What is WEP? WEP is a two-week program entirely designed and produced by KAUST and takes place during an interlude in the academic semester in January when courses are not offered. The whole University becomes involved in one of the most exciting programs of the year, including keynote lecture series, masterclasses, field trips, exhibitions, science fairs, entrepreneurship programs, opening nights, and final galas. The program hosts KAUST speakers, eminent international guest speakers, Nobel Laureates, entrepreneurs, academics, as well as distinguished local and regional leaders and decision-makers.
DEFINITION To Enrich (Definition) enrich trv. 1. To make rich or richer. 2. To make fuller, more meaningful, or more rewarding.
MISSION Under the umbrella of the VP for Academic Affairs our mission is to enrich with our programs KAUST students, faculty, community members and guests as well as contributing to the Kingdom and the world. WEP inspires students to be creative and to think outside the box. All students (MS & PhD) must participate in WEP for credit at least once during their studies at KAUST.
SINCE 2010...
We produce: • High-caliber and engaging events • Events that have an impact in the Kingdom • Going green and promoting sustainability • Creative events • Interconnecting arts, culture, and science • Technology-informed leaders for a changing world • Women in science and engineering programs
KEYNOTE LECTURE SERIES The keynote lectures are signature events selected as part of a series of the main lectures aligned with the theme. Since 2010, 140 eminent international guest speakers, Nobel Laureates, entrepreneurs, academics, as well as distinguished local and regional leaders and decision-makers have addressed keynote lectures organized by the Office of Enrichment Programs.
WEP 2019 TIME Chaired by Professor Valerio Orlando
Opening Keynote
Paolo Sassone-Corsi Director, Center For Epigenetics and Metabolism, University of California
Time of Your Life: You Are What You Eat (and When!)
WEP 2019 | TIME
Michael Young
Juan Carlos IzpisuaBelmonte
John Ellis
Nobel Laureate in Physiology or Medicine, Rockefeller University
Director, Development and Stem Cells Biology Laboratories, Salk Institute
Professor, Theoretical Physics, King’s College London and European Organization For Nuclear Research (CERN)
Live Keynote and Q&A
Turning Back the Aging Clock
What Are We? Where Do We Come From? Where Are We Going?
WEP 2019 | TIME
Giulio Tononi
Rachel Sussman
Dava Sobel
Director, Wisconsin Institute For Sleep and Consciousness, University of Wisconsin–Madison
Contemporary Artist
Best-Selling Author
What is Consciousness? Time, Consciousness and Reality
All the Time In the World
Longitude: A Matter of Time
WEP 2019 | TIME
Salim Al-Hassani
Jonathan Neale
Emeritus Professor, University Of Manchester. President, The Foundation Of Science, Technology and Civilization
Chief Operating Officer, Mclaren
Time and the Golden Age of Islam
The Race Against Time
WEP 2019 | TIME
Lando Norris
Uwaidh K. Al-Harethi
Formula 1 Driver, Mclaren
Executive Vice President, Technology & Innovation, SABIC
The Race Against Time
From Knowledge To Value: The Role Of Technology and Innovation in Maintaining a Competitive Edge Page
WEP 2018 Human-Machine Future Chaired by Professor Omar Knio
Opening Keynote
Carolyn Porco Imaging Science Team Leader, Cassini Mission, NASA
Cassini: The Journey and the Legacy
WEP 2018 | Human-Machine Future
Elizabeth Churchill
Oussama Khatib
Nate Hagens
Director, User Experience, Google
Director, Robotics Laboratory, Stanford University
Professor, University of Minnesota
The Past, Present and Future of Human Computer Interaction
The Age of Human-Robot Collaboration: Deep Sea Exploration
Energy, Money and Technology - From the Lens of the Superorganism
WEP 2018 | Human-Machine Future
Fahad Al-Sherehy
Munther A. Dahleh
Nasser Al-Nafisee
Vice President, Technology & Innovation, SABIC
Professor, Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, MIT
VP, Corporate Affairs, Saudi Aramco
A Keynote Lecture by Fahad Al-Sherehy
Networks of Systems and Society
A Career with Purpose: Push Your Boundaries and Let Them be Pushed
WEP 2018 | Human-Machine Future
James Lyne
Alexandru Ionut Budisteanu
Margaret Livingstone
Global Head, Security Research, Sophos
Entrepreneur and Forbes 30 Under 30
Professor, Neurobiology, Harvard Medical School
The Latest Trends in Cyber Security
Engineering an Affordable Self-Driving Car: My Personal Journey
What Art Can Tell us About the Brain
Spring 2018 | City of the Future | Chaired by Professor Omar Knio
Ahmed Ghoniem
Tarek A. Fadaak
Carlo Ratti
Director, Center for Energy and Propulsion Research and Reacting Gas Dynamics Lab, MIT
Adjunct Associate Professor, Urban Planning, King Abdul Aziz University
Director, Senseable City Lab, MIT. Founding Partner, Carlo Ratti Associati
Energy for the (MegaCity of the) Future
Science and Beauty
Senseable Cities
Spring 2018 | City of the Future | Chaired by Professor Omar Knio
Keith Martin
Khaled Alrashed
Kamal Youcef-Toumi
Chief Development Officer, NEOM
President and CEO, Projects Development, Saudi Electricity Company
Professor, Mechanical Engineering, MIT. Co-Director, Center for Complex Engineering System, MIT and KACST
Closing Keynote Lecture
The Future of Smart Cities
Envisioning a Great City: Public Realm and Economic Impact
Fall 2018 | Marine Biodiversity | Chaired by Professor Omar Knio
Catherine McFadden
Gustav Paulay
Professor, Life Sciences, Harvey Mudd College
Curator, Marine Malacology, Florida Museum, University of Florida
Hidden in Plain Sight? The Cryptic Biodiversity of Coral Reefs
Mare Incognitum - How Little We Know About Coastal Biodiversity and How to Change That
Fall 2018 | Marine Biodiversity | Chaired by Professor Omar Knio
Greg Skomal
Luiz Rocha
Doctor, Marine Biologist, Massachusetts Marine Fisheries
Associate Curator, Ichthyology, California Academy of Sciences. National Geographic Explorer
The Secret Life of Jaws
Into the Twilight Zone
WEP 2017 Pushing the Limits: Challenging Engineering and Science Chaired by Professor Gilles Lubineau
Opening Keynote
H.E. Ali Ibrahim Al-Naimi Former Minister, Petroleum and Mineral Resources, Saudi Arabia. Chairman, Board of Trustees, KAUST
Out of the Desert: My Journey from Nomadic Bedouin to the Heart of Global Oil Page
WEP 2017 | Pushing the Limits: Challenging Engineering and Science
Ed Stone
Dirk Ahlborn
Martin Fischer
Voyager Project Scientist, NASA
CEO, Jumpstarter Inc.
Head of Design, French Challenger, 35th Americas Cup Groupama Team
The Voyager Journey to Interstellar Space
Hyperloop: The Future of Transportation
Preparing For the America’s Cup: A Technological and a Human Challenge
WEP 2017 | Pushing the Limits: Challenging Engineering and Science
Christopher Fabian
Estelle Metayer
Theo Jansen
Co-Leader, Innovation Unit, UNICEF
Entrepreneur and Trend-Spotter
How to Help Balance an Asymmetric World
Your Future in Science and Technology: Breathtaking Opportunities and Significant Choices
Pushing the Limits of Kinetic Arts: Strandbeests
WEP 2017 | Pushing the Limits: Challenging Engineering and Science
Steph Davis
Cindy Lee Van Dover
Top Climber, Base Jumper, and Wingsuit Flyer
Distinguished Professor, Biological Oceanography, Duke University
Choosing to Fly: Examining Fear, Risk, and Resilience
From Exploration to Exploitation? Opportunities and Imperatives in the Deep Sea Page
Spring 2017 | Pioneers | Chaired by Professor Gilles Lubineau
Laurent Lantieri
Mike Bruton
Alastair Humphreys
Professor and Head of the Plastic Surgery Department, Georges Pompidou Hospital, Paris Descartes University
Professor and Director, Mike Bruton Imagineering
Adventurer, Author, and National Geographic Adventurer
Restoring Bodies to Restore Humanity
Quest for Perfection: the Contributions of Muslim Scientists to the Golden Age of Islam
The Call of the Wild
Spring 2017 | Pioneers | Chaired by Professor Gilles Lubineau
Alan Lightman
Eric R. Fossum
Physicist and Writer
Professor, Thayer School of Engineering at Dartmouth. Inventor of the CMOS Image Sensor
The Discoveries: Great Breakthroughs in 20th Century Science
Making Every Photon Count in Digital Cameras
Fall 2017 | Designing Tomorrow | Chaired by Professor Gilles Lubineau
Dominique Sciamma
Julian Bleecker
Samuel West
Dean and Director, Strate School of Design
Artist and Technologist. Co-Founder, The Near Future Laboratory Studio
Museum Curator, The Museum of Failure
Design is the Only Option
Design Fiction
Learning from Innovation Failure - Lessons from the Museum of Failure
Fall 2017 | Designing Tomorrow | Chaired by Professor Gilles Lubineau
Ann Makosinski
Andrew Bastawrous
Co-Founder, PEEK Vision
The Science and Art of Invention
Changing the Way the World Sees
WEP 2016 Sustainability and Climate Change Chaired by Professor Mark Tester
Opening Keynote
H.E. Abdullatif A Al Othman Governor and Chairman, Board of the Saudi Arabian General Investment Authority (SAGIA)
Leadership and Innovation in Environmental Sustainability: The Future of Saudi Arabia Page
WEP 2016 | Sustainability and Climate Change
James Watson
Kip Thorne
Helge Halderson
Nobel Laureate in Physiology or Medicine. Co-Leader of the Human Genome Project
Nobel Laureate in Physics, Caltech
Director, General Statoil Mexico
60 Years of DNA
A Physicist in Hollywood: The Science of Interstellar
How Can Global Oil & Gas Industry Survive the Next 85 Years?
WEP 2016 | Sustainability and Climate Change
Suchitra Sebastian
Vijay Shah
Royal Society University Research Fellow and University Lecturer, Physics, University of Cambridge
Explorer, Filmmaker, and Aeronautical Engineer
The Next Generation of Superconductors
Climate Change Through the Eyes of a Polar Explorer
WEP 2016 | Sustainability and Climate Change
Carlos Duarte
Chris Smith
Professor, Marine Science, KAUST
Consultant Virologist and Fellow Commoner, Queens’ College, University of Cambridge
Seafaring in the 21st Century: Exploration, Innovation, and Discovery
Stripping Down Science
Spring 2016 | Exploring Innovation | Chaired by Professor Mark Tester
Peter Hoffman
Thomas Skalak
Vice President, Intellectual Property Management, The Boeing Company
Executive Director, Science and Technology, The Paul G. Allen Family Foundation
Driving Innovation Through Global Technology Collaboration
Innovation Ecosystems For a Creative Economy
Fall 2016 | Food for All | Chaired by Professor Mark Tester
Lewis Dartnell
John Bedbrook
Fred Davies
Professor, Science Communication, University of Westminster
Executive Chairman, DiCE Molecules LLC
Professor, Horticultural Sciences, Texas A&M University
Why we Eat What we Eat
Genetic Technology’s Role in Global Food Security
Agriculture, Food Security & Sustainable Intensification: Can we Feed the World? Page
WEP 2015 Innovation, Creativity and Entrepreneurship Chaired by Professor David Keyes
Opening Keynote
Lubna S. Olayan CEO and Deputy Chairman, Olayan Financing Company (OFC)
Leading by Example: The Role of Centers of Excellence
WEP 2015 | Innovation, Creativity and Entrepreneurship
Laïla Nehmé
Svante Pääbo
Michael Martin
French Archaeologist and Epigraphist. Co-Director of the Saudi-French Archaeological Project
Director, Max-Planck Institute for Evolutionary Anthropology. Member of the USA National Academy of Sciences
Photographer and Writer
The Nabataeans: The Mada’in Saleh Excavations
A Neanderthal Perspective on Human Origins
Deserts of the Earth
WEP 2015 | Innovation, Creativity and Entrepreneurship
Anthony Readhead
Guillaume Nery
Emeritus Professor, Astronomy, Caltech. Director, Owens Valley Radio Observatory, California Institute of Technology
Free Diver, Recordman, and World Champion
Back to the Beginning in Cosmology and Radio Astronomy
A Journey to the Edge of Human Limits
WEP 2015 | Innovation, Creativity and Entrepreneurship
Anette Hosoi
Mike Holland
Professor, Mechanical Engineering, MIT
Chief of Staff, Center for Urban Science + Progress, New York University
From Razor Clams to Robots: the Mathematics Behind Biologically Inspired Design
The Promise of Urban Science
Spring 2015 | Brain Awareness Week | Chaired by Professor David Keyes
Alim-Louis Benabib Chairman of Bio-Medical Research Center Clinatec. Member of the French AcadĂŠmie des Sciences
From Deep Brain Stimulation to Brain Computer Interfaces: Translational Research at Clinatec Institute Page
Fall 2015 | Big Marine Animal on the Move | Chaired by Professor David Keyes
Mark Meekan
Rory Wilson
Principal Research Scientist, Australian Institute of Marine Science
Professor, Aquatic Biology/Sustainable Aquaculture, Swansea University
Following Mega Fauna
The Magic of Animal Movement
WEP 2014 Chaired by Professor William Roberts
Opening Keynote
Khalid Al-Falih Minister of Energy, Industry and Mineral Resources, Saudi Arabia. Chairman, Saudi Aramco. Chairman, KAUST Board of Trustees
A Keynote Lecture by Khalid Al-Falih
WEP 2014
Hartmut Michel
Cedric Villani
Dan Ariely
Nobel Laureate in Chemistry. Director, Max Planck Institute of Biophysics
Professor, Institut Poincare. President, Scientific Board of the Panafrican Institute, AIMSÂSenegal
Professor, Psychology and Behavioral Economics, Duke University
The Nonsense of Biofuels
Of Planets, Stars, and Fluids
The Problems of Self-Control and What We Can Do About It
WEP 2014
Thanh Tâm Le
Jorge Cham
Ingo Potrykus
Director, Climate-KIC-France
Co-Founder, PHD TV. Creator of PhD Comics TV
Emeritus Professor, Plant Sciences, Swiss Federal Institute of Technology
Europe In Innovation: Ambitions, Achievements, Hardships
The Power of Procrastination
The Potential of GMO’s for Public Good & the Tough Lessons From the Humanitarian Golden Rice Project
WEP 2014
Karl Leo
Marion Guillou
Simon Pampena
Professor and Director, Solar & Photovoltaic Engineering Research Center (SPERC), KAUST
President of Agreenium, the French institute in Agrosciences
Australian TV Presenter. Australian Numeracy Ambassador
The Solar Revolution
Challenges for Environment: Feeding Nine Billion People in 2050
Mathemania! A Stand Up Comedy Show
WEP 2014
Staffan Landin
Terri Raney
Michael Purugganan
Global Development Writer and Lecturer
Senior Economist and Editor, The State of Food and Agriculture, Food and Agriculture Organization, UN
Dean, Science, Faculty of Arts and Science, New York University
Is The World Improving? Visualizing Public Data to Understand the World
Feeding 9 Billion People Sustainably: Why Science and Technology Are Not Enough
The Evolution of Domesticated Plant Species
Fall 2014 | Biodiversity, Birds, Wildlife and Plants | Chaired by Professor William Roberts
Chris Jordan
Peter J. Lu
Research Fellow, Department of Physics and School of Engineering and Applied Sciences, Harvard University
Midway, Message from the Gyre
Modern Math in Medieval Islamic Architecture
Fall 2014 | Biodiversity, Birds, Wildlife and Plants | Chaired by Professor William Roberts
Kimberly Smith
Jean-Marc Bonmatin
Professor, Biology, University of Arkansas
Researcher, French National Centre for Scientific Research (CNRS)
Ornithology and the Birds of the Middle East
Honey and Bees, the Decline of Pollinators Reveals a Major Environmental Threat Worldwide
WEP 2013 Chaired by Professor Suzana Nunes
Opening Keynote
Janet Echelman American Artist, Net Sculptures
Taking Imagination Seriously
WEP 2013
Charles Elachi
Claude Nicollier
Michael Graetzel
Director, Jet Propulsion Laboratory, NASA. Vice President, Caltech
Astronaut, European Space Agency (ESA)
Professor, Laboratory of Photonics and Interfaces, École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne
The Excitement and Challenge of Space and Earth Exploration
Lessons From Space Exploration
Light and Energy, the Advent of Mesoscopic Solar Cells
WEP 2013
Philip Rosedale
Philippe Cousteau
Bernard Bigot
Co-Founder, Coffee & Power
Explorer, Social Entrepreneur, and Environmental Advocate
Chairman, French Alternative Energies and Atomic Energy Commission
Virtual Worlds, Entrepreneurship, and the Future of Work
Our Oceans, Ourselves
Complementarity of Nuclear and Renewable Energies
WEP 2013
Francois Ansermet
Ismail Serageldin
Academic Director, University Department of Psychiatry, University of Geneva
Director, Library of Alexandria
Music and the Brain in Unconscious Waves
Building a Global Knowledge Society
WEP 2013
Spencer Wells
Che Ting Chan
Head, Enographic Project, National Geography
Professor of Physics, Hong Kong University of Science and Technology
The Human Journey: A Genetic Odyssey
A Scientific Passage to Harry Potter’s Invisibility Cloak and Platform/Tractor Beams: From Star Trek to Reality Page
WEP 2012 Sustainable Energy for All Chaired by Professor Alyn Rockwood
Opening Keynote
Rolf-Dieter Heuer Experimental Particle Physicist and Director General of CERN
From the Highest Energies to the Smallest Particles
WEP 2012 | Sustainable Energy for All
Abdulaziz Alturki
Adnan Soufi
Bertrand Piccard
Chairman, Rawabi Holding
CEO, SEDCO Holding
Psychiatrist and Aeronaut. Founder, Solar Impulse
Business for Sustainable Development, a Case Study
The Life Cycle of an Entrepreneur (From Startup to Sustaining the Family Business – SEDCO’s Experience)
Solar Impulse: a New Vision of Sustainable Development
WEP 2012 | Sustainable Energy for All
Bill Baxter
Eric Jones
John Dennis Liu
Software Engineer, Google
CEO, Enthought
Ecological Film Maker and Writer. Founder, “China Environment and Sustainable Development Reference and Research Center”
WebGL and Google Maps
The Rise of Enthought: Commercial Success in Open Scientific Software Development
Hope in a Changing Climate
WEP 2012 | Sustainable Energy for All
Robert Swan
Zahi Hawass
Explorer. President, 2041 Foundation
World-Renowned Egyptian Archaeologist
The Secrets of the Royal Mummies, from Tutankhamun to Cleopatra
WEP 2011 Chaired by Professor Alyn Rockwood
Opening Keynote
Bengt NordĂŠn Former Chair, Nobel Committee for Chemistry
Where is Chemistry Heading?
WEP 2011
Jay Shafer
Kenneth Minneman
Khalid Suliman Alrajhi
Owner and Founder, Tumbleweed Tiny House Company
Dean, Chemical and Life Sciences, KAUST
Managing Director, Sulaiman Adulaziz, Al-Rajhi & Sons CI, Al-Watania Poultry
Size Matters
The Real Thing: the Rise of Coca Cola From an Atlanta Pharmacy to the Most Recognized Corporate Symbol in the World
Saudi Culture and Its Implications on Business
WEP 2011
Maria Zuber
Rob Cook
Saleh Al-Turki
Professor, Geophysics, and Director, Department of Earth Atmospheric and Planetary Sciences, MIT
Co-Architect and Primary Author, Pixar’s RenderMan Software
President and Chairman, Nesma Holding Company
Present-Day Mars: From Moonscape to Desert to Tundra
Behind the Scenes at Pixar
Poverty in The Nation of Social Sponsorship?
WEP 2011
Abdulrahman Al-Zamil
Mark Sagar
Bruno Bonnell
Chairman, Board of the Saudi Export Development Center and the National Power Company
Associate Professor and Director, The Laboratory for Animate Technologies, The University of Auckland
Multi-Entrepreneur and Founder, ROBOPOLIS
Preconceived Ideas Regarding Saudi Workforce
Bringing “Avatar� Faces to Life
Viva La Robolution
WEP 2011
Dan Csontos
Hans Rosling
Science Editor and Project Manager, Nature Publishing Group
Professor, International Health, Karolinska Institute. Chairman, Gapminder Foundation
The Craft of Scientific Writing and Publishing – How to Get Published in Nature and Other Top-Ranked International Journals
A Fact Based World View
WEP 2010 Inaugural Winter Enrichment Program Chaired by Professor David Keyes
Opening Keynote
Wolfgang Gentzch Senior Consultant HPC, Grid and Cloud Companies
A Competitive Global E-Infrastructure for Scientists in Saudi Arabia
WEP 2010 | Inaugural Winter Enrichment Program
Michael Berumen
Peng Weng
Richard Sowar
Assistant Professor, Marine Science, KAUST
Assistant Professor, Environmental Sciences and Engineering, KAUST
CEO, FreeDesign, Inc. Co-founder, @Last Software
Finding Science in Finding Nemo
The Terra Cotta Army
Technology Startups: Experiences, Stories, and Advice
WEP 2010 | Inaugural Winter Enrichment Program
Sigurjon Jonsson
Alyn Rockwood
Terence McElwee
Associate Professor, Geophysics, KAUST
Professor, Mathematics and Computer Science, KAUST
Director, Technology Transfer and Innovation (TTI), KAUST
Do Volcanoes Threaten KAUST?
How Noble in Reason
Open Innovation and The New Kaust IP Policy
WEP 2010 | Inaugural Winter Enrichment Program
Hani Itani
Jasmeen Merzaban
John Hopcroft
Architect, KAUST
Assistant Professor, Biochemistry, KAUST
IBA Professor, Engineering and Applied Mathematics, Cornell University
KAUST Architecture: Sustainability in a Changing Climate
The Sweet Side of Stem Cells
Computer Science in the Information Age
WEP 2010 | Inaugural Winter Enrichment Program
Beate Kerlis
Loay Alfi
Antonio S. Valenzuela
Seed Fund Program, KAUST
Business Development Manager, Innovation & Economic Development, KAUST
Campus Support Director, KAUST
Ever Dreamt of Starting Your Own Business?
Information Session: KICP Career Day
Leadership in Environmental Design (LEED) - KAUST Sets the Platinum Standard for World-Class Research Institutions Page
WEP 2010 | Inaugural Winter Enrichment Program
George Stenchikov
Richard Swann
Joe Esch
Professor, Environmental Science, and Professor, Applied Mathematics, KAUST
Teacher, The KAUST School
Co-founder @Last Software Technology Startups: Experiences, Stories, and Advice
Environmental Consequences of a Nuclear War: The Nuclear Winter Theory From the 1980s and Nuclear Proliferation in the 21st Century
Music and the Elements
Technology Startups: Experiences, Stories, and Advice
Thank You
to our Sponsors
Speakers' Names by Alphabetical Order: Abdulaziz Alturki Abdulrahman Al-Zamil Adnan Soufi Ahmed Ghoniem Alan Lightman Alastair Humphreys Alexandru Ionut Budisteanu Alim-Louis Benabib Alyn Rockwood Andrew Bastawrous Anette Hosoi Ann Makosinski Anthony Readhead Antonio S. Valenzuela Beate Kerlis Bengt Nordén Bernard Bigot Bertrand Piccard Bill Baxter Bruno Bonnell Carlo Ratti Carlos Duarte Carolyn Porco Catherine McFadden Cedric Villani Charles Elachi Che Ting Chan Chris Jordan Chris Smith Christopher Fabian Cindy Lee Van Dover Claude Nicollier Dan Ariely Dan Csontos Dava Sobel
61 67 61 24 33 32 23 46 71 35 45 35 44 73 73 64 57 61 62 67 24 39 20 26 49 56 59 53 39 30 31 56 49 68 17
Dirk Ahlborn Dominique Sciamma Ed Stone Elizabeth Churchill Eric Jones Eric R. Fossum Estelle Metayer Fahad Al-Sherehy Francois Ansermet Fred Davies George Stenchikov Giulio Tononi Greg Skomal Guillaume Nery Gustav Paulay H.E. Abdullatif A Al Othman H.E. Ali Ibrahim Al-Naimi Hani Itani Hans Rosling Hartmut Michel Helge Halderson Ingo Potrykus Ismail Serageldin James Lyne James Watson Janet Echelman Jasmeen Merzaban Jay Shafer Jean-Marc Bonmatin Joe Esch John Bedbrook John Dennis Liu John Ellis John Hopcroft Jonathan Neale
29 34 29 21 62 33 30 22 58 41 74 17 27 44 26 36 28 72 68 49 37 50 58 23 37 55 72 65 54 74 41 62 16 72 18
Jorge Cham Juan Carlos Izpisua-Belmonte Julian Bleecker Kamal Youcef-Toumi Karl Leo Keith Martin Kenneth Minneman Khaled Alrashed Khalid Al-Falih Khalid Suliman Alrajhi Kimberly Smith Kip Thorne Laïla Nehmé Lando Norris Laurent Lantieri Lewis Dartnell Loay Alfi Lubna S. Olayan Luiz Rocha Margaret Livingstone Maria Zuber Marion Guillou Mark Meekan Mark Sagar Martin Fischer Michael Berumen Michael Graetzel Michael Martin Michael Purugganan Michael Young Mike Bruton Mike Holland Munther A. Dahleh Nasser Al-Nafisee Nate Hagens
50 16 34 25 51 25 65 25 48 65 54 37 43 19 32 41 73 42 27 23 66 51 47 67 29 70 56 43 52 16 32 45 22 22 21
Oussama Khatib Paolo Sassone-Corsi Peng Weng Peter Hoffman Peter J. Lu Philip Rosedale Philippe Cousteau Rachel Sussman Richard Sowar Richard Swann Rob Cook Robert Swan Rolf-Dieter Heuer Rory Wilson Saleh Al-Turki Salim Al-Hassani Samuel West Sigurjon Jonsson Simon Pampena Spencer Wells Staffan Landin Steph Davis Suchitra Sebastian Svante Pääbo Tarek A. Fadaak Terence McElwee Terri Raney Thanh Tâm Le Theo Jansen Thomas Skalak Uwaidh K. Al-Harethi Vijay Shah Wolfgang Gentzch Zahi Hawass
21 15 70 40 53 57 57 17 70 74 66 63 60 47 66 18 34 71 51 59 52 31 38 43 24 71 52 50 30 40 19 38 69 63
Moving forward together by Adam Magyar
“For a short moment, the time of those walking for the camera meets the timelessness of the piece of art.” Adam Magyar. To celebrate the10th anniversary of WEP, photographer and video artist Adam Magyar used his famous slit-scan technique to capture a stunning moment in time of the WEP 2019 students. On January 13, 2019, 273 students walked together and became part of a unique photograph of the community of KAUST. This picture was exhibited during WEP along with other works of the artists’ series entitled URBAN FLOW. Adam Magyar is a Berlin-based photographer who finds innovative ways to use technology to observe life. He captures the passing of time and freezes it into still photographs and videos using modified or self-built high-tech digital tools and cameras.