Step-by-Step Mentor Recruiting You will need to raise awareness about EnvironMentors, and the opportunity to serve as a mentor across your university and within your community. The following is a step-by-step “how to” for mentor recruiting adapted from the DC EM program. 1) Email: •
Past affiliates of your program, including mentors, to encourage them to forward to their colleagues and friends
University list serves and student organizations
Contacts at other colleges and departments
Online community networks related to science, environment, education, and diversity
Local science, environmental, and educational organizations and agencies.
2) Advertisement/ Awareness •
Put up Mentor Flyers around your university, high schools and major professional gathering places
Write a small article or develop an advertisement, for your institution’s or local newspapers, radio and TV station
Direct interested individuals to learn more about EnvironMentors at the EnvironMentors Website (
3) EnvironMentors Interest Presentations •
Ask your universities and local university professors to make a short presentation in class. Coordinate presentations or brown bag lunches with key contacts at which you can present EnvironMentors and discuss mentoring
Presentation Ideas: Remember to bring a signup sheet for attendees to list their name, email, and phone numbers Open the presentation with the EnvironMentors video Show the Mentor Recruitment PowerPoint Explain the main components of the program and fundamental expectations of the mentors in your program Exhibit a sample Mentor Manual Have hard copies of mentor applications on-hand to distribute After the presentation, enter names of attendees into a ‘Potential Mentor’ Spreadsheet and send a quick thank you e-mail with electronic version of the mentor application attached and a date for them to get back to you.