DELIVERABLE Project Acronym:
Grant Agreement number:
Project Title:
Advanced Pilots of Living Labs Operating in Networks
D.5.4 Re-adjusted pilot techniques and methodology
Authors: Tanguy Coenen, Bram Lievens (IBBT) Claudio Vandi (UP8) Dave Carter (MDDA)
Project co-funded by the European Commission within the ICT Policy Support Programme Dissemination Level P
Confidential, only for members of the consortium and the Commission Services
Apollon – Deliverable 5.4 Table of Contents 1. Introduction ................................................................................................................ 3 2. Intial pilot description ............................................................................................. 5 2.1 Paris pilot ........................................................................................................................... 5 2.2 Manchester pilot .............................................................................................................. 5 2.3 Brussels pilot .................................................................................................................... 5 3. Pilot re-‐adjustments ................................................................................................. 6 3.1 Paris pilot ........................................................................................................................... 6 3.1.1 Use scenario ................................................................................................................................ 6 3.1.2 Pilot set-‐up ................................................................................................................................... 9 1.1.2 Technology adjustments .................................................................................................... 13 3.1.3 User involvement ................................................................................................................... 16 3.2 Manchester pilot ............................................................................................................ 17 3.2.1 Use scenario ............................................................................................................................. 17 3.2.2 Pilot set-‐up ................................................................................................................................ 18 3.2.3 Technology adjustments .................................................................................................... 20 3.2.4 User involvement ................................................................................................................... 21 3.3 Brussels pilot .................................................................................................................. 22 3.3.1 Use scenario ............................................................................................................................. 22 3.3.2 Pilot set-‐up ................................................................................................................................ 25 3.3.3 Technology adjustments .................................................................................................... 31 3.3.4 User involvement ................................................................................................................... 32 4. Evaluation tracking ................................................................................................ 33 4.1 Transfer Living Labs evaluate SME technology based on user feedback in cross-‐border settings .............................................................................................................. 33 4.2 SME evaluation of the collaboration with Living Labs in the cross-‐border experiments ............................................................................................................................... 34 The information in this document is provided as is and no guarantee or warranty is given that the information is fit for any particular purpose. The user thereof uses the information at its sole risk and liability.
Statement of originality: This deliverable contains original unpublished work except where clearly indicated otherwise. Acknowledgement of previously published material and of the work of others has been made through appropriate citation, quotation or both.
Apollon – Deliverable 5.4
1. Introduction The main issues addressed by APOLLON (Advanced Pilots Of Living Labs Operating in Networks) are the present lack of Living Lab harmonisation and collaboration, and the serious difficulties of SMEs in engaging in cross-‐border innovation. APOLLON will demonstrate the positive impacts of cross-‐border domain-‐specific Living Lab networks, by setting up an advanced pilot composed of 4 thematically focused European-‐wide Living Lab experiments. SMEs are enabled to take part in cross-‐border Living Lab experiments beyond their home markets, and are supported by large industrial companies, academic centres and other stakeholders. The APOLLON pilot aims to share and to harmonise the Living Lab approaches and platforms between exemplary European networks as well as the subsequent evaluation results and the set up of sustainable domain-‐specific networks on a European and global level. APOLLON addresses 4 major domains in which ICT products and services innovation may benefit most from cross-‐border Living Lab networking. These are: •
Homecare and Independent Living
Energy Efficiency
The project consortium of the domain 4 is composed of: Issy Media ( France), Université de Paris VIII (France), IBBT (Belgium), Manchester City Council ( United-‐Kingdom), 3D2+1 (France), Navidis (France), and People’s Voice Media (France) The objectives of Work Package 5 are the following: 1 The name of this SME has changed to Virdual. However, for the sake of
conformity with the other documents of the Apollon project, we will keep referring to them as 3D2+. 3
Apollon – Deliverable 5.4 •
Sharing and comparing technologies/ methodologies in order to understand to which local, regional, national results can be extended to other contexts and which common technology/methodology can be built for generalization.
Adapting technologies/methodologies to the European context.
Integrating technologies/methodologies to overcome fragmentation of services
Promoting citizens’ innovation to eMedia participation in Europe and evaluating if cross-‐border user testing can help existing projects to open to the European audience.
In this report we describe how the technologies and the methodologies have to be adapted in order to carry out the pilot. The different pilot descriptions within the media and e-‐participation workpackage were the subject of D5.3. In this report, we document how and why some methodologies have been withheld and others rejected. In other words, this deliverable describes in more detail the way in which the existing technologies will be integrated and how they need to be adapted in order to do so. In addition, this document also describes the adjustments from a living lab research point of view. Concerning living labs, we will not only focus on the actors involved and the context, but also on research activities related to user evaluation. The structure of this document is as follows. In section 2, the description of the initial pilots, as described in Deliverable 5.3, is re-‐stated. If changes to the pilot description have been made, this is mentioned, but the actual changes are detailed in section 3. This section provides detailed descriptions on the different pilots. Finally, in section 4, a number of ways to follow up on evaluations of both SME collaboration and user experience are described.
Apollon – Deliverable 5.4
2. Intial pilot description 2.1 Paris pilot The French pilot is identical to what was described in deliverable 5.3. As described there, the pilot involves the aggregation of Media technologies using 3D multimedia, context aware mobile applications and Community Reporting, within the framework of the Digital Fort project in Issy Les Moulineaux. All WP5 partner's technologies will be involved: 3D2+ provides ‘Real and More’, Navidis provides ‘Issy 3D’ and ‘Urbadeus’, IBBT provides ‘Air Graffiti’, and People Voice Media provides ‘Community Reports’. 2 The main change with regard to the initial set-‐up (described in deliverable 5.3) is a more elaborate and detailed scenario for the pilot as well as the decision at which level the different technologies will be integrated in the pilot. Between a fully functional integration and a simulated integration we opted to adopt an intermediate solution that we call the aggregation approach. In this approach, partners' technologies are not fully integrated on a common platform, but still exchange data and are mutually accessible.
2.2 Manchester pilot As outlined previously in Deliverable 5.3, the Manchester pilot will use the refurbishment of Manchester Central Library and a public art trail in city centre Manchester, managed by the Manchester City Galleries department, to focus activities related to the testing and evaluation of products from IBBT, Navidis and Peoples Voice Media and the evaluation of Living Labs processes and methodologies created by Work Package 1. In addition to the scenario set out in D5.3, the Manchester pilot will also involve a project being run by Greater Manchester County Records Office to engage citizens in local history archives.
2.3 Brussels pilot The initial pilot in Brussels, as described in Delverable 5.3, revolved around the campus of the future project. The aim was to experiment with e-‐participation regarding the future of the university as an institution and the campus as a 2 For a full description of these technologies see deliverable 5.3 5
Apollon – Deliverable 5.4 physical social space. Therefore, various components would have been deployed at the university campus, like an open Wifi network and access to the open data sources from the University. The purpose of the Brussels pilots as initially envisioned in APOLLON was to conduct an open envisioning exercise based on and using this existing infrastructure. This would have been done in collaboration with as many stakeholders as possible. The foreseen outcome was to create a computer-‐assisted methodology that, by using future scenarios wrapped in a context-‐aware application, helps to define possible ways to record scenarios for change of a certain entity involving the users of that entity. However, due to the fact that some of the initial technologies and core services on the University level, related to this smart-‐university concept, are not yet implemented, we are forced to refocus the initial pilot-‐scenario and setup. This will be detailed in section 3.3.
3. Pilot re-adjustments 3.1 Paris pilot 3.1.1 Use scenario The Use scenario for the French pilot is built around the City of Issy Les Moulineaux and the Digital Fort new district. The Digital Fort in Issy-‐les-‐ Moulineaux is a new Green and Hi-‐Tech district that is being built in the place of the old Issy Fort (constructed between 1840-‐1845 and nearly destroyed in the war of 1870). The first objective is to encourage the citizens to get involved in the life of their city, to make them discover and increase their awareness on the rich history of their town. They will not get involved in delicate political issues (for example, expressing their anger regarding the works at the construction site), but they will be able to express themselves and have an active role in their town, via a series of innovative media technologies. Using a 3D interactive documentary on the history of the Fort and a 3D interactive cartography of Issy, they will discover the city's history. Using two context-‐aware mobile application for creating and viewing geolocalized content they will participate in an Urban Game, become
Apollon – Deliverable 5.4 History Explorers and thus contribute to a shared representation of the city. Through Community Reports, they will become Community Reporters and create User Generated Content. The pilot aims to test the aggregation of various new media technologies for involving and engaging the citizens during the construction works and to help them discover and re-‐appropriate the Fort's history and become a part of its future. The realization of the pilot will involve two steps: •
In a first step, the Awareness phase, citizens of Issy-‐les-‐Moulineaux will first be invited to discover the History of the Fort through a cross-‐media Documentary on the Fort and a 3D interactive plan of the City.
In a second step, citizens will act as History Explorers and Community Reporters and will be involved in an Urban Game and Community Reports.
Figure 1: Illustration of the Paris pilot scenario
First Phase : raising awareness
To engage with citizens, it is important to raise awareness on the object of their participation activity and to provoke the citizens' curiosity on the proposed subject. A group of citizens will be invited to participate in a workshop in which they will discover the history of the Fort in an innovative way using 3D technologies. In this phase, the following technologies will be used to create awareness and provoke the citizens' curiosity: •
Real and More will be used to provoke the citizen’s curiosity about the Fort and its history.
Issy 3D will be used as the entry level for the documentary to help citizens visualize the Fort on the City plan.
Using these technologies, a mediator will explain the history of the Fort and its role in the city. Citizens will be invited to actively participate in the presentation by contributing their knowledge and memories and by interacting with the 3D environment. 7
Apollon – Deliverable 5.4 During this workshop, citizens will be motivated to take an active role in the project and become History Explorers and Community Reporters in the second phase. At the end of the workshop, citizens will be asked to express their opinion about the technologies they have been using.
Second Phase: User Involvement through an Urban Game and Community Reports
In this second phase, citizens will take a more active role and participate as History Explorers and Community Reporters. During two Urban Games, the citizens will be able to discover and contribute to the history of their city in a vivid, interactive and playful way. Using Urbadeus and Air Graffiti, they will follow a discovery trail, an Urban Game on the history of Issy. Citizens will have to find a number of hints and clues that will take them through time and legend, back to the War of 1870 and in emblematic places and streets around the city that still show traces of the old times. The starting point of the game will be Real and More through which users/players will be introduced to the game scenario. With the help of an iPhone or another Smartphone, users will be able to find POI (points of interest) in the surrounding neighborhoods of the Fort of Issy (the interior of the Fort will be closed to public access until 2013). The POI will offer access to information on the history of the Fort and its surroundings before and during the 1870 war. The available resources in the POI will be: •
Engravings presenting the Fort during the war
Engravings of the surroundings
3D images based on the digital reconstruction of the Fort
Videos of the 360 ° panorama realized from the digital reconstruction of the Fort
On-‐site additional information in the form of small texts
These POI will be the starting point of the urban game, which will take users from one historical point to another, leading them finally to the coveted treasure. Throughout the trail, users will have to solve various riddles and puzzles and they will have to report constantly on their journey via the Urbadeus platform.
Apollon – Deliverable 5.4 This will be done by “capturing reality” with their mobile phones through emoticons, photos, videos or sounds. Using Air Graffiti, 2D barcodes (tags) will be placed on certain historical buildings that users will have to find by solving the various riddles along the way. The QR codes will link to online content and information about the building/object they are placed on. During the game, citizens will have to snap photos and take videos that will be uploaded to Issy 3D, thus creating a shared cartography of the City History. During and after the game, players will also have to produce reportage materials using Community Reports methods. They will have to comment on what they do and what they see around them as they progress in the game. After the game, content produced by the citizens will be accessible both on Issy 3D through Urbadeus and on mobile through Air Graffiti. Starting from the contents produced during the game, a Community Report will be realized to keep track of the events and to build a shared representation of the City's past and future. 3.1.2 Pilot set-up
In this pilot we will use all the technologies of the SME’s involved in WP5. We will now elaborate the role of each SME in the pilot. 3D2+ 3D2+ provides Real and More, a 3D documentary on the history of the Fort of Issy Les Moulineaux and 3D interactive reconstruction of the Fort. The documentary proposes a guided visit of the place enriched with documents such as video sequences, engravings, sounds and pictures. The 3D reconstruction of the place allows the user, in the form of an avatar or a subjective camera, to go around and make a tour as one pleases in a free visit. Real and More will be used to raise citizen’s interest and make them aware of the place of the Fort in Issy's history. Navidis
Apollon – Deliverable 5.4 Naividis provides Issy 3D, a 3D cartography of Issy that allows a user to travel in space and time. Issy 3D will be used as the entry level for the documentary to help citizens visualize the Fort on the City plan. Navidis also provides Urbadeus, allowing citizens to post with a smart phone into the 3D Model of the city additional points of information for sharing city experience and providing relevant feedback. An example would be to build a memory of the city or to raise any issues that will be monitored by the technical service of the city. Urbadeus will be used to geo-‐localize content from the 3D2+ product Documentary and enrich it with geo-‐localized user-‐generated content. IBBT IBBT’s Air Graffiti is a context-‐aware urban mobile service that allows users to describe, experience and discover objects and locations. The application allows for dynamic in-‐ & outdoor trails and uses GPS, QR-‐codes, RFID-‐tags and short -‐ urls. Air Graffiti will be used to distribute context-‐aware content (geo-‐localized, 2D-‐ barcodes) regarding the Fort’s history around the city. The Fort played an important role in the Franco-‐Prussian War of 1870-‐71 and references to that era are still to be found across other parts of Issy and the wider Parisian area (e.g. museums in Paris). People's Voice Media People's Voice Media will provide Community Reporters programmes, which are an innovative way for people to build confidence in the use of social media tools, learn new skills and tell a story about themselves or their communities. Community Reporters Programmes will be used to engage with Community Reporters and creating Community Reports and work with and train Issy Media’s staff as well as recruit members of the public to act as community reporters. They will create and upload content on the social media (e.g. YouTube, Flickr). The content will be geo-‐localized using AirGrafitti and projected via Navidis’s Urbadeus onto the Issy 3D plan.
Apollon – Deliverable 5.4
Non-SME Actors
We aim at involving Citizens, Schools and local public authorities. There is not a specific age range or profile. The Urban Game scenario will be adapted to satisfy different user groups (kids-‐adults). An important actor for the pilot that wasn't involved in previous pilot set up is the City Museum, which provided a detailed list of 9 Points of Interest that bear some traces of the history of the City related to the Fort. These will be used as a base for both Community Reports and the Urban Game.
User research
Users are at the core of the pilot since they will act both as History Explorers and Community Reporters. During the pilot we will have two ways of collecting users feedback : 1. During the pilot, as citizens use the technologies, a Living Lab representative will be with them to collect their feedback on two dimensions: usability and acceptability. This will be done through questionnaires using both Likert scales and open ended questions. These questionnaires will be designed at the beginning of the pilot (by M14 of Apollon). 2. Towards the end of the pilot (M22 of Apollon) we will organize a Co-‐ innovation workshop to record and analyze users feedback on the technologies they have been using. UP8 will be responsible for this task that will be carried out using a methodology that has been used widely before APOLLON in national projects in which we brought together the creator of the technology and some representatives of the target user groups: the Eneide project about New Technologies for Education (Observus workshops with teachers), the RANUTER project about Digital Terrestrial Radio (workshops with drivers), the Tablets for seniors project (workshop with senior citizens). These workshops are intended to bring together technology providers (SMEs) and end users and guide them through a participative innovation workshop in which: a. Users can express their needs, provide new ideas for technology development and test and highlight what they like or don't like. 11
Apollon – Deliverable 5.4 b. SMEs can collect input on what is needed to improve acceptability, to make the learning curve less steep, to adapt their tools to a group of users and to extend the potentials of their tools. The workshops will be conducted along the following lines : 1. Participants gather in the same room 2. Each participant introduces himself 3. During a first phase, the SME’s make a quick presentation of the proposed service 4. During the second phase, users are invited to generate ideas, focusing on two aspects : a. On the product side, starting from existing services, possible new usages of these services are investigated. The general question is “What would you like to do with this service ?” b. On the users side, starting from existing needs new services (inside the product) to satisfy user needs are focused upon. Different methods exist to boost the idea production process, like free brainstorming, guidance by images, by scenarios, …. Yet in order to record ideas, what we propose is for each participant to write down his idea on a post-‐it note. Ideas should be formulated clearly and include a verb (ex: use the service to do X). The mediator (LL) then takes the post-‐its and organizes them on a wall, creating groups associated to “events” in the brainstorming (e.g. ideas generated while discussing a given service, or presenting an image). At the end of the brainstorm, each group of idea is commented together, trying to identify the best ideas and increase the coherence of what has been proposed. Finally, the results are analysed. Recurrent ideas are the most requested from users. But these are not always the most relevant for the SME. In order to have the most relevant ideas we need to organize the ideas along categories associated to services and/or along a typology of ideas (e.g. ideas for innovation / ideas for business opportunities).
Apollon – Deliverable 5.4 Timeline
1. End of M12: Identify POI in Issy related to the History of the Fort (done) 2. End of M13: Adapt the Urban Game to include these POI 3. 15th of December (M14)– People’s Voice Media will train Issy Média’s staff to use their technology and become Community Reporters 4. 12th of December (M14) – Real and More will be presented at the Cité des Sciences et de l’Industrie in Paris 5. 2nd half of M15 – Test the exchange of data between the apps 6. M16: Preparation and Communication for the first Urban Game 7. M17: Urban Game and Community Report during the “Fête de l'Internet” 8. M18: First evaluation including user feedback and SMEs (what we integrated and how it worked, what are the new perspectives) 9. M19: Preparation and Communication for the second Urban Game 10. M20: Second Urban Game and Community Report during “Futur en Seine” Festival 11. M21: second evaluation including user feedback and SMEs (what we integrated and how it worked, what are the new perspectives) 12. M22: Final evaluation 1.1.2 Technology adjustments
The best scenario would have been all technologies providing APIs for easily exchanging data with each other. Since this is the case only for Air Graffiti, we decided to adopt an Aggregation Approach that avoids a functional integration of technologies but still allows them to exchange data. Table 1explains what will be exchanged. Table 1 : What and how -‐ data exchanged across technologies
From Real and M ore
Real and More is used to explore
Real and M ore
Air G raffiti Community Reports
What: Inside What: Inside What: Inside Real and
Real and
Real and
More users
More users
More users
Apollon – Deliverable 5.4 the history of
can access
can access
can access
the Issy Fort,
created by
created by
curiosity and
using Air
engage with
in the 3D
in the 3D
Embedded in
Documentary Documentary the 3D
Documentar y Urbadeus and Issy 3D
Urbadeus is
What: From
What: From
used to
Issy 3D and
Urbadeus is
users can see used during
geolocalized users can
access Real
content that
Reports to
during the
and More
has been
produce and
Urban Game How: through
using Air
embedded in
How: already supported
Issy 3D and
through Air
Graffiti API
What other
Issy 3D is used to
retrieves the kinds of User
visualized Urbadeus and other applications' content on a
produced in
during Community
3D map of
Reports can
be geolocalized
Apollon – Deliverable 5.4 in Urbadeus How through geolocalized hyperlinks embedded in Issy 3D Air G raffiti
Air Graffiti is used to
What: From
What: From
Air Grafitti,
Air Graffiti
users can see
users can see
content and
Pictures and
access it on
Audio created
How: through a script embedded in Urbadeus
How: already supported
Community Community Reports Reports
Real and
Air Graffiti is
for producing for
scenarios for and
train trainers Community
geolocalizing content
in Issy and to Reports
citizens in
More is used used as a tool used as a tool
Programmes to build are used to
Urbadeus is
Based on their current state, the following adjustments will need to be carried out on the involved technologies :
Apollon – Deliverable 5.4 •
Real and More : To give access to other content inside the 3D reconstruction of the Fort, 3D2+ will have to design a solution to visualize and access hyperlink from within the 3d environment.
Urbadeus : To exchange content with other apps in Urbadeus, Navidis will have to develop a script that will make available daily contents for Air Graffiti.
Air Grafitti : To exchange content with other apps, Air Graffiti will use its API.
People’s Voice Media : To adapt its Community Report training to a French audience. This involves translating supporting material into French before the course (with support from french Llabs) and having a translator (French LL staff) during the course for those people that have problems understanding English. People’s Voice Media will also have to adapt to a new target population and will have to choose appropriate technologies, avoiding Social Media platforms that are not localized in French.
3.1.3 User involvement Citizens of Issy will have a core role. They will be asked to participate as History Explorer and produce content to enrich the different technologies. At the same time, they will be asked to express their opinions on the technologies they are using (as described in “User Research”) and to participate to the city life through innovative eParticipation technologies. From this point of view, Urbadeus will have a particularly important role of giving citizens the opportunity to express their opinion by attributing an emotional tag to the content they create during the urban game. The inhabitants of Issy are generally proud of their city’s image as one of the most advanced cities in France and proud of being an active part of it. Thus, the majority of Issy’s citizens will voluntarily participate in the experimentation of new services and products. All these activities will be broadcasted on the city’s local Web TV channel ( and relayed on the city’s local magazine, local social network
Apollon – Deliverable 5.4 (www.i-‐, and on the city’s Web page (, a cornerstone of Issy’s national dissemination activities. Issy-‐les-‐Moulineaux Facebook and Twitter pages will also be used to raise awareness on the Virtual Museum within the framework of cross-‐border Apollon experiment. 3.2 Manchester pilot 3.2.1 Use scenario The Manchester pilot will work in partnership with three existing projects in the city to test and evaluate the Air Graffiti application from IBBT, the Urbadeus application from Navidis and the Community Reporters model from Peoples Voice Media. In relation to this, evaluation of Living Labs processes and methodologies will also take place. Below is an overview of the three existing projects that will be used in the Manchester Pilot: •
Manchester Central Library closed in June 2010 for three years of refurbishment and renovation and there is a need to keep citizens informed of the progress of the refurbishment work. The use of QR codes located at key locations around the renovation site and at other libraries around the city will be used to link to online resources where citizens can find out more about the renovation work and leave comments and questions.
(, which has fixed QR codes to twenty public art works in the city. Each QR code links to a web page about that art work, and the page will include text about the work and an MP3 audio clip of the text. •
The Greater Manchester County Records Office is running a ‘Big Society’ project funded by the Museums, Libraries and Archives Council ( to explore how to engage with citizens who would not normally access their local archives. Images from the local images collection of Manchester ( will
Apollon – Deliverable 5.4 be printed on posters with QR codes and placed at the locations shown in each photograph to encourage citizens to leave stories, comments and other information about that location. Events will take place in local libraries to make citizens aware of the posters and the QR codes. Walking tours and evaluation sessions will be set up with expert users and citizens to test and evaluate how Air Graffiti from IBBT and Urbadeus from Navidis can be used to engage citizens in both the Central Library refurbishment and the Decoding Art project. User testing will evaluate subjects including usability of the applications, language / cultural differences in the application’s interfaces, ideas for future development and general feedback. In addition, evaluation will also take place of the preparation work required to enable the applications from IBBT and Navidis to be used in Manchester, such as time required to prepare 3D model data of Manchester Central Library for use in Urbadeus. Peoples Voice Media will promote the Central Library, Decoding Art and Big Society projects through their network of Community Reporters, and will work with Manchester Central Library staff to clarify if and how the Community Reporters model can be used by a city administration as alternative channel of communication to citizens. For example, Community Reports will be given access to inside the Central Library building and blog about the progress of the renovation work, carry out interviews with key people involved in the renovation project which will go online, and similar. Community Reports will also be invited to be involved in the user testing sessions of the Air Graffiti and Urbadeus applications. 3.2.2 Pilot set-up The Manchester pilot will involve three phases: •
Preparation of applications for use in Manchester.
User testing sessions.
Evaluation of Living Labs processes and methodologies.
Apollon – Deliverable 5.4
Preparation of applications for use in Manchester
In order to carry out successful testing of the Air Graffiti and Urbadeus applications during user testing sessions – e.g. walking tours around public art sites tagged with QR codes using Air Graffiti – time will need to be spent to prepare them for use. In the case of Urbadeus, this will involve gaining access to the 3D City Model of Manchester produced for the city by Arup. Informal agreements have already been set with Arup to access the data and Manchester is currently working through the administration processes to hand over 3D data to Navidis for input into Urbadeus. In the case of Air Graffiti, Manchester will liaise with IBBT to ensure that the application is ready for public use. Timeline: November – December 2010.
User testing sessions.
The user testing sessions will consist of the following: •
Expert reviews. MDDA staff will carry out one-‐to-‐one meetings with local experts with interests in areas of QR codes, e-‐participation / social media and 3D applications to carry out half-‐day, in-‐depth evaluations of the Air Graffiti and Urbadeus tools, feeding back findings from the evaluations to IBBT and Navidis in order to support development of the applications. These sessions will also be used to enable IBBT and Navidis to gain knowledge of local business contacts and networks that may be useful to expand into new markets. By proxy, MDDA will also test Living Labs processes for cross-‐border knowledge sharing. The expert reviews will focus on usability, market readiness, language / localisation / culture differences, scenarios for testing the products with users in the target market, software / hardware requirements.
Testing with citizens. A maximum of three user testing sessions will take place with members of the public. One user testing session will evaluate how using QR codes and location aware comments can engage citizens in the Manchester Central Library renovation work. Air Graffiti will be used
Apollon – Deliverable 5.4 as the application to engage with citizens using QR codes and Urbadeus will be used as the application to engage using location aware comments. A second user testing session using both Air Graffiti and Urbadeus will be carried out to evaluate how they can augment and support the public art tour provided by Manchester City Galleries. A third user testing session using Air Graffiti and Urbadeus will evaluate how they can support access to local history archives through the use of QR codes and location aware comments based around posters showing old images of Manchester at various locations around the city. Timeline: •
Expert reviews: M14-‐M15.
User testing session 1: Manchester Galleries is the Decoding Art project (Walking tour of public art works provided by Manchester City Galleries). M16-‐M17, dependent on the weather.
User testing session 2: Manchester Central Library. M17-‐M20, mainly dependent on when the 3D city model of Manchester can be integrated into Urbadeus.
User testing session 3: Greater Manchester County Records Office ‘Big Society’ project (local images of Manchester). M15-‐M17. This is dependent on Greater Manchester County Records Office providing local images for use on posters.
3.2.3 Technology adjustments The following adjustments will need to be carried out in order to test the products in the Manchester scenario. •
Ensuring that English is provided as a language in the user interfaces of both Urbadeus and Air Graffiti. Air Graffiti already provides an interface in English. Work will need to carried out with Navidis and MDDA to test an English language interface for Urbadeus;
Ensuring that the 3D city model of Manchester can be integrated into Urbadeus. Agreements are already in place to access the 3D city model,
Apollon – Deliverable 5.4 and Manchester is currently going through administrative exercises to release the data. The Manchester team will be working closely with Peoples Voice Media and other local partners to ensure that there are adequate opportunities for feedback built into this part of the planned local collaborative working to enable any further adjustments that are required to be made efficiently and effectively. 3.2.4 User involvement In order to involve users (experts and citizens), Manchester will carry out the following activities: 1. Decoding Art public art works tour. To involve citizens, Manchester Galleries and MDDA will put out a call for interested citizens to take part in a ‘walking tour’ that will test the Air Graffiti and Urbadeus applications. The call will go out via the Manchester Galleries website, Twitter and Facebook pages. Additionally, a call will go out via Peoples Voice Media to ask emerging and existing Community Reporters to be involved in the session. Users will be invited to meet at MDDA’s offices, given an overview of the APOLLON project and the Air Graffiti and Urbadeus applications, then taken on a walking tour where they will play with applications. During the tour, comments from citizens will be recorded via audio and video (if consent is provided) and text. When the tour is finished the users will be taken back to MDDA’s offices and asked to complete a simple evaluation form asking for their views on the applications, ideas on how they could be used in e-‐Participation, any technical / language / cultural issues that arose, and similar. Following the session a summary report will be prepared and sent back to IBBT and Navidis. 2. Manchester Central Library. This session will follow the model of (1) above, apart from that the call for citizens will go out via Manchester Libraries website, Twitter and Facebook pages, and also via the printed Full Volume newsletter. Users will be taken to the Central Library
Apollon – Deliverable 5.4 renovation site and asked to evaluate the Air Graffiti and Urbadeus applications. 3. Greater Manchester County Records Office ‘Big Society’ project. Again, this session will follow the model of (1) above. As with (2) the call for users will go out via Manchester Libraries website, Twitter and Facebook and also via Peoples Voice Media’s website. The user testing session will start at a local library in a suburb of Manchester, and users will be taken on a walking tour of locations in the area where posters of old images of Manchester with QR codes on them have been placed. They will use Air Graffiti to test leaving memories, comments and other information about that place. They will also be asked to test how Urbadeus can support information related to the images. 4. For expert reviewers, MDDA will approach local experts from organisations and businesses with knowledge and experience of the areas relating to the Air Graffiti and Urbadeus applications – QR codes, 3D modelling and social media. These will include organisations such as the Manchester Digital Laboratory, the Centre for Construction Innovation, Social Media Manchester and Arup. 5. Additionally, for user testing, MDDA will approach citizens who have been involved in the DEHEMS home energy monitoring Living Labs project and ask them to be involved in the user testing session for APOLLON. Those citizens will have experience of previous Living Labs processes and useful information may be gathered from them by comparing their experiences of previous Living Labs processes with current thinking.
3.3 Brussels pilot 3.3.1 Use scenario
The working title for the pilot is “Museum Quest”. Within this pilot we will implement a serious game to increase the involvement of youth with the exhibits in a museum. This is done by providing a game-‐based motivation to absorb information and by steering the player towards noticing certain important
Apollon – Deliverable 5.4 aspects of the exposition. The innovation in the presented pilot case lies in the linking of a real and a virtual environment and in doing this by means of a game concept. This will be achieved by integrating the existing virtual technology of 3D2+ with the Internet Of Things technology (Air Grafitti) of IBBT. In terms of added value for a museum, the pilot offers two use cases. The first one is a group of young people playing a game in a museum. This can be done in the context of a school visit or a visit with the family. The second use case involves non-‐player visitors that can access content related to exhibits on their smartphones. This content is used for both use case one and two. In use case two, non-‐gaming visitors can also add comments to the exhibits that they visit in the museum. Both use cases can be combined, to offer visiting families a more appealing visit to a museum. The children then play the game, while the parents engage in a more exhaustive visit along the lines of use case two.
In this section, both use cases are discussed in a more hands-‐on way, to provide a concrete impression of how the pilot will operate. This scenario will function as a guideline for the integration of the various technologies. Use case 1: the Museum Quest game •
The users have or loan smartphones on which they can see a badly kept 3D museum room in 2030 in which certain exhibits are missing.
They are told that, strangely, all the stolen exhibits were exposed in the museum in the year 2011. However, much information has been lost over the years regarding the stolen objects. The user is asked to help the police identify the stolen objects by going back in time, meaning to move in the real museum in which they are currently located, and identify the missing exhibits.
Each of the exhibits is marked by a question mark in the 3D world. The user can walk around in the world and click on the question marks. Clicking on the question mark produces an overview of the remaining
Apollon – Deliverable 5.4 information regarding the exhibit. The users are asked to go find the matching works in the museum. •
Some or all of the pieces in the real museum have been marked with a QR code. When scanning the code, the user is presented with content related to the exhibit and an identification code. If the user believes they have identified a missing object, they can enter the code at the location of the missing exhibit in the 3D world. If it matches, they get points.
A Twitter account is set up for the game. Key events that take place in the game, like players successfully matching a missing exhibit to a real exhibit, are logged to this twitter account. The twitter account can then be embedded in the website of the museum to provide an overview of the activity of the game. This could intrigue visitors of the website and motivate them to visit the museum. In addition, the twitter account can be visualized in the heads up display of the 3D application, to give players an overview of what other players are doing in the game.
Use case 2: participation of museum visitor in museum exhibition •
Before entering the museum, visitors are made aware of the fact that they can access exhibit-‐related content using their smartphones. However, they are told that they need a scanner application to do so. For example OptiScan for iOS costs 1.99$.
QR codes have been placed close to exhibits. Scanning the QR code using the scanner opens a browser window that automatically links to the Air Grafitti page on which the content can be accessed. This can be text, images, video or audio.
Visitors are also offered an interface to post comments on the exhibit about which they are viewing content. They also have access to a Facebook “like” button, which will automatically post the exhibit to their friend network on Facebook. Using the like button increases the exposure of the museum and its exhibitions to the public.
Apollon – Deliverable 5.4 3.3.2 Pilot set-up
Motivation for pilot reorientation
As the remainder of this deliverable will elaborate, the pilot that will be carried out in Brussels is substantially different from the pilot that was described in deliverable 5.3 and that has been summarized in section 2.3. The reason for this reorientation is threefold: A first reason is that there are a number of hindrances related to the implementation of the campus of the future scenario. The main obstacle was the slow progress in completing all the foreseen infrastructure to establish a campus-‐wide living lab representing the university of the future. Especially the usage of a student-‐card featuring an RFID chip and the linking of different databases containing student and personnel information proved very cumbersome. The university is an environment with a flat organizational structure, in which decisions need to be taken by many instances before they are actually implemented. Unfortunately, we could not wait for the decision making process on this to be completed before starting to roll-‐out of the Apollon pilot. Secondly, discussions with the various involved SME’s made it clear that the business case for the campus of the future was not (yet) within their current and future business roadmap. This is why we are switching to a more culture-‐ oriented pilot that features more overlap with the pilots that will be conducted in Paris and Manchester. The SME’s are interested in this type of application, making the new pilot definition more of a win-‐win situation for all involved parties. A final reason why we adjusted the pilot is the fact that a museum partner was looking to experiment with a similar technology set-‐up and application as the type of pilot we are offering. Within the role of the Living Lab as a broker for innovation between SMEs there was an interesting opportunity for a synergetic cooperation and by so to offer a possible opportunity for each of the stakeholders involved.
Apollon – Deliverable 5.4
Non-technical set-up
The pilot involves collaboration between different stakeholders, each with a specific responsibility: •
The local Living Lab: The responsibility of this actors does not only include a good integration of the various technologies, but also that this is in-‐line with the needs and requirements of the hosting partner, i.e. the museum. Next to that, they also are responsible for involving the users in the development and evaluation process
The transfer Living Lab: as they already have experience with one of the basic technologies that will be part of the integrated pilot, their role is to provide the necessary input with regard to user experiences on that technology, based on the research they have conducted so far.
Technology providers: The technology providers involved, 3D2+ and IBBT, are responsible for integrating their technologies. They will work together in developing the ‘Museum Quest’ concept. They are also responsible for describing the necessary technology set-‐up and guide both the Living Lab and museum in the actual set-‐up and deployment. Next to the integration, they will provide the necessary monitoring instruments to allow the logging, needed for the evaluation.
The hosting partner: The application that is the subject of the pilot will be tested and evaluated in a real life environment. In practice this will be a museum setting. The museum acts as a full partner. This mean that they will not only use the application in their daily operations, but also that they will provide the necessary access to their premises. In addition, this actors will be responsible for the addition of the exhibit-‐related content that is relevant to the scenario.
Apollon – Deliverable 5.4
Technical set-up
Use Case diagram
Figure 2: use case diagram for Brussels pilot
As can be seen in Figure 2, both gamers and non-‐gamer visitors can use the functionality that will be developed in this pilot. The non-‐gaming museum visitor will be able to scan QR codes and receive content on the related exhibit. In addition to this, the gamer will use this content to match the missing exhibits in the 3D world to the exhibits in the real museum. Also, the gamer will be able to monitor the progress of the other teams that are playing the game, through a visualization of the game’s twitter log. A similar visualization will be available on the museum’s website, in order to draw new players to Museum Quest and thus to the museum. 27
Apollon – Deliverable 5.4 In terms of user-‐generated content, both the gamer and the non-‐gamer will be able to use a “like” button to post the exhibit content to their social network in Facebook. Non-‐gaming visitors will also have the ability to write comments on the exhibits. Although perfectly feasible from a technical point of view, we do not believe writing comments on an exhibit is something one would do while playing the game. This is why we are leaving it out of the use case for the Museum Quest game. Someone who has access to the appropriate content and can oversee its quality will add the content to Air Grafitti. In Figure 2, this role is called the “Museum content provider”. Most museums already have content on their exhibits for publication in e.g. printed catalogues and web sites, so adding the content will be mainly a question of selecting and formatting the appropriate content. In addition to administering the content, the museum content provider will be able to print a QR code via Air Grafitti that can be placed close to the exhibit it is related to. Depending of the time frame of the pilot, these QR codes can be printed or engraved on a durable medium, or not. 3D2+ will develop the 3D world. The world will look like a museum that has been badly kept. The world does not have to match the actual museum to match the game concept. Air Grafitti will be used to provide content on the exhibits, and generate QR codes that can be placed close to the exhibits in the real museum.
Apollon – Deliverable 5.4 Technical architecture
Figure 3: software and hardware deployment in the integrated scenario
As can be seen in Figure 3, this scenario foresees that all the functionality of the game can be used on one smartphone device and in the same application. The 3D application, built in the Shiva 3D engine technology3 used by 3D2+, will be ported to a code base that can be executed on smartphones using either iOS or Android as operating system. 3D2+ will also integrate a QR scanner in the 3D application, so the user does not need to leave the application when scanning a QR code and displaying the resulting content.
3 29
Apollon – Deliverable 5.4 Once a QR code has been scanned in the application, the content that is hosted on the Air Grafitti server will be read using the Air Grafitti API. This API can be called upon through REST GET requests and produces XML data that will need to be parsed by the application in order to be displayed in the 3D world, or in a dialogue window on top of the application’s heads up display. When certain events occur in the 3D application, the Twitter API4 will be invoked and specific information will be passed in XML format. This Twitter log is then visualized in the 3D application of other players and on the museum’s web site. When gamers or non-‐gaming visitors use the “like” button, data is sent in JSON format to Facebook’s Open Graph API5. All data streams that will need to pass over internet are requests to web platforms that produce text, images or videos that are optimized for the web. Therefore, we expect the application to be able to read and display exhibit content using a HSDPA connection which is readily available from Belgian mobile carriers. Should the architectural structure of the museum prove to greatly impair data transmissions, or should the responsiveness of the application prove to be too low using HSDPA, we will need to look for alternatives, like installing a temporary Wi-‐Fi network in the museum.
A number of different tasks will need to be undertaken in order to complete this pilot. They are the following: 1. Scenario co-‐design: adaptation of the game scenario, together with the museum and the implementation partners: 3D2+ and IBBT. In this task, more research needs to be done on interface design and technical aspects, like the exporting of Shiva 3D applications to mobile operating systems and the integration in Shiva 3D of a QR scanning function. (M13-‐M15) 2. Implementation & testing: the actual creation of the application, integration of 3D2+ and IBBT technologies and testing of the resulting application. (M14-‐M20) 4 5
Apollon – Deliverable 5.4 3. Experiment & user tests: exposing users to the actual application and tesing the effect of the application. (M18-‐M24) 3.3.3 Technology adjustments
3D2+ will use the KidNet platform for this pilot. KidNet is a virtual community for children in which each user has its own login. In order to decrease the budget, we will use existing KidNet graphics in the pilot.. Several existing KidNet funtionalities will be left out. For example, there is no need in the pilot to talk with one’s friends, personalize one’s avatar or one’s island. This means the interface of the program will have to suit the requirements of the pilot. The following elements need to be developed to suit the pilot’s game design: o Text explaining the game o The design of the 3D world in the future with the missing exhibits. o Support for the game mechanics that are part of the pilot : §
Players can match real-‐world exhibits with missing exhibits in the virtual world.
Each time the player matches a missing exhibit, this exhibit appears in the virtual world.
o Visualisation of Twitter log in heads-‐up display o Integration of Facebook “like” button in heads-‐up display o Single signon, allowing the players to log in to the 3D application and in the same stretch, with Air Graffiti.
The Air Grafitti web-‐based application will be used by non-‐gaming visitors to access content on exhibits in the museum, but currently has a distinct look and feel that does not necessarily match the style of a museum. As the site can be skinned, a new look and feel should be applied to more closely match the style of the museum in which the pilot will be deployed. Also, the second use case described in mentions the possibility to “like” content related to a certain exhibit. This like button needs to be added to the Air Grafitti platform.
Apollon – Deliverable 5.4 Another thing that needs to be taken care of is the printing of QR codes that are large enough to be displayed in a museum. In the current version of Air Grafitti, the generated QR codes are non-‐printable. 3.3.4 User involvement The user involvement, within the pilot has the objective to, on the hand, steer the integration process and, on the other hand, evaluate the pilot. Therefore, we plan to involve the users during the pilot phase on three levels: 1. Firstly, the end-‐users will be involved in the shaping process. This is a two-‐step approach. The first step is an observation phase that will investigate how people are currently visiting the museum and looking at the various exhibits. This will be done through ethnographic observations in-‐situ in which we will focus on how people browse the museum, how they interact with the artworks, the interaction between them,… In a second phase, the integration of the various technologies into the specific Museum Quest game will be co-‐designed with users during iterative sessions.. Here, existing results of user research from the different core-‐ technologies used (eg. 3D technology 3D2+ and Air Grafitti) will act as a reference point. This will be done during the integration and set-‐up phase. The co-‐design sessions will be organized with the specific target groups (students, teachers, families) and will focus on the requirements of each group. During these sessions, we will start with some key-‐ concepts (based on the existing technology, the initial scenario and the results of the observation) that will be checked with these users and transferred in the concrete design of the applications.(M14-‐M15) 2. Secondly, the users will be involved in the evaluation process. During the deployment phase of the pilot in a real-‐life setting, we foresee a permanent evaluation exercise with the ‘end-‐users’ of the Museum Quest. This is done through an ex-‐ante and post-‐ evaluation exercise performed by every user that will test the application in-‐situ. (M16-‐M20) During the ex-‐ante phase we will make a thorough profile of the users with regard to their ICT and game use as well as their museum experiences. During the evaluation, a permanent logging will keep track of their activities on the 32
Apollon – Deliverable 5.4 application level. At the end of this phase, an ex-‐post questionnaire will be conducted to evaluate the users’ experience with regard to the application. 3. Thirdly, we will involve the stakeholders themselves as users within the general post-‐evaluation process. This will done through some interactive workshops in which all stakeholders (museum, 3D2+ , AirGrafitti and LL) are involved. (M20-‐M24) The goal of these workshops is not only to evaluate the application and service as such but also to investigate the process of the integration and the cross-‐border Living Lab exercise. Here, we will use the templates from WP1. Part of this research will also focus on how this has helped the SMEs in their business development activities.
4. Evaluation tracking The evaluation of the pilots will be carried out following the questionnaires and templates provided by WP1 in D1.3. WP5 Living Labs are responsible for collecting the necessary data to evaluate the pilots accordingly to WP1 requirements. In particular, Living Labs will be responsible for collecting and analyzing user feedback during the “piloting activity both in local and cross-‐border settings, and to collect and analyze SME feedback about the benefits and problems of collaborating with a cross border network of Living Labs.
4.1 Transfer Living Labs evaluate SME technology based on user feedback in cross-border settings The transfer living labs will be responsible for evaluating the technologies they are piloting, according to the feedback they receive from normal users, experts and local stakeholders. Living Labs will track two kinds of user data: qualitative and quantitative. Qualitative evaluation will be done through the analysis of users feedbacks during the piloting activities. Since each pilot foresees different levels of user engagement, each living lab will have to define its methodology for collecting these feedbacks. One example is the co-‐innovation workshops adopted for the French Pilot. Living Labs will exchange best practices to achieve the best
Apollon – Deliverable 5.4 coherence in the evaluation method in order to obtain comparable data. Common templates for collecting user feedback will be defined by the end of January 2011 (M15). In terms of quantitative evaluation, each SME will record its technology logs during the piloting activities in order to monitor how many users use the applications and how much content they produce. The local living labs will make sure these logs are active and up-to- date. The transfer living lab is responsible for analyzing the logs for its pilot along with qualitative data. These data will be collected during the pilot. The final evaluation will be completed by the end of July 2011 (M21).
4.2 SME evaluation of the collaboration with Living Labs in the cross-border experiments In order to collect SME feedback about their collaboration with living labs in cross-‐border settings, each participating SME will be interviewed two times : once by the local living lab and once by the transfer living lab. The local living lab will interview the SME about its cross-‐border experience and how they collaborated with the transfer living lab. The goal is to identify the problems encountered and the role of the transfer living lab in supporting the SME. The transfer living lab will interview the SME about its collaboration with the local living lab. The goal is to evaluate how the local living lab supported the SMEs in preparing and conducting the cross border activity. Furthermore, in order to keep track of new contacts and business opportunities that SMEs discovered thanks to the cross-‐border activity in APOLLON, each Living Lab will draw a graph, representing the connections (projects, partners, users) that local SMEs had at the beginning of the cross-‐border pilot They will keep this graph updated with new connections during the piloting activity.