Tips for Student Mentor Matching Have someone help you. Matching student and mentor teams can become an emotionally involved process. An additional perspective from a colleague or friend can help you sort through personality types and consistency in student and mentor interests. If a student indicates a particular area of interest, try to pair him/ her with a mentor in that field. Look at mentor’s preference sheets first. If a mentor only has one student’s name on their sheet, find that student’s sheet. If that particular student has that mentors name or “I like everyone” (ILE), match the two. If the student has another mentor’s name on the sheet, look for that mentor and see what students they have on their list. It can become a cycle, but just keep repeating until everyone is matched. If you find one mentor whose name appears on numerous students’ sheets, pull that mentor’s sheet. If they have matching names, give them the first choice. If you have matched a lot of pairs and get to a mentor or student who you think would be better suited for each other, you will just need to switch pairs in mid stream. By now you should know some of your students’ personalities. Pairing of opposites can work out well and to the benefit of both the student and mentor. Once you match a student and a mentor, place their preference sheets and applications together. Input the student and mentor pair name in a list. Now you have two separate places for the student and mentor pairs’ names. Match male mentors (as positive role models) with male students first. It can become problematic to match male mentors with female students, so do everything possible to avoid this. However you will more than likely be in a situation of matching female mentors with male students which is fine. Try to give returning mentors their first pick of students.