3 minute read
Focus On Flooring
from CSA-Mar/Apr 2023
by ensembleiq
With flooring safety, health, maintenance and sustainability important priorities for retailers, Chain Store Age spoke with Jamie Thorn, director of national accounts & new business development for Forbo Flooring, about the importance of selecting the right flooring solution for retail and restaurant environments.
By Marianne Wilson
What are some flooring trends Forbo is seeing in retail environments?
We are seeing a definite shift in the industry as retailers move away from traditionally used products. Along with better visuals, retailers are looking for products that don’t require as much maintenance. The staffing shortages that companies experienced during the past few years have meant that retailers have had to think differently to provide the same high-quality experience for their customers. Selecting quality products that require less maintenance has been a solution that retailers have embraced.
Retailers are also incorporating a health, safety or sustainability standard into their selection criteria. And we’re also getting many inquires regarding moisture issues both in the slab and topically. In terms of aesthetics, looks of wood, stone and concrete are popular.
What are some of the most common mistakes retailers make in selecting a flooring system?
The most common mistake is not understanding how the floor will perform in a particular retail environment. Each environment has its nuances that require a certain product and this can vary or even location. It’s important to take note of those and find products that offer a correct solution.
Often, retailers pay attention to the visuals or purchase price as opposed to the total cost of owning the floor. A great way to calculate the true cost of the flooring material is to ask what’s involved in maintaining the floor properly once it’s installed. Remember, there’s no such thing as a maintenance-free floor — especially in a retail setting.
What are the key factors to consider when selecting a flooring system?
Understanding the challenges associated with the current flooring is a great start — identify the issues and prioritize those. Make finding solutions that address those needs the highest priority: Do you have acoustic or slip/fall issues? What about scratching, scuffing or floor staining?
Knowing how long the floor needs to last and selecting the right product for that time period is equally important. All these factors need to be considered during the selection process. Don’t get distracted by bright and shiny or the latest decorating trend. Keep the focus on the challenges you have identified. In addition, there are ways to add years to the flooring investment with a quality entry system that will capture damaging particles at the door.
What products does Forbo offer for retail settings?
Our product portfolio delivers solutions that range from the entrance of the store to the rear door — including back of house. Our products perform long-term with ease of cleaning and maintenance.
What makes Forbo stand out from other flooring companies?
Our solution-driven products and postsale service are what makes up unique. We offer an attractive collection of products at a low cost of ownership with a focus on durability, health, and safety. Our dedication to transparency on the sustainability front makes Forbo truly special in the marketplace.
Tell us more about Forbo’s sustainability advantages?
This is really where Forbo shines. Forbo has always focused on transparency and sustainability, including the toxicity impacts. Our core product, Marmoleum, is made of natural renewable ingredients. It is truly a sustainable product and can also be maintained using healthy cleaning procedures.
Marmoleum has been identified as the best resilient flooring solution available in the market. Being a natural product, Marmoleum combines beauty, durability and health into one solution. It also is ideal for wall and furniture applications.
What are the key benefits of Forbo products?
Our key benefits are durability, cleanability and sustainability while also delivering on design and color.
With safety, health and maintenance as top priorities, Forbo offers product that can address acoustical needs and the four Ss: slip, stain, scuff and scratch. It is these benefits that make Forbo a value-added solution provider.
Is there any type of retail setting where you would not recommend a Forbo floor?
If a retailer is looking for short-term situational flooring‚ for example, for a very short-term lease, a commodity type product might make more sense. Forbo’s flooring delivers durable products at a low cost of ownership for the long term.