Transformer Compound Interceptor Flood Protection Transformer mineral oils are a major threat to the environment. Older transformers and switchgear compounds are even worse as they are frequently cooled/insulated using highly toxic and carcinogenic PCB compounds.
The inner bunded area is usually protected by a bund area and an oil interceptor that collects the oil and other chemicals that results from spills and leakage. During flooding pollution can occur if floodwater water is allowed to overwhelm the interceptor inlet and or outlet flushing out its contents. This can result in some very serious political and financial consequences for the operators and owners of the site. By fitting the EIL FlapstopperTM to the output of the oil interceptor before the soakaway or river, etc. it is possible to close of the interceptor during an incident ensuring the oil is safely retained within the interceptor. The FlapstopperTM can be triggered automatically via a flood alarm such as those manufactured by ourselves The illustration above excludes the bund pump - but hopefully illustrates how an oil interceptor can be protected from the consequence of flooding.