Field Trip Checklist Coordinators and teachers can make use of the following check list to help plan your field trips well in advance. Review and discuss ideas for field trips together. Determine top three ideas for trips. Identify tentative dates and/or time frames for each field trip. Research/schedule field trips that will help to provide students with exposure to natural resources and environmental issues in your area, and inspire ideas for students EnvironMentors project topics. Attempt to schedule at least one trip as a Student-Mentor field trip, for student-mentor bonding. This will probably require scheduling the trip either after work hours, during the weekend, or on a federal holiday. Inquire whether your college or university has vans that you may reserve for your trips. Also, inquire if your partner high school has a Special Events and/or a Field Trip budget. Does the teacher have discretion to make special requests for school buses for field trips? Select the top 3 field trip destinations that will best represent different habitat types in your region and environmental issues in your community. Discuss best date and time options for each trip. If you are working with a local outfitter, contact the on site coordinator, schedule a site visit to determine necessary logistics of the trip. Logistics: Transportation: ___ Determine the most feasible and cost effective mode of transportation for students (and mentors) a. If using a University Van: reserve the van well in advance, make sure you have a certified driver for the van. Also, check to make sure your partner high school will allow students to leave the high school grounds in a university van. b. If using School Bus: find out about the required procedures for use of your partner high school bus service. c. If using Public Transportation: make sure to inquire what permissions and/or waivers the school and parents may need to allow students to use public transportation.
d. If using a personal vehicle: make sure your have investigated and covered all liability issues that could arise and plan ahead for parental approval.
Permissions and Waivers: ___ Work together to develop and distribute permission slips to students. 1) Most outfitters will have their own liability insurance and waiver forms. 2) If you are planning an independent field trip, you will need to find out what waivers and parental permissions your high school requires. 3) Also, make note of the attached waiver, which waives any liability against NCSE and EnvironMentors. You can build this language into specially prepared waiver letter for your university, and include it with your field trip waiver package. 4) If you are considering undertaking a Student Exchange trip with another EnvironMentors chapter or any overnight excursion, use either the general liability permission slip from your university or program or the NCSE/EnvironMentors Template below. Extended trips (anything over night) should also include a letter describing the trip to the Parents as well as a detailed Itinerary. See Parent Waiver Letter and Itinerary Templates which follow. Keep in mind: ___
Even if students are asked to bring their lunch, always bring some extra food and snacks. For outdoor trips more then 2 hours, bring plenty of water.
Be prepared for your trip and bring: 1) a class roster with emergency contacts 2) cell phone 3) first aid kit 4) directions to and from the field trip location 5) food and water (if necessary) 6) extra money 7) camera 8) any other supplemental material you will need for the trip