8 minute read
What Will the Biggest Stories of 2022 Be?
from CSN-1221
by ensembleiq
AS WE NEAR THE END OF 2021, I reviewed our website content scoreboard to see which CSNews.com articles garnered the highest degree of pageviews and engagement over the past year.
It is no surprise that through November, the articles with the most pageviews pertain to merger and acquisition activity. 7-Eleven’s $21-billion deal to acquire Speedway was announced in August 2020, but every story tracking the progress of the sale — from FTC reviews, to the divestitures of stores, to the actual closing of the deal in May 2021 — garnered tremendous engagement from our audience.
Acquisitions by GPM Investments and BP taking full ownership of Thorntons were other M&A articles that attracted high readership. And reports that EG Group, the U.K.-based owner of the former Kroger and Cumberland Farms c-stores in the U.S., is up for sale spiked page visits in September.
Among non-acquisition stories, it seems everyone is interested in what the 800-pound gorillas are cooking up. Circle K’s launch of its “Sip & Save” subscription program for fountain drinks, slushies, coffee and tea, and 7-Eleven’s rapid expansion of its quick-service restaurant dining options were heavily read articles.
Of course, stories spotlighting innovation are wellread, too, with Wawa’s opening of its first drive-thruonly store making our yearlong top 10 list.
Our compilation of The Latest Industry News Around COVID-19 made our top 10 story list nearly every month this year. That’s one content feature I hope we can discontinue next year.
For a little fun, the Convenience Store News editorial team thought we’d try to predict the top headlines for 2022. Or, more accurately, the headlines we’d like to see:
• January: Santa Claus & His Elves Fix Supply Chain • February: C-stores Facing Different Kind of Labor
Challenge: Too Many Applicants • March: FDA Reverses Course on E-Cigs & Vapor Products • May: First Pothole Filled as Federal Infrastructure
Spending Finally Begins • July: Fuel Prices Moderate as Biden Backs Off of Anti-
Petroleum Agenda • August: Small- and Medium-Sized Retailers Close the Gap on Big Chains • October: Convenience Channel Adds to Store Count as
Economy Rebounds from Pandemic • December: C-store Retailers Close Year with Record
Sales & Profits
From all of us at CSNews, we wish you a wonderful holiday season, a Merry Christmas, and a happy and profitable New Year.
For comments, please contact Don Longo, Editorial Director, at (201) 855-7606 or dlongo@ensembleiq.com.
2021 Jesse H. Neal National Business Journalism Award Finalist, Best Infographics, June 2021 2018 Jesse H. Neal National Business Journalism Award Finalist, Best Editorial Use of Data, June 2017 2013 Jesse H. Neal National Business Journalism Award Best Single Issue, October 2012 2013 Jesse H. Neal National Business Journalism Award Finalist, Best Profile, August 2012
2016 American Society of Business Press Editors, National Azbee Awards Gold, Best How-To Article, March 2015 Bronze, Best Original Research, June 2015 2016 American Society of Business Press Editors, Midwest Regional Azbee Awards Gold, Best How-To Article, March 2015 Silver, Best Original Research, June 2015 2015 American Society of Business Press Editors, National Azbee Awards Silver, Best Profile (long form), February 2014 2015 American Society of Business Press Editors, Midwest Regional Azbee Awards Gold, Best Special Supplement, November 2014 Silver, Best Profile (long form), February 2014 2013 American Society of Business Press Editors, Midwest Regional Azbee Awards Bronze, Best Editorial/Commentary, July 2012 2020 Eddie Award, Folio: magazine Business to Business, Retail, Series of Articles, September 2019 2018 Eddie Award Honorable Mention, Folio: magazine Business to Business, Retail, Website Business to Business, Retail, Full Issue, October 2017 Business to Business, Editorial Use of Data, June 2017 2017 Eddie Award, Folio: magazine Winner, Business to Business, Retail, Single/Series of Articles, May 2017 Honorable Mention, Business to Business, Retail, Single/Series of Articles, June 2016 2016 Eddie Award Honorable Mention, Folio: magazine Business to Business, Retail, Full Issue, October 2015 Business to Business, Retail, Single/Series of Articles, August 2015 2015 Eddie Award Honorable Mention, Folio: magazine Business to Business, Retail, Single Article, February 2014 2014 Eddie Award Honorable Mention, Folio: magazine Business to Business, Retail, Full Issue, October 2013 Business to Business, Retail, Single Article, February 2013 2013 Eddie Award Honorable Mention, Folio: magazine Business to Business, Retail, Full Issue, October 2012
2020 Trade Association Business Publications Intl. Tabbie Awards Honorable Mention, Best Single Issue, September 2019 2016 Trade Association Business Publications Intl. Tabbie Awards Silver, Front Cover Illustration, June 2015 EDITORIAL ADVISORY BOARD
Laura Aufleger
OnCue Express
Ray Johnson
Speedee Mart
Chad Beck Core-Mark
Edward Davidson
Ed Davidson & Associates (7-Eleven Inc., retired)
Robert Falciani
ExtraMile Convenience Stores
Jim Hachtel
Eby-Brown Co.
Chris Hartman
Ruth Ann Lilly
GPM Investments LLC
Vito Maurici
McLane Co. Inc.
Matt Paduano
Lakeport Markets
Jonathan Polansky Plaid Pantries Inc.
Greg Scriver Kwik Trip Inc.
Roy Strasburger

28 Born to Serve Hall of Famer Kyle Krause is leaving his mark on the convenience channel and his community.
34 A Passion for People Supplier Hall of Famer Vito Maurici believes mentorship is the backbone to an ever-changing convenience industry.
38 Shepherding the Industry Through Tough Times Roy Strasburger receives the first-ever Convenience Store News Special Service Award.
62 Keep on Trucking The nation’s top c-store wholesalers see only a slight sales dip despite battling the COVID-19 pandemic, supply chain challenges, and the labor shortage.
62 69
3 What Will the Biggest Stories of 2022 Be? The Convenience Store News team takes a whimsical look at headlines we’d like to see next year.
8 CSNews Online
18 New Products
22 A Win-Win Partnership Sharing data, asking the right questions and utilizing technology can help small operators better work with their wholesalers and suppliers.
69 Creating a Unified Brand Experience Nouria Energy debuts its first fully branded fuel station and convenience store, representing a new positioning strategy for the company.
86 Gearing Up for the EV Age One-fifth of c-store shoppers own an electric vehicle or are considering buying one.

8550 W. Bryn Mawr Ave., Ste. 200, Chicago, IL 60631 (773) 992-4450 Fax: (773) 992-4455 www.csnews.com

10 Shell Sets Foundation for Company-Owned U.S. Network 12 Eye on Growth 12 Fast Facts
14 Retailer Tidbits
56 Mastering the Backbar Constantly changing regulations and evolving consumers mean c-store operators must sharpen their tobacco category management skills.
60 Hot Topics in C-store Tech The 2021 Convenience Store News Technology Leadership Roundtable & Dinner brought retailers together to discuss the most pressing items on their tech to-do lists.

54 Convenience Store News CSNEWS.com
44 The Race Is On
Restaurant closings during the pandemic mean opportunity for c-stores to gain share of stomach. of stomach.
52 Making the Case for Curbside Pickup
This is one of the strongest opportunities for c-stores to compete with quick-service for c-stores to compete with quick-service restaurants. restaurants.
54 The Top Food Trends to Watch in 2022 Watch in 2022
These 10 emerging developments are generating buzz across multiple channels. generating buzz across multiple channels.
BRAND MANAGEMENT Vice President/Group Brand Director Paula Lashinsky (917) 446-4117 plashinsky@ensembleiq.com EDITORIAL Editorial Director Don Longo (201) 855-7606 dlongo@ensembleiq.com Editor-in-Chief Linda Lisanti (201) 855-7608 llisanti@ensembleiq.com Senior News Editor Melissa Kress (201) 855-7618 mkress@ensembleiq.com Senior Editor Angela Hanson (201) 855-7619 ahanson@ensembleiq.com Managing Editor Danielle Romano (201) 855-7604 dromano@ensembleiq.com Contributing Editor Renée M. Covino (303) 741-3377 reneek@aol.com Contributing Editor Tammy Mastroberte (201) 280-2614 tmastroberte@gmail.com
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Convenience Store News (ISSN 0194-8733; USPS 515-950) is published 12 times per year, monthly, by EnsembleIQ, 8550 W. Bryn Mawr Ave., Ste. 200, Chicago, IL 60631. Subscription rates: Subscription rate in the United States: $125 one year; $230 two year; $14 single issue copy; Canada and Mexico: $150 one year; $270 two year; $16 single issue copy; Foreign: $170 one year; $325 two year; $16 single issue copy; Digital One year, digital $87; two year, $161. Periodical postage paid at Chicago, IL 60631, and additional mailing addresses. Copyright 2021 by EnsembleIQ. All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopy, recording, or information storage and retrieval system, without permission in writing from the publisher. Reprints, permissions and licensing, please contact Wright’s Media at ensembleiq@wrightsmedia.com or (877) 652-5295. POSTMASTER: send address changes to Convenience Store News, 8550 W. Bryn Mawr Ave. Ste. 200, Chicago, IL 60631.