CliveOxenden ChristinaLatham-Koenig
G ra mma r
4 E ttellol
v e rb D el:a n d y ou
numbers 0-10
lhl,leol, andlol wordstress;
o E Whereareyoufrom?
verb6e:he, she,it
ltl andlatl sentence stress;
verb fe: we, you, they; (allpersons) negatives
nationalities; numbers ll-20
B We'refromtheUSA. We'reAmerican.
l 0 PnRcrcRrEncustt Thealphabet
Revlsr & Cxrcx
oreyoufrom? yournomeTHowdoyouspellit? Where What's People inthestreet: Whatcanyoudo? Whatdoyouremember?
14 [l
What'sin yourbag?
singularandpluralnouns; o f on,the
Izl and/s/,pluralendings
16 p
Family andfriends
possessive adjectives; possessive s
l6l , I nl,andlel
colours and common adlectives
lal , letl,ls:/, andli.l
carol E n man's awoman's car?
Personalinformation 20 PRncncRt-Ettcusx Howoldarethey? ondsisters? Doyouhovebrothers People inthestreet: 22 Rtvtst& Cnrcx
Whatcanyoudo? Whatdoyouremember?
24 El A badhairday
present I andyou simple:
verbsI common
lu:/, lwl, andlvl; linking
26 E Wtratdoyouhave
present we,you,they simple:
wordstress; lttl, ld3l, andlgl
jobsandplaces ofwork
s;wordand 3rdperson stress sentence
for breakfast? he,she,it simple: 28 EN ttespeaks English atwork present isit? Ettcr.tstt Whattime 50 PRRcncRr. 3 2 Rrvlsr& Cnrcx
doyoustartandfinish? Whotdoyoudo?Doyoulikeit? Whottime inthestreet: People Whatcanyoudo? Whatdoyouremember?
El ooyoulikemornings? adverbsof frequency,presentsimple a typicalday
question words common 2 verbs 36 El Uteat thetopof theworld wordorderin questions; 58 E Youcan'tparkhere
verbs2 andpossibility common canf can't:permission
stress sentence leal,lol,laol,andljl
rhythm sentence
40 PnRcrrcnr Ercusx
42 Rruse& Crrcx
People in thestreet:WheredoyouusuallyhovelunchTWhotdoyouhove?Howmuchisit? Whatcanyoudo? Whatdoyouremember?
P ronunci ati on
A 44
Beforethey were famous... past simple:be
lz'^landwosf were
A perfectday?
pastsimple'. hsve,go, get
irregular verbs; revision of dailyroutineverbs
sentence stress
lt changedmy life
p a s ts i m p l ere : g u l arverbs
common verbs3; moreirregular verbs
pastsimpleendings regular
50 PnRcncRL Encr-tsx What's thedatetoday?
i2 Rsvlsr & Cnrcx
People inthestreet: yourbirthdoy? When's whotdidyoudoonyourlostbirthdoy? Whatdoyouremember? Whatcanyoudo?
51 tr Onan islandin Scotland 5 5 t rDreamtown? i 8 E | Strangers ona train
there is I there are
leal andlrcl
there wosI there were
revision of pastsimple; objectpronouns: me,him, etc.
common verbsJ
sentence stress
50 PRncncnl EruclrstrWhatdoyouthinkof it? Peoplein thestreet:Whot'sthe lostfilmyousow?Whotdid youthinkof it?
52 Rrvtsr & Cxrcx
Whatdoyouremember? Whatcanyoudo?
a : t
What do you like doing?
like + verb+ -ing
It;/,lu:l, andl4l
Tripof a lifetime
be goingto (plans)
future timeexpressions
sentence stress
What'sgoingto happen?
be goingfo (predictions)
theweather; revision: verbcollocation
revision ofsounds
lstherea banknearhere? Peopf e in thestreet:ls thereo/ an .. . nearhere?
Rrvtsr& Cnrcr
Whatdoyouremember? Whatcanyoudo?
:1 TheCanyou.,.7Game ;6 Communication 32 Listening 38 GrammarBank '12 '',7
Vocabulary Bank SoundBank
look outfor youwhere Thisshows to findextramaterial for morepractice andrevision.
G verbbe:I andyou
numbers 0-10
lhl, leol, andlol P wordstress;
yourname? Hi,I'mHarry. What's
I L I S T E N I N&GS P E A K I N G a
r.r Listenand repeat.A Hello,l'm Ann Potter.
Hi, l'm Molly.
b Now saywho yo, ur.. P c
H e l l o ,l ' m
r.2 Readandlisten @ g
I ReceptionistHello.What'syour name? Tom Tom. ReceptionistAre you Tom Banks? No, l'm not. I'm Tom King. Tom ReceptionistYou'rein room 2. Tom Sorry? ReceptionistYou are in room 2. Tom O K .T h a n ky o u .
2 Tom Excuseme. TeacherHello.Are you Tom? Tom Yes.Niceto meet you. TeacherNiceto meet you. Tom Am I late? TeacherYes,you are. Tom Sorry!
Listenand repeatdialogue1. In pairs, practisethe dialogue.
Listen and repeatdialogue2. In pairs,practisethe dialogue.
Hello,l'm Rob Jones.
2 GRAMMAR verbbe:t andyou a Look at dialogue1 in lc. Complete
the chart. I'm =Iam You're= You
4 PRONUNCIATION wordstress; lhl,leal, andlol word stress: two-svllable words LIsten TePEAT
l.e Match the words and photos.Listenand check. E coffee l J photo Ll email [] hotel E taxi
O p.88 GrammarBank lA. Readthe rulesand do the exercises. Anrch
Savc As Orah
5 V O C A B U I A R Yn u m b e0r -s1 0 a
l 3l
1.6 Listen.What are the numbers?
b Listen again and repeat. Underline the stressedsyllable. l.l0 Listen and repeatthe words and sounds. lJarry
Listen. Practise the sentences.
I Iello.IJarry'st lotel. Oh no! The phone! Are you Molly? No, sorry, I'm not.
5 SPEAKING Practise with otherstudents.
Vocabulary BankNumbers. Q p.102
H el l o/ H i ,I' m
Do part A. Count round the class0-10 and then l0-0. 1.8 Listenand saythe next number.
Yes(l am). Y Niceto meetyou. Y Niceto meetyou.
Hello. Hi. 'vVhat'syour name? Sorry?
No (l'm not).
V What'syourname? Y l'm Y Niceto meetyou. Y Niceto meetyou.
Thankyou. Excuseme. Yes.
No. Nice to meetyou. Am I late? Sorry!
it G verbbe:he,she, v countries lil andlatl P sentence stress;
hefrom? Where's He'sfromMexico.
I VOCABUIARY countries
it 2 GRAMMAR verbbe:he,she,
a Matchthe countriesandphotos.
ltaly I
Iapan I
Turkey I
l.l5 Listen and complete 1-3 with countries.
Where'she from? He'sfrom I -. ls she from 2 too? No, she isn't.She'sfrom 3
ls it a goodfilm? Yes,it is. lt'sfantastic.
l.16 Listen and repeat.
c In pairs,practisethe dialogue.
l.l2 Listen and check.
d Match the wordsand pictures.
ond Vocabulary BankCountries c Q p.105
notionolities. Do part A.
l.l4 Listen and repeatthe dialogue. A B A B
she it he
Whereareyoufrom? l'm from England. Wherein England? l'm fromLondon.
e Practisethe dialoguewith your country and city.
e O p.88GrammarBank I B. Readthe rulesanddo the exercises.
5 P R O N U N C I A T I O sNe n t e n c e s t h r el sasn;d l a t l 4 L I S T E N I NAGS P E A K I N G a
IS she from CHINA?
b NO, sheISN'T.
r.22 Listen. Can you hear the difference? I a Is he from ltaly?
b Is shefrom Italy?
2 a She'sfrom Russia.
b He'sfrom Russia.
3 a Where'she from?
b Where'sshefrom?
4 a lt's from Spain.
b He'sfrom Spain.
5 a She'slate.
b He'slate.
6 a Whereis he?
b Whereis she?
r.23 Li'stenand tick (r') the sentenceyou hear.
c Practisesayingsentencesa and b. d Look at the photos. Guessthe countries. Ask your teacher.
\\'rite sentencesand questions. I / sheI Brazilz.No, / 2 It I China.
Is shefrom Brazil?I,{o,sheisn't.
ls she from ltaly?
It'sfrom China.
-1 She llapan.
{ / he / Turkey?Yes,/ 5 He / Spain. 6 i she / Poland?No, / , She/ England. 8 \\rhere / he from? He / from Hungary.
l.l8 Listen and check. C
l.le Listen again and repeat.Copy the stress.
lJo Listen and repeatthe words and sounds. Italy
e Q Communication Guess thecountries Ap.76Bp.75. lzl
Listen. Practise the sentences.
t's trom ltaly. L r-erpool is in F,ngland. H.. I'm from China. Nice to meet you. Where are you from? I m from Russia. Where inRussia?. I'm from Moscow. Where is it? Is it a good film? Yes,it's fantastic.
(allpersons) G verbbe'.we,you,they;negatives I I -20 numbers V nationalities; P wordstress; lel, li:/, andlll
weare. Yes, Areyoultalian? They're Mexican. Theyaren'tSpanish.
I VOCABU LARY nationalities 2 T I S T E N I N&GR E A D I N G a Wherearetheyfrom?Complete
1.26 Listen and number the pictures1-3.
with a country. the sentences l'm Polish.
He's from
I fohn
Hello.We'reJohnand SallyClarke. Receptionist Hello.You'rein room 2l I and they'rein room 212. Thankyou. Sally
l'm ltalian.
He's from
BankCountries Q p.105Vocabulary andnotionolities. Do part B.
2 Sally Anna
t tiz Mike tiz Anna tiz
1.25 Listen. Savthe nationalitv. Travis Anna
Listen again and read the dialogues. Then mark the sentencesy'(right) or X (wrong).
Hurryup. We're late. We aren't late. Breakfast is from sevento ten. And Mike isn't ready.
1 2 3 4 5 6
Hi. Are you American? No,we aren't.We'reEnglish. Are you on holiday? Yes,we are. We'reon holidaytoo. We're Liz and Travis,from Texas.
Johnand Sallyarein room 212.X BreaKastis from 6 to 10. Iohn and SallyarentAmerican. Liz and TravisareEnglish. |ohn and Sallyareon holiday. Liz and Travisaren'ton holiday.
Correct the wrong sentences. Iohn and Sallyarein room211.
Bye.Havea nice day!
r.27 Listen and repeatthe dialogues
GRAMMAR verbbe:we,you,they; negatives (allpersons)
SPEAKING Are the nationalitiesright or wrong? Make E or E sentences. Correct the wrong nationalities.
Readthe dialoguestn 2 again.Complete the chart. t+l
Dim sum isn't's ...
Singular Im
dim sum/ Polish
I'm not You arent
He's Plural We're You aren't They arent
O p.88 GrammarBank I C. Read the rules and do the exercises.
The RollingStones/ American
AndreaBocelli/ Brazilian
l.2e Listen. Saythe negative. 'I'm
l'm not Hungarian.
P R O N U N C I A T I Ow N o r ds t r e s s ; tel, li:/, andlll 1.50 The same stressor different stress? Listen and underline the stressedsvllable.
burritos/ Spanish Casio/ Japanese
\Vrite S or D. I Brazil
2 China 3 England
{ Italy
5 Russia
6 Hungary 7 lapan
8 T[rrkey
KeiraKnightley/ British
6 VOCABUTARY n u m b elrl s- 2 0 a
1.55 Are they English or American? Listen and check. What are the numbers?
fapanese Turkish
Listen again and repeat.
l.3l Listen and repeatthe words and sounds.
Vocabulary BankNumbers. Do partB. Q p.tOZ c Count in twos (1,3, 5... 19)and(2,4, 6...20) roundthe class. d Choosesix numbers from l-20. Write them in the card. Play Bingo. nationality Hurry up. t.t2 Listen. Practise the sentences. Breakfastis from sevento ten. He'sChinese. Sheisn't Russian,she'sSpanish.
breakfast We're on holiday too. Goodbye lBye. Have a nice day!
Thealphabet yourname Spelling Classroom language
Howdo you spellit?T-O-R-R-E-S.
Pn n c r c A r EncusH
I LISTENING 1.35 Listen and order the sentences.
r-t7 Listen and repeatthe words and sounds.
t r a i n1 , r . . l . g g l u i t . l p h , , nleb . . t 1 . . . A H
r.58 Listen and repeatthe letters. t.59 Listen.Can vou hear the difference?
tr tr
Thisis the final callfor passengers on FlightKLM 1258to Manchester. Pleasego urgentlyto gate Bl4. .|258 to Manchester, Mr PabloTorreson FlightKLM pleasego urgentlyto gate Bl4. .|258 Passengers to Manchester, on FlightKLM pleasego to gate 814,
1 M N
3 G I
5 Y I
7 9
4 E r
6 U W
8 E A
2 K
t.40 Listen. Circle the letter you hear.
t.4l Listen and number the pictures 1-6.
tr tr T
tr T T
T-O-R-R-E-S. Hello.I'm PabloTorres. I havea reseruation. Sorry? How do you spell your surname? Thankyou. Good morning. T-O-R-R-E-S.
Listen againand write the letters.Practisesayingthem. r.42 Listen and repeatthe alphabet.Practisesayingit.
(first) name - e.g.Keira, Brad surname = e.g.Knightley,Pitt
A B C D E FG H r I K T M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z
R-R = double R
How do you spell the names?
f.56 Listen and repeatdialogue 2.
5 VOCABUTARY C l a s s r oloam nguage a O p.tO+Vocabulary BankThings. Do part A.
I What'syourname? 2 Howdo youspellit? 3 Whereareyoufrom?
b Matchthephrases andpictures.
1.45 Listen to the man. Whats his name?
1.44 Listen and write his name. His name's l.4s Listen. Where'she from? He'sfrom 1.46 Listento six more peopleand completethe chart.
I Her name's-. -)
I a
Shesfrom Readingin -.
His name's
. Hes from
Her name's
. She'sfrom
Her name'sHis name's
. Shesfrom Bangalore,
6 His name's
in the USA.
. He'sfrom Vancouverin . He'sfrom San Diego,
e l n pairs, ask and answer the questions in the box.
4 SPEAKING Good morning Good afternoon Good evening
+ 12.00 12.00+ 6.00 6.00p.m.->
Closethe door. Sit down, please. Lookat the board,please. C o to page I4. S tandup. Openyour books.
Listenand check.Listenagainand repeat.
Listenand do the actions.
soNGn H-s-c-o
a l n pairs,roleplaydialogue2from exercise1. A You'rethe receptionist. It's4.00p.m. B Useyour nameand surname.
b Changeroles. B You'rethe receptionist. It's7.00p.m. A Useyour nameand surname.
Good morning / afternoon/ evening. What's your surname? How do you spell it? Please.
Gome: Hittheships A p.76Bp.79. Q Communication
I have a reservation.
c Completethe phrases. Whereareyouf!9m?
Circle the correct answer. Hello,
A ExcuseI
B Yes,I am. A I'm fim Brown. Nice to 2
@t'you from Brazll?.
A Is fack English? a she's A -
B No,
b hes from?
A Is Carmen Spanish?
B No,
your surname?
d Write the things in the classroom.
B Yes,
a she's
b she is
Chinese,they're |apanese.
a arent
afternoon. I'm Ann Carter. a reservation.
A C-A-R-T-E-R.
b Where are you
A Are you in room 211? a we're b are
A 3
B Sorry,howdo you s
B I'm from Russia.
a Where you are
, are you Harry?.
b are'nt
Prague in Hungary? aAre
Lisa and Luke are from California a You're b They're 9 A Are you in class2? a I not b I'm not 10 She-
B No,
from London, she'sfrom Manchester.
a aren't
b isnt
V OC A BUL A R Y a Complete the chart. Countrv a
Nationality Mexican
China 2
Brazil 5
PRONUNCIATION a Canyou rememberthesewordsand sounds? vowels consonants
Write the next number. one,two, three I six, seven, 2 two, one, a
ten, eleven,
4 fifteen,fourteen, 5 eighteen,nineteen,
O p.t17I ll9 SoundBank.Checkthe wordsand sounds,andpractisesayingthe examplewords. Underlinethe stressed syllable. Italian fapan
I C A NY O UU N D E R S T ATNHDI ST E X T ? Readand completethe chart for Marta,Viktor, and Kelly.
l'm Marta Ramirez. l'm from C6rdobain Spain.
l'm Viktor Petrov. l'm from Moscowin Russia.
2 C A NY O UW R I T ET H I SI N E N G T I S H ? a Completethe chart for you. b Write two sentences aboutvou.
C A NY O UU N D E R S T A N DESE TH PEOPTE? l.5l Listen and choosethe right answer. I a Danny'sAmerican. b Danny'sEnglish. 2 a Bella'sin room 9. b Bella'sin room 19. 3 a She'sKathy. b She'sCathy. 4 a The busis number13. b The busis number14. 5 a Andrzejis from Russia. b Andrzej is from Poland. 6 a The flight isBA4T2. b The flight is 84462. 7 a He'sJohnRead. b He's|ohn Reid. 8 a Chrisis a woman. b Chrisis a man. 9 a Theexercise is on page11. b The exerciseis on page12. l0 a It's8.00a.m. b It's8.00p.m.
4 C A NY O US A YT H I SI N E N G T I S H ? Tick (r') theboxes. Canyou...? sayyour nameand whereyou arefrom askwhereotherpeoplearefrom spellyour name count from 0-20 checkin at a hotel
I I E ! !
Yes,I can. Yes,I can. Yes,I can. Yes,I can. Yes,I can.
G s i n g u l a rn dp l u r anl o u n so;f o n , t h e smallthings P lzl and/s/, pluralendings
I V OC A BUt A R Y s m atl hl i n g s a Can you remember five things in the classroom?Write the words. 4 a l 3 a c I theb 2 thed
5 a w
Do part B. BankThings. b Q p.104Vocabulary
u r anlo u n s ;f oo n , t h e 2 G R A M M A Rs i n g u l a r apnl d a Readand order the things (bags,coats,etc.) 1-5.
2-2 Listen and check.
c Write the plurals.
Where is it? Oh no! It's on the train!
I bag
Thetop five thingspeopleleaveon Britishtrainsare (not in order): I
3 book
4 laptop
fl coats I
2 chair
O p.90GrammarBank2A. Readthe rules and do the exercises.
glasses E mobilephones
fl umbrellas
Memorygomep.81. O Communication
5 P R O N U N C I A T I O lNz l a n dl s l , plural endings 2.4 Listenand repeatthe words and sounds. BratlI
I b
2-5 Listen and repeatthe plurals.
glasscs pieccs
2.6 Listen. Saythe plurals. 'It's a photo.'
:]EAKIN& GWRITING r \ . \t ' t ' \ \ ' i t l t a p l l r t n e r ' . (
what is it?
W h a ta r e t h e y ?
I t ' sa / a n
- \(
\ n r \ ' o L r rb a s / p o c l i c t ? ' l ' i c l(i y ' ) o r c r ' o s s( X ) t l t c t l t i n s s .
5 TISTENING 2 . 7 l . i s t c n t o ht',crsaI iotrs.\\'r'itc t h c t h i n { ro r t h i n s s t h a tt h q ' s a r ' .
I I s t h i sI ' o r r r '
I I l crc al ' c\' ol u' ' r ' e ll l r
- l S o r r r ,i t ' sn t v 1 L o o l ii n t h c
. ...I I'tl
i-, Is rt
i r ' l t a tv o r r l r a v e i n v o u r l -ra g/ p ' ro c l i c t, c .g . a l l ool i , l i cvs \\'hat is it?
.'ll a p.,al'tltcl'.
\\'h.rt irrc tltcr'? \ \ ' h a t ' si n v o r r r l' r a g ?
i n y b a g I h a v e a b o o l < ,l < e y s a , pen,
I h a v c I t t ' o t ' r ' t ' t l itl' r l r i l s .
possessive s adjectives; G possessive
v peopleandfamily
Who'sMaria? mybrother's wife. She's
P 16l,l^1, andlel
I GRAMMAR possessive adjectives a
2.8 Listen. Number the pictures 1-3. I A Hey!That'smy bag. B No, it isn't.lfs my bag.Yourbag'sthere. 2 A B A B C B
And hereare our children. What are their names? Her name'sLucyand his name'sEric. Hello.And who's this? It's my parrot. Whafs its name? c Polly. B Hello Polly. 5 A B A B A B
Excuseme, where are our coats?
Sorry? Whereare our coats? Yourcoats- they'reover there on the chair. Thankyou. Good night. Bye.
2 VOCABUtARY people andfamily a Lookat picturesA-C. Wherecanyousee...?
Listen again and read the dialogues.Thencomplete the chart with a highlighted word. I
Bank28. Readtherulesfor O p.90Grammar possessive adjectives. Do exercisea. Talk to a partner.Point at peoplein the classroom. Can you remembertheir names? What'sher name?
I can'tremember. Whataretheirnames?
andlel t PRONUNCIATION 16l,l^1, a
BankPeople ondfomily. Q p.105Vocabulary
a man, a woman, and two children men and women
z-rt Listenand repeatthe wordsand sounds. father
2-r4 Listen. Practise the sentences. The woman over there is my mother. I have one brother and three sons. My husband and my father are teachers.
I GRAMMAR possessive s il
\[atch the pairs from five famous films.
b Complete the sentenceswith a name. I
is Carrie'sfriend. is Sophie'smother. is ]ack Sparrow'sfather. is Marianne's sister.
5 WRITING & SPEAKING a Readthe text and write the names on the photo.
I K.t.l
is the Queen'shusband.
zl5 Listenandcheck. O p.90GrammarBank28. Readthe rulesfor possessive s.Do exercise b. Corerb andpractisewith photosA-E. Ask andanswer. MynameisKate. l'mfromOhiointheUnited States. Myfather's name isMafi, andmymother's nameisAmy.I havea brother anda sister. Theirnames areBrettandKaren. Wehavea dog.ltsnameisBrandy. \\brk with a partner: A and B write the namesof six people (your f.-ily or friends) on a pieceof paper. A gi* your pieceof paper to B; B give your pieceof paper to A.
b Now write about your family. c Tell your partner about your family.
A askB about his / her people.B askA about his / her people. That's my bag.
She'smy sister.
Who's this? I can't remember.
over there
G adjectives
adjectives v colours andcommon P lnl, letl, lo:1,andlc:l
It'sa fastcar.
adjectives andcommon colours l V O C A B U L A R&YS P E A K I N G a
2.17 Match the carsand nationalities. Listen and check. American E British
German tr Italian
2.18 Listen and read the dialogue.What are the two cars? Wow! Look at that's fantastic! lt's a man's car. A man's car?'s fast and red. And it's very expensive. Wow! Look at that yellow car. lt's fantastic! Tim lt's a woman's car.
Tim Sue Tim Sue
Tapanese f]
c Look at the highlighted words. Guesstheir meaning. d e f
2.le Listen again and repeatthe dialogue.Then practiseit with a partner.
BankAdjectives. Q p.106Vocabulary Look at the photos of the cars l-6. Practisewith a partner. I Ask and answer. Whatcolouris it?
2 Describethe cars.Use two adjectives.Car 2 is small and cheap. 3 A think of a car. B ask questions. Guessthe car.
2 GRAMMAR adjectives a Circle the right sentence. t a The Ferrari is a fast car. b The Ferrari is a car fast. 2 a The 2CV and the VW are smalls cars. b The 2CV and the VW are small cars.
O p.90GrammarBank2C.Readthe rules and do the exercises.
In pairs, Q p.106VocabularyBankAdiectives. look at the picturesand maketen sentences. It'sa big house.
-,'.-::h a partner, decidewhich four questionsyou :::nk are important for men and which four are -:::portantfor women. Write 1-8 in the article. -. it a nic e c olour?
5 Is it easyto park?
-i r t f as t ?
6 Is it luxurious?
-i r t big?
7 Is i t' ma c h o ' ?
-. r t c heap?
8 Is it safe?
4 PRONUNCIATION lnl, letl,ls:/, andlc:l a
2.24 Listen and repeatthe words and sounds. fa ntastic
$ i.<adthe articleand check.
What car? Men and womenare different lmportant questions for men: _?___?
lmportant questions for women:
smal l
datrshter boald
2.25 Listen. Practise the phrases. a black cat a fantasticfamily the sameday fist cars a smal lbal l
5 S P E A K I N&GW R I T I N G a Talk in small groups about your car or your family's car. My car is a's small,it's green, and it's new. lt's a very good car.
Write about your dream' car. Mydreamcarisa It's-.
car.(nationality) (adjectives)
Now tell a partner. lbnda,Hyundai, andVolkswagen arepoputar withwomen. 65thof drivers of\M Beetle convertibles arewomen. Three dbe topfivewomen's carsaresports cars(butnotvery qensivesports cars). prefercarsthataresmall Women (easy to park)andsafe.Colour isalsoveryimportant.
6 2.26SONG .E You'rebeautiful
German (country = Germany) French (country = France) Wow!
"trt & :F
Look at that cart also
â&#x201A;ŹB t\
{G r <'
*= -
pqpular easy(opposite = difficult) safe(opposite = dangerous) with What's your favourtte car?
people Introducing Phone numbers
2l-100 Numbers age,address, etc. information: Personal
Encu sH
2.27 Listen to two dialogues.Mark the sentencesT (true) or F (false). Dialogue I Helen is Mike'ssister. tr Dialogue 2Thegirl's brother is 25. il
2 VOCABUTARY phonenumbers, 2l-100 Phonenumbers 0 = oh (or zero) 22 - double2
2.2e Listen to the dialogue and write the phone number. A What'syour phonenumber? BA Sorry? 2.30 Practise saying these phone numbers. Listen and check. I 6885713 2 84479029 3 0r3r 496026r In pairs, practise the dialogue in a. Use your phone number (or an invented number).
Vocabulary BankNumbers Q p.102 Do part C. 2-t2 Listen. Can you hear the difference? 1a 2a 3a 4a 5a 6a 7a
13 14 15 L6 17 18 19
b b b b b b b
30 40 50 60 70 80 90 Listen and circlea orb. Then practisesaylngall the numbers. How old are the people in your famil
b Listen again and read. Complete the dialogues. c
2-28 Listen and repeat the dialogues.
d Practisethem with a partner.
Ages H4ffiORHd He$as2$years NOT l+es++1rears,
] P E O P TIEN T H ES T R E E T Do you havebrothersandsisters? Howold arethey?Howold is he / Llr
Listen to Matthew.Does he havebrothersand sisters?
Lis t en. How old are they?
LJ6 Listen to six more people.Answer the questionsfor eachperson.
l'cthers : - d sisters? -:f'.' Old?
:airs, ask and answerthe questionsin the box.
I P E R S O N AI N TF O R M A T I O N Lt7 Listenand repeatquestions1-9. '::-is the underlinedwords.
lmmigration form
'. :'rat! \'our n4lne? H-otydo you spel] it? -,'.-rqg are you frorn? : -,',-rat's t.our address? - .','i.1!'lvour postcode?
O O O @
: ::,-'rr-oldare you? :-:e vou married? ','.-hat's r.our ho{rle phAlg lUnqber?
Firstname Nationality Address Postcode
*TitleMr / Ms / Mrs
O As. @ Married Single O Phonenumber: home
' ','.hat \.our I tnlbrls !u!q!gl? - '.',-hat's your emailaddress?
o o
- '.er the questionsand look at the form. - ::râ&#x201A;Źmber the questions.
* Mr = a man; Ms = a woman; Mrs = a married woman
mobile Email address
- :rplete the form for you. Circle your title too.
Personol informotion A p.77Bp.79. Q Communication
How are you? Fine,thanks.And you? I'm OK, thanks. This is Helen. Seeyou soon. We're in a hurry.
What's your phone number? What's your (ernail) address? How old are you? I' m 18. Are you married?
c Write the irregularplural. man
Circle the correct answer. Hello,
I woman
2 child
1 A What is it? B It's email from my boyfriend. aan ba A Where'syour ID card? Bin my bag. a Is b It's A What arethey? B_. a They'recredit cards b It's a credit card 4 I havetwo -. a dictionarys b dictionaries 5 She'sAmerican. nameis |ulia. a Her b His 6 We'reMr and Mrs Kemp daughteris in class3. a Our b Their 7 My is Peter. a name'shusband b husband'sname 8 Thesechairsare-. a very expensive b very expensives 9 A Ferrariis a -. a car fast b fastcar 10 That'smy sisterandboyfriend. a her b their
3 person
d Write the oppositeadjective. fast I 2 3 4 5
expensive big good long tall
e Write the number. thirty-one I 2 3 a 5 t
forty sixty-seven ninety-nine fifty-six eighty-two
Complete the phrases. Where areyoufurn? 1 2 3 4 5
is my sisterAnne. B Nice to meetyou. How is Rita? B I think she's22. How areyou? B -, thanks.And you? Where'smy book? B It's there on the What'syour ? B 25 King Street.
b Completethe chart.
PRONUNCIATION a Can you rememberthesewordsand sounds? vowels
O p.l l7 | ll9 SoundBank.Checkthe wordsand and practisesayingthe examplewords. Underlinethe stressedsyllable. Italian expensive address family
C A ] IY O UU N D E R S T A N TH DI ST E X T ? Iy name's PaolaBruno and I'm horn Venicein ltaly.t'm married -rd I havetwo children,a son nd a daughter.My son's name b Gtrido.He's 15. He'stall with ft,hair, and he'sgood-looking. Iy daughter'sname is Chiara. She's21. She'sdarktoo. ls she beautiful?| think she is very beartiful - l'm her mother!
2.58 Listen and choose the right answer.
ly name's Piotr and l'm from ece in Poland.l'm 20. I have h sisters.Theirnamesare llagmaraand Justyna.Dagmara b 26- She'stall,with long blonde ts. She'smarried.Her husband's ttrE is Wojtek Justynais l9 and uy differentfrom Dagmara- she hnt tall and blonde,she'sshort ih dark hair.She isn't married hr stre has a boyfriend!
a His name'sAlex. b Her name'sAlex.
a His glasses areblue. b His glasses arered.
a Her addressis 19ParkStreet. b Her addressis 90 ParkStreet.
a The hotel'svery nice. b The hotel'svery small.
a Her fatheris 67. b Her fatheris76.
a His phonenumberis 077170641. b His phonenumberis 077170651.
a His sisteris tall. b His sisteris short.
a It's a CD. b It's a DVD.
a Her emailaddressis b Her emailaddressis
fad the two texts.Answerthe questionswith a sentence. I What'sPaola'ssurname? Ilhere is Paolafrom? Ibw old is Guido? illhat's her daughter'sname? Xlhat nationality is Piotr? Ufho is Dagmara? b $e marriedor single? How old is ]ustyna?
Her surnameis Bruno.
at the highlightedwords.Usethe photosto guess mearung.
1 0 a His car is white. b His car is black.
4 C A NY O US A YT H I SI N E N G T I S H ? Tick (t/) the boxes. Canyou...? saywhat'sin your bag saywho is in your family . describeyour car countfrom 21-100 introducesomebody askhow somebodyis sayyour phonenumber
Y O UW R I T ET H I SI N E N G L I S H ? fifte about you and your family. lJseand and but where DACSSary.
od I but He'stall. He'sgood-looking.> He'stall and good-looking. Flestall.He isnt good-looking.> He'stall but he isnt good-looking.
fl Yes,I can. I Yes,I can. ! Yes,I can. ! Yes,I can. E Yes,I can. I Yes,I can.
fl Yes,I can. askfor and givepersonalinformation,,address,age,etc. I Yes,I can.
G present simple: I andyou
common verbsI
P lu:/,lwl, andlvl; linking
Doyoulivenearhere?No,I don't.
I T I S T E N I N&GR E A D I N G a
5.1 Listento the dialogue.Number the pictures1-5.
rl this your firsttime here? Customer Yes,it is. HairdresserDo you live 1 near here? Customer No, f don't.I live 2 -.. HairdresserOh, nice.How do you want your hair? Customer I don't know. Somethingdifferent. HairdresserDo you want a 3 -? Customer No, thanks.I don't drink a HairdresserD o y o u w a n t a 5 ? Customer Yes,please.Ah look. Madonna'schildren. HairdresserDo you have6 -? Customer Yes,I do. I have two / HairdresserHow old are they? Customer Eightand ten.
Customer lt's veryshort. Hairdresser Don'tworry.Wait.
2 GRAMMAR present I andyou simple: I
Read the dialogue again.Complete the chart with do or don't. Presentsimple live nearhere. E I live I you live nearhere? tr I-. E Y e s ,I - . E N o ,
HairdresserOK. Do you like it?
b Readthe dialogueand complete2-7 wrtha word(s) from the list.
O p.92 GrammarBank 5A. Readthe rules and do the exercises.
boys children coffee (x2) in the centre magazine ftearhere
Y 5 V O C A B U T A Rcommon verbsI c Listenand check. d O Communication A newhoircutp.8f Do y_oq like her haircut?
I Ihaveld 2 I drink [_i 3 I live L-l
a in the centre. b two children. c coffee.
HairdresserOK. Do you like it?
d my new haircut.
s Ilike[]
e a magazine.
5.2 Listenandcompletethelastline of the dialogue.
a Match the phrases.
Practisethe dialoguewith a partner.
b Q p.107 Vocabulary BankCommon verbst.
r. Listen to the dialogue.Is the woman irTp't-O or sad@ at the end of the dialogue? Lislen again. What do the woman and ::ri driver say?Circle a or b. I
a Oxford Street,please. b Baker Street,please.
2 a The traffic is bad. b The traffic is good. 3 a Do you live in London? b Do you like London? 4 a What's the problem? b No problem. 5 a I like my new haircut. b I dont like my new haircut. 6 a Why not? I like it. b Why not? It's fantastic. 7 a Where do you want to go? b Where do you want to stop? 8 a Iwantanewcoat. b I want a new bag.
near here
in a house
brothers and sisters
a cat or a dog
9 a That's 15.20.
to pop music
b That's 16.20.
to classicalmusic
a newspaPer
10 a Have a good day.
French food
Mexican food
b Have a nice day.
?IONUNCIATION u: , ,'wl,andlvl; linking a7
Listenand repeatthe words and sounds.
a new mobile phone
a new haircut
big cities
a Complete 2-I0 with a verb from the list. drink
eat have like
listen tive read speak want watch
b Work with a partner.Ask and answerwith Do you...?
Do you live in a house?
Do you have brothers and sisters?
No, I don't.
Yes(l do), I have two sisters.
Listen and repeat. Link._the words.
-{ Do vou live in._,aflat? B \o, I don't. I live in house. _a -{ Do vou have children? B l-es,I do. I have,a boy and,__a girl.
I don t know. Do you want a cofee?
Wait. Are you OK?
What's the Uqblem?
No, thanks.
Don't worry.
we,you,they G present simple:
Doyouhavecoffeefor breakfast? tea. No,wedon't.Wehavegreen
P wordstress; lt|, ld3l, andlgl
I V O C A B U L A R Yf o o da n dd r i n k a Readthe text and label the picture.
fuine from Paris in FYance I don't have breakfastat home, I have it in a caf6.I havea croissantand hot chocolate. Ithinktrat's a verytypicalFrenchbreakfast. And it'sverygood!
b Q p.rosVocabulary BankFood onddrink.-fT.df pF
2 READING a Look at the photos. What food canyou see? r
Ken from Osakain Japan
Katalin from Nikla in Hungary
In my familywe havea isn't verydifferentfrom lunchand dinner.We haverice,fish,and miso soup,and we drink greentea.Todaya lot of Japanesepeople havea Europeanbreakfast. Theyhavebreadand croissan$and they drink coffee,not tea. But I preferour breakfast.In my family we don't talk at breakfast. We eat drink and watchTV!
In Hungarybreakfastis an importantmeal.In my family we have eggs,cheese,cold meat,susage, and bread.We drinktea or coffee,and fruit juice.Somemen havea small 'p6linka' at breakfasttime - it's a traditionalHungarian's very strong,and I don't like it, especiallynot for breakfast!
Read the texts. Then read sentences 1-5 and mark the sentences T (true) or F (false). t In |apan people eat very different things for breakfast,lunch, and dinner. 2 Ken'sfamily like croissantsfor breakfast. 3 In fapan a lot of people dont have a traditional breakfast. 4 In Hungary people eat a lot for breakfast. 5 Some Hungarian men drink alcohol with breaKast. c Look at the highlighted words. Use the photos to guess their meaning. d What do you have for breakfast?
I GRAMMAR present simple: we,you,they
6 S P E A K I N&G W R I T I N G
a Readthe questionnaireand think about your answers.
Look at the sentences.Are the verbs the sameor .iilIerent for I we, and they? I lile a croissantfor breakfast. t haye a traditionalJapanese breakfast. nct haye eggsand cheesefor breakfast.
Fooo QgrsrroNNArRE
O p.92GrammarBank 58. Readrhe rules and do =e exercises.
What do people havefor breakfast? Do people prefertea or coffee? Do they havea big mealfor lunchor for dinner? Do they eat a lot of fruit and vegetables? Do they eat a lot of fast food?
ln yourcountry...
1ll Listen to William, who is English, on an -tnerican radio programme called Youare what tt u eat.What's his favourite meal? rsten again.Tick (r/) the things he has: lcakfast: rread butter croissant cereal tea coffee beakfast at the weekend: eggs bacon vegetablessausages lldr: a sandrruicha pizza a hamburger water beer juice llner: reat rice pasta fish salad vegetablespotatoes O p.85.Listen again with the script. Check your i-il\'ers to b. itaat's your favourite meal of the day?
?TONUNCIATION rtlrd stress; ltll,ldSl, andlgl
Listen and repeatthe words and sounds. chocolate
Write about people from your country and your family.
Breakfast ln m,vcountryr ln peopleusuallyhave_ for breakfast.Theydon't have.Thry drink or -.
What do you havefor breakfastat the weekend? W hatdo you usual l ydri nkw i th l unchand di nner? Do you eat a lot of rice? Do you eat a lot of pasta? Do you eat a lot of potatoes? Do you eat a lot of meat? Do you eat a lot of fish? Do you havedinnertogether? Do you watch W or talk?
Ask and answerthe questionswith a partner.
rn Underline the stressedsyllable.Listen end check. regetables
-ln mv familv We usuallyhavewe have
Listen. Practise the sentences. ane.I drink orangejuice for breakfast.
It depends. a lot of For breakfastI have... together
for breakfast.At the weekend
I prefer our traditional breakfast. at the weekend at home / at work Ua
present it he,she, simple: jobsandplaces work of stress s;wordandsentence 5rdperson
it he,she, l GRAMMAR present simple: a
5.15 Listen to the dialogue. Circle a or b.
5.16 Listen and repeatthe highlighted phrases.How do the verbs changewhen they talk about Sofia'shusband?Complete the chart. I/you What do you do? Do you like your job? Yes,I like it verymuch.
I a Sofia and her husband live in England. b Sofia and her husband live in Spain. 2 a Sofia'shusband is a teacher. b Sofia'shusband is a tourist guide. 3 a They like their jobs. b They dont like their jobs. Listen again and read the dialogue.
Checkyour answers.
a doctor. Whatdoesshedo?She's Where doesshework? Sheworksina hospital.
he / she
What Yes,he -
your husbanddo? he like his job? art and history.
d O p.92 GrammarBank 5C. Readthe rules and do the exercises.
2 P R O N U N C I A T I O3Nr dp e r s os n n
5.18 Listen and repeatthe words and sounds.
EmilyYourEnglishis fantastic.What do you do? Sofia I'm a teacher.I teach Englishat the here in Madrid. University EmilyDo you like your job?
Sofia Yes,I like it very much. EmilyWhat does your husbanddo? Sofia He's a tourist guide.He works at the Pradomuseum. EmilyDoeshe like his job? Sofia Yes,very much. He likesart and history. And he doesn'twork in the morning, only in the afternoon. EmilyDoeshe speakEnglishtoo? Sofia Yes,he does.He speaksit verywell. He meetsa lot of Britishand Americantourists. EmilyDo you speakEnglishtogether? Sofia Only when we don't want our childrento understand!
d wq a u
5.le Listen. Saythe sentencesin the 3rd person singular. 'I
like art. He...'
He likesart.
YOCABULARY ofwork ,obsandplaces -:ir r-ouremember?What doesSofiado? -,',-hat doesher husbanddo?
Banklobsondploces Q p.t09Vocabulary :t w'ork,
PRONUNCIATION rordandsentence stress - :derline the stressedsyllable(s). = ieaCher - = loctor t = ',r-311g1
: : :actory worker t ":: administrator - . :oliceman . .hop assistant '
: - a\\-\-ef
l '1 Listen and check.How is the final :' -r)rpronounced? Llf Listen and repeat.Copy the -:-'.ihm.
6 READING a Is English important for thesejobs in your town I cily?Write l-5 in
the boxes(l = Englishis not important, 5 = Englishis ygly important). awaiter E a doctor E ataxidriver E a policeman I ateacher [ ] a lawyer I Readthe text. Then answerthe questions. I 2 3 4 5
Whatdo thebanker,thewaiter,andthe factoryworkerhavein common? WhatdoesJean-Paul do? Wheredoeshe work? What languages doeshe speak? What language doeshe speakat work?Is this a problemfor him?
Englishat work What do thesepeoplehave in common - a banker in Mexico City, a waiter in a five-starhotel in Moscow,and a worker in the Hitachi electronicsfactory in Tokyo?They all speakEnglish at work. Today,English is the common languagein multinational companiesin countries from Franceto Singapore. |ean-PaulPiat works fbr an IT companyin Paris.Every day he has meetings with other managersin English.He alsoreadsdocumentsand writes emails in English,and speakson the phone in Englishto officesin other countries. 'We're a multinational company with offices all over the world,' says Jean-Paul.'Wealso have some people in our Paris office who aren't French.We need a common languageto communicate,and that languageis English.I think it is a good idea,but somepeopledont like speakingEnglish in a meeting when nearly everybody is Frenchl ;
:'-.:i a !uI!â&#x201A;Ź. Sheworksin a hospital. - <' heWo& in a shop?Yes,he does. - -.. a $pp assistanl? Yes,he is.
t S P E A K I N&GW R I T I N G t
l::rli of two peopleyou knowwho have r ,s. ASkandanswerwith a partner. lt-lrat I do? \\ here / work? / speakEnglish at work? / like his/heriob? Personnumber one is mv mother.
What does she do?
',',':-tre about the two people. ',' , qother is a nurse.She works 'F :-? Hospital Universithrioin Sdo Paulo. i.c ioesn't speak Englishat work. jne kesher iob.
Look at the highlighted words and phrases.Guesstheir meaning. Check with your teacheror a dictionary. Is English important for
What do you do? I'm a doctor. Where do you work? I work in a hospital. I like it very much. He speaksEnglishvery well. only speakon the phone all over the world
Telling thetime Daysof theweek consonants Silent
Whattimeisit? It'shalfpastsix.
Pnncn cAt
I T E t t I N GT H ET I M E a
t.25 Listen and match the dialoguesand pictures. I A B A B
Whattime is it? lt's half pastsix.Go backto sleep. OK.Havea niceday. Youtoo.
2 A B A C A C
Excuseme. What time is it? Sorry | don't know. I don't havea watch. Excuseme. What time is it? Justa moment. lt's quarterto seven. Thanks. You'rewelcome.
t.26 Listen and repeatthe dialoguesin a. Practisewith a partner.
Do partA. BankThetimeandordinolnumbefs. c O p.tl0 Vocabulary d
5.28 Listen and draw the time on the clocks.
Practisewith a partner. Number L What time is it?
It's nine o'clock.
Whottimeis it?A p.77Bp.79. t O Communication
2 P E O P L EI N T H E S T R E E T d
I Whatdo you do? 2 Do you like it? 5 Whattime do youstartandfinish? Listen to four more people and completethe chart.
,.2e Listen to Heidi. What doesshe do? She'salan--. 5.50 Listen. Does shelike her job? 3.51 Listen.What time does she start and finish? Shestartswork at -. Shefinisheswork at -.
Job? Likesit?
Starts/ finishes? e In pairs, ask and answerthe questionsin the box.
UOCABUTARYdays oftheweek
5.55 Listen and repeat.Practisesayinggoodbye with different days of the week.
ut Listen and repeatthe days of the week. , kas-tisesafing them.
Seeyou on (Monday).
A Dar-sof the weekbeginwith a capitalletter, e.e.Ilonday NOT monday
Ask and answer with a partner. What day is it today? What day is it tomorrow? What day(s) do you have English classes? What's your favourite day of the week?
rlr Listen and completethe dialogueswith days of ffie -^eek.Practisethe dialogueswith a partner.
4 P R O NU N C I A T I O Ns i l e ncto n s o n a n t s a
3.56 Listen and repeatthe words.Practisesaylngthem. half white
Wednesday school
know talk
listen write
t-r1 Listen. Practise the sentences.
What day is it today?
Dont write on the whiteboard. I don't know the school.
Becauseit's my wife's birthday on2 _=-andldon'thave a present!
Seeyou on Wednesdayat half past four.
5 r.58 SONG fr Fridoyl'minlove
What time is it? Have a nice day. You too. Thanks. You're welcome. What day is it today?
What day is it tomorrow?
whv? Becauseit'smy *tfr\ birthday. Seeyou on Monday.
b Circlethe differentword.
GRAMMAR Circlethe correctanswer. Alex.
you want a coffee? I bDo aAre 2 -dogs? a Like you
,/-. qry I 2 3 4 5
breaKast Monday hospital fruit nurse
lunch Wednesday waiter coffee bank
bread twenty office water lawyer
c Write the times. b Do you like
@ @ @ @
3I-fastfood. b not eat a dont eat 4 A Do you live in the citYcentre? B Yes,I -. b live a do rice for breakfast. 5 In |apanwe b has a have 6 |ack a work
in a languageschool. b works
7 -she a Do
speakEnglish? b Does
Spanishat universitY. 8 He a teachs b teaches children. 9 My brother b dont have a doesn'thave 10 A What doesGavin-? B He'sa doctor. b do a work
auarter Dastseven
d Complete the phrases. 1 2 3 4 5
A What dryis it today?
B Friday.
is it? A What tA What do you havefor breaKast? A What'sher mobilenumber? A Do you want somewater? of coffee? A Do you drink a I
B It's half pastfive. B Itd B Sorry.I dont kn-B Yes,p-. B Yes,six cupsa day!
PRONUNCIATION Canyou rememberthesewordsand sounds? vowels consonants
V O C AU BI A R Y a Write the verb. watch
to the radio
in a flat
the newspaper
Q p,ll7 / lt9 SoundBank.Checkthe wordsand sounds,and practisesayingthe examplewords. Underlincthe stressedsyllable. Italian breaKast
nead the text and complete it with food rords from the list.
a Readthe two texts.complete the sentenceswith selma or Emre. 1-hasajob. 2 -has a girlfriend / boyfriend. 3 -doesntlive with his i her family. 4doesn'tlive in the city centre. 5 --studiesalanguage.
becon butter fish fruit meat salads wine
Mysister My siste/snameis Selma.She,s26 yearsold,and she,s a nurse.Sheworksin a big hospitalin Ankara.She livesin a flat in Beytepe,about l3 km from Ankara. Sheliveswith two friends.Theyare nursestoo. She doesn'thavea boyfriend,but she hasa lot of friends.
MyfriendEmre My friend Emreis a studentat BilkentUniversity in Ankara.He studiesEnglish.He wantsto be a teacher. He liveswith his familyin a flat in the centreof Ankara.He hasa girlfriend,and her name is Demet. She'sverynicetoo. Doctorcsay that the traditional diet h some Mediterraneancountriet for rxample Greeceand ltaly, is very healthy. Why is it good for you? ln these countriespeople eat a lot of and vegetables, bread,pasta, rice,fish,oliveoil, and wine. Theydon,t eat a fot of red 2 _or butter. Ihis diet is very good for your heart and peoplein thesecountrieslive longerthan in other countries. I How to eat like Mediterranean peopleand live a long life: . Eata lot of fruit and vegetables everyday. . Useoliveoil for cooking and for 3 -. . Don't eat a ---.-.-with your bread. Eata lot of s _. Don,t eat a lot of meat or thingslike sausages and 6 Havea glassof red Sit down with your familyfor lunch and dinner.Don't hurry your meals!
Do you eat'the Mediterraneanway'?
write about two people:a member of your family and a friend.
C A NY O UU N D E R S T A N DESE TH PEOPTE? 3.5e Listen and completethe form.
First name Surname Nationality Ag. Occupation Brothers / Sistersat school No Name Class number
Phone number
4 C A NY O US A YT H I SI N E N G T I S H ? Tick (r') the boxes. C a ny o u . . . ? saywhereyou live and what you do askwhereother peoplelive and what they do saywhat you havefor breakfast saywhat peopleeatin your country askand saywhat time it is saythe daysof the week
I r I I I I
yes,I can. yes,I can. yes,I can. yes,I can. yes,I can. yes,I can.
present simple of frequency, adverbs a typicalday stress sentence
I L I S T E N I N&GS P E A K I N G a Read the questionnaire and write your answers.
I What time do you get uP? 2 Do you have a shower? 3 What do you have for breakfast? 4 Do you have breakfastsittingdown or standinguP? 5 What time do you go to work? (university/ school) 6 Are you in a hurryin the morning? 7 Do you like mornings?
4.r Anna Kenyon is29. Sheworks for a music company.Listen and write her answers. c
offrequency GRAMMAR adverbs Match sentencesl-4 with a-d.
4.2 Listen and repeatquestions1-7.
d Ask your partner the questions.
M I I alwaysgetup at 7.30...L-l 2 I neverdrink coffee...E
day 2 VOCABULARY A typical a
doy. BankA typicol O p.t| | Vocabulary
b Can you remember?Mime or draw fiveverb
phrasesfor your partnerto guess.
stress 5 PRONUNCIATIONsentence a
4.5 Listenand repeat.Copy the rhythm. Whattimedo youg9!up? At seveno'clock. What time do you havebreakfast? At balf pastseven. What time do you gq to work? At eight o'elAtk
with a partner. b Ask and answerthe questions Whattimedoyou.. .? get up
go home
have breakfast
have dinner
have lunch
go to bed
3 I usuallyfinishwork at 5.00...I 4 I sometimeswatcha film on TV... I a b c d
r'r'r' , ( x x r ' r ' x x r'x
Th F
r' r' x x r' r' x r'
I finish at 7.00. but on Wednesdays or I readand listento music. I startwork at 8.30. because I dont like it. because
O p.94 Grammar Bank 4A. Readthe rulesand do the exercises In pairs, make true sentencesabout you. Use always, usually,sometimes,ot never. listen to the radio in the car read a newspaperin the morning drink black coffee make dinner have meat for lunch watch films on my computer go to the gym do housework in the evening
I never listento the radio in the car.I listento CDs.
iead the article.Use the glossaryto help you and i:s\\'er the questionsin pairs.
A day in the life of James Blunt lamesBluntis an ex-soldierwho is now a singer. He livesalonein lbiza,Spain. I live in a bearilifirl old's about 150 yearsold i, and it's on a hill with a tot of trees.Frommy window I havea fantasticview of the sea. I usuallyget up at about 9.30,and I havea shower. I alwayswear jeansand a T-shirt.Clothesdon't really interestme. I havetwo pairsof jeans,one jacket,and six T-shirts.I never have breakfast- l'm not hungry in the morning.I make a fire and cleanthe house.Then I playthe piano,or I sit on the sofaand playthe guitar. I liveneara smallvillage.ForlunchI go and buy breadand a tin of tuna,or maybeham or cheese.I nevercook.Afterlunch I sometimeswork in the garden.I don't havea TV - l only havea musicsystemand my musiccollection.I like singersongwritersfrom the l97Os,like Lou Reedand LeonardCohen. In the eveningI usuallygo out with friends.We havedinnerat one of the old Spanishbars,and then we sometimesgo to a club.Before I go to bed I lockthe doors.WhenI'm in bed I look out of the window at the nightskyand think how wonderfullife is.
playthe guitar
5 S P E A K I N&GW R I T I N G clean
-: i :
wear Jeans and a T-shirt
a hill
',t-here does fameslive? -,\hat time does he get up? ',\hat clothesdoes he wear? Joes he have breakfast? i\-hat does he do in the morning?
a O p.tll Vocabulary BankA typicolday.Writeabout
your typicalmorning.Useadverbsof frequency (always,usually,etc.)and time words(then,after breakfast, etc.). Tella partneraboutyour typicalafternoonandevening. I usuallyhave lunch at two o'clock. I havea sandwichor a salad.
: i\|31 does he have for lunch? - ',\hat doeshe do after lunch? i )oes he watch TV? : ir-hat does he do in the evening? -.-.rk at the highlighted'time'words and guess their :-eaning. Check with your teacher or a dictionary.
What time do you get upz. At eight oblock. He getsup at about 9.30.
-,rmplete the sentences with a highlighted word ::,-'m the text.
wearJeans clean
. - get up at 7.00._
in the morning / afternoon / evening before I after lunch
I have breakfast.
I go out in the evenings,I usually go to a bar. -: - never drink coffee dinner. = - alrr'at'shave a shower I go to bed. : -\: the rveekendI go to bed at
half past eleven.
then go out a club lock the doors
I'r vou think |ames Blunt's day is typical for a pop ;.:rqer? Why (not)?
W hen I' m i n bed...
question words G wordorderinquestions; 2 verbs v common
Doyoudosportorexercise? doyoudo? Whatsports
P leel,lol, laal, andljl
I READING a Look at the photos. Do you Prefer
Hammerfest in the winter or in the summer?
'| ArdiCGffifiej:orlfr/Sifftr ffi"d*re the in onlytvvoor threehours.Peoplehavebreakfastlunch,anddinner summer,it is lightlor24 hourt andpeoplegoto bedverylate.Somepeopleplay sun! golfin the midnight
Readthe introduction about Hammerfest and answerthe questions. I Whereis Hammerfest? 2 How is life differentin the winter and in the summer? Now read the interview with Knut-Arne Iversen.Match the questionswith his answers. tr Do you likelifein Hammerfest? tr Do you preferthe summeror the winter?
tr tr
ls the winter very cold? Hammerfest?
tr tr
Whatdo peopledo in the summer?
When do they usuallycome?
What do people do in the winter?
4-7 Listen and check.
e Readthe interview again.Then match the highlighted words with their opposites. 1 cold 2 easy 3 light
2 GRAMMARwordorderinquestions
4 long
a Re-order the words to make questions.Then answerthem from memory.
5 outside 6 summer 7 thesame 8 open
Knut-Arne from where is Norway in Hammerfest is
doesKnut-Arnework where
s'w\rn in doseathepeup\e Ask and answerthe questionsin c about your town I city.
b O p.94GrammarBank48. Readthe rulesand do the exercises.
4 PRONUNCIATIO N lol, laul, andljl leal, n
4.lo Listen and repeatthe words and sounds. whcre
Kruur-Anrue lvrnsrru is from Hammerfest. Heworksfor theTourist Information Office.
Do a lot of touristscometo Hammerfest? Yes,about175,000a year.
usually h the summer.We don't have a lot of touristsin the winter!
compr,rter newspaper
4.ll Listenand saythesentences. Copythe soundsand rhythm do you live?Qveq(rcrc.
Db notvery about-3 degrees.Butwe sometimeshave e kt of snow and the streeband schoolsareclosed. te do a lot of sports- we ski a lot and we have gtovvmobiles.Childrenusuallyplay outside,but if ?s verycold,they play insideon their computeror rtch TV.ln the eveningwe usuallystayat home ld relax,or go and see friends.But the winter is dfficult for old people.
5 SPEAKING In pairs,ask and answerthe questions. Do you do sport or exercise? What do you do?
L* is completely different. lt'slighttor24 hoursa -y, andthe weatheris sometimes veryhot.People - outsideall the time.Wefish,andwalk,andhave becues. Wedon'tsruimbecause the waterisvery peopledon'tsleepa d - maybeonlyten degrees. E anayoungchildrensay'ldon'twantto goto bed. lbn't darK Otewinter it's nice to be at home with your
andfriends.ButI preferthe summer. Lih hereis easy.lfs quietandbeautiful, andthe air Butthewinterisverylongandthesummeris slrorLl'm not sureif lwill stayhereforever.
YOCABUtARY common verbs2
eat -
go (x2)
- -
5 I
6 I
to the gym.
to the radio.
8 I --
/ go out on Friday or Saturdaynight? What / do? / go shopping?Where I go shopping? / walk or do sport? What I do? I go to the beach or the mountains?Where I go? I read a Sundaynewspaper?What paper I read? Where / usually have lunch on Sunday? How / relax on Sundayevening? What time / go to bed on Sundaynight? at the weekend/ night / ten o'clock on Saturday(morning / afternoon) in the summer / winter
7 I
i do sport or exercise?What I do? / listen to music?What music / listen to? / watch TV? What programmes / watch?
-:n vOUremember?Completethe phraseswith . '.erb from the list.
I playfootballon Wednesdaynight.
dinner. fastfood.
BankCommon verbs 2.DopartA. O p.ll2 Vocabulary
the north It's hot. / It's cold. the summer / the winter open / closed light / dark
outside / inside the same/ different snow relax
andpossibility G conf con'f:permission commonverbs2 rhythm P sentence
CanI parkhere? Youcanparkinthecarpark. No,youcan't.
PRONUNCIATION rhythm sentence
andpossibility I GRAMMAR conI cln't:permission n
4.r2 Cover the dialoguesand look at the pictures.What do you think the people are saying?Listen and check. \---
4.14 Listen and repeatthe sounds and sentences.Cqpy the fh).thm.
I Policeman Excuseme. You can't parkthere. No?Why not? Woman You're on a double Policeman y el l o wl i n e ! Oh - I'm sorry officer. Wherecan I park near here? PolicemanYou can park over there, m a d a m ,i n th e c a r p a rk . Thankyou, officer.
Cll I park here? Yqq,you can.
!!he1e cirn I p4lk? You can park !re4.
YouE.rn'1pqrk lhefe.
4.15 Listen. Can you hear the difference? 2 Ellie Matt Ellie Matt Ellie
I a We can park here. b We cant park here.
Hi Matt. Hi. Who'sthat? lt's me, Ellie.How are you? Oh,fine thanks. Matt, can you come to dinneron Friday? Matt On Friday?Oh I'm really sorry.I can't come. lt's my girlfriend'sbirthday. Ellie Yourgirlfriend? Matt Yes,Lucy,from work. Ellie Oh. Lucy. Matt Sorryaboutthe dinner. Ellie That'sOK. Bye.
2 a I can help you. b I cant help you. 3 a We can stop here. b We can't stop here. 4 a You can sit here. b You cant sit here. 5 a Mark can go with me. b Mark cant go with me. 6 a I can walk home. b I cant walk home. 7 a We can come tonight. b We cant come tonight.
Listen again and read the dialogues.Answer the questions. I Why doesthe policemanspeakto the woman? 2 Wheredoesthe womanpark at the end of the conversation? 3 Is the policemanangryQ with her? 4 What'sEllie'splan for Friday? 5 DoesMatt sayyesor no to Ellie?WhY? 6 Is Elliehtppy O ot sad@ at the endof the conversation? Look at the highlighted phrases.Which dialogueis about a possibility? Which dialogueis about permissionto do something?
d O p.94GrammarBank4C.Readthe rulesanddo the exercises.
8 a You can write in the book. b You cant write in the book. c
4.16 Listen. Circle a or b.
d Practise the dialogues in exercise la with a partner.
I YOCABUtARY common verbs 2 \r-hat do thesesignsmean?Explain with Youcan... I YoucAn't... :
b O p.l12Vocabulary BankCommon verbs 2.Do partB. â&#x201A;Ź -n pairs,completethe sentenceswith a verb.
You can money here.
I lbu cant photos here.
6 You can the Internet here.
3 You cant your mobile here.
You can by credit card here.
7 You can't fast here.
You can't football here.
Cover the sentencesand look at the signs.Saywhat they mean.
-\nswer the questionswith a partner.
In yourtownI city
At work
o smoke in bars and restaurants . pay by credit card in small shops
. start and finish work when you want . Sâ&#x201A;ŹDdpersonalemails
. come into classif you're late . go home for lunch
. use mobile phones in hospitals . drive in the city centre
. have a coffee break when you want
. use the Internet . use your mobile phone
At universitV I school
c a ny o u . . . ?
c a ny o u .".?
. take photos in museums . go shopping on Sundays . park in the streetwithout paying
\\-rite two things you can do and two you cant do : l in your town I city and ii) at work / university / school. ln Madrid )/ou cdn smoke in a lot of bars and restaurants, and.... You can't... At work I can...
I'm (really)sorry. That'sOK. Who'sthat? It'sme. sir madam
prices Saying andunderstanding Buying a coffee l<sel , lsl, andlkl
please? CanI haveanespresso, Howmuchisit?
Pnncn cAr
U N D E R S T A N D IPNRGI C E S 4'18 Listen and repeat.
b Match the prices and words. |
a hundredand twentYPounds
$l s.9s
r l
l L
i l
C fifteendollarsninetY-nine D fifty euros ninetY-nlne
I l
l l
tl ti
8 $ c
l ]
sixtYP thirteen dollarstwen$-five G three eurostwentY H twelve PoundsseventY-five
4.le Listenand check.Then listen and repeat.
d Cover the words and look at the prices.Practisesayingthem. 4.20 Listento four conversations. How much is it? Circle the right price.
2 P R ONU N CIATI ON lael, lsl, andlkl a
L isten and repeat the words and sounds. cLrro
credit card
4.22 Listen. Practise the sentences. In Huropea lot of countriesusethe clrro. The cinema ticket is six euros and sixty cents.
f O p.84.Listen again with the script.
Can I have a cup of coffee,please?
I U Y I N GA C O F F E E r.:!t Readthe menu and listen. What doesthe woman ask for? !{Lrrsmuch is it?
Eryresso Single 1.25 Double1.40 trericano Regular 1.55 Large1.75 rtVuciro Regular 1.75 Large1.90 L^ntE
Regular 1.75 Large1.90
Regular 1.25 Large1.50
i-istenagain and read the dialogue.write the missing words. {2. Listen and repeat.Practisethe dialoguewith a partner. Lse Can I have...,please?to ask for things in a cafe,a shop, etc.
Fractisewith a partner. Ask the prices in the menu. How much is a regularlatte?
Barman Can I help you? Woman Yes,can I havea i-and a chocolatebrownie,please? Barman Espresso, Americano,cappuccino? Woman An espresso,2 -'-. Barman Singleor 3 _-? Woman Single.4 much is that? Barman Two poundsforty-five. Woman 5 you are. Barman Thanks.
R'oleplaythe conversationin b. A you are the barman / woman, B vou are the customer.Ask for two things. Then changeroles. Can I have a regularlatte and a muffin, please?
P E O P TIEN T H ES T R E E T I Wheredo youusuallyhavelunch? 2 Whatdo you have? 3 How muchis it? rJs Listen to Brandy. \\here doessheusually havelunch? f26 Listen. What doesshehave?
Place Food
1-27 Listen. How much is it? {.28 Listen to four more people and completethe chart.
ln pairs,ask and answerthe questions rn the box.
About $
Can I help you? Can I havean esrysso,please?
t.2s SONG t Money,money,money
Singleor dquble?
About â&#x201A;Ź
A ticket to e4ford,please. Singleor return? Here you are.
How much is that?
a memory card
Can I pay with Mastercard?
aphone card
About $
c Completewith a prepositionfrom the list.
GRAMMAR Circlethe correctanswer. Hello,
Icerealfor breaKast. a usuallyhave b haveusually Sheto bed before12. a doesntnevergo b nevergoes What in the summer? a do peopledo b do people your mobile? a This is b Is this A do you listento music? B In the morning. a Where b When A football? B No, he preferstennis. a Doeshe like b Doeslike he park here? a CanI b DoIcan Youuseyour mobilehere. a cant b ca'nt A Can they comeon Friday? B Yes,they -. ado bcan 10 |ohn sit here. a can b cans
V OC A BUt A R Y a Completewith a word from the list. gym home breakfast shower work up geta2
I 2 3 4 5
What do you usuallydo at the weekend? We go to the beach the summer. I usuallyhavelunch 2.30. Can you cometo dinner Friday? What do you usuallyhavebreaKast? I alwayswatch TV the evening.
d Write the prices. onepoundfift)t
â&#x201A;Ź,1.50 1 2 3 4 5
$20 â&#x201A;Ź8.25 89.99 $0.70 80p
Completethe phrases. Do youpreferteaor coffee? is that?
A How
B It's 84.50. A I'm sorry.
B T 3A B 4 A B 5A B
please? Can I L an espresso, Hereyou are. Is the exerciseeasy? No, it's very d A ticketto London,please. S or return?
PRONUNCIATION a Can you rememberthesewordsand sounds? vowels
t have 2 have 3 goto 4go
5 go to the
Completewith a commonverb phrase. At theweekend wesometimes walkinthemountains. I 2 3 4 5
I always Can I Youcant Do you Dont
to the cinemaon Saturday. by creditcard? photosin this museum. sport or exercise? on a doubleyellow line.
O p.l l7 | ll9 SoundBank.Checkthe wordsand sounds,and practisesayingthe examplewords. Underlinethe stressedsyllable. Italian
housework dollar
Read the article and mark the sentencesT (true) or F (false).
a Readthe text. Is your typicalSundaysimilar to Clara's?
I 2 3 I 5 6 7 t
British peoplealwayshavebreaKastat home. They usuallywork 35-40hoursa week. They havelunch from 1.00-2.00. A lot of peoplehavelunch at home. They usuallyhavedinner at 5.30. A lot of peoplego to bed aftermidnight. You can go shoppingeveryday in the UK. Big supermarkets in the UK neverclose.
My typical Sunday
ClaraSudrez isa teacher. Shellves in Granada.
getup late,at aboutten 0n Sunday I usually o'clock.I go to a caf6for breakfast. I alwayshave a cappuccino anda chocolate croissant, andI read theSunday newspapers. ThenI usuallymeetmy friends. In thewinterwe goto themountains and in thesummerwe goto thebeach. Wehavelunch in a restaurant. Afterlunchwe talkandrelax,and drinkcoffee.Wego homeat abouthalfpastfive. In theevening I prepare my classes, andthenI havedinnerandwatchTV.I goto bedearlyandI thinkaboutnextweekend.
b Write aboutyour typical Saturdayor Sunday.
5 C A NY O UU N D E R S T ATNHDE S P EE O P L E ? 4.30 Listen and choose the right answer.
h he UKpeople usually startworkbetween 8.50and people Lf,) a.m.Some havebreakfast at homebuta lotof people andsomething to eatwhenthey lustbuya coffee goto work. hC people workfruedaysaweek. Thetypical working day b seven oreighthours withaveryshoftlunch(about haffan - they p.m.People hr) atabout1.00 don'tgohome forlunch ina cafeorsandwich bar,or intheiroffice. id havea sandwich hopleusually finish workat5.00or5.i0.Theyhave dinner barveen 7.00 and8.00andthisisusually thebigmealofthe &y. Dudng gotobedbetween fte weektheyusually 10.50 rd 11.50 p.m. hoplegoshopping afterworkorattheweekend. Some dtopsclose p.m.)but earlyduring theweek(5.i0-6.00 tpermarkets anda lotof shops openuntil8.00inthe ctningorlater. Bigshops alsoopenonSunday, andbig tpermarkets open24hoursa day,sixdaysa week. Iook at the highlighted time phrasesand tuess their meaning. Check with your teacher or a dictionary. Compare the information in the text with your country. What is the same?What is different?
I What time doesfackget up? a 6.45. b 7.15. 2 What doesCarol usuallyhavefor breakfast? a Baconand eggs. b Cerealand fruit. 3 What time doesMartin finish work on Friday? a 5.00. b 6.00. 4 When doesfulia usuallygo shopping? a On Saturday. b On Sunday. 5 Wheredoesthe man park? a In the car park. b In the street. 6 What languages doesshespeak? a Spanish. b Spanishand Italian. 7 What doesthe girl buy? a A cappuccinoand two brownies. b Two cappuccinos and a brownie. 8 How much is the pen? a 82.60. b L2.70.
C A NY O US A YT H I SI N E N G T I S H ? Tick (r') the boxes. Canyou...? saywhat you do on a typical day askabout other people'sdays saywhat peoplecanI cant do in your country askfor thingsin a cafdor shop askaboutprices
f E E I I
Yes,I can. Yes,I can. Yes,I can. Yes,I can. Yes,I can.
be G pastsimple:
v in,ot,on:places P ls:l andwos I were
be GRAMMAR pastsimPle: Look at the photosof somefamouspeople.Which aresingersandwhich areactors?
Canyou guesstheir old jobs?Choosefrom the jobsbelow. aerobicsteacher
English teacher
nurse waitress soldier
2 P R O N U N C I A T I OlvlN andwosI were a
5.3 Listen and repeat the wordsand sound.
hairdresser shop assistant
I JamesBluntwasa
5.4 Listen and repeatthe sounds and sentences.Copy the fbythm.
2 Stingwas an
wasa -. 3 JacftNicholson were-. AnistonandBarbraStreisand 4 .lennifur
they famous? Yes,they
was a 5 MoryanFreeman 5 DanrryDeVitowas a
were 7 LucyLiu and CalistaFlockhart 8 TinaTumerwas a --
s she a teacher? Yes,she
5.1 Listen and check.
d Complete the chart. Present Stingis a singer. They are actors.
He was a soldier.
Past He -They
Thev were waitresses.
a teacher. aerobicsinstructors.
e O p.96GrammarBank5A.Readtherulesanddo theexercises.
5.5 Listen and say the sentencesin the past. 'He's o teacher.'
YOCABUtARY in,ot,on:places
C^anyou remember?Complete with in, At, or on.
a Look at the pictures for two minutes. Try to remember who the people are and where they were yesterdayat three o'clock.
I 2 3 {
Here'syour key.You're_ room 210. I'm a writer. I work home. My wife isnt here.She's_ work. Wheresmy coat?Oh no! It's_ the train.
t5 Complete the chart with in, At, or on. I isten and check.Repeatthe phrases.
a bus
a train
a car
a plane
the gym
the airport
a meeting
the cinema
the street
a restaurant
the park
thehairdresser's Testa partner. A (book open) say a place. D (book closed)saythe phrase.Then
t7 Where was Mike yesterday?Listen end completethe sentences. I At 6.00
he wasin bed
b Q Communication Where werethey? A p.77Bp.50.
2 At 7.00
c In pairs, ask and answer.
3 At 8.00
Wherewereyou yesterday at 6.30I 10.00in the morning? Wherewereyou yesterday at 3.I5 15.30in the afternoon? Wherewereyou at 9.00I 11.00lastnight? Wherewereyou lastFriday/ Saturdaynight?
{ At 10.00 5 At 12.00 6 At 2.00 At 6.00
Where were you yesterdayat 6.i0 in the morning?
E At 7.00 9 At 8.00 t0 At 10.00
yesterday yesterdayafternoon last night last Saturday
go,get hove, G pastsimple'. verbs v irregular verbs; revision of dailyroutine P sentence stress
Didyouhavea goodday? Yes,I hada fantastic day.
They have lunch at two o'clock Picture 13?
VOCABUTARYrevision verbs of dailyroutine Can you remember?O p.l I l VocabularyBankA typicaldoy.Testa partner.
hove,go,get T GRAMMAR pastsimple:
5.8 Benis in Parison business. His 17-year-old daughterLindais at home in London.Listenand tick (r') theplaces whereshewasduring the day.
a Readthe dialoguein 2b againand completethe chart. Present Past What do you do? What I get up early. IWe dont haveclasses. We We go to the British Museum. WeWe havelunch at the cafe. We -
at school at the gym at a museum d the hairdresser's
b I
at acaf6,
I atashopfragri centre I at the
you do? up early. haveclasses. to the British Museum. lunch at the caf6.
5.10 Listen and check Then repeatthe presentand past sentences.
c O P.96 Grammar Bank 58. Readthe rules and do the exercises.
4 P R O N U N C I A T I O&NS P E A K I N Gs e n t e nscter e s s a
5.r2 Listen to the questions in the chart. What two words are missing? Are they stressed?
b Listenagainand completethe dialogue. Linda Ben Linda Ben [inda Ben Linda Ben Linda Ben Linda Ben linda Ben
Hi. Hi darling. Oh hi Dad.Hou/s Paris? Fine.A lot of work. Did you havea good r d ? It was OK. What did you do? I got 2 uearly.I went to school. How was it? 3 G-!We didn't haveclasses. We went to the 4 BMuseum. there? Oh nice.Did you have s lYes,we had lunch at the caf6.And then I went 6 swith Katy. Did you do your homework? Yes,of course.17 ado my homework. Who'sthat, Linda?
I What time / get up? 2 I have breaKast? What / have?
3 | go to work (schoolX 4 Where/ havelunch?What lhavez. 5 I go to the gym? 6 lgo shopping? 7 lhave dinner at home?What / have?
8 / watchTV? What / watch? 9 What time / go to bed?
5.e Listen to the end of the conversation and answer the questions.
b Listenagainand repeatthe questions.
I Whereis Linda'smother? 2 Who is Linda with?
c Interviewyour partneraboutyesterday. Write his / her informationin the chart.
Readthe introduction to the article.What did a lot of people do on 18th October 2006?. Why?
Onthe morningof Wednesday lSth October20065O,OOO people in the UKsatdown at theircomputers. Theywrotea blogabout whattheydid the daybeforefor a historywebsite.Theideawas to givea pictureof lifeat the beginningof the 2l st century.
I Pauline, from BirminFham Yesterday was our lOth wedding anniversary. The day was very typical,but the eveningwas special.I went to work by car as usual. Thetrafficwas terrible,and I was verystressed. The daywent fast. At 4.00 | went to pick up my childrenfrom the nursery.We went to PizzaHut and they had a pizza.Whenmy husbandcame home he had a fantasticsurprisefor me - a present!A trip to parison the Eurostar. I didn'thavea presentfor him... Terrible! Butwe had a
9::1 li:l::i:1: ?::r::l*li:*l::1: TlTttr 2 Nick,from GlasRow 4.25 a.m. I got up. 5.45 a.m. I went for a swim - 280 lengths.(At the weekendI sometimesdo 400 lengths.) 9 .3 0a. m . went to work. Nothingspecial. 4 .3 0p. m . went home,and I had a sandwich. 7.50p.m. went to bed.
b Now readthreepeople's blogs. Usethe glossaryto helpyou. Matchtwo photosto eachblog. Readthe blogs again.Complete the sentenceswith P (Pauline),N (Nick), or R (Rachel). I 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 -
Look at the highlighted words. With a partner guesstheir meaning. Check with your teacheror a dictionary. Can you find three things in the blogs that you did yesterdaytoo?
6 5.rr SONG .E Perfectdoy i:i,:
5 Rachel, from Manchester Schoolas usual.In the afternoonwe had was good. ThenEnglish- we had a film. At i.20 we went home and I went on the computeron MSN.ThenI did my homeworkand had dinner.Afterdinner it was the big match on TV - Manchester Unitedat home to Copenhagen in the ChampionsLeague... 3-0 to United.Brilliant!| went to bed late.
(13-19). is a teenager is marriedwith children. got up very early. didnt writeanythingaboutthe morning. did a lot of exercise. had a bad mornrng. didnt havea very interestingday. wentto a restaurant. and- had a very goodevening. wentto bedvery early.
: iJ
. : _ - : : - ; J ' , q : : ' . , ,j i. :r.l ,
"._,, .*,,_,, ,_:,,.,
oiayouhave ;il It was OK. as usual nothing special traffic stressed
Glossary loth wedding anniversaryexactlyten yearsafterthe day a personwas married traffic the carson a road
a surpllse a present a trip to Paris a (football) match
nurseryschoolfor verysmallchildren Eurostara fast train which goes from London to paris
swim a length swim from one end of the swimmingpool to the other
Of course.
- an Internetchat network MSN MSN Messenger
. . ,l;4,
verbs regular G pastsimple:
verbs verbs5; moreirregular v common pastsimple endings P regular
5.14 Listen and check. Were you right?
verbs regular I GRAMMAR pastsimple:
a Everyyearthousandsof Erasmusstudentsgo to
c Write the past simple of these regular verbs.
studyfor a yearat a foreignuniversity.|oanna, from Gdanskin Poland,went to Romelast and pictures. Match the sentences September.
4 cry 5 want 6 arrive
t help 2 wait 3 kiss
O p.96 GrammarBank5C.Readthe rulesanddo the exercises
pastsimple endings regular 2 PRONUNCIATION a
5.16 Listen and repeat the sounds and sentences. My mother cried. I arrived in Rome at 11.00.
I kissedmy mothergoodbye. They helpedme with my cases. We waited at the check-in. They wanted to come.
5.17Listenand repeatthe story in la. Thencoverthe and look at the pictures.Tell foanna'sstory. sentences
5 W R I T I N G& S P E A K I N G a What did you do yesterdayI last night / this morning?
Write true E or E sentences. yesterday
last night
playa computergame watch TV studyEnglish usethe Internet check mv emails
Tell a partner.Did you do the samethings?
talk to a friend
this morning listen to the radio
walkto work/ school wait for a bus
I didn'tplaya computerSame I usedthe Internet...
5 verbs 4 VOCABUTARYcommon
I m E I I tr I tr
t kissedmy mothergoodbye. I went to the airportwith my mother. tt wasearly.Wewaitedat the check-in. Myfriendswent to the airporttoo. My mothercried. Myfriendsweresadtoo.Theywantedto come. Theyhelpedme with my cases. | arrivedin Romeat I 1.0o.
a Can vou remember?Match 1-8 to a-h. a photos I drive tr b money I 2see c afilm 3 hear I d the piano 4 come I e by credit card 5 take I f a noise tr play 6 g to class Ll / pay h acar 8 change E
verbs 5. Do partA. BankCommon b O p.f15Vocabulary
Readthe text againand find the past simple of the verbs.Write R (regular) or I (irregular).
-trok only at the picturesin la. Can you remember|oanna'sstory? ',thich b of thesethings do you think wereproblemsfor foannawhen ;re arrived in Rome?In pairs, tick (r') or cross(X) My guess. My guess What foanna said ..nereto live I I :aking friends tl I ::e rveather I fl ::e tood I I :re language tr tr -:alianmen I tr ::rlney I ::fterentcustoms , I il
1 2 3 4
stqted R ll -tr fl |
-D _-
7 can / can' t
I lived,I loved,I cried... spokea littleltalianfromschoolbutwhenI arrivedin RomeI couldn't rnderstand people,andI spokeEnglish or polishwith otherErasmus students. ButthenI startedgoingto ltalianclasses andI alsomadefriends ,tithsomeltalians. Theyhelpedme a lot!AfterthreemonthsI coutdspeak quitewell.Anotherproblemwasthat Romeisveryexpensive, but I found a job in an lrishpubandlworkedthreeevenings a week. learnta lot aboutltalyandltalians: youcan'tstartthe daywithout'un '-affd'; ltalianfood is the bestin the world- but don'taskfor ketchup! {nd the numberonetopicof conversation in barsis politicsandfootball. Erasmus changedmy life.I liveda differentlifein a fantastic city.I met rew peoplefromall overthe worldandmadesomewonderful friends. I learntto understand anotherculture. Of courseit wasn'tall perfect- livingin anothercountryisn'teasy,andan ltalian >oybrokemy heart! I camebackfromltalya yearago,buta small rart of me stayedin Rome.I drinkespresso e!/erymorning,eat a lot of pasta,and I use ny handsa lot whenI speak.Now I feel iuropean, not onlyPolish!
5like 6 speak
\orv read what foanna wrote on an Erasmuswebsite.Tick (rz) -': cross(X) What foanna said. Were you right?
stayed the firstnightat a hotel.In the morningt boughta mapandwent :o seethe University, andI renteda roomin a house.rwalkedthroughthe ctf to my classes everymorning- ltalianmensaid:'ciaobella!'I likedit!
stay buv rent sav
tr I _7
8 start 9 make 10 find l1 learn
_ -tr _-
tr tl
12 change 13 live 14 meet 15 break 16 comeback
_ --
I I I I tr
5.le Listen and check.Listen againand repeat.
f Do you know anyonewho went to live or study in anothercountry?Where did they go?Did they havea good time?
make friends break your heart use your hands the best in the world speakItalian quite well I feel European. a year I three days I a week ap
numbers Ordinal Months thedate Saying
PnncncAr EncusH
a Do the quiz with a partner.
s.25 Listen and repeatthe months.
IAN FEB MAR I Who was the FrRSr presidentof the United States? a Roosevelt b Kennedy c Washington
2 Who was the sECoNDman who walked on the moon? b Yuri Gagarin c Buzz Aldrin a Neil Armstrong
3 Andy Summersand StewartCopeland were members of the rock group The Police.Who was the THrRD member? b Sting c Chris Martin a Freddie Mercury
Attgr.rst / o:qest/
4 Who won their FouRrH Football World Cup in 2006?. c Italy b Germany a Brazll 5 Which city has a famous streetcalled Frrrn Avenue? b Sydney c New York a London 6 Which actor was the star of the film The Srxrn Sense? c Bruce Willis a SylvesterStallone b Brad Pitt 7 What is the sEvENTHletter of the alphabet? c I a H b G 8 Which tennis playerwon her EIGHTHGrand Slamtitle ;r:'2007? a SerenaWilliams b Maria Sharapova c Venus Williams 9 Whose NINrH symphony is also called Choral? a Beethoven's b Mozart's c Tchaikovsky's Fts
BankThetimeandordinalnumbersb O p.tl0 Vocabulary c
s.2l Listen and repeatthe words and sounds. think
three third seventh ninth
: {
October /ok'taoba/
Novembef /neo'vemba/
December ldt'semba/
.t -a,''t
Do part B.
\ Cover the months and look at IAN, FEB. etc.Rememberand saythe months. Cover a and answerthe questions.
tl'ren tlieir
5.22 Listen. Say the ordinal number. one
has29 days? Whichmonthsometimes Which four monthsend in er?. Which monthonlyhasthreeletters? Whichthreemonthsbeginwith theIetterfi Which four monthsendwith the \eftery?
r 4 P E O P TI E N T H ES T R E Et T
s.24 Listen and completethe dialogueswith an t-rrdinalnumber.
I When'syourbirthday? 2 Whatdidyoudo on yourlastbirthday?
MAY 5 \
5.26 Listen to Helen. When's her birth day? 5.27 Listen.What did she do on her last birthday?
Birthday 'I
5.28 Listen to four more people.Write their birthdays and completethe sentences.
,rl ,rl
,rl ,rl
I A What'sthe date today? B It's the of May. A ls it? | thought it was the 2 A When's yourbirthday? B Onthe of July.
went to the
with some friends.'
with my
Birthday 'I went to
Birthday 'I think I had or
Saying the date (,
we say
the fourth of May the twentieth of |uly
We write \ 4th May I 4May 20t7
5.2s Listenand repeatthe dates.Practisesapng them. 'lst January Jrd February 5th March l2thApril 3l st July
l5th May
lOthAugust l4th September
9th October 30thNovember 25thDecember -\sk and answerthe questionsin pairs. \\-hat'sthe datetoday? What wasthe dateyesterday?
in the evening with some
d In pairs, ask and answerthe questionsin the box.
Standup. Ask other studentsWhen'syour birthday? \take a classlist. Tell a partner three birthdays that are important for you. My husband'sbirthdayis on the 27th of June.
with '
What'sthe date? It's thefifth of May. When'syour birthday?
Write the verbs in the past simple.
2 rlake
3 pl ay
very cold last winter.
4 come
b were
a was
5 work
yesterdayat six o'clock?
2 Where
b were you
a you were
d Write the next word.
at work yesterday.
3 Kelly
b weren't
a wasn't 4 I
I break
I It
2 Aprrl,Muy,
b went
5 I got up late and I
3 the eighteenth,the nineteenth,
4 December,|anuary,
b didnt have
a dont had
a showerthis morning? b Had you a Did you have medicine at university. 7 My sister
Do you prefer tea or coffee? night? I A What did you do I B I w ent to the ci trema. a good day? 2 ADidyouh B It was OK.
at a cafe.
8 They
b stopped
a stoped
9 What time
a did they arrive 10 I
Complete the phrases.
b studied
a studyed
3 A How was the rneeting? B Very long, as u today? 4 A What's the d B It's the first of October.
b did theY arrived
a lot of people at universitY.
a meeted
b met
5 A Do you like Italian food? in the world. B's the b
V OC A BU[ A R Y a Complete with in, at, or on.
He lives in New York.
a Can you rememberthesewords and sounds?
I Sheworks
the gym this morning. bed? Get up! It's nine o'clock!
2 I was 3 Are you
4 I had a sandwich 5 Marsha wasn't she isn't well.
I the first, the second,
to Brazll last summer.
a go
Circle the correct answer. Alex. Hello,
the plane. school yesterday.Maybe consonants
Complete with a verb from the list. arrive
come back
We want to rent a flat in the city centre. I Oh no, I can't 2 We 3 Did you 4 When did you 5 I want to
my keys. in London on the secondof February. in a hotel in Berlin?
O p.t 17I ll9 SoundBank.Check the words and sounds,and practisesayingthe examplewords. Underline the stressedsyllable. Italian
from Mexico? a new car. My car is ten yearsold.
cinema arrive
seventeenth September fuly
I c A N Y o u L l z u f f i & : f i l ' r i {ql ri lqi i -rl i :1 i :
2 C A N Y O U . t ui ? ;l r
liii II{{.;ii:ri-ll
a Readthe blog.Did Kim havea good day? Erasmus f)esiderius l-f was born in Rotterdam in Holland, n 1466 or 1469- we don't know exactly when. His mother and father died when he was 15 years old. He went to school in Holland, where he was a very good student of Iatin. When he finished school he studied at the University of Paris. Iater he worked as a teacher there for some years. After that he went to England and he was a professor at Cambridge University. When he was in England he made many friends including Kine Henry VIII. After that Erasmus travelled all over Europe and lived and worked at universities in many different countries. He studied Greek, and he wrote many books including famous editions of the Bible in I-atin and Greek. Erasmus died in Switzerland on 12th July L536.450 years later the Erasmus programme, where students can study at universities in other countries, was started.
Readthe text aboutErasmusand tick (r') the sentences which aretrue. I He wasGerman. 2 His motherandfatherdiedwhenhe was ateenager. 3 He wentto schoolin Paris. 4 He studiedLatin. 5 He wasa teacherin France. 6 He met Henry VIII. 7 He studiedat CambridgeUniversity. 8 He lived in manydifferentcountries. 9 He wasa writer. l0 He diedwhenhe was50.
I I I tr I tr tr tr tr tr
Look at the highlighted words and phrasesand guesstheir meaning. Check with your teacher or a dictionary.
What did people all over the world do last Sunday?
**: ryTlPgl:::::li:::ll*:51:
Last SundayI got up at 9.J0 in the morning.I had a cup of coffeeand read the Sundaynewspaper.Then I made breakfast. We had eggsand bacon.We alwayshavea big breakfaston Sunday,but then we don't havelunch. In the afternoon the weatherwas beautiful,and we went for a long walk in the park. In the eveningwhen our son was in bed my husbandand I made dinnertogether.Thenwe talkedabout our day and laugheda lot. We went to bed earlybecausewe were tired, and we startwork earlyon Monday. CommentsI
b write a blogfor a historywebsite.Saywhatyou did lastSunday. ,,,i.
- r:i.ijl:I
5.2e Listen and choose the right answer. I Where was Andy last night? a At his girlfriend's house. b At the cinema. 2 What did Rebeccalike about the hotel? a The rooms.
b The breakfast. 3 Where did Owen work yesterday? a In his office. b At home. 4 What did Emma seelast night? a An Italian film. b A French film. 5 Where did Janestay in Venice? a At a hotel. b In a rented flat. 6 bought something at the new shopping centre. a One of the women b The two women 7 What did Alan do on Saturday? a He did housework. b He made the lunch. 8 When's Liam's birthday? a 10th |une.
b llth June.
4 C A NY O U Tick (r') the boxes. C a ny o u . . . ? saywhereyou wereyesterday E saywhat you did yesterday I askwhat other peopledid yesterday ! saydates E
Yes,I can. Yes,I can. Yes,I can. Yes,I can.
G thereisI thereore
v hotels;in,on,under P leal andlrcl
There isn'ta TV,buttherearesomebooks.
I a
2 GRAMMAR thereisI thereare a
6.t Listento two peoplewho arriveat a hotel on an islandin Scotland.Are theyhappywith thehotelandwith their room?Why (notX Listenagainand readthe dialogue. Completethe missingwords. Readthe dialogueagain.Underlineexamples of thereis I areE, E, andE. O p.gSGrammarBank6A. Readthe rules and do the exercises.
e Practisethe dialogue2b in groupsof three. f
6.5 Listento what happensnext.Do they leave?Why (not)?Do you like this hotel? Why (notX
! PRONUNCIATION leelandlrcl a
6.6 Listen and repeatthe words and sounds. where
Maketrue E or E sentences. in your classroom a board windows a table a TV chairs a lamp pictures computers in your school a library a cafl toilets a garden a carpark There'sa board.
Therearen't any windows.
Hello.Wehavea reseruation. Lefssee,yesMr andMrsRobson. Welcome to the island.Your I room'supstairs, numberseven. Man ls therea2 ? Receptionist No,l'm sorrythereisn't.But I canhelpyouwith yourcases. Receptionist Thisis your room. lfs verysmall. Woman ReceptionistYes,but there'sa 3 view. Man Thgreare 4 Wewanted a doublebed. Receptionistl'm sorrytherearen'tany roomswith a doublebed. Woman Where'sthe TW ReceptionistThereisn'tone.Thereare somesoverthere. Woman Books! ReceptionistThisis the bathroom. Woman Thereisn'ta 6-. ReceptionistNo,there'sa 7-. It useslesswater. Man CanI usethe Internethere? ReceptionistNo,l'm sorryyou can't. Woman Are there any 8near here? ReceptionistNo, madam,there aren't. Enjoyyour stay.
I READING I took atphotosofthreeunusualhotels. , Matchthe photosand information. I Readthe informationaboutthe threehotels.Tick (r') theboxes. I 2 3 'l 5 6 7 8
Youcangowithchildren. n Z A There's pool. a swimming f tr tr There isn'ta restaurant. I I tr There aren'tanydouble beds.f I tr Youarrivebyboat. I tr I Youcan'tstaythereinftewinter. I tr I Youcanhavea massage there.I f f Youcanhavea mealin your roomwhenyouwant. f f I
Do you like the hotels?Which one do you prefer?
Hotels witha difference Afloatingundenruater hotelin LakeMdlaren. Youarrivebyboat,andthengodownstairs b sleep inanaquarium. There's onlyone mm withtwosingle bedsanda canwatchthefishfromyourbedlyour dinnerarrives in theevening, byboat. lootion: Vdsterds, nearStockholm, Srveden lfumberof rooms:one
- rso hice:$zso
. smallboatto visitotherislands . onlyopeninthesummer
Ancient caves inthesideof a mountain, nowhotel roomswithmodern facilities. Mostroomshavea private terrace withfantastic vievrrs of Cappadocia. Turkish breakfast serued inthegarden. location:Urgilp, Cappadocia, Central Turkey Number of rooms:25 Price: Under $too . spawithmassages andtreatments .24-hour roomservice . restaurant . children welcome
Luxuryprivateislandwithfivekilometres of beautiful beach. Youcanonlygetto theisland byourprivate boat(orseaplane). Fantastic Caribbean cuisine, a perfect relaxing holiday. Location: Kamalame Cay,Andros, Bahamas Numberof rooms:16 Price:$g+o- j,5oo . gourmet restaurant .24-hour roomservice . swimming pool . familybedrooms . children welcome
SPEAKING Write in, on, or under wi
Ask and answer in pairs about the remote control.
Where's the remote control?
It'son the TV.
c' Q Communication tsthereo TV?Where isit? A p.77Bp.50.Drawthingsin thehotelrooms.
Welcometo theisland. on the first floor upstairs/ downstairs Etlgy your stay. in thecupboard on the bed under thechair There'sa beautifulview. a boat
therewasI therewere beach. Therewasa beautiful Therewerentanyhotels.
I VOCABULARY places a Can you remember?Do the quiz with
a Partner.
Placesquiz I when you want to havelunchor dinner 2 when you havean accident 3 when you want to parkyour car 4 when you want to buy something
i'e..c +
5 when you want to learnsomething 6 when you want somethingto drink 7 when you want to staythe night in anothertown
BankPloces. O p.t15Vocabulary & LISTENING 2 READING a Read about Benidorm and answer the questions. I Was Benidorm big or small in the 1950s? 2 Who was Pedro Zaragoza? 3 What did he want Benidorm to be?
In the 1950sBenidormin south-eastSpainwas a smallfishingvillage.But the had a dream.He wanted Benidormto mayorof Benidorm,PedroTaragoza, be a big touristtown. He startedto build hotels.In the 1950sin Spainwomen changedthe bikini rule in coufdn'twear a bikinion the beach.MayorTaragoza Benidorm.In 1959the firsttouristsfrom NorthernEuropestartedto arrive.. .
4 What did he build? 5 What rule did he change? 6.8 Listen to a journalist talking to a local historian. Complete the information about Benidorm.
Thereare 65,ooopeoplelivingin Benidorm. Therewere only 3,000. Therewere 300. a year. Therearefour million There'san Thereare 128
50 km from Benidorm. Therewasn'tone. Therewere three.
Thereare 600
Therewere ten.
Thereweren't any.
Do you prefer Benidorm today or in the 1950s?Why? Are there any places in your country like Benidorm?
r ,
GR A MM A R therewosI therewere Look at the sentencesin Benidorm today and Benidorm in the 1950s. \Vhat is the past of thereis and there are, and there isn't and there aren't?
6.12 feff and Kelly are from the United States.Th.y are on holiday in the UK. Listen to Kelly talking to an English friend. Did they have a good weekend?
O p.98 GrammarBank 68. Read the rules and do the exercises.
Listen again.Circle the right answer,a or b.
I PRONUNCIATION theletters ea l
6.10 Put the words in the right column. Listen and check. beach eat
I 2 3 4 5 6
a a a a a a
Theywentto Benidorm. b Theywent in April. b Somerestaurants weren'topen. b leff wantedto stayin a hotel. b Theywantedcereal. b Therewasnt anycoffee. b
Theywent to Blackpool. They went in May. Somerestaurants werevery expensive. wanted to in a bed andbreakfast. stay feff They wantedbaconand eggs. Therewasn'tany tea.
please breakfast
6 S P E A K I N&GW R I T I N G a O Communication GoodorbadholidoyT Ap.7BBp.BI.Roleplay a conversationabout a holiday. Imagine you stayedin a hotel last weekend.It was a disaster.Write an email to a friend. Use the information in the feedbackform.
Beach Hotel room
Listen. Practise the sentences.
\[y dream is to spetrkperfect English! Pleaseeat your breakfast! The weather at the beiich was terrible.
FEEDBA.K F'RM hotel receptionist not veryfriendly no restaurant a gym but closed
roomsmalland cold no TV no towelsin the bathroom
n n
Colors SaveAs Draft
Hi Chris How areyou? LastweekendI went to the was a complete disaster! Theroom ... Therewasn'ta ... And it wasn'tonly the room!Thereceptionist ...
have an accident build (past simple built) wear (past simple wore) kilometres (km) How was your weekend? A complglg disaster! lypically English a bed and breakfast
pronouns: me,him,elc. oblect of pastsimple; G revision
v common verbs5
I sawherontheplatform. Shesatdownnextto me.
P sentence stress
I VOCABUtARY moreverbphrases
a Can you remember?Complete the questions with a verb from the list.
meet rent
say stay
I Do you want to anotherlanguage? Which language? your 2 When do you usually friends?What do you do? at work 3 What time do you usually-/ school? Niceto meetyou Ln 4 How do you your language? 5 Do you your houseI flat? at a hotel on your last 6 Did you holiday?Wasit good? 7 Do you thingson the Internet? What?
b Answer the questionswith a partner. c O p.ll5 VocabularyBankCommonverbs3. Do part B. Completewith the oppositeverbs. I The planearrivesat 6.00. The plane at 6.00. 2 Did you loseyour bag? Did you your bag? 3 I senda lot of emails. Ia lot of emails. 4 I geta lot of Christmaspresents. Ia lot of Christmaspresents. 5 Pleaseturn on the TV. Please the TV.
6.14Readandlistento the story.Answerthe questions aftereachpart. SrnnNcnns
Partl I openedmy eyesandlookedout of the Whenthetrainstopped, A tall,blondewomanwithdarkblue window.I sawheron the platform. Asusualthe 6.20wasfull. eyes.Thetrainleftthe station. 'Excuse me.CanI sit here?'I openedmy eyes wasthetall,blondewoman. 'Sure,'I said. satdownnextto me.There She wasa nicesmell.ChanelNumber5, lthought. I openedmy bookandstartedto read. 'l lovedthatbookl 'Sorry?'l said. 'l saidI lovedthatbooki We chattedaboutbooksuntilthe trainarrived station. at Victoria 'Coffee?'she said. 'OK,'I I lookedat my watch. said. 1 2 3 4
Where did the man first seethe woman? What wasthe woman'sperfume? What did they talk about? What did they do when the train arrived?
Part2 We satat the stationcoffeebar,andwe drankcoffeeandtalked.Her namewasOlivia. Shetoldme thatsheworkedin London. 'Whatdo youdo?'I asked. 'l workin property - flatsandhouses. Whatdo youdo?' 'l workfor Citibanki 'Do 'That'sinteresting!' saidOlivia. you livein London?' 'Yes.I have a flatnearthe riveriI toldherthe street. 'Wow!That'san expensive partof London!' 'lt's I lookedat my watch. late.Timeto gol 'l 'l cantakeyou,'shesaid. livenearyouJShe smiled.Hereyeswereveryblue. 5 6 7 8
What doesOlivia do? What doesthe man do? Where doeshe live? Where doesOlivia live?
6.15 Why didn t Olivia come to the theatre?What do you think? Now listen to the end of the story.What happened? 5.16 Find the past simple of theseirregular verbs.Then listen and repeat. Part I seethink Part 2 drink Part 3 drive Part4 readlred/
d O p.l16Vocabulary Banklrregular verbs. Srn.a,xcrns oN A TRArN
T GRAMMAR objectpronoun i me,him,etc. a Look at thesesentencesfrom the story. Complete them with a pronoun from the list. her
I She sat down next to 'I 2 can take -j she said. 3 I have two tickets for Chicago. Can you get from the box office at7.l5? 4 I called
but her phone was off.
Complete the chart with the pronouns in a.
Subjectpronoun I you he she it we they
Jtr carwasin the stationcarpark. lwas an AudiTT. drovefast.Veryfast. stoppedoutsidemy flat. saidgoodbye, andI gaveher phonenumber. morningtherewasa text fromOlivia. want to c u again!Friday? Friday morning shecalledme. havetwo ticketsfor Chicogo ightat the Cambridge Tlieatre! Canyougetthemfromthe box at7.15?Wecanmeetin thetheatrebarat 7.30.Theshow at 8.001 9 What kind of car doesOlivia have? l0 What did shewrite in the text message? ll What showdid shehaveticketsfor? 12 Wheredid shewant to meethim? What time?
vedat the theatreat 7.00.I gotthe ticketsandI waitedin the I readthe eveningpaper.Oliviadidn'tcome.I lookedat my lt was7.45.I lookedat my phone.Therewasa textmessage. ln a meeting.Se you in tfieatre. Leavemy ticket at bx office. l#t herticketat the boxoffice foundmy seat.Theshow butOliviadidn'tarrive. the intervalI calledherbut her wasoff heranothertext: ru? angry.I leftthe theatreand home.I openedthe doorof flatandturnedon the light... 13 What time did he arrive at the theatre? 14 What happenedat 7.45?What did the man do? 15 What did the man do in the interval? 16 What did he do afterthat?
Object pronoun
it us
O p.gSGrammarBank6C.Readthe rulesand do the exercises.
4 PRONUNCIATIONsentence stress a Match questions1-5 with answersa-e. I 2 3 4 5
Did you seethe film? Did you buy the books? Did you meetAna? Did Johncallyou? Did Silviatell you aboutthe party?
tr tr tr tr tr
a b c d
Yes,I boughtthem yesterday. Yes,I met her yesterday. Yes,shetold us yesterday. Yes,he calledme yesterday. .e Yes,I sawit yesterday. 6.te Listen and check Then listen and repeata-e. Copy the rhythm. Practisewith a partner: A ask 1-5 in a different order. B answerfrom memory. Then changeroles.
5 6.20SONG .E l'mobeliever
full (opposite = empty) nextto me
That'sinteresting. a text (message)
a show
seat Time to go.
Askingfor opinions Giving opinions Strong stress
Whatdoyouthinkof it? I'sgreat.
Pnncn cAr
6.21 Cover the dialogue and listen. Who likes the music? A Listento this.Whatdo you think of it? B I don't like it. lt's awful.Who is it?
'Cit , ,, ' 1 4
A Shakira.I reallylike her.She'sgreat.
6.22 Listen and repeatthe dialogue.Which two words have'extra'stress?
6.2, Listen and repeatthe expressionsin the chart for giving opinions about music (column 1).
6-24 Listen to some music extracts.What do you think of them?
z ;:l
It's fantastic / It's great.
I reallyhke lryr. fantasticI -
I like it.
I like
Its OK.
I don't like it
I dont like
vvv vv
I really like it.
It's terrible i It's awful.
I really like
I really like
-- terrible/
, great.
I like
I like -- --
I don't like --- -
-- oK. I dont like -.
awful. -- -terriblel_----awful.
terribleI -
e Complete the expressionsfor columns 2-4. f In pairs,askand answerabout the singersand groupsin the photos.
Whatdo you thinkof Rihanna?
Whatdo you think of Coldplay?
I reallylike her.She'sgreal
I don't know them.
\Vrite namesin the spaces. Try to think of songs/ people rvho are very famous.
2 P E O P TIEN T H ES T R E E T What'sthe lastfilm you saw? What did you think of it? a
6.25 Listento Helen.What was the lastfilm shesaw?
6-26 Listen.What did she think of it?
6.27 Listen and answerthe questionsfor the other five people.
A FemaleAgents B WALL.E C TheVisitor
1 T 2 'I thoughtit was
I 2
was lt was really excitingi
D Mamma Mia! E Wanted F Indiana fones
1 T 2
thoughtit was
It was
1 T 2 'It was
I 2
thoughtit was
d In pairs, ask and answerthe questionsin the box.
What do you think of ...? I really like it. It's fantastrc I great. I t SO K . I don't like it.
Ask your partner'sopinion of the singersand groups.
It's terrible / awful. What's the last film you saw?
it. l
c Completewith a commonverb from the list.
Circle the correct answer. Hello,
two bedsin the room. a Thereis b Thereare lifts. There aren'ta some b any Is there lamp on the table? aa bany a lot of touristsin the 1950s. a Therewasn't b Thereweren't a gym in the hotel? a Therewas b Wasthere Therewere peopleon the beach. a some b any I wrote to Johnbut didnt answer. b h i m ahe 8 Shewasin my class,but I dont remember-. a she b her 9 A What do you think of the Beatles? B I dont like -. a him b them 10 I reallylike Mike, but I dont think he likes amy bme
V OC A BUI A R Y a Write the missing hotel words. I want to do someexercise.Is therea Wm in this hotel? c-. 1 I cant turn on the TV - I cant find the r2 Thereisnt a pon my bed. bed. 3 We want a room with a d 4 Excuseme?There aren'tany t , and I want to havea shower. p-. 5 You can leaveyour car in the c-
I a placewhereyou canget petrol 2 a smallplacewith only 1,000people living there 3 the placewhereyou go when you want to travelby plane 4 aplacewhereyou can sendletters 5 a placewhereyou canbuy different kinds of food
turn off
Did you gdan emailfrom the hotel?
Write the places. a placewherepeoplecanlook at old or interestingthings
you for your birthday? What did your sister homethis morning? What time did you me at home tonight? Canyou your mobilebeforeyou go Rememberto into class. her an email about the party? 5 Did you -
I 2 3 4
d Write the irregular verbs in the past simple. know 1 2 3 4 5
drink take tell say leave
e Complete the phrases. Do you preferteaor coffee? 1 Your room'son the first f 2 My room hasa beautifulvof the mountains. jeansat my school. 3 We cadt w4 It's tto go. Bye. 5 What did you think othe film?
PRONUNCIATION a Can you rememberthesewordsand sounds? vowels
I t9 SoundBank.Checkthe wordsand nd practisesayingthe examplewords. Underlinethe stressedsyllable. Italian
bedroom restaurant museum airport fantastic
2 C A NY O UW R I T ET H I SI N E N G T I S H ? a Read about Antonia'sholiday.Answer the questions. Paragraph I
A Great Holiday
I Where did she go?
I wentto Mexico lastyearwithmyhusband. Wewentby plane. Firstwe stayed inCancfn. Ourhotelwas really nice,andtherewasa bigswimming pool. Therewasa beautiful beachtoo.Weswam everydayandtheseawasverywarm.Then wetravelled roundtheYucatdn Peninsula by bus.WesawChichen wasfantastic. I recommend Mexico. lt'sa beautifulcountry, thepeople areveryfriendly, andtheweather is great.
2 When did she go? 3 How did she travel? Paragraph 2 4 Where did she stay? 5 What did she do? 6 What did she see? Paragraph 3 In Februarylastyearwe stayedone night at the lce Hotelin Kiruna,in was a fantastic experience! The hotel is made of ice and snow! But don't worry aboutthe was -29 degreesoutsidebut in the hotel it was always-5 degrees.We wore big coatsand the temperaturewasn'ta problem. At n i g htwe s lepton a b e d m a d eo f i c e b u t i n a sleepingbag.We weren'tcold at all.Therewas a showerin the bathroombut no bath.We sleptwell and in the morningtherewas a big Swedishbreakfast. Buttherewere some problems.The restaurant was very expensiveand the servicewas veryslow - we waitedan hour for our starters. Maybeit was a bad night! Whatis there to do in the hotel?Therearen'tany TVs but thereis an 'ice bar'.Hereyou can havea cocktail in an ice glass!lt isn'tcheapbut it's an experience. There'salsoa spa and sauna.Havea saunabefore you go to bed. lt's wonderful! We had a greattime at the lce Hotel,but one night wa s enough! C h r iS s harp
I Readabout a tourist'sexperienceat the Ice Hotel in Kiruna. Mark the sentencesT (true) or F (false). I It was-29 degrees in the hotel. There was a shower and bath in the bathroom. It was difficult to sleep at night. The cocktailsin the'ice bar'are expensive. Chris liked the sauna. The service in the restaurant wasn't very fast. Chris wanted to stay another night.
Look at the highlighted words and phrasesand guesstheir meaning. Check with your teacher or a dictionary.
7 Does she recommend it? why?
A n t o n i a F a b b r i ,i n B o l o g n a .
Write three paragraphsabout a holiday.Answer the questions in a for vou.
DESE , C A NY O UU N D E R S T A N TH PEOPTE? 6.28 Listen to a woman phoning Holiday Homes Limited and choosethe right answer. I The villageis a15
_ kilometresfrom Bordeaux. b50
2 The village is ---a near the beach 3 There are a three
b in the mountains bedrooms.
b four
4 One of the bedrooms is -. a very small
b verybig
5 a There'sone bathroom. b There are two bathrooms. 6 The woman wants to go on holiday from a 10th-20th b r2th-22nd
7 Shecan meet the man from Holidav Homes on -.
a Tuesday
b Thursday
8 Holiday Homes is at number a86
Cowley Road.
C A NY O US A YT H I SI N E N G L I S H ? Tick (rz) the boxes. Canyou...? identify things in a hotel room ask about facilities in a hotel say what there is in your town
I j Yes,I can. [ _]Yes,I can.
Ll Yes,I can. describehow your town was in the past LJ Yes,I can. give your opinion about people and things L j Yes,I can.
G like+uerb+-ing
I likereading. I don'tlikecooking.
P lal , lutl , andlql
l VOCABULARY activities n In pairs, match the activitiesand the pictures. f l campine I chatting online fl cookins fl cycline fl flvine
I goingto the cinema
! E E E ! E
reading running swimming shopping q4velling watchingDVDs
7.r Listen and check.Then listen and repeatthe activities. Cover the activitiesand look at the pictures. Saythe activities.
2 GRAM MAR like+ verb+ -ing a Readthe information about six people from a websitewhere people can meet a new partner. Can you match the women and men? Say why. I think lsabellaand and shelikes
I Isabellaand 2 Sharonand -
, becausehe loves
3 Adriana and
DoyoulikewhatI like?
playing thepiano
walkinginhe mountains running andcycling cooking
r LrKE doingsport
classical music
watching DVDs
r ooN' TLr KE
watching TV
Correct the mistakesin sentences1-3.
c Q p.100GrammarBank 7A. Readthe rules and do the exercises.
I My fatherlikescook. 2 Do you like fly? 3 Vicky lovesread.
d Write three true statementsabout you using verb + -ing. Compare
with a partner. I love... I like...
I d o n ' lt i k e . . .
PRONUNCIATION lal,lu'^/,andlql 7.t Listen and repeatthe words and sounds. cook
7.4 Listento the dialogue.Practiseit in pairs. Copythe soundsand fhythm. A B A B A B A
I like cooking.Do you? Yes,I like cookingtoo. Do you like readingbooks? Yes,I love readinggood books. Do you like cycling? Yes,I do. I love cycling! Are you single? B No, sorry!
Look at the pictures in la. In pairs, say I like... or I don't like... for each picture.
READIN& G SPEAKING Read the article. Match the highlighted phrasesand the pictures.
is difficultto findthesedays.But whatdoyoulikedoingif youhavetwoor three freehours? Weaskedpeopleall overtheworld. . I loveI having a longbubble bath- or 2goingwindowshopping! Tereso, Slovenia . lf it'ssunny, I fovegoingfora runbytherwer.Groziello, ftaly . I likereading 5 a goodnovelor painting (pictures, notthe house!) lomes,Englond . I likeputting playlist mymusic inorderandreading my favourite music magazine. Sandor, Hungary . I likeaworking inthegarden. Mychildren likehelping me - forabout threeminutes! | alsolikegoing fora walkwith myfamily. There's a small forest nearourhouse, sowetake polond somesandwiches andhavea picnic. Marek, . I lovesitting outside a caf6,having a coffee, andreading a newspaper. Ano,Spoin . lt depends ontheweather. lf theweather isgood,I love cycling inthecountry. lf theweather isawful,I likesmaking a bigpotof coffee and6doinga crossword .Martin,Scotlond . lt depends ontheday.Aftera baddayatwork,I likedoing housework. lt makes melessstressed! Kote,IJSA . lf l havea freeafternoon inthemiddle of a working week, I likedoing something thatI canusually onlydoat 7goingto anexhibition, weekends, forexample or having a longlunch witha friend. Doing it during theweekmakes it feelspecial. Leila,Brazil Readit again and tick (/) two peoplewho like doing things that you like too. Cross (X) two peoplewho like doing things you don t like. Compare with a partner. Did you choosethe samepeople? Write your answer to the question in the title and give it to your teacher.Play Guesswho?
camping gYcling
flyirg !4velling paint a ptgture have a p(nic It depends(on the day). for example go for a walk in the middle of a free afternoon
l r
future timeexpressions
P sentence stress
G R A M M A R b eg o i n gf o ( p l a n s ) 7.s Liz l-rasplansfor a very speciirltrip. Reardar-rdlisten to the dialogue.Complete teuito; it with the verbsin the list. EcuADoR be crlmp conreback cycle go (x2) start stay Limat
PERU La Paz . I
Whatexactlyare your plans,Liz? I'm goingto \ cyclefrom Ecuadorto Argentina. Wow! How far is that? lt's about 7.500kilometres. alone? Are you goingto 2 No, I'm not. l'm goingto l with my boyfriend. ? Jerry Whereare you goingto + s maybe Iiz We'regoingto , and s om et im e s ta yi n s m a l lh o te l s . your Jerry Whenareyou goingto 6 Liz ln October.And we aren'tgoingto u n ti lA p ri l . fer r y S ixm ont hs- th a t' sa l o n gti m e ! Are you excited? liz Yes,I am. lt's goingto
lerry Liz ferry Liz terry Liz
i ARGENTINA : Santiago.:: Bueno? I
.' Aires
2 P R O N U N C I A T I OsNe n t e nsct er e s s a
I'm going tcl cycle flortt Ecuatclclrto Argerltini, Are you going to gcl arlclne? Wl-rereare yoLr going to stay?
7-8 Listenarndrepeatthe highlighted ir-rthe dialogue.Copy the rhyhn' sentences
the clialogr-re. c In pairs,prarctise
trip! a fantastic d Readthe dialogueagirin.Are the highlighted about the present,the ptlst,or the futr,rre? sentences
7.7 Lister-rto thesesentencesfionr tl-re dialogue.Underlinetl-restressedwords.
7.9 Lister-r with aud urake + settter-rces totlorrow. going /o arbor.rt 'go
fo u,ork'
l'm goingto go to work tomorrc,
the sentencesin the cl-rarrt. Corr-rplete +r Iin to Argentina.
cyclefrom Ecuador going to go alone?
We back r"rntilApril.
Bank78. Read the rules Grammar Q p.tOO arnddo theexercises.
What are yoLlgoing to do tornorrow? Write five tl-rir-rgs you are goirrgto do, fo. true and one false.Reardther-nto a partt-.: Can he / shegllesswhich is the fhlseort.
Tomorrowl'm goingto get up at 6.30. I'm goingto havelunchwith my friendAna
T V O C A B U I A R&Y S P E A K I N G a write the time expressionsin the right placeon the time line. tomorrow
next year
next week
tomorrow night
next month
tonight thefuture
Look at the questionnairebelow.What words are missing?Think about your answersto the questions.
where/ goafterclass? / gooutthisevening? Whattime/ goto bedtonight?
Tomorrow / getupearlytomorrow? what/dotomorrow morning? Where / havelunch?
A t the w eekend
where? / gosomewhere? / goshopping? evening? / gooutonSaturday What/do?
ln thesummer / nextyear / goonholiday? Where/go? Who/gowith?
work in pairs. A ask B about his / her plans for today, tomorrow, etc.
I TISTENING e Cover the dialoguein exercisel. In pairs,rememberLiz'splans for her trip. Ecuador-Argentina; boyfriend; camp; October; April
She'sgoingto cyclefrom Ecuadorto Argentina.
7.lo Liz cameback from her trip to South America last week.Listen and number the photos in the order shementions them. Listen again and mark the sentences T (true) or F (false).Then correct the wrong information. I Liz andher boyfriendfinishedtheir trip. 2 They cycledall the way. 3 Theyalwayscampedin EcuadorandPeru. -1 Liz'sbikebrokewhentheywerenearLaPaz. 5 Liz'sboyfriendrepairedthe bike. 6 Their favouriteplacewasPatagonia. 7 For their next trip they'regoingto go to Australia.
-h-s //-
5 S P E A K I N G9 I
Plan your dream trip. Think of answersto the questionsbelow. WhereI go? When I go? How ltravel? (by bus,by plane,etc.) Who / with? Where lstay?
How far is that? until April tomorrow night next month next year
b Ask a partnerabouthis / her trip. Which trip do you prefer?
That'sa long time. Where are you going to go?
l'm going to go to Egypt.
,.\ s.1
' ' F - - ' -.
\a-i'' ,
5 P R O N U N C I A T I O rNe v i s i o nfs o u n d s a Can you remember?Put three verbs in each column.
camp do get go have knon' klse make meet pla), rain relax rcnt scc scnd sno\v speak Lrse
7.15 Listen and check.
4 v o c A B U I A R Y& S P E A K I N Gr e v i s i ovne:r bc o l l o c a t i o n a
Which verbsdo you use?
anumbrella a photo
sport housework
dinner a shower children
theguitar basketball chess
8-somebody for thefirsttime somefriends afterclass
friends a mistake dinner
Complete the questions with a verb from a in the right form (e.g. do or doing). I Can you - _ chess?What gamesdo you like .-? I What do you usually for breakfast?What did you for brea6ast this morning? 3 Do you like housework?Are you going to housework tonight? -l Do you sometimes dinner for your friends or family? What do you usually _--? -; Did you on holiday last summer? Where did you _--? 6 Do you -_a lot of emails?How many do you _ a day? I where did you -- your best friend? when did you ___? I Do you like
photos?Do you usually
photos with a cameraor with your mobile?
c Ask and answerthe questionswith a partner.
5 7.14SONG EThreeLittteBirds It's going to be lqnny. It's going to be hot. It's going to be cold. It's going to rain. It's going to snow
for andgivingdirections Asking of Place Prepositions intonation Polite
Pn n c nc A t
P L A C EA SR E WHERE I ASKING 7.15 Listerl atndrepeat the words'
Listen aucl tlaltre the places' l.t6 Look artthe rr-rarp. school
Prtst ctJfice
Pa r k
m u se u m
c P r at c t is ein P air s .
music shoP
W h e r e ' st h e c i n e m a ?
7.17 Look at the map iruclthe nartles Listen altrcl of the streetsand br-rildirlgs. tw o places. witl-r cornpletethe dialogue
Resl aurattt
e f
7.18 Listenar-rdrepeatthe dialogue'Copl'the rl-rythn-rand polite it-ttonatiot-t. Practisein pairs.Chooseplacesor-rthe map'
me. ls therea .. nearhere? Excuse
Yes,there'sone in
2 U N D E R S T A N D I&NG GI V I N GD I R E C T I O N S 7.le Match the words and pictures.Listen and repeat.
A Ttrrn right.
B Turn left.
, P E O P TIEN T H ES T R E E T ls therea / an ... nearhere?
C Go straighton. 7.22 Listen to Suzyansweringthe question and completethe placeand directions.
I Place
7-20 Listen to the dialogue.Which building (1-10) is the bus station?
2 Directions'Yes, there'sone on London Road, the :
7.2t Now listen to four more people and completethe information. I Place 2 Directions'Yes, turn , it's on the right, the hotell
I 2 Directions'Thereis,yes.Go
turn -
Tourist Excuse me.Canyouhelpme? Man Sure. TouristWhere's the busstation, please? Man Gostraight on andturnright.Turnrightagain andit'son the left. Tourist Thanks verymuch. Man That'sOK.
, it's on l
I 2 Directions'Yes, thereis.It's the coffee bar
and the
c 7.2r Listento two moretourists. Whichbuilding(l-10) is ...? thepetrolstationI themuseumE
2 Directions'Yes,it's
d In pairs,practisethe dialoguein b. c In pairs,roleplaydirections. A You'regoingto giveB directionsto the ParkHotel.Choosea buildingl-10. You'regoingto askB for directionsto the hospital.B speaksfirst. B You'regoingto askA for directionsto the Park Hotel. Youspeakfirst. You'regoingto giveA directionsto thehospital.Choosea buildingl-10. I '
Excuseme. Canyou help me? Go straighton and then turn ...
Excuseme.Where'sthe bank? Canyou help me? Is therea petrolstationnearhere? Yes,there'soneon the corner. It'sbetr,rreen thebankandthepostffice. It'soppositethe chemist's. It'snext to the bookshop. Go straighton. Turn right lleft. It'son the right lleft.
c Cornplete with a verb from the list.
GR A MM A R Circle the correct answer. Hello. - b , l 'Alex. m a I I Do you like
2 I don't like
at the weekend. b studing
a studying 3 I really like a swirning 4
b swirnming
get rnarriednext month. b She'sgoing to
a Shegoesto
to go next surnmer?
5 Where
to go to university. b not going
a going not
7 A Are they going to cornetonight? B Yes,they a are 8
b We going
a We'regoing a going to 10
be hot tomorrow. b going
it going to rain? a Does
to work
an email
to tl-regyrn
outsidethe cinema
an urnbrella
up in the morning
somebodyfor the first time
d Completethe phrases. Do you preJerteaor coffee? I A What areyou goir-rg to do totnorrow? the weather.
B It dependso going
to br-ryernew car. I think it's
b are you going
a you are going 6 I'm
b reading
a read
b Is
2 A When did you come back from Morocco? B On Sunday.We had a fantastict 3 A Do you think its going to be a nice day? B No, I think it's going to r 4 A Is there a bank near here? the cinerna.
B Yes,there'sone o
5 A Excuseme, where'sthe bus station? left.
B Go straighton and t
PRONUNCIATION a Can you rememberthesewords and sounds? vOwels
w b Write the next future time word or phrase. twelve,thirteen, Jo141t9en I yesterday,today, 2 next Sunday,next Monday, 3 next week, next month, next
consonants r-----a-\
O p.t l7 I ll9 SoundBank.Check the words and soun; and practisesayingthe examplewords. Underline the stressedsyllable. Italian travelling tornorrow slrnny
afternoon opposit.
C A NY O U U N D F R S T A NTDH I ST F V T ' } 2 C A NY O UW R l T gF $ . I II 5N E N C T I S H ? Readthe articleand cross(X) the continent(s) |esper didnt visit. Africa - North America - South America
E Europe E Oceania (Australia, New Zealand,etc.)
- Asia
ReadAgi's email and then write to her. Tell her about: o fou and your family (brothers/ sisters/ children) . whereyou live . what you like doing in your free time . what you are going to do next summer
\ew Message
To: =Y
lsrlRtuRnvI started Ax \-f my world run at 7.00a.m. r Greenwichin London. - ran every day from about :.00 in the morning to 4.00 .'r --r.00 in the afternoon, nearly45 kilometres a day e marathon every day!). - sleptin a tent or in hotels. lirst I ran through Europe. -n Srvedenthe temperature ;r'ds-11. Russiawas difficult ;.-ith a lot of snow and dangerousroads.In Siberia :eople invited me into their housesfor food and :rink. In |apan one night I couldnt find my hotel rcause I couldnt speakfapanese.In Australiait .ias summer and the temperaturewas 35 degrees. lrom Australia I flew to the United Statesand I ran :orth to Canada,then down the eastcoastto New lbrk. Then I went back to Europe and crossedthe :nishing line in Greenwich on 23rd October - 22 ronths after I started.I was the first runner to run ill around the world.26,000 kilometres and 26 pairs of running shoes! -.\hat's my next adventuregoing to be?I'm going to :rn from the north of Europe to South Africa, then - n going to fly to Ushuaiain SouthAmerica, and then :rn to North America. It's going to take two years! b Read the article again. Answer the questions. I When did |esper start his run? 2 How far did he run every day? 3 Where did he sleep? 4 Where did he have a languageproblem? 5 Where did he have a problem becauseit was very hot? 6 Where'she going to start and finish his next run? c Look at the highlighted words and phrases and guess their meaning. Check with your teacher or a dictionary.
Hi! My name'sAgiand l'm from Hungary. l'm a nurse.I'm marriedand I havetwo children,a boy and girl.we live in Tata,a smalltown 70 kilometres from Budapest. rt'sa nicetown. Therearea lot of parksand thereis a goodtheatre,and one cinema. In my freetime I likeseeingfilmsat the cinemaor on DVD,and I tike reading.I alsolikecooking.I lovemakingnew dishesfor my husband and children. Whatareyou goingto do this summer?Do you haveanyplans? we're goingto go on holidayto LakeBalaton.lfs beautifuithere. Writeto me and tell me aboutyour life. Bestwishes
Asi C A N Y O U i : t i ; * , i t : l it '&, ,F i i l f F { f5 [ p F f i f ] i - t i 7.24Listenand choosethe right answer. I What does the woman like? a Cooking. b Going to restaurants. 2 Her husband doesn't like --. a doing sport b watching sport 3 Where are they going to go in the summer? a To the mountains. b To the beach. 4 The girl thinks the film was _--. a very good b nothing special 5 Tomorrow in the south it's going to _. a be cold but sunny b rain 6 Where's the post office? a Opposite the gift shop. b Opposite the bookshop. 7 What are the directions to the bank? a Go straight on and turn left. b Go straighton and turn right.
C A N Y O U } A Y T H ! q i N r N { .I I q H I Tick (r') theboxes. C a ny o u . . . ? talk about activities you like / don't like tell / ask people about plans make predictions about the future give and understand simple directions
E Yes,I can. I yes, I can. I yes, I can. E Yes,I can.
spellyourfirstname andyoursurname
saywhattimeyouusually goto bedduringtheweek andatweekends
attimeit isnow
thatyoudo I sayfivethings
in your eatin I asksomebody I ruythreethingspeople i groupa questionbeginning I yourcountry with Wheredo you...?
I sayonethingyoucan'tdo
in you grup I a* soncbody question a beginning with I ' vyhottimedoyou...?
ona typical day
a)in a cinema b) in a museum c)ona plane
asksomebody in youlgroup a question beginning with Areyougoingto...?
you'regoing saytwothings to dotomorrow
saywhatthelastfilmyousaw was,andwhatyouthought of it
saytwothings thatwere different aboutyourtownin thepast(e.9.fherewosn'ton oirport)
youlovedoing saytwothings inyourfreetime
youdon'tlike saytwothings doingattheweekend
saywhattheweather isgoing to betomorrow
saywherethereisa coffee barneartheschool
ramefivethinSs inthe :lassroom
youhave I saythreethings I inyourbagorpocket
about I saythreethings ! someone inyourfamily (e.g.names, age,description)
>aywhattimeyouusually ravebreakfast duringthe ,reek andatweekends
-y three youcan things :o Inyourtownona iaturday night
;ayfivethinSs thatthereare - a hotelbedroom
I ruywhereyouliveand I whatyoudo
these arein I ruyhowmuch a)a cupof coffee in a bar b) a newspaper c) a litreof petrol
:r theclossroom, turn...)
in youlgroup I asksomebody I a question beginning with Areyou...?
your(oryour | describe car I family's)
@ youwere I ruywhere at 6 a.m.,2 p.m., I yesterday andI I P.m.
in yourgroup I saywhenyourbirthday is, I sayonethingthereisinyour I asksomebody town, and question one thing there isnl a beginning with bifthday inyour I I I andanother Didyou...?
-y howto gettothetoilets -omyourclassroom (Goout
in yourgroup I asksomebody beginning with I a question | WhA do youthinkof...?
Stud ent A thecountries I B Guess a complete the information. Ask B about photo 1. say Is hefrom... ? Write the country under the photo'
PE I G a m eH:i t h es h i P sS t u d e n tA 'ships' in Your shiPs. a Draw 5 1 ship = three squares
b Answer B's question about photo 2. say Yes,sheis or I'{o,she isn't. c Continue with the other Photos.
Your ships 1 1 T2 13 14 , , 1 5 T5 t7
A Zebrowski Michael He's from
Fonseca Adriana She'sfrom Mexico.
- +
I She'sfrom
He'sfrom Spain.
B's ships 11
!3n L 4
C D E He's from
He'sfrom China.
,T 'hit' B's ships.Saya square'e.g.H16' If B Try to sayshit, tick (r/) the squarein B's ships. If B says nothing,cross(X) the square. She'sfrom
She'sfrom HungarY.
B saysa square.SaYhit or nothing.
PE 2 Personal information S t u d e nAt
5A Where werethey?Student A
a IntervieWB and completeB'sform.
a Ask B your questions. I Where was Sting?(He was at the cinema.)
Address -
2 Where was Barbra Streisand?(Shewas on a plane.) 3 Where was Morgan Freeman?(He was in bed.) 4 Where was fennifer Aniston? (Shewas at a restaurant.)
5 Where n'as Calista Flockhart? (Shewas in a car.)
First name --
Nationality -
Age --
b Answer B's questions.
Married E Single ! Phone number: home mobile Email address
Email addresses
6A ls thereo TV?Where isit? Student A a Ask B questionsabout the things below for picture 1. . AskIs therea...?or Arethereany...? Iaptop books
@=at .=dot
. If B ans\\'ers}es,ask Where is it? or Whereare thev? Drarv the thing(s) in the right placesin picture l.
Answer B's questions. Use the information in the YOU form.
Answer B's questions about picture 2.
YOU FirstnameAlex SurnameBarrett Nationality British Address !5lqiLhil
]e!d, Greendale
PostcodeG16 4PX Age 25 Married I Single f, Phone number: home 780 2344 mobile 08915569 Email addressabarret-t@bt. com
PE , Whottimeisit? Stud ent A
Ask B questionsto completethe times on the clocks. Clock I What time is it?
68 Goodorbodholidoy?Student A
lB GuessthecounS t r ti u ed s e n tB
a You went on holiday and you stayedat the SeaView Hotel. You had a very good time. Readthe information about the hotel.
a Answer A's question about photo 1. Say Yes,he is or I,{o,he isn't.
)+)t)t'>t â&#x201A;Ź50 a night SeaView Hotel y' (and a childrenspool) swimming pool y' restaurants (two, very good) a spa y' (fantastic)
b Complete the information. Ask A about photo 2. Say Is shefrom...? Write the country under the photo. c Continue with the other Photos.
agymX beach y' (very beautiful)
Zebrowski Michael
(rr('r O n n n
He'sfrom Poland.
She'sfrom fapan.
He's from
r$i 6 2
Look at the questions. What words are missing? / you have a good time? Where / you stay?
/ there a swimming pool? / there a good restaurant?
He'sfrom England.
She'sfrom ltaly.
/ there a spa? / there a gym? / there a nice beach? / it expensive?
c B asks you about your holiday. Answer the questions. d B went on holidav last week too. Ask him / her the questions' Did you have a good time? W a st h e r ea . . . ?
werethey?Student B 5A Where
5B Goodor bodholidoy?Student B
a Answer A's questions.
a You went on holiday and you stayedat the PalaceHotel. You had a terrible time! Readthe information about the hotel.
b Ask A your questions. I Where was Danny DeVito? (He was at the hairdresser's.) 2 Where was Lucy Liu? (Shewas on a bus.) 3 Where was )amesBlunt?(He was in a meeting.) 4 Where was Tina Turner? (Shewas in the park.) 5 Where was fack Nicholson? (He was at the gym.)
isit? Student B o TV?Where 6A ts there
Palace Hotel ***)t â&#x201A;Ź400 a night swimming pool r' (but very small) restaurantsy' (one, food was very bad, servicewas very slow) aspaX a gym r/ (but closed!) beach r' 00 km from the hotel)
a Answer A's questionsabout picture 1. b Ask A questionsabout the things below for picture 2. . AskIs therea...?or Arethereany...? TV
extra pillows
Cokes clock
towels remote control bug
. If A answers Yes,ask Where is it? or Where are they? Draw the thing(s) in the right placesin picture 2.
Look at the questions. What words are missing? / you have a good time? Where / you stay? / there a swimming pool? / there a good restaurant? / there a spa? / there a gym? / there a nice beach? / it expensive? A went on holiday last week. Ask him / her the questions. Did you have a good time?
W a st h e r ea . . . ?
d A asksyou about your holiday. Answer the questions.
Student B 68 Goodor badholidaY?
weretheY?Student B 5A Where
t You went on holiday and you stayedat the palaceHotel. You had a terrible time! Read the information about the hotel.
a Answer A's questions. b Ask A your questions. I where was Danny DeVito? (He was at the hairdresser's') 2 Where was Lucy Liu? (Shewas on a bus') 3 Where was |amesBlunt?(He was in a meeting') 4 Where was Tina Turner? (Shewas in the park') 5 Where was jack Nicholson? (He was at the gym')
isit? Student B 6A ls thereo TV?Where
Palace Hotel *)t't'>tâ&#x201A;Ź400 a night swimming pool / (but verY small) restaurantsy' (one, food was very bad, service was very slow) aspaX a gym / (but closed!) beach r' 00 km from the hotel)
a Answer A's questionsabout picture 1' 2. b Ask A questionsabout the things below for picture . AskIs therea...?or Are thereanY"'? TV
extra Pillows
Cokes towels clock
remote control Pens
. If A answers Yes,ask Where is it? or Where are they? Draw the thing(s) in the right placesin picture 2'
Look at the questions. What words are missing? / you have a good time? Where / you staY? / there a swimming Pool? / there a good restaurant? / there a spa? / there a gym? / there a nice beach? / it expensive? A went on holiday last week. Ask him / her the questions. Did you have a good time?
W a st h e r ea . . . ?
d A asksyou about your holiday. Answer the questions.
t f
i'--':t -
,*., A ?
: ,
' I 1
V i f
' - . \
t.8 1,2,...3 7, 8 , . . 9 . 6,5,...4 6 , 7, .. . 8 3 , 2 , . .I. 9 , 8 , . .7. 4,3,...2 8 , 9 , . . .l 0 3 ' 4 , . . .5 2 , 1 , . . .z e r o
r.t2 Where is it? Turkey. Where is it? Poland. Where is it? fapan. Where is it? Italy.
I 2 3 4
t.t5 Woman Where'she from? Man He'sfrom Mexico. Woman Is she from Mexico too? Man No, she isnt. She'sfrom SPain. Woman Is it a good film? Man Yes,it is. It's fantastic.
t.r8 I 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Is shefrom Brazil?No, sheisnt. It's from China. She'sfrom fapan. Is he from Turkey?Yes,he is. He'sfrom Spain. Is shefrom Poland?No, sheisnt. She'sfrom England. Where's he from? He'sfrom Hungary. l.2t
1 2 3 4 5 6
Is she from Italy? He'sfrom Russia. Where'she from? It's from Spain. She'slate. Where is he? 1.25
I I'm from Spain. He'sSpanish. 2 I'm from Brazil. She'sBrazilian. 3 I'm from Russia. She'sRussian. 4 I'm from the United States. He'sAmerican. 5 I'm from Mexico. He'sMexican. 6 I'm from Italy. She'sItalian. 7 I'm from Poland. He'sPolish. 8 I'm from |apan. She'sfapanese. 9 I'm from England. He'sEnglish.
10 I'm from China. He'sChinese. 11 I'm from HungarY. ShesHungarian. 12 I'm from TurkeY. Hes Turkish.
r.29 I I'm Hungarian. I'm not Hungarian. 2 They'refapanese. They arent fapanese' 3 She'sBrazilian. Sheisnt Brazilian. 4 We'reEnglish. We arent English. 5 It's Italian. It isnt Italian. 6 You'reAmerican. You arent American. 7 He'sRussian. He isnt Russian. t.55 A He'sEnglish.He'snumber eleven. B He'sAmerican. He'snumber twelve.
t.45 Interviewer What's your name? Man My name is Craig. t.44 Interviewer How do you sPellit? Man C-R-A-I-G. t.45 Interviewer Where are you from? Man I'm from Oxford. t.46 Interviewer What'syour name? Speaker I My name'sSarah. Interviewer How do you sPellit? SpeakerI S-A-R-A-H. Interviewer Where are you from? Speaker 1 I'm from Reading,in England. Interviewer What'syour name? Speaker2 My name's|oshua. Interviewer How do you sPellit? Speaker2 J-O-S-H-U-4. Interviewer Where are You from? Speaker2 I'm from Chicago,in the United Statesof America.
1.55 1 on Flight KLM 1258to Manchester, Passengers pleasego to gateB14. Thls is the final call for passengerson Flight KLM 1258to Manchester.Pleasego urgentlyto gateB14' Mr PabloTorreson flight KLM 1258to pleasego urgentlyto gateB14. Manchester, 2 Receptionist Good morning. Man Hello.Im PabloTorres.Ihavea reservation. Receptionist How do you spellyour surname? Man T-O-R-R-E-S. Receptionist SorrY? Man T-O-R-R-E-S. Receptionist Thank You' 1.40
I N 2 Q 3 I 4 E 5 Y 6 W 7 B 8 A
Interviewer What'syour name? Speaker3 Elena. Interviewer How do you sPellit? Speaker3 E-L-E-N-A. Interviewer Where are You from? Speaker3 Brazil. Interviewer What'syour name? Speaker4 Padma. Interviewer How do you sPellit? Speaker4 P-A-D-M-A. Interviewer Where are You from? Speaker4 I'm from Bangalore,India' Interviewer What'syour name? Speaker5 My name'sTom. Interviewer How do you sPellit? Speaker5 T-O-M Interviewer Where are you from? Speaker5 I'm from Vancouver,in Canada. Interviewer What'sYour name? Speaker6 My name is Dax. Interviewer How do you sPellit? Speaker6 D-A-X. Interviewer Where are You from? Speaker6 I'm from SanDiego, California. 1.48
t.4l lDI 2 BMW 3TV 4PC 5CD 6 DVD
1 2 3 4 5 6
Look at the board,please. Open your books. Go to page14. Standup. Sit down, please. Closethe door.
t.49 Standup. Sit down, please. Open your books. Go to page12. Look at exerciselb. Look at the board. Closeyour books. 2.6 It'sa photo... They'rephotos. It'sa class...They'reclasses. Its a key... They'rekeys. lt s a door... They'redoors. It'sa phone... They'rephones. It'sa watch... They'rewatches. Its a dictionary...They'redictionaries. It'sa table...They'retables. It s a book. .. They'rebooks. It'sa pen... They'repens. 2.7 I A B I A B
Is this your bag? Oh! Yes,it is! Thank you. Good afternoon. Hello. We'rePaulfonesand Martin Smith. We have reservations. A Let'ssee...Yes.Rooms625 and626. Here are your keys. B Thank you. C Thanks. -t A What'sthat music? B Sorry, it's my mobile. Oh, hi Andy. { A Excuseme, what'sthis word? B Look in the dictionary. 5 A How much is it? B 20 pounds. A [s a credit card OK? B Yes,ofcourse.
2.r5 I Miranda is Carrie'sfriend. I Donna is Sophie'smother. -3 Captain Teagueis fack Sparrow'sfather. { Elinor is Marianne'ssister. -i Prince Philip is the Queen'shusband.
2 Girl I Look. This is my brother. Girl2 Wow! He'svery good-looking.What's his name? Girl I Adam. Girl2 Is he married? Girl I No, he isn't. Girl2 How old is he? Girl I He'stwenty-six. Girl2 What'shis mobile number? 2.29 A B A B
What'syour phone number? 0207 9468522. Sorry? 0207 9468522.
2.t, 1 1 3 240 350 416 570 6 1 8 719 2.t4 Interviewer Do you havebrothersand sisters? Matthew I haveone brother and one sister. 2.t5 Interviewer How old are they? Matthew My sisteris 23, and my brother is 17. 2.t6 Interviewer Do you havebrothersand sisters? Joanna Yes,I havetwo brothers. Interviewer How old are they? Joanna One is 2l and the other is 24.
American French British Japanese German Italian
2.27 I Sam Hello Mike. \tike Hi Sam.How are you? Sam Fine,thanks.And you? Ilike I'm OK, thanks.Titir ir Helen.She'sa friend from work. Sam Nice to meet you. Itbman Hi. -\tike Sorry,were in a hurry. Seeyou soon.Bye. Sam Bye.
Woman It's very short. Hairdresser Don't worry. Wait. Hairdresser OK. Do vou like it?
r.6 Taxi driver Good morning! Where to? Woman Oxford Street,please. Thxi driver OK. The traffic is bad this mornlng. Woman Yes.Its terrible. Taxi driver Do you live in London? Woman Yes,I do. Taxi driver Are you OK? What's the problem? Woman I don't like my new haircut. Taxi driver Why not? I like it. Woman Really?Do you like it? Taxidriver Yes,I do. Woman Thanks. Taxi driver Where do you want to stop? Woman Over there,Topshop.I want a newbag. Taxi driver OK. That's15.20. Woman Here's16.Keep the change. Taxi driver Thanksvery much. Havea nice dav. t
Interviewer Do you havebrothersand sisters? Sohail Yes,I havethree sisters. Interviewer How old are they? Sohail 36,28,and39.
2.r7 I I -l { -i 6
5.1 Hairdresser Hello. Is this your first time here? Woman Yes,it is. Hairdresser Do you live near here? Woman No, I don't. I live in the centre. Hairdresser Oh, nice. How do you want your hair? Woman I dont know. Somethingdifferent. Hairdresser Do you want a coffee? Woman No, thanks. I dont drink coffee. Hairdresser Do you want a magazine? Woman Yes,please.Ah look. Madonna's children. Hairdresser Do you havechildren? Woman Yes,I do. I havetwo boys. Hairdresser How old are they? W*oman Eight and ten.
Interviewer Do you havebrothersand sisters? Chris I have one brother. Interviewer How old is he? Chris He's29. Interviewer Do you havebrothersand sisters? Lauren I have one brother. Interviewer How old is he? Lauren He is 17yearsold. Interviewer Do you havebrothersand sisters? Hampton I haveone sister. Interviewer How old is she? Hampton She's13. Interviewer Do you havebrothersand sisters? Anna I havefour brothers. Interviewer How old are they? Anna 46,44,43,and36.
5.ll Interviewer What do you usuallv havefor breakfast? William I usuallyhavecerealand a cappuccino. Interviewer Not tea? William No, I prefer coffee.Not very English, I know! Interviewer Isn't the typical English breakfast eggsand bacon,and sausages? William Yes,but I only havethat at the weekend. Interviewer What do you havefor lunch? William I havea sandwichat work, in my office,and juice or water. Interviewer Do you have dinner at home? William Yes,with my family. Interviewer What do you usually have? William We havemeat or fish with potatoes and vegetables,or maybe pasta.It depends. Interviewer What'syour favourite meal, breakfast,lunch, or dinner? William Breakfastat the weekend.Eggsand bacon.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
8 9 10
like art. He... He likesart. speakEnglish.She...ShespeaksEnglish. Iive in Rome.My brother... My brother Iivesin Rome. watchMTV. She...ShewatchesMTV. want a coffee.He... He wantsa coffee. havea dog. fohn... |ohn hasa dog. don t eat meat.My sister...My sister doesnt eatmeat. I don t readbooks.My son... My son doesn'tread books. Do you work? He... Doeshe work? Do you drink tea?She...Doesshedrink tea?
lnterviewer What do you do? Ana I am an administrator. Interviewer Do you like it? Ana Yes,Ido. Interviewer What time do you start and finish? Ana I start at nine o'clockand finish at five in the afternoon. t.t4 I A What day is it today? B Itt Tuesday.Why? A Becauseit's my wife'sbirthday on Friday and I dont havea present! 2 A Is it Wednesdaytomorrow? B No, Thursday.Today is Wednesday.
,.28 I 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
It's nine otlock. It's twenty past three. It's half past nine. It's ten to ten. It's quarter past nine. It's twenty five to twelve. Itt five past eight. It's quarter to six. t.29
Interviewer What do you do? Heidi I'm a doctor. r.50 Interviewer Do you like it? Heidi Yes,I do.
4.1 Interviewer What time do you get up? Anna Very early! At six o'clock. Interviewer Do you havea shower? Anna Yes. Interviewer What do you havefor breakfast? Anna Fruit or cereal.And coffee. Interviewer Do you havebreakfastsitting down or standingup? Anna Sitting down Interviewer What time do you go to work? Anna At seven.I start work at eight, but my office isnt very near where I live. Interviewer Are you in a hurry in the morning? Anna No, becauseI get up at six! I havetime for everything. Interviewer Do you like mornings? Anna Yes,I do. I like my job. I don't get up and think'Oh no! Work ...'
5.3t Interviewer What time do you start and finish? Heidi I start work at half past eight and I finish work at six o'clock. t.32 Interviewer What do you do? Chris I'm a factory worker. Interviewer Do you like it? Chris No, no,I dont. Interviewer What time do you start and finish? Chris I start at six in the morning and finish at two in the afternoon. Interviewer What do you do? Pamela I'm a nurse. Interviewer Do you like it? Pamela Of course. Interviewer What time do you start and finish? Pamela I work nine to four. Interviewer What do you do? Sam I'm a waiter. Interviewer Do you like it? Sam Yeah,I do. Interviewer What time do you start and finish? Sam I start at four o'clockin the afternoon, and finish at 11.30at night.
4.7 Narrator Hammerfestis a small town in the north of Norway.It is about 1,000kilometres north of the Arctic Circle. Only 9,407people live here.In the winter it is light for onlytwo or three hours.PeoplehavebreaKast,lunch,and dinner in the dark In the summer,it is light for 24 hours,and peoplego to bed very late.Some peopleplay golf in the midnight sun! Knut-Arne Iversenis from Hammerfest. He works for the Tourist Information Office. Interviewer Do a lot of touristscometo Hammerfest? Knut-Arne Yes,about 175,000ayear. Interviewer When do they usuallycome? Knut-Arne In the summer.We don't have a lot of tourists in the winter! Interviewer ls the winter very cold? But Knut-Arne No, notvery about-3 degrees. we sometimeshave a lot of snow and the streetsand schoolsare closed. Interviewer What do peopledo in the winter? Knut-Arne We do a lot of sports - we ski a lot and we have snowmobiles.Children usually play outside,but if it's very cold, they play inside on their computer or watch TV. In the eveningwe usually stay at home and relax,or go and seefriends. But the winter is difficult for old people.
Interviewer What do peopledo in thesummer? Knut-Arne Life is completelydifferent.It's light for 24 hours a day,and the weather is sometimesvery hot. Peopleare outside all the time. We fish, and walk, and have barbecues.We dont swim becausethe water is very cold - maybeonly ten degrees. Peopledont sleepa lot, and young children say'I don't want to go to bed. It isnt darkl Interviewer Do you prefer the summeror the winter? Knut-Arne In the winter it's nice to be at home with your family and friends. But I prefer the summer. Interviewer Do you like life in Hammerfest? Knut-Arne Yes.Life here is easy.It's quiet and beautiful.and the air is clean.But the winter is very long, and the summer is very short. I'm not sure if I will stayhere forever. 4.r6 We can park here. | can'thelp you. We cant stop here. You cant sit here. Mark can go with me. I can walk home. We cant come tonight. You can write in the book.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
4.r9 I 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
twelvepounds seventy-five fifteen dollars ninety-ntne fifty eurosninety-nine a hundred and twenty pounds thirteen dollars twenty-five three eurostwenty sixty p eighty cents 4.20
The New York Times, please. Here vou are. How much is that? It's one dollar twenty-five.
2 A B A B A
Can I havea phone card,please? How much for? Fifteenpounds,please. Here you are. Thanks.
Can I havea memory card, please? Four gig or eight? Four, please.How much is that? Four ninety-nine. Can I pay with Mastercard? Sure.
4 A B A B A
A ticket to Oxford, please. Singleor return? Return. Thirty pounds twenty. Oh! OK.
6 Are you tired? Were you tired? 7 I'm very hungry. I wasvery hungry. 8 You arent at home. You weren't at home.
Man Can I help you? Woman Yes,can I havea coffeeand a chocolatebrownie, please? Man Espresso,Americano, cappuccino? lVoman An espresso, please. Man Singleor double? Woman Single.How much is that? Man Two pounds forty-five. Woman Here you are. Man Thanks.
5.8 Linda Hi. Ben Hi, darling. Linda Oh hi Dad. How's Paris? Ben Fine.A lot ofwork Did you havea goodday? Linda It was OK. Ben What did you do? Linda I got up early.I went to school. Ben How was it? Linda Great! We didn't have classes.We went to the British Museum. Ben Oh nice. Did you havelunch there? Linda Yes,we had lunch at the cafd.And then I went shoppingwith Katy. Ben Did you do your homework? Linda Yes,of course.I alwaysdo my homework. Ben Who's that, Linda?
1.25 Interviewer Where do you usuallv havelunch? Brandy In my office. 4.26 lnterviewer What do you have? Brandy Salad. 1.27 Interviewer How much is it? Brandy $4. f.28 lnterviewer Where do you usuallyhavelunch? Bridget I havelunch in my office. lnterviewer What do you have? Bridget I havea sandwich. lnterviewer How much is it? Bidget 2.75. lnterviewer Where do you usuallyhavelunch? Ioshua I eat lunch at the studentcafeteria. lnterviewer What do you have? Joshua I havechicken sandwichor sometimes I havepizza. lnterviewer How much is it? Joshua I'd sayabout $5 or $6. lnterviewer Where do you usually havelunch? Helen I usually havelunch in a caf6. lnterviewer What do you have? Helen I have a sandwith and some fruit. Interviewer How much is it? Helen It's about 82.70. lnterviewer Where do you usually havelunch? Dax Usuallyat a restaurant.r"". -y house. lnterviewer What do you have? Dax Usually chicken,iice, and beans. lnterviewer How much is it? Dax About $7. - 5.5 I He'sa teacher. He was a teacher. I Is sheat school? Wassheat school? 3 They aren't happy. They weren't happy. { It isnt cold. It wasnt cold. 5 We'relate. We were late.
5.9 Ben Who's that, Linda? Linda What? Ben I can hear somebodv. Linda Oh, it'sjust the TV. Ben Can I speakto your mother? Linda Mum? She'sout. Shewent to the cinema with her friends. Ben Are you alone? Linda Yes.I am. Ben Linda, is somebodywith you? Linda Yes,Dad. Simon is here. Ben Simon?Who's Simon? Linda Hes my boyfriend, Dad. He'svery nice. 5.r0 What do you do? What did you do? I get up early. I got up early. We dont haveclasses. We didnt haveclasses. We go to the British Museum. We went to the British Museum. We havelunch at the caf6. We had lunch at the caf6. 5.12 I What time did you get up? a L
3 4 5 6 7
8 9
Did you havebreakfast?What did you have? Did you go to work? Where did you havelunch?What did you have? Did you go to the gym? Did you go shopping? Did you havedinner at home?What did you have? Did you watch TV? What did you watch? What time did you go to bed?
5.14 and 5.17 1 I went to the airport with my mother. 2 My friends went to the airport too. 3 They helped me with my cases. 4 It was early.We waited at the check-in. 5 I kissedmy mother goodbye. 6 My mother crieci. 7 My friends were sadtoo. They wantedto come. 8 I arrived in Rome at 11 oilock. 5.t9 I 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 l0 11 12 13 14 15 16
stay buy rent say like speak can I carit start make find learn change live meet break come back
stayed bought rented said liked spoke could / couldn't started made found learnt changed lived met broke cameback
5.22 one... the first two... the second five... the fifth eighteen...the eighteenth eleven...the eleventh three...the third twenty... the twentieth nine... the ninth twenty-one...the twenty-first twenty-four...the twenty-fourth thirty... the thirtieth 5.24 1 Man What'sthe date today? Woman It's the fifth of May. Man Is it? I thought it was the fourth. 2 Woman When'syour birthday? Man On the twentieth of lulv. 5.26 Interviewer When'syour birthdav? Helen It's the 25th of April. 5.27 Interviewer What did you do on your last birthday? Helen Ihadaparty.
5.28 Interviewer When'syour birthday? Aidan My birthdayis on the lgth of September. Interviewer What did you do on your last birthday? Aidan On my last birthday I went shopping with some friends, Interviewer When'syour birthday? Heidi My birthday is on the 15th of December. Interviewer What did you do on your last birthday? Heidi I went to the cinemawith my boyfriend. Interviewer When'svour birthdav? Sam The secondof March. Interviewer What did you do on your last birthday? Sam I went to a club in the eveningwith somefriends. Interviewer When'syour birthday? Michael It's the 21stof October. Interviewer What did you do on your last birthday? Michael I think I had lunch or dinner with my wife. 6.5 Man Hello. We havea reservation. Receptionist Let'ssee,yesMr and Mrs Robson.Welcometo the island.Your room's upstairs,number seven. Man Is there a lift? Receptionist No, I'm sorry there isn't. But I help you with your cases. ***."n Receptionist This is your room. Woman It's very small. Receptionist Yes,but there'sa beautiful view. Man Therearetwo beds.We wanteda doublebed Receptionist I'm sorry, there aren'tany rooms with a double bed. Woman Where'sthe TV? Receptionist Thereisn t one. There are some books over there. Woman Books! Receptionist This is the bathroom. Woman Thereisnt a bath. Receptionist No, there'sa shower.It usesless water. Man Can I use the Internet here? Receptionist No, I'm sorry you cant. Woman Are there any shopsnear here? Receptionist No, madam, there arent. Enjoy your stay. 6.5 Woman We dont like the room and we dont like the hotel. Man We want to go back to Edinburgh. When'sthe next boat? Receptionist I'm very sorry, sir. There'sonly one boat a day in the winter - and it left
five minutes ago.There isn t another boat until tomorrow afternoon. Woman 24 hours here! There'sisn't a TV. Therearent any shops.What can we do? 6.8 Interviewer Mr Soriano,what differences are there betweenBenidorm today and Benidorm in the 1950s? Mr Soriano There are very big differences. For example,today thereare65,000people who live in Benidorm.In the 1950sthere wereonly about 3,000people. Interviewer Wow! That'sa big difference! What about tourists? Mr Soriano Today there are four million tourists ayear.In the 1950stherewere only maybe300 tourists.And they were Spanish. Now tourists come from all over the world. Interviewer Wasthere an airport near Benidormin the 1950s? Mr Soriano Nq therewasritan airport then.Tirday thereis a big internationalairport in Alicante, which is only 50 kilometresfrom Benidorm. Interviewer How many hotelsare there now? Mr Soriano There are I28 hotelsin the town. Interviewer That'sa lot! And in the 1950s? Mr Soriano In the 1950stherewereonly three. Interviewer Benidorm is famous for its nightlife. How many bars are there? Mr Soriano About 600! In the 1950sI think there were maybe only ten bars in the village,and therewasnt a supermarket, only some little shops.Today there are 264 supermarketsand hundredsof shops. Interviewer Thank you, Mr Soriano. Mr Soriano You'rewelcome. 6.12 English friend How wasyour weekend, Kelly?What did you do? Kelly We went to Blackpool. English friend Blackpool?Why Blackpool? Kelly Well, somebodytold us that Blackpool waslike Benidorm... in Spain.Well, maybe it is in the summer,but it certainlyisnt in April. The weatherwasterrible! And a lot of placeswereclosed,you know the restaurants and cafds.Therewas nothing to do. English friend Where did you stay?In a hotel? Kelly I wanted to stay in a good hotel, but Jeff wanted somethingtypically English so we stayedin a bed and breakfast. English friend How was it? Kelly Well, the room was really small. And the breakfastwas terrible! English friend Terrible?English breakfasts are usually very good! Kelly Yes,and that'swhat we wanted, a typical EnglishbreaKast,you know bacon and eggs, But there wasonly cereal,cold sausages. toast,and tea.Therewasnt any coffee!I tell you, the weekendwasa completedisaster.
6.t5 Narrator I openedthe door of my flat and turned on the light. Oh no! My flat looked very different.Therewasno TV no hi-fi. There werent any pictureson the walls.I went into my bedroom.My laptopwasnt there!But therewasa nice smell.ChanelNumber 5. 6.t6 see leave think drink tell drive glve read send
saw left thought drank told drove gave read sent
6.19 I Did you seethe film? Yes,I saw it yesterday. 2 Did you buy the books?Yes,I bought them yesterday. 3 Did you meet Ana? Yes,I met her yesterday. 4 Did Johncall you?Yes,he calledme yesterday. 5 Did Silvia tell you about the party? Yes,she told us yesterday. 6.25 Interviewer Whatt the last film you saw? Helen Indiana lones. 6.26 Interviewer What did you think of it? Helen It was great.It was really exciting. 6.27 Interviewer What's the last film you saw? Lauren I saw The Visitor. Interviewer What did you think of it? Lauren I thought it was great. Interviewer What's the last film you saw? Tom The last film I sawwas WALL.E. Interviewer What did you think of it? Tom I thought it was fantastic. Interviewer What'sthe last film you saw? Suzy I went to seeMamma Mia! Interviewer What did you think of it? Suzy I loved it; it was great. Interviewer What's the last film you saw? Heidi FemaleAgents. Interviewer What did vou think of it? Heidi It was OK. Interviewer What's the last film you saw? foshua I sawWantedwith Angelina folie. Interviewer What did you think of it? foshua I thought it was terrible.
7.1 I 2 3 { -; 6 7 8 9 l0 II l2
swimming shopping chattingonline flying reading going to the cinema cooking running travelling camping watchingDVDs cycling
7.5 ferry What exactlyareyour plans,Liz? Liz I'm going to cyclefrom Ecuadorto Argentina. ferry Wow! How far is that? Liz It'sabout 7,500kilometres. ferry Are you going to go alone? Liz No,I'm not.I'm goingto go with my boyfriend. ferry Where are you going to stay? Liz We'regoing to camp,and maybe sometimesstayin small hotels. ferry When are you going to start your trip? Liz In October.And we aren'tgoingto come backuntil April. ferry Six months - that'sa long time! Are you excited? Liz Yes,I am. It's going to be a fantastictrip!
7.9 qo to work... I m goingto go to work tomorrow. rr'atchTV... I m going to watch TV tomorrow. qetup early...I'm going to get up early tomorrow go shopping...I'm going to go shopping tomorrow. makelunch... I m goingto makelunch tomorrow. cometo class...I'm going to come to class tomorrow. qo to the gym... I'm going to go to the gym tomorrow. seemy friends... I'm going to seemy friends tomorrow. 7.r0 ferry So,how was the trip, Liz? Liz It was great,fantastic!We had a greattime! ferry Did you cycleto the Southof Argentina? Liz Yes,we did. 7,500kilometres. lerry Wow! Thats amazing.And did you cycleall the way? Liz Almost. One day in Chile we took a bus, becauseI wasn'twell and I couldn't cycle. Ierry Did you camp? Liz We campedin Ecuador and Peru,and we sometimesstayedin smallhotels.In Chile and Argentinawe usuallycamped. Ierry Did you have any problems? Liz Not big problemsno. We had one problem with a bike.
ferry What happened? Liz Well, my boyfriend'sbike broke. ferry Where were you when it broke? Liz We were near LaPaz, in Bolivia. |erry What did you do? Liz We were very lucky. A Bolivian man stoppedto help us. He took us to LaPaz in his car.We took the bike to a mechanic thereand he repairedit. ferry What was your favourite place? Liz We loved all the countrieswe visited.The peoplewere fantastic.But my favouriteplace wasprobablyPatagonia,in the South of Argentina and Chile. It wasvery beautiful. ferry Do you haveany plansfor your next trip? Liz Yes,we'regoing to cyclearound India. Female broadcaster And here'sMark with the weather. Mark Well tomorrow is going to be a very mixed day.In the north of England it's going to be cold, maybeno more than three or four degreesand it's probably going to snow.In the eastit's also going to be cold, but it isnt going to snow,it'sgoing to rain. So rememberto takean umbrellaif you live in the eastof England.In the south and the west the weatheris going to be very different. In the west it's going to be a beautifulday.Its going to be cold,but it's going to be sunny.And in the south it's going to be sunny too, and it's going to be hot, maybe20 degrees.So I hopeyou all havea good day... train egg boot phone cat tree
lerl lel lu:'l laol lnl li'./
make get do go camp meet
play rent lose know have see
rain send use snow relax speak
7.16 I It'soppositethe theatre.(the cinema) 2 It's betweenthe school and the supermarket. (the post office) 3 It'snext to the museumoppositethe school. (the park) 4 It's on the corner oppositethe church, next to the post office.(the supermarket) 5 It'sbetweenthe bookshopand the cinema. (the chemist's) 6 It'snext to the music shop,oppositethe cinema.(the theatre) 7 It's on the corner oppositethe bookshop, next to the musicshop.(the bank) 8 It'soppositethe park. (the school) 7.17 A Excuseme. Is therea bank nearhere? B Yesthere'sone in South Street,next to the bookshop. A Thanks.
7.19 I Go straighton. 2 Turn right. 3 Turn left. 7.21 1 Tourist Excuseme! Is therea petrol station near here? Man A petrol station?Let me think. Yes, I know. Go straight on and turn right. Tourist Go straight on and turn right? Man Yes,straighton and turn right. Then go straighton about 100metresand then turn left. Tourist Turn left? Man Yes,and the petrol stationis on the right. You cant miss it. Tourist Thankyou. Man No problem. 2 Tourist Excuseme. Where'sthe museum? W*oman I'm sorry.I dont know I dont live here. Tourist Oh excuseme.Is the museumnearhere? Man I Sorry.No speakEnglish. To*urist OK, no problem. Tourist Excuseme. Can you help me? I want to go to the museum. Man 2 The museum? Tourist Yes.Do you know where it is? Man 2 Sure.Go straight on down this street and turn left. Then turn right and go straighton. Then turn left and the museum is on the right. It's on the corner. Tourist Thank you very much. Man2 Excuseme! Tourist Yeah? Man 2 It's closedon Mondays. Tourist Oh no... 7.22 Interviewer Is there a post office near here? Suzy Yes,there'sone on London Road, next to the coffeeshop. 7.2t Interviewer Is there a coffeebar near here? Lauren Yes.Turn right, it's on the right, next to the hotel. Interviewer Is there a chemist'snear here? Chris Thereis, yes.Go straight on, turn left, it's on the left Interviewer Is there a bank near here? Carolina Yes,there is. It's betweenthe coffee bar and the chemist's. Interviewer Is there a bookshop near here? Brittany Yeah,it's next to the bank.
present verbbe:I andyouLf andE tense
Listen and repeat the examples.Then read the rules' Ltl
I'm Rob. You're in room 2.
(I'm = I ant) (Yoire = Youare)
I'm Rob.NOT 'A,m-*oh I'm Rob.NOT i-m=Roh
Yes,you are. Am I late? Are you Holly? Yes,I am.
i'm late.
Am i late?
it E and[l present verbbe;he,she, tense
Listen and repeat the examples.Then read the rule.
n 1
No, you aren't. No, I'm not'
Yes,he is. Is he late? Is she from Turkey? Yes,she is. Yes,it is. Is it good?
(Het = He is) He's from Italy. She'sfrom Spain. (Shes: Shels) (Irs = 1r is) It's from China. . he = m an ( 6) , s h e= w o m a n ( ? ), i f = th i n g
(arerr't-- ttre not)
tr No, he isn't. No, she isn't. No, it isn't.
i + l I I rrs late.
Is l i c l ate?
[7] withWhotandWhere What's your name? Where are you from? Where's he from?
(allpersons) present tenseverb be we,yott,they;negatives
Listen and repeat the examples.Then read the rules'
bepluralE (We're= We ttre) We're American. You're fapanese. (Yotire= You are) They're Hungarian. (They're= Theyore) . weandyou= 6 and I ' yoLtsingularand you plural are the same. . they = d, ? , and things
answers bepluralLLandshort
Yes,you are. No, you aren't' Are we late? Are you from Russia? Yes,we are. No, we aren't. Yes,they are. No, they aren't. Are they Mexican?
fu E allpersons
(istit: is rtot)
TA a Complete with I'm or Yout're. A Hello. B Hi. -
A -
Alex. What's your name?
in room 1.
B OK. Thank you.
s\ \J
A -
your teacher.
Complete the gaps.Use contractions where possible. A B A B A B A B A B
Hello. Are you Ella? No, I'm not. I Lily. -Iinroom2? No, you You'rein room l. you in classl? No, I'm I'm in class2. you Ben? Yes,I Niceto meetyou! I late? Yes,you -!
B Sorry!
IB a Complete with He's, She's,or lt's. A Where'sIstanbul? I 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
B If's in Turkey. Where'sSiberia? B in Russia. Where'sCarolinafrom? B from Brazil. Where'sPedrofrom? B from Spain. Where'sTokyo? B in fapan. Where'sCharlesfrom? B from England. Where'sPaolafrom? B from Italy. Where'sSeattle? B in the United States. Where'sMaria from? B from Mexico.
b Completewith is, 's,or isn't. I A Is AntoniofromSpain? 2 3 4 5
No, he He _ from Italy. Where Krakow? it in Poland? Yes,it -Susanfrom London? No, she from Oxford. Where Boris from? He from Moscow. ScarlettJohansson from England? No, she She_ from the United States.
tc a Changethe bold word(s) for a pronoun, â&#x201A;Ź, he, etc. Anna and Tom arefrom London. I 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Diana and I are in room four. The Taj Majal is in India Are Mark and famesin Italy? Whereis Rosafrom? Mira and Rita areBrazilian. Paul isn't in the hotel. You and Saraarein classtwo. Iim and I arefrom Oxford.
They'refrom London. _'re
in room four. in India. Are _ in Italy? Where's from? _'re Brazilian. isn't in the hotel. _'re in classtwo. _'re from Oxford. 's
MultiROM \,\,\,\,w.ou glishfile/begi nner
b Complete the gaps.Usecontractionswhere possible. 're They Aren't Polish.They Hungarian,from Budapest. I A _ you from the United States? B No, we American.We _ English. 2 A -theySpanish? B Yes,they They from Madrid. 3 Nikolai from Moscow,he'sfrom St petersburg. 4 Sorry,you in room 2},you'rein room 22. 5 A your nameAndres? B No, it Andres,it _ Andrzej. 6 A -we late? B Yes,you -. It 9.30! 7 ISaraSmith,I'm SaraSimpson. 8 They from NewYork,they'refrom Texas.
o I an,the andpluralnouns; 2A singufar
o I onor thd!
Listen and repeat the examples.Then read the rules'
a/qn What is it? It's a bag.It's an umbrella. the Look at the board. Open the door. Closethe windows.
It's a book.
What is it?
What are they? TheY'rebooks.
I a book an umbrella a holiday
books umbrellas holidays
2 a watch
3 a dictionary
28 @
Use a I anwith singular nouns' e.g. a book,an umbrella. IJseanwith words beginning with a vowel (a, e, i, o, u), e.g. an identitY card. Don't use 4 | an + plural nouns' e.g. they'rebooksNOT llse the + singular or plural nouns, e.g. the door, the windows
i,rl -It t*.dt
." ,h, ,h, ',
dictionaries / + ies(words.endingin consonant+ Y)
possessive s possessive adiectives; Listen and repeat the examples.Then read the rules'
adiectives Possessive I ' m f r o m s p a i n .- @
Listenand repeatthe examples.Then readthe rules. s Possessive
He's from Rome. She'sfapanese.
Your name is Ben. His name is Marco. Her name is Maki.
It's a parrot.___
We're fro- Bturil. You're Polish. Th"r, * Moi.o.
Our namesare Selmaand Lurs' Your namesare Marek and Ania' Their namesare Pedro and Maria.
. your names,our booksNoT yâ&#x201A;Ź{ff}natrâ&#x201A;Źs, oursrboo'ks . its- for thingsor animals,e.g.TheFerrariis a veryfast car. Its top speedis 250 kPh.
Miranda is Carrie'sfriend. This is fack'scar. Ella is Ben'swife. My sister'sname is MollY. . LJset after a person to talk about family and things, e.g. Ann's brother,Jim's car-
s) A Ella is Ben'swife. ( t - possessive She'sAmerican.Her name'sElla. ('s - is)
2C adiectives @ Listen and repeat the examples.Then read the rules' A Ferrari is expensive. It's a fast car. My glassesare new. They're old men.
Useadjectives: NOT zq@hre-is; - after the verb be,e.g.A Ferrari is expensive. - beforea noun, e.g. It'sa fast car.NOT +ds-aear{ast Adjectivesarethe samefor singularand plural: He'san old man. They'reold men.NOT @ a goodgirl' He'sa goodboy' Adjectivesarethe samefor 9 and d , e.g. She's
2A a Complete the chart. Singular
It's an umbrella.
I It's a pen. 2
Write questionsand answers. What is it?
3 It's a watch. 4
They're chairs.
5 It's a dictionary. 6 It's a credit card. 7 It's a city. 8
9 It's a bus. l0
They'reidentity cards.
28 a Completewith my,your, his,her, its,your, our, or their. I'm English. My nameisWilliam. I They're from Russia. 2 A What's name?
names are Natasha and Igor.
B I'm David. Nice to meet you. 3 He's American. name is Wayne. 4 We're Mexican. names are Antonio and Thalia. 5 That's their cat. name is Felix.
6 name is Tina. She'sBrazilian. 7 A We're fane and Mark Kelly. B Room 22.This is I'm Sally,and this is -
b Write the sentenceswith the names / people. This is his house.(my father) I 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Thisis myfather'shouse.
David is her brother.(Angela) This is his book. (Antonio) Ann is his mother.(Mark) They'reher children.(Sara) His car is a Fiat.(my brother) lim is her boyfriend.(Sally) This is his pen. (Tim) They'reher keys.(my sister)
c Coversentences 1-8 and look at the sentences on the right (Thisis myfather'shouse, etc.).Saysentences l-8, e.g.Thisis his house.
key. dog, Rover.
2C a Write sentences with lt'sor They're. I (fantastic) It'safantastichotel.
b Order the words to make sentences. blue is bagher Her basis blue.
2 (expensive) 3 (orange) 4 (slow) 5 (new)
6 (good)
I 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
fasta car it's. dogsbig they'revery. photo it's terriblea. a Maria beautifulis very girl. hotel this good a very isn't. very their is smallhouse. new Mark'sis mobile. expensiveItalian bagsarevery.
5A i 5.5
I and simPle: present
read the rules' Listen anclrepeat the examples'Then i+i I live ir-rtl-recitY cetrtre. You live neilr here.
. P resentsi rnpl ei ,1.1-l )s 1- I I yort+ ver b'
@ ;â&#x201A;Ź.-t" yo,iliwnenrhere?Nor
O:oyou live here?Yes'I do' NOT Yes-l+ive J\ lmPeratives = up' Listen'etc' tir irnPerative Wait! Stand -; irnperative= Dott't+ verb, e'g' Don't worr)/' Dtuit be lote,etc.
yott' Presentsimplei+i is the sane for I and = verb; + doit yotr I Presentsimple iji for I a,n,r'ttive irt tie ci,tycentre'NoT ".g.i
we,you,theyl+ l,i- l, and ? I simPle: present
reaclthe rule' r.l.l0 ,r Listen and repeat the exarnples.'Ihen
l+i We have coflee for breakfirst' You have rice for lul'rch'
They have f-ishfor ciir-rtrer'
No, we don't. Do you have cclffee? Yes,we do. No, they don't. do. Yes,they Do they have tea?
We don't have teaifilr breakftlst' You don't have palstafcrr lttncl-r'
Theydon't havetleat!1!ry:l
. P resentsi mpl et* l ,i -;, and i ? I i s the same for l, Yott, we,yoLt(Plural), and theY'
p r e s e nsti m p l eh: e ,s h ei,t \ + "i,- l ' a n di ?
Then read the rules' r ' Listen and repeatthe exanlples'
I rvorl<. Vrlt rvttrl<. He works. She works. It works. Wc rvttrk. Vrtt rvttrk.. 'l'hev rvctrlt.
I tlotr't tvtlrl<. Yolt tlotr't u'tlrk. He doesn't work. She doesn't work. It doesn't work. Wc tlotl't u'tlrli. Yott c'ltttl'ttvtlrli. 'l'hc,v cltlt-t't r'vorl<..
I)tt I n'ork? l)tt Ytltt n'tlrli? Does he work? Does she work? Does it work? I)o tvc rvtlrk? l)o yotr tvorli? l)o thcv u'tlrk?
Ycs, I cltl.
Nil, I tltlt-t't.
Ycs, I clo. Yes,he does.
No, I cltltl't.
Yes,she does. Yes,it does. Ycs, tvc c1tl. \ts, ,vttttcltl'
No, \\,c cltlt-t'1.
Y e s ,t h c t ' c l o .
No. thcy cltltr't.
PresentsimPle he I sheI i t \ i r - v e r b + s + verb PresentsinPle he I sheI it',:',= dogsn't h e I sl rcl i r+ vertr + PresentsimPle he I sheI i t' t? \ D o e s
s rules5rdPerson Spelling I rvorli itr itt.ttlfflcc. I l i v ci n S p a i n . I n, at c h( lN N . I f lnis hr vo rka t 8 ' 0 0 . I sttrclyhistorY.
He works ilr artrofflce'+ -s He livesin Spairl. -{) t c's(rvtlrclscrtciirlg'/t' -s/l'-s-s' She watcl-resCNN. 'I'he film fir-rishesat []'00' y l icsttt"lr'at ttttlit'rg He sttrdies history'
sarle as for plr-rrals' Spellingrules for 3rcl persoll s are the
du lrregularI have he I sheI it has lhiezl Ido Igo
he I slrcI it does lclnzl he I sheI it goeslgatsz-l
No, he doesn't. No, she doesn't. No, it doesn't. Nt), \'t)Ll cltltl't.
r i o c - sl t o l )
5A a Complete with do or don't. I don't livehere.I live in the city centre. I A 2 I3 A -
you have children?
Order the words to make sentencesor questions. Do you havean umbrella? umbrellahavedo you an?
B No, I -.
I like I football don't.
like this photo. It's terrible.
2 magazine want you a do?
you want a coffee?
B No, thanks. I -
3 a house I small live in.
drink coffee.
4 English you do study?
4 I-
have brothers and sisters.I'm an only chilC. you work here? 5 A Excuseme, -
B No, I Sorry. 6 A Do you like my coat? B Yes,I -.
5 sisterstwo have I. 6 don't British want a I car. 7 here you near do live?
It's fantastic.
8 a don't I phone mobile have.
5B a Write sentences.
b Completethe sentences with a verb from the list.
haveteafor breakfast(They E)
Thelt have teafor breakfast.
I want coffeeor tea (yo.r E) 2 havecerealfor breakfast(They E)
drink have like not listen +ive read not speakwatch work We live in a big house in Oxford.
3 like chocolate(yo,rE)
I We
4 eata lot of rice in Japan(We[i) 5 drink coffeein the evening(yo,r E)
2 My husband and I breakfast.
6 like Chinesefood (WeE) 7 havesaladfor lunch (They E) 8 drink teain Russia(theyE)
3 -
to the radio in the morning. cereal and coffee for
your children
4 My sisters 5 People in Italy 6 -
a lot of coffee.
you -
7 They city.
TV at dinner time?
Spanishor Italian. on Saturdays? New York. They think it's a fantastic
you 8 English?
newspapersand magazinesin
rc .
b Put the verb in (brackets)in the right form.
Rewrite the sentences. I live in a flat. I They read magazines.
She livesin a flat He
They don't live 2 -
3 Do you speakEnglish? 4 I don't eat fish.
3 Where --
6 I have two brothers. 7 We don't watch TV.
you -
My brother
4 My husband
she Andrew My mother
5 What
8 I study French at school. Simon
MultiROM \,vr,\M. nner nglishfile/begi
to Radio 1. (listen) meat? (eat)
I She
2 I teach small children.
5 Do you like cats?
near here. (not live)
big cars.(not like) for breakfast?(have) TV at the weekend.(watch)
they -
6 He 7 -
? (live)
he -
8 The restaurant (not open)
tea or coffee?(want) at the weekend.
present never olwoys,usuolly,sometimes, simple+ adverbs of frequency:
(-4.6) Listen and repeat the examples.Then read the rules. I always have breakfhst. They usually finish work at 5.00. ShesometimeswatchesTV in the evening. He never eatsmeat. Be careful with the posrlion of adverbs of frequency: I always have breakfast.NOT @ @ With never,use a [+l verb: He nevereatsmeat NOT
4B Wordorderin questions (+.s) Listen and repeat the questions.Then read the rules. withspeok,live,etc. Questions
with be Questions Qucstion
Are Is How old are Where are What tin-re is
SLrbject they this you? you it?
American? your coat? from?
Word order = [+l Subject verb , ] r ''re American. American? Fl Verb subject Are
Questi on
A uxi l i ary S ubj ect
Infi ni ti ve( = ver t r )
Where What What music When How
Do do does do does do
speakEnglish? live? do? like? go to the gyn-r? spell it?
yolr yolr your sister you fane yolr
. Word order = ASI (Auxiliary Subject Infinitive)
) e1:;:t'65iT:"!i,*,r,^, rsubject rnnnitive Wheredo you live?
conI con't[L [f, and[f ]
Q.rt) Listen and repeat the examples.Then read the rules. permission conI con't'. andpossibility r+r t-l You can park here. He can come to dinner tonight. We can havelunch outside.
You can't park here. (corit - cttttrtot) He can't corre to dinner tor-right. We can't havelunch outside.
Can I park here? Can they come to dinner?
Yes)you can. Yes,they can.
No, you can't. No, they can't.
Use can I can't for permission or possibility. - You canpark here. = You have permission. Youcan'tpark here.\ = You don't have permission. - I can cometo dinner tonight. = It's possible. I can't cotneto dinner tonight. = It isn't possible. can I can'f is the same for 1,you, he, she,etc. 7J)= Can I parkhere?NOT @
You I What do you do? I'm a doctor. (singular) 2 Where do you live?We live in Boston.(plural) 3 You can't smoke here.(= people in general)
4A a Order the words to make sentences.
complete the sentencesin the presentsimple. use a verb from the list and the bold adverb.
drink never coffee after dinner I. I never drink coffeeafter dinner.
do drink
I bed I never before to 12 go. 2 husband dinner my sometimesmakes.
eat finish get go have speak watch
He flever eats meat for lunch. never I Alex
3 a shower have morning the always I in. 4 usually he breakfasthas home at.
to the gym in the evening. sometimes housework at the weekend. always
2 We 3 Spanishpeople
5 always bus go to they by work. 6 a sometimes sandwich we lunch for have. 7 closesthe restaurantlate usually. 8 goes work she never shopping after.
4 I-
lunch at home. usually coffee in the evening. neyer
5 My sister 6 I-
up early. always English at work. never TV after dinner. sometimes
7 We 8 Myhusband
work at7.30 p.m. usually
4B a Order the words to make questions.
b complete the sentencesa question word from the list.
live you do wherez. Wheredo you live? I 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
centrethe wherecity is? is how motheryour? we late are for class? your is this coat? wherelive Katedoes? Englishdoesspeakbrotheryour? family sushido your like? film startwhat doestime the?
How (x2) What (x2) \l,hartime
When (x2) Where Who
ls Whattimedo you go to bed? I 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
-'s -
B At about eleven o'clock.
do you haveEnglishclasses? do you want for breakfast? old is your mother? musicdoesshelike? that man in the photo? do you usuallygo on holiday? doesyour sisterwork? do you spellyour surname?
B On Thursdays. B Cereal,please. B She's64. B Classicalmusic and opera. B It's my wife's father. B In the summer. B In a bank. B I-V-E-R-S-E-N.
4C a Write sentenceswith can or cAn't. You / play football hereE Youcan'tplayfootballhere. I 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
/ we watchTV after dinner f I I seethe board! |ames/ help us tomorrowp I you cometo classtomorrowlJl You I readmy newspaperf We I park here! llsitherefl She/ go to the cinematomorrowE
b Complete the sentenceswith can or can't and a verb from the list. have hear open read remember speak swim walk u{ie You cafl use the Internet in that caf6. 1A
B No, the water's very cold. 2 | _
this. I don't have my glasses. 3 A What's her sister'sname? B Sorry I -4 It's a beautiful day.We -5 A Hello,
lunch outside.
I ---
to John, please? B Sorry, he's in a meeting. 6 The restaurant'svery near. We _ 7 sorry, I 8 -
you -
MultiROMwvrrw.ou glishfi le/begi nner
there. you very well. can you say that again? the window? It's very hot in here.
5A 5.2
pastsimple: be Listen and repeatthe examples.Then read the rules. +
i(ttz-sl'/= tttl-srlrrl) I wasn't a teeicher. You weren't ettschoolyesterdav.(n,crctt'l= tvcrcttot) He wasn't at hotne last night. It wasn't l-rotlastweelt. We weren't at work. You weren't in a l-rtrrry. Theyweren't in Canada.
I was a teacher. You were at scl-roolyesterday. He was trt hornelast night. It was hot lastweek. We were at rvork. You were in a hurry. They were in Canirda.
Were you late?
\'es, I was.
Nct, I wasn't.
Was she ii singer?
\'es, she was.
No, she wasn't.
Were they in Mexicc-rlast week?
\'es, they were.
No, they weren't.
pastsimple:. have,go,get
5 . 1 I Listen and repeatthe examples.Then read the rules.
+ I got up early yesterdily. You had breakfristirr bed. He went to ivork by car. We got up late today. You went to school. They had dinner at honre.
(tlidit : tlitl ttot) I didn't get up earlyyesterciay. You didn't have breakfastin bec'l. He didn't go to rvork by car. We didn't get up late today. You didn't go to school. They didn't have dinr-rerat home.
Did you go to scl'roolyesterday? Yes,I did. Yes,she did. Did she get up early? Yes,they did. Did they have lur-tchat work?
Presentto past: am I is -> was, are -> were He is at home today. He was at home yesterday. Use the past simple to talk about finished past time. You can use the past simple with thesepast time s: this morning, expression yesterday,last night, last week,last month, last year.
No, I didn't. No, she didn't. No, they didn't.
Use the past simple for finished past trme. have,go, and get areirregular verbs. Presentto past: i+) I have-> I had I go ->I went I get -> I got i,-)I don't haveI go I get -> I didn't hqve I go I get NOT ffi*vent 11)D o you haveI go I get . . . ? -> Did you have I go I get...? NOT myou-ffin+? Did is the past of do. The past simple is the same for all persons.
pastsimple: verbs regular
. 5 . 1 5 Listen and repeatthe examples.Then read the rules.
+ I arrived carly. You finished the book. He wanted a coffbe. The film endedat 7.00. We studiedSpanishat school. You worked late. They stopped at a cafd.
I didn't arrive early. You didn't finish the book. He didn't want arcoffee. The film didn't end art7.00. at school. We didn't study Spanisl-r You didn't work late. They didn't stop at a caft. ,y'1
yesterclay?Yes,I did. Did you watch Yes,she did. Did she walk to work? Yes,they did. Did they play teur-ris?
id No, I didn't. No, she didn't. No, they didn't.
' regular past verbs: +l = verb + ed,e.g. work-> worked . verbswith final e = * d, change-> changed ".g. = verbs with final consonant + y l/ + ied, e.g. cry -> cried verbs with final consonant / vowel / consonant = double final consonant + ed, e.g. stop --> stopped,prefer -> preferred ' i-l = I didn't arrive early NOT {-did#+arived l? i = Did you watch TV...? NOT Di*nou-watehtc
5A a Write sentenceswith was and were. We / at home lastnight f I 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
We weren't at home last niqht.
/ you at schoolyesterdayf, |ames/ in the meetingf We / on the planeat 4.00E I they in classyesterdayf David I veryh.ppy last night p | I at work until 8.00todayf | your sisterin Bostonlastweekf It / a terrible film [+l
Complete the dialogues with wAs, wasn't, were, or weren't. A Where I were you last night? B 12 A No, you 3
at work all evening. You a with Miriam!
B N o ,I s - !
A Gloria Estefan a teacher? 7 B No, she -. She8 a translator. A eyou in Milan yesterday? B No, we lo-. We ll in Rome. A t2 the film good? B No, it 13-. It 14-
verv slow!
5B a Write the sentencesin the past simple with yesterday.
b Complgtethe sentences with the bold verb in the past
simple E, E, or E.
I don't go to the gym. I didn't go to thegym yesterday. I 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Shehascerealfor breaKast. Do you go to the cinema? We don't havelunch. Theygo homeat 8.00. What time do you get up? Shedoesn'tgo to schoolby bus. lack getsup late. What do you havefor dinner?
I 2 3 4 5
Did you go
to bed earlylastnight?(go)
B Yes,I did. I went to bed at 9.30! A What _ you -for lunch today?(have) B Ifish.What'sfor dinner? Carla to her Englishclasstoday.(not go) A Where you _ lastnight?(go) B We to the cinema. A What time _ the children_? (getup) B Late!They at 11.00. I'm very hungry.I breakfastthis morning. (not have)
5C a Write the sentencesin the past simple. He smokesa lot. He smokeda lot. I We work in a bank. 2 He finisheswork late. 3 They live in Brazil. 4Iworryalot. 5 Shewalksto work. 6 The train stopsin Barcelona. 7 We play tennis. 8 You talk a lot!
b Completethe dialogueswith the bold verb in the pastsimpleE, E, or E.
1 2 3 4 5 6
A Did you play golf lastweekend?(play) B Yes,I PlaYedon Saturday. A Where you the car?(park) B Iit nearthe restaurant. A you _ your homework?(finish) B No, I it. It wasvery late. A What you -at university?(study) B Ieconomics. A you the film? (like) B No, I it very much.The actorswereterrible. A you _ TV lastnight?(watch) B Yes,we a very good programme. A you the door when you went out? (close) B Ofcoursel-it!
MultiROM www.ou glishfile/begi nner
thereis I thereare
Listen and repeat the examples.Then read the rules.
tr-l There'sa TV. tr
There'sa bath.
l+ | There are two beds. There are sorne pictures.
Thereisn't a phone. Thereisn't a garden.
1- | There aren't any towels. There aren't anv pillows. Plural
f?-l Is there a car park? Y) Yes,there is. Is there a gym? iI No, there isn't. t
tr ' . . . .
Are thereany lifts?
Are thereany cupboards? tE No, therearen't.
There'sa TV in my hotelroom.= the room hasa TV IJsesomeand any + plural nouns. some- you don't sayhow many. somechangesto anyfor E and E. Don't contract thereis in short answers,e.g. Yes,thereis.NOT Yesrthere+
Listen and repeat the examples.Then read the rules.
I + | There were some hotels. There were ten bars.
l+l Therewasastation. There was a road. Therewasn't an airport. There wasn't a swimming pool.
There weren't any big shops. There weren't any tall buildings. Plural
tr Was there a park? fT l
, .
therewosI therewere
Was there a shopping centre?
Yes,there was.
tr No, there wasn't.
tr tr
V Yes,therewere. Werethereany restaurants?tr] No, thereweren't. Werethereany hotels?
therewasI therewereis the past tenseof thereis I thereare someI ory,(See6A thereis I thereare)
pronouns object Listen and repeat the examples.Then read the rule. Subject pronoun
Object pronoun
I'm vour teacher. You'relost. He was at the party. She never listens. It's a beautiful coat! We aren't friends. They're good books.
Do you want to speakto me? Can I help you? I saw him. Don't talk to her. I want it for Christmas. They don't speakto us. Why don't you read them?
. LJseobject pronouns (me, him, etc.) as the object of a verb or after prepositions.
6A a Complete with a, some, or any. Are there
b Complete with the right form of there is or there are. There aren't any Cokes in the minibar.
any lifts?
I There aren't 2 There are 3 There's
cars in the car park.
pillows in the cupboard.
any free tables in the restaurant? any lifts in reception.
a bath in the bathroom. It's very big.
a swimming pool in the garden? a remote control for the TV. Can you ask reception for one? any pictures in the room.
sauna in the spa.
4 Are there 5 Is there
chairs in the garden? TV in the bar?
6 There isn't -
table in the bedroom.
7 There aren't 8 There are -
windows in my room. shops in the hotel.
6 7
a meeting room in the hotel? some towels on the floor.
6B a Write the sentencesin the past. There'sa big car park.
b Complete the dialogue with the right form of there was or there were.
Therewasa biq car oark.
A Hi fack. How was the hotel? B It was awful.
I Is therean airport? 2 There aren't any restaurants.
A Why?
3 There are a lot of shops. 4 There aren't any bars.
B Well, I there wasn't a lift, and our room was on the third floor. The room was big, but it was cold and dark, and2 any windows. A 3 arestaurant?
5 Are there any tourists? 6 There isn't a spa. 7 Is there a cinema? 8 There'sa hospital.
B No,, A 6
onlyabar. a lot of people in the hotel? B No. And I'm not surprised. A 7 aswimmingpool? B Yes,8 , but it wasn't very clean.
6C a Change the highlighted words to one pronoun.
b Complete the sentences with an object pronoun.
I didn't seeMaria in classyesterday. I didn't see her in classyesterday. 1 I never talk to )ames. 2 We're lost! Can you help my friend and me? 3 I call my mother and father every weekend.
You speak very fast. I can't understand you I I bought a camerabut I left _
in the shop.
2 fames likes Sarahbut she doesn'tlike 3 My children love stories. I read to _
every night.
4 I read this book last year. 5 Can't you find your keys?
4 Emma said goodbye to Jackand he kissed
6 I don't like Jack Nicholson in that film. 7 Do you love your wife?
6 we saw them at the airport, but they didn't see-.
8 Wait for Janeand me! 9 I don't know his phone number. 10 Did you tell Luisa about the meeting?
MultiROMwwn.o glishfi le/begi nner
5 I'm hungry. Can you make
a sandwich,please?
7 I don't have my car today. Can I go with _?
like+ verb+ -ing
Listen and repeat the examples.Then read the rules. What do you like doing at the weekend? I like walking in the mountains. I love cooking. I don't like studying.
. IJseverb + -ing after like and love. . Spellingrulesfor the -ingform: Infinitive
verb + -ing
read fly cycle swim
I like reading. + tng Shedoesn'tlike flFrg. He loves cycling. /+ing We like swimming. one vowel + one consonant= He doesn'tlike shopping. d o u b l econsonant+ i ng
Future begoingfo (plans)
Listen and repeat the examples.Then read the rules.
A Don't double final x and w, e.g. boxing, snowingNoT beleri*g,
I'm going to come to classon Friday. You're going to go to Paris this weekend. He's going to buy a new car. We're going to fly. They're going to stay with us.
I'm not going to come to classon Friday. You aren't going to go to Paris this weekend. He isn't going to buy a new car. We aren't going to fly. They aren't going to stay with us.
f?-l l
Are you going to travel? Yes,I am. No, I'm not. Is she going to seethem? Yes,she is. No, she isn't. Are they going to swim? Yes,they are. No, they aren't. Use be + going fo * verb to talk about future plans. You can use future time expressions,e.g. tomorrow, next weelgetc.
Future begoingfo (predictions)
Listen and repeat the examples.Then read the rule. I 2 3 4
It's going to rain. I think you're going to like it. What's going to happen next? They're going to have a fantastic time in New York.
You can use be + going fo * verb to make predictions for the future.
7A a Write the -ing form of the verbs. swimming swim I meet 2 stop 3 buy 4go 5 cry 6 write 7 run 8 lose
b Write sentences. I/likelflvE I 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
I don't like flvins.
She/ like / cookf | you like / travelfl I / loveI get lpresentsf They / like / watch TV El / your fatherlike / play chessf, I / like I wait / at the doctor's! My mother / love/ work in the gardenf We / like I go I to bed latef
7B a Write sentenceswith the right form of be going to.
b Complete with (be) going to and a verb from the list. buy do gt*
I he I cometonight fl Is hegoingto cometonight? I 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
They / takethe train to London E She/ go to universityf We / get married next summerf I you / go out for dinner f / he I p^y you the moneyfl I / studythis evening! I you / meetus at the airport fl She/ makepastafor lunch @
I I 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
go not have meet send not stay take
goingto give
We --
her a book for her birthdav. a new car next month.
A what -
him an email? you
B I'm going to seea film.
They We I'm tired.I
a holidaythis year. in that hotel.It's very expensive! to bed earlythis evening.
It's cold outside. -
a coat? us outsidethe cinema at 7.00.
7C what's-going to happen?write a sentencefor eachpicture. 5 rain tomorrow
6 swim in the river
3 leavesoon
7 breakhis leg
4 tell them a story
8 be late for school
A N u m b e r 0s - 1 0 a
r.7 ListenEund,repeat thenumbers. 0 I
zero one/wnn/
two itu:i
0 = oh laol in room numbers, e.g. Room 207 (two oh seven) and phone numbers
B N u m b e r sl l - 2 0 a
l.r4 Listenand repeat the numbers.
I 1
C N u m b e r s2 l - 1 0 0 a Listenandrepeatthenumbers.
/0s:'ti:n/ thirteen
b Cover$l tnewords.Say thenumbers.
O p.e
;;'even .
b Cover$lthe words.Saythe numbers.
O p.5
30 lhnty 40 fo4ty
13 thirteen 14 fourteen etc.
b Cover$l tn. words.Saythenumbers-
O p.2o
glishfile/begin ner MultiRoMwww.ou
B Nationalities
l.l5 Listen and repeatthe countries.
r.24 Listen and repeatthe countries and nationalities. Country
Nationalitv Brazll
tr_l Iapan -
Russia r"rAJ'c,'
I t ! tl
the United States
the UK
b CoverSltfte words.Look at the flags.Saythe country and nationality. Turkev,''t:;:ki
the United States
Brazilian \
the USA = the UnitedStatesof America the UK = the Uqited Kingdom Country namesbeginwith a CAPITAL letter e.g.BrazilNOT brazil.
b cover $ltne words.Look at the pictures.Saythe countries. Write your country: Practisesayingit.
o P.6 MultiRoMv\fvlv.o glishfi|e/begi nner
Write your nationality: Practisesayingit. L, English,Spanish,â&#x201A;Źtc.= nationalityand language.Theybeginwith a capitalletter e.g.EnglishNOT engtish. d Complete the sentencesabout yeu. I'm -, I m from
O p.8
andI'm in _-.
. (name,nationality) (townI ,r},country)
A T h i n g sin t h e c l a s s r o o m
B S m a l tl h i n g s
r.47 Listen and repeatthe words' I the board "br:cl' 2 the dooltl:r:, 3 a window 4 a table
2.1 Listen and repeat the words' I a mobile (Phone) 2 aPen
5 a chair
3 abag
6 a coat rkrot'
4 akeY rlii''
7 a laptop
5 an umbrella 6 a credit card
8 abook 9 a dictionarY 10 a piece of p4per
7 a phqto 8 a watch 9 glasses 10 an identitY card (ID card)
b Cover$ltn. words.Look at the picture' Saythe things. O p.ll
key, a bag BUT an umbrella, an identity card
b Cover$l tne words.Look at the photo.Saythe things.
O p.l4
People a
F ami l y
2.lo Listen and repeatthe
2.t2 Listen and repeatthe words.
I aboy 2 a girl
I hr-rsband
3 aman
2 wife
4 a woman
3 r-nother
5 children
4 fhther
6 friends
5 son 6 daughter
Cover ! 2.ll
the words. Look at the photos. Say the people.
Listen and repeat the irregular plurals.
7 sister 8 brother 9 boyfriend
10 girlfriend
a child
a man
a woman
a person
d Cover Q the plural words.Saythem.
b Cover U the words. Look at the photos. Say the people. c Work with a partner. A (Book open) How do you spellfriend? B (B ook cl osed)F-R -E -N -D . A N o. F-R -I-E -N -D .
O p.t6 MultiROMw\Mru. glishfile/begi nner
Colours a
C o mmo n a d j e c t i v e s
2.2o Listen and repeatthe words.
2.2r Listen and repeatthe
old green 5
g l
@"@ ll
long orange
12 /$Alre-/AoELEtNE
b Cover I
th. words. Look at the pictures.Saythe adjectives.
c Testa partner.
A What'sthe oppositeof new? B Old.What'sthe oppositeof
2-22 Listen and repeatthe positiveand negativeadjectives. Positiveand negativeadjectives y = good y'y' = very good r'r'r' = fantastic! X = bad Xl( = very bad ,(r(X = terrible!
good-looking Je CoverC th. words.Look at the photos. Saythe colours.
O p.t8 MultiROMw\,wv. ishfile/begi nner
t.4 Listen and repeatthe phrases. 7
drink coffee
2 have children
watch TV
want a new car
listen to the radio
like dogs
read magazines
work in a bank
6 eSTo'noI
eat fast food
study Spanish
5's CoverE tne words.Listen and saythe phrase.
c Make true l+l or [-] sentencesabout you. I I watch
on TV. (a programme)
I don't watch 2 I speak
. (a language)
I don't speak 3 I listento
. (a radio station)
I don't listen to 4 I read
(a magazine)
I don't read 5 I drink
. (a drink)
I don't drink
O p.24 MultiROMr ^
5.9 Listenand repeatthe words. Fooo
veggtables t i - ' ;' ",''.1-,1
a sandwich
i lili, i,rr
l'ri .r
b CoverElth. words.Lookat thephotos.Saythewords.
breakfast(in the morning) lunch (at midday)
Practisewith a partner.
d_inner(in the evening) What do you have for breakfast? (have= eat and / or e.g.I have cerealand cffie.
Y e sl,d o . / N o , l d o n ' t .
O p.2G MuItiRO M vvr,\M.
W h a td o t h e yd o ? 5.20 Listen and repeatthe words.
b Cover Q the words. Ask and answer ln palrs.
What does he do? He's a teacher. What does she do?
ILrl a teacher
a doctor
a waiter (a 1ya[tress)
t.zr Listen and repeatthe sentences. He works for Microsoft. He's at school.
She'sat university. Shestudieseconomics. He doesn't have a job. She'sretired. ,:rr':
d What do vou do?
, F - I an administrator
a $gyer
a policgman (a policewoman)
a fagtory worker
a student
W h e r ed o t h e yw o r k ? t.22 Listen and repeatthe phrases. Cover ! the phrases.Look at the photos.Saythe phrases. Ask and answerwith a partner. Wheredoes a doctorwork?
in the street Fl
in a holpital
in a shop
rn a restaurant
d Where do you work?
O p.2e
in a school
in a factory
glishfiIe/beginner www.o
at home
A W h a tt i m e i s i t ? a
t-27 Listen and repeat the times.
It's one o'clock.
It'sfive pastone. ,'itrt:sti
It'sten pastone.
It'sg4ter pastone. /'ku,r:tci
It's twenty pastone.
It's twenty-five pastone.
It's half pastone.
It's twenty-five
It's twenty to two.
It'squarterto two.
It'sten to two.
It's five to two.
to two.
b Coverf,! tne times.Look at the clocksand saythe times.
O B O r d i n anl u m b e r s a
5.20 Listen and repeatthe ordinal numbers from lst-20th.
l St
I lth
21st the twenty22nd the twenty-second 23rd the twenty24th the twenty25th the twenty26th the twenty27th the twentyseventh 28th the twenty29th the twenty3Oth the thirtieth
3 l St
b Practisesayingthe ordinalnumbersfrom 21st-3lst.
O glishfile/begi MultiROMwww.ou nner
4., Listen and repeatthe phrases. In the morning
get up
have breakfast
have a shower
go to work (bybus,car,etc.)
go to university
have a coffee
have a sandwich
In the afternoon
@ FI
L= have lunch
finish work
go shopping
In the evening
make dinner
have dinner
make dinner I coffeeBUT do housework go to the gym, to the cinema, etc. go to work, to school, to bed go home
4.4 Listen and point to the picture.
c In pairs, look at the pictures and describetheir day. Theyget up at half past seven. They have breakfast.
O p.r4 MultiROMwv\w\,.o nglishfile/begi nner
watch TV
go to the gym cirrrn
A a
B 4.9
Listenarndrepeatthe verbsrrnclverb p h r a s e s . l
4 . t 7 L i s t e l a l d repeatthe verbsand verb phrases.
go to the theatre
t r s et h e l n t e r n e t
go to tl-rebeach
l 5l\
. I
pay,bycreciitcarrcl pla1,tennis
rval k
park l0
p l a l , t h ep i a n o
b CoverI c
th. words.Look artthe pictr-rres. Sarytl-reverbsor phrases.
Workin parirs. Maketrrresentenceswitl-rsctmetime s or t'te:,/er. @gotothecinema.
O p.J7
@g A
b CoverU th. worcls.Look ertthe pictures Saytl-reverbsor phrirses. MultiROM www.ou glishfiIe/begi nner
A a
B s.l8 Listenand repeatthe verb phrases.
Listenand repeatthe verb phrases.
l l
arrriveat tl-re ar r por t
letirn a Linguage
call a fl-iencl
sendan elrail
break yor-rrleg
llleet rl f riencl
get a letter
ttrkean urnbrella
buy a ticket
rertt tt cttr
grvea present
tell somebody a story
stitl' rrt a hotel l e a v et h e
tLlm on
the light
arrive in arcour-rtry/ city, e.g. Italy, I{onte at a btrildirlg,e.g.the airport,a fiiend'sl-rouse l0
meet a person fbr tl-reflrst tirtre Iosevour ket,s
t ur n of f the light
b Cover Q tn. verb phrases.Look at the pictures. Saythe phrases.
b CoverQ the verb phrases.Look artthe pictures. Saythe phrases.
O p.4B
O p.s8 MultiROM\M/vw.o glishfile/begi nner
I n a h o t e lb e d r o o m
ln a hotel
6.2 Listen and repeatthe words. 6.1 Listen and repeat the words.
I abar
7. reception
2 acar park
8 a restaurant 9 a spa 'spu:
I the bathroom
3 a garden
2 a bath
4 ^ #shop 5 agym 6 a lift
3 a shower 4 a t o w e l. t a r ) r l , ' 5 abed 6 the floor 7 a plllow
8 a lamp 9 a remote control 1 0 ac upboar d, k , r b c d ,'
10 a swimmingpool l l toilets
Coverf,! the words.Look at the picture. Saythe words. Practisewith a partner.Ask and answer. Where'sthe swimmingpool? It's on the fourth floor.
CoverI the words.Look at the picture.Saythe words.
O p.54
MultiROM \ ^,
6-7 Listen and repeatthe words. I a city 2 artowr-r 3 a v illage
4 a n alr por t 5 a bar-rk 6 a betich 7 a chemist'.s 8 tr church 9
a clnental
l 0 a l-rospital l l a m us eum t 2 a par k 1 3 a petrol station 1 4 arpost offlce l 5 el rlver l 6 arroad
:l,f F *-
t 7 the sea 1 8 a shop
IJ |;
1 9 a station
(._ ( -f
2 0 a supermarket
Cover f,lth. words. Look at the pictures.Saythe places.
Do you live in a village,town, or city? Make true sentences about the placewhere you live: There's a l an... T h e r ei s n ' a t / an... Therearetwo / tl-rree... T h e r ea r es o m e . . . Therearea lot of... Therearen'tany... I l i v ei n a s m a l lt o w n . There'sa post office. Thereisn't an airport.
' {glt'"t
W:It* t7
6.17 Listen and repeatthe irregular verbsin the presentand the past, - was.
b CoverClthe PAST column. Practisesayingthe sentencesin the past.
is are
It They
very hot yesterday. in Rome last week.
was were
begin break boy
It I'm sorry I We
to snow. the window! some food at the market.
began broke bought
can come
She They
speakRussianwhen she was four. to classlast week.
do drink drive
I We He
my homework in the evening. a lot of coffee. very fast becausehe was in a hurry.
did drank drove
a lot yesterday.
get give go
We I They
up early thrs mornrng. Anna a birthday present. on holiday in fuly.
got gave went
have hear
I We
my old car for 15 years. a noise during the night.
had heard
all the answers.
learn leave lose
He The train I
a new language. the stationat 8.00. my keys on the train.
learnt left lost
make meet
)ohn I
dinner last night. a lot of people at university.
made met
by credit card in the restaurant.
a lot of books on holiday.
say see send sit sleep speak swim
I I He They I We I
I was sorry. an old friend at the party. a lot of emails. near the window. for eight hours last night. Spanishto the waiter. every day when I was in Italy.
take tell think
fane I We
good photos of the house. my children a story last night. the music was terrible.
took told thought
my new boots to the party.
a flat in the city centre.
a lot of emailsthis morning.
saw sent sat slept spoke swam
D & $\4
E E W + H gN E ffi 3t
short vowels
long vowels diphthongs I
voiced tur-rvoiced
fsh /fJ/
2 tr
3 ctlk 4 c
l k l
11 ggtgt
arrot / i erat/
t2 plpl
ag I tcgl
34 l no er / 'm n al
13 tr n /tr nl
ey I i :l
14 ph ne /f
irl I z'^ll
36 azz I
un-rb / nnt/
ess / es/ tezl
5 cl ck /kl kl
ls bke /b kl
25 lower l' Taoal
37 eg I eg l
6 h
ase I o:zl
se/h s/
i ght / a r t /
7 b l l / b v
1 7b
ie I ttl
itch / r1.f/
8 b
1 8
t t
og I o91l
acht / ot/
nake / nerk/
onkey / '
ebra /' ebre/
ose I atszl
9 c mput
lk r t r p . j r r :/t
10 b d/b dt
19 ch 20 t
lrl I rist /'t
ow er I' a< :al
32 tel evi on / tel rvt tl /
MultiROM\ tw\/.ou glishfile/begi nner
43 si 44
nr . lkit
er /'sr al
ouse / at isi
usual spelling
A but also
usual spelling
A but also
I ta l y s i x t s rt film window
Irn g l i s h w o mcn g)'r-n
fricnd brcakfast brcad
thrcc mcct p l c a s e rc a d shc wc
p c o p l e k .)'
fish ee ea
tr ec
ar a cil r
cl oc k
t r ar n
a re p a rk fast fhther afternoon
not from sorry holiday coffee
what watch want
a* ai ay
nllme late ernai l S pai n dav sav
open cl ose no hel kr coat
I Hi nice i* y b)' . mv igh niqlrt fliqlrt
or al aw
short important water four t a l l fo o tb a l l th o L rs l rt an,ful
u oo
full srrgar go o d b o o k Iook cook
oo u* ew
too food excLrseblLre nc\\'
two yoLr JLllce
eer bccr' ere hcrc wc rc ear ncar ycar'
er ir ur
pcrson vcrb first third nrrrse Tr-rrkey
wrlrk word world
ai r
b Lr ll
b o ot
rrmbrella nrrmber son brother hLrrry htrsband doubl e brrt
I- |' |r ' r
b .g th a n k s b l a c k ma n b a d th a t
spcl l tcn scven twcnty Mcxico
or-rt hor.rse pound sound ton'n don'n
oi oy
toi l et noi se bovfriend enjov
cight thcv grcat
Many different spellings,alwaysunstressed sistcrdoctor famor,rs about police
rcal l y idca
ai rport upstai rs t h ei r t h c r c hai rcut w hcrc are carcful A very unusualsound. curo l rLrropesLl rc pl ural
* especiallybefbreconsonant+ e
A sound between r and i: . Consonant+ y at the end of words I S p r o n o u n c e di . happl angrv thi rstv An unusualsour-rd. usrrally sitrration educatior-r
usual spelling p parrot
paper Poland sleep top op p o s i te h a p p y
board Ilritish rememt'rer jotr rut'rber
c k ck
come cold ski talie ba c k c l o c l i
g og bb
go green big b l o g eggs
f ph ff
flfieen Friday wif'e photo prl'rone oflice dif ferent
TV very have lir.e seven fir,e
time tell s t a rt l a te letter butter
likcd finishccl
playecl criecl
did clrink stuciy goocl aclclress miclclle
s ss celci
small fast stress actress nice city
tt d
A but also
thi ng thi nk tenth birtliday 'l'hursday montl'r
the father tl i i s thei r that with
chi l dren l uncl i watch rnatch pi cture fapan iuice i ob bridgc
I â&#x201A;Źa'
lt r
rr w
rr itch
v vacht
red rice problern children terrible married
n'rite wrong
n'atch tn'enty n'ord \\'e n'hat rvliite n,here
vellow )'our
mm n
l tose
beforeu student university m
gym page
lamp listen pl an tabl c smal l umbrel l a
s ho p s h e sugar sure S p a n i s h fi n i s h information reservation (+ vowel)
rrountain Nlonday Septenrber colne sununer swinrrrring nllte
sunny di rtner
thi ng si ngl e doi ng goi nu playirrg wrons
thi nk t hank
hello hi how Hungary have hurry
An unusualsound. televisionusually revision garage
A but also
th thumb
7.ero Brar.ll bags cars husband easy
usual spelling
Gleat Clarendon Street, Oxford oxz 6Dp Oxford University Pless is a department of the University of Oxfor.d. It ftlrthers the Univelsity's objective of excellence in research, scholarship, and education by publishing worldwide in Oxfold
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ancl change sign, supelclic/cledit calds, RT signsfl/i-fi sign, Stuart Kelly/30mph sign, Ted Pink/no football sign,40 (lnsr.u'ance/rwenty pounds, fifty pence,Visions of An.rerica/JoeSohm/twenry dollars, Eye-Stock/twenty euros), 41 (Chris Howes/Wild PlacesPhotoglaphy/coffee),43(David R. 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Book Tearher's o . . .
Full notes,with extras highlighted in colour. Photocopiable Grammar, Communicative, and Vocabulary activities. A song in every File. A Testand AssessmentCD-ROM.
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