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ENoLL Team

ENoLL Team

3.4 Projects

ENoLL as an international non-profit association selectively participates in EUfunded projects that are strategically important and bring benefits to its members. ENoLL acts as an orchestrator with the aim of creating transnational experimentation pilot frameworks. ENoLL’s role in these projects ranges from dissemination to the wider community of Living Lab members, to enduser engagement. Through the projects ENoLL also facilitates Living Lab trainings with the experts from the network. Through participation in EU projects, ENoLL contibutes to policy recommendations, development of Living Lab handbooks and tools as well as uptake of the Living Lab paradigm in different European cities. In 2017, 2 Projects have concluded while 3 new projects have started.


concluded projects 2


projects kicked-off in 2017 3

U4IoT SynchroniCity UNaLab


Territorial Appropriation of Leading-edge Innovation Actions, is a horizontal project promoting the development of social and creative clusters in the Mediterranean region to improve its policy impact in the innovation domain. TALIA will thus capture the insights coming from the most interesting experiences taking place in our territories, to support policy-makers who aim to effectively deploy a Mediterranean Model of creativity and social innovation. U4IoT (User engagement for Large Scale Pilots on the Internet of Things) combines complementary expertise encompassing social and economic sciences, communication, crowdsourcing, living labs, co-creative workshops, meetups and personal data protection to actively engage end-users and citizens in the large scale pilots.

ENoLL Members in the Project: imec.livinglabs, Botnia Living Lab

ENoLL Members in the Project: Consorcio Fernando de Los Rios, France Living Labs (INRIA)


iSCAPE aims to develop and evaluate an integrated strategy for air pollution control in European cities grounded on evidence-based analysis. The project will develop the tools required to obtain an air pollution free/low carob society by addressing air quality and climate change concerns together through the application of new smart and sustainable technologies for integration into urban design and guidelines. The project also aims to set up Living Labs working in the field of air pollution. EU-MACS (European Market for Climate Services) – project analyses the market structures and drivers, obstacles and opportunities from scientific, technical, legal, ethical, governance and socioeconomic vantage points. The analysis is grounded in economic and political science theories on how service markets with public and private features can develop, and how innovations may succeed.

Cities in which Living Labs are developed: Bologna (italy), Bottrop, (Norway), Guildford (UK), Hasselt (Belgium), Dublin (Ireland), Vantaa (Finland)

SynchroniCity UNaLab

Synchronicity opens up a global IoT market where cities and businesses develop shared digital services to improve the lives of citizens and grow local economies. The SynchroniCity consortium brings together 39 partners with worldwide outreach. The project represents the first attempt to deliver a digital single market for IoT-enabled urban services in Europe and beyond – in 8 European cities and more worldwide – connecting 39 partners from 13 countries over 3 continents. The Urban Nature Labs project will demonstrate innovation nature-based solutions in cities that are facing challenges of climate change and urbanisation. Through the project locally-attuned innovative water management systems will be co-create and demonstrated in the context of an integrated urban ecological approach: the Urban Nature Lab (UNaLab). Smart Santander Living Lab, Brainport Eindhoven, imec.livinglabs.

ENoLL Members in the Project: Forum Virium Helsinki, Manchester Digital Innovation Living Lab, imec.livinglabs ENoLL Members in the Project: Botnia Living Lab, Basaksehir Living Lab, Espaitec, Brainport Eindhoven

Cities in the project: Antwerp (Belgium), Carouge (Switzerland), Eindhoven (The Netherlands), Leon (Spain), Manchester (UK), Milan (Italy), Helsinki (Finland), Porto (Portugal)

Cities in the project: Basaksehir (Turkey), Buenos Aires (Argentina), Cannes (France), Castellon (Spain), Eindhoven (The Netherlands), Genova (Italy), Hong Kong (China) Stavanger (Norway), Prague (Czech Republic), Tampere (Finland)

iSCAPE, has been featured in the EU Research & Innovation Magazine as “1 of the 10 breakthroughs to shape EU for the next 60 years”.

INTERREG MED TALIA project: ENoLL and France/Francophonie Living Labs participated at the first Talia two-day conference in Bari

SynchroniCity Project Kick-Off ENoLL supports this 3-year project by leading the marketing and communication activities and supporting the citizen and multi-stakeholder engagement throughout the project from the quadruple helix perspective.

UNaLab Kick-Off in on 7-8 June Finland

JAM Today Workshop hosted at the ENoLL offices on 5 -6 April

Successful ending of the PELARS project with an exhibition

EU-MACS call for external expertise for Effective members and Innovation Partners

U4IoT Kick-Off with Botnia Living Lab. The kick-off meeting took place on 12-13 January

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