Gombak food poisoning incident |The autopsy repor t is expected to be released within a month
New Era raised over 1 million for Nan Building Fund s charity show in Klang
Chen Zhinian (four th from lef t) handed over a mock cheque to Lin Yu under the witness of Liu Yongshan. From lef t are Tang Rongkun, Lin Zhiyi and Liang Dezhi; from right are Mok Shunzong, Wang Junyan, Liang Xiaozhen, Chen Nancheng and Cai Chongwei. (Photo by Gao Jianye)
(Klang, 7th) The Klang Coastal District New Era School Fund Raising Committee successfully raised RM1,048,730 for the purchase of the South Building for New Era School by organizing a charity per formance entitled “ Nanyang Love, Chinese Education Hear t ” , exceeding the original target of RM1 million!
The Klang Water front Charity Show was held at 7pm last night at the Klang Fujian Association and was presented by the Guangzhou Shuiyue Ar t Troupe from China. The charity show was well suppor ted by enthusiastic people and the venue was packed
This event is sponsored by New Era University College, co-organized by Klang Fujian Association, Klang Hometown Association, Klang Royal Taoist Federation, Klang Phoenix Friendship Association