5 minutes
10 min utes (optional)
25 minutes
20 minutes
15 minutes
Activity – top two
Home audit (refer note on timing below)*
Background to issues
Who is who
Identify the top areas of water and energy consumption in clients’ homes
• •
Connect the environmental impact to our use of resources Understand why we need to reduce our resource use Articulate the benefits of the program Complete the audit sheet Describe how to process the completed audits
as a result of this activity, trainees should be able to: • Understand what the training will entail • Meet others in group who they might not have met
Learning Outcomes ‐‐
Description of how to complete the home audits • Benefits • Why/what/how? • Booklets – go through booklet • Worksheets – go through worksheet • Equipment – explain how to use • Where to now? – audit your own home Brainstorming activity in pairs to identify the main areas of energy and water use in the group’s client base
Provide the context for the training and an overview of what they will do in the training. A get‐to‐know‐you activity if staff are from different sections of the organisation or separate organisations. Example: everyone says their name, where they work and what they are hoping to learn today. • Presentation on energy, water and waste issues.
Activity brief description
Date: Time start: Time finish: Time allowance: 2 ‐ 2.5 hours Key themes: • Environmental issues overview • Energy, water and waste – possible solutions for seniors and people with disabilities • How to complete a simple home audit
• • •
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PowerPoint presentation Facilitator’s notes, slides 21‐33 Care workers’ information booklet Audit worksheet PowerPoint presentation, slides 34‐37 Pen Paper Whiteboard
PowerPoint presentation, slides 4‐20
PowerPoint presentation, slide 3
Training Session Plan
5 minutes Reflect on what they have learnt Provide feedback on how experience was for them Leave the training feeling good
Presentation on suggestions staff could offer their clients to help them save energy and water and reduce waste.
Identify solutions for saving water and energy and reducing waste
You might want to run a small lucky door prize draw for some prizes or provide all participants with some treats to take away with them for attending (e.g. shower timers).
Luck door prize or treats
PowerPoint presentation, slides 38‐86 (note these slides follow the same order as the audit and the background information in the care workers’ booklet) Evaluation form
This is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution 2.5 Australia licence, with the exception of logos which are protected by copyright. This project is funded by the Department of Sustainability and Environment
Disclaimer Environment Victoria provides this training package as a guide. However, it cannot take responsibility or liability for any loss, damage or injury incurred as a result of the use of any of the information within this training package. We recommend that you obtain appropriate professional advice and assistance where necessary.
* Home Audit Section (topic four): The timing of this section is an individual decision. Some might feel that it is better to complete the theories and solutions, and finish with how the detail all comes together in the audit. This is how our pilot programs operated. This would mean section four could follow section seven. However, in many respects it makes sense to deliver this part of the training first, so that care workers understand what the task will be which they have to complete. The remainder of the training is then the technical detail of what is in the audit and what choices are available for various issues. (We would welcome feedback on how you delivered the training and how well it worked.)
9. Thank you Total Time: 2 hours without optional parts, 2.5 hours with optionals
5 minutes (optional)
Sustainability solutions
15 minutes (optional) 50 minutes