EnvironMentors Program Orientation Workshop Template …………………………………………………. OBJECTIVE: To provide an overall context to the EnvironMentors program and give students and mentors a chance to get to know one another and indicate their preferences for who they might like to work with.
MATERIALS CHECKLIST □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □
BACKGROUND: The EnvironMentors Program Orientation is traditionally an upbeat and fun event geared toward allowing all new students and new mentors to meet one another for the first time, learn more about the program, and consider who they might like to be work with as a mentor or mentee. PREREQUISITE CHECKLIST □
Identify an ideal location that is large enough to accommodate students and mentors with enough room to move around
Identify a time that will work for the students and the mentors.
Develop a flyer including the What/Purpose, Where, and When information and alert students, teachers, and mentors
Plan for transportation of students from the school to the Orientation
Provide food or snacks and music for the event
Plan your decorations
Contact University newspaper, local community newspaper, and/or one of your local TV stations
□ □
Develop your agenda, and talking points Copy all needed materials
EnvironMentors Investigators DVD Laptop LCD projector Projector screen Student sign-in sheet Mentor sign-in sheet Name tags Pencils EnvironMentors Interviewing Worksheets (student and mentor) EnvironMentors Preferred Partner Sheets for students and mentors Food and beverages
, Mix, Mingle, Munch
Welcome from university administrator and EnvironMentors chapter team
EnvironMentors DVD
Student – Mentor Interviewing
What’s Next - (All new students and new mentors will meet their assigned partners at the Program Kick off scheduled _______.)
Raffle/Door Prizes
ADDITIONAL IDEAS The Orientation is also an event to develop a sense of group spirit among your students and mentors. You may wish to include the following elements in your Orientation Agenda: -Welcome (from you) -Welcome (from your Dean, Department Chair, or other University administrator) -Icebreaker -Detailed overview of EnvironMentors -EnvironMentors Investigators (DVD format or projected directly off the web site) -Student – Mentor Interviewing
FOLLOW UP Send a letter to parents/guardians to introduce EnvironMentors, informing them of their child’s participation in the program, inviting them to upcoming events, encouraging their support of their child’s project, and providing them with contact information for the Chapter EnvironMentors Staff, Lead Teacher, and Mentor. Letters should be sent on your University or Department letterhead and should also include your general program calendar of events, field trips, workshops, and assignment due date
EnvironMentors – Explore Your World