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EnvironMentors Expert Interview ………………………………. OBJECTIVE: Students will schedule and prepare for an interview with an expert in their topic’s field. Student will conduct an in-person interview with the expert and compose a summary of the event. BACKGROUND: All EnvironMentors students must include at least one Expert Interview in their projects. Expert Interviews are extremely valuable to students’ research, because they add an outside expert’s perspective to the project topic. These individuals can inspire the student to think differently about the topic or direct the student in a more productive or interesting direction. Also, the experts are great resources for identifying literature sources for projects. Conducting more than one Expert Interview is even more valuable because this provides students different and varying perspectives on the topic. Expert interviews are best conducted in person in order to provide your student an opportunity to meet and talk with an expert in his or her field. If a face-to-face interview is not possible, students may conduct the interview over the phone. E-mail interviews are less valuable, but are acceptable if an in-person or phone interview simply cannot be arranged. Make sure to discuss the significance of being able to conduct an interview with some of the nation’s leading scientists and environmental experts. Encourage students to look for potential experts within other colleges, schools, and/or departments within your university or agency. Also encourage students to contact local Sierra Club or Audubon Chapters, Forest Service Districts, National Wildlife Refuges, National Park units. Of course, the Web is always a great resource, if no experts in your student’s area of research appear to be in your area.

ACTIVITIES: 1. Student can work with their mentor to identify and contact an expert. Consider using the EoE website (http://www.eoearth.org/) to contact and expert in the field. 2. Students should develop a list of questions for the interview. Students can use the email template page 200 to draft an email to their identified expert. 3. Before the interview, review the Identifying and Expert worksheet on the next page, this will discuss proper preparations for student interviews 4. Conduct the in-person, phone, or e-mail interview 5. Students will write up a summary of the interview 6. Remind students to write a thank you note to the expert ADDITIONAL IDEAS: • Encourage your student to interview more experts. The multiple perspectives will only enrich student’s research. •

Consider helping your student prepare for their interviews by holding “mock” interviews amongst students.

SUGGESTED RUBRIC Total Value = 10 points To what extent does the student:  Research field experts  Identify, contact, and set up an interview with an expert  Develop a thoughtful list of questions for the interview  Conduct the in-person interview  Write up a summary of the interview  Write a thank you note to the interviewee

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