Oil Interceptor Flood and Overflow Check Valves Oil interceptors are installed in many locations ranging from filling station forecourts through to public car parks which can be subject to flooding. Oil interceptors are intended to separate and contain spills of insoluble oils, such as engine oil and pure diesel. However, in the event of a flood the oil can escape, gets flushed back out of the interceptor defeating the objective off the interceptor and leading to an oil spill.
The solution we offer eliminates the need to replace existing oil interceptors with Full Retention types. We offer a retro fit ATEX certified Zone 1 valve to both the inlet and outlet of the interceptor that can be activated a soon as the flood is immanent. In addition this system can also be used to overcome the problems of containing spilt biodiesel - something that at present defeats all types of oil interceptor and regularly leads to environmental pollution incidents.
Oil Interceptor Warning Systems can Include: Local Siren
Klaxon Flashing BeaconSMS Text - 1 to 1,000 people E-mail - 1 to 1,000 people Voice Messages for Visually Impared Automatic Emergency Tanker Callout Battery Powered Robust Design
Oil Interceptor warnings to the able bodied and disabled staff alike!
GSM Network Signal Test Unit By using this instrument you can determine with comfidence the optimum GSM network operator for the depolyment of your communiy flood warning system.
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