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Streamline patient medication management
from DSN-0523
by ensembleiq

• Our compliance-packed, 30-day supply improves patient adherence by simplifying complex regimens – including OTC medications and vitamins.
• Our compliance-packaged prescriptions are dispensed in your pharmacy to help maintain your regular, personal connection with customers.

• Our central fill pharmacy integrates with pharmacy management systems to seamlessly fill compliance orders.
Start with NavixRx™ today and save 50%
Enroll now and only pay per fill until June 30, 2023. That’s just $9 per patient fill.
Benefits of NavixRx™
As a central fill solution, NavixRx™ saves you and your team time, allowing you to focus more on patient care programs, including comprehensive medication reviews and vaccines.
NavixRx™ fits into your existing workflow and integrates with your pharmacy management system, eliminating complexity and streamlining your day-to-day operations.
To learn more, visit cardinalhealth.com/DSNNavixRx
With a combination of automated machinery and a dedicated team of on-site pharmacists, the NavixRx™ fulfillment process gives you peace of mind.
NavixRx™ eliminates your need to purchase high-cost automation equipment or find a way to fit compliance packaging into your staff ’s day.
NavixRx™ is not available in all 50 states. NavixRx™ is available on the following PMS systems: Pioneer, Rx30 and BestRx. Customers on other PMS systems can use NavixRx™ Direct.
*Powered by Sonexus Health Pharmacy Services LLC
**Important Notice. The price reduction described herein may constitute a “discount or other reduction in price,” as such terms are defined under the Medicare/Medicaid Anti-Kickback Statute, on products purchased from Cardinal Health. Customer agrees to comply with any and all requirements imposed on buyers under 42 U.S.C. § 1320a-7b(b)(3)(A) and the “safe harbor” regulations regarding discounts or other reductions in price set forth in 42 C.F.R. § 1001.952(h). In this regard, Customer may have an obligation to accurately report, under any state or federal program which provides cost or charge based reimbursement for the products or services purchased from Cardinal Health, or as otherwise requested or required by any governmental agency, the net cost actually paid by Customer.
© 2023 Cardinal Health. All Rights Reserved. CARDINAL HEALTH, the Cardinal Health LOGO and NavixRx™ are trademarks of Cardinal Health and may be registered in the US and/or in other countries. Patent cardinalhealth.com/patents. Lit. No. 1PD23-2389010 (04/2023)
Customers who buy the same products regularly may be inclined to look for more convenient or low-cost options, but many consumers prefer to see, touch or sample these products before buying them, which provides “a distinct advantage for the in-store experience,” Ellin said.
Perhaps the biggest threat to sales for front-of-store categories lies in the potential erosion of in-store pharmacy sales, which would result in fewer shopper trips to the store.
Pharmacists to the rescue
Despite the growth of niche online pharmacy providers, the retail pharmacy can be expected to remain the main source of fulfillment for prescription drugs for most consumers, said Amar Singh, senior director at business consulting and analytics firm Kantar.
For traditional drug stores, that includes efforts to refine their overall product assortments to focus on health and wellness.
“They’re focusing on appearance, mental health, physical health, holistic healthcare, nutrition—and you see that across the new products that they’re adding to the stores,” said Singh, citing options such as plant-based alternatives and other products perceived as better-for-you.

The pharmacist will be at the heart of drug stores’ efforts to become more holistic healthcare destinations, he said. Patients have trusted relationships with their pharmacists, he said, and they can be the gateway to the full range of healthcare services that drug stores will increasingly provide.
“That’s why there are loyal customers who will stick with CVS and Walgreens, and they’re loyal to certain locations,” Singh said. “That’s what makes the difference—that you have a relationship with the pharmacist.”
“Drug stores understand that, and that’s why they’re expanding their healthcare services, with services like the MinuteClinic, where everything is attached back to the pharmacist,” he said. “The pharmacist is the most important resource that they have, and that’s something that pulls in all the shoppers and keeps them within the ecosystem.”
Drug stores will increasingly turn to automation to help ensure that pharmacists are available for patient interactions in the stores, Singh said. This has become even more critical amid the ongoing pharmacist labor shortage.
In addition, one of the keys for drug store operators to be successful in becoming a primary destination for health care will be digital connectivity and the ability to communicate with doctors and other healthcare providers, he said.
Ellin agreed that the potential to fulfill multiple health care needs in one visit is a key strength of the retail drug store.
Wing said he thinks drug stores need to be more aggressive in their efforts to become more holistic healthcare destinations, and leverage the full scope of practice that pharmacists have.
As drug store operators gain a better understanding of the individual needs of their customers, they will increasingly tailor their offering to meet those needs, said Wing.
“That could mean being really thoughtful about how to engage the cash customer or the discount-card customer differently, or how to think about delivery for the customer for whom that’s really important,” he said. “You are starting to see a lot more exploration in terms of how to best meet those needs through the local retail pharmacy, and I think that’s quite positive.”
Another key consideration is how the store design itself might evolve as drug stores expand their offerings to include more healthcare services.
“It dramatically changes how you need to structure the operations in the store,” said Wing. “It dramatically changes how you think about workflow and how you think about store layout. As healthcare services really start to pick up, there’s going to be more and more need to reevaluate some long-held beliefs in terms of how to run the operations in a retail pharmacy.” dsn