1 Cor 5

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Table of Contents THE GIFT OF GRACE AND THE BURDEN OF THE LAW.............................................................................................................................................................1 INTRODUCTION.................................................................................................................................................................................................................................1 1. Argument #1: God saved these Galatians through the Gospel of his grace and not by their Law keeping (v1-5) ..........................................................................2 2. Argument #2: God has always saved his people through the Gospel of his grace and not by their Law keeping (v6-14) .............................................................4 3. Argument #3: God's promise of grace is not cancelled because he gave Israel some laws to keep! (v15-18) ................................................................................8 1 Corinthians 5:1-13 1 It is actually reported that there is sexual immorality among you, and of a kind that even pagans do not tolerate: A man is sleeping with his father’s wife. 2 And you are proud! Shouldn’t you rather have gone into mourning and have put out of your fellowship the man who has been doing this? 3 For my part, even though I am not physically present, I am with you in spirit. As one who is present with you in this way, I have already passed judgment in the name of our Lord Jesus on the one who has been doing this. 4 So when you are assembled and I am with you in spirit, and the power of our Lord Jesus is present, 5 hand this man over to Satan for the destruction of the flesh, so that his spirit may be saved on the day of the Lord. 6 Your boasting is not good. Don’t you know that a little yeast leavens the whole batch of dough? 7 Get rid of the old yeast, so that you may be a new unleavened batch—as you really are. For Christ, our Passover lamb, has been sacrificed. 8 Therefore let us keep the Festival, not with the old bread leavened with malice and wickedness, but with the unleavened bread of sincerity and truth. 9 I wrote to you in my letter not to associate with sexually immoral people— 10 not at all meaning the people of this world who are immoral, or the greedy and swindlers, or idolaters. In that case you would have to leave this world. 11 But now I am writing to you that you must not associate with anyone who claims to be a brother or sister but is sexually immoral or greedy, an idolater or slanderer, a drunkard or swindler. Do not even eat with such people. 12 What business is it of mine to judge those outside the church? Are you not to judge those inside? 13 God will judge those outside. “Expel the wicked person from among you.”

Judging Christians I N T ROD UC T ION What do Paula White, Benny Hinn, Ray McCauley, Jimmy Swaggart, Ted Haggard, Jim Bakker all have in common? The main thing is not, as you might think, that they've all got huge moral (usually sexual) question marks above their heads. Rather – The main thing is that they've all been allowed to continue in ministry with the blessing of their churches with huge moral (usually sexual) question marks over their heads!!!

It's a strange reality that all too often the church (which preaches against sin and social injustice) is more tolerant of sin than the pagan world is. We have the episcopal church in the USA and the Anglican Church in England approving of homosexual practises among its

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ministers …and the RC's trying to keep the accusations of pedophilia

most spiritual preacher – who was the most

among it's priests under-wraps. Yet, in the non-christian world, not a

anointed/most gifted preacher. around

year goes past without some or other political leader in the UK been

forced to resign because of some sexual sin. The American people took

some following Apollos others claiming to be above such earthly

a stronger stand against Bill Clinton in his affair with Monica Lewinsky

conversations and claiming to “follow Christ” - probably

than the church does when their superstar ministers have affairs or

meaning that they didn't need human teachers but were led by

worse. And of course this problem is nothing new. In Rev 2:20 we rea

Jesus supernaturally by visions and dreams

about the church in Thyatira who tolerate Jezebel who was leading christians into sexual sin.

This resulted in divisions in the church – some following Paul,

Actually, the situation was much more serious than just people

Well, here in 1 Cor 5 we have another case – not just of sexual

differing in the style of preaching that they prefered ◦ at the end of the day they had REJECTED Paul's Gospel in

immorality in the church, but of the church tolerating sexual

favour of different Gospels and had rejected Preaching in

immorality in the church!

favour of other ways of hearing from God. Let's refresh our memories about what Paul has said so far: Remember, chapters 1-4 – In chapter 1v11, some people had come from Chloe's household & reported that there were divisions among the christians. These Corinthians had taken it upon themselves to rank the different Preachers in the Church. •

And so Paul corrects them and finishes off in chapter 4 saying “Don't you go around judging between different preachers on the basis of their style and eloquence and performance in the pulpit. Judge them on the basis of their faithfulness to the Gospel”

They prided themselves in their ability to judge who was the most powerful preacher in the early church – who was the

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Now he moves on to deal with some of the practical issues that had

Thankfully we don't know all the gory details about this matter but can

arisen in the church. Here is the church that boasts of itself and yet

get a pretty good idea of what was going on – someone in the church is

the Corinthian church is one of the most ungodly churches that you

involved in “sexual immorality”

will read about in the NT!!

The phrase covers all forms of unlawful sex – any form of sex except between a husband and a wife in a heterosexual

In chap 5 & 6 Paul picks on 2 sins to try and get this church to see the


huge problems that they have. In chap 5 he picks on a case of sexual immorality & in chap 6 he picks on a case of fraud. As serious as these

In this case a man in the church was involved in a sexual relationship

cases are the thing that Paul finds shocking is not the gory details of

with a woman who wasn't his wife – in fact she was, or at least had

the cases but the reaction of the church to the cases. I hope

been, his father's wife! ◦ She almost certainly wasn't this man's mother or else Paul

that we can see this over the next 2 weeks.

would have said so – it was probably his step-mother So, he starts with the case of sexual immorality

▪ We also don't know what had happened to his father – he might be dead or divorced or she might simply be [353 words – 11.7 mins]

betraying his father and having an affair with his son

1. Paul highlights a problem in the church – an unwillingness to act against wickedness in the So there's a lot we don't know but the fact is that she wasn't this man's church (v1-2) wife and she was or had been related to him through his father. •

She might well have been the young second wife of his father but we don't know.

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It also wasn't just 1 night of passion cos Paul says “he has his father's

man in their church to others who are greedy, idolators,

wife” - this relationship had need going on for a long time

slanderers, drunkards and swindlers

◦ it also wasn't private because Paul says it is public

What is much more shocking to Paul than the news of these

information – people are talking about it all over Corinth and

sinners who are in the church, is the news that the church are

now news of it has even reached Paul in Ephesus!!

doing nothing about it. ◦ How can a church that is so discerning that they can judge

Something else we know is that it was the kind of incestuous

between the apostles be so undiscerning when it comes to

relationship that was not tolerated even among the pagans


yet it was been tolerated in this “spirit filled church”!

The church were “turning-the-other-cheek” or “turning-a-

◦ if they really are as spiritual as they claim to be then how can they tolerate what is going on in their midst?

blind-eye” to something that was turning-the-stomachs of the And so Paul challenges them on their lack of action


“friends – if this sort of thing happened in the pagan

So friends – the problem is stated in v1. It is a shocking sin but friends

Greenpeace group or the pagan Computer Geeks club at the

– I reckon that it wasn't the man's sin that shocked Paul – it was the

university – the member would have been expelled long ago!”

reaction of the church that shocked him.

Gillette and Golfing Digest and AT&T all gave Tiger Wood the boot when the news of his unfaithfulness came out

He only gives 1 verse to describing the man but the rest of the chapter

telling the church what to do about it. •

yet you do nothing – what is wrong with you. Can't you see where this is all leading. Can't you see that you're the laughing

In fact, although he starts out talking about this specific sin, by

stock of the city and that you're making Jesus the laughing stock

verse 11 he has broadened the issue from the sexual immoral

of the marketplace”

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“put out of your fellowship the man who did this” (v2)

“hand this man over to Satan for the destruction of the flesh” (v5)

Look at v2 – look at what their reaction should have been. “Shouldn't you rather have been filled with grief” as you mourn the loss of a brother

“Shouldn't you rather have put out of your fellowship the man who did this” <<PAUSE>>

Paul goes on to answer 5 questions for the Corinthians: 1--What exactly should they do? 2--Why should they do it?

“Get rid of the old yeast” (v7)

“Do not associate...Do not even eat with such people.” (v11)

“judge those inside” (v12)

“Expel the wicked person from among you.” (v13)

It can be confusing can't it?I heard a story of some prisoners serving life sentences who became Christians. When they heard of someone committing a serious sin they decided that these verses were saying that they should kill him- they should destroy his flesh. Thankfully the chaplain managed to stop them in time and explain what Paul was really saying!! Of course Paul is not saying “kill the man” when he says “destroy the flesh”

3--How should they do it?

4--Who should they do it to?

The flesh is the Bible's way of talking about the things we do that don't belong in the Xn life

5--what is the way forward? •

Q1: What must they do? Paul tells them the course of action they must take (v3-5; 11-13) It is pretty clear what Paul is asking them to do – or is it?

the things that we might still be doing that we still need to repent of and bring under Jesus' rule

So Paul is saying “If a man or woman who claims to be a Xn is living like a pagan then treat him/her like a pagan”

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he/she has no right to enjoy the companionship and fellowship and comfort of Christians

The problem there was people favouring 1 leader over another and so Wisdom is called for

give him a taste of the emptiness and loneliness of a life without Xn fellowship

In chap 1-4 he's not taking about matters that are obviously right or wrong

expel him from the congregation – put him out of your fellowship – do not even eat with such a person

And so Paul answers their concerns.

Here the sin is obvious and so Judgement IS called for

◦ that's part of what it means to be in hell ◦ let him live in Satan's realm for a while so that he can come back to his senses before it's too late and

There are 2 main reasons for the action he prescribes (1) for the good of the man (2) for the good of the church

he ends up in Satan's realm permanently! The goal of all church discipline must always be restoration for the

Q2: Why should they bother to kick up a fuss? Paul gives them the reasons for taking such drastic action (v6)

individual caught in sin … (v5) “so that his spirit may be saved on the day of the Lord” •


You can imagine the objection from these Christians. •

“Paul isn't that been unloving?”

Isn't that been judgmental?

“Didn't you just say in Chap 1-4 that we mustn't judge”

didn't Jesus say “he who is sinless should throw the first stone?”

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we never disciple with glee or smugness or with a self -righteous

always remember that you are capable of committing any sin that has ever been committed by someone else ◦ you just haven't had the guts or the opportunity to do it yet!

So we do this in the hope that the man will be restored.


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By doing nothing we are approving of his sin and sin will spread

This is not a case where 1 individual has been wronged by another.

to the whole church

Matthew 18 tells us what to do in that case. This is different. Thing have progressed way beyond Matt 18. This is now a public and

that's the second reason for church discipline

deliberate sin that is in blatant defiance of what Jesus commands.

It's for the good of the person but it's also for the good and safety of

Look at the procedure that is to be followed.

the church. •

V6 “Don’t you know that a little yeast leavens the whole batch of

This judgement must be an activity of the whole church

They must get together and decide if the man is guilty or not

dough?” •

◦ (v4) “When you are assembled in the name of our Lord Jesus

do you not know that it only takes 1 bad apple to spoil the whole

and I am with you in spirit, and the power of our Lord Jesus


is present, 5 hand this man over to Satan, so that the sinful

When sin is not addressed it spreads

nature may be destroyed and his spirit saved on the day of

it becomes acceptable – it becomes the norm

the Lord. “

inaction perpetuates and encourages sin ◦


So Paul says “Get rid of the old yeast, so that you may be a new unleavened batch—as you really are” (v7)

Did you notice that he assures the church that they won't be

Get the church together – I, your apostle and founder, will be there in spirit having cast my vote (v3 “Even though I am not physically

Q3. How should they go about doing this? Paul tells them the procedure they should follow (v3-5; 13)

present, I am with you in spirit. And I have already passed judgment on the one who did this, just as if I were present.”) ◦ The Lord Jesus will be present ('cos where 2/3 are gathered in his name he is present – so gather in his name)

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NO – “I'm not talking about the church withdrawing from the world – Hear the facts, assure the man of your love and expel him!

Q4. Who should they take this action against? Paul puts limits on their authority (v9-10; 1213)

I'm talking about getting rid of the worldliness that is in the church” •

the church (the people) are the dwelling place of God – the Temple of the Holy Spirit – a gathering of people who God has made holy through the blood of the LJC

It is God's job to judge the world but the church must judge it's

Well, it seems like Paul is taking a hard line here and he is! It sounds


like they've been given authority by God go on a crusade against evil –

◦ Paul's words make a strong case for churches keeping a living and active membership list don't you think?

shoot doctors who do abortions and set up kangaroo courts to dish out wrath and retribution. Paul needs to put some checks in place. He makes it clear that the Xn has no right to judge the people of the world – that's God's dept. v12 “What business is it of mine to judge those outside the church? Are

Q5 What is the way forward? Paul puts them back on track (v9)

you not to judge those inside? 13 God will judge those outside.” •

Church leaders have no jurisdiction outside their members

if you were to withdrawn from ALL sexually immoral people,

Well these Christians have been way off track haven't they. The first step to getting back to where they should have been is to take action

the greedy and the swindlers you'd need to go to the desert and climb a pole ◦ but even then you'd be taking a sexual immoral person with you wouldn't you!!

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against the growing wickedness among their members and expel them. •

V7 “get rid of the old yeast”

But having done that what can they do to ensure it doesn't happen again

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I would have thought that Paul would have put some stricter

evil, but with the unleavened bread of sincerity and

rules in place – close some loopholes and add heftier

t ruth.

punishments to deter future wrong doers •

But he doesn't! Did you notice what he says in v8 – the answer

What are we to celebrate? 2 things:

to keeping the church free from this sort of sin is to celebrate!

1-- Christ has been sacrificed as our Passover Lamb

NIV: very bland “8 Therefore let us keep the Festival, “

ESV -” 8 Let us therefore celebrate the festival”!

pay for my and your sins •

That's quite a surprise isn't it? Celebration and Festivities is the way to

this means that I have been set free from slavery to sin and death

counteract sexual immorailty and drunkenness! •

of course Paul is referring to the death of Jesus as a sacrifice to

◦ free from from slavery to immorality, greed, drunkenness

That's not what I've seen at Matric Raves and New Year's Eve

and swindling (and anything else that characterised my life


before meeting Him) •

But look at what we're celebrating 'cos that will determine how we are to celebrate.

I've been set free just like the Israelites were set free from slavery to Egypt at the 1st Passover

2--But not only have I been set free, I'm also celebrating the fact that


now I'm part of a fresh batch of dough that he has made

7Cleanse out the old leaven that you may be a new lump, as you really a re unleavened. For Chr ist, our Passover

unleavened & uncontaminated by sin

(v7b) “be a new batch without yeast – as you really

l amb, has been sacrificed. 8Let us therefore celebrate the

a re”

festival, not with the old leaven, the leaven of mal ice and

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So celebrate Christ, revel in him – but not with drunkenness and orgies and malice and wickedness (the old yeast – that belonged to your old

Well in chapters 1-4, Paul has said “I can't believe that I'm hearing that


there are divisions among you”. Now in Chapter 5 he is saying 'I can't

celebrate by been be what you are – bread without a trace of the old yeast – bread that is pure and unleavened – bread that is

believe that I'm hearing that there aren't divisions among you. •

You need to separate & get rid of the wickedness from the church

you need to seperate & get rid of the wickness from you own life

sincere and true •

Enjoy your freedom – for the very first time you are now free to be pure and holy and sincere and true

for the first time you can now worship God in Spirit and truth

you can delight in his Law and in doing his will and bringing

Maybe you're involved in some sin like this 1 – maybe exactly the same sin – maybe something worse •

get rid of the old yeast

Maybe you sin is more respectable like slander or greed or coveting or jealousy

him glory

Just as the Feast of Unleavened Bread reminded the Israelites of their new-found freedom and symbolised the new lives they'd been given so remember what Christ has done for you.

get rid of the old yeast – deal with it before the church needs to del with it – or worse still, before the Lord Jesus Christ deals with it “on the day of the Lord”

v7 “Get r id of the old yeast – be what you a re – a new batch without yeast!


Qs - membership

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