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ENoLL in European Funded Projects
Activity report 2020
The 2019-2020 is a period in which a number of projects have ended and new ones kicked-off. The project which have successfully concluded are iSCAPE, SynchroniCity, U4IoT and TALIA while Social & Creative, Rewaise, ALL-READY and WATER-MINING started their activities. ENoLL continues its engagement in the capacity building role, striving for development of sustainable Living Labs as well as putting the methodology to the forefront of EU-funded projects.
Continuing the work of TALIA (Territorial Appropriation of Leading-edge Innovation Actions) project, the Social & Creative project which kick started in November 2020 aims to promote trans-local innovation clusters for creative and social innovation by providing instruments that allow trans-national MED modular projects to connect with local innovation communities.
ENoLL’s role in the project is knowledge transferring through dedicated working groups as well as policy influencing through Policy Briefs.
Website: https://social-and-creative.interregmed.eu/
UNaLab is developing inclusive, more resilient to climate change and increasingly sustainable cities through innovative nature-based solutions (NBS).
ENoLL is working, in collaboration with other partners, on a common Living Lab Framework and tools for co-creation. With the help of the Living Lab experts, ENoLL was in charge of training European cities in Urban Living Lab development.
ENoLL has developed an interative game (Urban Living Lab Playground) which helps people learn about how Living Lab function.
In 2020, ENoLL together with Botnia Living Lab and with contributions of various partners has has published a Handbook for Urban Living Labs Developing Nature Based Solutions: https://is-
Activity report 2020
In SISCODE ENoLL is working together with 3 ENoLL member Living Labs: KTP, Thess-Ahall and PA4ALL, as well as 7 other labs from the network
of fablabs and The European network of science centres and museums. Together with the labs SISCODE is embracing bottom-up design-driven methodologies to pollinate Responsible Research & Innovation (RRI), and Science Technology and Innovation policies. In 2020 this very hands-on cocreative project pivoted to online activities due to the challenges caused by the COVID-19 pandemic, building expertise on virtual co-creation methods and related digital tools. Together with project partners ENoLL has run several policy maker workshops digitally while building up a network of co-creation labs (CORRI network) to diffuse the
RRI vision - actions that will culminate in the creation of a card deck, “Tips & Tricks for Responsible Research & Innovation” in early 2021.
The Living Lab Project Awards 2019 publication was published in 2020 in collaboration with SISCODE, with the theme “scaling for impact: policy. growth. change”. In this publication ENoLL Living Labs presented their projects following the “scaling up, scaling out, scaling deep” framework on the outcomes of their projects in co-creating policy, co-creating growth and co-creating change: https://issuu.com/enoll/docs/living_lab_projects_2019
Activity report 2020
The European Social Innovation Competition is run by the European Commission with the support of a consortium of organisations. The 2020 Competition is titled Reimagine Fashion – changing behaviours for sustainable fashion.
EUSIC seeks to improve the environmental and social impact of the European fashion market through the development of new products, services and processes, and innovative business models.
The consortium is led by Nesta Challenges and includes Kennisland, Ashoka Spain, the European Network of Living Labs, and Scholz & Friends. ENoLL supports the team by promoting the competition within its network and social media. Finding the right assessors for the applications, suggesting potential coaches and judges. ENoLL also organizes one of the workshops to support early-stage ideas and facilitating the learning and implementation of actions that will shape society for the better.
Website: https://eusic.challenges.org/
Digital Skills and Jobs Coalition tender
The Digital Skills and Jobs Coalition aims to develop a large digital talent pool and ensure that individuals and the labour force in Europe are equipped with adequate digital skills. This, by bringing together Member States, companies from all sectors, social partners, non-profit organisations and education providers, who take action to tackle the lack of digital skills in Europe.
The Digital Opportunity Traineeships (DOT) initiative provides cross-border traineeships for students and recent graduates. It gives them the opportunity to get hands-on working experience in jobs that deal with digital technologies. Trainees improve and gain new skills to prepare them for the job market in fields such as cybersecurity, big data, digital marketing and software development.
• ENoLL collaborated on launching of a pledge viewer: https://pledgeviewer.eu/ • Our role is also to monitor Digital Opportunity traineeships published under the ERASMUS+ platform: https://ec.europa.eu/ digital-single-market/en/digital-opportunitytraineeships-boosting-digital-skills-job
The REWAISE project - that will create a new “water smart ecosystem” - kicked off in September 2020, aiming to set up 9 Living Labs in 3 regional hubs across Europe: the “continental”, “atlantic” and “mediterranian” hubs. The network of 9 Living Labs involves 5 major water utilities to
Activity report 2020
demonstrate real-life, large-scale operational environments for technological innovations, new governance methods and resource-efficient water supply for the EU. The project will mobilise all stakeholders to embrace the true value of water: value in, from and through water. The initial steps in creating a Living Lab methodology for the REWAISE project has started with a stakeholder mapping exercise, scoping the 4-helix actors involved across the different Living Labs. Simultaneously, ENoLL has taken first steps in creating ethics & gender dimension guidelines to ensure the safety, rights, dignity and wellbeing of each person and related data and processing. The project is running from 1 September 2020 until 31 August 2025 Website: http://rewaise.eu/

A sustainable, ecological approach in farming is today a solution in front of the growing challenges of climate change, depleted natural resources, shrinking biodiversity and reduced soil quality. Agroecology can address these challenges, reinforcing the resilience of farming systems. Existing instruments offered by open innovation arrangements can serve this goal, particularly living labs (LL) and research infrastructures (RIs). For this reason, the EU-funded ALL-Ready project will develop AgroEcoLLNet, a new framework for the future European network of LLs and RIs.
The project will lay the groundwork and prepare the necessary prerequisites and activities. Testing will verify and improve the project’s outcomes, which will be communicated widely in Europe. The implementation plan will be tested and integrated into the validated framework of AgroEcoLLNet. The project is running from 1 November 2020 untill 31 October 2023.
Water security is among the most crucial challenges for water management today. As a consequence, innovative water management solutions and alternative water resources are required. The EU-funded WATER-MINING project will exhibit and validate innovative next-generation water resource solutions at the pre-commercial demonstration-scale in accordance with relevant legislation, such as the Water Framework Directive,
Circular Economy and EU Green Deal packages. It will combine water management services with the improvement of renewable resources such as mining water. It is envisaged that the value-added end products will offer supplies of regional resources to increase economic growth. The project will examine different designs proposed for urban wastewater treatment and seawater desalination and innovative service-based business models aiming to improve the engagement of private and public stakeholders. The project is running from 1 September 2020 untill 31 August 2024.
Website: https://watermining.eu/