The Modern, Simple Approach to Fusion
The Modern, Simple
Approach to Fusion PRODUCTION: Tommy Atkinson
First Light Fusion is building the world’s largest pulsed power facility in preparation for construction of a power plant that will prove the ability to create clean energy through inertial confinement fusion. The goal for the business is to make it as easy and affordable as possible in a mission around simplicity. COO Ryan Ramsey talks to Energy Focus about progress on site in the UK. 2 /
Ryan Ramsey, COO
“Climate change is real. Renewables need to take prominence and we are one part of the renewable solution,” says Ryan Ramsey, Chief Operations Officer at First Light Fusion (FLF). The Oxford-based fusion business is lighting the way to a cleaner world by using science and technology to do things that have not been done before. The company was established in 2011 following research from Oxford PhD student Dr Nick Hawker, who found an idea in nature for achieving fusion – where two or more atomic nuclei combine to form a heavier one, releasing enormous energy. Pistol shrimps snap their claws at unbelievable speed to create an air bubble that hurtles toward prey, stunning or killing it. The bursting bubble creates a sound louder than a gun, and the process had Hawker thinking about the physics. “The three things you need for
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fusion is time, density, and energy, and this satisfied all of that. Concentrating on Inertial Confinement Fusion (ICF), he developed the concept of firing a projectile at a target that has deuterium and tritium. The projectile itself doesn’t have the necessary velocity itself to create the conditions for future. You need to reach 60km/s which is very fast.
Using the unique amplifier technology we have developed over the last 12 years we can speed up the projectile and fire it even faster, collapsing the deuterium and tritium to fuse together. We was achieved that for the first time in November 2021, proving our unique approach,” explains Ramsey. What Hawker and team had found was a way to replicate the process that creates energy within the sun. Complex and often unknown, to achieve fusion in 2021 was a major milestone. Importantly, the work done by FLF is advancing knowledge of how to create energy using fusion, affordably, and safely in a way previously thought of as impossible. In the UK, where the energy mix is still largely reliant on oil and natural gas, modern ideas are required to innovate a system that hits Net Zero by 2050. “We are not competing with wind, solar, tidal, or fission. To sort the problem across the world, we need a combination of all of these things and we see 500MW fusion plants around the world, using our technology to achieve success,” says Ramsey. BUILDING Currently, the team at FLF is busy. Amongst driving an ambitious funding round and recruiting the world’s brightest talent, there is a hopeful build programme advancing at pace. The next stage is speeding up the projectile
launch and then understanding the science around using the technology within a power plant setting. “We are designing our prototype pilot plant which we expect to be
operational in the 2030’s – it’s an aggressive timeline but that allows us to achieve great things. Before that, we are going to build the largest pulse power machine in the world called Machine 4. That will be on the UK Atomic Energy Authority’s campus and is very exciting,” explains Ramsey, a former Navy submarine Captain and energy industry leader. Brought in to ensure timelines are met, Ramsey is enjoying the purposeled nature of the business and describes each day as thrilling, with the buzz of a start-up despite medium-sized status. “Achieving fusion is one thing, but if you only get a few neutrons then that doesn’t turn into a power plant or solve the problems of clean energy for the world. So we have to be faster, and there is no gas gun or alternate technology available able
to achieve the speed,” he says. So FLF is busy designing its own system – the world’s most powerful pulsed power facility – Machine 4. This technology accumulates large amounts of electromagnetic energy and releases it instantly, in a process similar to that used in high-powered military rail guns. In 2018, FLF built a pulsed power machine named Machine 3, the largest of its kind in Europe. “But Machine 3 can only bring the projectile to 20km/s. The next challenge is going even faster, and that is why we need its successor, Machine 4,” says Ramsey. “It will be 72 metres in diameter, 12 metres high, and should get us to 60 km/s which would allow us to achieve ‘Gain’. That is important as it de-risks the pilot plant. We are making sure that by the time we get to the power plant, we have de-risked all of the / 5
technology so that we can achieve what is required, and the science is correct.” This vital step in the process should be complete by the end of 2023 with detailed design scheduled for next year. Using its own AI platform, developed in house at FLF, the company has been able to run hundreds of thousands of tests to predict outcomes and test theories. “That gives us confidence,” says Ramsey. “Right now, we are on the sixth iteration of the design of the machine to refine so that it achieves what it should.” DRIVEN BY SIMPLICITY When the science and technology is refined, the concept of fusion is expected to provide clean energy in volumes not seen before. But doing so must be sustainable and this is why FLF concentrates on simplicity. “Everybody is focused on the same mission, which is to solve the problem of fusion with the simplest machine possible – this is our power plant,” explains Ramsey. Machine 4, which is only the company’s Gain demonstrator,
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is being designed with low-cost, off the shelf components, and the power plant concept is intentionally simple. “Solving fusion physics is not enough, the world needs a technology that can be built at scale,” he adds. “We have solutions for each of the problems you have with managing fusion. A big problem is the price – it can be very expensive - but our proposal makes it relatively cheap.” Long-term sustainability is also about the supply chain. Theoretically, the idea where small modular reactors power a city or a small town is much more suitable for FLF. But if the company was to expand aggressively and begin international rollout of its innovation, local supply chains would need to be able to deliver. “Building a sustainable supply chain can be a challenge and the reason is education and educating people about fusion and what it is,” admits Ramsey. Fusion as a concept goes back a long way in history with the first real research happening in the 1920s.
“It feels very new, not dissimilar to when electric vehicles started moving on the roads,” Ramsey suggests. “People didn’t know how to operate within that, and the supply chain needed to establish itself. This is the same for Fusion. If we suddenly scale to 100 power plants, we must know there are local supply chains able to support that.” People in those business that make up the supply chain must also have the knowledge and ambition to participate at scale, on something new and different, while adhering to the strictest international quality standards. “Generating people with physics capability – PhDs, Masters, graduates, post-docs – takes a lot of time,” details Ramsey. “Physics should be way more attractive than it is to young people. The reason the way our world is the way it is, is because of physics. But our education system doesn’t support that – it doesn’t make physics exciting. We have a massive outreach programme underway now to reach into schools and to show learners the end point
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Our Vision
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Oxford Sigma tackles energy security and climate change by accelerating the commercialisation of fusion energy
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Our Mission To deliver materials technology, materials solutions, and fusion design services in order to accelerate the commercialisation of fusion energy Oxford Sigma has been supporting First Light Fusion on fusion materials engineering for accelerating their commercial power plant
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and how physics changes the world.” He says that when people visit the site in Oxford, home to some of the brightest minds in the industry, there is a sense of excitement. It’s busy, it’s fast moving, there’s a feeling of energy in the air. “It has that start-up mentality and there are clever people, very focussed on achieving our mission. The next time a student goes into a physics lesson, the teacher can lever in a memory of a trip to First Light Fusion and make the subject relevant,” Ramsey hopes. FLF is also keen to progress learners through the years to ensure curiosity continues. Follow up experiences are organised to ensure bright young minds can work in the business while they learn. As they progress through years, FLF supports with degree, Masters and PhD studies,
Fusion Materials Processing Automated Design Tools
and not only provides insight to fusion, but lays down challenges. “Everything that is done is about coming up with great ideas,” states Ramsey. “We want young people contributing here, and most of the PhDs we have in the company have come here to complete their studies and they ultimately stay with us. We challenge them with real problems that we don’t know the answers to in order to ignite creativity.” Partnering over the long-term with industry leaders has also been essential for the development of pathway for FLF. Whether in design, engineering, theoretical knowledge, safety, or many other areas, the company must lean on external expertise as the community comes together to drive achievement. Ramsey highlights the relationship with neighbours Oxford
Sigma as a perfect example of deep partnerships that will yield results. “Oxford Sigma has a really strong skillset in materials. We don’t have any materials people in our organisation but they are experts in that. Where we don’t have the capability, we outsource to trusted partners. Oxford Sigma worked with us previously and that was really positive. We have just partnered with them to look at lithium as part of the Fusion Industry Programme. We partnered with them because we believe they have the expertise in areas that will help us and others, and therefore they should lead there rather than us - it’s a great relationship.” VERY INVESTIBLE The key challenge for the business moving forward now is funding. The science is there, the desire for modern, / 7
clean energy is constant, and the investment case of FLF is powerful. The senior leadership team must go out and attract investment to ensure the build of M4 and the pilot power plant (likely to be a 60MW, capex intensive project). “The fundraise is going well, and it comes from a variety of different sources,” says Ramsey. “We are privately funded, and that means we are moving fast. It’s amazing what private funding does to solve this
problem. If you look at government organisations that are doing similar things, we are moving so much quicker. Funding from the private sector is key.” Importantly, the business is transitioning from research organisation and Oxford spinoff, to revenue generating business with a realistic route to market. In July 2023, the company partnered with Spanish firm IDOM UK Nuclear Services to identify potential for
production of medical isotopes in the reactor. Research suggests that the temperatures in the reactor would be easily strong enough to produce radionuclides for pharmaceutical application in a market that is growing by 9% annually. Production of medical isotopes remains low in sparse around the world, but demand is high because of uses including detection and treatment of illnesses including cancer and heart disease.
ANSALDO NUCLEAR: FUELLED BY 40 YEARS OF FUSION EXPERIENCE Ansaldo Nuclear is an industry leader in the nuclear field, providing EPC services to companies at the cutting edge of science and technology, providing energy for decades to come. Ansaldo Nuclear has been involved in the UK’s nuclear energy industry since the build of the first reactor at the now-decommissioned Dounreay Power Plant in 1955. Over the past 68 years the company has grown alongside the country’s nuclear industry, providing a range of services including fuel route, remote handling, inspection equipment, encapsulation, and waste handling. Today, Ansaldo Nuclear – part of Ansaldo Energia – is a leading light in the fusion space, building on its history in fission to develop solutions for bespoke projects. “We have one of the longest standing experiences in the field of fusion,” says Key Account Manager, Charles Mendes. “There will not be too many organisations that have as much experience as we do. We support various approaches around producing electricity through fusion. We are not bound by any technology, and we can support any project around nuclear.” Currently, the company is busy with multiple projects on international relevance. In France, the ITER concept is described as one of the world’s most ambitious energy projects where international collaboration sees a tokamak magnetic fusion device, Ansaldo is busy on multiple high value contracts. “We are involved in the welding, rings, qualification of the divertor, and lots of remote handling work,” says Mendes. At the same time, Ansaldo is busy with the DTT tokamak test project in Italy, the Spherical Tokamak for Energy Production (STEP) project in the UK, and the successor to the ITER project – the DEMOnstration power plant which is part of the EUROfusion Technology Programme across the EU. Applying extensive industry knowledge to nuclear projects, Ansaldo seeks to secure energy supply and innovate in power generation, smoothing the transition towards widespread renewable rollout.
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“Nuclear will play a clear role in the green transition,” Mendes states. “There is little CO2 in the whole process and it allows us to clean up our act with greenhouse gasses while offering strategic geopolitical advantages. “As part of the baseload, nuclear energy is so useful to have. It works hand in hand with renewables. It’s evolving quickly and modular reactors are easier, faster, and less expensive to build. There is a realisation that when you look at the history of nuclear, it has provided clean energy for many years,” he says of the industry going forward. And the industry is moving forward, with around 60 reactors under construction around the world and 440 in operation, providing approximately 10% of global electricity. With new ideas and innovation rife in the sector, Ansaldo is the perfect partner. “We certainly want to pursue opportunities – we are effectively an EPC, we can provide design, engineering, manufacturing, and commissioning if needed,” says Mendes.
ITER Design development Industrial R&D, design, proto-typical components
Supply of Vacuum Vessel Sectors and Divertor Inner Vertical Target prototypes
Concept design Hot Cell Complex
IGNITOR | (high field tokamak machine) - Full design
2020 DEMO | Technical advisory to EU
JET | Design services and supply of “high tech” components
DTT | Architect Engineer STEP | Design of Storm Casks, Plant level Steels Scoping, Engineering Development Partner
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“When we identified the potential not only to produce, but also harvest these much-needed medical isotopes which are having an increasing impact on the diagnosis and treatment of serious illnesses, it was incumbent on us to explore the opportunity. Importantly this can be realised with no compromise to the reactor’s ability to produce electricity; it is a purely additive opportunity,” said Nick Hawker. “It is very promising,” adds Ramsey. “Investment is always a challenge, and particularly in the environment we are in at the moment. With the right programme and demonstrable achievements, we provide confidence to investors. The next raise will enable us to build the Machine 4. It will be the world’s largest pulsed power machine, based in the UK, and it will not only contribute to our journey,
Tokamak Assembly contract (TAC2), Remote Handling Framework, Emergency Electrical Power Distribution (TB13)
+ 44 (0) 1902 353 353
but to broader science nationally and internationally. This levers off a report from the Royal Society where many organisations have provided innovative ideas on how to use the machine more broadly.” He adds that having an effective commercial model allows investors to see ROI. “As long as we can demonstrate progress and returns, it is very investable.” FLF is solving the problem of fusion and the optimism and ambition within the company is one of the key catalysts. “We fail fast, and when we fail we pivot and move in a different direction. That is how we have got to where we are,” says Ramsey. “There is a lot going on around us and we could end up comparing ourselves to others, but that is not an effective way to focus. We breed positivity and we recognise
that we are going to fail. We learn lessons quickly and we use the code to change the target and move on. We are definitely moving in the right direction, but the healthy tension is that we want to move faster. This is not an experiment - this is a solution to the problem of fusion, making sure it can be turned into power plants, and ensuring our children’s children can have a world that is worth inheriting. “When we get this right, I will be very proud to say that I had a part in it, and that fulfils my need for purpose,” he concludes.
Published by CMB Media Group Chris Bolderstone – General Manager E. Kiln House, Fuel Studios, Pottergate, Norwich NR2 1DX T. +44 20 3097 1743 CMB Media Group does not accept responsibility for omissions or errors. The points of view expressed in articles by attributing writers and/ or in advertisements included in this magazine do not necessarily represent those of the publisher. Any resemblance to real persons, living or dead is purely coincidental. Whilst every effort is made to ensure the accuracy of the information contained within this magazine, no legal responsibility will be accepted by the publishers for loss arising from use of information published. All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced or stored in a retrievable system or transmitted in any form or by any means without the prior written consent of the publisher. © CMB Media Group Ltd 2023
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