Portfolio ep 2016

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Enrica Pastore Architect AAM, Switzerland

21-09-1991 enrica.pastore@gmail.com +39 3343215832

Via Don Carlo Gnocchi 29 20148 Milano, Italy


- Accademia di Architettura Mendrisio (CH) Sep 2010-June 2016

Diploma “St. Moritz-Città Alpina”, director arch. Valentin Bearth arch. João Nunes + arch. João Gomes da Silva Essay “The Guggenheim Museum: art displays in the rotunda” Thesis menthor prof. Carla Mazzarelli

Master arch. Riccardo Blumer arch. João Nunes + arch. João Gomes da Silva arch. Eric Lapierre Bachelor arch. Christian Sumi arch. Go Hasegawa arch. Marc Collomb arch. Mario Botta

“Exhibition Design Theories and Practice” Workshop arch. Riccardo Blumer + prof. Carla Mazzarelli July-Oct 2015

- École Polytechnique Fèdèrale de Lausanne

Escuela de Arquitectura de la Pontificia Universidad Católica Lausanne (CH) + Valparaiso (Chile) July-Aug 2015

“Ciudad Abierta Summer Chantier” Workshop

- AA Architectural Association London (UK) July 2013

“Visioning Architecture” Workshop

- Liceo Scientifico Vittorio Veneto Milano (I) Sep 2005-July 2010

- Verona Area High School Verona, Wisconsin (USA) Aug 2008-June 2009 4

AFS Exchange Year Program



Michel Desvigne Paysagiste Paris, France Sep 2012-July 2013


Landscape architecture intern

Library, Accademia di Architettura Mendrisio (CH) Sep 2014-June 2016

Student library assistant



Atelier Azzurro, Fine Arts Workshop Milano (I) Sep 2005-today


Escola Asas de Liberdade, Ass. Amici del Quilolmbo Goias, GO (Brazil) Aug 2014 Mkuru Training Camp, Oikos Onlus East Africa Arusha, Tanzania (Africa) Aug-Sep 2016


LANGUAGES & SKILLS Italian English

- mother language - fluent

French Swahili

- good knowledge - basic knowledge


Computer Skills Windows XP, Mac OS Autocad, Rhinoceros, Cinema 4D Adobe Photoshop, Indesign, Illustrator 3D Printing, Lasercut


Model Making cartboard, wood, plaster, concrete, plexiglass, wax


Fine Arts watercolors, oil, acrilic, mosaic, sculpture, clay, ceramic glaze




T RAMoritz - Upper Engadin - Diploma Atelier Nunes + Gomes Architettura Viva - Atelier Riccardo Blumer Lugano Lakefront - Lugano - Atelier Nunes + Gomes Space of Fiction - Via Appia Revisited - Atelier Eric Lapierre New Panorama Building - Milan Expo - Atelier Christian Sumi Architecture of the City - Berlin - Atelier Go Hasegawa One Stockli in St. Sulpice - Lausanne - Atelier Marc Collomb


Atelier Nunes + Gomes da Silva Diploma 2016

TRAMoritz Upper Engadin - Switzerland

The way infrastructure relates to landscape is a very special issue in Switzerland: it is more than a functional connection, it is a medium of perception of landscape itself. Trains, for example, introduce a perception of landscape in motion and thru units of time. The spatial features of the Upper Engadin Valley fascinated me: a continuous plateu at 1800 m of altitude surrounded by mountains on two sides; four lakes strech along its whole lenght. The valley is well known for turism ans sport activities, both in summer and winter. People live here temporarily according to seasonal peaks. My project consists on a new light infrastructure - a tram, TRAMoritz; it runs along the valley as a connection between the alpine cities, from Maloja on one end to St. Moritz on the other. It moves on its own track, exploring new places and relating to landscape - forests, lakes, mountains...TRAMoritz activates the development or re-development of public spaces, in urban and rural context. Finally it defines a new perception of the Upper Engadin Valley.


TRAMoritz poster


Piz d’Emmat Dadora 2854 m

Piz Materdell 2967 m

Maloja 1815 m

Piz Mex 2974 m

Piz Lagrev 3184 m

Sils 1800 m

Lago di Sils 1725 m




Lago di Sils



Piz Polaschin 3013 m

Sils Maria







Piz Julier 3380 m

Champfer 1825 m

Silvaplana 1815 m

o di Silvaplana 1713 m

Piz Nair 3056 m

St. Moritz 1822 m

Lago di St. Moritz 1724 m

Lago di Champfer 1757 m


St. Moritz



Lago di Silvaplana



Lago di St. Moritz

St. Moritz Bad

Lago di C h a m p fe r





Museo Segantini

St.Moritz Dorf St.Moritz Banhof



Champfer Olympiaschanze

St.Moritz Bad



T R A M oritz Technical Features

Line Lenght Numeber of Stops Track Gauge

26,5 km n. 37 1000 mm

Bidirectional Tram Minimum Curvature Radius Average Speed

15 m 30 km/h

Lithium Battery


St. Moritz






Atelier Riccardo Blumer Master 2


During the semester we developed a transversal and extremely rich research across the fields of microbiology, genetics, design, art, mathematics and architecture. We had a cycle of weekly lessons and workshop held by qualified experts: doctors G.Noseda and A.Lanzavecchia, microbiologists E.Borghi and A.Costa, designers M. Montalti and E.Ricci and the artist A.Ratti. M. Montalti introduced us to the knowledge of a unicellular micro-organism, the slime mold and challenged us to work with it. The atelier soon became a laboratory with many equipments and tools to play with (petri dishes, microscopes, 3D printers). I was interested in the primitive form of intelligence the slime mold possesses: it moves efficiently to find food (oats). In a team of 4 people, using a proper scientific method, we wrote in the mathematical language of an algorithm the slime mold efficient growth. The sofware Matlab reads the source code of the algorithm and reproduces it in the abstract form of a square moving inside a grid of coordinates, to simulate the slime mold.


classdef simpleGridWorld %UNTITLED2 Summary of this class goes here % Detailed explanation goes here properties rows cols R %reward matrix V %value function matrix end methods function obj = simpleGridWorld(y, x) obj.rows = y; obj.cols = x; obj.R = rand([obj.rows,obj.cols]); obj.V = zeros([obj.rows,obj.cols]); end function sPrime = north(obj, s) sPrime = obj.clip(s - [1 0]); end function sPrime = south(obj, s) sPrime = obj.clip(s + [1 0]); end function sPrime = east(obj, s) sPrime = obj.clip(s + [0 1]); end function sPrime = west(obj, s) sPrime = obj.clip(s - [0 1]); end function sPrime = clip(obj, s) x = s(2); y = s(1); if x < 1 x = 1; elseif x > obj.cols; x = obj.cols; end if y < 1 y = 1; elseif y > obj.rows; y = obj.rows; end sPrime = [y x]; end end end classdef gridWorld < handle properties size S %state space (visualization) stealthR R %reward matrix R0 %migro-reward matrix r0 %micro-reward coefficient gamma %discount factor V %value function matrix s %current state image %visualization end methods function obj = gridWorld(aSize) % constants obj.r0 = 0.0; obj.gamma = 0.9; % 2D points obj.size = aSize; obj.s = [1 1]; % matrices obj.stealthR = zeros([obj.rows,obj.cols]); %obj.stealthR(round(aSize(1)*rand), round(aSize(2)*rand)) = 1; obj.stealthR(round(obj.size(1)/2), round(obj.size(2)/2)) = 1; obj.R = zeros([obj.rows,obj.cols]); obj.R0 = obj.r0 * rand([obj.rows,obj.cols]); obj.V = zeros([obj.rows,obj.cols]);


% draw stuff obj.refresh;

function y = rows(obj) y = obj.size(1); end function x = cols(obj) x = obj.size(2); end function v = value(obj,s) v = obj.V(s(1),s(2)); end function sPrime = north(obj,s) sPrime = obj.clip(s - [1 0]); end function sPrime = south(obj, s) sPrime = obj.clip(s + [1 0]); end function sPrime = east(obj, s) sPrime = obj.clip(s + [0 1]); end function sPrime = west(obj, s) sPrime = obj.clip(s - [0 1]); end function goNorth(obj) obj.s = obj.north(obj.s); end function goSouth(obj) obj.s = obj.south(obj.s); end function goEast(obj) obj.s = obj.east(obj.s); end function goWest(obj) obj.s = obj.west(obj.s); end function run(obj) n=0; while (n<1000) obj.takeAction; obj.valueIteration; obj.refresh; pause(0.1); n = n+1; end end

end methods function valueIteration(obj) obj.R(obj.s(1),obj.s(2)) = obj.stealthR(obj.s(1),obj.s(2)); newV = zeros([obj.rows,obj.cols]); while true maxDelta = 0.0; for y = 1:obj.rows for x = 1:obj.cols newV(y,x) = obj.R(y,x) + obj.gamma * max(obj.actionValues([y x])); delta = newV(y,x) - obj.V(y,x); if (delta > maxDelta) maxDelta = delta; end end end obj.V = newV; if maxDelta < 0.1 obj.V break end end end function Q = actionValues(obj, s) Q = [ obj.value(obj.north(s)) obj.value(obj.south(s)) obj.value(obj.east(s)) obj.value(obj.west(s)) ]; end function takeAction(obj) [maxVal actionIdx] = max(obj.actionValues(obj.s)) if (maxVal == 0 | rand < 0.3) actionIdx = round(4*rand + 0.5) end if (actionIdx == 1) obj.goNorth elseif (actionIdx == 2) obj.goSouth elseif (actionIdx == 3) obj.goEast elseif (actionIdx == 4) obj.goWest end end function refresh(obj) %obj.S = obj.r0*obj.R0; obj.S = obj.V; obj.S(obj.s(1),obj.s(2)) = 255; obj.image = image(obj.S) end function sPrime = clip(obj, s) x = s(2); y = s(1); if x < 1 x = 1; elseif x > obj.cols; x = obj.cols; end if y < 1 y = 1; elseif y > obj.rows; y = obj.rows; end sPrime = [y x]; end end end

classdef gridWorld < handle properties size S %state space (visualization) trueR knownR %reward matrix microR %migro-reward matrix r0 %micro-reward coefficient gamma %discount factor V %value function matrix s %current state image %visualization end methods function obj = gridWorld(aSize) % constants obj.r0 = 1; obj.gamma = 0.5; % 2D points obj.size = aSize; obj.s = obj.randomState; % matrices obj.trueR = obj.middleM; obj.microR = obj.r0 * obj.randM; obj.knownR = zeros(obj.rows,obj.cols); obj.V = zeros(obj.rows,obj.cols); obj.S = ones(obj.rows,obj.cols);


% draw stuff obj.refresh;

% GIVES YOU A NUMBER function y = rows(obj) % the number of rows in the state space (y - direction) y = obj.size(1); end function x = cols(obj) % the number of columns in the state space (x - direction) x = obj.size(2); end %GIVES YOU A POINT function p = randomState(obj) p = [round(obj.rows*rand + 0.5) round(obj.cols*rand + 0.5)]; end

% GIVES YOU A MATRIX function M = randM(obj) % a random state expressed as a binary matrix M = rand(obj.rows,obj.cols); end function M = sM(obj) % the current state expressed as a binary matrix M = zeros(obj.rows,obj.cols); M(obj.s(1), obj.s(2)) = 1; end function M = middleM(obj) % the nearest point/pixel to the middle of gridworld M = zeros([obj.rows,obj.cols]); M(round(obj.size(1)/2), round(obj.size(2)/2)) = 1; end

% STATE TRANSITION FUNCTIONS function sPrime = north(obj,s) sPrime = obj.clip(s - [1 0]); end function sPrime = south(obj, s) sPrime = obj.clip(s + [1 0]); end function sPrime = east(obj, s) sPrime = obj.clip(s + [0 1]); end function sPrime = west(obj, s) sPrime = obj.clip(s - [0 1]); end % TRANSITIONING FROM THE CURRENT STATE function goNorth(obj) obj.s = obj.north(obj.s); end function goSouth(obj) obj.s = obj.south(obj.s); end function goEast(obj) obj.s = obj.east(obj.s); end function goWest(obj) obj.s = obj.west(obj.s); end function run(obj) n=0; while (n<100000) obj.takeAction; obj.logVisit; obj.valueIteration; obj.refresh; pause(0.01) n = n+1; end end end %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % PRIVATE %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% methods function v = value(obj,s) % the value of a particular state v = obj.V(s(1),s(2)); end function Q = actionValues(obj, s) % value of the 4 actions [north south east west] available in a particular state Q = [ obj.value(obj.north(s)) obj.value(obj.south(s)) obj.value(obj.east(s)) obj.value(obj.west(s)) ]; end function takeAction(obj) [maxVal actionIdx] = max(obj.actionValues(obj.s)); if (maxVal == 0 | rand < 0.3) actionIdx = round(4*rand + 0.5); end if (actionIdx == 1) obj.goNorth; elseif (actionIdx == 2) obj.goSouth; elseif (actionIdx == 3) obj.goEast; elseif (actionIdx == 4) obj.goWest; end end function logVisit(obj) obj.S(obj.s(1),obj.s(2)) = obj.S(obj.s(1),obj.s(2)) + 1; obj.trueR(obj.s(1),obj.s(2)) = obj.trueR(obj.s(1),obj.s(2)) - 0.1; obj.microR(obj.s(1),obj.s(2)) = obj.microR(obj.s(1),obj.s(2)) - 0.1; if obj.microR(obj.s(1),obj.s(2)) < 0 obj.microR(obj.s(1),obj.s(2)) = 0 end if obj.trueR(obj.s(1),obj.s(2)) < 0 obj.trueR(obj.s(1),obj.s(2)) = 0 end end function observeR(obj) obj.knownR(obj.s(1),obj.s(2)) = obj.trueR(obj.s(1),obj.s(2)) + obj.microR(obj.s(1),obj.s(2)) end function valueIteration(obj) newV = zeros(obj.rows,obj.cols); obj.observeR; while true maxDelta = 0.0; for y = 1:obj.rows for x = 1:obj.cols newV(y,x) = obj.knownR(y,x) + obj.gamma * max(obj.actionValues([y x]));



delta = newV(y,x) - obj.V(y,x); if (delta > maxDelta) maxDelta = delta; end end end obj.V = newV; if maxDelta < 0.1 %thisV = obj.V break end

function newM = paintAgent(obj, M) newM = M; newM(obj.s(1),obj.s(2),:) = [1 0 0]; end function refresh(obj) M(:,:,1) = zeros(obj.rows,obj.cols); M(:,:,2) = obj.S/norm(obj.S) ; M(:,:,3) = obj.V/norm(obj.V); M = obj.paintAgent(M); obj.image = image(M) end function sPrime = clip(obj, s)

The algorithm source code - Graphic Interpretations


Slime Mold - abstract forms

Slime Mold - abstract simulation based on the algorithm 18

Slime Mold - growth ramification 19

Atelier Nunes + Gomes da Silva Master 2

LUGANO LAKEFRONT Lugano - Switzerland

The Atelier studied the “Landscape of the Lakes” in Canton Ticino, focusing on 6 sites with very peculiar characteristics. Sites were chosen according to their hydrologic and territorial morphology: we worked on rivers mouths and studied how this landscape changes over time. Projects were meant to be transformations of territory, considering natural agents and time as strong active actors of the process. I proposed a new park on Lugano Lakefront, on the left side of the river Cassarate. This public area establishes a strong connection with the existing historical park, Parco Ciani, on the other side of the river: it becomes a new unified public space of the right scale and dimension for the city. In decided to keep some of the functions already exhisting on the site, such as the “Lido” and the public harbor because they embody the original identity of this space; on the other hand I defined a larger open area for people to live as public space. It also aims to dialogue with the limit of the city behind.


People diving - Lido, Lugano




Atelier Eric Lapierre Master 1

SPACE OF FICTION Via Appia, Rome - Italy

The project explores mythical spaces. A set of famous events from the Old and the New Testament has been selected and each scene is given to one student. The research first started with the analysis of paintings of the scenes: artists designed physical sets and landscape for each event, defining a catalogue of architectures that exist in themselves, autonomous from places or times. The project consists in a contemporary space for biblical scenes. My scene is The Wedding of Cana, the episode when Jesus transforms water into wine. The common site for all is the area of the Via Appia and Colli Albani, where old ruins from the Romans still exist today. In the Nemi Lake a huge boat from the Emperor Caligola was found: from latin authors descriptions it was used for parties and celebrations. I decided to relate to this myth and designed a floating platform to host the wedding. People would reach it by boat and then eat, drink, dance, sing ... have fun on the party island.


Emperor Caligola’s “Party Boat” - Nemi Lake



Boat Museum


Nemi Lake



Atelier Christian Sumi Bachelor 3

N E W P A NO R A M A B U I L D I N G Expo 2015 Milan - Italy

The project consists in the design of a modern, demountable Panorama for Expo 2015 in Milan. The word panorama was first used in 1792 and it soon developed as a typology: it is a space characterized by a strong visual experience of paintings, photographies, films, lights, objects, music, special effects, etc. The theme to exhibit is choosen individually, on the other side a few tools were given to all: a common material, wood, the Modulor to define space dimensions and the use of colors from Le Corbusier’s Polychromie. My panorama is dedicated to the contemplation of flowers and plants. Three gardens articulate spaces; each of them is differentin dimensions, according to the Modulor principles and subjects: the Agave Garden, the Water Garden and the Wild Flowers Garden. I chose to use entirely bamboo as construction material and designed a system of knots to hold together the bamboo sticks.


Kaiserpanorama - invented by August Fuhrmann



Agave Garden

Water Garden

Wild Flowers Garden

Bamboo Knots


Atelier Go Hasegawa Bachelor 3


The project began with a research on the text Architecture of the city from Aldo Rossi, especially on housing tipologies that exist in Berlin. Five sites where choosen, each of them had a specific typology assigned: urban villa, block with courtyar and siedlung. The site I chose is Mauerpark, a very meaningfull place for Berlin since the wall was running there during the Cold War. Today it is a vivid public space where people meet for various events like open air performances, concerts or markets. The park lenght is 500 m and the typology I developed is the siedlung. My project deals with three scales simoultaneoulsy: the building, the apartment and the room. The building in its unity is a gentle curve that faces the park. The apartment is the unit that defines the curve, like the wagon of a train. The rooms instead articulate the outer sideof the curve and dialog with the city of Berlin. Aparments vary in their sizes; the first level of the builing is meant to host public activities and services for the people living there.



A system of urban voids - Berlin Wall




Atelier Marc Collomb Bachelor 2

ONE STOCKLI IN ST. SULPICE Lausanne - Switzerland

From the movie This Must Be The Place by P. Sorrentino: Cheyenne is a famous rockstar in his 50s but he doesn’t play anymore. However he still behaves like he used to: he wears a black heavy makeup, as a daily ritual. His wife on the other hand works as firewoman. Every student has been invited to choose a movie character to be his/her client in designing a small house. I picked Cheyenne because his eclectic and funny behaviour inspired me to create something unique. I designed the house starting from the space to be his makeup room; it is an intimate space with no openings on the outside however the material it is built with makes it very special and precious. Alabaster slabs define the interior and exterior perimeters; the light system is placed between the two layers of slabs. In this way the room becomes a tranlucent lantern that shines in the night.


Aerial view - Alvar Aalto Atelier Trip, Finland


Client: Cheyenne - Rockstar

Atelier Collomb - SP 12

Material Sample: Alabaster Slabs


Atelier Collomb - SP 12

Stockli a St. Sulpice - Cheyenne

Atelier Collomb - SP 12

Stockli a St. Sulpice - Cheyenne

Planimetria 1:200

Pastore Enrica

Planimetria 1:200

Pastore Enrica




Michel Desvigne Paysagisme - Internship - Paris, France AA Visioning Architecture - Summer Workshop - London, UK EPFL Summer Chantier - Summer Workshop - Valparaiso, Chile AAM Exhibition Design theories and practice - Summer Workshop - Mendrisio, CH The Guggenheim Museum: Art Displays in the Rotunda - Written Thesis Escola Asas de Liberdade - Volunteering - Goias, Brazil Mkuru Training Camp - Volunteering - Tanzania, Africa Atelier Azzurro - Fine Arts Workshop - Milano, Italy


9 Months Intership September 2012 - July 2013


When I arrived at MDP I had no knowledge of landscape architecture although I was open to learn something new that soon fascinated me. I enjoyed the time I spent at the office and the people I worked with. Here some key concepts that where essencial for many projects I had the opportunity to see. Territory: architecture belongs to a specific territory and territory could be itself a piece of architecture. Scale: many projects begin with aerieal plans at big scale and then they go deep into details. System: landscape is a complex intersection of multiple elements; how do they combine? Time: much longer and complex compared to that of architectural items. Soil and trees: tools to play with. To follow, a selected project from MDP that I collaborated to design. It consists on a serie of gardens fragmented by high apartment towers next to the old harbour in Anvers. We aimed to achieve very essential and minimal public spaces defined by few elements such as trees, path and views. Next to abstract schemes we developed construction details and tridimensional maquettes.



S: 2 700 m² S: S: 2 2 700 700 m² m²



S: 3 750 m² S: S: 3 3 750 750 m² m²



S: 898 m² S: S: 898 898 m² m²



Horizontal Views DETAIL 08 BOISEMENT e: 150 cm / PELOUSE e: 45 cm

Construction Detail

ECHELLE 1/20 - A3 0


100 cm


Summer Workshop July 2013

VISIONING ARCHITECTURE AA Architectural Association - London, UK

The workshop took place over two intense weeks at the Architectural Association in London. We spent days sketching in Covent Garden, at the British Museums, at John Soane’s House. Then we developed section drawings based on our analysis of the “site”, as a result of the complexity of multiple drawing techniques both by hands and by computer.


Summer Workshop July-August 2015

SUMMER CHANTIER - EPFL + E[ad] PUCV Ciudad Abierta - Valparaiso, Chile

The workshop was organized by the École Polytechnique Fèdèrale de Lausanne and the Escuela de Arquitectura y Diseño de la Universidad Católica de Valparaiso. It took place in the Ciudad Abierta (Open City), a “field of dunes” for architectural experiments. For four weeks we worked on a wood pavillion and developed part of the roof structure in 1:1 scale and built the exterior floor with bricks. We learnt how to use local materials and exchanged design and construction techniques with the chilean students.


Summer Workshop July-Octorber 2015

EXHIBITION DESIGN : THEORIES & PRACTICE Accademia di Architettura - Mendrisio, CH

With teachers Riccardo Blumer and Carla Mazzarelli we prepared the exhibition “Amos Nattini e la Divina Commedia figurata� that opened October 25th at Museo di Ascona, Switzerland. In pairs we designed each a room with a result of seven different exhibition design sets; then from projects we moved on to the construction of the structures to hold the art pieces.


Written Thesis Master 2


My written thesis deals with art installations inside the Guggenheim Museum, designed by artists in order to “fit” the central space (the void). It is a challenged to Frank Lloyd Wright’s project who meant the rotunda to be empty. Yet a few artists that I researched and selected -Dan Flavin, Daniel Buren, the Gutai Movement, Maurizio Cattelan and James Turrell- succeded in generating powerfull and spectacular installations suspended in air; as a cosequence they enhance the architecture itself.


Volunteering August 2014

ESCOLA ASAS DE LIBERDADE Ass. Amici del Quilombo - Goias, Brazil

In August 2014 I volunteered for one month in a pre-elementary school in Brasil. It has been such a great experience, I will never forget the time I spent there: the kids gave me and shared with so much, compared to what I was able to give them. I consider this experience of great importance for my personal growth.


Volunteering August-September 2016

MKURU TRAINING CAMP Oikos East Africa Onlus - Tanzania, Africa

My first time in Africa, I didn’t know what to expect. It has been an amazing experince, working with a Maasai community and living the daily life with them. Everything goes at another speed, “pole pole” as they would say; I learnt how to appreciate simple things. After two months it really broke my heart I had to leave however I feel very lucky I had the chance to know Mkuru.

Mkuru Training Camp


Personal work Since 2005

ATELIER AZZURRO Fine Arts Workshop - Milano, Italy

Since the beginning of high school I have been interested in artworks. I have developed short art projects under the training of Arch. Patricia Sanchez in her atelier, Atelier Azzurro, based in Milano. I have explored many different tecniques: sanguigna, pencils, watercolors, oils, clay, mosaic, acrilic, ceramic glaze.


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