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A guided tour with Titia Boitelle through the buzzing district Roombeek, to experience up close how the district rose from the ashes of the fireworks disaster in 2000. THE PLACE WHERE EVERYONE STAYED TRUE TO THEIR TRADITIONAL PERSONALITY: CAFÉ HET BOLWERK. YOU CAN COME HERE BY YOURSELF AND BE SURE YOU WILL HAVE A GOOD DRINK AND A NICE TIME. Café De Kater. Even after 40 years, you can come to only one conclusion: you love it or you hate it. Open every evening, for every age, a relaxed atmosphere, often accompanied with free live music and always fun: we are of course talking about café Rocks. AT CAFÉ-RESTAURANT BARDOT, YOU WILL FIND THE FEELING OF SAINT-TROPEZ IN ENSCHEDE WITH THE ATMOSPHERE OF ‘JE NE SAIS QUOI’. IT’S THE IDEAL PLACE TO HAVE A GREAT TIME! Enschede has multiple sides and one of them is the calm church village of Boekelo, where the steam train of the Museum Buurspoorweg ends as well. The village has nice events such as the Christmas market and the Pentecost festival. The vegetarian restaurant and inner garden het Paradijs (English: the paradise) has been winning the award of originality for years now, even for their brunch. BEHIND THE MUSEUM FACTORY IN ROOMBEEK LIES THE URBAN OASIS THE STROINKSBLEEK. HERE, YOU CAN HAVE A PICNIC NEXT TO THE WATER OR ENJOY A CULTURAL EVENT LIKE THE ‘MUZIKALE VIJVERDAGEN’ (ENGLISH: MUSICAL DAYS OF THE POND). Not only is the Walstraat the culinary main street of Enschede, you can also find cafés, galleries and interesting shops like Het Lichtatelier and a barbershop. For culture, you can visit jazzcafé De Tor, het Vestzaktheater and Theater Sonnevanck in this street. Just outside the city, you can find de forelderij, which in addition to a trout fishery also has a (picking) garden and a small shop. Close to this you can also find Wissinks Möl, which is a stender mill or stender cabinet: the oldest kind of wooden windmills.