Conductivity Conductivity Sensors are an effective way of determining the presence, absence or the level of water or other conductive fluids. We can supply a range of integrated wireless conductivity sensors that come complete with stainless steel electrodes and use alternating current excitation to ensure that electrode erosion is minimised. Normally the sensors are designed to transmit the status - wet (1) or dry (0), however we can under certain circumstances supply analogue readings proportional to the actual conductivity measured.
Applications Include: • Basement Flood Detection • Flood Alarms • High Tank Level Alarms • Low Tank Level Alarms • Storm Water Drain Full Detection • Spill Detection • Excess Flow Detection • Sprinkler Malfunction Detection • Blocked Drain Detection
When using conductivity probes it is best to ensure the media being monitored is free from debris such as rags and large leaves otherwise they can wrap themselves between electrodes causing a false alarm.