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Job seekers in non tech sectors surge 30% as layoffs continue at tech firms

New initiatives in non-tech sectors like Auto and Manufacturing and recent layoffs in specific sectors led by IT has led to a 30% surge in tech professionals looking for jobs in non-tech sectors, according to Spectrum Talent Management.

The HR firm has also recently identified a steep rise of 20% in professionals taking up new employment in startups after months of slowdown and layoffs and impending hiring freeze amongst big tech companies.

Despite the above-average number, the trend of taking up startup jobs might be short-term. The laidoff employees use the startup ecosystem as ad-hoc (sometimes desperate) measures as an immediate solution until the market recuperates, a statement from Spectrum said.

A considerable part of the laid-off employees, about 10%, also plan to start a venture of their own. These trends are expected to stay till the tech industry recovers to its usual business trajectory.

Non-tech industries are not far behind in tech hiring to assist their expansion plans via captives and GICs, the job demand across other industries, mainly in Auto, BFSI, Engineering, and manufacturing, and certain consumer business setups as well. The hiring traction will show various cycles depending on the upcoming two quarters. So far, the tech hiring in non-tech sectors have gone up by 30% and is likely to grow 2x in the next two quarters till the tech industry recovers.

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