site rules and material) Modifying and publishing it Returning the email to the author with specific change requests.

With this new approach all the information flows quicker and more accurate from the different partners upon the direct responsibility of WP leaders. The APOLLON web site look closer to the need and the status of the project itself, giving outside a more true and real representation of the current status of the pilot experiences, and contributing to attract more interested supporting partners as well as increase the dissemination of APOLLON results.

6 Partners involvement Communities need a core group of members in order to be kept alive and active. To this end, the APOLLON community started in November with 58 Organizations – the Supporting Partners that have supported APOLLON since its inception, during the proposal stage and which have signed the “Letter of Support” for collaboration once the project is funded. In a dynamic way, all along the project life, communities were periodically approached by the leaders of the domain specific experiments and also through the WP6 specific SMEs workshop and activities. The additional Supporting members engaged by all partners were expected thus to constitute the dynamic community core members.



Final Version

D6.3 Report on Networking Activities & Workshops In addition to the Supporting Partners, APOLLON have established another category of partners who are willing to directly access and contribute to the pilot activities of a Specific Domain. The two paragraphs below report the final status of the engagement process for both Supporting and Associate Partners.

6.1.1 SUPPORTING PARTNERS APOLLON strives to be an open project in which participation with all stakeholders is highly important. Therefore the APOLLON has already established a large Living Labs basis by not only having the key Living Labs as a core-partner but also by involving a large number of supporting partners. At the end of M12 (October 2010), 76 organisations throughout Europe have signed a letter of support, committing to one or several vertical domain focuses. Each of these partners is already quite active in the domain of Living labs, user driven development and open innovation. In total the supporting partner related to the APOLLON project are 92 organizations up to M12. At Project period M24 (November 2011) 133 organizations were actually composing the APOLLON Supporting Partners sub-community with an average grow trend in the last period around 45%. At the current period report (April 2012 – M30) up to 154 organizations were composing the APOLLON Supporting Community (with an additional grow tren on the previous period of about 15%). The following graphic shows an overview of the overall Supporting Partner composition.



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Of these organisations, we have 81 Living Labs, 48 SMEs, 3 Government Bodies, 17 Research Centres and Universities and 5 Industries (Large Enterprises, Association) belonging to 39 different countries. As reported in Deliverable 6.2 (see chapter 6, Key Indicator n° 2), the Dissemination Team aimed at engaging 110 Supporting Partners. During the coming periods, through the dissemination material, APOLLON’s portal, events and workshops organized, the APOLLON project reached more that the 21 required partners. This was done gradually according to the development of the project. The partner level to be achieved by M6 period was 42 organizations. To engage Supporting Partners it was created a specific “Supporting partners” section in the Portal, which main objective is to attract new ones during project life, by stressing their benefits to be registered in order to join the community, and become then active and connected upon their own domain interests. Moreover, the “Letter of Support” has been provided also on-line to new interested Organizations, to be fulfilled and sent back to APOLLON project office. In addition, the updated list of “Current Supporting partners” was made accessible in the specific Portal section.



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6.1.2 ASSOCIATE PARTNERS As per M6, 19 organisations (0 at the project kick-off) from 7 European Countries are in the process of becoming Associate Partners. Some of them still have to sign the Letter of Support but these stakeholders have already decelerated their interest of becoming Associate Partner to WP leaders.

6.1.3 SUPPORTING PARTNERS AND ASSOCIATE PARTNERS STRATEGY All along the project life, communities was periodically approached by the leaders of the domain specific experiments and also through the above mentioned WP6 specific SMEs workshop and activities. The rationale was to continuously working with the community in order to improve the participants and enlarge the network, providing a large impact and disseminating the Living Lab cross border approach and APOLLON methodology. The role of the partners is with this point of view in: -


Participating in dissemination events (conferences, workshops) Participating in specific hands-on workshops organised by the Work Package Leaders


Further disseminate the APOLLON project results towards their stakeholders


Participating in the establishment of the European thematic Living Lab networks



Act as an access point to local SMEs, large enterprises and government

Collaborating in new thematic proposals and value propositions



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D6.3 Report on Networking Activities & Workshops A specific section on the APOLLON Web Portal was created for Supporting and Associate Partners. The section describes Benefits, Mechanisms and Commitments for all the two categories, in order to foster and involve organization participation and network enlargement. A specific link is dedicated finally to Letter of Support with clear explanation of its purpose as well as with a detailed contact information section for any possible request.



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D6.3 Report on Networking Activities & Workshops

7 Conclusion For the first twelve-month period of the project that spans from 1st November 2009 through 31st October 2010 (M1-M12), many activities were foreseen in the following domains: -



Events & Workshops Information Material and Journal Publication Web Platform Partners Involvement

The 1st APOLLON Generic Event “Living Lab, User Driven Open Innovation and Future Internet networking and ENoLL 4yh wave launch”, that took place on 14th April 2010 in Valencia, as a successful event (most participants enjoyed the idea of using APOLLON Methodology in the Smart Cities pilot development and many of them are willing to take part to the 4 cross-border LL Domain networks). The Success was confirmed at the ICT biennial event, an important ICT show-window where APOLLON project have had the possibility to show the results of the pilot projects and the involved partner results, symbolized the European Network of Living Labs and corresponding community of more than 1100 registered members, demonstrate live technical solutions and outcomes already achieved by the project as well as promote Living Lab environments is the direct involvement of the Users experience in the process of new product/service/application developments. Referring to the Information Material and Journal publication activities, many outcomes were foreseen and carried out in M1-M12: -

Dissemination Material from the 14th April event


Development and distribution of “Guidelines and editing details for the 4 Thematic Brochures”


General Brochure (version 1) editing


eNewsletter, 1st issue


Journal publications


Dissemination Material from the 27-29th December ICT 2010 Event


APOLLON standard presentation


eNewsletter, 2nd edition


Four pilots flyers and General Flyer

During the same period the web site structure were made mature and the new information workflow allows contributions to come directly from the WP leaders and to be approved and authorized at the same time by WP6 Leader in order to give a general coherency with global project overview, development status APOLLON ICT PSP Project


Final Version

D6.3 Report on Networking Activities & Workshops and site agreed layout. All the dissemination material produced were then included in the portal for download. The following period from M13 to M24 confirmed the same good trend started in the first twelve months of the APOLLON Project. APOLLON Supporting Partners Community has grown reaching 133 organizations confirming the mature stage of this sub-network core part of the project dissemination activity and multiplier of the project cross experimentation results. In addition and in support to the result two generic events were organized. -

Within Future Internet Conference Week – December 2010 ICE Conference 2011 – Living Lab Track

Up to 7 thematic domain events were held during the period occurred since October 2010. During the same period the APOLLON pilots reached mature stage and were running to make out first tangible results, results that were reflecting also involved stakeholders in the APOLLON project at any level (from Living Lab to Industry, from Academia to the SMEs level). Update on the APOLLON Portal was regularly carried out together with update on dissemination material (Flyers and general presentation) to reflect latest result. Dissemination material was also more targeted according to different stakeholders (mainly SMEs and Living Lab). In the same period new version of flyer and general presentation as dissemination material were produced and included in the APOLLON Portal. The portal was revised also with a dedicated section (per vertical domain) with first tangible results from the Pilot and experimentation in Living Lab. A first synthesis of methodology and tools in cross border collaboration in Living Lab was also uploaded and made available to the community (download, news and email to APOLLON Community). The same period was related also to the investigation, design and launch of the APOLLON Living Lab Networks in the four domains: specific workshops were scheduled for Domain Network presentation and validation and in particular the generic events: -


ICE Conference 2011 (Living Lab Track) ESoCE Industry Forum 2011

were dedicated to Domain Network investigation and final advertising covering beginning and end of the establishment process. A dedicated Survey was launched on APOLLON Website with IBBT coordination involving the Living Lab network for the understanding and investigation of Domain Network structure in the four domains. Two editions of the APOLLON eNewsletter were also issued (M18, M24). The period M25 – M30 was characterize by the dissemination of the project (final outcomes), the preparation to the final review meeting and the investigation, understanding and plan for the sustainability APOLLON ICT PSP Project


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D6.3 Report on Networking Activities & Workshops of the project results (from the Domain Networks, to the pilots in the four domains and the methodology and lesson learnt as future scientific input for additional research). This final phase was conducted in strict coordination with ENoLL and was in the specific characterized by dedicated agreement for Domain Network transfer and a dedicated final event for the presentation of the Project Results and the four domain experimentations. A final edition of the APOLLON eNewsletter was issued.

As result of the dissemination activities, events and material produced and distributed during the APOLLON Project extent WP6 indicators of performance are herewith reported (as originally identified in the project DoW) with results for the main project phases and final achievement at M30 (April 2012). All the key performance indicators for WP6 were correctly met during the main steps identified for the project and as monitoring of the whole activities performed within and outside the Community for dissemination. WP6 monitoring indicators




EU Countries reached




nr of organizations reached with the Enoll+29/150 dissemination material



Nr APOLLON (general)


Organized 2/2



Nr APOLLON (specific)


Organized 3/3







Nr Participants in APOLLON events Participation of SMEs workshops and events


âˆź 200/120

thematic 60/20

Dissemination Material Produced




Nr of Publications




Issue of APOLLON Newsletters




APOLLON WebSite visitors






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Annex 1: Newsletter 1st issue (M6) ================================================================ APOLLON eNewsletter 1st issue - 30 April 2010 http://www.apollon-pilot.eu ================================================================

Dear APOLLON Supporting Partner, The APOLLON team would like to welcome you once more in our community! In our first newsletter we would like to inform you that the APOLLON website is now accessible. There are plenty of updates on www.apollon-pilot.eu to bring to your attention, take a moment to visit them. You may have noticed that we have opened a dedicated section for you. You will find there the customized information that we believe are of interest to you. www.apollon-pilot.eu/overview

In particular we will give the progress that our pilots are making in your domain of interest www.apollon-pilot.eu/news

Moreover, the first event organised by APOLLON on 14th April 2010 has occurred putting together the ENoLL and Future Internet communities. During the event, ENoLL, the European Commission and the Spanish Presidency had publicly announced the 4th wave of new Living Lab members. APOLLON has been the attraction of the event for the new comers which found the methodology for cross-border LL Pilots a useful tool for their own activities. You can access APOLLON presentations at http://www.apollon-pilot.eu/documents

Visit the next events section. You will find details on - 2nd Generic Event: September 27-29, 2010 – ICT 2010, Brussels - Health Specific Workshop: September 27-29, 2010 – ICT 2010, Brussels APOLLON ICT PSP Project


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D6.3 Report on Networking Activities & Workshops - Energy Specific Workshop: October 27th to 29th, 2010 – eChallange 2010, Warsaw - Media Specific Workshop: September 2011 – World eGov Forum, Issy - Manufacturing Specific Workshop: November 2011 – Future Factory open days, Dresden APOLLON Events

Kind Regards,

Roberto Santoro APOLLON WP6 Dissemination & Sustainability Leader mailto: rsantoro@esoce.net



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D6.3 Report on Networking Activities & Workshops

Annex 2: Newsletter 2nd issue (M12)

News from the APOLLON Project – 2nd issue October 2010 http://www.apollon-pilot.eu

Dear APOLLON Supporting Partner,

Based on the success of the first newsletter here’s the second issue for this year, with news and update information on the project: The APOLLON is completing its first year of life effectively entering the M12 month.

We’ve completely updated the APOLLON portal site with current information on the project, the partners and the cross-border pilot activities; we’ve uploaded the documents explaining the experiments and added news from Apollon-related events.

The experiments in the four APOLLON domains are entering their final planning stage and are now running at full speed towards roll-out in our Living Labs. After a lot of hard work in thinking about the best way to tackle the cross-border issues we identified, we will soon see concrete results showing the added value of Apollon methodology in the coming project period. http://www.apollon-pilot.eu/

The Platform for SMEs is ready and has just been launched this month: The SMEs interested in the APOLLON Project can now have access to: -


An initial set of documents with a description of the benefits joining as supporting partner the APOLLON Community

Detailed explanation of advantages and opportunities for SMEs aiming to enlarge their business chances by taking active part into the cross-border experiments and adopting the APOLLON Methodology. New market access possibilities, access to a European Union network, the occasion to ensure more user-oriented services and products and higher user acceptance at European level, competitiveness improvements and access to all local relevant stakeholders via a Single “Point Of Access”.



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Detailed explanation and guidelines on the four domain cross-border pilots, with activity description and partner involved information, useful to learn everything about these success cases.


Coming opportunities are waiting the SMEs in the APOLLON Portal Business Opportunities: -

The first business development opportunity dedicated to SMEs will be held next 6 December in Rome during the “Esoce-net Industry Forum”. The Workshop "Living Labs and reality checks: new opportunities for SMEs", supported by the APOLLON Project, will present the current state of the art of Living Labs activities and operation and to consolidate a shared and effective service offer for SMEs.

On December 7th, interested SMEs will have the opportunity to chair dedicated Multistakeholder Tables to identify practical steps forward for the launch of joint initiatives and to discuss and negotiate terms and conditions for conducting reality checks trials. A table for the APOLLON pilots, where the SMEs involved have the opportunity to conduct an interactive session with Living Labs and to describe their business ideas, has been reserved and should be confirmed by sending us an email. This is the first of a series of events that will be organized within the APOLLON project for the coming period.


Networking opportunities and idea exchange are also waiting SMEs on the two Living Lab dedicated Linked Groups: o

o -

GNSS Living Lab Prize

User Driven Innovation & Living Labs

Other useful information can be found furthermore at the o

Twitter openlivinglab channel

Business Opportunities for SMEs

Two important events supported by the APOLLON project have successfully been held this period: -


The APOLLON Stand at the ICT 2010 biennial event, with significant visits and participations (among all Antti Peltomäki, Deputy Director-General of the Directorate-General for the Information Society and Media -DG INFSO) - ICT 2010 APOLLON Stand.

The APOLLON Homecare Networking Session at ICT 2010 – specific event on how publicprivate partnerships can be established with citizen involvement in order to develop Future Internet services - APOLLON homecare networking session ICT2010.



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D6.3 Report on Networking Activities & Workshops

Upcoming Events: ENoLL Thematic Domain Work Group, together with Apollon-project, will organize a Workshop concentrating on the Living Labs cross-border and cross-thematic cooperation. Workshop will be organized on the13th of December in Ghent (Belgium). More information will follow soon on the Apollon Portal! Media Thematic events: •

Fête de l’Internet in Issy-les-Moulineaux, in March 2011

“Futur en Seine” Festival in Paris Region, on June 17-26 (http://www.futur-enseine.fr/fens_2011/en/index.php)

Manufacturing thematic event is tentatively scheduled for January 2011

Energy thematic event is tentatively schedule for April 2011

You will find Apollon representatives also at the following upcoming events: •

Connected Smart Cities conference in (http://events.forumvirium.fi/smartcities2010/)




Living Labs and Smart Cities Conference in Ghent, on December 14th (http://livinglabsghent.fi-week.eu/)

http://www.apollon-pilot.eu/events Kind Regards,

Alessandro Braccini

APOLLON WP6 Dissemination & Sustainability Team abraccini@esoce.net



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D6.3 Report on Networking Activities & Workshops

Annex 3: Newsletter 3rd issue (M18)

News from the APOLLON Project – 3rd issue - May 2011 http://www.apollon-pilot.eu

Dear APOLLON Supporting Partner,

Here’s the third edition of the APOLLON Newsletter, first issue for this year with news and update information on the Project. APOLLON has successfully entered 2011 and has started is second year: APOLLON pilots are now officially achieving their executive phase and interesting results are expected within the four thematic domains (Energy/Efficiency, Homecare, Manufacturing and e-Participation).

The maturity phase of the project has allowed also the launch of a new Initiative: the SME Service Window. The Window is dedicated to all the SMEs within the APOLLON project interested in the services stemming from the Living Lab and SMEs cross-border pilot experimentations.



APOLLON Pilot activities and results In the e-Participation domain APOLLON is piloting an integrated experiment dealing with the role of convergent media, social networking and the user engagement associated with it. Whether it be the discovery of a page of Issy’s history using smart-phones, 3D models, QR codes and cross-media, the covering by web-reporters of Manchester’s Central Library renovation or the creation of a serious game to raise young visitors’ interest in the Antwerp museum of contemporary art, the purpose is to encourage citizens’ involvement in the life of their city, based on a cross-border integrated approach. For more information you can join thematic domain workshop “Culture 2.0” in Issy-les-Moulineaux (24 June). APOLLON ICT PSP Project


Final Version

D6.3 Report on Networking Activities & Workshops The eManufacturing pilot evaluates the use of cross-border networks of Living Labs to improve the collaboration and business amongst SMEs. Technically it was realized by the usage of a middleware prototype for device integration (MDI) with the execution of two use cases namely the implementation of an energy monitoring use case at the premises of the supporting SME Imeguisa and the implementation of an use case for asset viewing at the premises of the supporting SME CENI. Especially the core partner Ydreams did a great job by taking care of the accurate installation of MDI for the Portuguese SMEs. Actually the eManufacturing stakeholders are intensively working together with the colleagues from WP1 and move on with the identification, evaluation and adoption of several methodologies which should support the cross-boarder business generation as well as execution.

The Energy Efficiency vertical experiment is clustering four running local Living Lab projects in four countries dealing with Energy efficiency in general and Smart metering in particular: the Energy Pilot in Sweden, the Pilot for real-time in Finland, the Amsterdam Smart City in the Netherlands and the Lisbon Energy Pilot in Portugal. Each of these projects is independently investigating how smart metering technology can be used in the most efficient way and creates behavioural change. The goal is to validate the outcomes of these projects on a broader scale by using a common research benchmark and, by doing so, enhance the scalability of Living Lab research.

The Homecare and Independent Living vertical domain is assessing the use of remote gateway and sensor-based systems in various contexts and markets. To this extent it clusters four Living Labs that focus on Homecare and Independent Living applications, services and technologies within this field. The objective of this vertical experiment is to provide a “lessons learned� in transferring or setting-up cross border Homecare and Independent Living Living Lab projects. This is resulting in (1) specific information results related to the impact of remote gateway and sensor-based systems on the daily practices of people, and (2) a setting of requirements and guidelines for setting up such cross-border projects.

For more information on APOLLON pilots and experimentation results of its cross-border methodology in Living Lab, we kindly invite you to attend the Bled Conference (12-15 June).

The APOLLON Project is setting up Business Oriented Thematic Domain Networks.

The Objective of these Thematic Domain Networks is to enable cross border collaboration in specific Domains for specific service development for the market Take-Up, by supporting its members in: Identifying business Opportunities

Contributing to consortium formation for cross border pilot (match making of assets and actors)

To this extent:

APOLLON Project is expecting to facilitate interaction among interested Living Labs starting from the discussions and work that will be done during the coming 2011 edition of the ICE Conference (www.ice-conference.org - Aachen - Germany 20-22 June 2011)



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D6.3 Report on Networking Activities & Workshops The APOLLON project will explore cross-border collaboration of living labs to support SME innovation on a dedicated session on 21 June 2011 afternoon. This session discusses the framework of methodologies to support cross-border living labs networking and collaboration, the evaluation of cross-border collaboration, and the sustainability of such collaborative networks.

Dedicated wiki pages (to gather the open contribution of interested individuals and organizations to co-create the vision, mission and governance of these thematic networks communities) were created on the Ami@Work online Community Web Portal. http://www.ami-communities.eu/wiki/Thematic_LL_Networks

You contribution for the definition of Thematic Domain Network charters and for the description of the information of the resources and assets which can be shared among these networks is welcome

Coming Opportunities for APOLLON SMEs and Living Labs: The first edition of the GNSS Living Lab Prize was a great success. Evaluators received 57 ideas for the 2010 LL Prize, which they whittled down first to 10 finalists and then to a winner for each of the three themes (GNSS for health, ageing and inclusion, GNSS for energy efficiency and environment and Media and participation). Currently, the three winners are “happily married” with three well-matched living labs that had entered a so-called 'match-making' process, held in the months after the ESNC award ceremony.

Prize money of €10,000 was given to each of the three innovative GNSS-related ideas, and a further €20,000 was given to their living lab ‘partners’. More info at: www.gsa.europa.eu/go/news/living-labs-provide-reality-checks-for-satnav-prototypes

Due to its success, the 2011 edition of the GNSS Living Lab Prize was launched, focused on same themes and two-phased approach. Deadline to submit your idea: 30th June 2011 Additional information on how to apply:





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D6.3 Report on Networking Activities & Workshops News from the APOLLON Community ISSY-LES-MOULINEAUX e-Participation strand of APOLLON pilot awarded at a national competition!

On 19th May the interactive multimedia trail on the History of the Fort of Issy developed within the eParticipation strand of APOLLON received the Grand Prize Evillementiel, during an awards ceremony held in Paris. More than 150 cities participated to the competition in one of the three categories: Culture, Sports and Sustainable Development. Issy-les-Moulineaux received the Award for the Best cultural event and also the Grand Prize Evillementiel 2011, all categories included: a distinction that rewards the innovative approach of the city – combining culture and technology - but also the crossborder collaboration for the benefit of the citizens. http://www.apollon-pilot.eu/news

Two events supported by the APOLLON project have successfully been held this period:

Future Internet Conference Week – 13 - 17 December 2010, Ghent - The APOLLON project was promoted was “Smart Cities”, as centres for user driven open innovation, using Future Internet technology in a user-friendly way to enable a truly knowledge-based society. A dedicated stand was reserved to the APOLLON project in the exhibition area during the entire week.

Esoce Industry Forum 2010 - Living Labs and Reality Checks: New Opportunities for SMEs – The APOLLON was present in this event discussing on examples of innovation platforms for SMEs and how they can be used to enhance the overall competitiveness of European SMEs.

Future Factory Visitors Day 2011 - January 28, 2011 – Manufacturing specific event; showing innovative scenarios and tangible demonstrators and how a broad variety of partner products, SAP Research prototypes and SAP solutions are working together.

Additional domain specific events have registered APOLLON experimentations involvement in the following domains:

Imagina 2011 - February 1-2-3, 2011 – Media Domain Workshop describing the key role of 3D technologies and design solutions currently representing a rapidly developing market, with applications across industry sectors and a double-digit growth rate. Smart People And Energy Efficiency - March 16, 2011 - Joint initiative between the projects Apollon, Save Energy and Smarties to share and explore experiences, results as well as discuss future work together in the areas of End-users key role for change, Living Lab methodology for measuring and changing energy consumption behaviour, cross-border pilots for long-term change - challenges and opportunities.

Upcoming Events: 24th Bled Conference 12-15 June 2011 - The 2011 edition of the Conference attracting speakers and delegates from business, government, information technology providers and universities and is the



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D6.3 Report on Networking Activities & Workshops major venue for researchers working in all aspects of “e”. SMEs - barriers and opportunities in Cross Border Living Lab Pilots APOLLON Workshop is organized on Tuesday afternoon (14 June). Registration fees will be waived for the first 25 SMEs registered (Please use APOLLON SMEs code for registering on conference website). Prize for the Conference for APOLLON Partners is reduced to 50% (Please use APOLLON PARTNERS code for registering on conference website)

ICE Conference 20-22 June 2011 – Living Lab Track. The APOLLON project is directly supporting the Conference whose 2011 edition theme will focus on Domain Networks establishment. In order to support the establishment of such Domain Networks three distinct workshops will be organized during the Conference: the objective is then to identify resources available at Living Lab level and the methods and the operational activities to combine them with concrete pilot experiences. Specifically, the 3rd Conference day will be dedicated to the presentation and discussion of concrete experiences that will be exchanged among participants in order to demonstrate how and at which level this exchange of experience can be useful for identifying what could be shared among network members in terms of resources and best practices within each Thematic Domain Network. Thematic Domain events:

European workshop - "e-culture 2.0" - Issy-les-Moulineaux - June 24, 2011 The workshop will bring together Apollon's e-Participation pilot cities representatives, as well as European Commission representatives, local government and innovative company’s representatives and will try to answer the following questions: “can digital technologies bring a new image to Culture?” “Can they help us have a different look on the historical patrimony of our cities and villages?” “Can they actually help to better spread knowledge?”

Second Future Factory Webcam Tour 2011

Second edition for this initiative that will exceptionally offer, beside regular Future Factory Visitors Days, a Webcam Tours via internet. You are now able to take a look over our shoulders from every place around the world. Future Factory Initiative of SAP Research in Dresden has built many innovative scenarios and tangible demonstrators for the manufacturing industries domain. It will be shown how a broad variety of partner products, SAP Research prototypes and SAP solutions are working together. http://www.apollon-pilot.eu/events

Kind Regards,

Alessandro Braccini



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D6.3 Report on Networking Activities & Workshops APOLLON WP6 Dissemination & Sustainability Team abraccini@esoce.net



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D6.3 Report on Networking Activities & Workshops

Annex 4: Newsletter 4th issue (M24)



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D6.3 Report on Networking Activities & Workshops



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D6.3 Report on Networking Activities & Workshops



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D6.3 Report on Networking Activities & Workshops

Annex 5: Newsletter 5th issue (M30)



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D6.3 Report on Networking Activities & Workshops



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