Monthly Program Checklist MONTH August
EVENT(S) Mentor Recruitment
ACTIVITIES CHECKLIST Submit chapter contact Information and signed chapter letter or agreement.
Develop your 2012-13 Annual Chapter Plan.
Meet with your lead teacher to determine whether you will coordinate your program through a class-integration model or some other credit earning experience, club-based model, or other innovative model.
Student Recruitment
Develop your student recruitment/retention strategy.
Meet with your university’s Risk Management officer to discuss any additional coverage that may be needed.
Conduct mentor recruiting and background checks on all mentors. See Mentor Recruiting.
Plan and coordinate logistics for your field trips.
Plan/coordinate your 2012-13 EM Program Orientation, Mentor/Mentee Training Workshop, and Kick off Events.
Plan to participate in the September preseason planning meeting
Student Liaison and Coordinators work together to recruit the Chapter target of students. See Student Recruiting section.
First Meeting Program
Develop your 2012-13 Chapter Schedule of Events and start filling out your Event Planning Form.
National EM Support Support: Preseason planning meeting on September 8-9. Planning call with national EM Deliverables to National EM: Confirmation of attendance at Preseason Meeting
Support: Preseason planning meeting Excel Templates for Students and Mentors
Orientation Optional College Access Training and Orientation for Mentors and Parents
Send a letter to parents or guardians to introduce EnvironMentors and yourself. Review the letter with your students and send home a copy. Letters can be sent with a packet of permission slips, including any field trip permission slips, media waivers, evaluation permission slip, and FERPA waiver.
Conduct your first student meetings. Work on developing good rapport and trust among your student group and review EnvironMentors student expectations.
Promote your Program Orientation among your students and mentors.
Administer pre-program survey to all students. Send completed surveys to national office.
Put on your Program Orientation Event where students and mentors will learn about the program and have a chance to meet each other.
Pre-Program Surveys Program Planning Templates and Samples Monthly Planning Call with national EM Deliverables to National EM Signed Chapter letter of agreement Chapter contact information 2012-13 Annual Chapter Plan 2012-13 Event Planning Form 2012-13 Schedule of Events
October Webinar
Attend October webinar (topic and date TBD)
Mentor & Mentee Training
Complete mentor recruiting and fill out a mentor contact spreadsheet to share with national EM office.
Conduct a mentor training. The mentor training template and PowerPoint is available on the Online Community to help plan this event.
Develop a student excel worksheet with student contact information (home and cell phone, emergency contact, email
Kickoff Event
Support: Program Planning Templates and Samples EnvironMentors Online community EnvironMentors Manuals (Electronic)
Field Trips Scientific Methods Workshop
November Webinar
address, home address, demographics, etc). □
December Webinar
Planning Call Deliverables to National EM
Conduct a kickoff event where your students will meet the mentors for the first time.
Pre-Program Survey
Have students and mentors establish their profiles on EnvironMentors Community.
Mentor Excel Worksheet
Conduct at least one field trips with students and mentors
Student Excel worksheet
Conduct Application of the Scientific Method Workshop.
Attend November webinar (topic and date TBD)
Work through Student Project Topic Planning and brainstorming exercises. Make sure mentors also work with students on these exercises.
Profiles on the EnvironMentors Online Community Support: Program Planning Templates and Samples
Science Writing Workshop Optional College Writing Workshop
Conduct a mentee training. The mentee training template and PowerPoint is available on the Online Community to help plan this event.
Planning Call
Based off of student-mentor interviews and preferences, match Student-Mentor Pairs. Collect all Student Program and Mentor Meeting Commitment Forms.
Deliverables to National EM
Follow up with mentors to ensure that their first independent Student – Mentor meeting successfully occurred.
Student-Mentor Pairing Excel Worksheet
First Student Due Date: Student Project Topic Forms
Conduct Science Writing Workshop.
Plan a bridging activity for the December winter break to keep your group motivated.
Optional: College Writing Workshop
Attend December webinar (topic and date TBD)
Initiate literature review research for student’s background
List of Student Project Topics Mentor Contact Time Tracking Form Support: Program Planning Templates and Samples
Library Field Trip Winter Break Incentive Activity
January Conference Call
February February Webinar Experimental Design
research papers. Monthly Planning Call with EM National
Coordinate a research trip to university library preferably with mentors.
Guide mentors to work with their students on the Annotated Bibliography Assignment.
Deliverables to National EM
Check in with students and mentors once a week to ensure that they are working with their students on the Expert Interview activity.
Mentor Contact Time Tracking Form
Plan an incentive activity during the winter break for students and mentors.
Consistently remind students and mentors of the due date for the Background Research Paper (mid/late January) as well as the date you have set for your Experimental Design workshop (early February).
Attend January webinar (topic and date TBD)
Continue to check in with mentors and students to ensure that they are on track to complete their expert interview and annotated bibliography
Monthly Planning Call with EM National
Work with mentors to ensure that mentors guide students through transforming their research questions into testable hypotheses.
Provide a fun incentive activity and/or student incentive awards to motivate students to complete assignments.
Attend February webinar (topic and date TBD)
Conduct the Experimental Design Workshop for students and mentors to learn about variables, materials lists, and various experimental procedures.
Deliverables to National EM Mentor Contact Time Tracking Form
Support: Program Planning Templates and Samples Monthly Planning Call
Continue to stay in contact with students and mentors to ensure that students are conducting their experimental research.
Have students update their profiles with their project topic and experiment on the EnvironMentors Online Community.
March Webinar
Attend March webinar (topic and date TBD)
Data Analysis Workshop
Continue to encourage students to work on their research papers and experiments. Review the EnvironMentors National Fair Evaluation Form in preparation for Chapter Fairs.
(Optional) Career Planning Workshop
Conduct Data Analysis Workshop for students and mentors to learn data collection and analysis procedures.
Conduct at least one field trip with students and mentors
Optional: Begin planning for the Elementary School Presentations by identifying a local elementary school and speaking with administration about student presentations in April.
Coordinate the logistics for Planning Your Chapter Fair including in-kind product donations, fundraising, and identifying judges.
Plan and conduct the Lesson Planning and Presentation Workshop.
Optional: Conduct a Career Planning Workshop for students to make them aware of the availability of environmental science degree programs and careers, and review the college access concepts learned throughout the EM year.
April Webinar
Attend April webinar (topic and date TBD)
Lesson Planning and Presentation
Help students and mentors complete their final research papers and prepare for their presentations
Host your Chapter Fair and remember to take plenty of photos.
Deliverables to National EM Mentor Contact Time Tracking Form Support: Program Planning Templates and Samples Monthly Planning Call Deliverables to National EM Date of your Chapter Fair Mentor Contact Time Tracking Form
Support: Program Planning Templates and Samples Monthly Planning Call
Optional Elementary School Presentation
Optional: Hold the Elementary School Presentations.
Start coordinating logistics for attending the National EnvironMentors Fair in Washington, DC.
Chapter Fairs
Deliverables to National EM List of Students who completed EM projects List and Abstracts of Chapter Fair Winners Permission slips for students attending the National Fair Mentor Contact Time Tracking Form
National Fair
Attend the National EnvironMentors Fair and Awards Ceremony, May 20, 2013
Complete the chapter, mentor, and student liaison evaluation reports for the national office.
Administer the post program surveys to students and send directly to national office. CONGRATULATIONS, YOU HAVE COMPLETED YOUR ENVIRONMENTORS SEASON!
Support: National EnvironMentors Fair and Awards Ceremony Deliverables to National EM Chapter Post Program Report Student Post Program Surveys Student Drop Forms