Before you went frenzy and start buying hair care products or getting treatments at the hair salon, you need to understand your hair type. Everyone's hair responds to care and nurture differently, for some just oiling hair twice a week and keeping the scalp clean is enough whereas for others applying every possible hair care and styling products also doesn't result in any improvement. Probably you are doing it all wrong. There are a few broad categories of hair types, and if you understand your hair fits in, you will have a good idea of what kind of hair care is recommended for you. You may not inevitably need to use a hair grouping system, but that is an excellent place to start.
Where many people get, their knowledge is to find someone that has the same textured hair and ask them about their care methods. Find out about the wave amount of your hair by practicing a shower and allowing the scalp air dry naturally without treating it in any way; this practice will let your hair retain its natural shape. It could be straight, have spirals, curls, a slight wave or random zigzags. After hair shape, the next classification technique hair stylists use hair thickness.
You discover hair thickness by taking a single trace and holding it up. Thin hair is almost apparent. Medium hair is soft. Thick hair is harder, and that is why it is called wiry. Thin and thick strands significantly show different effects. Thin hair can be styled in other shapes, but thick hair may be hard to bend from its original form. Another classifier salon stylists use to determine your hair care routine is the overall thickness of the head of hair. Only an expert can understand this as total thickness is less easily visible because it is more about density and volume. For those with long locks, an easy way to understand natural hair density is to gather the traces into a ponytail and estimate its diameter. The type will define what kind of products and accessories are necessary. Thin hair may need glue while thick needs a moisturizer and gel to produce the same style. Bobby pins and headbands are great for light short hairs. It keeps air styles in shape without using plenty of products. Longer thicker locks can be styled in buns, ponytails, and in all kinds of patterns and formations. For a really long hair, you need more support if you are going for any style past straight. Hair salons and spas can be a great place to relax if you find a good one. Other than visiting spa and beauty salons, you can buy a few useful products online at a discounted price as the type of your hair.