Enrico Narcisi Architectural Portfolio 2021/22
Builders wrought
days of Art,
with greatest care Each minute and unseen part; For the Gods are everywhere
Henry Wadsworth Longfellow, The Seaside and the Fireside
Amba Aradam
Tor Marancia
Piazza dei Cinquecento
Void is more
Meriggio in Ripafratta
Tabula Rasa Pavillon
Mextropoli Pavillon
Kalida Center
San Giacomo Church
Gran Morillon Residence
Sunken Silver Museum
Yulin Civic Center
JianJiang Masterplan
Rocca Colonnalta Castle
#016 #015 #014 #013 #012 #011 #010 #009 #008 #007 #006 #005 #004 #003 #002 #001
Amba Aradam
Author IT’S
Roma (Italy)
Year 2021/22
State Underconstruction
Design Process
3D Model
Architectural Plan
Technical Plan
Construction Process
The project aims at the energetic and functional revaluation of a 60’s building located along Via dell’Amba Aradam, inside the Lateran area. Here large buildings such as hospitals and universities coexist with important presences such as the Basilica of San Giovanni in Laterano, archaeological remains and the Walls of Hadrian. A series of public functions, absent today in the neighborhood, activate the basement of the building that through a sequence of double heights transforms the basement and the ground integrated way, the intervention works on the external spaces: an excavation in correspondence of the Roman remains in the north-eastern tip of the building, allows to imagine an archaeological garden in direct contact with the ruins. A series of terraces make the remaining part habitable. The large parking area becomes a potential
in view of a desirable increase of sustainable mobility forms and reduction of the need for parking spaces. The crown of the building is rethought through the insertion of a photovoltaic cover and the remaking of the terrace
relationships with the architectural and landscape presences that characterize the urban context.
Ground Floor
View from the street
Axo Axo - new skin Axo - inhabit the envelope
Tor Marancia
Author IT’S
Location Roma (Italy)
Year 2020/21 State \ Tasks:
Design Process
3D Model
Architectural Plan
The project want to establish a dialogue with the city and its social context, creating spaces in balance between the enhancement of identity and the ability to stimulate the imaginative dimension of its inhabitants. The proposal works by subtraction, imagining the
organization of the complex, conceiving the new square as the pulsating part that reactivates the relationship between the Center and the city. From the “Piazza” you can easly access to the triple-height Foyer that opens to the view the whole system, facilitating the orientation and stimulating visual relationships, here are the exhibition space with cafeteria and the entrances to the Aula Magna. A scenic staircase leads to the two upper levels of the Training Center and the playground located on the roof of the Hub, which can also be reached independently from Viale Tor Marancia, ideal space for the mural workshop. The Hub is in direct relation with the square and adjacent to the Foyer, occupies the northern part of the project area, the most public, whose internal organization is designed to facilitate the relationship with the outside and the exchange between its users. The training center is located in the western portion, organizes activities grouping them between dance and music-singing, the main functions are always directed towards the square below. The building is conceived as a passive organism, whose design strategies reduce energy needs to a minimum reaching the NZEB objectives.
Planivolumetric Ground Floor
Floor - Playground
Second Floor
Green System
Fluid Space
Exibithion Open Ballet
Piazza dei
Rome (Italy)
Year 2020/21
State Competition (1 prize)
Design Process
3D Model
Architectural Plan
Termini Station is an urban organism animated by activities and functions all along its perimeter, this complex system of relations today is negated by the chaotic presence on isolate the interior of the station from its context and
and another more vegetal and intimate, held together by the
reinterprets the precious fresco depicting the “Giardinio di be combined in alternating bands, composing a pattern of the desire to reconnect the station to the urban fabric,
Masterplan - 2030
Aereal View - 2030
Longitudinal section
1 2 3 4
Green System Layer Parterre Layer Arboretum
Herbaceous parterre Disposal Water
1. Parterre in open joint cobblestones
2. Porphyry Applications
3. Travertine slabs
4. Rainwater recovery system
View from Arboretum
Info-Point Coffee Corner
Terrace Summer Autumn Spring Winter
Bike Hub
View from Giolitti Road
Enrico Narcisi
Di Sciascio
Cuneo (Italy)
Year 2020 State
Periscope is our proposal for Ex Frigorifero Militare Competition, is a project that looks at its context and becomes one with it. The building was born from the modeling of the volume of the roof, which is inspired by the typical section of the roofs of Cuneo, whose dormers are extreme to allow the observer to explore the surrounding landscape and emotionally connect with it. The clear volume of the roof, inserted in contrast within the original masonry, is a large panoramic platform whose folds rise and break to frame the Vinay canopy on one side, and
Unlisted (Competition)
the alpine mountains. The guiding ideas for this project are to preserve the character of Ex Frigorifero Militare, transforming it at the same time into a contemporary and accessible building. The original masonry of the Ex Frigorifero Militare has been restored to highlight the squares. The masonry was opened in some portions on via Sette Assedi and entirely in the internal courtyard. It behaves like a permeable enclosure in dialogue with the square, becoming a historic portico that delimits the new urban living room: memory and contemporaneity in which opportunities for social and cultural collectivity develop.
Floor First Floor
Axo - Internal Flows
Foyer View
Aerial View
Void is More
Enrico Narcisi
Valerio Vitucci
Cocullo (Italy)
Year 2019/20
Second Level Master
Void is More is our thesis about the sustainable development for Cocullo (AQ), a small mountain village famous for its ancestral ritual of “Serpari”. We want to take advantage of the access of E80 Highway, that connects Roma to Pescara, to make the village as a
Sagittario valley products to make an attractor for tourist. The idea is based on the re-functionalization of the “voids” left by abandoned spaces, rethinking all
reversible architecture that can follow the needs of the time. Thus, an empty space, like a sheet of white paper, can become a laboratory, a b&b, or an outdoor living room for gatherings through micro wooden architecture. At the same time, we want to create a do ut des with the other small villages of the valley, so the tourist can visit them thanks to a series of slow mobility solution. At last, we focus on the brand identity for “Valle del Sagittario”, with a logo inspired from Escher Snake draw (who “Presentosa”, the typical jewel of the area.
VILLALAGO 1 2 3 Masterplan
855 860 865 845 840 845 1
Masterplan - San Domenico district Plan
- Piazza Grande
Serpari - Piece
Axo - Turistic Hub
The new logo
View from the hub
View from Piazza Grande
Meriggio in Ripafratta
Enrico Narcisi
Elena Di Sciascio
Ripafratta (Italy)
Year 2016/18
Design Process
3D Model
Architectural Plan
Technical Plan
Construction Process
Meriggio in Ripafratta is our proposal for Reuseitaly Competition for Ripafratta Castle designed by Antonio da Sangallo and supported by Leonardo Da Vinci in XVI sig. Thanks to its proximity to the station, to the roads and CAI paths, we thought of recovering the complex of the former salami factory as a new rural centre will welcome visitors and coordinate all the sports activities to create a synergistic system with the castle and the two towers. Inside, the fortress, thanks of this natural slope, a multi-purpose space has been designed, covered by reversible steel and wood pergolas, which extend its use even in winter. A pure volume hosts, on different levels, a bar and a reception for the museum, which is directly connected to the old walkway. The two-tower is thinking as a training space, thanks to a climbing structure inside the towers. The system is complete by a zip wire system connect the two towers offering a different perspective, and
in the “meriggio”, under the shadow of a pine tree.
Axo - Masterplan Axo - Ripafratta Rural Center
Axo - Zip wire Towers
View from the Nicolai Tower
Tabula Rasa
Enrico Narcisi
Riccardo Radica
Noyellens sous Lens (France)
Year 2016/18
Unlisted (Competition)
TabulaRasa is our proposal for the Odyssee des Cabanes competition conceived by the Kraft and Euralens association. The aim of the competition is to create “huts” that will be builts in the spring to enhance the Chaîne des Parcs, a territorial project imagined by Michel Desvigne. The Cabanes, will be destined to tourists and excursionists of the area who can use it to enjoy the landscape and to encourage the discovery of parks. By collecting soil in bags we
can reach this peaceful place and recover. You can lay on the bench, breath, meditate, and climb the little stairs to look through the window. Far away another “terril” is staring at you and reminds you to another chain of meditation spots looking one to each other could connect the whole territory of the north of France mining area. Since the TabulaRasa is a space of meditation, several activities connected with the mind and body health can be held inside and around the hut.
50 100 150 200 250 300 350 400m General Plan 1:3500 North Terril Terril Harnes Read the complete book Vision Guide Archetype Masterplan
View from the entrace of the pavillon
View from the path
Zero Waste Internal view
Zero waste wall construction
Kalida Center
EMBT Miralles Tagliabue
Joan Callis (Project Director)
Barcelona (Spain)
Year 2016/18
Design Process
3D Model
Architectural Plan
Technical Plan
Construction Process
View from the Ancient Hospital Pattern
Ground Floor First Floor
I had the big opportunity to follow the entire process, from the design to the construction, I partecipated at the weekly meeting with the client and the constructor.
© Lluc Miralles - EMBT Miralles Tagliabue
View from the garden
View from the entrance
View from the double height dining area
San Giacomo Church
EMBT Miralles Tagliabue
Callis (Project Director)
Ferrara (Italy)
Year 2016/18
Design Process
3D Model
Architectural Plan
Technical Plan
Construction Process
The project is one of the winners of the competitions organized by the CEI (Italian Bishop’s Conference) which aims to improve the architectural quality of ecclesiastical building in Italy. The site of the project is at the boundaries of the old town of Ferrara , in a suburb area with a fragmentade urban fabric and without aggregative space. The soul of the project is a response to this question thanks
new fulcrum that is capable to create a new identity. The friendly design of the building invite the people to live it’s space in a way to improve the socialization and interaction for the new social fabric of the italian
compose by a hystoric cypresses, this aim to create an intimate and familiar enviroment where the building dominates the scene. The church is positioned in both a visual and spiritual axis with the new bridge and the city beyond the river, but access is achieved via two lateral axes that join the design of the square to the church, acting as two arms open to the community.
4.9 6.5
View from entrance
Ground Floor
Roof - underconstruction
Timber roof
The international competition was launched with the Author
EMBT Miralles Tagliabue
Joan Callis (Project Director)
Geneve (Suisse)
Year 2016/18
State 2nd Prize (Competition)
Design Process
3D Model
Architectural Plan
Gran Morillon Residence
Vision Guide
Floor View from Playground
Masterplan Ground
Dwelling design options
Terrace Floor
Facade genesis
View from the plaza
EMBT Miralles Tagliabue
Joan Callis (Project Director)
Madrid (Spain)
Year 2017
Unlisted (Competition)
Design Process
3D Model
The competition proposes to design a heartquarter of a Middle East company in Madrid.The site is a garden occupied by large trees and in an attempt to safeguard as many as possible, the volumes that make up the building were designed as a series of “lamps” that illuminate the night sky. The heartquarter has its main VIP access through a pergola that allows for a car to arrive at the entrance lobby. The daily access for the
building entrance, due to the slope of the site, with a cover park building. The vertical facades are a double skin construction with an exterior screen and ventilated cavity to reduce heat gain. Small openings are adjusted in density to provide the right privacy and light control to the diffrent spaces and uses.The Building is designed to provide optimal environmental conditions for the staff and visitors while minimizing energy demand via a combination of passive and active climate control strategies, thus reducing reliance on fossil fuel energy sources and minimising CO2
View from the entrance
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Facade genesis
View from the garden
Sunken Silver Museum
EMBT Miralles Tagliabue
Joan Callis (Project Director)
Pengshan (China)
Year 2018
State Competition
Design Process
3D Model
Architectural Plan
The competition asked to design a Museum for ancient chineese boats discovered in the Sichuan province. Our focus was to create an archeological park to discover the treasure by transforming the landscape so the visitors will experience not only the view of the treasure but the process to recover and the history around it. There are two main buildings with there roof inspirated by the geometry of the boat; this buildings are connected by the main lobby .The building with with the green roof
the restoration of the boats. The second, more higher, is the exhibition building , organized in 4 levels. The level 1 is directly connected to the main lobby and it host the “cultural relics exhibition hall of Jiangkou Sunken Silver Site”. It is the main room of the building and it is connected to the lower level by the openings on the
site display area” with room for a big model of the archeological site and multimedia display rooms without natural light. All levels of the exhibition space are connected visually to offer a complete experience of the history of the sunken treasure.
Aerial view
View from the lake
View from the entrance
Internal view Section
Rocca Colonnalta Castle
Enrico Narcisi
Elena Di Sciascio
San Ginesio (Italy)
Year 2014/15
The refunctionalization of historical and artistic buildings represents the most effective action to ensure the permanent maintenance of these structures and the knowledge of the work: so, its permanence in the historical memory of the town. The project includes the creation of a cultural center and its exploitation by ordinary people inside an equipped green park. Due to the presence of a well planned system of paths, already in use by ordinary people, we chose to create one of the most interesting places so we assure to the fortress a pre-existing and consolidated catchment area, essential aspect for the success of a project. The project is formally made of the two main wooden structures (palatium and tower) and the secondary metal structure of the system of access and the surfaces of the curtain. The last are composed of juxtaposed wooden partitions, put in pressure under a system of tensors and contrasting pieces of wood; here the horizontal size is dominant and the pressure systems do not interrupt visually the partitions. Through this building system, the visitor is in continuous visual connection with the outside.
EMAIL enriconarcisi@gmail.com ONLINE PORTFOLIO www.enriconarcisi.it DISCOVERING NEW ROUTE