1 minute read
Brandon W. Frazier, Attorney at Law PLLC Cabin & Creek

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What to Pack Last
Keep these items handy on moving day. Here’s a list of the items you’ll be using on moving day at your old place and your new place. Reser ve a car ton for these last-minute items, plus other things you’ll need immediately upon ar rival at your new home. q Toiletries (soap, shampoo, raz or s, etc.) q Fir st-aid kit q Aspirin or pain reliever q Medications and eyeglasses q Box cutter or knife q Tape and dispenser q Work gloves q Scissor s q Extension cords and batteries q Basic cleaning supplies & paper towels q Cof fee Maker or instant cof fee/tea q Powdered milk/creamer and sugar q Snacks q Disposable milk/creamer and eating utensils q Pet supplies q Plastic trash bags q Light bulbs q Flashlight q Bedding and linens q Alarm clock q Local phone book q Screwdriver and hammer q Map of the new area q _______________________ q _______________________ q _______________________ q _______________________ q _______________________ q _______________________