All organisa+ons public and private from all countries in the world, ac+vely commi:ed to engage and empower users and ci+zens to take part in sustainable innova+on processes, are invited to apply for membership in the European Network of Living Labs (ENoLL) as of 24th October 2011. The applica+on form can be obtained through pre-‐registra+on with the ENoLL Office ( by providing: • Your organisa+on name, • Web address, • Applicant country • Contact person details Completed applica+ons must be sent to by the final deadline of 13:00 CETon 29th February 2012. Approved new members will enter the network at the 6th Wave Launch Ceremony under the auspices of the Danish EU Presidency in May 2012 Aarhus (Denmark). A Living Lab is a real-‐life test and experimenta5on environment where users and producers co-‐create innova5ons. Living Labs have been characterised by the European Commission as Public-‐Private-‐People Partnerships (PPPP) for user-‐driven open innova5on. A Living Lab engages in four main ac5vi5es: • Co-‐Crea5on: co-‐design by users and producers • Explora5on: discovering emerging usages, behaviours and market opportuni5es • Experimenta5on: implemen5ng live scenarios within communi5es of users • Evalua5on: assessment of concepts, products and services according to socio-‐ergonomic, socio-‐cogni5ve and socio-‐economic criteria.
The European Network of Living Labs (ENoLL) is a community of Living Labs with a sustainable strategy for enhancing innova5on on a systemic basis. The Associa5on supports the evolu5on and the wide uptake of the Living Lab paradigm throughout Europe and beyond. For further informa5on visit Applica5ons can be submiHed by any legal en5ty from any country in the world that is or hosts (on behalf of a partnership) a Living Lab, and: • has proven its capability to operate as a Living Lab and/ or • acts as an innova5on service provider through the Living Labs methodology and/or • is currently developing their opera5ons towards Living Labs Note that there is no financial provisioning for members, and ENoLL has an administra5ve fee, compulsory (500 EUR) for all members . Evalua+on Membership applica5on proposals are first checked for eligibility and are rejected if any one of the following condi5ons are true: • Arrival aQer the deadline • Template not used or severely misused • Missing LL legal body (host organisa5on) • Missing name or VAT/registra5on number • Missing LL contact person name, email or phone • Grossly exceeding the length limit (10 pages, 11pt font) All applica5ons must be in English. Eligible proposals are then evaluated against the following evalua5on criteria, iden5fied through the experience of ENoLL members in running a sustainable Living Lab. It is not necessary to sa5sfy all criteria, rather the evaluators look at the balance of criteria with respect to the development of LL opera5ons.
How to Apply? The 6th Wave for Membership applica5on form can be obtained only through pre-‐registra5on with the ENoLL Office ( by providing: • Your organisa5on name, • Web address, • Applicant country, • Contact person details. Completed applica5ons must be sent to by the final deadline of 13:00 CET on 29th February 2012. Privacy statement By comple5ng the Membership Applica5on form and submi]ng it for evalua5on, the candidate organisa5on authorizes ENoLL AISBL to maintain the informa5on contained therein for the purposes of evalua5on and sta5s5cal analysis, in accordance with privacy legisla5on in different EU Member States. In the event of a successful applica5on, the candidate organisa5on further authorises ENoLL AISBL to publish and distribute the informa5on contained therein, unless otherwise informed in wri5ng by 29th February 2012.
Evalua+on Criteria Evalua5on is carried out by an evalua5on panel divided into evalua5on teams, each composed of three evaluators from three different EU na5ons. Applica5ons passing the eligibility test are assigned to teams having no member from the proposing na5on and are scored according to the above criteria, clustered into five categories. A special cross-‐evalua5on team ensures consistency of scoring in the following criteria: • Evidence of co-‐created values from research, development and innova5on • Values/Services offered/provided to LL actors • Measures to involve users • Reality of usage contexts, where the LL runs its opera5ons • User-‐centricity within the en5re service process • Full product lifecycle support -‐ capability &maturity • LL covers several en55es within value-‐chain(s) • Quality of user-‐driven innova5on methods and tools • Availability of required technology and/or testbeds • Evidence of exper5se gained from the LivingLab opera5ons • Commitment to open processes • IPR principles suppor5ng capability and openness • Openness towards new partners & investors • Business-‐ci5zens-‐government partnership –strength & maturity • Organiza5on of LL governance, management &opera5ons • Business model for LL sustainability • Interest and capacity to be ac5ve in EU Innova5on system • Interna5onal networking experience and capability • Channels (web etc) suppor5ng public visibility and interac5on • People/Posi5ons dedicated to LL management& opera5ons The evalua5on and selec5on decisions are finally approved by the ENoLL Council, applying Conflict of Interest principles followed by relevant EC selec5on procedures. All applicants will be informed about the outcome of the evalua5on at least 30 days before the launch event in Aarhus (Denmark) May 2012. For more informa5on, contact ENoLL Office at or +32 2 629 1613