EnvironMentors Planning Retreat Estes Park, CO September 10, 2011
Meeting Agenda Longs Peak Lodge, Granite Pass Room 9:00
Review Workshop Goals/Agenda
Overview Core Expectations
Getting Started
Developing Chapter Expense Budgets
Intro to Online Community
Coffee Break
Chapter Communications, Marketing, and Outreach
Chapter Planning
Chapter Fundraising
Picnic Lunch Outside (weather permitting)
Creative Solutions to Chapter Challenges Activity
Guided "hands on" the Community Group Work
Sharing Chapter Goals, Strategies, Activities, & Tools
Intro to Strategic Partnerships On/Off Campus
Brainstorm Potential Strategic Partners & Integrate Into Draft Plans
Dinner in Aspen Dining Hall
Free time or After Dinner Walk (optional)
Working Groups Jennie Franks Shannon Dey Brian Gates Brock Nedland
Melissa Hedges Monk Courtney Saari John Dobosiewicz Dr. Miller
Dr. Tadesse Jackie Krisch Virgnia Thompson Traci Hudson
Bryan Penas Pia van Benthem Klaus van Benthem BK Robertson Candace Russell
Reflection Question Please be ready to share your answer to the following question at the end of the day: Share one highlight or innovation that has emerged over the course of the day that will be a part of your program plan and work towards EM’s overall goal of increasing students’ interest in environmentally-related STEM degrees and careers
Core Program Components 1. Foster the EnvironMentors mission at 8. Integrate college access/success into your chapter
2. Support a one- to-one mentoring program.
3. 8-month program delivery model
9. Participate in Preseason Planning Meeting
10. Participate in evaluation and research components of program
4. Aim for at least 15 students to complete the program
11. Provide timely delivery of chapter reports
5. Chapter team of Director, Coordinator, and Partner Teacher
12. Follow through on communications with national EM office
6. Develop an Annual Chapter Plan and Program Calendar
7. Integrate new technologies into chapter programming
National Staff Partner Susan
Jackie Kean
Best Practices Identified at May 2011 Workshop Program Planning • Partner with Gear Up, Upward Bound, or another math-science program like Math Science Education Network. • Identify a transportation strategy early in program planning. • Choose a high school partner that is not struggling with No Child Left Behind Standards. • Have thought out plan on how to address student retention Student/Mentor Recruitment and Training • Hand out fliers in classes to help recruit students • Have all school assemblies for recruitment • Focus on freshmen to juniors • Provide service credits for mentors as incentive or gas stipends in particularly rural areas • Provide mentors cultural competency training • Students should be given training on professional and personal etiquette, responsibilities to mentor, communication, and overall expectations. EM Events • Field trips and team building activities
• Mentors also enjoy their own social activities • Alternate timing of EM meetings to ensure all participants can attend • Consider meeting on Saturday afternoon outside of school • Take students to corporate labs that mentors work at (and ask employees to be mentors) Student Projects • Be explicit with students on expectations early on • Identify a project topic early to avoid early frustration • Ensure you have dedicated day/time to go into classes year round • Use a project review committee Student Retention • Offer course credit & graduation recognition to students • Have fun field trips (not all research) • Heavily advertise the incentive of the trip to Washington, DC • Consider stipends for students and mentors
EnvironMentors Logic Model EnvironMentors’ Resources Overall program structure incl. chapter team (Director, Coordinator, Partner Teacher)
EnvironMentors’ Activities
EnvironMentors’ Outputs
EnvironMentors’ Impact
Positive relations with mentors
1-on-1 mentoring Program Orientation
EnvironMentors’ Outcomes
# of students recruited
Enhanced STEM learning skills
15/12 students presenting at fair
Improved attitude and motivation regarding academic ability
Increased likelihood to go to college and study STEM related topics
Program Kick Off
Chapter partner incl. high school
Field Trips
Student-Mentors Manuals
Mentor/Mentee training workshops
Coordinator-Teacher Manual Chapter Director Manual Chapter Service Contracts
Skills building workshops Chapter Fair Data collection & communication w/national Capacity building workshops
# of Final Research Papers # of Pre and Post Program Surveys 3 Students/Chapter Presenting at National Fair Student Profiles on Online Community
EM Online Community Monthly one-on-one support Consultative sessions with outside consultants Webinars & Conference Calls Weekly E-Updates
Completed Chapter Reports
More awareness of college application process and STEM college options More organization and communication skills and followthrough Improved attitude and increased confidence
Enhanced STEM learning skills More students go to college and study STEM Informed and active stewards of the environment Increased motivation to engage in proactive learning opportunities
Chapter Goal Sharing Activity Step 1: In groups, please share your overall goals for your students, mentors, university/college and/or partners
Step 2: Work with your chapter partner and initiate the Event Planning Form
Step 3: All chapters report out to full group their overall vision for their chapter
Strategic Partnership Brainstorming
Identify 3-5 potential partners
Do you know specific people who could connect you to a potential partner or who may know of programs or organizations to contact?
What are some of the benefits that EM offers to a partnership?
Please list any next steps in forming this potential partnership
Technology Assistance
Bill Finnegan, Tamarack Media bill@tamarackmedia.com
Chapter Fundraising Resources The Foundation Center Director’s Manual
• Online Foundation Directory: http://fconline.foundationcenter.org/ username: ncse_2011 password: policy • Free webinar
• www.environmentors.net
Chapter Service Awards Program Support - Examples are field trips, supplies for student projects, testing equipment, etc. Technology Supplies - Examples are digital camera, GPS, basic water and air quality measurement devices, webcams, laptops, and or other equipment. Participant Incentives - Ensures student participation in research, including student pre and post surveys and student focus groups. EnvironMentors Coordinator to May Fair - Funds include airfare, lodging for two nights, transportation, and per diem. Three Students to May Fair - Travel for three students is included to attend the National Fair and Awards Ceremony in Washington, DC in May 2012. Funds include airfare, lodging for two nights, transportation, and per diem. Director to 2012 August Meeting - Travel for chapter director to attend meeting in summer 2012 to meet with NSF research team. Funds include airfare, lodging, transportations, and per diem.
Chapter Budget - Expenses Personnel
Director, Coordinator, Fringe Benefits
Program Expenses (Workshop & Events)
Orientation, Kick Off, Skills Building Workshops, College Access Activities, Mentor/Student Incentives, Partner Teacher Stipend, Food, Space
Student Supplies
Project Equipment, Student Incentives (i.e. student research)
Field Trips
Transportation costs,
Chapter Fair/Awards Ceremony
Space, Food, Prizes, Scholarships
Travel to National EM Fair
For One Adult and 3 students
Mentor Background Checks
(Very) Basic Steps to Fundraising Step 1: Take stock of your assets and program strengths What are your unique chapter program attributes?
Step 2: Understand Your Income and Expenses Consider you entire operation budget to figure out how much you will need to fundraise for
Step 3: Know the Variety of Fundraising Sources and Develop a Plan of Action Individuals, Government, Foundation, Corporate sources of funding and plan which you will reach out to
Resources to Help You Plan ď‚— The Foundation Center website contains interactive planning guides and pre-recorded webinars: http://foundationcenter.org/getstarted/training/online/
ď‚— Capacity Building for Journalism website contains templates and other resources for creating a fundraising plan: http://www.capacitybuildingforjournalism.com/fundraisin gplanning.html
Tips to Begin Start with your university development office! Think about innovative ways to fundraise (NSF broader impact grants, Title I, etc.)
Consider partnering with other programs, organizations, national EM office, each other
Always check with your development office before beginning any proposals
Other ideas?
EM Preseason Meeting Survey Please take 10 minutes to complete this short survey on today’s meeting: http://www.surveymonkey.com/s/SLSFW7Y