Ters 125 energy and your success as an entrepreneur

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THE ENTREPRENEUR’S RADIO SHOW Conversations with Self-made Millionaires and High-level Entrepreneurs that Grow Your Business

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THE ENTREPRENEUR’S RADIO SHOW Conversations with Self-made Millionaires and High-level Entrepreneurs that Grow Your Business

Episode 125: Sheevaun Moran In this episode, Travis interviews the dynamic and inspirational Sheevaun Moran. Sheevaun's coaching and books energized and introduced people to her positive concepts that are invigorating and positive, and would certainly give fresh insights to business owners. Travis and Sheevaun discussed concepts that would provide solutions to entrepreneur's dilemma on how to manage and build their business. Sheevaun encourages positivity and optimism to opportunities, as well as indirectly saying no with a positive tone. Her universal success principles would certainly help entrepreneurs clear their mind and help them focus on what's important in their life and business. These and other important lessons are what you can expect in this episode of the Entrepreneur's Radio Show.

Energy & Your Success As An Entrepreneur TRAVIS: Hey, it's Travis Lane Jenkins, welcome to the Entrepreneur's Radio Show, a production of rockstarentrepreneurnetwork.com. Today I'm going to introduce you to the brilliant Sheevaun Moran. Although before we get into the show, I'm going to do something a little different, so let's go over a couple of things first. I like to shake things up. Now you may not know this. Actually very few people know this. I recorded a lot of the shows in advance. As an example I may record 8 shows over a 2-week period and then produce them all and take a couple of months off as an example, right? Then just basically rinse and repeat when I catch up to the episodes, which is this episode. So first of all I want to say that I'm super excited to be back with you, it's been so long. Even though maybe to you it's like we've talked just last week, right, or whenever you listen to the last episode, although for me it's been 8 weeks. So, first of all I have to tell you that one of the reasons that I'm excited to be back is, number one, it's my favorite time of the year. I love fall. I just love the cool weather, I love the holidays, I love the attitude, I love everything about it. On top of that, I just got back from a wonderful trip to Utah, where I was... I stayed in Park City, Utah for a total 5 days. Basically, I met with a group of other business owners in a mastermind environment and we just spent several days together talking about big picture aspects and strategies about growing our business, the future, the plans, what's working, what's not. We went out and had dinner together, had lunch together, and just spent a lot of time sharing those strategies and helping one another. For me that really charged my batteries and it just kind of helps me get back on track. I don't know about you but I'm most alive when it comes to business when I'm surrounded by other business owners that are excited about what they're doing, right? That's one of things I'm really worked up about. And then also, as I've been away all this time I've been thinking that I want to do a better job of sharing a little bit of my personal life with you. Because we've spent so much time together, I'm in your ear talking to you that I think I could do Copyright © 2012, 2013 The Entrepreneur’s Radio Show

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a better job of sharing some of the personal aspects of my life without it getting in the way. I never want to get in the way of the show and I value your time so much that I always try to get down to business and give you as much value as possible, because I know everybody needs to do more and get more out of their business right away. That's always been my thinking. I've just been reflecting on that and I'm going to do a better job there and hopefully you'll like me sharing some of those aspects. Also, I want to ask you to reflect on the interviews and the things that we've been talking about. I want you to tell me if being surrounded by people, if listening to this people that have gone after their dreams and achieved incredible things is inspiring you. Is it challenging you to think things differently. Do you spend your time thinking about your thinking? Do you question yourself, and not in a doubting way. I'm not trying to birth anything that causes you to instill doubt. But I want to challenge you to get out of your comfort zone and grow. A lot of times I see people waiting for the right time, and the right time is never, the right time is now. The old saying, when you're looking for a great shade tree the best time to plant a shade tree was 20 years ago. And then the second best time is now. There's never going to be a perfect time. My entire objective beyond just teaching you those tactics and strategies to grow your business is to impact your life and everybody that's connected with you. I want to help rewire or constantly upgrade your thinking in a positive way. Growing never stops. I won't begin to assume that your wiring is wrong because it may be exactly where it needs to be but it can always be upgraded. We always need to be improving our knowledge, our skill set, our perspective so that it's accurate and on target, and we're the best that we should be at that time. Now, on the other note something that I've been thinking about and I've mentioned it casually a few times is I'm going to change things up a little bit. I enjoy the interviews that we've been doing and hopefully it's been valuable to you, although I want to add some other elements to the show that may be brief 5, 10, 15, 20-minute little audios that will bring value to you in other ways. So based on that I'm going to be doing different types of recordings that I think you'll enjoy. And of course I'd like to have your feedback and you tell me what you think. If you like more of it, less of it, your opinion, and the overall senses of everybody that listens to the show really does matter to me. Now, the best way to give me feedback if you haven't already done it is go to the Entrepreneur's Radio Show and enter your contact information. Just enter your name and email and you'll get my personal direct email. And that way you give me feedback, you can tell me when changes whether you like, or dislike, or any type of suggestions along the way. One more thing before we get started remember that you can go to the Entrepreneur's Radio Show and just click on the microphone and leave a voicemail if you'd like to do that, just a simple and easy way to doing it. Leave any type of question that you may have about business. And ultimately what I'll be doing is answering those questions on short 5, 10, 15-minute Q and A

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segments also. And then of course remember that you can take these interviews on the go with you through iTunes or Stitcher. All you've got to do is go to rockstarentrepreneurnetwork.com or the Entrepreneur's Radio Show, either website, and click on the iTunes or Stitcher button and it will take you directly there. I think I've gone on enough about what's been going on with me and some of the things that I've been thinking. Let's work our way back to Sheevaun Moran. Now, depending on how long you've been listening to the show you probably already know that I love to connect you with as many different people from a wide perspective of mindsets or approaches, and Sheevaun is no different. Sheevaun is an author of several books and a master energy coach. Sheevaun teaches entrepreneurs and leaders universal success principles with proven step-by-step how to breakthroughs. Sheevaun has helped over 15,000 people. So, buckle up, get ready, it's going to be an interesting interview as always. So without further ado let's go ahead and get down to business, what do you say? Welcome to the show Sheevaun. SHEEVAUN: Thanks for having me Travis. TRAVIS: You're welcome. I'm super excited to hang out with you, I know you're really busy. Can you give me the back-story of how you came to be where you're at today? SHEEVAUN: Great story. My first business was at 11, my parents wouldn’t buy me some sweater that I wanted, and they said, "If you can figure out how to get it on your own you can have whatever you want." So, I made them a deal and I said, "Anything I want, anytime if I buy it on my own?" They said "Yes, within limits." And so, I started a lawn mowing company. A girl lawn mowing company is not the ordinary thing. But I did well, I picked the biggest lawns, and I did very well for several years. And then I sold the company to my brother. TRAVIS: I like that. SHEEVAUN: So, that was my first transaction. Then I went on to program computers and really got into small companies. I worked for big corporations but I really got into small companies and growing them because it gave me the freedom, flexibility, and creativity to help them design success that was really aimed at their audience, and really new and innovative. And so, I did 4 companies like that we built four of those to a couple of million dollars and sold them. And during that time I got sick because I usually love what I do. I got sick and got misdiagnosed, and then I ended up in the emergency room and I had blood sepsis, which is blood poisoning and usually that's lethal. I walked around with that for several months and that landed me in the emergency room. I thought, "I'm not meant to just die and go away, I'm going to fix this." So, they injected me with all the stuff that they needed to inject me with and I told them I was going home and they said I was a lunatic and that people stay for several weeks. And I just said, "I'm going to go home and I'm going to heal myself. I don't know what that means, but if I can build

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companies I can certainly help my body get healthy." And so, that's what I did. And what I really started to think about was how there are certain processes, flows, and techniques that help a business grow. And those same processes, flows, and techniques actually help a body stay healthy. And so I started playing around with that. Then I got better and then I started applying it to the company that I was in at the time and then sales started just skyrocketing. And then, I went off to Nepal and did a little trip there. And one of the women in the group she had a massive stroke outside my tent and the stuff that I'd been experimenting with myself and the company I used on her. She went from having a massive stroke and not having a lot of hope, and I worked on her and I did those things for her. We saw her after we trekked down 6 days later and she was walking and talking, and I thought, "Okay, there's a lot to this. I need to tell everybody about this." So that's really the beginning of the journey. TRAVIS: Not a very straight path if we charted this. This is a very unusual path. I love that, I love unusual paths by the way. I love blazing new trails to an extent that it gets me in trouble at times. So let's go back and let's unpack some of this because there's a lot going on here and I want to understand it on a little deeper level. I love the self-healing part. Before that, you'd went and worked in businesses, or you own those businesses, or you were co-owners on those business that built them to these really high levels of income. Give me some perspective on that. SHEEVAUN: Yes, that's an awesome question. So, I would go in after the business was established and maybe there be two to a dozen people in the business. And that was my ideal profile. I seem to have a knack for identifying businesses that were going to get big. So one of the first ones that I worked in, and I think there were a dozen of us when we started. If those were those under desk keyboard drawers they were first inventors of those under desk keyboard drawers. TRAVIS: Oh cool. SHEEVAUN: Pretty cool stuff. We didn't have that many sales. We were in catalogs and things like that. Sales were good but they weren't awesome. We would say maybe less than a million a year. And we grew that over 2 years to over $150 million. TRAVIS: That's not a bad growth. SHEEVAUN: It was awesome and it was a blast. And then we sold it to Rubbermaid. And then I went on and I did that again for a sales company, and that sales company got sold out. And then I went on to a small, tiny pharma company and there were 3 of us. And their systems were a mess and their sales processes were a mess, and they really didn't know how to collect things. And they were really giving everything away for free. I came in and I systematized, I brought in a couple of really amazing people to help me grow their platform, meaning their

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computer system so they could global. And then we got the products, I've been in sales, you're jack-of-all-trades when you're in that. So, I was in sales and helping them through the process. And I got them into Walgreens and Wal-Mart. And it became an international sales organization for products for kidney disease. It was the first women-owned pharmaceutical company in the United States. We grew that and sold that to a major pharma company. It was probably 4 years, it took us about 4 years to do that. And then I went on to do another one and that one got sold to UPS. So that's kind of been my trajectory. TRAVIS: So that's really cool. Were you in the consultant role each time or did you have some fractional ownership? SHEEVAUN: Yes, I had partial ownership. I would often start as a consultant. Sometimes I would start as an employee. I had a friend who worked for Apple and just said, "Ask for a piece of the action." So I said, "Okay." TRAVIS: Interesting. I love that story. So tell me how when you got sick, how did you correlate that you could do the same thing with sickness. For me I believe it's focusing your energy on solving the problem because I've gone through something very similar in my own life. What was the correlation that you saw that you could take control of with your health? SHEEVAUN: Yes. Just imagine this. I'm laid out on the sofa, I promised my doctors that I would go home and I'd lay on my sofa and I wouldn't move, as if I were in a hospital. I'll just be on my own environment. People would come and help me. You can only watch so much television, read so many magazines and books. Then I just laid there and I stared at the window and thought, "How does the body work? You put a Band-Aid on it but it's not the Band-Aid that heals it." I started really just thinking about how I have had sensitivities, and how I've had intuitions, how I listened to different people over the course of time that have said different things about their bodies and told stories. All those things just started filtering in and one of those stories was I had been married and he had said that his grandmother took him to come to the ocean after he had gangrene in his leg. She had him stay there all day long. And he woke up the next day and he didn't have gangrene anymore. And I started thinking, "Well, I should just go to the ocean. I live at the ocean. Why don't I just go there?" So I just started thinking the ocean has healing properties, it just started getting my mind working, and I thought, "Well, if I can help somebody transform a problem into a solution in an organization I can certainly imagine that's got to apply to the body." So that's really the line of thinking I went through. TRAVIS: For me, I've went through something similar. Every time I look back after I go through the problem there's been several times where I just say, "I don't understand that. And I shut off my thinking. The conclusion is I don't understand that and I just leave it in a little box. There the box of "I don't understand that." As I've grown and evolved, and I've solved multiple problems I've come to the realization that everything that I've ever encountered has a logical step that it

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unfolded, and a logical way to fold it back up or eliminate it, right? So, as long as I don't file it in the box of "I don't get this. This is over my head." And I spend the time and effort in drilling down deeper and kind of reverse engineering what's going on here, I normally empower myself to get to the root of the problem. And I hear a little bit of that going on in your story. Is that accurate? Does that make sense to you? SHEEVAUN: Yes. Here's a little bit more of that story. Before all of this occurred, during a piece of this process I was married and my husband died suddenly. And I'm not glossing over because it's a big part of the story. But the big part of that story is a woman who is a friend of my dad said, "Now's the time when you don't know what is to come for you and you need to just say yes to everything." That was the genesis of everything is just keep saying yes. And I've been saying yes for a long time since. TRAVIS: So how did that serve the problems, or serve you in a way to help you overcome those problems? SHEEVAUN: To ensure that I would say yes, that it's possible I could do this. And really just yes to inner knowing because what you just said is you put it into the box. It was just say yes to an inner knowing and go and do that. TRAVIS: Okay. SHEEVAUN: Yes to an idea and go and see if you can formulate that or make that happen. Yes to a potential call. The call that I made that got us into Walgreens at the time, which is somebody I happen to randomly meet, really didn't have his card or information, just picked up the phone, he happened to answer it. He was the third in line at Walgreens, and he said... Because I opened my mind and I wanted to make that call. "Yes, I'd love to take an experiment in one of our stores and see if we can take it national." It was really just from that inner yes to be like "Let's try that." TRAVIS: Right. Thinking deeper down into the story I agree with you on many levels that success, whether it be with health personally or professionally, health on one level or personal issues, or professional level things. It's staying in constant action. I think that's kind of the alignment with what you're saying with yes, just constantly moving forward when you say no. It stops the progress and you can't really move forward. Am I understanding that right? SHEEVAUN: It's more like "Yes, let's figure it out. Yes, that's a possibility." And here's a great lesson from the man who actually taught me the energy stuff to help my body after I got healthy. We were at dinner and there were a dozen of us or so. And food kept coming after we were full. We're like, "Please stop." And it just kept coming, and coming, and coming, and I was like, "What the heck is going on?" And I looked around and I was like, "You guys, listen to this

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principle. Just say yes without saying no. And say yes, thank you, and I'm full." And that's when the food stopped. So we didn't say no. We said yes, we said thank you, and we got really clear on what was occurring in the moment is we were full. Please stop bringing food. And we're still like yes, without being a harsh shutting down and pivot. TRAVIS: I'm reflecting here because you're challenging me. I think on many levels we're saying a lot of the same things although you're challenging me to look at it from a different perspective and I like that. So forgive me for going over and over because I have a deep desire to understand and constantly grow, right? SHEEVAUN: Awesome. Congratulations. TRAVIS: That's why I keep going over this. So take me down the path, you said the same thing that you did for yourself you applied to this lady that had a stroke. So, tell me more about that. SHEEVAUN: Sure. You used the word a few minutes ago that isn't a commonly held word in the business language set but I'm going to dive in there for a moment, and that's the word energy. Effectively, if we don't have energy our body gets sick. That's just human body law. And that actually applies to the business. There are certain energetic tools and techniques just like there are sales processes and revenue evaluations, etc. There are certain sales processes that apply to energy processes, certain success processes that apply to energy processes. And those two have been really wide and far apart. The principles that apply to a human body and their health require a certain level of energetic. So, I'll just use this as an image for everyone. Imagine you're standing there and you're in a sea of trees and you feel expansive, and it's really great, and you just feel like everything is just fluid. Then imagine you go into a city environment and you're really compressed and you have no personal space. Well, if you end up in no personal space for your health you actually compress your health and make it smaller and smaller, and less possible for the body to do its job. If you're in a wider, open space like out in nature, nature really helps you facilitate that. But there are certain processes and principles that apply to the body if you know those techniques, those formulas that can expand that sensory stuff around the body in a compressed environment so that the body does heal itself faster. TRAVIS: Interesting. I think when get in a compressed environment like what you're explaining I noticed, because I'm interested in psychology and how people act, and how we react, and all those other things. So, I'm constantly thinking about how I'm thinking and how I'm feeling. And just from an observational standpoint. And those situations when I'm feeling compressed I notice that I have to breathe from my stomach rather than my chest, which is a bit suffocating. And so, I noticed things like that happen when I get in a confined space. Would that be a good example of what you're talking about?

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SHEEVAUN: Yeah, that's a great analogy. And breathe is one of those things that we take for granted and we don't have any really deep understanding of how to utilize it to make sure that any compressed environment doesn't stay compressed in our body or in our brain, our thinking, and our being, doing, or having. TRAVIS: I rarely put any time or effort into learning this stuff on a deeper level. And I'm probably at a place in my life where I need to spend more time on it. Although I've had an innate ability to control energy within myself. So, I grew up in an environment like you where at 11 years old I started working with my father. And we didn't have any extra. And so, it became crystal clear to me that the only way that I was going to be able to control my future was to pave my own roads, and to create my own success. And so, my father was loving but very hardcore, straightforward, no nonsense, no BS. And so, he had told me that if I wanted to have freedom to drive and do whatever I wanted to then I needed to earn enough money to buy a truck, have insurance, and have my license. And I clarified this with him, on the day I turned 16 I could pull out of the driveway and go wherever I wanted to. And so, the day I turned 16 I pulled out of the driveway and went wherever I wanted to because I've saved for years and years and got that. So I think that put me on a path of learning to control my efforts, my energy, and ways that would be important or that align with what I want to accomplish. Later in life as I had some health issues I thought I was always in good health and I started having some health problems and I went to a doctor. And she said, "Travis, if you weren't sitting in front of me I would say you wouldn't be able to get out of bed." And I said, "Why is that?" And she says, "The things that I’m looking at say you're just off the charts on this, this, this, and this. And for me physiologically when those things affected me initially, they did hit me in a way to where I didn't want to get out of bed. But I also made a decision that I've got things I needed to take care of and that I'm passionate about. And I'm not going to let those feelings dictate what I'm going to do each day. So I learned just to get up and get going. And then it becomes a new norm for me to where I can go every single day. I think that to me in my small amount of knowledge and understanding that's one way of controlling your energy. Is that correct? Do you agree with that? SHEEVAUN: Yes. TRAVIS: Okay. So I think maybe it's just an innate thing, or I was taught by my father at a very young age to control those energies and efforts. And so, what really interest me about you is I have been surrounded by people at events that are focused on energy. But very few of them tie it back to the left side. They're all extreme right brainers, and there's nothing wrong with that. SHEEVAUN: And this is where I come in because I blend too. TRAVIS: Right. And so, there's nothing wrong with that. A lot of those extreme right brainers are considered airy, fairy type, the wishy-washy people too, the people in the middle are left brainers, right? But that's okay, everybody can make their own decisions. But, very few people

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tie the left-brain side of things and with the right brain side of energy. So, that's one thing that I see that's very different about you. How did that come to pass? Were you originally a left brainer or originally a right brainer? SHEEVAUN: I think I'm a middle of the road girl. I was a computer programmer at 14 and I liked it well enough. But I seem to always have a better understanding of... I would be at parties in high school and whole bunch of people would be sitting around me and maybe asking me for advice, what I thought, and how things would move in them. I'm like a teenager, I don't know anything. So, if I look back at all of that that was a pretty consistent theme. I've always had a way of processing things left-brain and have that scientific curiosity that allowed me... I think in the beginning before my husband died I was pretty strict and rigid about it. And then after he died I was like, "All bets are off. Let's go." And I really opened that door to be just both, just be who you are. TRAVIS: I like that. So, explain it to me in a way... How does the average person consolidate what you're teaching here and use it in a way that would be a meaningful bit to them in business? SHEEVAUN: Awesome question. Let's say it's 2008, you're a small business and you're freaking out, right? And you start thinking, "Oh my god, what's going to happen? Oh my god, the news is saying this. And you start this spiral and spin of complex thoughts, worries, fears, angst, and what people are saying. And you start going down into a spiral. So, I have developed tools that take you out of that spiral and get you on an even keel and upward trend. Because nature wants everything to be in an upward trend. And that's what business is if you let it be that way and you take certain actions. You have somebody who guides you along through that process. You take processes and steps, and hire the right people, etc. So, anytime you're in a confused or chaotic state your sales will demonstrate that exact state. And so, I show a correlation to how the owner's body, whether it's a billion dollar corporation or somebody who's just starting out. It's the same in that demonstrates itself in what's happening in the top. I have tools and techniques that take people out of those chaotic situations, thoughts, etc. and really get them on track so that it becomes that upward trend and you can make a sales conversation without somebody else feeling like you're needy or desperate. Because a lot of the sales go sideways because they're feeling something from you, they just don't know what it is. If you can stop that before you walk in the door it will be much easier on you and them, and them in the business. TRAVIS: Right. I think what you're talking about comes across in tonality and inflection unintentionally. And by posture also. SHEEVAUN: Here's something that's interesting that science has proven. These are scientific statistics that have been around since the 1920's, weirdly enough, that we actually can sense

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before somebody walks in the door. The direction something is about to go based upon what other person is emitting. They didn't call that energy they just said emitting. TRAVIS: Yes. Napoleon Hill talks about in on a deep level and he explains it. He talks about it in a way, "Just because you can't see it why is it so hard to believe that it's present." And then he goes on to draw correlations of you can't see radio waves but we all believe what we're hearing on the radio. You can't see energy moving through the wires except we know that it will electrocute you if you touch it. There's even other brilliant writers that have written on the topic that there's channels of ideas and thoughts that are not necessarily unique to you as much as they're existing and you tap into them. I think that maybe is the perspective that you're talking about there? SHEEVAUN: Yes. That is certainly one of them. It's really we're conditioned to what is going on in front of our eyes. The tables, the chairs, the desks, the cars, etc. That's what we're conditioned to be present to. If you look at any quantum physicist or any physics professor they talk about 99% of our world is unseen. And the mind says, "No, that's not possible." It's just because we've been trained to believe that that's true. So if you have a child, and you look at that child particularly the first 2 or 3 years what are they looking at? They certainly don't have cognitive function, what are they looking at? They're really interacting with the energetics of the parent or the surroundings. It's really about taking all of those concepts and applying them in a very strategic and formulaic manner so it applies to all pieces of life mainly the business. Because what occurs if you are business or you're a leader in any way, eventually you're going to bump into this. It's just going to be languaged in a different way that's safer for you. I came across this in a way and started thinking, "Well, people are talking about it, they're just not ever really saying what it is. And I'm just going to say what it is because it's there all the time. And if I can language it in a way that makes it really practical, really simple, and really usable out in the day-in and day-out world then I've done my job. TRAVIS: Give me some of that language because the real world is 99% unseen. That doesn't ring true for me but I don't know what I don't know. SHEEVAUN: It's okay. TRAVIS: I do realize that there's got to be just so much more that I am aware of. SHEEVAUN: I'm going to use Steve Jobs as a great example. So, if you look at him after he got ousted from Apple. He went inward and tried to figure out what was going on. Other than beating himself up and everyone else around him he went inward to find out what he can differently and where his talents were most useful. Then he ended up in Pixar and playing in that realm and that was awesome. There's a seminal video from the early 90's before he came in as the real interim CEO. You can hear him describing the iPhone and the connectivity that

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needed to happen. And they were going to be applications that other people developed, and we needed to be a collaborative environment. And we didn't really know how it was all going to come together as a glue and as one platform so it will be deliverable out to the planet. But here you are 10 years later and then you have the first iPhone, which has apps on it. So that's taking the unseen into the seen and working with technology because it couldn't generate enough functionality and enough electricity, or enough energy to run it before they had discovered certain elements in the earth that they could put together inside the iPhone to make it do all of these things that it does today. TRAVIS: Yes, Dan Sullivan says make it up and then make it real. SHEEVAUN: Yes. And when I was in Houston the other day and I was talking with a guy who came by my booth. He's a top salesman at one of the oil companies. We got into a conversation about sales and I said, "Why do you do what you do?" And he said, "I'm so intrigued by the whole process." And I said, "What do you mean the whole process?" He said, "Because I can't see. I don't know. It's fascinating that we can put a pole into the earth and we can pull something out. And it can run all of these vehicles on top of the earth. That is the unseen world that fascinates me. And it's everywhere in front of us but we're not applying it in the same way." TRAVIS: Interesting. Yes, that's a great example of what you were talking about. So, bringing this back to everyday small business owners. How do I take some of the things that you've discovered and make an impact in my business? SHEEVAUN: Great question. So, have you ever been in a conversation with somebody and you felt that you really just needed to walk away and it, yet it kept repeating in your head? TRAVIS: Yes. SHEEVAUN: Okay. So the words walk away are accurate. However, the energetics continue to play out just like exhaust from a car down the road, right? So there's actually a trail of energetics that continue. And to learn how to disconnect that energetic and cut that connection so that internal dialogue stops, because it's no longer relevant, that's one tool we have. We have a book download on my main website sheevaunmoran.com and it has the 5 Essential Energies to Success. Those techniques are in there. And I give them away because they saved my life. They saved a lot of sales conversations and they've helped thousands of businesses around the world. It's really about how do you disconnect that in a way that is tangible and makes sense, and what would yield a result in your bottom-line. TRAVIS: Interesting. Now, of course what we'll do is we'll drive people to that where they can download and read it. Is it a giveaway that you say?

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SHEEVAUN: It is a giveaway. TRAVIS: Okay. So, can you go a little deeper into that? SHEEVAUN: Sure, absolutely. So, how many times you've ever heard that's taking so much rent in my brain? Do you ever hear that conversation? TRAVIS: Yes. SHEEVAUN: Okay, great. So, if that is taking so much rent in your brain, how much time is that taking away from what you're here to do or how you're here to serve or grow your business. How much time would you imagine? TRAVIS: Well, depending on what it is I've let things take 50% of my productivity away because it owns way too much space in my brain. SHEEVAUN: Nice. So, if you're able to get even just 25 of that 50% back is that worth it? TRAVIS: Sure, yes. SHEEVAUN: Exactly. So, that disconnection technique is in that book that can give you up to 90% of that back. That's how powerful it is. And it's just one technique that you have a connection to every person in your life. In science they call it String theory. And you have a string just like can to can with a thread, a string to it. There's actually an energetic string connected to every person in your life. There's a lot of what I call "poopie" residue left from that 50% of negative conversation that's taking up rent, right? TRAVIS: Right. SHEEVAUN: And if you can disconnect that, if you were to take and cut that away, really cut that away, that gets really quiet in your head. And then you can get back focused, on your business, have a clear conversation, stay out of arguments much more easily, really have clarity as to what actions that you need to take in order to grow, or see marketing improve, or bring the right person in to your organization. Because if you still have that 50% rent connectivity in play, the likelihood of you bringing in the right person the first time is significantly diminished and then you're going to have to rehire. So, it really sets up this whole conversation for the more clear you are from those things that take up rent, the more easily your business can grow. TRAVIS: I've had situations in my life in business to where I've had things like that happen and I've gone through, for me, what was my own version of hell, right? And so looking back... Well, actually there was a time once I got through it that I realized that I held the key to that door of

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that cell. And for some reason I had being carrying this baggage when I could've just set it all down, unlock the door, and walked out quite a while ago. And I think that that's a version of what you're talking about. And then once I did set the baggage down, unlocked the door and step out I was much more available, understanding, considerate, all of the attributes that you would want to improve on this journey of life, right? And so, for me I think that's exactly what you're describing. SHEEVAUN: That's what I'm describing except in an accelerated manner. A hundred times accelerated to get to that place of piece and really setting it down and letting it go. TRAVIS: Yes. I wish I could use a word that could magnify the importance of what you're talking about here. Because what I was going through was on the verge of killing me. I could feel that I was just on the cusp of having a heart attack. You can lay in to yourself so hard and not let up and beat yourself up for so long to where I think you can kill yourself. You've just get to a place and realize that there's no value in that and move on. So, I wish I could come up with a word that, based on my experience, could implore people to take some steps to learn this and apply it in their own life. SHEEVAUN: I'm going to interject here. So, one of the things I did several years ago, because I was in search of the word. TRAVIS: Okay. SHEEVAUN: Because I thought, "I'm going to ask the people that were my clients. What did they get other than financial reward, what did they get, what are the things that they got from working with me?" And every single one of them said clarity, simplicity, and it always led to profits. I was like, "Really?" And every single one none of them knew each other, we just did a random survey, and every single one of them said the same thing I thought, I guess that's what's happening. TRAVIS: Right. I can understand better and draw a line in my own mental map of where you are as a leader correlates to what's going on in your business. And what I want to do in every interview is try to make this as real world for everybody listening so that's useful for them. For me at first, even though I've had this experience and I'm telling you that I've had this experience. As you were reframing it, it was very hard for me to get my arms around it, but I completely understand it and agree with you that it's a very important process. We're running a little long on time. What do say we segway to the three questions that I sent you over. Are you ready for that? SHEEVAUN: Awesome. Let's roll.

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TRAVIS: All right. So, what book or program made an impact on you related to business that you'd recommend and why? SHEEVAUN: Great question. The name, I can see the color. Oh my goodness. Don't Sweat the Small Stuff, Everything is Small Stuff. TRAVIS: Oh yeah, and that's a book? SHEEVAUN: Yes. TRAVIS: You know what, I think I recognize that now that I think about it. A book that I think you would really love, you may have already read it, is The Man Who Tapped the Secrets of the Universe. SHEEVAUN: I haven't, no. I would say another book that really got me was Tom Hopkins, and Og Mandino. Og Mandino would be The Greatest Salesman in the World. TRAVIS: Yes. SHEEVAUN: And I read that when I was 10 years old. TRAVIS: Wow, wonderful. What's one of your favorite tools or pieces of technology that you've recently discovered, if any, that you'd recommend to other business owners and why? SHEEVAUN: Oh, that's so cool. I love technology as you can imagine, so, I would actually say Facebook Marketing. How ludicrous is that. But I get it and there is a process to that. And it's so dialed in if you really understand it. You can make magic in your business. TRAVIS: That's right. What quote would best summarize your belief or attitude in business? SHEEVAUN: I would say that it's "More peaceful you are, the more prosperous you are." When you're peaceful and prosperous the clarity and the simplicity of the leader is the clarity and the results of the team. TRAVIS: I like that. One out of left field. It's something that I didn't send you but I'm going go to throw you a last minute curve, okay? Do you have any superpowers that you can share with us? SHEEVAUN: Yes. I create miracles in people's lives. TRAVIS: That's a pretty cool superpower.

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SHEEVAUN: Yes, it's all energy. That's my superpower. Making it simple and making it clear, that's my superpower. TRAVIS: Too cool. I wonder what kind of outfit would come with that, would a cape come with that? SHEEVAUN: Sure, why not. TRAVIS: So, how do people reach out and connect with you? And also, how would they get that book, that guide that you talked about? SHEEVAUN: Thank you for asking Travis. You can go to sheevaunmoran.com. And there's a little space that it says "Grab my free book, free download" and that book is in there. I'm very proud of it because it really gives simple tools that are applicable to everyday life in business.

End of Interview TRAVIS: Thank you very much. I appreciate that. Remember that you can find all of the links to the books and resources mentioned in the show notes. Just got to rockstarentrepreneurnetwork.com and then of course click on episode 126 to find Sheevaun Moran. Now, before I close the show, of course I like to read a quote of mine, and I think this quote aligns with the direction that we talked about today with Sheevaun. The quote reads, "Put your heart, mind, and soul into even your smallest acts. This is the secret of success." This is Travis Lane Jenkins signing off for now. To your incredible success, take care.

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How We Can Help You We know that finding someone that you can trust online today is hard and that so many “so called gurus” are self-‐appointed and have never really even done what they teach you to do. That’s exactly why we created the Double Your Profits Business Accelerator. This is an exclusive offer for our fans at a fraction of its normal cost. Here's what to expect. We'll Schedule a 'One on One' private session, where we'll take the time to dive deep into your business and tell you what is missing, so that you can have your best year ever! We'll do this by performing a S.W.O.T. Analysis. This tells us your Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities and Threats within your business. This will be an eye opener for YOU, for several reasons, however some of the most common reasons are. As the 'Business Owner' it’s difficult to see the big picture of your own business because you’re in the middle of a daily management. And you are too emotionally involved to completely impartial. This is a common problem for EVERY business owner. It doesn’t matter if you are a one-man army, or an army of 150, the problem is still the same. Travis Lane Jenkins Business Mentor-Turn Around Specialist Radio Host of The Entrepreneurs Radio Show “Conversations with Self-made Millionaires and High-level Entrepreneurs That Grow Your Business"

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