Entrepreneur Illustrated Vol. 1 Season 1 (Summer 2020 Premier Edition)

Page 10

Lessons from the CoFounder of Tadpole Tutoring: A Reflection Written by Andrew Shenouda ‘21, Co-Founder of Tadpole Tutoring


he conscious mind

qualified tutors who have the skill

they evaluate their ultimate vision,

is dictated by the

and know-how to help out. Our orga-

check out their competition and, in

complex (and often

nization not only enables parents to

a rush of good-hearted enthusiasm,

fickle) relationship

have hundreds of tutors of varying

attempt to bring to life every feature,

between the limita-

strengths at their disposal but also

service, bell, and whistle in their first

tions of memory and

provides an opportunity for high

go—effectively holding functionality

the captivations of desire. This is to

school and college-aged students to

paramount at the expense of true

say that the human experience is

earn money. It’s cool stuff, and we

quality. This is what is embodied by

often grounded in subjectivity and,

have been fortunate enough to obtain

a minimum viable product. Consider

as a result, can be pandered to in a

a considerable degree of success

a situation in which someone tries to

manner intended to achieve a certain

(something, for the record, that did

create an iteration of a website that

desired effect. This principle, among

not come on our first try). Perhaps

offers online cooking lessons. They

other things, is what this article will

most interestingly, we make it easy

work to include a scheduling system

venture to explore in greater detail. Readers, in this maiden issue of Entrepreneur Illustrated, I ask you to humor me as I reflect upon some of my humble experiences from running an online tutoring service, Tadpole Tutoring. Here’s to a decent read.

Much of our good fortune can be attributed to our adherence to one main principle: our commitment to creating a minimum lovable product as opposed to a minimum viable


First and foremost, I

to reserve spots for classes, a chat system to enable communication between students and teachers, a review system to upvote and downvote different offerings, a social networking system to allow people to get to know each other, a recommendation system to get others to join the site, and… well,

suppose it makes sense to give a brief

for tutors to payout funds they made

you get the gist. While a compelling

overview of our vision for Tadpole.

tutoring from their dashboard to

argument can be made for the neces-

Along with several other individu-

charities of their choice.

sity of each of these features, more

als, my team and I are working to

Much of our good fortune can

often than not they’ll be implement-

synthesize a service marketplace

be attributed to our adherence to one

ed at a substandard quality. An indi-

that connects students and tutors

main principle: our commitment to

vidual has a finite reserve of resourc-

from across the globe. Our goal is to

creating a minimum lovable prod-

es in the form of time and capital.

provide an intuitive, user-friendly

uct as opposed to a minimum viable

When you spread yourself too thin,

interface that allows individuals to

product. Oftentimes, when individ-

things such as reliability, usability,

set up online tutoring sessions with

uals endeavor to start up a business,

and design fall to the wayside.


Entrepreneur Illustrated | Entrepreneurial Spotlight

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