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StoreSpaces e-newsletter
from CSA-Jan/Feb 2023
by ensembleiq

The only industry newsletter dedicated to store planning & design, construction, and facilities management. Get the latest news on retailers’ expansion and remodeling programs, new store prototypes, green initiatives, facilities updates and more. Find out who’s opening stores and where. CSA StoreSpaces covers retail development and facilities management inside and out.
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(1) smAshed metAtArsAL

National account programs establish fir m equipment prices with 2 ways to administer them. Single point centralized purchasing where all of the dock lifts are purchased and coordinated through a single distributor Or, dispersed contractor purchasing where the company specifies an Advance dock lift and the actual purchasing is done through contractors or individual locations using local distributors. We do both.
4 Sales, ser vice, & installation arranged anywhere in the US. No location is too remote
4 Number one dock lift builder in North America Industr y’s most complete line of dock lifts in both top of ground and recessed units
4 Industr y’s best warranty
4 On time production
4 Shortest lead times in the industr y
4 Decades of experience successfully ser ving the nation’s largest retailers
Please call Michael Renken for more infor mation.