Apollon eManufacturing Experiment

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Enabling manufacturer SMEs consume services and products borders

to provide and across national

The Challenge Today many European manufacturer SMEs offer their products and services to customers belonging to the same country but most of these products and services could be also of interest for potential international customers. Therefore there is a clear need for SMEs to easily offer their technologies, discrete products and services to foreign countries.

Living Labs SAP Research (SAP)


Forum Industria Automovel de Palmela (FIAPal)


Hungarian Vehicle Engineering Cluster (HVEC)


Core Partners Alfamicro




Supporting Partners / SMEs Centro de Integração e Inovação de Processos (CENI)




ubigrate GmbH


Agilion GmbH


Kuka Robotics


Within the Apollon project we will evaluate the use of cross-border networks of Living Labs to improve the collaboration and business amongst SMEs. Technically his will be realized by the usage of a middleware prototype for device integration and management which allows IT- and hardware interoperability. The eManufacturing APOLLON Pilot consists of 5 SMEs 3 Living Labs and 2 Core Partners. Supporting Partners have privileged access to APOLLON Methods and Emerging Practices and have the opportunity to contributing to the creation of a sustainable, cross-border thematic network.

T he Cross - Border Experiment The attending parties agreed the setup and execution of 3 use cases:

Energy Monitoring •  Connecting energy monitors •  Identifying energy bottlenecks in manufacturing plants

Asset maintenance and optimization •  Device management •  Asset hierarchy •  Error reporting/Alert conditions

Logistics traceability and optimization •  Localization of tools and materials on the shop@loor

Running these use cases will lead to an intensive collaboration between the different SMEs having service providers on the one site and service consumers on the other end. During the time where some SMEs try to setup their energy monitoring, asset maintenance and optimization or logistics traceability and optimization scenarios they heavily require new technologies and knowledge from solution providers based in other countries represented by other SME’s that are part of the project. This service provisioning and knowledge transfer will be done for every use case and therefore should be an iterative process to find and optimize a methodology how small companies can collaborate across borders by using the given Living Lab network.

Contacts Follow the project on Twitter @ http://twitter.com/Apollon_Pilot See the results at http://www.apollon-pilot.eu You too can become a Supporting Partner of APOLLON by downloading your Letter of Support at http://www.apollon-pilot.eu/letterofsupport.doc and sending it to: IBBT vzw as coordinator of the APOLLON project proposal: c/o 
 Ballon Manager, 
IBBT-iLab.o Pleinlaan 
9, 1050

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