Mentor Recruitment Introduction Introduction Every chapter has different pools of individuals they solicit to serve as mentors; therefore they utilize different recruitment strategies to engage mentors. Some chapters recruit faculty and graduate students, others work with undergraduate students and local environmental professionals. The following are several creative recruitment strategies. Tips for Mentor Recruiting Partner with an environmental leadership course with service learning requirements (students can serve as mentors to fulfill their requirement) or with a summer academic program such as Upward Bound. Re-invite mentors who served in previous year’s programs to mentor again and ask those mentors to refer colleagues and/or friends who are interested in becoming EM mentors. Consider recruiting mentors beyond your academic department and within schools of education, engineering, public health, and other related fields with environmental interests. Recruit mentors among environmental professionals working in government agencies, local universities, and in the community (i.e. departments of natural resources, wildlife, parks and recreation, non-profits, etc) Present other EnvironMentors Participation Options in case individuals would like to participate in the EnvironMentors program without the time commitment of being a mentor